X3We Duplicate the Prices and Better the Work" than any Primin- House, in North Curc'ir.?.. Thn : ; 1 1? -? tingat home Send us your orders. Patronize home industry. If you are in nc:J oT envelope, pips hill hzili. a.ny'.v. tk ' inS gjo a.bpok; let us know and we will satisfy you in every particuhr or refund your menry. Give us cur order. 1 r "i i YOU La. Xl v vJL. uMiCv S i LEDGEWifc WE Will Send it A' A -1 5 I "MiH !" JMNSU' h A 1 ' - ' v i ! U TT fi i 1 f x Jf JU Twelve Months for ONEDdr - V : i-.." iJl M,J-. OUUiia ' , o Six Months? 50Cents.-a.f'v:r . ? , - . 1 - t -w- i- w: r, i '. . i - - 1 - .1 . . . . . . . w aaaa. z ;. a,,T - ' - - V k WINDSOR, N. C.,THUBSD7i' jCSPTEr.lBEB 6 1900 ; 1 - ' - -.- s .-.,, r ..TiT r 1 - - - NO 73- for Nothing Ommmm kaw .eomplatsd prlnttn our Catalog?. No. . of verrthfaw to i nu nun. jLaca COD m4.1 ciiUU atafflpa to halp r ". twu mmy aaav CU Jni In IV . It rfaulrad 7 w- 4 J 7 J f W 1 f y X f f f M . i artul- cctaiacM. which eo.' law y paaa,aiz I9ttx4. h , over i ww i tna ordinary amT you cmk. o - mvvrytblag tmia mi qtotaa wataaai oncas m conauman. rwr' poaaaa- aiMroDuy M "Toa can think of that tlit book doea not contain. . ccpun io- Boats.- W TUOt IJt Ani. u. woman or wears, all kind tfootLuV.Mirvkhlii th hacM. fovtka a hotel, lor w oi&c.for varv kiiA. miMute. - ' " rmMw. a , - - w liiuKrauooa and qnotaji fniEcWMOLE THINQ. :! : lire; together as husband and out snouirt con&ne theif" raiterlai ti -". . v " - ' "rrJ liuuns w , urging me woman Who causes all the croos to crow? S v " McKinlev. . ' . pointmenfc aVabove mentioned Who makes the seasons come and ! petitioner'a vers that this agreement Who5 shapes the curreuTof eventsK ' I' Mrs. Turned represents that.:, she Who regulates the elements? .'came here from Xema.Ohio, and met Who takes the place of Provulenct? ;Mr .Turner, who is a r.ephew of Sen .1 . .,. . . i f .'- wife. CT. ,"r,T7;; r " rj-?" I .4th.Toproiub;l. the . ep!oyttnt tj J5T , t . n, ; pi cr-Uua o( imnittur e a ciitn- '' 1 -I "iSTRONGrSTAND. !",UIin: '- - - r IOC .1 - y w ? 'f - .u n .-t.tr. v r-- Cetter School fcni;ulscry At- A tV, : tendcnceand ncfcrnutcry. j4 hieath of i-jvcrnor KUs Ctr, s :- . . i frci:dc'nt of Sute All I ace, i'o i evo lution thinking ITrtUenf Wiatoa McKjnlct, , , 4 - ator Turner.of WasMnffton. while At I PHIQI KT1 1DP I IDHPn jj . I I - w a a. a v waxvia-"L tirtL i .'".......... . . ' . fhn f onit.1 Vk. lun .. It.. .C .. I j - . wnen itis aryf r-K-- -.c w... THE5E REFORMS f lhe A and ,C. Confer , McKinW:v-: '- -,Cooitmsiloner PeJc had decided, a- f r 1 flcP r.V11' : 1 ' , WhoshapescmandUasupply? garisKpointing any youne women - ' '-' . Ctllent addres before th bo-ly. too -1-WcKihlfyi. v-r, xhc Officers E!eieJlIChr: Lk!:a I i f.e.npK anJ tndorminj thcS-H! W ho caused Uio li-dtaivfaiuine,!!!.. ' .- ,. - -' c . ' ? .r. . , JiSI 1: wedto toat . that ( JjTrade -WlnIlIUar :. ?? oortiaa policy, and an ap- RHAL FUNNY. Vcsia east alwjjt trU W rki .! tbey bvr. - . . Vka a fn 'UatMti t w 'i f ; tl Oiao rtakfortw&rt, tit fr r-.! My Lc It j Jt Whr a, ga::oire 2aca tUi -.ai i i t--f. Iri ia Wit. AI;-.il a tt :-t T - tltSvjS t-t;c-,'.:-a !