II... 1 1 11 mm nil S We "Duplicate the Prices and Better the Work than any Printing House In KortH' Carolm ating at home. Send us your orders. Patronize home industry. If you are in need of envelopes, paper, bill neads, anything, from a lug tag 10 a dook. let-us. Know ana we win satisiy.yon in every particular or reiuna your money, uive us your order. STOP YOU lee & j Borrowing; YOUR Neigh bo-'s LEOjSR!- Will Sead it to YOU Twelve Montiis for ONE Dollar o6 Six 'Months 50 Cents. j an X raxrkei Acrats till " tra; " LEDGER, RENEYOUR J re cr ictr rr.c't J? VOL. 17. WINDSOR, N. C., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 14- 1901 NO 45 . shi 5"V " ."'- A YOUB MONEY DAOK " KSiV M7 MS US V sawssasu . Guar . 10 fcg WOT Sent Free bv Insured Jeweled ,27rsjt or Watt- I mmm sooei p. o: best 7 Mali. ar Movement.- to a'-l "V J. 1 . Williams Kepiy 10 VOX. Greniiinnfinlil fiilMioacn guaranteed tor I0year&. ! - Catfon'ypr Nearly 1200 styles of oauv-i . watches and all the lat- . ' eat itnin,Ta in reilatla 1 - :. - -. Jewelry, are Bold by us i at 45? below retail j holiday SUGGESTIONS. IgardstoMr. K. SaUenger's. article AJUata Materials, Bi this office, blacker white exekgr AVil liam Smithwick.'.colored who 'claim- rtftNFAOS, 97.25 toes, coucnes, . ns Games. Grs kerchiefs, Knlvea, Cisrars. Clocfea. . Cora. nodes, Coucnes, Bona, Easy iCnairs, Fountain napn ..Please allow me spats to say in rr arda to Mr. K. Sallenge'r's. article eyDkcf&ut: which he based entirely upon my pol f eta, CaWneta, Candy, r;t . " - . -i-,-. China, China Closed i ,tlcal career. 1 . . . os. Mumera. Musical In. etruments, Pedestals. Pictures. Pines. Purses. 1 D Pens Games, GraphapnonesJ Groceries. Hand- Lmvea, uuni Rockers. Sewinar Machines. ; Snort itio- Onnria. Table Silverware, Toys. Umbrellas. Writinsr Desks, are a few of the thousands ot suitable articles we sell for Christmas presents. In addi tion, we are head-to-loot outfitters for Men. Wo men tod Children, sell Everything: to Eat, and to Use. AU information is contained in our No. M illustrated catalogue, each eopy weighing 8 lbs. as an evidence ot interest, Bend us 100. to help pay postage. These 10c. you rsduct from took fibst obdks of SI. It quotes wholesale prices to consumers.- 1 reiAovna eiuioeun no. onu Good BeMetwtth inpn from 15c to 81 50um Dau tranxnortation. Madrto-order Mm'a Clothing OcdaloqiMwith samples pat Expnsfiagt antf Quararrte to fi t. Lithographed cmiaiogu or liorota, ttuaa, Oraoenei, etc, shomna footfa In Vwr real eolori. Wo pay freight and torn Car- fererrte. wnyp pay retail prices t "Which, catalogue do hi wane 7 AaareRS tnis way : UUS KIKES & SON, BALTIMORE, HD., Dept. 909 DR. W, L. DAVIS Consulting Optician. AH errors of refrectlon scientifically corrected W. R. JOHNSON, ATTORN EY-AT LAW, WINDSOR, N. C. Practices la all Courts, t ySpeciat attention given to Collections. ,. Fir st-cjass Watch repairin v., Qocks and Jewelry and all kinds of i Spectacles and Eye-glasses fcr ' - . " . sale. Mr. Editor, I did not call or use.a ingle name in m article of January t'ie 3rd; So, if Mr. Sallenger's'nkrne "after participating in such Ian abject scheme of cpmspiracy as 'that . men tioned in my article comes before the criticising public why hetf mnst not fault me. i- Now, if Mr. Sallenper. wanted to write a full and unabridged history of mv life, he ought to have pone -back t') mv birth and had it combined in one vast. volume, then he could have taken it out on the highways ard ;T m quite sure he would have had better paying better business than S't ting on the stool of do nothing whin ;nd foaming at the mouth and abus ing other people beoause they will