, - . .... . . - -( ' "N ; - . . , . . .... ., .."o L-"" Jwr- kCDuplcat j the P"ce .and Better the Work", than any Printing House In North Carolina. 'Then why not keep xev,r rr.er.-v cfrr.;. niri f f t 11 US ypur ordcrs Patronize home industry. If you are in need of envelopes, paper, bill heads. anytr.,:n- frc.Va si.!p ping tag to a book. let lis know and we will 'satisfy you in every particular or refund your money. Give us your order. f STOP YOU )Mmv I . Borrowing YOUR Neirfx ArTID?EIy'WE Sd it to YOU Twelve Months for ONE Dollar . Six Months: 50 Cents. J Windsor TT . VOL. 17. r Your Money Back ii any oi taM upes mu to plaaM. ' . "Famous Maryland" I No. 5 X. This cape la 10 Capes r made by skilled I inohea long, oiharwiu ma tailors mad possess degree o No. IX. Prloe3.25e elegaaee mad awelldom for-GItO Bust Meat. Urn to other gaxmenta.y knro -when Order 's avw vain, are nut t f Baa plasm with deep atorm eollmr, hand aemly embroidered " wlta. soutache braid " mad elaborately beaded, 100 INCH 8WESP, awaU Thibet Far ool Jar and fiaUh. Thej are aud. with toop aeama which make them eon for bi to the ahape, llaedwlth ed 8iw Kbie the sites ISX. vTMi eape Is H In- r a.1 u fine. Oar New Gem- terml Catalogue No. 94 Vnot alone ahowt Kama. tTBira in Wearing A p. X parei, dry goods aad i clothing for LADIES, MISSES, CHILDREN and MKN.bot alto all things to eat mad wear at a saving from 15 to 75 per sent.' E v a a r -mn aaed in the V Borne, HoteV an Office, em a VCarm, or any known par-, I poem, will be f. tuaad la thla Wi 7 whtob. i OontainaiSO paces. Use 10J, by U heaia ioagth.MK w) 1 1 is t iachoa. ererr eens of whie ' h. the desorip'to eoata a fl3 ta print and V? '"""'""on. Prio 2.2S, mail. . No.SX. This eepein-,1 . ehea long, otherwise sane as I - -8 BH eVlaenCO Ol K0.1 x. Priee S.7o. I Interest send lOc to uelp pay postage, and you may deduet taese , lOe. trom your first order ot ,1.0V DKESS GOODS. - . The richest and vtott , styitk novelties art contained in ovr JVem Book' . let, each copy of which has sixty sample attack' ed. 40 per cent, saved on Dress Goods and lin imgs. It's-FREE. At Factory- Prices vre sell everrtnlnff yoa , buy. Wblcn book shall -we send! Adlreea tnis way : JULIUS !"ES& SON, Baltimore, 114. Dept. 909. DR. W. L. DAVIS jiagy , Consulting Optician. All errors of ref rection scientifically corrected W. R.' JOHNSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, WINDSOR, N. C. WINDSOR, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 1 900 COURT CHLENDMR proorahme Ira secret NO 32 Practices ta alt Courts, - Special attention ziven to Collections. First-class "Watch repairing. s Qocks and Jewelry and all kinds of Spectacles and Eye-fflasses for sale. 1 R. W. HAL1SH, Expert Watchmaker and . Graduate Optician Main St, next door to Mrs. Barrett's . store. , 3 Cash Paid For Old Gold and Silver. WINDSOR, N. C v.itu causes to be i ned the Second Veck of Noyember Term. J9C0 of the Superior Court of Bertie County. . ; - , Hon. A. L. Coble, Judge. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH, 1900! No 14 S. J. Tayloe, Ex'r v Leroy Capehart et al Ex'rs,.et as. Np. 20 John Williams v N & C R R Co. .. ' . . No. 3S Stretas Warren v Edith Warren. V No. 1 .v P. H. Sessoms, Adm'r v Nansemond Tim. Co. et als No. 2 A Brinkley ,& Coiv Jame- W Ballance et al TUESDAY, NOVEMBER i$TU, 1900. No. 32 Baker and Brown v R & T R R R Co. No. 38 Andrew Craig, G'd'n v C & C R R and L Qo. No. 39 J D Rice and wife v N & C R RCo No. 40 K P White v Branning MTg Co. et als. No. 41 Robert Hill, v C. L Henry & Co. No42 -Heoht-Hiischler Co v Henry Bros. & Co. No. 43 Hecht-Hirschler Co V C. L.Henry & Co. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH 1900. No. 46 Thos D.Holley v Wm Smith No 50 . J G Johnson et alv Branning Mfg Co et als. No 52 B J Burkett v Peele Bros, No. 54 A. J. Pritchard v John Lee AgU II. Lee No 56 Sarah Koonce v Amos Koonce, ' No 58 Robert Reddick v MiUy Z Reddick No 60 David G Outlaw v Florence A. Outlaw No. 62 Bluthenthal and Bickart v Samuel P. Free man. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER isTH, 1900. No 63 A H Pritchard et als v Walter R Brown : No 64' Wm D Gregory et als v Mut Res. Fund L. Ass'n No 65 Mabel M Johnson v J W, Branning et al. MOTIONS, PROQRAHME CF BERTIE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. AT COLERAIN FRIDAY NOV. 9TH (poo. SingingConducted by Mrs. Dr. Watford. Prayer Rev. J. I. DoughU of Windsor. mm mm . - KEPT oN irarAH, : I r Jhc vur!:: J We Lave beard sertftl litr.tt tl . . . . VTriV . "t u" t4 , , ... wiitir r.i r..w,J :,. TV 7 - f-i t;-:, -ri. I:;:..s f i late that the rero leader in the la- . . . v J t" - 1-- iv r I dun Woods bad tfeem a coet ix!t3. ... f cost-nr.?. t -f . . .. . . , , rafv, -h:, ar-J t,V jtt tlttl , . t Oh, be I Vre ?a 1 cvl l-c j faaacd by tW It pfr4i ft I cal society. Tfccy Ixtn Irdu- io in ouch tioteat talk. We are told that Ibtj art'rcU!!y aetcro in denouncirg Rev. IT Joeea cocd who was a Rt public a a poU bJer la (be Atsut. election. Tbij cKafjt that be was in tbe employmeci cl the white neoslf and tkif k 11 I Ilc dut iwPst t.V . r-.crc rc:-rc el tte rc-Ki sjCJ i le l-f t,lt t,:ft a'fi tits ibe 5.;.;Su r,rt ( ( I It ti ttr.a V 1 lot ; a I f - I i J i - r. J , -1 i I ..we.. I ! bribed. So violent bate tbry Uta& . . ' 1 I I I I 4 they bare revoked bit licet k. it TVthfVmm U4 t ,u , ItS! ' . ! f J they bare not turned lUra cot c4 ti . J . T . , '" V : ; f church, and all el thi even witlmt t tr;-,l. c-rr. U JL r.rr. U L a trial or notice. Tbe charge a;mM Sb 44nH m; U C I: - r-: ::iiii:iiiiie " , ., " an .i'Mfl RAILROAD. PASSENGER ' TRA1NB. North.! Time Table No. 2. South. N0.2-A I EFFECTIVE 5-27-. 