' VPlicate the:Pnces and Better the.. WorlcM than any Print!- r House in North Carolina. Then why not keep yr' nor,.y c'r-j incTtn t K 1" i urucrs- raironize nome industry. 11 youare in need ol envelop;, paper, bill t:ais. anyi'iin g tag to a book, let us know and we willtisfy you in every particular or refund your money. Give us your order. fro m a v;sr- STOP YOU J Bonowinj YOUR Neigh (mi's LEDGER1j VE Vill Seni ft YOU Twelve Months for ONE DoIIt , ;J; Six Months SOCenta. J 1 .ea tlx: fl.c-iy,y: I, isvo A3 X ET-LrkxJ ACTCU till rf ; z VOL. -17. WINSOM; ,C:t THURSDAY, AUGUST 16 1900 no 2:- j. I, i MJ-VJJ JjOo $ J 25 for Nothing Omiimim have completed printing-our ceaia io pnni im 20 cents to . 11 . A . .. ..1.J . V B..U. i aw a.Nancu si IDUrCSCi and 10 casts' 1 stamps to help par TT o aa7 aeouct. inaw i wnc mm year lrtt iH ef Sir. . It raqaJrad 7-au- lead oi paper tor this- woo- uarnu caiajofu, wnicn con laws ov paces,aixe lacBM, equivalent lo over niawsu a aa.a you so par cnt,a .na per cB(. on inrjuunf casea ot to pear, ibis book quotas wholesale prices o consumed,, sad With It hV roar posses- the la little 9 am .- think - a that book ' tlAM not raMtl, $kat. rWsYtsil.. YlliAta T ta. A.l r - Jkaaw "aaala. CWytkaar serav y .,ww,n,"0 -nUtWtaaaaat lSuaM. Sraaarr at)an J fn.i. vaiMer wius jsrr. aampUa at taaaad. SI SIm Traa. " lnM.M m.?a WkUk MjkkfLw rndt Addrtt thu-mmy: w ""JUUUS HINES-& SON - BALTMORH.WD. uKYAN WILL WIN.; B0ERSPLOT INPHH-. TORIA. A Maryland Republican Qives Some' Reasons. From the BaUimore World (Ind) "Bryan's a sure winner." That's tne statement of a . Repud- ' -v .. . , -A plot to shoot all the EritUh oHV .swim.of this State for years and who lias been on the stump fprlhe party time after time, land who says he will vote for McKinley. 16 a World man. "I have been a studeut of political affairs for the past 35 years, he con tinued, "and the history of this coun try does not point to a man who has done .what Bryan has.' In 12 years from the time he took his hands from ttm ntAnr KrkflYAc t.?o ...Van n J UK W. JU. UA Vi O cated himself while teaching school; so impressed himself -. on the affairs of this nation that he became a can didate for the presidency and polled over 6.000,000 votes. 1 Not for an in stant has he lost his grasp or has his au tmnaf rcfrccttoa scientifically cwrcctod impress oh the country lessened; in I fact it has grown, for. while defeated t the first time, he is again nominated almost by acclamation. This is some thing the political history of this country has never presented before. STUCK TO FIRST PRINCIPLES. Consulting Optician. w. R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. WINDSOR, N.C. PrmcOcmM Im mlf Comrts. Scm7 BttiMUaa gtvtm im Collecttoms. First-class 'Watch repairing:. "Not for one moment has the man Planned to Km' Officers nccf Capture Lord i Roberts. Londoa. Aug 104:45 a. m.i The Daily News has 'the,, 'following. di patch t.ora Pretoria, oated, August 9: Clocks nd Jewelry, and all kinds retraced his steps. He was nominat- f Spectacles and Eye-glasses for Ld the first time . on a principle he enunciated. He has stood by it faith fully and has refused to give it, tip. I sale - - . R. W. HALISH, prisoner hasbeenppportvhtly.criscay ered.: 1 Ten of the - ringleaders m ere arrested and ara now. in jail. t; Probably ths ptot w part of " a conspiracy of- whiclr "the - jitteopted rising at Johnannesburg was the first indication.": c - -Everything was prepared in - the plot to make Lord Roberts- a prison- j . t. . a ' x i. .'