tSWeDuplicatejthe Prices and Better the Work" than any r nr. tin - 1 In in c- I - "c'ai iiuu c. oenu' US VOlir orrfr?--- Ptrp" r in,? "r, 'i r i r;.-.-,i::i ping tag to a book. let us know and we will satis fy.you in every parti ':,r cr - i STOP .at ofc Borrowingf YOUR Neigh bors LEDGER!. "WE Will Send it to YOU Twelve Months for ONE Dollar j Six Months 50 Cents, si , . VOL. 17 SfllNDSORi-Nf'clvTHURSD.V; DECEI7I BER 20 1900 . ,t . . ' i' in i I. i m mi. ; : t yoob mm back ;.;ssa&?i'T S2 ??nt X CI nff We iell ! i$PInsuijeweled Bri urL years. WML ham Movement. In a Kcuuuie uoxa nuea case, gnaranteed for 10 years. Nearly 1800 styles of watches and all the lat est things in reliable Jewelry, are sold by ua at 45 below retail price. HOLIDAY SUQ6ESV0NS. -Artists Materials, BJ- cycles. Bookcases, Buf fets, Cabinets. Candy, China, China Closets, OflM rVC. S7.2& ROdaa, Couchea,-olla, Easy Cbairs, Foantaia v-ikojis, viuuxs, t orn kercaiefs. Knires. jroua uauicB, ui auuaunones. urooeriea. Mann. amDs. Mufller!-. TWnRicAl Tn. Btrumenta, Pedestals, Rockers, sewlnsr Ma to, Feaestals, Pictures, Pipes, Purses, . 8ewlnjr Machines.' Boortlmr Ofxida Table 8UTerware, Toys, Umbrellas WrtUnS Desks, are a few of the thousands nr toiuin articles we sell for Christmas presents. In addi tion, we are Uead-to-foot outfitters for Men, Wo men and Children, sell Everything to Eat. and to Uie. AU information is contained in our No. W illustrated catalogue, each copy weighing lbs. as an evidence ot interest, send us 10c. to belp pay postaire. These 10c you dkduct vroh TonariasTornDKB Ov $1. it quotes wholesale prices to consumers. -lOUOWniaatUOGnisnun. Orm Bxxf Booklet mttk MJnpM from ISt, tO t1 50 Uia oma twmmtnrtatlnn. Madrto-ordtr Mm' Clothing Catalogue mith tamples tn pay Exprtaiag and guarante to fit- Uthographod octal og of Carpets, Ruga. Draperies, otc, Mhowina goods in their real colore. We pen freight ana tern Car pets free. - Why pay retail prices T Which catalogue do JULIUS HINES & SON. BALTIMORE, MD DepL 909 DR. W. L. DA VIS r Consulting Optician. All errors of refrection scleBtlfically corrected o W. R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, "Windsor; n. c. Practices la nil Courts. ; - - V i ; Special attention xfven to Collections. First-class Watch repairing;. '' Qoeks and Jewelry and all kinds of - Spectacles and Eye-glasses ; f oi fc sale R. W. HALISIi, Expert Watchmaker and -Qraduate Optician - Main St, next door to Mrs. Barrett's - store. Cash Paid For Old Gold and Silver. WINDSOR, N. C I M RAILROAD. PASSENGER trains. North No! 2rA I Time Table No. 2. j South. EFFECTIVE 5-27 1899. t No. I-A (Htm 3 1 o , . 7 i ' 7 50 m Lv Windsor Ar 6 iop m Sutlers.. 600 . Askewsville . 