;S- ., .... . j. .jt. j . J . Borrowing Y&j br LEDGER! j "V7fi Vftn Send . St t ;. - V YO J Twelve Months for ONE Doll - "" "-!" v 1 ' - -"-- ViVii t in it i i wwi in'-nir-nwj.it. (i fcfw."i , . . - I ' "" "! - -Wo .VPpplicMfr th0 frlcei and peitcr Vprk11 thin fcny IMmiilWpiti Nofth cirplip, 1btn w piYieJZlf PfnW: - WffUoipc, hewj ,u your orders,- Patronlie homcj industry. If yuyri In.nssd of anvtjtops. "paper, bill htsAh unyp.ln fjn K ir.ip- JI ii 1 1 PJ.iff-JP-A. P9f.fPej.M know and we will ati(y,you in eUi particular, .refund .your money, Give ui ycyr order, i f : i .' J till. Hit. . a x. - "r" " 1 'J ". ' i'V-v v" :v - : ,i ' '' ' " ' .... ... ' f I ti, Y0U , " -y, I t v m I i m ... ..... " j J j ' Vi , Tia X rvulcJ irrta tilt i-i't cr- ,t 4 - LEDGER RITCrr.YO'J t J? VOL. 17i VJINpSORj.NVjClvTHURSDAY,' OCTOBER ; 4 . 1 900 KO.2.9 $ J .25 for Nothing our Our brmM have coutptctcd riiftint 6 al4lufu No. M. ui everytUtus,. t. hjtr. Us txu Wkan. Kth..py tih i crui in stamps tw iwlp M.t4o,,antl you may ucilut't . U- v i crmt from nw Crml friar f l. It riuV 4 7 car if 1.. .1. .... ,.. ii.i -r- ff i i 7.. i Z...T..: " ... i "iT .. .W Th " nnu.u ton.; eAr& . . . talu 4HII iuit .w. Lti.ia f t lUtla itkiui.- .u i:.. X f-jft think uf Bar ceiil. U wr 4V" k.. -tlutw 1 Liim K.k aiiulu ad Witii tt 4M it 1 wi Hy ui :uiu 'faiaKaarHa. 1 ent artklas. - T.if tiWwkj , r.i Bryary Catateffw, u. CUthiaf rriMk;aV Vuiak aj Na v A Adores (Mis vmy : " BALTDrXORiJ IBX 11 s -' 1 . " . W .f T ' . ' v 1 . . . 1 Mill V y f 4 -- , . j'-" f i . ' . v v w 'Up mm . k 1 m 1. a 1 m i- a -J V: V-- ' ' v" ,s v. rv it 1 - V . ; I t. w ' t a ' t S C J A Xra.f 1 t ' I , ?. ' s r ' V ". c ir it ! 1 i tut I - k'lt S t T5? t'il k ii 1 '-J i Lrtt cold, i Unit It-A'-' LL.DA V1S ;o'. . TTWO' at AND J,ts '-'. Ill c Merrv TLJT , Consulting Optician. ) AH errora f rcfrcction scientifically corrected j W. R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY-ATr LAW, WINDSOR, N. C. - Practicst Im all Courts. . ' Special aiUntktM glvea to GoUecUom. First-class Watch repairing, Clocks and Jewelry and alt kinds I of Spectacles and Eye-glasses for i sale R. W. HALISli, Expert Watchauker and . Graduate OpticUa Main St, next door to Mrs. Barrett's y store. Cash Paid For Old Gold and Silver. WINDSOR; N. C; I ME TABLES. WMtes and MeiTyiSill Towii ships will give a big basket pic nic at Merry Hill on Thursday Oct. II, 1900. ; : Etery ; White' man, woman and Child is cor dMly invited to attend, and as any as will, to bring baskets.1 law ... ..... 1.1 Tea t till x V ( i j i ' iy t i 1 i r V, I !l Tlf r.'Mt.rt i ir ) I cit:: If frri. tvii f:c ri ei, lea csa ctn tiri i 1 : Irzlz c'l 15 f? t r RAILROAD. yf PA38ENGERTfiAIN8.' OK no.th. I Ti in r Table No; 2. 