v tWe VDuplicate the Prices andBetter the Work" than any Printing House-in North Carolina. TKcn vhvribTT;ccp your money cirp atmg at home. Send us your orders.- Patronize home industry. If you are in need of envelopes, paper, bill heads, anything, from a u ing tag tO a. book, let us know and we will satisfy you in every particular or refund your money. Give us your order. STOP YOU- an X niukci acro-s tl xr; LEDGER, RNETv7,YC lT;i : j J t o Borrowing YOUR Neigh tor's LEDGER! U WE Will Send h to YOU Twelve Months for i ONE Dollar , Six Months: 50 Cents. & c cr c - .vc V VOL. 17. WINDSOR, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 3 1 1901 NO SA- AV TKHIaVVD- TT-..:.vL .-.. ;oii;riEn.iu) V V JLi IL J " . - .... m A I i i V V Ti i t j i YOUR HONEY BACK-" KiSSA."1 A! $1.25 Guar- nteed,Tv tor (IjrVlJ mut f Bent iKHintf, We tell U.;j .--are Insured Jeweled 3gt or Watt- m-u. wc Movement, in a genuine Gold ailed case, guaranteed for 10 years. Nearly 1200 styles ot watches and all the lat est thlnsrs In reliable Jewelry, are sold by tts at 45 below retail price. , , Houoir sueetsnoKS. -rusts Materials. Bi cycles, Boot cases, Buf leta, Cabinets, Candy, China, China Closets, The Sans Souci P.O. Mr. Sallenger Replies to Mr. Williams Mr. Editon i . - In. your issue of Jan. 3rd, there was an aitice' concerning the Post t ffice at Sans Souci over: the. signature' of (VtMFACE, 7.5 Cigars, Clocks, Com- r t r:iii-i. -.wt.j. ' n.: '.' : c y vnairs, jrountam i j " nmv l r nuuujf j u it- Mi Odea, Couches, DoDa, Easy STktKKc I called for and misleading in - the ex Bwumenw. reeaais. rictuies, rioes. urses Desks, are a tew of the thousands of snitabiS 1 01 patrons or tnis ornce, 1 ask which to present t the to have Mr. Barnaciscel appointed white people" judge as to wh6 the without the knowledge of the patrons traitor is.' ; v; ' - but the department failed to act "on Mr. Williams has never voted a his recommendation and sent out ad- streight Denfbcratic ticket unless he vertisements to be posted, asking the did so in the last state election,- and patro; s to recommend some bnt. I doubt it exceedinglyr "' - MfWilliams immediately went to 1 1 was one of the white supremacy work to get up a petition to have Mr. club leaders 1 i this, community and Barnacascal appointed postmaster, drew the color liuf so close that Wil- This occurred on Saturday the 13th Hams did attend the club - once and of October; on that day, too the "pat- joined.it, but that was the' last we ronsi discovered his. efforts. ' saw of him. Mr. Williams talks very T urpnt in thi nrctrff?i t Iparn nrtlv aViAnV lm&r-n inrl i pMiugMPiiKa twwwm, ricvura f ipea, r uraeB, j treme, and io behalf f the' ma "orit ' .m. w 1 .wv vwnuviav hue S?f5wa???iSSiSSS rir.u - -" f, f maorlly7the truestate of affair .and - atx. oncft I wlute pelwUc!"rAnr glad to ajee saw that Mr. WtUUms was trying to but 1 have little con fid enca in his say defeat the wishes of a majority of the ing about the" power since he-has not patrons of the office. I asked 7 for, proved himself a-Democratproven and obtained - a : pledge from Mr. by the fact that He did not go to the Barnacascel that he would not for- polls when the national election came ward his petition until the following off in November, r ' Thursday, in order to give the patrons fr; Barnacascal was conspicious an opportunity to be heard. How- f0f his absence also. If these are ever Williams obtained a few names good examples of true Democrats and and sent his petition off on Monday the principles upon" which " theyTact morning. j are those of pure Democracy, "may This necessitated a telegram to the Lord deliver us from such Demo Waahington requesting