5 40 a Holly Grove ' 5 5 .. BRANNING Ar 5 Powellsville 5 5 Ar "AHOSKIE Ly 4 45P . nilv nrmt Snndav. FlaET Station. Triio No. 2 makes direct connection with the I & Carolina train No. 102 at Ahoske for Norfolk. TraiJ No. 1 makes direct connection witU Norfolk & Carolina N0.103 trom rnorioijc J.W.BRAN N I N G.C.E.B R AN N I NG ; Pres. ' . ' General Manager. : m.c. HINSHAW, : GenerajXreight t'psserS" A.gent. . T CHESAPEAKE LINE. f; ' V? S.Mail Steamers , " To all Points North East & West. l v- Norfolk. Tacksonst........'J.......5:45P- nl' Lv. Old Point Comfort-.-............. ...6:45 p. m. r. Baltimore, Pier 19, Light St.... .....j-mo a. m. B.& O. R. R. P. R. R. Lv. Baltimore.... Ar. Philadelphia. Ar. New York... .7:55 a- m. . 10:15 a. m. 12:35 p, m. 8:00 a. m. 10:15 a. m: 12:43 P- m. Steamer reave daily except Sunday."--. . For staterooms and atry information call at. Norfolk ticket XJfficerMain an&Granby.Stieets.' Phones 12. E. T. LAMB, Gen. Agt, . W.B. BROWN s. Pass. Agt. BAIL-ROAP CONDENSED SCHEDULE , ' Dated May 27tb, 1899... 1 I'fflUll : IBI8 ill HI Hi Nq. No. ' No. .-. ' io3 49 Stations. - 48. m. a. m: J " p- 2 20 '9 00 Lv.Norfolk.Ar. 555 2 40 9 22 tinners Point. . . 5 30 303 .9 51 .....Drivers...; -i 5 05 3 17 10 05 ....Suffolk ... 4 50 : 3 50 10 35 Gates.... 4 4-t5 - 10 50 ...... Tun is.. . 4 00' ' 4 3S; 11 06 Ahoskie...". 3 4 4 53 '11 21 1 Aulander.... : 327 S3S 12 00r ..Hobgood.... - 7 3 53! 6 x 12 21 Ar.TarboroLv. 231 . Ar. - Lv. 6'35 w-5o Rocky Mount. ,,I 55 p. m. p. m, . - ;.jp. M. No.; fl02 A, M. 10 25 10 03 p w 1 s 6 46 Daily- fDaily except Sunday. . Trains No 49 and 48 solid trains between Pin j restored to f ull health. SO many id Wilmington. Tram No. 4? cn 1 ana . re&ioicu,, iu. i u v . ty Mount with train 23 for all poiiitl trmtmands m the first - Stages Ol ner's Point an nects at, Rocky Moant poiu T, M. Eueron Otnaral Paasenge Agent. i.-r-r.'--:- t, ; i-:t;J Consumption. 0-.WS"FILt' - Tfvounave not tried it TT-rai Manager, - .oup;. nun.. , t tMte -in ill Ml .(Continued from last week.) Stark L. Ba?emore,Ta1se Juror i,io VV II Sallenger, . lo 2,10 John Hughes do . 1,1b VV S Etheridgc do XIo Leroy Capehart,. dd V a, 10 I B F King, . : Jjcla " . 1 ; 1 o , Chas Peele, : - ). J 'w'do ! .2,10 Ljno E Peele, : v ' . do , ui-ldo W W'Dempsey, do ' 7do Sol Cherry, do" .... 1,10 Geo II Hoggatd, do - do W E Waters, do do C T Morris, do - " do KK Butler, do do W GGurkin do do J T Stepenson, do " do J L Morris, do do J A Davis, do 2,10 Jas. Alston, do . iio A E Holder, do 2,10 W A Wiuborne, do do M T Pi elps, do . do W W Lawrence, do -1,101 T E Davis, ' do -v do HT Waters, - do - do G W Hatchell, . , . do, do G E Asbili - - do' do! Y E Holloman, do do J A Davis, do do ,D L Bazemore, do " 2,10 L S Davis do do LW Phelps, " do " do acob Goldstein, do do W E Harrell, officer to jury, 1 3,10 W J Butler, do ' ' " do Miley Mizell, tales juror A E Newbern do Jesse Hoggard do Asa Phelps, do Vance Freeman,petit juror, ; r.io ' do do do 4,10 1 J V Belch do - 4,30 W A Cofield, do 3.95 XT White do 4,10 3.9 R Williams . do M K Dundalow VV E Harrell do . 