'HJ"M'. No. a-A crrCCTIVC-27.199. J No. i-AJ; vl itata - Windsors - Ari-. 6opa Askewsville 5 4 t - . '.. - "i 73 7 5oaai Ar 1 AHOSKIC Bran nino Ar 5 1-V 4UP Q j innnrnnn a-Daily except'Sunday. FUg Station ; . v -'. Train No. a makes direct ronncrtKH wnh;, tn . f4 NoaroLK&.CAa.DLii'iA train No. loa aX KhcmX for Norfolk Train No. i makes dirt fconnertJOB f with HOWOUE CA0HA l 0.103 iron tiim-T - J .W.BRAN N 1 N G.CrE. BR AN NING j M.CrHINSHAWf Oanarkl Fralght paatangjar Agent. CHESAPEAKE LINE. U. S. Mail Steamers To all Voints North; East & West. Lv. Norfolk, Jackson t, 545 P Lv. Old Point Comfort ......6.45 P- nl Ar. Baltimore, Hier 19, Light 8t.........7-oo a. m !! i ... J WilLjaddress the people on the leading Issues of the day. Come one, come all. a. . a. t. 1 I ' aav ta Ji, t tA. ''It? 'mm !F P I, a lHr Aft.-.; In WAVERLEY . J. .... " 1 1 - I V i m mm m ., a " , ,G, . v!L ' r , B. & O. R. R. P. R- R. 1 L. Baltimore........ 7:55 a. m. 8:00 a. m. Ar: PWiladelpbia...... .ao:is a.m. 10:15 Ar. New York...k. w:35 P- ia:43P-- - Steamars leave daily except Sunday.: ; For staterooms and any informalton call at. Norfolk Ticket Office; Main and Granby Streets. ". .. . " Phones - it. 1 W, B. BROWN E. T.LAMB, Gen. A (ft. Pass. Aft. " IllilrCIll .,. RAILROAP' CONDENSED .....SCHEDULE w Dated My 27th, I8W. r ; : No. t"3 r. m. a ao a 4 11 4" 46 4 S3 3 3 6 vo' No.; 49 A..M4 9 oo 9 33- 9 5' I 05 iii' is V3i0'. i-ialar r.'Sf. ' i ' - P. M Stations. Uv.NorfolkAr. pmner roin. iDnversi... .Saffolk ....Gates i..rnnis... iAhoskie... UAulander.t.- i.HolMttoa'iv', AiTarbLy No. 48- P. M.- S 55 5 5 5 : 4 50 . 4 so 4 00 ' 3 41 37 53 Rocky. Mount rv b - t 55 I u No. fioa- A. M. 10 as 10 03 . 9 34 a 19 . 8 43 , 3 8 S. 8 50 7 08 ,4 46 37 M. ii: t 1 " ' it 1 - - . " .if. r :Hons. T. C. Wootten and Claude Betoken will ad dress the people of the county at the following times and places: y1;':' ' - : .. : , .7 "V ;. . ' ' Windsor, October 11, at 7 o clock p.m. ' Burden's Mill, Oct. 12, at 11 44 a.m. -Kelford. October 13, at 11 a.m.- The" Township Committees and Clubs will please ; give this notice much publicity as possible, and soe tfiat big crowds are had at thes appointments. La dies iare invited. ' - t ? it' ' -;"S .r ! This October 1st 1900. Respectfully. . . . 4 ,.i ... iDyspopsi 4 U vJ U I w Digests u I Jit yo a c it. ! aU;JS ii:;VNt :f A.u4 r' nr: LX- Ji..J'ja4, al -a..' fat. It .'.i. ' u-vt i .jrsaV- aiti-i4tw r-mti-sJii I" .Mit nrC Mrf vauj- J i nia VMaTt tf C C da tT Ca. Caoiaa . t ID ir - a a i i( B 1 l. T f . 1 1 : ft 1 1 -.!('-;, - i ; 4 J, B." STOKES; Chairman: I 4 r n v.. 1n N v I aa rJT 'x a . 4M Ma -S5 -4 - a ..1 aert Paint and Wlmwton.yTirio frlVV, , !4?"ock M-oBt,with traw M taattpef k. r f .... . f . . Uv ...ID Chill ton iC - " J - " I .r f aaai a a... ft ... . - t . , ... ;