the depart- Cracy. Mr. Williams closes with ment to defer making an appointment "Yours for true Democracy." I trust uttil an another -petition could be he will hold out until the next cam forwarded. '! - Daira. but two ver U 9 1nri" tfm. The secoqd petition recommended I dare to predict that erefong will rs. Georgia Sallenger. to be post- be applying to our Derrfdciatlc0' Wad- master and the removal of the office ers for their endorsement 'tKsonle to its old siteSans ; Souci prop :r advantage he may wish-toicconv To Divide School Tax. SNAPf"?I!iT"!?. Capt E. R. Outlaw Opposes Plan..' tlon, we are head-to-toot outfitters tor Men. Wo- tor space in to Use. AU information is contained in our No. true state of affairs. H tllnrfutail JIBf.lAMB AHMM II I II - I I I . lbs. as an evidence ot Interest, send us 100. to first: Mr. Williams sas he was help pay postage. These xoo. totj dbduot fbom , j v l . . TODBFia8ToDssoSl. It quotes wholesale appointed postmaster here in 1897 by louofnacjiTuocnisnn. onuiiutMBttt the good ceoole of this commumtv. unpta jrom roe. 10 91.00 wpaa trmtportatloiu Madrtthwto Mtn't Clotkhtg Catalogmmltk tamln caiaieguw or varpnt, uuq urapvita, t, tfiotving eotf )n tkttrnal color Wt pan fritght ontf Mm Car- stftfr . .'( - Wny pay retail prlcest Whiclx catalogue do job wam,T Aoaress tms way : JUUUS HINES ft SON, BALTIMORE, MD., Dept 909 DR. W. L. DA VIS Consulting Optician. 1 AU errors of reflection sdentlficallY corrected I W. R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, WINDSOR, N.C. Practices la all Courts. - -vlv j Special attentha xtvea to Collections. First-class Watch repairing. Clocks and Jewelry and all kinds of Spectacles and Eye-elasses for j sale. R. W. HAL1SH, Expert Watchmlker and ; Graduate Optician Let us see who those good people were. In the campaign of 1896 J. T. William claimed to be a Populist but said he was for Br; an, Woodard and free silver. Just as soon as the smoke of battle had cleared away and the re sult of the election became known he (Williams), proclaimed himself a life time Republican subsequently prov ing to the satisfaction of Ben Askew (the negro chairman of ths Republi can party) and George II. ; White, that he, Williams supported j White for Congress. Quoting Ben - As hew. "This was good euough Repub hcan for me." Thus Mr. Williams retained. ; ' - Second, Mr. Williams says, other business forcnig him to resign, he re commended Mr,i C. S. Barnacascel to the Department- as a .: good, 1 honest white man and true Democrat, but in stead of having Mr. : Barnacascel for their postmaster, some of our good "white skinned negroes" have sought to appoint a negro to handle our mail and was signed by 68 of the most phsh. Look ; out v Messrs. Kitchen prominent patrons of the Sans Souci and Stokesl V . office; '.t-'V :r "' " Yours respectfully. About two jweeks after these peti- SALLENGER. tions were, forwarded, George Whitej Jan. 21, 1901. onerea tne appomimenc 10 vv. Etheridge, a jrery .. honorable colored "Abont five years ago I was troub man.j Ethendge favored the removal I led. with catarrh of the lower bowel," of the office jto its old site, so he wys Ul, ChLholm, 484 Deaiborn consulted meat once asking me to let rTfV' mcag? - altVou?h 1 a I xitlfsl " .naew I a - 1 n aim v W . K A K.W m him have a house in which to keep I nrescribed for me. I found thtir remi Who are the "white-skinned ne- office' should he et the aPPint dies failed to in any way relieve me. 5? And what made Mr. Williams ment. I in turn son suited several of I and the trouble almost became chro- Main 5t next door to Mrs. Barretf s 6 . ' . I the best Datrons and we agreed that 1 t"C . After suffering several months. . ... 