C3We "Duplicate . the Prices and Better the Work' than any Printing House 'tri North Carolina. Then wily not keep your rr.cn ty cirp ating at home. .SeniT us your orders Patronize home industry. If you are in need of envelopes, paper billheads," anything, from a shi ing tag to a book, let us know and ;we will satisfy you in every particular or refund your money. Give us your order. YOU 17 4 4V r- Borrowing YOUR Neitfi b v LHD SERJ WE Will Send ft to YOU Twelve Months for ONE Dollar t if i acres this trice en: "V r o .mx Months? 50 Cents;" V j !V I :"f. t ,7) . J! I VOL. 17. Windsor, n: p.; Thursday-, feb.ruary'28 i 9bi -.'-' .: --. V ... ... Y0U8 UOilEY BACK " fXllZlX iff Insured J eweled Brm or Walt- i Mall. tw Movement, In a i Keuuuw uoia niua cue. : ffoaranteea ior 10 rears. Nearly isoo Btyles of ! -watcaes ana autie l&t est things in rell&bl Jewelry, are sold toy us at f below retoU jrlee.4 y c . HUUDAT SUGVCZTIQJfB. Guar- f o anteedV lor JLOJ - lo yeariJd- mm niinrh mi't h: iiinrn111 : mnrifri rimmirri nim nmirii nn HIIII'li - Mllll'liL - II! Jll lllllli'l ll ell II II TI fi 111 mill A Hill I 1 II II I I'll II f UUUULU IUUUI1LU IlllU UUUULIIU Carolina of high crimes and ruisde- ; In the names of the. Representa tives of the people, we do demand .that this Senate organize a tiigh'court of impeachment: and take order that i David M. Fu4-ches" and Robert. M. an- Oft H FACE. 97.SS 38, li Orai ArtiataMaterlala. Rl. cycles, DookcasesTBuI- i lets, cabiaeta. CandT. China,: China Clossci, Clcrars, Cloclrs, Com. lones, Grocerlea, Hand ips, Mumera Musical lo ne moaea, coaches, Dolla, Xasy Chairs, Foantaia ve8, lAmi rL U , S ' 'J -" ':': : 1 DuS,as , ar?r at itsbar.. to; ine nouse ixeaas a uommittee to the , senate to;wevhe vi ;cuiar charges hich the , to JNotiiy Tliat JtJoay ot the Adoption of the ; Pens Garni kerchiefs, K BTxameni Rockers. Sewlne Table Sllrerware. Desks, are a few of articles we sen for Christmas presents. In adl- -4. Impeaching: Resolution, Lamps, Mumer Musical jn-J., ; - ..i; ii, r.--".-, . 1 . . . iiiFi(iisinn!i iwiiuumiuii. f IVi. v.sq ttRepresentatives will in due tii. exhibit: and that t'ie Senate do mar io ti men and CWldrpn. twAl KmrTt.hlnir tA V.r -vt flirt. A -4-3.1. I I iit 1. ' ; ... . I . "In CC . toUaeT AUlnformniiTnTi.iri lK.;ArUUe-: Ol iniDCatn- cntroacn upon ineir ngniv liui v.-.- KsSd'SS the at long inteavals the .i rd ' such o'.her and further .order premises as may seem to 'them jbest calculated to bring this trial to a just and speedy termination. ' i conclusion the House of . Rey tlon, we are head-to-foot ontfitters for Men, Wo- toUae. All Information is contained In our jn.: w uiustratea catalogue, each copy weighing , j lbs. asanerldence of .lntarest. nAnri nairL tA mprir' A w Rp! nr PfAnirpii " help toy Dost. Thi(V.:n Bn,r,w ? - - TOUB FIBS T OB DM 0 SI. It QUOteS Whbl8Bla k pKS!S.l ..rJ.. :.i . ... . u,i . ; thrn a.quecn isdethroned: here a rev! 