-9 - : t i ) ! : ,V? "Dyp'icate t-e Prices end IVr e "rcrkH tharr ahf Prlrul::-. IJ, , II 1 lj. h3fm-; Si your orchrs. . T .tru- icine industry. If vn:ir in ' v.,.,.mc- tap1 to 'a hnnlr !Af i- . -.;,j ..... , .:n , . . f . :1 r ...t in 4cr:; (.-r 1 : I of cav-.v ng tag' to a book. let i:s !;nov.'and -.ve will - itrsf you in every pmlcuhr or r( fun ! your ir. Give ' i S 4 . a. HO r r .. : r. Ia8a STOP at t- - I J J a Borrowing YOUP: , Neiifr .L. "v j- wc w til oena it to i YOU Tr w--' - r. w,, J 'Six Months 50 Cents." j t ' J 1 it ft '.J VOL. 17, rji n Dsdn ;:ic.l tthu r.3L ay, au gust o i c c d r:c . . f- -A ? . ' . - ' W 4- J - I 1 y i -'FT - - . ' " . 1 1 .ii i . . . T7ii i "-, ", .': T. . ! i i ... 1 $ J25 for Nothing Our mmm kar completed printlnr oar -t ti m Cfsui vuyr uu rai duj aeauct tunet iv cenu iresi tout mrst loads of paper for this won- wua sow pagBS,sue ww pavea ox ine oroinary uuuuii vesaveou -ceni. wr everytblac ywm nr H 1 every torn w tW. k quotes waaueu pricea. n 'Consumers,. your. rossee-sio- iuy k . a . r t:. - et - There Is little Vou ran tkf think of Bot rnnhtn tnalft. m vthln "?..?u,n- 3oman-- or Child wara. all kM. w , woof everyuuna: mm uumVk lor ,Uie - -t a hotelV lor use - .n, a r "-n.or tor flu in t citaiorue. - .-sxra s "dqiKtes --v 2. a aV; .-i ' - N I taxtMetkiBt y M4, mMtt ZiNraptfttr pi4 .i a HMau,i ISii BiUl4ipni IKlia oo tkmll we tend t Address tkl vmy : JULIUS HIICS & SON , , ' , BALTWORB. HIV To Commitieem and Other School Officers i AS of Bertie (County: f o t V4 i 4 . trustees for incfucicncy or wi'Jul nes'ect of dvj. Sec 44. tiichi;rs. Lo. ...t Jt. Tetcbcrscf putj'c school . are tcjuiicv3 Co letp gtod orJsr aaJU"Kii,"..-.c U their repttrve-k3ols,to encourage taonlif, tnJ.;ry sr.l :ucti, ta al their pupils; nl tcidi tKorouhly !l trinchti whUb tJrjr are re -jlrtJ tc) teach. If any pupil !,all wilful) and jxrrvtact! ticlite 'Ct r-!t if ihe school an4 ili r Lc controlled b tbe teacher. . Such p:pll rr j U ti Ik missed by1 the teacher far the current uro Sec 7. I "TIIEEfcANCHKS TO TF. TAL'CIIT. . . , I A above -irdicatedare, tpciHej, def.ain, Tr2-.,', "vr;ur. ,Ar.lSmttk, English Grarwmijrj-til Giflipontioa. tlfrjTt;:.rrr.atciT a4 cJt cf Alc hohc drtaka smd narcotics elementary priyiiotc fnj hjrr.e, Ci i! rtrra- Consulting Optician. . All errors of refrectloa sclcnUflcailr corrected W. R. JOHNSON, y,f- ATTORNEY? AT-LAW, ; WINDSOR. N. C. : PracOc Im mil Courtn. ' ' ; Stciml mtUmtion xlrem to Co7iccOo0S. Fint-cUss Watch repairinsf. . Clocks and Jewelry and all kinds Of Spectacles . and Eye-glasses for . ' s sale. , , R. W. HALISH,; Expert Watch atakcr end - . unann upucwsi Main St next door to Airs. Barietts store Cash Paid For OU1 Gold and Silver. GREETING: As.cpmmitteemen the second yeancf 701 term of office is now epenvne with it vviried duties and obligations uporryouJ One ytar.agfryou -took the solemn oalh to ooyour whole duty You Organized; itnd Invraany re- t lects, have ttohe!weU. .To those whoaVe Juken" most infcrest Yn their tut il 'x7 Kor..CaroUaa and VC the U cited