V f- tlia T3T J T . .1 1 v r 1.M .t !). . I I . t r- r r v "iviULcs aiiuucucr mc vvorK man any i rinunr uousc in .ortu Carolina. ir.cn way not keen your r c-rcu .. r ..y1" Ui )UU1 uiucn. - rairomze nome industry, u you arcjn ncca oi cnvt-lopc?, paper, 1,U nca n. any;..:n irnm a ,ll?g tag to a book, let us know and we will satisfy you in every particular orreluit J 'your .-money.- -Give u, your crirr. 1 - - STOP J. j Borrowing YOUR Ndgh bor's LEDGERMWE Will Send it to , YOU Twelve Months for ONE Dollar . o Six Months: 50 Cents, o VOI1T.: . : : WNDSOR,N. CV.THURSDAYAUGUST 2 1900- " ' TIP SO . iTiir minimiTU nr nmiin : Int uurLIb ru i L! $ J .25 for Nothing Our presses have completed printing oar wKixiuKue . o. . ot everytmng to UT. USB AND Will. Ku-b ran vma to prim ana -cents to man. A an evuence of Interest, unt i cents in stamps to Help pwuie, ana you amy aeanct luemm xv cents mm Tear ant ruer ex 91. it required 47 car- loaas ot paper tor this won- aenui catalogue, which con tains ou pagestsize 10x14 uicnw, equivalent to over xuuu pages of the ordinary L.buuA neuvo you 35 per ent. to 7S per cent, on everytung you ouy every season oi tne year, inu oooK Quotes wholesale prices to consumers, ana witn it in your posses- sion you ouy oeaper tna averse t aeaiar. Ml; A' w. f if sr m There la little Ton " can think - of that this book does contain. : excepting Lo comotives and Boats. We even Quota live Ani mals. K verrthin a man, woman or child wears, all kinds oi xooa, everything for the hnm Inr th Office, for a hoteL tar nu on a farm, In a barn, or for aver V kum nnmM. V ouna in tnis Catalogue. tS.00dTlllBslrations and anntx .prtces o over 1,50,000 diSer- CUtBAgtna Canet.' TLnm and ITTMrTJataloe. and ear Clothimr -J&iUlpgue wits -Unre samslas aU Ueasi, ars also rrea. Xxnrssaca void t -on. vuuuc p MXKgn puc m carpet. r Address tkis wtv : " JUUUS HINES & S0N DsyMtaetfVt-.V? D?. W." DAV7S "PrTFSTS -ifiT.T.Tn. . frAM m tw ;r k;.- r, "An Italian priest. has just arrived me,u ,s 10 rcllC uPn. ,n Kc- here from Hpn .sUn.'in 5A,,f t masaacre Had not occurcd on wrwvaw fl ' . . 1 . . -Sjuc (obui an cx!c,i5cJ t ce tUtiUfti kit U r --a i ti4 of the ipcrch o ocr iowf.j.-na9, I!cn. Mondar. He mat in r!U-.;rr ,V' klTe f ; tt D...t.A t.....t.iA . .'"u.wsm.Miucu. jncruie worn-1 - nmMnvinf K. f l. mT . v 1 -J r J r 7 J r r J w a . . - " L. IV . a . ' - v J i t Coatrollift the SltMtloi i Be.-tu - a. mojecxeo w; tudeous i-u but israinst foreign Poweri. lunh Ubnity and ctIl . hmfalifiM-'t C5 nth. t. " " ' I . ... ' . T: . T lu loads the Chinese soldiers and Boxers P ine nins wnere they- were probably disguised oli l J - vc l- . . . . . . l - o o i - I - .uicf. 1 ne DrieSi vna rvirvtl harl I - ..... . ii...i...:U.i t i . !..... .-, .... . laauy; l oe arsenal is zuii ..ct arms. uuuin4m iciuiaicm pycrratax ic n .v;ct.' s?e ii3 .aFUUU5 JOUrnCV W IlOng KODf. , ,nnl; h...,Iu" ! Mid! ' frar rr ,V He iJia Irili Coffin on biSard sfrivrrl f i I a iivk. t . i,.-! boat for seventeen daU ' f " ' - S , f. T """." -Wl, P wt fcu U U.". Doat tor seventeen days. ' Hsons are beirn. rftntant1 trlnforr oC otl . 