'yS i?7??' SCENE: lN SE- , V f-hSK,; . i tect the right of th impeached; and of just'ec falls. lls. A king is bche'aded raessergers. prays t n U:drhr..nrf. uVJ Eternal Truth and J ives through us, its ' chosen that the God of us'ice may pro- Uadrto-ordtr It tit Clotklnf Catalog mitt laxviu euarmntt oooattn tMf nal color Wo pan fiotakt om4 mm Cof F J :s 4X. t. l inr nn. TKic ,mr-.KmAn MtdJK. anmoormmaot i mmtm Ah. Why pay retail prices?' ' Whiclf iuwaii. aaaress inu way : , . ij.ii i; .XJUUS HIKES A SON. KALTIMOIE, MS.. Oest. 909 DR. W. L. VXVTS All errors of refraction scleiitlfically corrected . - W. R. JOHNSON,, ATTORNEY-At-CAW, U - -W INDSOR, N.C. " ? e . Practices ia kit &atim.. t ., .-.:? .Special atteaCTotlxtvem to CoUectiom. First-class Vatcrpainri. ( i ot Spectacles 'itnd Eye-glasses for ' "7.;.alc . "". . - R. W HALISti, rr- 'Expert Watchmaker and 'Graduate Optician - i Main St,'n"extdoor to Mrs. Barrett's ! : - ' . store. ' v- 1 1&- Cash Paid For Old Gold and Silver. - i - . ei N D SO-N.;C;",: IM t RAILROAD. PASSENQER TRAINS. NOBTH. NO. 2-A I- -Time Table Nt.a.-' EFFECTIVE S-2T-, 1B. I South No. X-A 6 20 a m 6 jo 7 0 '. i 7 50 a Lv Ar Windsor i Butlers ' Askewsville Holly Grove Branning powellsville Ahoskie Ar Ar Lv 6 lop B1 600 5 4o . 5 20 505 i45Pm a. rvailv cirmt Sundav. : Flae Station, .i Train No. 2 makes direct connection . with -he Norfolk & Carolina train No. 102 at Aboske for Norfolk. Train No. makes direct connecttoa with Norfqlk & CAROLINA N0.103 irom ono -J.W.BRANNIN G.C.E.BRANNlNG . Pres" - . ' i ' General Manager " I W. C. HINSHAW, " General Freight & passenger Agent. - CHESAPEAKE LINE. - U. S. Mail Steamers" . AND To all PoiNts North East & West. rLv Nori6lk,Jackaon,st..,.. Lv. Old roint comi... -3j'-jb" Ar. Baltimore,, Pier X9, Ught 8U.7'-?-J?- -j- .5:45 p.m . 1 1 1 , . 1 . ..... tionalKght is wrested from' the; rul., Pscrve unoroKen me onsi.iuuon .ot tne fatneis. b IS Them. Poor of the Attorneys r ; ' For'ihe .Prosecution Se-; : ; 's Wy lected. :': : . d: - The committee appointed by -the' Eloase of Represehtatiyes to notify the Senate of the passage of . the im peachment res61utijn: anddeniand tHatirorglmie- nrgh"court of im peachment for the ' trial ' of justices' urches and Douglas, vestetday per ! ormea that day. . i ; v f 1 his committee was composed of ths following trie members: r i Mr. vviMbrpiN, ot ertie, cnairr man. , v t ' , - ' - : Mr XRtREY, ;' I Mecklenburg. Mr. ZACHARY, of Trannsyiva'ni ia. MrBCOUNT, of Washingtdn. Mr-CARLTON. of Duj-lio. : It' waslexpected jliai' they u would wait upon the Senate at noon, to dis charge this solemn ciuty, fcut by a res olution adopted soon after the House met, the hour waa . changed to 1:30 b'dock." 7 Allhe day the galleiiels' and lob bies ol the Senate had been' crowded with people .anxious 'towlthess ' this unusual proceeding. :, j .