1899.' i No.; I-A 620am Lv Windsor Ar 610pm '630 Butlers 6 oo 655 Askewsville 5 4 7o Holly Grove 55 Branning v Ar 520 7 3 Powellsville 5 5 750am Ar AHOSKIE Lv 4 45P a. itaiiv rrrrnt Sundav. Fla? Station. ; Train No. 2 makes direct connection with the Norfolk & Carolina train No. 102 at Ahoske for Norfolk J-Train No. 1 makes direct connection -with Norfolk & Carolina IN0.103 irom in on oik. J.W.BR ANN IN G.C.E. BRANNING prem . ' General manager. M.C. HINSHAW, General Freight St passenger Agent. CHESAPEAKE LINE. ' U. S. Mail' Steamers To all Points North East & West. L: Norfolk, Jackson st..... m- Lv. Old Point Comfort....-.-. ......6:45 p. m. r. Baltimore Pier 19, Light st....v...7 M- V : " B. & O. R. R. P. R- R. Lv. Baltimore....... 755 a. m. Ar. Philadelphia......... 10:15 a. m. Ar.' New York.... ...."12:35 p m. 8:00. a. m. 10:15 a- m 12:43 P- m- Steamers leave daily except Sunday; - For staterooms and any information call at. Nerfolk Ticket Office, Main and Granby Streets. Phones; 12. W. B. BROWN ' . Pass. Agt. E. T. LAMB, Gen. Agt. RAILROAD CONDENSED SCHEDULE Dated May 27th, 1899. No. No. ' No. No. tioj 49 Stations. . 4- tx a 20 9 oo Lv.Norfolk.Ar. 5 55 10 25 3 40 9 2 Pinners. Point. ; 5 30 10 03 xox 9 t .-..Drivers.... 505 934 iii 10 os ....Suffolk... 450 919- 1 i0 1035 Gates.... 40 842 t Ti IO50 Tunis.... 400 ,823 id 11 06 ... Ahoskie.... 3 4 805 2 i-x 11 21 ..Aulander.... - 3 1 8 50 1200 .THobgood.... 253 .708 6 00 12 21 Ar.TarboroLv. 2 31 6 & P"M y M: P-M5, No 3 David Hendrix et al v Henry Watson et als No 4 W P Burrusana wife v Leroy Capehart et al Ear's No.-s R B Jernigan v Dicey Jernigan et al -No. 6 Isaiah .Mebane et al v Martin Capehart and wife. "No 7. Paul R Howard v John A Early and wife. No. 8 Jos Swain v Fruzie A Phelps, Ext'x et aL N0.9, J B Williford et al v Jos C Williams! , No. 10 John C Britton v Calvin J. Morris and wife. No.. 1 1- E H,Valentine. et als, Adm'rs v D W Britton, Adm'r '::No. i2l; C W SpruUliAdrn'r et a!s v Branning Mf'g Co. No. 13 :Caserand'Cowan R R & L Co v Branning Mfg Co et al, ..No.' "157 Atba E ! Holder v Archie E. Holder 7N0. 1 6; Francis D Winston and wif e v T E Beasley and wife No. 17. Francis D.V Winston and wife y T D Holley No. 1 8. Tfios W: Todd v Marcus L Todd et aL No." 19- Humphrey . Bond v'Cashie & Chowan R R & Lumber Co. N0. 21.' Lizzie Ruffin y Washington Rvffijy . No. 22. Geo W Baker v Wiley P Carter et al, JN6.' J3l Geo W Baker v Henrietta Carter et als. rNd: 24. Augustus Pugh v Geo W Baker No. 25. J P Bazemore, Ex'r v Jos R Bynum ; No 2 6. F D Winston et al y W L Lyon, Clerk, et als ; NoV 27. J W Perry yPhilip T Perry, Adm'r et als 'No.; 28. Julian A.Deitrich vC&C RR and L Co No. 29. J J Beasley v Chaa L Hrnrj No. 30. Wm.1 H Beasley v Samuel Nixon . No. 31. Martha A Perry et alv Wn J Outlaw ; No. 33. Singer M'f'g Co v T H Lawrence et als No. 34. Thomas Boutten v W & PRRCo ' No. 36. A O Askew et al v Branning M'f'g Co. No. 37. Effie Heckstall v BH Hecksull et al No. 44. K Sallenger et al v J W Perry et als No. 45. J. H.Francis and wife v-L J Barker and wife No. 47. Augustus Wright v T C Bond Sheriff et als ' No. 48. J H Lawrence v Branning Mfg Co et als No. 49. David Ruffin.et als v Harvey Rascoe No. sl W W Miller v W & P R R Co. - No.. 53. John H. Lassiter and wife v E D Ilolloman, Ex'r. No. 