not aid him in appoiritine a negro post master, for- his own advantage and self aggrandizement. I I dont wish to use a s.ngle word of egotism; but I wish to say that I be lieve with an unprejudiced conscience that I have fulfilled the wishes of th white people of this" community in us ing every means in my power to pre" vent the appointment of "as Sallenger puts it" "the Honorable W. S. Ether idge" Post master at this office. Mr. Sallenger refers ba k to the e- ed to be an old seivant of Sallenger's also Mr. W.HjSmithwick whf claim ed to' be alliecrfo' Kenneth by sonw secret connection and stood in fear of bteaking the friendship bonds that bound them together.' There wtre two others who were neutral . n the subject. Now those ' were the. r good people that Sallenger takes to support his statement and those" that 'signed my petition are t'ie ones that he K. Sallcngf r" aas sought to "class and elevate" with Ben Askew and his tal lies. :' God forbid, "Mv dear readers" that no other white, man posessed with a single drop of Anglo Saxon blood, may ever hurl such . an insult in the face of their neighbors; for oy ol the Min C people who signed my petition are as true to democracy as ts the eauh is to its orbits. No my dear readers: it was not a question of politics but a question of having the post, t tiK.e where people can go and get tucif mail without having to sit on their buggies or stand in snow to their knees and hollow until their lungs tail to per lorm their duties and men return home a good many times, without theii mail. This is what has causeu Mr.Sailinger to have to &tuop to the aid of a negro to get the P.O. Oack in his own hands. Mr. oaheuger asked for space to aiake a true statement ot affairs. Now lets see it he devoted his space to this purpose. He says that I rt signed as P. M. Det&een the first and tenth of Octo ber, when mv Mill burned. Now if R W. HALISH, ISxpert "Watchmaker and -'s-duatc Optician ..-. - ."r i. wVur J-. m 1 v---. t jfct uasn raMrTor uia joia ana uver TIME TABLES in my office for 15 days pinted in plain English," stating that I "had resigned and no one had been jrecorrimendedt and unless some was .recommended the office would be discontinued.. At the expiration of' re; days -they also sent me a blank petition and; request ed me to hand ti someone that would make a good postmaster, and Barna easel being the only one that was fit and suitable I did mybest jto have him appointed. Any one;, wishing to investigate this 1 will b glad to show thehi the proofs at my office. Mr. Sal lenger claims that Barnacascel's ap pointment would have defeated the wishes of the patrons, which! I, defy single instance. - Sallenger, told Barnacascel himself that f he would promise to heep the office at bis house he would not say a.word r gainst, and it now seemV MrrSallengerii is the only mermering: voice. Two we:k after this, says Sallenger, Geo White offered the office to W. S. Elberidge. an honorable colored man. This looks a little suspicior s and 1 doubt very much if they can pioduce this lelttr only in answer to one written' to Geo. White. Mr. Sallenger says F-thenkge consulted him at once and in regards to same and 'secured a house2 to keep it in. Now this throws another daik shaddow on ' their 'concocted . plans. Why didnt Etheridge consult his KepuDiicans wno auerwaras signea his Detition? A'hy did they -K. S I lenger and W. S. Etheridge, and one other whose name I will not ':sa, seek to hold their clandestine rocetrgs, as Sallenger asserts, mutually ague between themselves, to appoiut a ne gro postmaster and locate the office to suit themselves, regardless of what the white