3,70 W.S & J L Pritchard, nidse- Co tarm 7534 From'June to Dec.3d 1900 $3752.73 i ' SCHOOL ORD&RS PAID, April 1900. .. -. Cattie Baggett . v : $40 - $60 Willie A Gaskins Rosa White " : Luta Butler , Fannie C L-ewis Julia Stokes -7 i : : 5 80, 67.50 : IOO IIWMI - This picture is,! lie trade iuaitj SCOTT'S KMllrIONuut in every boltle of SC0T;rS SION in the World; ' which iioO amounts to inauy imUiortsJyeanN This great business has grc sucli" vast proportioiis, r? Fr5f;-Because thejpropnetor' liave "always. -been most careful i I" selecting ' the various ingredients used in ' its "co"nipositi6ii?'na'rnely the finest Cod"- Liver ''Oil. and the purest Hypophosphitesl" : . Secoud;-Because they have 1' skilltuliy comDinea wie various 05. ingredients that . the best .possible 08 I results are obtained by its use. - Tfcnfc-Because it lias -'made - - - me. . . '.1 M Ji 6 manv ;irtiv. delicate . cuiiareu strong : and healthy, "given healtl and rosy .cheeks to so many paie.i tested for 36 years. -Sold -at - dru anaemic sirls. and healed the lungs send for free sample. sure rise vou. croTT & BOWNE. Chemists, imik PMrl Rtrt. Nevr York. oc and 1i.do; aU druggists. JUalC- VYUUIDIC WHlie Gaskin 6,eo '"25; cno; Edna SallengeT - , "y Lee Nprrn5n,no r:ic-:.0 L B Mom4.i-v t 1 j - ''"6f,$6 G W Outlaw 3- V'lue6l Eva VizeU . ... 20 Came, pailv,,, t.inu? t 8.2,29 Zephiat Browa :U i ,Z;fl 78,75 Rose EranV Lv. t a I ; . Ivcy Mitchell 'lvI Ivey,MitQhel " AugpBass .r.:y--r Mary Hyman - " 1q Mamie Jenklnsr.-.-jzr- Roso Speight Sue Urquhart . ' Vr 34. V 43.74 1 1 18,75 ; ; 93.5 -I50 ' ; '- 60 .'.,.60 40 20 5 25 S 37.30 24 35 25 24 24,60 10 Sue Urquhart. : Evie Peele Nannie Drew ' An nit Cooper u. -. W H Leath W H Leath Hannah Rayner L : R A Luotan R A Luotan S A Evans S A Evans . ... - .- Mary Casper oanna Rayner oanna Rayner : E Pierce Thos S Cooper Willie Odom ' . ,5 Florenct Randol ph . . Florence' Randolph 5 35 Mary Winston 4o Mary Winston . W.STEtheridge V so 25 WSEtheiidge ; Mary Cherry 25 Henrietta Bond jo Henrietta Bond " f. D Holley 20 3.5 25 25 Jno P.Low Jnd P Low jV H Sharp Pauline Askew 4i4 3 fackson Holley Mary Womley" .1 -Clara Reives g0 5 5- S E Hoggard -IjCartha Outlaw. Pej melia Morris Matilla Srnallwood W' H Revelle Mattie V Mitchell M C MelchiU Askew David K Cherry ' R C Biggs KjfaUie Carter " ChasJLuter - " Nary azemore . .. , ji$Hardy-;v':V Lucy Cooper- - 9f ao. 2' 50. 40, 457 75 5 5 5 2 5f 25- G W Early . 5 25. LJV GooVman - VV A Peele 40. !A Bazemore 28. 28. LA Bazemore - H B Spivey "5 "5 Nettie Bazemore - tiicy Gilliirn ' i Bula Rice 20. Bula Rice . . . 22. 28. Mary-Ruffin Miary Ruffin i- , . , . 