States. work we.findthe'best cesultspori their children, and hereby take'pleasure f t It is a matter of re-ret" that in many cases our teachers do oot firt their in expressing our thanks for their fahhf uT.iesi t6 duty.K ; . r v jattcr.tln to this raattcrjis t' j should. ' Ma' wt not expect a decked aad - y 1 his is oyrjainnual salutation of good wiir and a friendly reminder of several improvement abn t.'Js line ia theaf proactirj aesikxi? Keep duty. We will try to be brief in what we say; and' would ask you net lo lay matters before your minds, dear teachers and. reUxe the burden U d-ty ttusj down.until.you have gbne to the end.4 Jt is the earnest desire of us all resting upon, and expected of you, D xr tzvi dj,rj. to Know,it possible; our lull duty, in order that -e may the better perform .... tveryjeachCT of a school shall keep a daily record of the . atunianct ti the same. The" School Law is our chief guide, and "as a matter of InsUuc llicif p vpilsnd at the end cf their terra shall make a report cf the txrr.e to tion.yjl. gtvtr a esume pflhe samtby sectionv . - ' ' the Co. Supt with length of terms taught, rcof hkh taught, twa. Ses acd ' kr loi AT4 tpiSi SnFHTB ' ' ' ' vSdaily attend a nee .ci .rpUs.ith no, and township of school Sec 45. - STATE SyPgyy mPENTt , . a . -The law require. tUaMU cauxend t fleets of Alcoholic drinks and t a,. -!(; of the .same to you is final. Section i Cr- "r Cr- r r v 1 - ...... I .... .......... y . cx. ......... i I! 1. r r. ? x. .". ti., .... I Uijvocd. ....- . lit. - T X. .. . , j J J . , . t u j : e tc-i Irt.'e::.. 4:0 Jsr kion.i lc-;.. .... . ' t J, 1. wa ,t.t4a I ( j cs 3 o.,., . ... 1 Lcc "f. . ... 1 ,e 1. . 4 C'O ft J. - X Jl .11 B C"X-ea... a, 4k a : I ' t I IJvon ..J' 4 n ' O l09J Ictowen.r.......M.rio,..... - Jdctkle uIj r.....3.j " ... Xlact'J i.j o 1 0 cgoycf y ..b. 4 ..... . .- Jk re.. ......... ... c' h aih, ................. ......... ... . Ne-w HaaoTer J? S"o:hE:.....t.t63 . OaUow.........V.LSao.... COUNTY BOARD 5 OF DIRECTORS " If, at any time, you should have doubt as to the full meaning of any I cotics shall be strongly taught ami cmphaaixed by all our teachers. section ol Schcol Law, write to the State Superintendent. His construction xMore leathers loose the employment of a seccmd term. form lasdladra i lia their fcchooli. lliin from an other rau. He lMrKr erlTI rut mmkvj b ' 'C Z " . , . . . . , manage bis or her schoolthen jt vould be Utter to give It up and go at raowxaok.. W. Jrv hY. isome;oitver eapioymcctras in imvtney have missed their calllnr. ' . . r v , M Ine uounty Boards' of Trustees a term of two years. 2 'i ?0, Ar nrei graae ana 2o.oo ior met secona graae. 1 rus, nowever, ooes wouH ggest fruit ox nut trees! of some kiod. Make the tJac anracLve. not prevent the Commtttee from making it less to either, if to extend their - Teachers are required tdgiv4 'rdal attention to iostroctica ia Civd zp- f .ALnnt (n. mi"i,tll. ' . . . , , - . Iftmmnf immKt nil Board of Directors, one year ago, appointed Township L -. i - . i , irr8.wiai. . , and they, in turr; appointed District Committees, all for Ij'J ZZaX 1 Z 1.7 J,l", "7 7 , J 7 ' , rfv3a ' 4ji :"; - . i ' rr . - i Qittee and tnendl. should havr tr.pir fMrwr1iir trKri KftiiirTf r!',i .. . - They also fixed, the maximum price for teachers atf j " at. .'; . j i ' . . - v ruLM.,.....M..to.ic.,.....