- K" '. r;a t c4 t i-r -wa, ta .J I it.) McaCmtey. Poon A!l!ac,' PreT ft6 be raarried and 'obtain a poiikn I'f'j! atey. w -undefber- husband's name, r She sa) ? ' . . r . 1- ! . h-talAti.ij -T...5.J. 'it ..1- . ..l 'eht and - Putun . Who gives the people industry? V . ' JU r V. M rt " McKinlev., - oa 1 ,e suoje.ct, whereupon, her tlccla WhoLinakt.!! ttif. vvorltl'.i nrnsneritv? pomtihj; coramilltc to cor.ftf .x .a at aV t toe a. ana aaxM?ritc about the cducalioa t tli coilc jr yl practical in. thcurctJCil faiuxraJ '' rrrtidcot Graham was detained at ucaa jtj. tivrax tkit tWy tW rrrry j...tU fere uiiua a fcaiaU. . r. .. r la t : if , I , . I Cf, ration 'vefsMr. Turner offered Mo , r ,uarry nVnU tm,snVSUCWeU 10 KdUor Poeof IU Progressive Fir- sLbome by illnes. U hi. fmlly. TW " , ner puroosi. - UJtn Detore and "a I let D?.1W1 -LiDAVIS 'ground. ' ! And then got'ouf and scratched - round rher and J. W. Denmark to day re-1 AHiancr will put adii(knal lecturer a- Consulting ff<mXJ . Alt rrttra o4 rcfrectlon scicntmcallT corrected W. R. JOHNSON " ATTORNEY-ATrLAW,1 ; Windsor, nIc. ; ' - A . 7 PracUc la mli Cmirt. - . - - x - -w . ist-laas Watch repairai. Oot&s and Jewelry and all kinds of : spectacles and Eylassesr fox R. W. . H ALISH, Cxprt W. t-atfcaat Main St, next door to store. A. Cuh Paid For Old Gold and Silver. Mrs. Barrett's W IND S O R. N. C : TIM 1 IidIiiiiUiuiI PASSENQER TRAIN t i Till Cripple Creek and jomewere Uound! . : ; McKinley. Who sailed into Manila Bay? McKinley. Who sunkCervera's fleet? one . day w l V McKinley; Whotoughtsagainst the war, then came J ; -v. - At a late hour into the. game, And took for glory for the same? .. , . McKinley. Who is the source . of every good? . "McKinley." Who wants that fully understood? ; j - Aicjsoniey. If any benefit befall " Somewhere upon this mundane ' balL Who is the creature sleek and small That has the monumental gall . , To claim tha credit for it all? j McKinley. ! Denver Ne ws. .1.' I luc rarriage ceremony, sne auege turned from HiUbsboro. where they in the hU snd ho to Mrr 1 urner assured her it was rncver attendfd"tKe foUftri anfmal "session membership dcrin this year. ..aaiwuuuHuicuici uua w"jufi ot the North Carolina Farmers Ai. i Tbe Alliance al decided r ? 1 Fruaa tt pcisl ci tkv tl W f.rw 1 r;! ytj; swihof ir r: itl tioft it 00 the tlcxt.r. C yo U-m&c a yaur; m.n I . ratirg rctt br Li iurt tti double the hU c&JUrs sad tfxkikt. ! The. dJTerract lutartt-a frac.k sod tbeory. lithe d;-crt U:(i.( to cucr a man who Wars to iLa ad tl-r - a 4 aa A m- a aaa 1 aj tu trjjt.; . 