28. Mblhe SmalUood - D'C Cobb -1 ,S- Amanda Bond ;. - 20. Etta May nor 121,15 Clara Bond S-dlie Bo-d v 100 1 1 FRE BOOJD CURE. ; ! An offer ProvUlng taltli Ilo 3:Urere. ! " if ' m - 1s your BloodL Pure? -Are you- sure of it? Do cuts or scratches-heal slowly Does yourskinuxh or burn?.. Have you Pimples? Eruptions? fuT .Breath Catarrah? Are you pale.'It so purity your Blood at once with R. -B. B- fBotanic Blood Balm).' It makes Blood Pure ana -Kicn, neais.. every s6re and Ogives a clearsooth, healthy skin. ' Deep-seated cases like ulcers, cancer, eating sores, Painful 1 '"Swell ings Blood Poison are quickly cured by B, B. B.i Vriade especially ' for -al obstinate Blood and skin Troubles! B. B. B. is different from other, rem-' so edies because D? B." B." draihs. 4 Poison and jlumois out'of the Jttood, so and entire system so j the symptoms cannot return. ; Give it a . triaL .1 It ..11 a1 cA ( 1 1 ' I 'KArftti rri jsores at per large bottle, 6 lare bottles (full treatment) - $5. So ferers may test it, a trial bottle - given away absolutely free. .Wr'te Tfor Address BLOOD BALM COl, Atlanta Ga. Write today. Describe trouble I nd free medical advice given Mary Askew Joo Howard Rosa White A.B White . -MoUie Rice - Willie G a skies W R1 Jones' Elizabeth Smith wick Joo Mizeil . r Miry Capehart 1 Eva Mizell "' - . Emmie Outlaw L - Peaxi EihirUic. -Dora Watford Eva Watford Pearl Baker Lillie Evans Annie HogagTd Bertha Biown Amanda Nowell Pearl Baker Mrs H E Wilson Lama Brown W R Raynor . II W Eaily Essie Burden Ivey Mitchell" Racheal Tayloe Mary wynes Lillian Watson Helen .Tyler 57-S9 80. 50. - 75- ; 50. Co. ' ' 75 60. 78. 77.58 80. Co. . 89. 89. - -30. 80. 80. 200 .81,25 37.50 39.95 5. - 100 . 50. 22,CS .45- 34.S0 45- 50. S.S 11,82 A B Whits Edna Sallenger . ' Oliva Tayloe Elizabeth Smithwick Lee Norman Etta Maynor Willie Odom 1 Jno. Sewan Wood &c furnished Schools 35 55. .6. 426 .5 1.50 1,50 72.75 0 1 A Robbins building I A Robbins underpining ' Thos Small work Turner Bond iron for flue J T Morris brick J W Bunch hauling brick T O Bryant work on pump Thos N Hoggard J Chas Peele cleaning ou( well 2. i3.S K"B AiVhite repairs R C Bazemore pump head M F Hawkins wotk 1,85 18,05 2,75 77 2. 3.20 36. I R C Bazemore, nails C A Parker, work, I j? c r,;i a r:.k am.m .wit uu iiuiuh Dr. II V Dunstan dirctor PTP John Harrincton tame 1 j R W Askew Co Sunt I IT WS Thompson repair v 1,50 I M V White lime Alonza White lumber 20,38 A Robbins building 42,15 Henry Turbi field worK' , , 2. R C Bazemore Pump '5 10 1,10 .5S Marshall Whitney wotk A S Rascoe lime &c Henry Turby field work; Thos Bryant driving pump 1 4.41 .95 J T Mizell lumber I Davis Lumber Co posts R C Bazemore nails &c - 09 Willie Hu?hrswork " S 25 J J Mardiecte Brobucket Sec 44. 1 J B Nicholls pump . 