-". - erana snoot ine crusa omcers, . and the couspiracy was. only discovered at the last moment The ' conspirators numbered about fifteen, They had the extreme western parts of the city, hoping that the troops would be con centrated there.. The plan ; wats - that then tha conspirators were forcibly to enter, all houses occupied". ly 1 British officers, these having been previously marked, and to kill the occupants. ? 14 All the Boer ' sym pathlzers 1 were acquainted, with the plot; and several had been told off to. secure the per son of Lord. Roberts and to ' hurry with him to the nearest commando. 'Horses have been obtained for this purpose. Then the British learn ed the names of the ringleaders, who were put under arrest. The , aftiir has created a tremendious sensation.? t Expert Watchmaker . - . flraduataOptidaat " " Main St, next door to Mrs. Barrett's store. 0u Cash Paid For Old Gold and Silver. WINDSOR, N.C PASSENQER TRAIN8.S NOCTH No. J-A l'?Yr-e Tlc No. 2. tS99. Swrir. No. l-A EFFECTIVE B-2T- Imi Lv . Windsor, Ar 610pm 30 ... .Butlers 600 a 55 Askewsville 54 7 05 HoUy Grove ' - 5 5 - 71$, . i.-. - Branhing Ar 5 730 Powellsville s 05 750am Ar - AHOSKIE Ly '' " 445P a. rtailw nmil Sunday. - Flaar Statioa.. Train No, a makes direct connection .with the tell yovt there is "a large class of the ' people who-admire andwho will sup. port a mau who will fight for a prin- cipleCTsodearto them. They are "-go ing to support Bryan- this year be cause he has stood for a principle and refused to be turneeffrom it. ? "McKinley has -changed policies with every breath. He voted 27 times for free coinage while in the house and 44 times for bimetalism. Now he's for a gold standard,- The people do not like that km J, of shifting; Re member j I'm a Republican, but I am simyly pointing out what is the fact. MONEY TALK IS ALL BOSH. "This talk of gold standard and the Ths law holds both maker and cir culator of a counterfeit equally guilty I he dealer who sells you a danger gerous counterfeit of DeWltf s;Witch Hazel Salve risks your, life . to make a little larger profit. You - can not trust him. DeWitt's is the only ren uine and original Witch HazeT Salve a well" known cure for .piles and all skin diseases. See that your dealer gives you DeWitt's Salve 7SaDenger & Keeter. -. " - . ALLIES CLEAR THE ROAD. RE-ENFORCED MESSAGES PPV0.',1 TO 50,000 AEN PEKIN. Van rs tun Taken After .Sharp Rght on onday. - CI1AFFEB HAS SIXTY CASUAL- nib. Allies to lie Strenithern tutor Hlnlsm 5till RcfllCC Resuming narch on Pklo I . Accent V"art f .1 Tientsin. m Hardly less impoMant thao" Ccn to inryocodr- it REUEP ARMY S 10 ULD ua was a Chaffee's dispatch . Ths capture of Wuun. the ob- P1 of Y.rgts jective pourt of the international for- Fn ro wco. icx.-w. -.a ces, was the supreme news of impor- f .mmnd 00 thc 1? W I . . .1. . . nr. . 1 !, m tance received yesterday on the Chi- iU c w" ou w J1r ,ta U4a I ".m oese situation. The first word - of mittcd ri e. lus rrtr.vrvj tht t.r t:tx? stating that the intern aiiotul army I tuc rrace bene ia crrhtt lom H would total 50,000 men 00 August a 5 1 Pichoa, the French tzl<ixt atTcl s. at which lime the real advance fin I u iiar!i!aJ.txlaT. Acrvii Pekin would brgio. Gen. Teraocbtj'j Pea In Cat oo h'r jirtu: stated that on the 4th, when It aj The dptoeaatic tiom lit forwarded, tke advance had not jrt jbetrn Icftard ty tit CH&rx begun. This was at firat iocompre-1 crtocnt lhal tW powrra hart rraJ- AugustjS, Yangstun captured