'shoull Dot tnr countcoanc ...... . j iawwR.i tjM ta " B - a. a ..a I N A a.J M.l.a,A IV ..i aim,-. T . ana ine vicerovs aamu inatinevcan " uc ;iit. ice t;acc ca - i ' KILLED, TOBIAll BUTLER. The Servant, the MIrtl Man.! HUMOROUS. STEADILY QROWINO DOUBT Huan whr? '.italiaiy biihop and Jul 6U?- bccn ' cP'tcd AS TO CHINA'S GOOD FAITH. ; three Prif ?ts. have been massacred PREPARATIONS FOR WAR. ; - after VevohinV torture. .This tookl. ,.. '..i,:u .: ( . . ; ; , i .! . I MUUU6 aVllC vliAl mVIWIi) iu Admiral Kempff Reports the Govern- r " - ,"uuu ron- the Yang Taee.a for wax are in " . V ..... I ! i. : ! 1 lief that the Celestials : Have Attempted a Gigantic Fraud Upon the World Vice--- rey Tak's Edict a For- " - "mal- Declaration - -ol War. cjcl,e cx'.Ur. . ponrpl ot tSe cafl2pa;sfn, oil WV.V.t, faiiuct My toy yea es are arriving here! splendid. He l.kencd it tolWarn ta jaJi'.a jwr ot cs. Ut. v t , . . .; . i-, Consulting, Optician.1 All errors of refraction scleatificollY corrected W. R. JOHNSON, iri : ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, WINDSOR, N.C. . PrmcUcet In alt Curta. - - J ; Special mtteatkta ghren to Colledloau Washington, July 26th. There was no "developements today to. war. a t the assumption that there has been the slightest improvement in the . Chi nese situation. Indeed the general tendency of such news as found light was to add to the steadily growing hdoubt as to the good faith of the Chinese Governn e it as manifested in its acts. ' ? Admiral Kempfl's letter, given pub licity by the Navy Department to-day made the direct statement that the imperial authorities were in sympathy with the Boxers.though he added that the government was afterward para lyzed and incapable of controlling the situation. ' This was the first official declaration to reach our government contradictory 01 tne Cnmese repre sentations that the imperial govern ment had steadfastly and from the first opposed the Boxer moveraent.and our government is bound to accept that is overcome by irrefragable proof. Then the exchanges tes are in 4 con stant, progress between the powers are tending more and more .to -cast , jug: THE BOERS DO HE.VVY FIGHT hl mUCh loScr wItbstand the mJ 'r'a pulcher.lietla waaie al ln u mxM tftU. sure brought to bear by Sbeng and Li luc fcie incrcoi are coowavcer am . " I. . .... I lint . vm. m. I Hcng Chang upon them to join the B tl reraiuon of. the kinC to r . fc k, forces with rince Tuan. I h Jdh and rtbi:d the I ' w "- iJAna l,,l - ,AT D O "It U hnrvH lhal th arrival ftf Arl. Will. Wt ri all the OfJt of TuJah I JOt t, lT T. reports to the War Office, under 'date mira! Seymoot here smy atiffen the U1 10 kn hal the waH a to U V V U f r't anj-Si, rr.:r Lie. Tco rr.t".y n:tn their ftrcr.t.ct 1:: xr. i aU t: r -: ; t. t ; Healthy li'r builJ Op the hilr fr. lie rvc:j, t3 7 re-. c: tr.a to cure nets, -fN u t c of Balmoral, July, 25, as follows: " backs of the southern viceroys ,. "We marched here yesterday with- restore the security of the port oui seeing me enemy. 