1 a frpf. 1 Tt relations with her and has faithfully liince. The attendance was larger U number el rxctmums for arricvh kept his word. Finally says the pe- for thc tw0 ytm t dUpliys t the Sute Fair, ia Od tition neither has ever Dubliclv . ac-1 i.s ? I knowledge, the relationship . existing o'clock. The'folloti ittz officeTS Were ! Editor Poe oi the. Picirasair Far. I A. il I ..... - I .....l . I 1 ociwecu mem, 1 elected: W. A. Crahim trUnt. aner. when aikd abot.t th rv.n i rt u t-r taoct c .tvtt? ' LT. Paschal vice president: T. 1L iod future of the order, said: -I thaa a Ut-rat4 kihai, mji I Parker, icrrtarv aA ttmwn Prrf. I r tr trier tn ' tK tnllt Vlth liaasrk V'awicrrr, jia c-m SMOriMk- Jno Graham and J. W. Denmark were Alliance oSciala, as tuck soatim are 4 ht lu brt du There is but one small thnace to I elected on execntire committee. . . oot coniidertd in their aeWctioa. but 1 , Ttm , ! - . ; (.tu.i i:r j .t. .1. u I -.. . I . I r" "V t " 1 ; -an 01 tne machinery m tne ,sooe 10 snow tne laiwij of the rrefodkt w . iUuniat kix be a t? oneration" vai th :. awful nrnnrtl - - . . - l " . .... I- . ntxi Cr-c Yts i boi caa ae Us rxw thsa lhe sm case of stomach trouble and yellow I the 'order showed a gain of tpco tnd assistaat kcturtr are all lul!kent-1 x;t Gtxiiy fra; jaundice. He didn't count .on. the over two rears ago and ft, over (al Democraiic faraera, .wte the lastyearrai.balatrced after' pa rtmainin2 c2ke .reXIkd by wLV to cure stomach and liver 'troubles, but she heard of it, took seven bot.n5Pei.:i0f 5 lhc re ,rKe farmers, and ed oca ton, U TosacylVp, whal's a sttr rix elr -i L. : a- : leao; a ir jajrx, icy ASPIRANTS FOR SENATORIAL ; - HONORS.- 1 ; : ties, was wholly cured, avoided : sur- passed was one thanking the pre kwging to other parttca or dooc. The . . . - , 1 geon's knife, now wtighew more -and oj the State for publishiag the addrts prt)udice against the Alance U rs -. T rJ cs feeb better than ever. It's posiUdve. by s Messrs Graham; - Paiktr, Illy djinj out and the octVock fo, " f "! lU - LynlKwS.:?W Mitchall-SeawelUnd Flcin- ceoBolutlw ts very' Ul fc t wast 1 exaa ia ttU,'t cl t and Kidney troubles and never disap- . J.Jt ' .. a . i . - . ia. . . Price eoe at R C -Raze-i cgiaing mc ansa ana oocri 1 ocxiix, ropuusu, rroiuouoiijis a 00 I - - j Nokth. TlMCfTABLC No. til 3Southi mnrseu car i. WflBaiiafftolKWTfA UlIW I wrti was a sejbrntatavelniConCT No. S-A aoam SSat - SdMate tar ' United States . i 1 , j ouuih. 1 uuuobu i.ai ' j t- r - rFEcTlve -27-. ia-tIO-",t f e'' -r Tttsaaaie three can di- Butien v so . Lt... .t '.' r'; nncratie state 7S VA: --a .Bolljr vojre 7 30 -,-HrWaBwaavli3;5 points. mo re's store. RICHARD BRYAN of the Alliance and inauguratipg I Republicans attended the Stale wccv jd the firattstdkU ajtxablct .t T -T ... .1 more profitable system of farming mg, all worked in harawy aad de"T T sy. rwcl Caal CROKER SAYS and protecting the agricultural inter- voted thcmjelsts ta W ncv!:rtMT.l bavtji ht thsr lic, 1x7! W1LL.WIN - ests. The address was highly., verHand educational lines alor.g which the h1 ": arrrt-rrst wtr. x J dorsed bjthebody I AHiance wiUwotk, and aH wiU atatUt a da lh wk ta tch a wj to affWJi"" n w.j r-.ttotTyujcj a rati. re-OftnuaLa air. tiuuLcr ' asaxu. -va 1 ....... . vtvereas, tne ixoru uaronni T . an a a j . w- mw rrv M in. n n : : c , -.