-,M.w a i h. . . . , -. . . emment impaessinz dearlriheoeninent features and make-uo of th iI I -c-aod. .-15 ah term of school the legal time (four months). - Any person wno snail wuunuy interrupt or aisiuro any puonc or prv-i . r...-..r.- t - - . .j vateschooi: or iniure anv school buildWor orooertv of the same, shall be ,US 7 lrrt m ndTo th.s end w would be pleased to art Rockirgha.. Uh . . . . f . L . fourixaxjon a nag naung irom ue top ct eaca tOioci nous ia tLe cousty. fu I Ko-la . taa p-uiltv "of a misdemeaner aud nunished bv' fine or Dunishment. -Section li.l u.. t i. i a t .. - . '".- .:-..'.',. ' . ' ZT' ; : ' i y " ples,raost beinctrlsitc-J upoa cverf miai. Provided that rtartliaa MUks I , . . ... TRUSTEES ' laod partisui reiieion"shali be stnctiy kei out of our schools. - pr - - -vt TV ' i I Wetre endeavoring to estabCihii aa aidfund la tie couatr br which vt r Township Trustees will bear in 'miod'r their obligations to keep a"fuU prppos.e, to pay -i-a lo -any dUt:a that wi'J fureUh 3 4 C rrcby extending lha Sur'cy... JU t, j r . - j c j- .iJ 11 j- . . , j - term ooe-mooUu. - Who wi4 coaUibute la thu fund tad what clooU vU v ' Board of Committeemen, define distinctly all district lines, abolish . or rreale ,,v- k- ,il.,TT ,k. rfx.. 1 . . - v . v . - , . V . . . - take toe advaoia?eol in oQerr. Let us nave crocaryt rttrvmi- - school districts as circumstances-mardemand, make proper apportionment f 1 mMr1r frWnd:irr4heUrV .rut .n i. us-.t. I T,ctTT ....i.7J erery ,achoc4irla lm ytarv; w to Cad that V.lh uonat imeresi 01 an idc cnuuren. 0ec.a3.s4aj. u ciivr, cuacw wwu -.j. - .. - . CfJr.a u-knrk. lf. rrr -I ( 01 ail tunas to tneir various aismcis; ee max iommuiees. nave proper re-1 ihit ine nour is upon us ween new life must be t&iued in eard to price of reachers asset by County Board of Directors: and ctherviour couniy.?c uy a compartuon ct live naming tor tte ' Ut -ieV ZZJA'itiTvHirV in iw;r r,nrH;vp toTOne t tK. "v.rv lAt I hool eniolbnettt ad average auendaoce. we are rratlted Tl a a 1 1 1 aa U. -1 1 Viict. 4a . . ... jO . L9 a - fiTTT. i; K 7T 1 S2TT Ol l.rr?C: I ?I-J . T-."".- ,--"mI . . be to rive every boy and tirl an aoj Ait to mile a m t r,'.nta . 1 " s COMMITTEEMEN. c4 him or herself, that they might reflect hooor and eredj cpoa rrery v.ai.hl?;-ia 4i fMlhln 5nnr'r1l0r5,r'T 3D3JJO0 JAinTCUuUj , wja or ration ia.lifealoa - - - ftVav;a f " i .Millla..ialllcX'IJill .UllVl aie-i .'i-J.eV.s. i.fM f ..1 r,lo Personally; as the heaa of the school wotk of the connrv. I . ask row ... ; 1 Jl.llllllllllll 11 . Till II.IIJllllll. T' vuuimiu.'a.w v.v..., .a. -.w a. w , . t - ' , . I WAIT-. v HMItKUMUr - PAOQENQER -TRAINS'. -j - - a 1 V.-. title to' site is ok.- Sec. 27. !4 Comteprocurecensusblksist r " ecrsjsry ii'.