11 rr..i v hi . - sar i . 1 1 . ar m o i -1 : I -r rxi a- 3 . . l one aav coiauaea 10 rvi.namMr - : 1 it HinprinoA rprpivn t r qnnAinr. 1 . j ' 1 . He resigned between the first and " L-;rr; . Colic, Cholera and 'Diarrhoea teuth of October, when his mill was r. "m V Remedy and I beg to assure you that uuu Vstc' 3. Cash Paid For Old WINDS IM re. Gold and Silver. - OR, N. C burned great cause truly for i an in. Lastly Etheridge forwarded another j i was most agreeably susprised to St RAILROAD. " tu I petitition signed by- eighteen or I find after taking two doses of the I 1 1 . I mnv t Pi a r I wos rmniutiw vl r. - , - - - ' I 20 coiorea Datrons. imo wnue man ""; .ww.w iwn. 1900 was men at iever near, uryan, 1 , - led of the disease that had cosine so as&ca lor ine 1 . . , , . . . 1 mucn irouDie ana ani.oyance. . 1 am u ine thankful to sav that I have not suf I. . a . I 0 - only man that has tned to appoint feied from it since.'? . 1'or sale by signed the petition nor PA8SENQER TRAINS. North. No. a-A I Time Table No. 2. I Sooth. EFFECTIVE 6-2T-. 1899. I No.-I-A 6 20 a m 6 30 6S5 705 73 - 75oa. Lv Windsor "r Ar .6 io p m ; Butlers " ' ' 600 Askewsville 5 40 Holly Grove - 5 5 BRANNING Ar 520 : Powellsville " 5 05 Ar AHOSKIE . Lv -445pm a negro, so far as I know. If Mr. Williams considers Ethe- eridge appointment a ''diabolical scheme," and says he is not in any connected with it he' asserts what is a- Dailv exceot Sunday. - Flag Station. Train No. - makes direct conntction with, the Norfolk & CAROLINA tram No. 102 at Ahoslce for Norfolk.. Traifl No. r makes direct connection with Norfolk & Carolina N0.103 from Nortoik. J.W.BRANNING.C.E. BRANNING Pres.. 4 , General Manager; . ?4 M.C. HINSHAW; 1 r General Freight & passenger Agent. Kitchen and free silver was . the crv in thic rnrrimunitv I no leNt-ir.r rr I . . - VU1 ULU - W - W W W W VV - r a McKinley was in doubt, that of Kitch en sure Mr. Williams began to realize that something had to be done. - He re signed and recommended t Barnacas cal Viic lr Lr in th rflRr With tVlP ., . . 1 -- - j:j ui - , ' , , sr. x . , ,1 UUtlUC, 1UI UC I 1111LUI UtU UC1U I- pledge that he (Barnacascel) should ejgct e uio V .. Q . .-. x , White included. -Now let the "true land being equivalent to Williams re tainine the office, himself His idea being to get Barnacascel appointed i for the coming four years. : Just af ter the election, when the result be came known, Mr. Williams I rebuilt his mill and recalled his resignation, business became dull again." Mr. Williams told who he j recom mended to be nostmaster . . at ... Sans J. J. Mardre & Bro. : PEOPLES' MUTUAL BE NEVOLENT ASSO CIATION. MAJESTY EDWARD VII. !Mr Editor; He is 5. feet 6 Inches h:?h and weight 150 pounds. . ' He has light gray eyes, gny beard a brown complexion and a ball head. His hands and feet arc mall and neat. . . i He is 59 years old. His favorite wine is champalgne cf 1889, and his favorite liquor a cognac - In an editorial last week, you in commenting on Senator Ward's BUI to divide School money, between the negroes and whites, according to the amount of taxes paid by cash race, said that if he legislature wished to do a DODular thinP.lt--trirTn s .... " . r 1 such a bill, and submit it to the pco- 40 ye ars oia. pie that their was no misVUnne the He is a rreat admirer of beautiful sentiment of the people on this" sub I women - . - : ject- ( ' , Now, Mr. Editor, it may be that He m a first class j idge of horses such a move would be popular but land dogs, ami he think he knows would it be right. " 1 ' sbmethlnz about actreses. It is true that tLe negro has eiven I .., .,:. . . . the whites Tnuch trouble. He basin ,ie.,s M,a WM lDC every way politically, shown his hos- shot$ in England. - . - tilitv to them. '- Has this not been ft ta k f.rV,.