1 he Boers on Tulv 2a enarvd French and tTntton six miles south of Balmoral, While &cMtm ST ZS J Alderson's mounted infantry attacked " jf Jt&jtfil the Boers' right, French made a turn- and rebuHt and the oil land re!ortd Not 1 d,Z at all. There were el sririts thete I "TWtut ca tvrw te .-lW It Uhen the Herooitet andlhe Aromet-Jquire t.brral ia kis rt! rv. ites, kd by Saoballat and Totlah.the rttaarki iLe euaintf. 7lia!T" servant heard there vat a maa to toot ttd LSe dra coo; tt oa!y a come to seek the eUare o( the chjjthrte-ctat fieca la tt c!ktiia jttt dren cl Israel It grieved them eicced-1 Urt SuaJay. ing movement around their left.. See- ENGLISH LADIES MURDERED. ng!y, and while Nehemlah rcblded The yw2 axiricd ing their retreat threatened, the Boers "Two English missionary Udies, lhT him to koto and mock- gj ofcie-r. I r; 'hi wtrt broke and fled. : Frroch and Hutton Urr., vl-uu.i'.u --j c....ti M "4U wcni w ete ia trrLJi! w V- .1 niis iv uiibuuiwi im .i is ocaicii, I . . . 1 t ; ,., . . , .1 poJ, aaii the 00 fnxa Ikkt:ccx.Nc servants wrourht on the work and! I.i . ..... .... . . I n t t ' I t - ,.... . . a. 1 i in rsi r ' f -I tv.m t f . iv. J w .' store 3 Cash Paid For Old Gold and Silver. V1NDSO R, N. C Rrst-class Watch repairing. . -; Clocks and Jewelry and all kinds -S1 4W the wordrof its own officer unUl sale. R. W. HALISH, . Expert Watchmaker and - Oraduate Optician-, Main St, next door to Mrs. Barrett Pponthe genumeness ot the many ixiuiuiuuiuauuua iuti uitve wuiuc from Pekin through Chinese govern mental sources. If it should be finally established that there has been an at tempt on their part to practice a gig antic fraud upon the .world tne fact may call forfa change of attitude on the United: States.-- Government tc- ward China. -This would not effect the military policy already under way, uui uicicijr tiic icuwiwat iciiuuu& uc- govern meats which :losely approximate a -r' The imperial edict promulgated yesterday by Viceroy Tak, at. Canton followed atd proposed to cross Oli- hve murdered at Haia Oi. in ni j t . l Fuui...vc. tta t aauwpon. the province of Shan Si. Massacres ("tnr ri ci 1 1 1 1 1 wova m..I.I 1 I .. - Lord Robert, reoort, .o 7T "".".r om nd hUU, .nd ItaWU : 1-4.U . Ul, Office toJay that Getl Archibald U tep0'cd.U,e that Rmi. U, "h;'Ud , -T"r'- -T Hunter's command wis heafitv enra. i. . 7il r 00 ,he ,0l kjcf . r (hkhj. U71 1! iijn.jt r--:v ged July 24 and 25 in the hiUs south from tUlw bf I RuiiJl . t7 f.r ' of Bethlehem. The . Boers were lhc commencmeut of the trou- t T w " ' strongly entrenched and founht stub- ui rw. work nd other hand bekl a d thea otae- fiow coo akr - - 1 uic aia vuuia a. . . . . weapon. And the walls werebinkJed jatxl ayt l serrrr 10 U't to t-rskd. and the breeches thereof cloicd. And I You can pay, you . oeey ar4 ukt bprnly throughtout the 24th and compelled the British to retire" - from some of their positions - with ' about fifty casualties. At last TIME' Hf ' IliSiFil rP RAILROAD. PASSENQErffRAIN8.' NoaT.l?fiTiiiE TaBlCiNo;2,'fJSptJTH. twegn thei twd 'eoi No. a-A 1 cFFECTivr 5-2T-, i-a 'ween ine two . goi -5 j ? jj 'r? !:,; y- -.C r rr- probaby would close :.ii -it, a'iWiribsoii ;Arfffiiop cf,fl:f iArn.