people of this community had to say. Surely this was a noble way to piotect the welfare of the pat rons that Mr. Sallenger was so inter- 1 t a ego to Mr. J. B. Stokes, president lection of 1896 whan he declares I j ol the E. M- F- Insurance Co., of voted a Populist ticket. Why didn'tl dortie Co., he will tell us that u:y mil go back to 1894 when I 1 cast my uurned on the 19th day of July three nrst ballot and voted a straight out! mouths prior to . Mr. , Sailengei's J Pjopulst ticket, clear off gate posi, j &iate..u.nC Again he says that ,1 had Kps and runners, for 1 have not 1 ao saw mill business" when 1 resigned Jested about. When Mr. Barnacascel :r' v iiakcuin,y pen to'deny the charge I aud i', yugo to the people wbo'help- was rjetitioBing.for Jhe aprTntme"nt, TT7" T TVT C O T? MM C "":. k) r;.nt,. A .-.,. t .ul , . .. .... .l " i I iu. AKt.rn- .!- V- .:il. ,......." . . : 1 . ' - . I , ?oi:-ulist ticket in 1894 and 1896 with I ud cur mill on the nth ot October, a pledge from Mr. Barnacascelio hold ire same ctmcientious heart th: t 1 1 m'i itauy lot operation only waiting his pttitition until he could gie the voted the Democratic ticket in oS.ar.d 1 ,ur a iv:. onces ot machherv that natrons a showine. 'And "my "dear . .;-Lr - . ' v. I - ... ' " II ...... . 1 1960, viz; believing that I was doin; j ere uipiaced iu transportation. Sojpatrons this ta the showing he gave what was benehcial and best for my we find both these statements abso- ycu. This was what necessitated country. : Itclv groQadless and false. And - if teleeram 'to Washington asking to Ie- lurnll 13! M i I llbll RAILROAD. inntnn Vw u u a 1 u PASSENGER TRAINS.: NOBTH. NO. 3-A I Time Table No. 2. EFFECTIVE 5-27-i 1899. SOUTI- No. i-. 6" 20 a m 630 6 55 t ' - 1 7 3 75oam fLv 1 Windsor ! Ar 6 iop r. v Butlers 1 600 ' : Askewsvifle 5 40 " ' I Holly Grove i 5 5 r BRANNING Ar 520 Powellsville 1 5 5 : Ar AHOSKIE Lv 4 45 P ' Mr. Sallenger, says let us see who! some ot our good people, "Mr Edi-I fer the appointment until he1 could -' , ..... : 1 I . ... . . I . ' . - . . . T.l. . -t. . those jood neonle -re that -maH tor. 'iiaa Kept tne dates as ciose as have a secret consu'tation wiu ue o : r r . .-: -v 1 ' - -v - - . . 1 . - 1 i w.- 1 .... -. tw;ns,mc u ,8. t i- ency cauvasd the county to debar Hon. W. S." Etheridge () and aae ' i I mft from PWiinf ihe. little insurance I irra'n&rntnt for one of the darkest I tell him ,o they were: My petition 1 d hony due m ercf blackened the fair name' of oe irs ice signature 01 every pairon 01 by lhe K M. iDSUrance of Bertie, the our of the most prominent patrons of this office; and yet he laid 1 this petition, Mthat of his own wife, asidc.endorsed that of a negro, which by his own statement, was only supported by 15 to ao Degrees. These'' is to ao ne- w 1 groes is the overwhelmning majority he asks our kind Editor for space to represent at the commencement of his article. He burls on me a traitor's doom for going in under Geo Wh'te in 1897, and in 1900 we find ' him seeking ifrst, to hava his wife appoint ed postmistress under the same Go. While; and next to have her appoi i! asslstant under tre Hon. W. S. Eiler. idge. " ; . ': - j- - Mr. Sallenger says I withdrew ny resignation which stopped the appois t ment of Xtheridge.. I trust it has d r this is surely whit I cancelled it ft r. But I fear this was not what kept him out. I am quite sure if the case w; s investigated closely we would find aiv other of our popular white neighbors promised to stand Etheiidge's bond, and when my article appeared in th Ledger he found he was going to fcet caught in his little game, hence he de dined to have any thin, to : do with the bond. Therefore Etheridge had to give up. So I have the pleasure cl knowing that either my article in tl Ledger, or my resignation, kept a n gr oat of the postoffice. I will not use the bondsman's name, but it mill undoubtedly appear in due seasor. for hit dogs are prone to bowL Mr. Sallenger charges me with never vet- the Democratic ticket unless I did so n 1900 at the state election. Now Just for the ake of con d em mng this statement I will say that I was appointed poll holder fcr the pop ulist party in 1898 and I it first d dined to serve, but tfter being re quested to serve by some of the mmt prominent leadets of the democr-l party in Bertie, Co: I complied and held the polls, for the populist patty "which then consisted of two men and did my duty towards them as fr as I knew what was just and honest and at the same time I voted a straight democrat ticket. Any one wishing t investigate this can call on Mesv Philip Perry. E. H. Walke and R. F. Smith, three of as prominent denro- crats as our county afTords. realixing that 1 got my tion, at all other poor country have to do, I am sure willing to excuse ray mistakes for I baveaV any professional frWnd at Chiocl Hill. JV)Iin Creea cr at home to write m ne for me. Yours for the same tiue Deraocta- cy. J T WILLIAMS. I !i:t!- educa untry boyi 1 1 . j yoo itl be 0. f $500 REWARD. We will par the aSove reward for any case ol liver Complaint, Pjv j pc-sia. Sick Hcid ache, Ind rtitwu, Ccnsttpatjon, or Costivcncss we can- no cure milk Llvcrita, the Up-; Dite Little Livel Pill, whe tn di- cttions are strictly complied with They "are purely Vegetable and never I fait to give satisfaction. 15c boxes contain too Pills, toe boxes contain! 40 Pills, 6c buxes contain 16 Pills Ikware of substiiutknl and imitations- Sent by mail Stamps taken NERVI TA MEDICAL CO. Cor. Ointon and Jackson Sts-, Chicago III. roa. sale, iv Dr. W. S. Gurlcy, Druggist. PEOPLES' MUTUAL BE NEVOLENT ASSO-CIATION. r JiMsr -I h In CTcry ccu-h ihzrz H lurij, l:ie t crc-cr.ir: l f';trt the rrcbtb;,;:: --v - of c:-::'-rr.r ;Tht thrott and V; S) f.i.n cd from cctrar.ee. Ttir co chances :Ji' 'ttx the. dis. At J'!J ceroua foe. there hi3 been t rcr- 1 L feet cure. M'hir a rce- i crdl Slxry ycirj of carts, f J ; Windsor, N. C Jan. 19, 190L To Peoples Mutual Benevolent Associa tion. A nnmber of members have complained that they have not receiv ed the notice card (call No. a) of the death of II. P Pugb. To all suvb as have cot paid the assodation. this is to notify them that unless they pat ihe dues, their names will be stricken frota the rods. We do not want to lose a member, and hope every member will send in the dues at once We will have an agent in the field in a few days "and we hope to have 1000 members before the end of the j year Remember that the dues no being collected ate not for Pugb, but may be for you. Remember also that this ajsoc'ution.has nothing toj do with he Fire Assodation. Brirg or send your $ 1. 15 at ence. H E. ETHERIDGE, , i Secty. and ' Treas. tooth c and he c wounded thro&t and lucts . Youccctpeiaai tick c consumption wl:h all its terrible suflerlcj tnd uncenala resuhs. There !snothlneub.d forth throat tod lucs at co ghing. . . . - A ZK. bonis xill cure. taor Iniry coth; hard-' crco tht itInecdtCc tlxe; the dollar borJe is ' C It t lit. rt-!r rvtrttrnN(Wirf4kMd W. 1. s.m - raa, a. u. I w twM. tr f 1 W wr mrmm UN hat tz- . 