-.1.. - a.v 1 . . j iL 4 , ' , . from the time of its foundation the I . . . . . . . r " .r1 7ll"lu . Tr whereas there is now imperative oe- widow the brate General Burnham -TIit plrv-r aja4.d:j . We take ccr chc at; . But pkatorr't lood caleg 'V&waa dsty'i taaU -nice. 1 lb 4 n c rcr ton? ' f Have hifr that It ' stubborn ( ir.d dull. A It -tron! : r o v . t .a w - want reason? Hilr needs z'.? V 4 . w t I.t.cj. Tic rc;:. rr t W . ., half loses ill INS IST. It look t dead. Stcr. "i '.i aril xtrr.D;t lr.;:u::! J.i on sach hair. 1 1 f IN thc hair kulbt, T.c i efcci la si:cr.!tb:.-.-. Yccr hair S cczici th.clcr, ar.i t'.l '"( 4 dirdr-.7 Is rtr:7Tri. ' 0 Ari tbc original ) r j cc;cr c four years they will form - t trust a- mong themselves. ',. There is a" good deal of talk to that effect, and ' then n?ortrA. 1 "i ; frian racr what will happen? " : j.. I" Jl M T C -"X I ?mW? tW- .V-r The trust would riise the price of 4 45 p 1 To these Tnayrbe- awei-vovernor a- Daily jfcxeept Sunday. Fi.statioo. L Thomas JJarvis, vhoXaaih;;,pt wSIiNlSSeW aandidate:! The dtce of " the J .W.D ft AN N I NG,C.e:BRAN NING Democratic party will be determined 7!f- v3D?Ttr;MaBager- bf aprinfat?eld the State 6th of November next. The TtlltW rVvrw XriBSAPEAKE LINE. l?3fK6 U. S. lau steamers , ' .V.? rrl 3fli . , The. Waahinjtoo tlses Icracy sswa p the gtod rr aha which wnJJ f-- :ro alij Points North East & West, lL. Norfolk, Jackson at.... ti,. Old Foint Comf ort ...... . Mr. Balti-aore, Pier 19, Light t. B.&O. R. R- Xw, KaUtnaa... 75S a- Ar. riladHa4ua.. 10:15 a. m. Ar. Stow VoA ...... 13:35 p. m. i A MARIAGE OF CONVENIENCE ., " ., I1 Washington, August '28.-Attor- tleys, for' Mrs. Vonnie Knowles' Tur ner have prepared-a- declaration . ,n v 8:00 a. m. t her name asking for a ' divorce.r .from 10:15a.m. Wvi-iil waiter r . turner uii ratucr uuiu grounds .:lly herwn statejnent her. marnase was a matter ot convenieiicc ...5:45 p- ...6:45 p. m. ...7:00 a. m. P, R. R. 12:43 p. m. 'Steam Seawe daily except Sunday. , w .1 aami anil anv information call at. Norfolk ?iefe(3f ficeMain and Granby Streets, Atid MZS contracted SO- that i ' . . ' v; ;iiwB.BROWN she might be made a member of; one E.T. LAMB --:-wJKB KVJ . - .V . ... M;.J ceisity for greater school advantages H.Wfhias, Me whew th doctor. ithia the border of North Carolina 1 M- c 11. mho 2 than ever before. Now be it, . tindfd hr rtut frful nk -AU Resolved, .That the Leelalatuxe of I thought she wouki- aooct he' fioea . , 1) I North Carolina be and hereby is, pe- Inoemonia, but she begged foe Dr. goods' to Wit itS.j own. interests. It.... . . , . Klrg's New Dtjcortry, sajiniT U had . :.r m. I 1 j- .w - -. " I r a. . . J would havtf - corapcuuuu. iuc . ; .JT.i j. W core mtoj pct uic, iJ ..TJ.....h1ret0ro. and To, evy a special tax, ttder j her of Cotisrtion. After T : -T.:... Arucle 9, Sec 3. of the State Const, taree small doses she slept txult & WnCrC WOUIU IflC 4,"r I fr-tiMn tHTlunt In rtt " vate rwiWJr I i-klr nrt Iu frfW 'ttf.riri)t L . w a , I M-w aWMaW - W- a 1 WT I t tCilO H a - A a' - -S Laa M ! a. ai m I - - - aaa. avJ . 1 cure aU Throat I JUJora ts txcci wry ia -a txLock- isease. Only tec lea d the gratr! gottrsRcat aad a bottle free at R. U wv.k U t'ri la th sum.tuiEcieBtliuiemore'a store- - . . l ,.