-i -;, - D...t, state ot formal war.5 63. 705 Butlers n Asewsville. 660 5 40 5 sis Ar Holly Grove , 30 i Powelisviiie : . . .v , -.5 "5. . . has left ? aVdUaoreeahle , imnression 7 joirn Ar, iAHOSKIC here. Despite the Chinese Minister's a-waiiy except ouiiuay. - i . . ,- - - -. t . .- . 5 Train Nov males direct conm-ction with the View tO, the. Contrary, &. tlua , edict IS ' for Norfolk. TraiaKo. t makes direct connection I looked Upon 3S SUSplClOUSly llKe Z with Norfolk & Carolina No. 103 from Norfolk. . . ; - r ' . . . . -. '.- . preliminary iu & iuiuiii- uciidiauuii 'XimWt'VXlSZ of wauand asonly onestep toward ! securing time to move Chinese forces into better position for defense against the internationals. ' . j mTc. hinshaw, ; Oaneral Fralght & passenger Agent. CHESAPEAKE LINE. . U. S. Mail Steamers. - To all Points North. East & West. SIX HUNDRED CONVERTS massacred: I a!ay rt:: cc:cr to UJ:j hi!r. Not I It cures 4 cr rr;y - j Ice 1 hit y vs." Ar. i ii T i.w's din ire T iijh .. I am TIim xrr w cu Knn tr r,t y Mend yoo win recall . the Uochcke I . ' Itrra vf Cak.ff .ft t T I accounU First National Bark ot W interact, I"" v """" ,uwul "r..,!aa! we Lear 00 exxt alca General Hunter had worked around wa. nt Wter gives some . d Tobtah. the servant, the Ana-1 ktaalar h. atd into Brandwater basin, in the rear of experience wijn a carpenter m nisi ul the Boers while General Hector emPov ltat .hc value to other j : 'And it came to pass that ilta To tUak liul It; wiLVo. a czzlt wcVt cx - Aa . mswhn trm 1 1 a i V" MI r -4 w lr t it . I ft .a . a McDonald and General Rmr ITan. 1'""" . . "V J oaooauai nearo mai te rcDuJUeU t.e ipenier woraing iot roe woo was oons"i,if v. . irton were blocking outlets on th 1 r i waU be was wroth and took gTtit front of the Federals, who had eva- account of beinff troubled with diarr- tnd:il5on ,ad mokeJ J J I la a a e, - cuated their rjosition at Witnek. . hoc- 1 mentioned to h-ra- that I ne addressed tae anay . ot Samanaa iam i - a a .a .1 a ... ... nan been similarly trounieo and mat at great length. , Now, Tobtah, the Chamberlain's Colic, Hat goaw iSat way tiut retsl. iUiacQ j at Looiera and .nnr u --j ..! ..... i.uMwii(tiM tunDoca ivcmcoy naa turcu mc. i KILLED. rue- clood ccrg. Cta frwssliaf laRS) ta t iali It yocr Hood Pert? Art yva svrt I -u ..r i . f i..-4 , U t f I to t'M ai e r ? .. f M i. . m e m I I a r.W , m.t f" C v. 1 .1. a- w ri m Sl Hi 'S . .IB II I . . t w i 111. . I H II I I M W t. a. c.nt v I v v t v v v -r A A A J. . CENTRAL. UOTHl.. V Caci if.at f r. --1 , jt " c ' a. "4 Si larta ta Waitctr, Oa ITrhou(T,t a hntlU nf it from lhe v'v iui i r -. rv. 0 tCTalueS LtaJ I j :.. u a :.r. i I co uo arainst it he shall even break I rv MnVU Ur t. tr.- I There is an " unconfirmed . Chinese I nn nu itrMl K;m nl ( I down the tooe trail ' I ma T,imrLe- Yrnrt'xsK. Vad V-rr:S I V..'