1MMI ta D.J.LiTII.Un:.)M(. If mm DmI Home. 44 It often maiie my heart ache," Mi. Sallenger seems to boast Tenn -to hear mv wife cou?h until his color line that he drcw.He mearal it seemed her .weak luogi . would dear leaders that he drew tie colorrd I collapse. Good doctors said she . . a-Daily except Sunday: flag Station. Train No; 2 makes direct connection with th Norfolk & Carolina tram No. 102 at aiioski for Norfolk. Traia No. 1 makes direct conuectio with Norfolk 6c Carolina N0.103 trom community. - Well might j he' say i;net and so very close! that when I Ur -e WUh Con??roP?,f -x- x c dates could have been remembeied that two vears is - long time for me to I came to make bis atoerane aftt r 1 .... . 7 T . i ...... w - - iiiiiri wr a w- iiui mux m i .r in a iv-mxim for aes to come. hold out whenit has only taken him the flection he found him self nmhcLJ l)r k'mA V. nwit. Windsor Academy, cwtj. coitus ix im nmr, LAXCVACI.V SCIEXCE AXU SU5;C. rtcrAars rna cotxrr.t. -rvs srrciL attv-xtix to ti'hf. tf$taisc a no rti:rAtAT:o' THE FAIL TVtM trCIVS HIT tkisd i ik m iirrtMtra THcsraiNC Ttaw trciKS jakvast xr Km Cr IU, 1 1 KILL Xl &. ., Pnndp2L J.W.BRANN1NG, C.E.BR AN Prs, General Manager M.C. HINSHAW, General Freight & passenger Agent, Ahoskt I 5 "rt s m r CHESAPEAKE LINE. w ii in-. iiMMin nin -a ' ' . " mm ' aJJ I IMS Jl I: Aeaih, he asserts that 1 stood in two weeks, by his own statement, tolcoorC(i sjjje He asked the frd tond persistent use of this exctlko ... - I . . .-.. ' " . . . I . . - . I .- i:r- t.- fear of the coming election. Sup! denj his pledge to, wnue 5uprcinvT. deliver him from mo democrary and ,ucv1v,w "y w I had k .his.office .U Andrew m,r...ow patron, l Uto I d, b. p.,he Lord nottt p,. ."tu salary ot six to : ten aouara tne columns m -jui uuum f"', i ly wnen ne goes to deliver mm ari ... . .... j- ' . . . L. F. PIERCE. Agent for the TJ. S. Mail Steamers . To kJL. Points North East & West, Lv. Norfolk, Jackson st ...i Uv. Old Point Comfort... -j : Ar. Baltimore, Pier 19, Light st. 55 P re.-- ........6:45 p. n. .......7:00 a.-n- B. & O. R. R. P. R. K Lv. Baltjtnor-....... Ar: Philadelphia...,. Ar.' New York.. ..., 7:55 a-1 ni- , . .10:15 a; m. . i 12:35 p.i m. ' 8:00 a. tn. 10:15 a. m. 12:43 p. m. Steamers leave daily except Sunday.. - -r For staterooms and any information call at. Norfolk Ticket Office, Main and Granby Streets. " Phones, 12. E. T. LAMB Gen. Agt. W. B. BROWN ! . Pass. Agt. RAILROAD CONDENSED SCHEDULE Dated May 27th, 1899. No. . . No; 'So. No. tios 49 Stations. t' TmT a. m. A-M- . 20 900 Lv.Norfolk,Ar. 5 55 1025 2 40 9 22 Pinners Point. 7 5 30 , 1 03 303 951 ....Drivers.... 5 5- 9 34 3 17 10 05 . .Suffolk ... 4.50 ' 919 3 50 10 35 Gates 4 ao 4 8 42 415 10 501 Tunis....' 4 o 8 23 t 4 36 11 06 ... Ahoskie.... 3 41' 8 05 4 53 ii 21 ..Aulauder.... '3 77 . 8 50 f3j ii 00 ..Hobgrood.... 253 7 08 00 i22i Ar.TarboroLv. 3.31- 646 y- . - Ar. ;'. Lv. 5 35 ' 50 Rocky Mount. "I 55 6 37 P. L. E. M. ' . , ' ?4 M. Y011 haw. used alls Ui ViUII I vlllv" i -. I dies but it does not I I yield; it is too deep I seated. It may wear j itself out in time, but ill iy uiuic nauic iu; I j ! ' - I I prouuet id grippe, $ i pneumonia or a sen-1 l ous throat affection. J ( You need something I I mat wiu give you I strength and build f i I lU ' U II II II : I I Cora ImpoteHcyNlght Emlwtona, Low ot Mam. ? " , I jMalI effects ot self-abuse or I CA I we 1 -k. m. 1 I -I ft-, J excess and indiscretion, I EMULSION ! iSsSsSte a !fW Afi ot Toatb. By asu ugTS I I strengthens, builds up and I f rBTVltclT&Ul6 IS I!e sa-s the second Detition w , and something to teai? , - ' ''c;iifnrMore,rown business., .,, , J r . . headed by Mrs. Georgia Sallenger fort . . ment will not ho d; for it is I .. , - J And now dear readers I wi ish make I keen bier assortment that,, if the Republicans had postmistress; and signed by sixty-eight this statement. I