7.2S .hl aifnatar ! o every bo el tl gal Laxative. Uromo-Uumine w o leiaady tha4 rerrew a tela fta mmm 45 o. . . -. . ... , v The tra4c mark . the Rogers oa Fpooc7 Fork, etc, U a guar antee of quality the woSrUl over. Tte "yce&x 1&47 Inwm the 'jeualne Rogera qaal;tj- . For aAle try tlealiog dcalcra t vcr where. Send for tatalogtic I.'o. 4?6 to 1 Jirfeitleji iwse C9.,i:rt ten. the W. R. SUITrTS CCUtGL UILTCI, ITT, It? fur bU trM 1847 THrt. suf 1 wf-rrKi r www it . vVta 40.W I) KcUruca re-a!r to. iGrar.b) Ccpcf v rk r.to! is! y.t N B Myers brick .-J Ixe L l'earce f:e:;'.; Jr.T. Mrcrs work ; . Jac. ' Ccx sarse t - Corey Nemicce tanx1 Iksck Cox ii,t.j . . KS f-i-vtt, movin Uni -A S Katcoe 2j-.;ckrt ) A Jernijin repairs , . J ( I'ruijn, w-. .1 A kiLlrta Lwli.r - Lc J 11 Harrell repairs . . -. Arthur Dews wood G II Harden Co hltgtt W L Lyon Reg IVed G W Cob writing deed Nei Blanchird buikiicj Steam Boatajt frt A S Myers and Bro lumber Steam Boat Agt frt Wtn Cherry work E C Cherry work Acg Askew dealing well Mai shall Tugh repairs" II V Dunstan ditcctor P T Terry same Jno LHarringtoo same R W Askew Wirdsor Ledger letter beads .t5 to, 3 3 v 5c i;i n i- ,je 2.10 3- 1,15 37- 2,5 s.s t.14 -46 2. 3.JO 3.60 4.4 C1I Mebace State ppropnaUoa tefunded RW Askew Supl 7joa 36. K O Hall repairs . - 1 1,46 Jas M Garris rtpur r Lewis Urquhart wood Ja ll Cherry wood 45 75 Aithur Cherry wood . A Robbins desks 7.25 James Bond work 5. K Butler repair , , . J D Sessoms wood . 4Q, R C Bazemore heter A Robbins B board A Robbins benches &c A S Rascoe mdse Rachael Lewton Samuel Duers R B Speller pump pipe 4.50 t.$3 24- 1,40 lt m0 r7J Solomao Speller wood 7 T Johnson tepuiri Ben Gray repairs os Mizell lumber Dorsey white wood Lc - T O Bryant paint J J Mardre 6c Bro oails &c J T Mortis bricks 1 B B GUlam building R C Bazemore matcilal 3 T r Rice aruBrlrt i (a klv'tnh ..,1.......' .ir..i. umber Co. lumber 34.C0, Thot ac ovt houses 348. U B Culaa talU at 39- J J Mardre and Bro nails t Marirctt Hall". WJFure Ikrulah Parker Rova O Speight . . 6. Sue Urquhart Nannie Drew Noia IUicmore '. ' , UsuU D Garris " 1 7594 Ilettie VPctt v., Mamie W Moore Emma Nowell . 1116 1 M B Webb 22.75 ... S Anme C Cccpcr Annie Bond - " -W II Leath " ' a Hannah Rayner R A Lewoo ....... Mary E Casper JO Rarrer, v rv o Z Wenetta R Mitchell WUlfe A.Odam Maria Cherry ;- -Florence B Kandolfh 3S.7L 4?.0 , 1 Henry S. Outlaw 3 w iienr etu uend L'D Holley Jackson Holly 4)V.c 4 55-44 4. la.tl 93 57 4 Clara Reeves . Maltha J Outlaw V.P Wat'son, Ormetie Morris , c; I - W. Elnoet J J Mitchell. M G Smallwocnl . s'o Of can " reason atfy hope got! health 'unlevs hit. bon ela mcTe once each day. When- thi i ret atttt.Jed to. r'iaordeis of Ire atorsach arise, l iio'ney headaSe tfv$jc;v sia and piles iwn follcnw. ; Jl yen wish 13 avxijithee ailtr.er.ts arrp your boel reaTar by laksr- Oiiri ierlain's Stcmach and Liter Tal !m 4 when require. 1.