to-hensiblet in view of the fict thai JJ lcmarxicd ocr eetmxtcjf tttxa Pckia fkier ccot. tad br uUv . m. m . rir-r- wr wMirwt i&4 u a cut. - tional force would total 1 0.000. rac We f are rnoocairJ t ft- t: a, " 1 - -. W this capture, effected bat Monday, came in a brief dispatch to the Sig nal Office at the War Department from CoL Scriven, the signal office at Chefoo, saytDg: - Chefoo, Aug. 9. Signals, Washington. . C y rs r rs r , ' r I, v.. ... "1 I r , t of j c o p 1 c . ;vc ihlr. t - ..... i , pircr.it j- 1 ' .! I ' . . . . r . , i " - I ...... w. j I r:r r"; - it r.:c::: :y ' .i f.r t;.:n to his c . r : . 1 tipcn - - ' i .... 1 - 1 day.-Wire us. Need own transport- fighting has actuaHy occrtd. Lut' aUon. All well. . SCRIVEN. . . , , , , ,v , r ' . the later statement that the iotcrn- i Half an hour after thU message a force would total $0,000. rrx cablegram came from Gen. Chance, on the !th appears to make dear giving additioaal deuils of the cap. Ceo. Terauchl's meaning aad rtcon- rr.:lc5 thc hi!r hn.:1 v . T .1 it grov Ic.-r. It thick x.-.J Clo ture, and showing that it had been at the cost of about sixty casualties tnong the American troop. Ceo. Chaffee's dispatch is as follows: cile rs. hwith Geo. Chaffee's d'upatth Yargtsun, Aug 6, 1900, Ytngtsun occupied ta day. Wouno- j 000 u follow on the 15th. ed. Second Lhutenant Frank R.1 makes ckar the meaninr of The present movement of some t6 000 men doubtless is vkrd in thr light of a rtconooiicance In force, lh roaic movement of the army of 50, ThU Ccn. Lhaffee's dispatch that Yaungtaua was the objective point. Thc war Dc potts wixhcrS b.:qpJocj traca 00 foTtraur-rots, to Vxa rr km tl "I show!J tciaret 'ooa e K4 depart fr&o Pta torcrt cocausg la ccr tcKxtx thcH K of sciSocs! avsKtr ta ia9t U I V ti!r arvt ritkir rl :,ti V . ..4 I - V (A cc!:r id rny hr!r. J ill the dirt, rich czl.r 74 no Ion ccr r.ccd cff. tkat ii jc-f J-: C'J c- if . f ere ycur tir. wua i3il : tiJUrra, aad . .... w care vo o .rurtacrtu. la try case, a Chides tacort slocU asc l y-niKlfrrd. I tot that ey cyrf ! No. I. date4 AarU Lxt bctrai i2o,ooo Qerman Soldiers : Yeinn tecr. Long, Ninth In! antty, moderate. Ca viaiucs, www ity tucn mum i . . . . t. .... . i (miiuitui ucic tuis ma .wnsucrai4j m cmi iau LmTTT LSQua- Infantry. Fourteenth U. S. Infantry, J py over this st temmt of aa ob- native Chriit:aaK wboca w cx and iiattery l-t a-itth u. b. Artillery, jective point tar short of Pekin. Ii Nearly all from Fourteenth Infantry, would appear,' however, from Geo. Names later. Many men prostrated Teraucha's dispatch that the first forte heaitand fatigue. , sLllAYFEYL of 16,000 men ha ting opened up meaning or' -ma' victory. communications to Yaungtssa I hrotirht frtrwaril iiinr!i n4 rtfiwl nittmlf.l rt. r.i ii- j t ...I " -I . Yanrtsnn means an advance ci el?h-1 .... . . . . - ' . . . . 1 wouia men dc clear lor the adrascc teen males towards Itaun, or a Utile ... . . ... . ..u mean?, too, that tlfe combined armies 1. a ma mam. 4. Vt .a a! .imrti.. m Ms4 , i, 1UVC uuw a ar- u& auuua&9 av.a la. m " l YOU mar a in er-rt f r tan a Imand both the railroad and the Pri- stram erginc without water as lo h River. But the news of the vto I find an active enerrettc man with s Irrcoered ult tcir rrajaffts-w Hrrtl erf. a. t-wa. V. .. I i. a . 1 a a ", . ta ( f " 1 ad.i.Hia aa , - - ..... I a 14-1 i ...,...a.Mv a 1 .J uT laws QiimiarfV V ." f V a V I J . 