-. -ft : : . .-i vc 2 . t-j .1.- . : ' Aj .a. 1 10 tt your community at any Ume the better to Instruct cf ail rc thca Make known to me your every need or diilxruhy la th proecctlaa ti aU' 4 your community at any : :I . V"' 1 ' " " withrajrfect and carefully mad list of all children in. their respective .dis- 0r information desired vith ths assurance that it will be tc'A. my dctr tad I -, . jv. t . feutt ijf, (rtiiM,u4UU JJ 1. J,;ic, :0i nua lututti aiui uuw va JJaitui vi (wtuuutMM I puuuia aa uj tiuv, aw avtaa ja au ;vui aula tu pu.aM SJ. I V:kia Vaacvy .JO I43 '3 7 S , AMwsville . if" -v rx5 7 3o HolTV Grove" Pranking' Powellsville; Ahoskic 1tvll4si 540. . Ithey shall furnish a duplicate list of same to their township trustees, and to Thus, by a proper and well directed ctloct on the part cf each cr.e who Us 5s- rai:: l:.faC-a:r ..h.nmMn.. t.;; 'w'rV'""!!.,- .v,m wm todo bit ditfy, t Una expert wuJU that wiU bless -0U JVn 111?,;;"! 1 , i.L j -.r jii i:-' Jin H her bordea ' . - es, l lurnisn pn Dacs oi census icuuu iuc name a:c ui jujy ucai, uumu or - diidq a ... . . . . ,.- - Chlldrenlr Wdisirirt, aisS the value of school pro vvixa wisnes ior your ucss amx prosperuy. t - --- --awC J :a.a I! - I -.a a -m. .LT IT I I tUI. 1 WW 9 US UeS WUK ia I Minr rimH auDuav. a? iae i . - a a a Tr.in Nn itikirliret ntlXt-01i with the I pAmmiffntftKAiilft lAvrw-wkriY1 ira t rf tVrsit Arrnif ti-in 4r U tKja.p war nrV Nntimi. UAKULlflAUeUU i I . . fc 1 - - - . . xr-.,raiv fMi makw dirtvt ronnectioo I tnaMhPT anrf Jl. hUWnfHi IlKC O- 1 - J m 4 K r 1 f - t v. -----y T aT,lW I O . er ' ' I I ' rt - - -f .jwuii 'TT :r? Look well to the condition and contort ot your school nouse. bee that rnz nuooo cu 'T ft Is yor tlx-i r-rv.' Art - a t 4 i'J I5 C-'V Ct KTSfitt bra? a- J JAV.DRANNING.C.E.DRANNING j comfortable desks or benches are provided at once, if not already oct hand. Oenerel Friahf paseenger Agenti aaapaBaaa CHESAPEAKE LINE. tu: S. Mail Steamers,' . oenerai Ma.er. HaYe house ceiled sideband roof, the well kept in good order", wood in cientjuantity on-.-hand'C .C.i ?j i-., J : - - Committees most important duty is the employment of teachers and dis' missal of same for inei&ciency or lack of lawful attendence of children and fix'their'salaiy in accordance wJh rate sat by Co, Bd Directors..- This part of their duty is often too much overlooked. Have the session as far as pos sible in one'term "Sec;oJ :K S'" t - ? 1 Committees should close their schools whenever the monthly average of -rtnrlanr is than one fifth of the children of the district. .The. teacher To all Points North East & West. . reouired to f urn.sh this information Sec i . . ' " ;..$usp BuLvConjmittees can contract with private schools to do public school wbrk. Lv. Norfolk, Jackson st.'