-. At the appointed hour the door keeper of the Senate announced fa committee from the House of Rep- different from these only in degree not in kind. - How, cross the waste of years it summons those days of Republican extravagrance,"f debauchery, almost ruin- more than quarter of a century agol That party was theu throwned from p6 er and not till it came:. back in again did it become necessary " to once more use this extraordinary pro ceedirig. Truly times' have not chang eofso "m'uch'af tef "all. - ' ' ' r . ;Mr, Winston has ceased speaking the Senate has adopted a resolution declaring that iL has received -: th6 message and will duly . coo side- it', the President has formerly annnoun- ced this fact, and1 the comrajtteelturns arid leaves the hall in the same order and.lmpressive manner that it lenter- cu it, . , r . iresenfitivesT raridin'response to an invitation If om the'' PrfsidenV the co'ti Mr.' W'instos speachrein .no'i ffying -Senators of the passage of tbe ihpeachnient resolution Vnd VrT-deliv-ermg the arae tolhe Senate, was in full as follows: " , ' - -Mr,; President and Senator: Ve are directed" by jthe House of Repres entatives' to convey to you this roes sage of great' moment. - . : After long arid patient considera tion; by pronounced majority, "that ranch of this General Assembly, de- ".. . .. '1..- .j ci are, in at Lavia-M. r urches. late Associate Justi- and now Chiel' jus tice, and Robert ,M Dougtas, 1 Asso ciate' justice sof the Supreme Coirtiof North' Carbtina.iin" violation" of th letter and spirit, of ihe Constitution andMrP. defiance' of fhe'plain statutory faw- of the State.ha(,ve usurped ppwer subversiue of"ihe r ghts oV the le. - litivt; deparlmeut of our State , r 1 'i 3 ? - . - i . - , . eminent i : . , :. . - - "And now Mr. President, having j discharged this momentous and j met- aucholy duty, we await your answer as provided by law,vwhich' answer, we will make to those who sent us hither, ) . -, - - 1 . - I On conclusion of the, above Sena tor London sent forward the follow ing; resolution, which was adopted,"' : "Resolved, tha't the "President -in behalf of the Senate announce to the gentlemen of the committee from the committeejfrom.the House jof Repres entatives that the Senate will receive their message, duly consider the same and! take proper action thereonj Thereupon Lieutenant Governor Turner,vPresident - of the Senate! said: . . ' ) . ".' ''Gentlemen of the Committee: Von will bear information to the House o! Representatives'' that the '.Ben ate V has received its raessaee and will consider lhe"sarneand will ta"ke prepcractloh I Constitution of.the.Slate.' ; -1 'On tne retuni'of the committee ..to demanded that the Senate should take order to make thrm appear be fore that body to answer Jor the same and announced to the Senate that 'lie House would jioon presett articles cf impeachment and make good t' t same. .1- ?7 . To which the resprxe was: 'The Senate has received the rnetsa;- ar will consider the same and will take proper action thtreon." ;Tbc articles of impeachment, are now beiog drawn and - will probibl te ready for presentation to the Sen ate tomorrow. t , - . - , The attorneys so far .selected for prosecution of the judges aithe bar of the Senateare: Major Vo. A Gutbcrie, Durham: James. IJ. Pou, Raleigh; ex-Altorney General !.David son and Judge Merrimon, Ashville. . . ... crrciAL.orjjiiR in the sui- ATE FOR LAST SAT . . . ' ' URDAY. . e. That V. Night Wsa IUr Terrer.' ' MI would cough nearly - all - night long." writes Mrs. Cbas. Applegate, of -Alexandria; Ind., Jiand c,ould hird- getJinjr aloepJ.hid consumption sojbad.thaf if I . walked . , bfpk J wonld "cough frightFuny 'and;'' spj't' blood, but, when all .other 'mciciVei fatkd.tHrte $1.00 bottles cA'DfJl(g'i New:Discovery wholly cured mcjisd I .gri?d. sS.poundsr ' jy absolutely guaranteed, to .corej Cpughs., Colds, La (IfippeJ'BronchUisind allThroat and Lung troubles. ; 1 Price 50c' and iiioo. Ttal' boae" at R. C. Bazemore. - - mittee "advanced toward the clerk's desk. Senators rising to receive, Mr. Winston came first holding in : his hand the I resolution. ."Behind. him came thVother members of" the ! com bitteletoyiwKr7?Ardrey yand Mr. Carlton, Mr. Zachary and JJionut Wnees eachea'" they tonned in line, two of ihem on either' sitfeof 'Mr'.'AXlrtonin 'directly In front of the president. - , : f heTtc'IdenlV'rdiai one - Elgw c'rirnes'"aud'.V'niisdemeanors Ic not unlike a scene from some romance : omce in obedience to the duty in of old or a Tpage frota hnf atmitar Jus- posq upon ss, we now preset 1 to , tSrrleCtlillerite' hpnoVabje'bodyZ certain resoiu-' out the hail. Men and women aCootfrtiOhs jelatin to such" impeachment withalfTded Senators: As directed by .the order cares to speak. ' The witchery of un- of the House of Rspresentatives, and Ar Amendment Offered Inturinj th . . . Disburtsment oTS200.O00 Arn 1 ail. rr-opotod Pention Scale. . ' 1 She Refused to OiveBond Topka,"Kan.,"2b 19. Mrs. Na tion is now io the county yiil "asal e sult of her. trial on a peace .warrant before Judge Hazen yesjefdaV. .Thi warrant warworn taby.the. Moesar Cold Storage Company, whose "plan Mrs. Nation entered - Sunday , rnorn- ICIT. .' .... 1. . j the House Mr. Winston made. the fol ing leport which', the Speaker ordered sered spread, on the record: .'Mr. Speaker In -obedience to 10c oruer oliuc xiouse, we, mis uay, proceeded to the' bar f the ' Senate. and in the nan1e,ot this body; and of all the. people Vpf thr Senrte of North iwaroitna, we impeacnep, as we jwere directecTtonSo, lJavid, M. 'lurches, late. .-Associate Tustice-and now Chief fjusireei find. Jiobeil.UUoUglas. As v- i- - r-- r u- u ' i ot tn county jaiLwbere she will brob of North Carolina, of . -high : crimes I .. . ' .T-rim-":-a .JoiTenatn lor jomc time: xkjrsrauon actea as her own at torney in me trial, juege Hazen placed her under Jijooobcod to keep the peace and ordered herv aprar before turn atjhenexj Icrm,.jf(; -court Mrs. Nation "refused to give the bond and said she woutd go td i jait ' Sh is now detained "in the hospital "roonl For the misconduct itdecW- M . -. - . . .. jitiat these i officers be impeached 1 , 4- rieityTiungluT"iT 'urisualis such a proceeding. - B. St O. R. P. R . R. Lv. Baltiniore....l......-.7:S5a.vMtt':ofn-: Ar. Philadelphia. . .. . . . w 15-a- m. - v aoii.S.avm. I Ar. New Yorki... 12:35 p. -m. ;s v- c. An . Imv. Hailv xrnt Snndav....' . For staterooms ana any imuiju.wi v v.,..; d ain and vranby atreets. 12. Norfolk Ticket Office, " .:. .."'