- UWN. ", V. M I " 1 t I " I r 1... . .. . . I ... . ... ... I... V . . . I . . i i r ni. mai ar" .ta r.. i . . . t m.ti a.. ..it. . . a a . - . m n - r. trai t . a a . Tr t - w a - - - report that sixty Protestant and Cat- V " J wv" . w" "J J' 4 l v ' tujn. i f v I holir mSnnarL W mar dfC& Bf- f l" ' J T the Unbare of propbCT 11 We3 ll ?11. A r:fttlJt - w wu " 1- I ... I I rttJ I I'Wil lfli.t . I . m a - !'vw IVr. rv? -' rrvrv crth Carolina is rebuilding the I oce axJ rm a clear, tooth, keaiiy a j rtlD .YT- FU "d rt!?' BRYANITES HAVE , BRIQHT !! The Shanghi correspondent o. the . I Daily Mail describing the masscre at Mukden saysj "The bishop had armed 200 converts to defend the cathedral and a body of Chinese troops had been sent to defend", the converts, but the soldiers were leagu ed with the Boxers While the Chris- HOPES. OMoaNHaiaM . Leadlnx New Yark DemecraU Brlax Saaxila'e Reports, , ' Lv. Norfolk. lacksonst... Lv. Old Point Comfort Ar. Baltimore, Pier 19, Light st Lv. Baltimore. .. a.'. -.7:55 m Ar. Philadelphia.. ...... 10:15 a-m. Ar. New York. ........... 12:35 P- m- London, ' July 27th. The Hon KoDg correspondent of the Daily Ex- b. & o. r. r. " p. r. r. pressr wires as follows uuder yester days date: An Italian priest has - just 5:45 P- m. 6:45 P- 7:00 a. m. 1 8:00 a. m 10:1s a. m 12:43 p. .m. arrived here from Hen bien l?u,a in .'; Steamers leave daily except Sunday. - . For staterooms and any information call at. Norfolk Ticket Office. Main and Granby Streets. Phones 11a. , - - - u : w:b. brown E. T. LAMB, ' Gen. Agt. Pass. Agt. CONDENSED SCHEDULE ; ' Dated May ,27th 1899. ' . No. '.- . No.'. . " ' ' . No. .. No. , j t3 49 Stations. 48- t -JpTmT a. m. M- M- 2SO '900 Lv.Norfolk;Ar. 5 55 1035 ... tj 40 : 9 aa Pinners Point. - ; 5 30 io 03 3 03 9 51- .... Drivers... . 5 05 9 34 1 j 17 1005 ....Suffolk... 4-5 -9 19 , 3 50 1035 ......Gates.... 430 . 843 4 15 1050 Tunis..;. -4 00 8 33 ' 4 36 11 06 ... Ahoskie.... . 3 4i ' 805 ; 4 53 ii-ai. ..Aulander.... 37 - 850 5 35 12 00 - ..Hobgood.... ,3 53. 7 08 600 is 31 Ar.TarboroLv. 331 646 ; - 7 ' " ' Ar. Lv. - " 6 35 "50 Rocky Mount. . 1 55 ,6 37 P. M. P. M. s. P. M. A M. Southern Huan.' where- ?he Italian Bishop, and three priests have been massacred after revolting, torture. This took place on July 4th. Six hun dred converts were . massacred after the womenhad been subjected to hid eous brutalities Six other , priests fled to the hills, where they were pro bably killed. The priest who escaped had a perilous journey to Hong-Kong He hid in a coffin on board a river boat for seventeen days. , r, No man likes to wear new shoes wall of ood citiiemhip aroood or Ia- : P"'- caet tx m. glorious State. They are tif.dlzg ia Ttl?t SweJ: the face o( great dancer. Already , the bn. b. b, cade epeory I al lurid fight of the midnight fire braad obidaaU Iood aad alia Troii La F. PIERCE, Aft:! tcr tLi fira of yocth. -By staii oOa pr bo: ax. 6 boxea for m Mfnui thai mnnM noid. 8aod for clronlar ' '.-Dally. . l- fbaily except Sunday. . ' Trains No. 49 and 48 solid trains between Pi . Bar's Point and Wilmington. Train No. 4? con aects at Rocky Mount with irai t 33 for all poi t South and No. 78 train for all poi its North. - G. M.Scrpeli., J. R .Keimley Oar. oral Manager. : .Sup't. Trains. , " - T.M.Emerson;: . ' . . . OanaraJ Passanga Agents when they are. tight,but he often does it in a pinch Don't think that women " believe road copy of our bank-shlq gnarantea bond. all they hear. c mversation New York, July 25 Frank Camp- tians were holdina service, believ-Chairman of - the: Democratic In. . n ... . ... ing themselves to be safe under the ommi"ce. returneo w town it - - ....