53. A J M Perry v W & P RL Co No. 57. Wm W Perry. Sr v W & PR R Co No. 59. Isadora Lee v W Joseph LeeV No. 61. Willis Pugh v C & C R R & L Co No. 66. V C Matthews and wife vN&SRRCo, et als No. 67, Mrs Bessie Dunstan v C and R Tayloe. No. 68, Thomas Watson, U.x farte. - Causes not tried on the days for which they are set. nreeedence of all causes on the next day s calendar. : Witnesses will not be allowed to prove for attendance fnr.thi trial of the cause in which they were subpoenaed. Causes to heard upon motion "may be called a't any time during the' term. . W- L- LYON - - Clerk Superior Court, - , .Republished by Request) Roll calL Tbe Work Word Wekome lo it Prof. Andrews Co!erin Academy. The Work Words of Response. By Prof. Earlyof Aulander Acadeaay. Address, Education Prof. P. P. Claxton of "State Normal College. , Intermission of one hour, . AFTERNOON. Essa) s What can a Teacher do to Increase school attendance If in Emma NowelL Recitation Unfaithfulness Miss s aw. ; I BWatft At Air flflf1 The Academy or Middle ground of I ill: QiUik illiCl educau'on, Prof. Kittrell "of Windsor Academy. Recitation Jamie Miss Clu W. Early. Essay The Teachers influence , Misj Elizabeth Smithwick. Recitation Samuel and I Mist Lucy P. Harden. How to arouse parents to a reali zation of educational duty to their children General discussion. The Teachers work, ' Missionary In manner.Elevating in character.Broad jening in intellect General discus. ion. Urshers G. W. Outlaw and W. O. Rayner. Interludes of music. Benediction. . R. W. ASKEW, County Supt. ' : t, ) I wfffif s Senatorial turn is false in every f4rt;ciiUr. Atclt.iK-i lt Tj T-'.k J x v we are autboriied to lay that tchl - C persecution must end. Tbe taa&' ho threatens Eli Jones, cr bireei him, or bis prorxriy w,:i be very c- verely dealt wah bj tbe ml.'.t rxvy -e-We bear that Antbocy Hareoorejc? Chern, Anderson Pefh aed VX Cojio have been specially aciire b ' raising this tow against Jones. Tbe) had better Vet him a lore and a::rttf to their own affairs. A word to tbe wise is suilicieut. J a W 1 w Aft( C tt ADE WELL, J awt tSa Wasvk oj It fceraul l S-avti Vlfw SOaarUalUerUMkitWlaOna MtUsaUf sIKaiHaTtaMa. ft ra a. T a3a aa mm ArwTa! Imm al Omm m f t.a. iarx1 ,wmi! Itrawe ee Swab S -. m mA . s . md m'muA m-k . i . Afl ai.tt',1! ft.": -..J5W H tV t?4 Ckfit3T.?t tr ' XfacbUs, lr, li-r 1 v.x er'4 r ?i S . t.Jcs ltK S. It. l-.f&:.s. -' - i . ... u at Ja , 41 . I ht tMt ccce tarrl t.f 11 . mm a4Asat sat a bsrim aJ saw... T Mrf 1 W fv km .1 c-rtJ b?r Cc. abfc. tiMK 1 is irni.ee e r ina ' M "t awa ..wir. ve aw- fiM. Ale at lWf .wwi s ?. HHa.. liaar U ar. f ewj4 aaea saa iwii a-w maw an. acawaaau mm ha I M.e--'a Va amoa 9"ktm mjtiimm. ' f L'r hs. aad : f-:stf TS;. c-4rtc'.a (hrte sraaH dcKt sj,t "f j ' a$ to cs?e a'.I Tbfcai 1 CbeaJ ar. J Ija T l wt. O'-'f J J trd lixx Tr al free a: C i lizh r.rti f,xj!i c a ill C:-.' i 1 xr.i is t I a 1 - w tl a - c: f i J t i is tea la t.