. ' Phones E. T. LAMB, Gen. Agt. in the name'of th.wh6leleopTe of North Carolina, whose 'constitution IT - 7 have ha beeVbrokenV wjiqse laws been defied, whose future peace is SownMsiredelWr. Winston: i(e ' are frcctei to Tconvey!rto -s ypu f !ic?cin;ivlPri,e-d w5 impeach jk thiSihessaee of great moment. M f All "vrc, .-m.-; urches, . late- Associate U knettie' 'dread import of that rues-! J "stic and now Chief 1 ustice, and ftrT a shiver seemed i . to run throgri tlessemblage. . Then; the i Robert M. Douglas. Associate. Jus- I - . " - ' . ' - K I ' 12. V'.: ----- ------ I . i .... . i lk;-. . . r.r. . . . . . - J I . ' . - - w, b! brown 1 names ot jJie impcacheci juages were . . - - -- , ' fc - - - . V-' -r . ; I were pronounced,, ' - "i ; . ' 1E RAILROAD ,.'-- ' y v-W-Vrer t'i CONDENSED SCHEDULE s No. rw3 M. 4 20 2 40 3 3 3 7. 3 50 4 IS 4 36 4 53 5 35 6 eo 3 No. 49 A. M. 9 00 9 9 51 so 05 35 10 50 11 06 11 21 .12 00 12 21 ta 50 P. M. Stations'. Lv.Norfolk.Ar. f inners Point. ...unver.. ..Suffolk.... .....Gates.... ... ..Tunis.... . . . Ah'-'sfcie."... Aulander.;. .Hobjrood.i Ar.TarboroLv Ar, ; '.Lv Kocky Mount A. A. M! sssdi?o3s 4 ? We now present to your; honora- IbYl lyCeTt atnjewlutionsTtefating to:in1mpemVh'i.w;:As. MrVrWin: :In the city courts arguments , were given in the case brought against Mrs Nation by the 'proprietors ? of ibe wrecked" "Senate- saloon. Jcdje McCabdsaid he' would take the in ler under advisement untiL Thursday t'0fr..v-;;..j rS.,CJ It iso t likelv .that Xlrj. Nation will be able to give bond.Vecause she declares that she will resume Let snr sh'ing crusade against the - joint" immediately upon her release. Hct frjeeds have been advised that lucre Haztn will make her release, condi- I 1 1011a I nnnn th rrrtmic ihil Iv V sent to her home at :MedicaV? Lodge? " Senator London has reported to the Senate the oe" prIon la, in C bformity wjih ih wih.es of U 'Vetera n Asc'ia! ion, and tte.ti l nji ucru a. a K- a sproai orccr i-yi noon cext Saturday, The text is as fonows: , A Bill to be entiiicd ao'Act "to" a mend chapter 197 of the Laws of tSj for .the .relief of Certain - Confederate SildTeo.acd Widows; . . . . - rf ..'. . . ' the General Asiexbly of North Carolina dcrj enact: J Section I. There shall be patu out ol the tieasinry of the Slate of North Cinolina. pa jbe wa.iar.t of the Audi lor tofevery person who hat been Joj tie last twelve months immediately precedbg his or het application fcr pension afona nde residect' of this Statel and who is incapacitated fcr manual labor'and was a soldier or a sailor io the service cf tbe. . State cf North CaroSoa or cf the Confederate State cf America, during the war between the Statet, and to the wklow lemaiclag virnarricd ol any" deceav ed cScer, soid'.er or aaifsor.who was in the servico of the Suieof North ..." Carolina or of the Confederate States of America during the war. between the State (provided said twiJowwas married to aid solifcr or "sailor be fore' tie, fvrit clay cf "April, iSCt), the folio ing f uno, anncally, acrprdmj to the oVcce ci( disability ascertained by the following gTade.Tiz; FIr,?To uch ai rixveeceived a wound