-'- . - . . , today. - - . protection of the. troops, the , signal . r1UTe tnl of .given and toldieri and; -Boxers ti:aince L ;was U$t !n New surrounded andset fire to the church vi ;xld Mr ! cobell. "and I .t- a ? . I puiung tne escaping worsnipera to . . ... ... u ... the sword.- The bishop was captured .0 gCQerai: " f met Stal and taken to the viceroy's yamen, t...vi: t. 1 I wall ACliuviiaus w uu niiuuiiicu 1 1 1? n . . 1 I wncrcnc wa ui.auoucaiiy larturcu h wouU, f B 1 j w t I .a . aetapiuiea. xi neaa . M f , 1 t a. .f .1 I nangs iu onv oi uic yamcn. , . M .h.:rDart- t-ns c LEGATIONS PROBABLY DEAD I thousands of votesli; : The Dailv Mail exblainin that the "IIow bout the Gold Democrats?- Chinese employee of the British lega. Mr Campbell was asked. tion, who, according to its advices "Nine out of every ten democrat," yesterday, escaped from Pekin to Niu replied Mr. Campbell, who voted a- Chwanff and reported there that when gamst uryan m 1090 wm voie iornim he left Pekin most of the members' of this 1 lhlnk lhat hud the legations were'dead and the con- fork and harmony la the party we .v.' ;Vi.' .l'' ' . i ... will have a splendid chance to carry dition of the others was hopeless, did r- . ' rrt o rfno 1 1 l laotro TVtr until llilV X.I .v..w j-v 1 ... . , . . . t VI ! V....f V1U I1I1U LUC rVCJJUUUWAQS UU5k.UU. - Elliot Danforh came to the city to day to1 confer with Mr.:CampbelL - A change in the sentiment of the voters of this State in taking place,' said Mr. Danforth. 44 Nearly all the Democrats, who bolted the ticket four years ago are returning to: the fold.' has lit the sky and the oca of Itxral I B. B. B. U d'J!crtrt trto rxUf rrt hare been taking frora the walls by I edvea tccaaae B. XL W drii ti unwarranted legal process. Every .axuvoonctd t i pet Urge tc 6 Ua WAVERLEY :C'.': rnn.,to.lV.l' rt? . .V BICYCL PtMicaand Hcaots ovtc the Kood form o( mockery d humiliation and " f-rfTtfn. cirt it a 'trial It threat and ioUmldatlon b Isd'a'rtd cum when aH tlae faJIs. Tbcocr.V m'but we to trht ea.The breelwltestrd lot to veara. Sold at drv ef are closing. 5 Whet we the amendment as the ark a a M ' cc. nwui. tvlT gb-crftlT tr. Wt U lr a Pritchard was very wroth and he ad- Addreu I LOOD E.VLM CO, Ailixia X.arS ?"Tfi - nate, and mocked bl people aodl , f uugned them to scorn. And no U t EEA0 IXTTLt LIST. - . U exceeding wroth : and uket --on It... I. v . t m. m : . it i I gTtat indignation. . I w .. -;n . rv,j MAnd by his side stands the Ata- Ldur 05e o Ac, tat if net clalra monlte Toblah Butler, the servant a v.io.a. aixcrp he hired man, declaiiog, The Law unconstitutional' and aayin. M if a ox go up against tt be shall cvta break down the stone walL , . 