- tt . t a. - U"' ' . II.... , - ... 1. - . . f If. IUa4MB-i . SUte Univeri ; . ..a rllf,i;.Ctrwv to get another . H. Think of the enormity of the eyil t - state of affairs would ,ring .about, , . aDWopriation . to It would not be sohere alone, -but all . t . : over the country,' and 1 this is st j tobeofferedteVerf white stu- aa uInS l toolbcr Ut!c tAU'Bt Preheat and coeirrta, . -W. "- . -. .l -n aT l-. Wl w what the people are awakeniug to. dcnt ln North Carolina. They realize the danger and they are T fuch .bws . ffoini to avoid it this year, as sure . . ,u r. kn .1t na Krvin and S even&OO. . 1lc XY!r.- ; : .VM.n the cf 1 and . rnrA . a tnipv in mT i - i ncyet. .r". y life.'! " . r 1 Gn. Ast Pass.Agt. .rnntniif ntn; hut raL ltvi iu a h S, a RAILROAD .111 ! nr. CCONDEtiSED SCHEDULE J)ated i May 27th, f of the Pans Exposition board ot a wards.. Her present action, it is al legedis due o her failurV; to"obtaiu thelposkioiut When thfey werje mar riedin" Alexandria in March last, s it was agreed between. themr according to Mrs-'Turpefi that they.shquld pot . A"rrca J rr.u "ha v.xm When I wis la Ala let-Bains Ula rrpibJic , ' ' ,,. I summer, I saw a stout Certain wocv j jr Coif.Ur ioa w ZS gsWra bah the' pnblic schools. v: M :- Via ;t! : ': No. No. f -S1 STATIONa. '48. tio ! 1 3 , J '7. .4 53- - tit 9 5 to OS jo SS 10 so'- Vit o5 It a 12 00 U ai Lv.Norfolk.Ar. riuuetiL Point. ...Drivers..,. PM.vatea. wi ;,..Tnnis... 4,. Aboskie... .Aulander.'..; . .Hobeood... jrffarboroL- ia 5 P. M- Ar. ' lv. Rock y Monm 5 55 5 30 5 5 4 5 4 4 00 : 3 41 : a 7 ,a 53 a 31 1" 55 p; m. ; j 7or Infants a&d Childre?-:: aaav 10 03 , 9 34 8 50 7 OS 6 Daily: Trains No, trjttily fezcept Sundairi Md'"4S"'isbUd;lraHi.bewe'f(Pi i facta M-ov oathaado. i ft . rjirScnPttL 44 1 - Tbs law noias doio maa,cj uu culdtor of f a Coimterfeat equally guilty Th HoalpT who .-selLs.vou, a I danger rcneVrttrntrfeitfefDeWitrS WUCU I Hazel baiven-isics youx uw -t" H,"r:L Unwactaaary La Tlaao MA VVl,S Whedon,1 Casheir of hit First National Bar k; of Winterset, Iowa, in a recent letter gives come experience wijh - a carpenter-in his employ; that wili bcof value to. other mechanics. . ' He says: "I had a car- i nenter workins for me whowas obligr V 1 1 ed to stop work for several - days on account of being .trouDia, wiui ourT-f.- . T mentioned to . h!m" that' J hart fwWsimflarlv troub(ed and thai Chamberlain's. Colic, Cholera . and Diarrhoea "Remed y had t cured mC. Hfrbought a botlte of t H from the druggist here and informed roe thai one dose ured hinV, and he is again I at his woik., For sale by J. J. Mar. dre& Bro. - v 4 -ij6 37 A M., ,?erointnd WUotintoit,t nacttat -Rocky Mount with trai 1 7i fc apo?- s :lSkVad7trBMAi pnt- ryttaj,.?,,- INLKV. - t - : v FRE- BLOOD CURE. A nw RrovUlaig Uitk U SwtWcart, from an enormous pCt of -, plaUa." I thought at brst sne was camog or doing something I that kind, but at J tne meal progTetseu ana tne p &e '5 P00 1 came oo less I msde . Inquiry trd found out that sla . wj eittcbci nearsighted, and U f-I U Ult . . - .-.- exactly 10 In number wis net t I .r.