-- ;- VttK. for wi a mi wsj t V4v a -m awe more the result of fear and prejudicel ,U England and part of-America. Was it not natural, that n his ignor- f . ...... , ance he should have clung to those 1Ie ,$ doctor of ClTl1 Uw ct 0x" ho ad given him freedom and lot a doctor ot laws 01 amDridge ease. ' 1 and a barrister. He had laid 73 large and impcr tant foundation stones, t He opened partjof the Suez Canal. He has made more speeches than any other man in the world, but most ly short ones. . He was the first Chrlstiln to dine with the Sultan of Turkey. , He never allows a typewriter in his house. . He is a colnnel eight timet over. : He has one private secretary, two assutant secretaries and a staff of clerks, ;;... J ." ' -'He receives 200 letters a days and answers most cj them. Every minute of bis 'time in London is spent accord og to schedule." He has every order of knighthood in Europe. 5 ! " : His uniform was worth $75,000. He if a field marshal and an ad miral. :. ; He is a chief horse owner, dog owner and yatchman in; England. He goes to church ' everjr Sunday morning. . He never goes to the races on Sun day. He loves to travel Incognito in Pa- ris- 1,- He buys hundreds of theatre tick f 1 - 4 C i L ; r U-v, , The varnln coj;h Is th f.:.:" fuUcciin:!. Uiz'.z cf ths iprrc::h cf consurr.rtlcr.. l . .... : , - j ... Z Z 1 A I, .'- 1 i - J . r.orc thn. 1 ' n r 1 a. I vr and ! c cc:i 1 1 .1 .. in His ignorance in the beginning of his freedom ought to be excusable. His distrust and fear . of , his former owners was but natural His gross ig norance help the scalawags and car pet baggers in his effort to rule him ''. ' and imbitter him aainst his lormer a . masters. ' Had he been informed he would have been able to see through theit aims and doing-:.t . The negro must either live here with us always or he must .be killed out. :I am sure no-one wants to kill him out. Therefore he Is .here to stay, j - . Now shall we keep him In ignor ance and barbarism or shtll we trv o educate and better fit him for his life here with us. The most ignorant white man.has always been found the hardest to govern. " No I do not believe that education will -ever make a good .man out of a bad nature; but education helps a man to se what is best for him - morally and politically; and it will help the negro io time. The negroes political power in North Carolina is ' brokenbroken brokeq power never , to letum.' He has become our ward instead of .be ing a word of the nation To' keep him L -.,'.-. it rc:: I v I p.lulUl V h"c s t z , " -: t throats, brcn- V j'c'hl-Jvtad pr.:- ( 'r.i. - Do ret J suffer another r day. It's useless, ( . a. a I far ir.prr'i j- - w mm sjfc i prcmpt ia Liiz cure. It is V n t - v. I I. I 4 i 1 1 vhlch cures fresh cc!s Li and coujhs la a s!nc! nit and masters chrci p couhs ind bronchlils In S t short time Consump tion is surely ind ccr tilaly prevented, tnJ cured, too, If taken la time. A 2Sc. bortle for 1 fresh cold; SOcsIze forcldrr colds; $lsLzeforchroni wughsand consumption, f " I -!-- 1hs totUe (ir-, CrT7 rnrI o 4. TV7 f?f : tkJ 1 ex it a4 1 -a ti-r nv." J X O. lrPi. Oct.lt.le. II rx, 1 rx ir t : 1 t-w, v im cri a-r. a V V V v eaM in ifrnoranre in.' an al wv to Kve a. I . . 1 I ets without using them. , mongst us a board of trusts always! ... . L , , . . I , His favorite. vehicle in r.HfPQ A PP A VP I INP Souci but failed to tell who tthe fea vuuuj 11 i.nu uii . . jj ti '-,-4tc,i I CUI11U-UUV1. A- C ll.uikiv U. S. Mail Steamers 'T& alL Toints North East & Wtest. a ; , 1 Lv.' Norfolk, Jackson St. -..5:45 'p m. Lv. Old Point Comfort .... ..6:45 p. m. Ar: Baltimore, Pier 19, Light st.......7:ot a. m. 1 ' ' B. & O. R. R. pTrTr Lv. Baltimore .......7:55 a. m. " 8:00 a. m. Ar. Philadelphia. . 