1 " . I'., a-l t 1 1 - I t" ' m. A 1 J - a !. av 1 a aV4htMb, g ' j a ( ! - The dU patch trrtrrj to fichoo ha t net rracLJ ih fortt'ra cce. 17 W- Frrach CENTRAL HOTEL. AsUtf. J. 1L livi: a mala AT V A.S. $To TACstCS. rTUa, Arg.-TW gyVTa?-rat hat t. a .j Iti iilt KTTi:", CI tl t Hj0 Vr J ras'axTS to trtTrf. tV- tcrlcf ti-t 1 :. Uitt t-a trrj a" t . m nonsense. Why, the country was on : a silver standard from 1 782 up to 1873 when silver was demonetized. In all Nob polk &arouna train No. io at Ahoske I those Years there were but five finan- ior Norfolk. Traia No. x makes direct connection I . . - - aai ht V4T A a W rt . t . a. 1 uta Norfolk tAouHno.gjreai ciai panics " in 1073 mere was me J.W.BRANNIN G,C.E. El BANNING worst panic the county ever - knew, . ' . - and they recur every five years now M. C. HINSHAW, . . .rai.;n -o-ulaTitv. We are not Oaitoral FralKht & passencar Acnt. 7 . . . . on a gold sianoara, - mougn uie iaw TH A PP A TC'P 1 INF savs we are. We are on a greenback pasis aim uuuuii j ciac. x 11c unjucjr w : the country is paper, and if the paper were taken out of circulation and gold substituted there would be a howl that would be heard around the world. No I one wants gold. : The ; silver certifi i cates guarantee that the government will make good the amount, and they also declare that the amount in silver is deposited in the United States Treasury with which to redeem the notes. . . - Berlin Aug. 9th. The number of volunteers from the army reserves who have signified their willingness to ra - - I - o. o dangers of the silver standards is rank 1 to China is said to 1 20,000. From this number it is understood that a corps not exceeding 20,000 will be formed. A portion of the corps will leave within a fort night, or as soon as the cabinet meeting call for tomor row shall have given consent to the project. - i . U.S. Mail Steamers To all Points North East & West. .............5:45 p 6:45 p. m. Lv. Norfolk, Jackson St., Lv. Old Point Comfort. . Ar. -Baltimore, Pie I9i Light St.. --7 a. m. I BV& O. R. R. P. R. R- Lv. Baltimore....... Ar. Philadelphia... Ar. New York..... .......7:5Sa- .....IO-.15 a- m- .....12:35 p. m. -. 8:00 a. m. 10:15 V 13:43 p. m- Steam ers leave daily except Sunday. For stateroOHta and any information can at. Norfolk Ticket Office, Main and Granby Street. . , - Phones na. - t. T, LAMB", Ces. Act. W. B. BROWN I r Pass. At.: A rtooster DevU Fish RAILROAD CONDENSED SCHEDULE Dated' May 27tb, I8W. No. No.- No. No. t3 49 Stations. 48. t P. M. A. M. ; h V K A- M. a 30 , 9 !a l.v,NorfalkrAr. ,5 55 10 25 1 40 9 23 Piuneis Point. 5 30 10 03 J 3 9 f.i.Uv-i'Lr8 ?'' -5 5 9 34 1 17 iocs ....Suffolk... 4 5 9 19 lj i 35 ...... Gate.". ; 4 ao 8 42 415 1050 .b... .Tunis.... - 400 823 4 3 11 06 Ahoskie.... 3 41 8 05 4 S3 11 21 ..Aulauder.... 3 27 8 50 5 35 12 00 - VwHobrood.... 2 53 7 c8 os is 21- Ar.TarboreLv. s .31 6 46 - - Ar. ' " Lv. - ; -3$ i js 50 . Rocky, Moant. 155 '6,37 " 1 1" 1 " 1 ' !" Destroying its victim, is a type fo Constipation.' The power of this murderous malady is felt on ... organs and nerves and muscles and brain There's no health till it's overcome. But Dr. King's New Life Pills are a safe and certain cure. Best in the FRE- BLOOD CURE. Aa offer WovUlatf faith U Is your Blood Pure? Are yon ' sure of it? Do cuts or scratches heal slowly Does yourskin itch or burn? Have you Pimples? Eruptions? Foul Breath Catarrah? Are you pale? If so purify your Blood at once with B. B. B (Botanic Blood Balm). It makes the Blood Pure and . Rich, heals every sore and gives a clear, sooth, healthy skin. Deep-seated cases like