- They tt r" lake tc- tM arl frrlYr 5 s ; r:. Fof sa'c It L J. MarJIre 3Ug I : 11 r.fit..; - -v y..-:t- tlavt! K C.VfTv (rr-a W A tit ry K tun C U l.?-.:r l rat'.-e II ar Jy ?iifj T l a jr J K Harr t 1 1 " HfJv i U.fv v ! itd .V l-n'y 4.I (ko W lU.Sy ' a 4 1 J-3-7 J 40 a 1 4. U ! iL 3' 1 x 34 3'-I 5. 47 3-S6 J$ tS Ja 5- Letrr.ia GJoa W A I'ctlt I) C Mocre I) C Mocre I A Larcnive II B S;"trr H 30i Lctoy Cillara I t-a KKt .. , . . .. Mary B Kua D C Cclb D C Cdb jchts T HoXf J A B WL'se LJ Vh :t 72.Ol-la Ta)lo j jLccy T Haf-'ca I wary i.a;iaa I ft k - a Ceo. W 0--aw EliT.jU 1 1 W T Saar,ood of N C Liai.'.cT i.l Racheal fjjlo Emma NowtU KtJ rerte W II Leath W It Uath S0I n"il S Rayner 1 jc 5- : ! 37-5' 3 M ECberry TSCocpcr Aarsttu M uttll WV.ue A.04o MaiIa,CKerry Hcrtnce B Raad; h Mary W Wietsco W S riUt!g (Ccfitica J co focr.!i fat.) S I Abor.t 2e years a-9 I was l.nvt 1 I led with catanta tf li-e lotr V!J" 'lufmC.T. CJ.IU!, 4?4 ncail.:T5 51 Ave. iacz9, a?l a;'.-ii eEi n I tcr.:Nl fcf ce, I ilt.t rt I ir falVl to in y war ?-vt I ar, the !rc a- ;: tcar:. 955 U'k. Aftef in rial ex;i.!a. KaV I Uia's C. Oicra at 4 Ixat - J Krsc4y i4 t t- tii.?T yc .' tal 1 7 ..1 flf fV . I 110 ltd c4tt d rwr lal aJ col 7 1. 1 mxh iiowlw a4 astfTat I jt 1 iSa.f fwl la Vt I l-tv . i ii .. " a .... . - i 'lit ! - s. if i t . ..j r DL!AD IXTTOl U5T. 75 r, N. C, c t ia e.y t tac wr..th w:'! r W!U t. IVi C-aimcva. 5 W Ue. Picv W.GT. U.Car t 25 Ciacs Aciaia V l it. l-a'ke H vf Jo l-eary, Mary f-r: If J e T-cy Bch, Jate rci." A' Dcaa&acA. 5 LL. 5- S- let V.I.e. laaac fc'rt. a Dde,ChaiW7Ctr?Ty. W. G. ic J. A Ccpct.Wftlfy Ctrrnr EtyaM O-trry, Wiiila I. OtJ-,' JaesX. Batro. . la ra-i-'X lot l!s-e abott aik fcr aJictt.trJ U::tr. I.V.W1S T. IOND Sw Dr W. t'Ittf:eri na4e tr aft ate, wrkrs I- C thenar i, c Tn, .-3 tear r-.j f .--h it aesvej Krr weak - -t cttlar-wr. Good d x'."ti i4 was . lar .e w ;h Cr: w St' .for tSit rsr d cir-e tf ean-r eci fate K'f. t ,t a fr rr.mt.i I)(Vlir' New I) .-CStr-y ar.j Tft"r ; t-? i- a or rr 'ijr 1 !l a la!f!r f:.ricfi 5 Cc.;v fT a-i It Tr - lice. 4 t J . , a." : u: U -veil 4 : j. t-l 'C l,V) 7:rr' t c'i sii rr- a: .r crt D:si talc t ca f:r taic 1 lati-.i c c : : 1 c- tr.r-.i ihr cay renr text cfar. Tc.r rr rttfra, j r-. r enrrr' it c-.rtJ, y: - h:i-i;.Ktt fa: aar. yc-r t:::;c dun t.r 1 c.r l,i cr tr, til, tzz f-w S4 .. a i 4tr1,r'aL rftttx f a .r $ t.:-- ?-. e t- v.- iii 1, t. :it t ; w.'sa; Mtnn ' a c it r v tt--.i. it::t j - : t 1 1. a t ; r ; t : 1 ?ns rta tt.wi tt .. s - ? r. I ta n tt 1, v. r - ( r -r Ml t:r. R. G. XXTTREL 7 a L. r. PIERCE,. Aft?.! i to tn a - .J tvt V i-iVi-i-. i BICYCLE: i 5 J-j! .r ltiars LrvafVT;ri. C-f rt, J rJ 1 I-t. Car5 Everj' Farmer s 5-ra? ! P. ?. seeds ,L':o g?..m:; 'jj rvraa;-i'.:?x. iiu'ja:'. ti 1 QZKSSaCLOMJl 5ins, ,1 lliirr.cr Wizlzr Vet;!:, t. r I . - t. 1 1 4 - x aM ar - f - .- t 1 1 S 4