10:15 a. m. 10:15 a.-m. Ar. New York. -12:35 p- m. .12:43p. m. VJHY R. HATHAWAY CURES. Windsor, N. C, Jan. "29, 1901. To Peoples Mutual Benevolent Associa tion. A number of members have complained that they have not receiv ed the notice card (call No. a) of .the death of H P.riPugh. To nil such as have not paid the association, this is to notify them' that unless they pay the dues, their names will be stricken from the ro'ib." i We' do not want to lose--a.- member, and hope every member will send in the dues at once The most beautiful thing "in We will have ah ageM in the field in the .world isthe-babyr:a iiocomemDers oetore me end ot tne 1 .' i J I -. T . m I - aimpies.ana joy. xuc my-t Remember that the dues now auuuiyj -.1 a ! 7 to be dreaded and feared. The negro is not' here Because he wants to be. ' He dii not come here willyr gly. We brought" him " here by force, and competed hira to cleanup our forest' to cultivate bur ;lands and minister to our comforts in evergway Do we owe him a debt of .gratitude for this? Do we hate him because' he is fee? "He struck no blow ' fo his freedom. He worked constantly and aithfully for the men who were figbl- ing(to keep him in slavery. I and the great bulk of ,the' white Steamers leave daHy except Sunday. Jf Ot aierIuni ii any ihauiuilhjii ttii . . ) Norfolk Ticket Ofrjce Main auJ'firanby Streets, f .. . Phouea 12. A E. T. LAMB, GcB. Agt. VV. B. BROWN . Pass. Agt. ; IS mm lULliUl i'-m-i! Lil UIU ! RAIL, ROAD CONDENSED1 SCHEDULE ' Dated May 27th, 1.99. No? ' NT. 'V.-'f No. No.,t ; I103 49 'j' Stations. 4- tio j .-. m. a. m. ' :' , m: a. m. 1 a 20 y 00 Lv.Norfolk.Ar. ;. 5 '5 io 2$' 2 io. 9 22 Pinners Point. 1. 5 30 10 tj " 3 03 9.1" ....Drivers:.... : 5 05 $ V 3 17 10 05 . ..Su.Tolk... Ii .4 50 1 o ly 5 io 35 Gates.... 4 20 - 8 4; ; 4 15 IT 50 .... ..'I U'.IIS.... i 4 OO , 436 11 06 ..Ahokie-i u-3 4f : 8 05 f 4 53 it 21 . ..Aniandcr... .3X 8 ;o ; ! 5 33 12 00 ..Hobj;-od.... - 2 53 . 7 oS r 1 00 xz'iii Ar.TarbnroLv. -2 31 : & ,Q , - ' Ar. J- -t-v. ' i ; 6 35 i--5' Rocky M0ut. 1 55 6 i ,K. VI. P. M. : -t;..; P. M. A ut, .... ; . .,.,--,.,. . ;,z."i f-Psiily. . . tDai!y ex.:.pt Sunday . Reasons for His Marrelons Success . - His Newi Free Book. , ry Dr. Hathaway ' method of treatment is no expen nient. It la the result of twenty years of. experi ence in .the moist exten sive practice ef any specialist m tua line m the world. He waa graa- uated from one of the best medical colleeei In the country and perfect ed his medical and surgi cal education by exten sive hospital practice.' lrly in his professional career he made discov eries which placed him at the head of his profes sion as a specialist in treating what are generally known, is private diseases of men and women. ! 'This system of treatment he has more and more 1 perfected each year until today his cures are so invariable as to be tne marvei or tne meaicai profession. . - -- . Enjoying the largest practice of any specialist . In U10 world ho still maintains a system of nomi cal fees which makes it possible for all to obtain I- is scrvlc-s. ; .' '.v ::; 1 : '.: : Dr. Hathaway treats and cures Loss of Vitality, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Poisoning in Its dlf- threat stages,, Rheumatism, 'W-ak5Bae,'Nerv-' c8ss, all manper of j. Urinary- C3cplaints, Uiors, Sores and Skin Diseases, Brlghts Disease .rou fell forms of Kidney Troubles., His treatment - maies the patient a 6trcgr-we, rigorous na -r . . . fw' H.n. .a . r. 1;T. juauiaway s buu-oas iu uu u w Varicoetlo and Stricture without the aid of knife or ciutery is phcnomenaL . The patient la treated y ti.is method at his own home without pain or joss of timo from business. Thisls positively the only treatment which cures wlthoutan operation. : Dr. Hathaway cans the particular attention of sufferers from varicocele and stricture 10 pages. pitifiti thi : UJ r.H hmJ iur. you. s.cmcmr X A X A. - A M-i a also J . - . : - . -l that this association, has nothing' to . - v- ' I ' !