-rtlf ati cr t:.!r rrtu:i: s- i A ZZzA-zt "cf rf t frxiV J -3 c:! ; f.;. t.r? f : r c ' : ? t i iihm-! . i as 4.a h a ww . j1" f aBaaaaaawaaafe I ararmscat Tlve Laa42afl liaTMaa ai a ami inil i.riavrf. m - mane ta b a .- ra-e Wnt k.a 9 aOaar saw,' na summa, r i 1 . m eM me . 1 erjMiiiiiljigwe aw In ikaa anw i aM w. ,.-wo nam. . I a Election L ONG A VITA THE TABLET OF UFE na aa t w. a m i . . I. a (smbm ara4Ktaerf araa sa4 emt Usawa I fi. ..-. t .t t . t..l U aaa-m-iw im tJt..l M .. I I , . . " I'1 . I Jl 1 I I t f trnmrata 1 a aaaaaaWefaa rwwa) e I w a j a "J- Ilia u,.) lie U L I I. wsl U I., to. ataaawwr tsasa-as aJ alia I awwwnwt a aaaaa . r aw awwawa. aa 'tf a al eewMM I II. i aw till ii 1 1 . aa eSw I M4 IM4 a www a tfe Imumcju; JH s.-vwMa a.'" lea La F. PIERCE A ftr.t fc ti ar Uaa a-la HilTswJaui!wiajr All Dfa fSanaa xJail? we el ewarwr VaHtaaala sM4 a, trlatar. . ww Tuesday Nov. 6th. 7 . i 1 arf M I W taawttl a. a w W arh-rw artaaaa j I aatl aa w aw 4 tawwww -4 a- ew ta iii a ma wjisi mi L taat 1 ,.V . . v.. . - . w twwJf iaw'fWarlm--aww-saa Na as w r t. naira.ina. tr. Ilsuaawwr twa mw amw e.a.. aaw. aawaaawa e'w t e4 aaraeawa. ewawww lKa awww frwa 1 ia i a4 Knw ka taata waa w..n9 ' i aaa saaRAJMsa4 Hat aaaMl4waa4l k t aant l.twaa" it aw ww t.f Warn a C ewi nwaw awwaaw. I 4,4 aa i 11. s aw hta a-- -t-t . 7 rTT..T. . V... . . ' - I waa wa a a4 wow aiaaafw . rataaa. - , , m. tr.f , fTa.rr - - n -1 r f I :awiaia i ta ites iav tuamut fcBl Ofw aw eta real fraaa sfa s-o" aa4 MM 4nse as I touatati. ." w Mjn. eK4 waaaai kaiaraaMa-alr mm hm anw,l wwt&4, I aw a aVwwwaww4 aK Bit CTtm wM ar -aw a I e--W twaaaat Va r- t. MavSaHHi, tkwa ar attam. huw m la Am aw w I ' "." r-v - w- w aad. aa4 Imw a swaai at a. t;a a n iwa wowwaw a4 eaasa m a .. WAVERLEY Satfattjm 11 r 1 f 1 '-a 1 at. MrwTOai SCAT AWAY, tt. Ow tT. Hawlaaawf Os. tttHSWallk ittwaaaSMfw. AtW.faa.Oa uurmBiaumuvautarrwa. ai4 mMt&a t VMie u Mttawt twwaAa Jljva""- 4 1 .. - a . t t a 'w.m I bw tt4w.t awwvwasaar fca W I DEAD LETTER LIST. 4 4 " t a a I ri ..-. I a a aw a t-. w-mwaiae-M ta IIIUCllQriQI4 I til T H aWl IM .w..ka awNt r w. 1 V IJ Q 1 aj J La ( V fetttiw la-K eMcwk' at saay .w wa jj J J .. . ate Ml a--.w fw lawaai I b. . . . wwl fwV ate a1 4"- " A 1 if'", a a I aa.i .... "it - awv . Dlriests what yon cat Its..,: :j-f : tv.'.ltf !f dim Mr. Caiolina Ryan Mrs. Adelta Hrraan, Mis. Jaa fcsmt! 1 Mrr. Julia Ward, Mrs.. Racial Sti- soma. Miss Mottle Dut hti Ixr-I tie Mae Mi sell, Miss Mary W. Lcr, Miss Cberry Minsoe, Miss Clara MlCOrOATaLtscunGWto:CU4.C' ! a. I--'-a' -' - Pierce, Mss Ltla G. Wb.ic, Maa :4 4liai'-li'!.',.:w -.;' MaryUTiite, Mtas -Lors Hoxard.1 1 ..tfrf....t Miss Sister Basquttf, Miss MirtV I . . , ,! .., aa.ta4a.iii'w rr wiai wcawa waaw ta . t tawt J jj.jjwj 13 Jrw - f 1 : f a:i. Tf . 4 a a a.t f an e ! ae-r i ..... 7 - t a;i at.i . .tj t'.1!.';;!;. m tl CO t-Oa fc-f . i ll' Vi..iM ill .e:J.-.