tendered my resi;- of SDectkcleS Olid VB T7 A A WLT-I7 l the victory, 1 - had nothingto . , - - :: - nation to the department honestly. x-.. -r jf-. W J. V CJ 1 TL X -i - ; t MI:,K...:i:K(,k-.i:i: t RlvSSe3, QT Sale, 1 pay a single thought, and roy resigttatk Cash for.Old gold Olid Sll I . BICY CLES a ver. . iiign graae watcn- i great jjose normous - - . r I ... - . II Mo.mm mi . m a mm m per oionin, wttn a clerk mre ot sevea j boast of his action in the case. I ne neean i warn Mr. Moaes ot w. I at R. dollars per mouth aud, board? A' god- - the Second Detition was kitchen lor they are both able to easel ree. ly tncome; f his statement a fact gained tear, as mere was no one else at. tnis office to appoint; and it tbe . Demo crats had won sure 1 had confidence iu ihcin to know they would not oust me because 1 voted a Populist ticket in 1894, I hope this fear has not in- jured nervous svstem Mr. Sallenger says I tried to have Mr. C, . Baruacasel appoiuted P. M Contrary to the knowledge ot the ii roi s. Another absuib blaicUitut. i never recommended any one when I resigned and there was a notice Iron the Department posted coiisjjid 6o ng diseases. 50c C. Eaxcmore's. Trial bottk WHY DR. HATHAWAY CORES. flERVIT&PIUJB Reasons for. Hb Marveloaa Socctss .-. -His Jew, rre Book. Dr. rXathairayi metliM rf treatment Is no experv ncr.l. -UU the retult of Iwcatvycart of experl- rGco In tbe moat xtn tlTo practice of any t racialist in bit Use in Uio workd. Hwaaara4- tutod from one of tb best medical eaDegtt la .the country "Bd perfect ed lila medical ud turci- cal .education by extao slve bospltal practice. FatIt in bis rrof esslonal -career be mde dlaoov- jrtAa which ti.ifd him at tbe bead ot bis profs. 1 slon aa a specialist In tratlntr what are geoeraUy known as private diseases cr men ana wgmoo. This system of treatnicnt ho hai mors and more TwrfMtAd each vear until tr lay bta cures are so , tavarlabte as to be tbo marvel of tbe medical profession. . Enjoytapr the tarcest practice of any tpeclalUt In tbe world be still maintains a system of nomi nal feet which makes It possible for all to obtain his services. ' . - nr. ITaihawa7 treats and cures Lca of Vitality, Taricocela, Stricture, Blood Poisoning tn Ks dif ferent stages, Kheunuusm. wea uacK, nerv ousness,' all manner or urinary wmpiimu, n f Vvw.--- w Rtacd ready at .ny time and .t wou-t be a pleasureto me togive this oice 83 Wftllly repaired. Re up to some go xi honest wh.te imn peater. Split Second and who would keep it decent and m or- CmTOnOgrapb, English,; aer Dut you cant oiame me lor not I Watches - - . suirenoering 10 a 101 a neaaiong ne-i x -rjy- -rj ,TRTT. ! groes if T cm prevent it. Now afte. nio vaaAAMCw : vwiwiua uuu Practical Watchmaker Rfpalreas. - j GUNS, Satisfaction Guaranteed. &v v : 1 Z will fin thi WhPn PVPrVthmo ' m 4?;no fW. e hozea for I . - e ., TLa- J.Ca I &2.B0, wlthonr bankable srauran tee tocuro - rjicers, Sores and Skin Diseases, DriRhU Disease I S.Kft talk. Ihre IS nO dOUbt I or refund the money paid. Bead for clreoUr .. .n,..! VLWTMibiM. Hiatreatment S- . . . . . . $ and eopy of our bankable guarantee bond. I make ihe. hodv stronff and I r (texlow j.abih. . . "',.,- -mi a . At : 1 rWail. "tUaily except Sunday. : Trains No" 40 and 48 solid train between Pi aer's Point and Wilmington. s T-iin -No. 49 cor ttects at Rocky Mount with trai 1 23 for all poi t South and No. 78 train for al? pc its North. . - G.M.ScRPttL. J. R'.Kcnley:' ' "rt.al Manager. Sup't. Trains; s T, fvl. ErZ ' 3aii4Wl Pfc.saaa Aieent.' - and an tonns of KWney Troubles. His treatment 1 far undertone:! men restores lost vitality and EXTRA STRENGTH makes the patient a strong, well, vigorous ma. 1 - nr. Hathawav'a success in tbe treatment of Immediate Cesarca varicocele and Stricture without tbe aid of knife . . vAnAWUV.1 .Th. mAmiI Ii tnaitiid . . nr muifln mm mixunvi i i . - " 1 . 