- -k-aw- rJ-v Vint V4 ' ig little fat makes all the difier; j or'send 'your 5 at once. ence. . - r : Dimples arid joy have" gone, and ieftdloanHxfea!n the fat, that ,was cca-ortand color and : curve-ail but ; , pity : F E: T RERIDGE, ' I ' 'Seciy. and Treas. u.,u ,u tc o.i ucUl m The deaier who seLLr'vou a danger ajmies 01 me ooutn. ur women ana gerous-cou-terfeit of DeWitfs Witch t ? J I.- . r t if . . 1 pnuaren were at tne negios mercy. i tiazei saive risas your; uie 10 mane I thank him in bit' heart lhat:r. dir! r little larger profit." ou can not rlA Ti--rtr.,Ur - km trust him DeWitfs is the only pen- - " . - v .V. 'II ! tit. . . , , .. . , , . 1 nine ana onginai ucn tiazei aive Strike for his freedom ' I n -.,. r. ,;. -- . . . ' 1 a w ia -. uv n . vw t w a j t-vi u u .- In this proposition to cut oil his Utia diseases. See that" vour dealer education spring from anything but j give you DeWitt fs Salve Sallenger hate?. Can white men never learn the I & Keeter. teachings of Christand do his bidding and love-is gone. ! :: FRE- BLOOD CURE. A- offer Provlln faith totiiitfcrcr. - 'Is your UJOodr Jfurer Are- you sure of it? Do cuts or scrate-Ws1 hal slowly Does vo-rskm 4lch or burn? Have r I t-nii Pimnlf:JrhtioR Fnlil -Pfrath The little one gets' no fat Catarrah? Are you ple?,It so purify u.' fA : Tt,r AWiA!.yonr. Ilood .at Onte with' B. B. U I I I IIII I I I I 11 I j 1 il.lL. A klUlilVj- ff -. - v- thing wrong; it is either.her food or: food-rriill. .She'" hasliiiho fat for weeks; is living onwHa! (Botanic Blood Balm).. It makes the Blood ire and Jticn; heals every ore and gives, ar clear, sooth, healthy ikio; -Deep-seated cases like ulcers, cancer, eating: sores, Painful Swell- n London is a handsom cab, yct his . stables cost JjS.000 a )es ....... He thinks his nephew, the German Emperoj'is too seniationaL iiHe has friends ir every nation and speaks German, French; Itallian and Russian. i - i i. His tour bf India - cost" $1,000,000 but th? presebts be gathered in from the .Indian princes and satraps were wo th J 1,500.000, ; - 1 iWbidsor Academy, ' OFFERS COt-TtSES IS UTt lATfja;. LANGUAGES. SCIENCE AND WVJIC PKErAKES FOR COLLEGE. PAYS SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THCTE DESiaiNG A RAPID PKEPAKATION THE FALL TF KM tECIX THL THIRD WLLkT IX SEPTEMtEX THE SPRING TERM tFCINS JAM ARV ND '' ' ' ' R. G.KJTTREL, Pfu cPrindp2l. WINDSOR. N.C L. F. PIERCE,- - . . ...',. Arcntfortne 1 Ths law. holds-both paker and cir WAVERLEY BICYCLES . . - R-7Lrf . bic'u;. GUNS. cLOCKv Sat bf action GuarcnUed. )Vill prejudice and hate always swaj the human heart? Can toleration ami love for humanity never conquer tht white mans nature? Did Christ live nd die in vain? He did not prea-.l revenge. 1 To pass "and ratify Mr. Wards A- 1 mendment would be a piece if injuv lice that I hope North Carolina wilt a touoh Roirra never perpetrate. ' ; ' E. R. OUTLAW. J : ( 5w' Death Near. She had- Storedtm that- plump by u.:.B:iBmad espetiallyr for .al- L.'.r t a i'riiii !.. ..vi7-.W-;ntWlr aficr-'i Vfn.'..TrnnhUt A TralnNo: arid 48 solid train? between Pi i 27. 2S. 29.' 