. . J.v Old Point Comfort.. Ar- BaUUnore, Pier 19. Light st 7:00 a. bi. B. & O. R. R. Sec ee. "" . .t-Alt j-t mre -vr-r1i" e-vT fVih Ti ctirv frikr rrrTtr tnlA tKi p j, R I ' VUlUUiniCCa OlldU W gIVW. ail V4MW4 WA .vasy w amwu.b a eM. lOIt, R. W. ASKEW, Ccuaty Sopetinleade-L J iioet ywrxlia tuh or t Krx Facr r ; r g.....;c.' ,-i-i-Jt.3r-y.. n-a II-'" a- a fc-a re v 1 he fonowiBg art the ra:rUt U ;4--J r' Uie various cout:a so far n caa be uxia c UV It nalra lU lrnpt Tt PirrK..l i IZjCaI tmr Sfcl . SlaC-k trl ., m. f on returned received at Dcimxuu t L:-Baltimore.. .k...... .7:55. Ar. Philadelphia 10:15 a. m. Ar. New York.... ...... 12:3s J?. . . . , . : - - ' - - " " . O M I ailUlC tS (l.UallT W VUV Wl. au. a......a www. . - - . " I - - . f - . . ...... V . ' 11 10:15 I Comn ittees shall Keep a dook in wmcn an account 01 an money. re .Tivea - - oMa liv ilailv ncent Siindav. f For staterooms and any information cat! at. "P- I 1 ' J ' -.a' 1r.nf v .. word. The Amendment Will Run Sct crd Thousand Behind. Vote by Counties. Norfolk Ticket Office, Main and Granby StreetSf . A1av frr th best teacher VOU Can and while 10 TOUT employ Watch hlS At, vhoa" "i i ' v- ! 1 o, her wort as. to its efficiencVa ; Never be a stranger to your school. Visit 'Hon. Charles B. Arcock, the next JE. t. LAMB," ? ? W. B. EROWN Pass. Agtl ,- f. - ;r ' - The emploj tr" RAitiROAD'Tr; - COriDEMCEt?SCHEDULE J ,v Dated XiMj'litSu'lKy. it often,"stand to the back of your teacher, be a friend to the- childien and od will be accomplished ii-Vii:? ' ' -v;.- ?- "The employment as teachers of near relatives of " Committeemen - should governor of North Carcrina, and the ether Sute siT.ce rs, rcccivr r:'.aof$- No. tx3 Mr ,.a 17 , a so .43 ... 4 53 S 3 ; 6 eo No Stat ion a., ,,9 ?'! 10 os 10 35 10 50 XX 06 XI 31 ia at: I.vJNorfolk.Ar. Pinner Point. ....unvera... ...Suffolk Gates... ......Tunis... ."Ahoskie... .-. Anlander... ..if b"ood... Ar..ia ccy?t P. M.J No. .48. fS55 iS 30 1 4 50 ' 4 20" 4 OO 3 7 ; a 53 It WW '1. Af.r -'" v Ly; Rock 3 MoVnt. f5 No; txoa A. M urazed unless unanimous demand for some is made by . the cotr Jlies a pproxisuUrg (op os. s it often; creates a division jof lhe committee and thereby prevents 1 The vote for the Constitutional A that unity which shonld exist upon all occasions. Neither should committee mendment will rua sereral thousand pander to: the favoritism of any teacher.. Always receive the : application of behina the ucaeu ' . teacher Vuhout any promise, until your board can meet.thea be unanimous Thet-egislature is o-erwhe!alng!y in your decision "if. -possiblei as a, division always hurt the causa. ".,-?.. Democratic, r The white supremacy represeniauvcs numoer 95, wun 10 lusionist and 9 In doubt. In the Se , -1 nate there will - be 3S Democrats, 9 - ia 35 1003 .""9 34 9 19 - 8 43 5 8 23 85 public examinations on secondJThursday in fusion ists and Wo senatonal district! year, a which times'noithirge shall be are in doubt.-- - . , - ;r ,1 , n r other dars,ther shall be 'r tee ine couqucs ia v.ica uct.ccwn of members, of the legislature arc 2 1 n COUNTY. SVPERINTENDENT. The County Sup't shall hold April July and -October of each marie of aDDlicants. For examinations --. . - . . .... of 1 r.oo.