which readers them totaliy incornpctert to perform-manual labor in the crdii.ar j avocauocs ofjlife. seTeniy-two'doIJars; rcoivL '-Tosuch as-bare J-t a. j above' the knee or atx arra above . t how..or haTe a leg or arm rendered utterly useless by reason of a wound or permanent lojury, forty eigtt a h lars; To uch as hate lost one eye. and to widow rema ning unmarried, and' all othef soldiers who are now disabled from any cause to perform manual labor, thirty do.lars, That' 1 section 3 vA be amended b Strikir oc; all of said oec.ion after the word gTade" in litse 4;.And section I of said ihapter 15 Of jp,Lawa w tsc9itb:rc6y refeai r r l rci i ;-.::.? t r ; '. j i: " 1 1 c r Lrr ':n j- f ' '-"g i 1- -. r.vcr.t . :.U w j j sicjrt-i: . -If th- 11 ccV.Csiei frrn f j;c:.il r-r.i ca tar ia ar.y jnr il . .. be ir.j-iT.n".t to fxy in f- ! :l ; - sior.s al'.oweJ by this art, tLrr 1- J the event the State Trcii-rer pay said peftbr.i cut cf i-t fur.ds r.ot " t:i.erw!ve rrjr'iV pror:Jrd. hoaetcr,' tl.at in n stall l.ke total arrcuU piii fcr rn. eicrej 55. o." The b.Il V-' :i J e a i I tl e Srr.are Si! . A - - - t t h z thin ht:d cf h::r is 2 r..rkcd Che blr b y ij ouy j"is. her ths t 1 .. . , . air.a cr a tzzik rr.crt mcnlilc." ' -i Too nianf mc3 In ihclr tvccflcr? arc bald., This ,1s sbsurd arid ill ur)r.czzrir,irf. Hcil thy hair shs s man's strength. To ' build Lp the hair frcm incroais, .lo.-frrcnt and 7 . Scrtlon 1 1 Cbapcr 19S cf the laws cf ilSj JO cure b'ltd- n'c ss, u s c ' 'w' .... I ;' It always "restores ( coior to ia:u or rray ( hair. 'No tfee that . uprdv.u.al',v5ys.t And It cures dandrjiT. J -0r r tro s. t 4 L - I -r .1 I -:;- awl kixfci "..-y k. m i . - r. i tr ; v sw.k T.. ttl til I u't ti r M 3 rrr; W " ka I r t . . I . . 1 fvi."t - . 4.. 1 3 . i . ' . . r. r ' W ! W. k ? fiJr 4 a - t " It ynwr . . u. W-w f t , f "a. a. C. ATta. J 0 L A AAA hi 0 4 , I J IT r Y r L , ... A lasor .jl.jlczgcj H'RscXttuin' aiaY Visit ' lis". FRE- BLOOD CURE. 'Thi.4 nicluie i.s the lr:nl; iiuitlcol trirv little. of SCOTT'S KM 0!.- r A ve SrvMiUIIMaT ViklTVe V e.wWiial I - - - - . r , r r::::"" I sion iu .tiie wovm, - wiucit Is your Blood Pure? Are you ,?urel ftl0iiiita to luaiiv: inmfcmS Vf?arly. cf it? Do cuts or scratches heal slowly t ...... - '. V.... ... u i t 1 i. Ills llieat inriiejv n.s.i.ivnii v lines vourskin itch or, burn? Have I a' efc . you Pimples? Eruptions? Foul Breath ?uch vast proportions, dreVmeoped forward an handed the v,!.. j onrp with . p. . . - A- t , . . rSl i(tamc Blood Balm). It makesthe W f? f".1 '.IJV ... VIj: Aoi'Pr-H - Mic-h. hu selecting the- various uSxdiejua .May Smash Dirpensarits as Sh ed and sectioo i of thisa'ct suf r.ttul ed in place thereof. " . ', . . v Sec t. 'That all laws and c!iuv , - , -. esof laws enacted since the Grit day of Jariiary, tSo, grantirg pension to ax.y particular individual named .therein, are hereby tpcalcd.: : ' " Seel a. That.na inmate of thi Soldiers Home at Raie gtv. ncr.any perco wlio was a dcarrter or who re. ce to, a pension under i,his act. Sec. SS- That ail, -ca'-C&sfed-i . j i - . crate ldiera and vak?rs. ho har cartas ctn tn tx un unir. i ukO-JCix. lower ji3 ui.::., rrr!s rot cntrcr. : . - - i , fAVS SrECtAL AITISTi' TO XT'-t .rs s;i;x a artr tar ta a at :c .Tltr. iffU. Ttrvt Tr.