1. j mm at pnww.' . . . . . ... . 1 . -r .r i, 1 4L.... i t rooBwij (furuiwu un 'a 7"r-r"' bv this metnod at ms own nmiM wiuioui pu wr healthV. -not OnlV tO thrOW f yaricoco2,-UndeTelopd or ShrumOiina, . nrtm buslocsa. "mists positively th I LX.-. L-J 'U U..4 IA paresis, omorari,;,, ;.YV. wVMt whlctimres v. iUxnitan cvtmUou. s frtt4iftr -4Kr fc4om atfaint . r.i. n mnil in nlaln tackatr, ai.OO a . mfferera from Varicocele and Stricture to pages I "'J V I , box, 6 i for $5.00 wit our bstkibMIW; 27. SS. 29. 30 and 31 of bis new book, entitled. I farther attacks. If YOU are i;anteo bond to cure in SO day or rerond , Mnn vigor. Health," a eopy of which sriU f run down or emaciated you T m e 12 VITA MED! C AL CO. j wriuTtoMreebSkiurt i should certatnly : taKe tn:s i ointona Jackson sts, chicaco, iuv mentioning your eomruu. .... IlUUIIMLa : .sOW ,; - I ' C Or Oy lr.. VV. O, iu 'J-' 50c entSx.no, all druggists.? X for, N C ' - . . SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York, 4 T - . . Dr. Hatliavrar A Oo-, tM8tJft Broavd Street. auorxiox this r araa waxor warnxo. FRE- BLOOD CURE. Aa offer Previdiag lajtb to Sf1rr. Is your Blood Pure?, Are you sure f it? I)o cuts or scratches heal slowly toes yourskin itch-v burn? , Have you Pimples? Eruptions? Foul Breath Catarrahf Arc you palef If so purity your Blood at once with B. B. M- (Po'anic Blood Balm). It makes the . - r- m mr S . a' " 1 liiovd rure ana ,tucn, neais evtry wre and gives a clearj sooth, healthy kir. Deep-seated cases like , ulce-a. cancer, eating sotes. . Painlul 5wel- ii.gs. Blood Poison are quickly cured l v B. Bv B., made especially for ar obstinate Blood and skin Tioublsl B. B Bv is difTerer.t from other rem edies because B. B. ! B. draihs - the Poison and Humois out of the Blood and entire system so ithe symptoms cannot return. Give , it a truL It cures when all else fail. Thomugl ly tested lor 30 years. I Sold at drug jsores at $1 per large, bottle, 6 lar.e bottles (full treatment) $5 So suf- teers may tejt it, a trial bottle given awav absolutely free.'; .Wr'te for ii Add'ress BLOOD BALM CO Atlr-ta Ga. Write today. Describe trouble AtuBta.Oa,. and freeTOedical advice give 1 t- Lr Lt ' '. .J i J i r a vKf At o caos. s CYSTTJ! CUILStRjyiES APPtTTTi & CORRECTS THE. LIVER. mam hi TASTELESS Wood's Seeds art growa anJ atUctrd ith rpdal rtSertrxm to their sViartatUit j ta the soil as4 dimat cf tb 6otlh. On our atsfvl farms. as4 la ctrr trial grounJs, thocsasis cf doCara ar expeaded in tetUcg and fTowSrt, thrtrf test aredt that it Is pcm& Ut to grow. By cm txfrtcau we are enabled to save our res too era tnoch ex pens. aa4 los frees pla&ting varieties not adapted to our tsjolhern kM and diaiatt. Wood's Seed Book for ICl U ally tip tn. daltt, and tails all aboot the test Seeds for tha SocrLh. It surrjlr ail olbe lica lions cf its kind ta hdrfd and cefuJ inoncation for Gardssaen, T rockers and Farmers, Mailed frt. WriUfoflL lv.; wood & soiis,; SesJ Grcirars h l!:r.!:::::, RICHMOND, VA- " . uttttT sits ic:ti iiui s::ti- atJr"! fW M eBvVW(Sai V ;t?UU) Chill tonic f3 scli strictly CP its Me: ?. IT i tht 1 arivcur- money refunded f . f II i ci id iu tui t y u u . i, i i. - mmm n i mr ' XrTHiWahi W eakaess sslfts Uaalf ta tM leas aaMUdSi aad a-tiag boa-. TVs V-d to raiiary I LS Umm ar vni-il dt Miag pewc tar C a .. - r-a e tlavd rka aiJ rwt. 1 jom rt- - taaaaasrsssrtvsro'IUa'' trwaa inws I . ' lars U sw i I y r .