--Sec. to. - -;- - t Co Sen't to advise .with teachers as to the best methods of instructions doubtful are as follows: Ashe, Eruns- : 121 and school Vovernmeht." SUli visitco;correct abuse s.rsusend teach-Jwick. Chatham. Oay, Dare. . Graham. - -,Ov,. v.n : oi,.k w,-r mmmitt T nA Swam and Yancey. The doubtful -?fe crs, ion uicicuv.y .y r - - . 7 district are the Fourteenth, atd the V6.r their;auties;and otherwise- exerase a general supervision over me enure mn wHJrtlu ihchoorwbrk of his county; Sec,4o, .ii S11G.V;: I JL a Co. Sup't shall furnish all blanks for census taking, .teachers reports and Countiev Dca Anejhany M. Aiimancc ......loo - lo Alex and er . .. . A Utg ha ny....,, ..,.., ,..X0'. Anson . ... ............... t((r j ...... Ashe Deauiort I'toOwT.. Irtie..... 1,7 1 1--,.. Rruoswick Huacombe... ....Soo. rurke... J50k ar Caldwell 100 Cacadea.... .....7 , Carteret. ..-ajo... ... Caswell -.ito viui c a......... ....... Chathara CheroVee Chowan... .4-0 Ctay...... .' Col u rn b us . .. . . - t .CKX... Craven itS5 fwumteriar.d.......,....tco Currituck.......". Dare Davison...,. rt a- I r TTt a tlcar. aoIx. wiiij 4ta- lacra'rd ca.r IA aj..-ttv t try H. C t4s rr; V-t I --Oai 1 a Tr ire a li. Ik Jl. i c rrrt frrt- cXJv rrta- 1 1 l: j a r4?1 i 4 HvTi out V ... ar r-rc whra Z fa s- "TI-:-'-. : V 5 TratfJ f Jcs'T, : ' J at : 1 axti 1.1 Si ; ;r . t li'v J t ., v - . - . . - - . - . 1 l ,m ' 1 W ay a". . '.. 'v I." T. rir f r s ..,. . . . C w eJ a- ' V - - a JCK -- f I -a l i 4 1 , f i i , 1 - ... " 1 1 a...vJ Davie 3'5 D ji ..a .. If f awt ewj i .. ' , '-V I t f - 1 J---t-,i. t."r" a. a aa Ua I a.--f .! 1 l ar ; - i. r.-' r ib! ri a i t '. ' r. - ' ' " - i It . a a. a a - t . . . . a 1 lii . . 1 t r Durhasi IU rccn.be... im V-alaU t TTaeaaa. , I W t a a . e . a A 1 I- u:Ka:rni5"U w wen u utry r , . 'JRSwanT?'' vouchers for their money, school registers, scnooi aw, uccua, awvuu- rre, r.mc.u-u-mtuy-, iMuto"l aecttat Rocky Mount with'trait ?3focallpoi t ft; oec - 'V " . . , .:. - ' "rtn,' i..t', .h tdti tli lU.- itjl'tllia ... Soath and Nn 78 traia for all poiJiU North, i Uiana ciu, occ. . ' , . , , ,! . . ' Vn.ao,i-t tl f'j ef ra! :j r. v.-'.v. J -r n Kraj. rv ' Cc Supt with the aid of trustees, to remove lucapable or otherwise meui- ,otz,t t t. .1 chv wu9 u.;. - Gastoa caiMrai uantsr .y cp't. Tra'ns. cicnt-commitfeemen, when the interest of tneir scncci cemaSwS it. 43. freT,rvc;i fai:HiE ;:ti. : j ii1'15 -tP T. M. Cmcrson; CsMrci Passange Aent Co Sup't with assistance of Co. board of Directors to remove township I -1 ii f.'.i I J a I c. 1 t--' . , t c Dca't nic c : : :. x d::t tsi lira t:ir. 1' t:r tile a frix .ic u cx:h z Vr. .::e c: -? :r- r ; - f;T r r.n: t.v r ciy f :".:. .; Tcj f::I t::r ttry rrxt div. T: rrt: t rtr.rr !, -5 : f 1 -- c x i ; r. i tr, 3 yc-r t :v 1 -... . . !"" I I i .-a -w- - ... - ( f a -4. I ..... i . . V J ' f ' -mm a. r . I ( I a s a- ' a w. . a ... . . t -aaa - T a-t''-a f v a- I . I a ap. y ,.,1 . CENTRAL. HOTF.l tr rt '? v fc 1, r c -1 ' B tl.t Lit; !i a UC! a.". r";'r. . , L. F. PIERCE . its ", lt C-Jt VAVERLEY a, .. pirv'r a ' 1 . . v - Ow:", i.o- a G-y l. . a . a t i 1 v-' 1 ' a r a. a Im - . . -'s -. m