ulcers. cancer, eatinsr sores, - Painful' .Swell ings, Blood Poison are quickly cured for al tory was welcomed all the more Joy- torpid firtr and you may know his cw Erst sccrturr tl lU Craaa . v . . &'Zh? K'hIm r-- - State and War Departments because eali0StOfleo h Udcbc and . it u lelt.that its moral eflect optinu:- tornetimes diziiness. A few doso I mTU French Ixratksa bOLAg, si te officials were even disposed to be j of Chamberlain's Stomach and Lira I thovh half draJroytd by fLe Ccarr a. lieve that betore long a white flag , ot iCU w,u yvatore cm uver 10 ii i 0-jy t, tci to (U '..I normal funrtlnns rvAwr a-I'tT.r I . truce would De displayed irom tne r . ' I ben ol the French Ltma. koin - - 11 nritwa ri a . m m. m . v a - m - - - a . - walls of Pekin. rt u .. I alind rood beahh. hot aJaa ta . I 1 Hl a Ul ar IU1U, X I KC. ItUVU, I a It will be remembered that, accord- Samples free al J. J. Mardre ic trot om!n ct the s Asstrisn . Lr- JcJ mg to the (uspatch from Sir Claud I store. Macdonald some time ago, the cap ture of Tientsin by the allied forces led to an immediate change in the at- L. F. PERCE. Arrr.t L th DEAD IXTTTJt UST. ho socjht rr:- r thert a.'rtr the ' Ciarlete deatnaako cl their cva 1 vowing. ; The j Frtsca . : Lttsjom I bul-ilr.g t surrtHCsdeil by r-aaxra." H err TZom dors not exstioi Ct titude of the Chinese government .to- Utcn q po$t WJto- ward the imprisoned foreigners. The n.c. which will be sent to Dead f'r t It Us s;xd that, u firing upon the legations ceased and Letter Office from Aug. i it to Sep. I t took nic is the Aastriaa Li the envoys and their families were ul Miss Maiden Thompson. Rira- :on. they are a cm La lU Frtsck supplied with provisions. It is ex- a Poo too, Dasie Persons, Klcn MU- The Ouarx UlaiaUt la ErLa, Las pectedthat the retreating Chinese eil, Lucie MixeU. (two) D. T. CHUra, li Hovaa, txS ttceivrd a dispatch have already told in Pekin the Story Mary Griffin, Hester S. P. Cc field, I biuatiaJ!y klmtcai whiiht aSr-ed of their encounter with the allied im rtond. Pirt R. TUi'lr i rw r I Cru&es-i im nerval tdlti. csltr.!- t forces, a story emphasized by the rj)rum, Mrs, Rachel Powell, Mary J, te coeds! cl tl-r taeUfs ca? th Urge number of dead "and wounded pierce. Lou . Thompson. Yio'.et I fxein legatjacul J to TVetala. " This Chinese. The battle at Peitsang was Green, FJIer Smallwood, Mr. lietjr forwardci la Lvt tcrt :g cUr, an object lesson, but it has been fol- Watson, Jchn W. SaoderUn, (two) it taf rrgxTdeJ bowrrer. at -lowed by another, tvin bore forcible. Errind Smallwood, Nepolion Pieman, mother Chisesa raae. j ' . Unless the Chinese troops are under Mr. Freeman Perrv Ir. liismar Tones, Yicn-a, Acg.J oiThe Utt'r WAVERLEY .tf BICYCLES. RrraL-ra v'c LOCJ15. Salui action O-oxtxt.iccL bv B. B. B.. made especiallv : - - .1 . . . ....... obstinate Blood and skin Troubles! control oi cooi ano courageous om- Walter Hughes, James 11 ill, W. Cl rroeire the f-3L-g frsca Felton, James U- A. voo RoaCxra, s-Kretary c4 the AtsrHsr,;uiaa IvU-io at ficult to get them to make another i calling for the above please say I PtVin. dated Acu 4. SUnd. There are several towns along I advertised. I TTe A uv:ro-l lor-:Ua uuaiiuiLc jjiwvi uu sjviu iiuuukm - t alio aiugiica, J a uca i B. B. B. is different from other rem- cers, which said not to be- the case, Gillam (two) Edward F edies because B. R ,B. draihs the tbe probability U that it will be dlf- Byrum Rcv. J. M. Rice. Poison and Humors out of the Blood - u . ,v ..v.. . ... : . 