- t . mj 4 ; Iw f' i tv Burden, Miss Joseph Vankins, , Isadae Johnson, (two) Ixla IL llorrard. Lt- ly Lee, Mary Ward. MUs Sa!.. Smithwkk.Miii Barber Wn-bt. Mias 3 i Jot don, Ms. Lonlie Wiodsor. G. U will eo over and t.ke Tlris picture b the tnnle n.a.tol Moore. Mu Ceo rye J. Po-e.L Mr.M. , will go over and lte I i a. . . .. a Styoms, Mr. Whitley Nation. Mf OvUll o JiHUJi)iuiaiw w I Aboi?r 1IarrIL Mr. Weiler Ch-rrrr before the day set every lottle of SCO'lT'S KMUL w, it fnd. Mi. ltecrv Serrn Election Tuesday, Nov 6th. , n i. 1 ' -.in iT ' ww i ill m in ' '" " ' - Senatorial . Primary Nov. 6th. Daily. . fDaily except Sunday. We do Job Work Nov 6th. XT. o-hH jiS aolid trails between Pi ner'a Foin aWilminKton.- T,in No. -' a Rorkv Mount with trai l ft for .all po i Sonlta and No. 7 train for ail po, tU North. ' C M. SERPCLL. J. R .KENtCV aanra Manager. T.M.Emerson. OwMaral Psaanj; Ag-nU S ION in tue World. i Trh Kit i.ovf I Bond, Mr. Johny Uuncb. Mr. Jcbn amounts to many million yearly. I L. Orerton, Mr. Gcnst lrgm Mr, Tliis preat business lias crown to Cru- Wilson, Ml. T. S. ;ct.i. - . . IP IT W Mr. Rimr.n Inrrfnn Mr. A mw ai a I a a mw rwarT r a as . t m - Fr;-Becausc tbe proprietors I LEWIS T. BOND. P. M have always been 'most careful in selectincr the tirtous ? inCTtdienU . - I Cm ta tllfi bak tied in "its comnositiort. mmeiv:! at a t : n:t 4 ak- "There Is but one small thnacc to u5U w, v., save your UfcanvTlhat Uthrcn.xh ar poresaxaypopuospuues. , , , orration was tbe a!ul nctrts aSecoicfc-Because they bare soltet before Mrs. I. R Hunt, cf IJfre w a ja Wk a a ..I ' sklllfally combined tbe various km:, is., oy ner uocwr n:rr n.v iDZTedients that the best possible ly trying to cure ner ci a ivzi.n-: results are obtained by its tise. case of stomach tmut.e ana )c ....... I jaundice, lie tticni coont rn TArtf.'-Becaose it lias made .ao marvellous power of IJcttic B'-itm aa a m - a. a k rainy slcxiy, ceiicate . cniiarcn to cure stomacn aaa urtr uw,ti. strong 'and healthy, riven health I but she heard of it, took sevrn t vt and rosy cheeks to so - many paie, ties, was wholly cwed, arc.JcrJ ar- anaemic girls, and healed tbe langa gron's knife, bow wtl-h tncte a-d and restored to lull bcalth, so many feels better than ever. It s tvtuit 8up't. Tralna. or Send it in, - Or any Other tittle yOU Call thousands in the first suges of ly guaranteed to cura StorrcL, bm . S , Consumption. and Hidory trouble aad r.rr r t' ; v p. nywiiawaotrri-HLarl lot im aatay. I poi&tS. TrtCt c at K lU aTWb! tat wn.l awrrriaw ; fccorr at bovxi; cWm.ijtm. raorc i Swrc Vr'ooTi Every Farmer seeds ;j:d erjuu for raJ3 flaa tta g, I i UZj Z si GUJISS a CLOTO SEEDS, liairy.cr Winter Ydcii. Crteoa Qortr Osis, etc. II tjn www4 aaaw7flaaVa4 awXA laa.tara aa a rjaxiai Mi t e ..i .im aVwMil a-t ww- c a aa aw mi rm t a. i . . a M r Wwt .aha-r r "- If t C ta '-TT Cl t' r e 1 1 1 - n. a If , u t Li l J v b ! i i -raa n a-t e ' a .!. ! --A 1! V yaaXi a aa4 &rwa T.W.WODSONSw RLtiooaJe wr 1 ... . ... I . i;ri' j ""i- r T A . T " l. r . . t a " . -4 I bill i i-M!i Pearl Wrpet. Krar Yoifc. 1 . joe aad Suao; all fixwxstau.