- V.- rul rt'a vnrinf al nt ' tl would come within bar raaje i vtsioot :x ciriy i;:c 1 rctrcrrd to fxicd c: Cray hair. This Is lUiyt the catc. MMSa. AatWx ( 4 a ra r. ' aa a tar4 M ia if an tm a I a.-. a.-c o4 - a miwi in n 4 at ta tarn 9 tvsvi 4 y 1 '. 1. L, F. PIERCE. Arrrtf?thx WAVERLEY ' BICYCLES. - -. a i a . - i Does yourskin itch . or burn? Hart Dutches of Sleswtck-IIolf.ein. tou Piraplcs? Eruptions? Fui Ereaiii In luly they do not ute ghtt ia tt Catarrah? Are yorulc? If so purify I windows on accent" of the cipense your Blood at once with & B. B j . rf it Uh ood lor X'.r harf The rh.I pjlx s " wCl ;M r;. fL Caha wul be tusrd 'o-rf is the 3U ; . . ...... Porto Rico wul be rrtxtd izut a rrtritorr. " . The war taxet wl3 Le abcLihII 1 'The tnnt w?J be rrrw: t J 'Tie Nkara fas al tklU k"3 and watd by the Uftlii Si i tea, . Tr- thiatas is oce w.l b df irea it, fed. : t . ILaaailta and aS it Mtbd ts go - act mI r. nuJ T,1 ta .V.. . . i, l a.t 1 material. . Jo, oruer . to . rt.tcre i Blood ruie ana ixicn. ncaia crrrji . ' . a x sore and gives a ckar, sooth, heaUhy monotony, i i uproar, irvry c kln.' Dtfeo-seated cases like ' ulcers. I habit cl ralniins houtehoU cancer, eatinf? aorci, Piioful : SweIl-loa "ikei blank pactf. Ia oae wla ings. Blood Poison art quickly cured djw Q9 4lU M J ftU cKip tttl.rt I fctC-c sU tt trtt oa ri obstinate Blood and skin -Troubles! 0" . . v - ' . -r--. . .2 b'. v. . i - rr t . . i. I mn i a dAinff tin trr dul lura.arri - - Deuro-teiUa iktiei. It a tv Cocuirwtaca. TL- , tvWTt cl XXt an a ffff f's'y " . '.IT. edies becauae B. B. B. draiha, tl iljo other Ktrts-otarra taoreal&iij rcuioa hdu vm vW .pj j utmij cr.ajac.cr, wbu a it.: nnrl ntir Bv&tcta so the ivmttom . f - 1 V cannot return. Give It a' truL It j,. t n fan. nuimw.Hi - I Athens ocday I wrat out Ja aa. -.rl X c riaal w oil a ftw. i . . . ..4. . . . 1 ta aoatu a i ... trust him. t uevvut s is i ?. ""t'o i.Ll aTV- ferers uineandoriginaliWc&iiazei; ' iLPVTwa . Vs. I UwaV a well knbwn cure for TVe?;:fff ItiSrA skm diseases. JSee' tJiat.ypw . s.- a. ri-f-5-rtrr.r5 v cmt 5 drachma rote ia payraett, aruij J- I n.rM rV.n T1 fai!i Thorouf'hh t-a, bJi " "- - - " ... .a . t. tested for 30 years. Sold at drug buy sometamg or stbtes-atSi'perllrge botue,.t 1 (foil trcatiaent) 15. bo .aui may test it. a trial bottle" gl-en abio! i:dy free. Wr te for u r'ess BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta rite ' todav. Inscribe trouble L,t Df. Ki-i'a New LL'e f t ar aa!c Sad cUl catt. u Vc St-iiax! rr, : ' e ana a - r - . 1 , IV a1 Kri'-n: LfJCHi f 1 v WQ( 1 . J CttltL TON I C - Ti av 1 n r - 4 sod r-7wt!s, Oly aj crt: t! JL C, i 1 " P-ai ccaort's aiice. " I y r : and free medkat advice given. .wasnt ; u. 'e w Vc'tk. Tn V' c." ia odr to male char't''thr 1 siort- . .. - ,1 s. ...-fa "Jt 1 -! " trnr tore rt cea::r ta la Irvi re-i waurn l- 1 , 1 , - - T x tumcJ cner.a!! 'to tr.e. la . , .aft wr a 7 n; va 1 jrl 1 I 4 a a- rl. .". T r 4.. i a. .A 4 . M S. 1 ... i v - i ; , . . - U lf- T"'c,,c",r!1; 1&-Keeter t r: - i MMttMHry!. .....y i. ' .a