30 and 31 of his" 'new ' book, entitled, uer - Toint and Wilmington., T -lin No. eli "Manliness. Vieor. Health. M a copy of Which Will neCi at Rocky Mount witb trai r 33 tor ail por l outh ud No. 78 tram for all po- its North. -.. - ' G. M.Serpccl. ,jjR,KNLv. ' - -ral Manager. ' Sup't. Trains.' T.M. Emerson, . ' -1 V ; QvmrBi Paaaeng Agent. bo sent free on apDllcation. . Write today for free book and symptom blank, laentionlng your complaint. ' . , J. NBWTON HATHAWAY, Ai. D. Dr.Hatba-trayACo . tiit Soath Broad Streets : Atlanta, Qa. ; : MEXTIOK THIS FAP-B WHEK WKITlNa. ... : it is death, belquick! f; li:4w.1V;rT;:,VHV I i . --. x T" ?f JB..B. 1 C-et. B. -B. draihs th iVrf w 4 I11W I . , . .- - . 1 1. wa aO L 1 !! Willi r -! --, T?:.i.f i r . J ' ana enure syycni mj... uie sympiouis; ; . 1 r u &r..n .-.I .tt v.,- . . . Ath . . p-one. She is Starving fofatj Ut n .n J h-.;k .k. It seemed her weak lungs woulii : as though he were c!.al. i;:BU!t:i rrrn PrilchLnnfl.tir.ni ,f tho Rl ! c0113? Good doctors sa.d . she . j- - - i t I waft far nre with f:onsumDtiOii t that no medicine or earthly help Somewhere in the south ays Con grt-ssman SulIoway,"" bripht. colored boy appeared before lhc civil scrvic? ( commisaion to be examined for the position of Utter carrier. How far is it from the earth to the mton? wjs the first questi$n aske-i by t!ose,w;w were to detcrniiue the vun mau's firness for te place he s mgl.t. Ili-w fh am it from the earl rfe rr.Ofi I echoed 1 he appr.ant My Larrd,'?s I 5f i-i.ii' Jwirif ti rnt mr 1.1. .fit rrw.t ! "It often maoe my ; heart achf," f , . ,' . , w u-.i. .1 , .1 :.. - r ft-:- ll dou t want tie job. With that the wines i v. -vcisiicci, vi g.t, : Tenn. to hear my wife cough Until your.g man grabbed his ht and left cannot return.; iClice ' it-; a triaL It TO THE DEAF. . -------- . mnnaL. reiurn.. niive . it.- a-, iriai. iii... . . . - i . Liver Oil is the-, f at ;-she " Can , cures nhen fclse fills. Thoroughly 1 couI j heJ. b"1 V. " Cm S i'- . - . ,-.-s-- v fj j -':,. ,t o-t JL mended Dr. King s New Diecovery and Noi takeiit wiU save her:- ir,csted r.?..yearS. . sold .:at -cr-st nUttnt JL of ,his. exrriief.Li. . r; 7 f. Te nieptctre 'UI k t. ?-'-.n., .. it, ukeo other. s r bottles (full. treatment). So suf- forTreeP?iSlS feierl m-r-tcst'iti a ttial bottle given "taste will ty 'J "-.away absolutely free." "Wr'te for" it SCOTT fcBOWM-f? Address BLD0DALM CO.. Atlanta 409 Pearl St.. -N. Y. Ga write today. Destribe trouble at Baiemore's. xi.'drf-LVi--ad free medical advice give " '" i A rich lady, cured of her deafness; ses in the Head by Dr. Nicb- persistent use ot tnis- excmei- :oloo Artificial ri urum gave medicine saved her life.' It's abso' lio.ooo to his Institute, so that dafi lately. guaranteed for Co i ghs.. Cold peop'e enable to. procure the Fr Bronchitis,- Asthma and cU. Throaj Drums may have thera free- Address and Iinr rJit-av. roc and tr.oo 'o. 05MX).- i h Nicholson Insti- Wood's Seeds are frrown and aelectel with pciil referepc to their aJ-ijULl-tr ta the toil and climate cf the oth. On our ed fn. and in tvr trial grouikia, thouandt of doxrs are expen ifl in teslinjr and polr. the Tery bt w tiit it u p Lia to grow. By our xp-en.fr.'. a w are. enabled to aare our ct-i-" era much expeaae and !oa froi plantlnr varieliet rsot aiaptol to our Soutbern toil and climate. Wood's Seed Book for KCI U full- up to dati. and U H a bout "the best Sedls for t South. It turp-JiM-ail otLer ul licationa cf iU kind ia Leir''-i r, 1 reful infon4tion for Oareccrf , Truckers and iratrj. Mai: ed free, ,Y ri t to r i L T.v.v;oooso:;s(; fJ P ...... e i.t.i . RICM.V.OND, VA. us:rn tin :::r htsi r: Trial bottle' t-te 780 D-ht Avenue, Kew York.U.,1 . r...r.t: . , - Sa . . . ' Im "iiif'ui i i 1 -r"'