- tut "thud vwtK tt stnrvitat rs srarxG tuw trcins jav it - ... ' HG. KI7TRZL; 3. v-.rt. xc . ives a peosion from any ether !ate . Jha United Stiles', shall b: et-siiicd I ' Lri F. PIERCE Smashas Anything That Smaah " jbecurae totally blind slrce the war, or J . the Darltnt;a. ston prbnouric Special to the Mews and 01 stiver. .. .... ... .-.- .. . Rutherfordton,.N. C. Feb.j 21 C U. Wilkes of the News Lereau, lo- who lost their lighter Icth. feet in the Confederate service, sha'l leceive from the Public Treasury luo a Near to be p-id rnontr.iy by the'clei ; I the aupericr cotrt of their; xtrinet night tetegraphed Mrs, Carrie Nation vwuniips, M provide 4 i. te Jb ;c r;n j 7 v' 1 j Jtpf.," ' ..a t. amenoraer.i tr.ercto n cnaj-'f r 341. c Arr.t fcr ti-c 1 - s 05 i - 34 (t3odJof:EteriSal iTruth -and" Justice, 1; r rt. made especially for aV !i'lUi;fV4?.l and skin Troublesl 11 : ! :i t3L3 rtrtiitrn theCon- v different from other - rem. 8Uff r V" ? v.ediesbecauseB. B. ' B. draiha the W,V,"-; - '- f . Poison, and "Humors out of the .mood How 5JlePt:Pw me .. d entire system so the symptoms .Ar- l Vvj -lit at- fJ..n-Al - ; . 1 - - 1 rJ5 ? ? 5S P. H si 08 ; 'J, it Daily. ' .;. "DailyxcepTsuniayT Trains No. 40 sad 48 solid trains between Pi nerxs Point and Wilmip'Ktonl T;"ii No4Co nects at Rocky Mount with trafct 3 for all poi South aac) No. 78 train for all poi.it North. n. M.Crbtrrr -I D Mrtiirv '-"""rai Managerr up'j. train. . T. MrEMttwON; . v Qaweral Passance': Agent.. . ' 1 TAn;-Because it lias ' made mi SlCKiy, aencatc yui.uiia MRS. CAHRIL NATION. J 4 r r 1 i-t - WAVERLEY- the Laws cf iSSj.and cluie( : -f . - . j " . i thniLaws cl 1509- .'"BICYCLES1. 'Kr-jf-rx: L:cycl-. hiitorv--VOlume aH-..y u uue and wondei at the long suffering.: of ihe UoplaSct the boldness' of those JSSL,! .'"S.! 1 e LU3,e SlmfStd io full te.h. many. first -'stases c J.- lu y Ti Kird Y:a I: wu.oA.u i. sf, . tf-oasands'in 'the fereri may test it, a trial bottle, given tr " . -, - -- 1 j . , v . 1 1 -H Ad'JreSS ULAJUU 15ALM LU., Atlanta 1U aareesble tne wn rorerue rou.' . "' . 1 ' 1 t ! WYTT BOWSE. Chrmuft. js. iv rti jx r -yt - it i iacrri ri w rnii n a 1 w-wv - - , a 01 c-t trMNfr wai!r I hav no rrt!ar.cr irj rrcorrv- rnendir.g Chan-jttrui;! Cc-S K.f . e2y,' says P. P. ? tcrarv, a w'e.lksni and pjp.!ar bakrr. cf I'ctcrsfur-.'Va "UV hiv rirrn it t3 our ch..J cn. - i'A'r ''"'i lpVowhea troulilcd with baj cojJ.s, a!vl :CAbi tJH.I V-r-2t-;!,ii, h ,i.,yM Xcr 1.'- 1 J.- r'"'" ' t'Kn rlf,r1 sat;sfcvn. It was lyiJ 1U l., J 4 .... a . . .m I ;lhe Ui c '-h eueJrciM? tnr c-,: ' L 11 . rO tilr f ! r.) Cri'TV CT ( v.eara th . -X- r - .v.rr r ti dr.i For ..lr Lv I. -' . . ... . . LCXHv. Satis tacticn Guirtr.tcti- r K V- . i . .v.. y- . t njaxtzJw cf Wu:f:f, J-CUU . . far lire fcfo. ra - f J 1 " ; . " ' ' Wl" .1 t .il t 0 - - VILLI.'1? I " J&7kZ'S' " ' land free medical advice give x.andfi4; aaarufiu. J