'But despite the wrath, the . mock BICYCLES. ' i::cvcir.. jft GUTCS. U IQOZS. Satiaiatum C-aa rtrr ttL flEEsVlTA Ply 8 Restore Vitality, Lost Yljor aai MaalooJ Con Impoteney. NIchft Emlwlooa, Looaof Uon. OTT, au wosiuw oiBwasea, all affects ot aelf-abosa or I xeoaa and indiscretion. I K navf-trat tonla and blood boil dor. Sriafsl tha pink clow to palel ehoeka and reotoraa the Cm .wl X GO PILLS GO CTG. r. They have to keep up F' ' - j vr ' i somehow. & jjk ' A Oao4 Cawgs) rUdVctaa. It speaks" well for Chamber.'ain A' severe sprain will usually disa ble the injured ; person . for, three or four weeks. 1 Man.i cases have occur: red, however, .in which i. a- cure :has been effected in less than one . week 'OT7v,, tea, Csrrc Else. Crrea SptZcr, J. Reynoid, WiZle H. Pr.'.rtarJ. Ji.ti! Ortcr. WiZ-a-n G, U O-c Morrit, Ttxa M dts Z, l-w. Cherry. R. D. Ile-rird. It. Iltoo. EL J. Itickraan, Joac-ila A. Dewcr, Mn. V. D.Tcaid. ILiry W. S;crr, , Rxtra err. and thrtaU of Sanballat Pt'uh-l r wo'.'.c!. W. S. Martla, J -! a .V. ret ard and the foxy' attack ol Tobiah Uf vr 7 t Butler the servant the. the hired raanjwiivJ, naery Wtti, lay Netty Vk it we must, we wi3 rtbaikl the wiHi ,o Kanae V.oy (lrX) . ... , - lewis t. r-oNO r. Ji. our own anaent Jeruialcra." t , , ? MThia was the close of his r4endid . ' . 4 I V- " ; 10m I it f .v address and f i om now on Butler will f -Asful aniiety was ft It let Lbe widow rl the brae G-ral trs.iir cal Macfaaa. Me.. wSra t.e CC 1 A S 0 be known in these parts as Tobiah Butler, the servant, the hired man.' & c r cr tv; 1 1 v r rt II- - - - lAi.TrLt'iH J CH LL TONIC wn:rs It rL S. I L lisoJa. to , ... V - i v." - I . . . . , . ... . ! I . J ... it i .1 U- ilUIUll) Cough Remedy when druggist use lUa vi V LL.J 1 : lhl .. .fft Llll2l5L 5 traaxow utaau , j i mtneir own iamai.es m preference io . v 7. , - mtwh.i:i - : . , ... WoS.' lany other. "I have Isold Chambar -; -arc noted Tor nsnjlrr cn. ; - Kir,;'a New p.vrcncrr, aj it taJ I t ... ... ,f 1 ioS&ot lain'Coush' Remedy for the rcst They wcaica cur trost I cr?ihK aml trr Uc; U V' rr 't.. KWiFi'S! fivevt-ars with comDlete satiifaction,:-and hrrirL a4 lrid T - rrrJ rr ci 1.3-0 JT r""' IWXCM'UTV ViPW A(HMCma V'!w I of . - -r - V lteC 1 ft 7 - . ( tm l W I-., m,"m 111 UM 4 emus wna w i aw wawM w w w ai t i i.iv -w'o wh. - w - - - j SBaW...aaMBB a BMawav - wir-m, v -r PoaitfTely Vaneoeele Paresis. I tion, Hytteria, ttesoitaor . o . v v . k l amir. iTtia tortocm ia O clya ox rL I gist J. Goldsmith, Vann Eitcn,.N..Y. money PAddw " 1 have always used it in my own sW a w aaw aa w r w iw n w ar n t ' ry rmten A Jackgcn C?a CMICACva IlXa I ! . . . . . . , ., - . . w : . - - - , inriin tnd tnr in? cdl- 1 1 loiiawi Don't trills v!:h th:.r- : ia Balm. For sale, bv T. !. Mardre and For Sale by Df. V: Sr Giirley Wmd Uripptf and find it very efT.caoous. Bro. - ' ' a . . nnpf. it rjVMr.ffs. r.ri.s. la?; end aires. ; "l - IV ..111 Ai d r. sor,. N .C- Forsaldby'T. J Mardri and Dro " . ... :!- This' '...;r.c'. - a t f mm i C.:ir ;i'.m:r:iiKttc t.. . r i . C:.rit i' i l.i l1 1 )- t r .C t--- 1 it . Tr.al I::: i'. "... C I rrv. r:'i .. . -' .4

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