5 " V and entire system so the symptoms cannot return. Give it a trial. It cures when all else fails. Thoroughly tested for 30 years. Sold ? at drug stores at $1 per large bottle, 6 lare bottles (full treatment) . So suf- 1 frcrs mav test it. a trial bottle piven world for Stomach: Liver, Kidneys j away absolutely free. VWte for it and .Bowels. Only 25 cents at R. CAf!dress BLOOD BALM CO., AtlanU Bazemore s store. I Ga. Write today. Describe trouble MASSACRE IN ARMENIA. Dally." - i tpsihr except Sunday. TratasKo! 49 atid Votid.trai-isbetweea Pi Point andWiliuinjrton T'jiff jo cob a act at Knrkv Mount with trai i i for aTfnoi t Swith rad No.7o train for all points North. " hmkf atanarar. Sup'i. Trains. LI. Cmcrson, " Csas'raJ Pacssngs Azsnt. - 300 Villagers Put to Death : Orders of Turkish "Commandant. and free medical advice given. II I 111 I I III II I I! YOUNG M EN WANTED. With Fair Education And Good LEARN TELEGRAPHY. Railroad accounting, and typewrit Constantinople, Aug. 9th Advices received from Bitlis. Asiastic Turkey, :n. say that '200 men, women, and child-' --- T-fcai bmXlJLeaansnaS. ren have been massacred in the Ar- ffitastVt? nd! menia village ot apagnanic, in tne AU our graduates are assisted to posi district of Sassun, by troops and tions. Ladies also admitted. Write Kurds under AH Pasha, the comman- for free catalogue. dam cf Bitlis. ' I (Fall term opens August 15th.) He is also said to have ordered the GLOBE TELEGRAPH COLLEGE ... . a Lexington, Kr. village burned. 0 ' 1 1 the road to Pekin where other battles could be fought, but the general im pression among army officers is that the way will not be as stubbonly con tested as was at first thought to be the case. Laa al TIsm Mr. W. S Whedon, Casheir of the First National . Bi: k.. pf Winter set, Iowa, In a recent letter gives some experience wijh a carpenter in his employ, that wili be of value to other mechanics. He says: "I had a car penter working for me who was oblig ed to stop work for several days 00 account of being troubfed with diarr hoea. I mentioned to h:m that had been similarly troubled and that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy had cured me. He bought a botile of it from the druist here and informed me that one dose oured him. and he is arrain at his roik." For sale by J. J. j? tar drst Ero. LEVIST. BOND P. August 1 st 1900. M. ..-t---jr-;p fi p I lend. rg the F;tr,;h l;a:ba, wll UlIUUU till L'-iaLlLb tjcaaa.. Ctalsra V1Zi7. Lssi Ylr exl ntiis4 ,a w . err. 4 wxf c , all c c mill Cmi ti.arra-av A svarr Uaii a a a CD PILLC Uh the archiirs was Lorbed Jcs i. Sbca Juz .ja wt, wch the Frrccfc dctachi&V tivt beea da ikh nze tre. ran ci iis. wit drttr?yrd by talcJs. Wi ?-t'.t the kt'taes U Ca,-. Tboae ai Ihtrr sailors k.:hi, a; 1 1 a a t ; w CT. i fusa rtak f-" to si K taMas aa-1 rast-raa t. i a ,itf is aa4 scpy c4 ox tA rarviU f . ! f rrrr t Cmxcnr i.atu '.TiiiaTc!;!: till 111 r"1 SB m'.'af W-tnl' -aaa an i two sailors atTrrt'j w- 'i. t t a M r l r. V -S.oc Juy tC iU Cl-xi alalia ClillLTONIC; hare rx Uei tcrtrt. TU 1 kit; A . 4. .'.- r.l: . , J I . . W a - .1 4 a Ba 1 I I a I.SlAA.K..al.. 1 PoafJta.'y rraakMl t t - La f TV. rua , UwcavVf iui a. ? r-t " t nut, i . fr-.- a. l.v I- ami -,lin fl II 4 k araii c' i.fa)T tMt I - - a L r I Ii fnn 1 J a but. U f j " ti..-a a to kwrn t L r- - UiJ ciji I v. JfcS t.. .. , .at C. t . t d jet. but t-r.:J tvjw c Late tw fa)- ka ta with t .a t-.f. r -- a at . - till For SaV- t.y Dr. V. S. sor, N C r fails i: r - . . . - a w I. h. V