c.r fro-n - . . ' ' v- vww i v- v-i j j.n.m.uiai v l 1 k-IUim JUUl iiiUUCy. VJ I V C US J"1 your order. STOP YOU j jfc j Borrowing YOUR Neigh bo-s LEDGER! j WE Will Send it to i YO'J Twelve Months for ONE Dollar Six Months: 50 Cents, VOL. 1 7. WINDSOR, N. C.iTHURSDAY, MARCH 14 1901 atingr.at home, bend us your orders. Patronize home .industry. If you are in need of envelopes, paper,' til heads, an-tvv . inor taCf tO a DOOk .let IIS knnw anrl w 'nrill co tic fir -nu in Pi'Prv mrtinilir r- -(",, I . i' ' t' W V "TT"T TITS iSrf -:ttn ) -A I " C, . I YDUa BAGKJ " Ste Sent x i ft nr We anil Insured jeweled or jxuui. mm .Movement, in a genuine Gold filled case. - guaranteed ropinTOm-u Nearly 1200 styles of Watches and all the lat est things in reliable Jewelry, are sold tv ns at 45 below retail price.---, i- !-'. . HOLIDAY SUQGESTtOiS. Artists MaterlalaL Bi cycles, Bookcases. Buf fets. Cabinets, nandv. mmim vnina, cnina Closets, . PKNFACE. 97.25 . Cigars. Clocfrs. Com- moaes, uoucnea, Dolls, Easy Chairs, Fountain fens Games. Graphaphonea, Groceries. oJIand kercnlexs. Knives, Lamps, Mufflers, Musical In struments. Pedestals. Pirfiiroa Plnoo Pnmsi ' - ?er.,6ewlll Machines, Sporting Goods, Table Silverware, Toys, Umbrellas Writing Desks, are a few of the thousands of suitable ; ; oruuiBs we uen ior ennstmaa presents. In addi : tlon, we are head-to-foot outfitters for Men, Wo ; men and Children, sell Everything to Eati and uumuiuuu la contained in our is o. ;- an teed for wru F11E STHL vs. Cigarettes. 7. No liquor shall be sold except I tP in seiled packages and none shall be j 1 J - . ' . , I . - r ' . - sum -ixK any person- lnioxicaieu or known to be an habitual drunka-d, nor. to any minor." . . 8. The trustee "shall cause an in spection and analvsis to be nj-de of Provides Fof I.OCal Option tne stock on hand from time to-time Elections Intro'duCed! by a competent chemist.'; and if any by Rejjresentative Lloyd Lawrence or Hertford" : ; County Quit Ma Or Quit the .Vile Weed De clarei, the Maiden. Fair. And H Quit the Vile Weed. AND A ' HAPPY RESULT FOLLOWS liquor is condemned as impure, or unwhoU some it shall not be sbld-and no liquors shall be sold that are not ' well k no w n In the amrket -as -ptrre j and unadulterated. " .". - ." 1 9. No liquor shall be sold to any 1. That the commissioners cf any person for the purpose of selling a- Vtrl countV or town, upon petition of one- gain. ouafasToalB I1 iH SSjSE? fourlh of the qualified voters of such IO- . .The manager -shall not aUow Prjconsumers. : : - countv nf town.are anthnrizpri tn iiKjanv person or persons to loiter about fUbwwutt cixumub ran.- firm fee BaekUtmtth f . ' ,7" : LL V mwp'm mm i5e. to $7 so n pag transportation. 1 mit to a vote whether or not. a rlis- the premises. Failure to enforce this mana- .1 : VJlr,J?. L.Jn,VJ pr transportation, mit to a vote whether or not - a UaartO-Ordir Men S Clothlrw CatnlnaiMtmith enmniax I he established. This requireraenr. is cause tor 111c ufx.. 1-LA r I 1 111 1 1 . " I . Why pay retan prices? VT. yon want? Address this wav vHJUUS NINES ft. SON. BALTIMORE. HD.. Deat. 000 - I incomorated town shall nass such ty and at four oth,cr public place. ; oramancesas are necessary to carry 2." If a majority of the votes cast out the purposes of this act." shall be "for dispensary" the board . ine commissioners snail ap of commissioners shall, as soon there propnate Irom the public treasury after as practical "elect three electors a sufficient amount to establish - the for each dispensary for the county, dispensary, which amount shall . be from citizens of the 'county; v or Tin repaid to the general fund of the case of a town dispensary, three elec- county or town from the " dispensary tors in the i:own, who shall compose J amount. and be known as 'dispensary trustee', 13. The dispensaiy trustees shall one of whom shall hold the office for I make quarterly reports to the-com- one year, one for two years and one nnssioners Vshowing receipts, expen- for three, years, or until their success- I ses and cash and stock on hand iot ors are elected and installed, and the I each quaiter, and the amount , of net board of commissioners shall annual- profits shall be credited to, and plao ly thereafter, as the terms expire elect ed in; the general fund of the' county one dispensary trustee and" shall ; e- or town to be used for public improv- vancancies occurlng. " I ments tHerein as the board of com- These trustees are to establish and I missioners may determine, and "said maintain the dispensary and' select a commissioners in, their discretion may manager who shall give bond for not appropriate a part of said profits to le;s than $500. 1 he .managers's sal- j t&e scnool tund in such town or coun ary shall be fixed by the trustee "and I ty. : " ' : shall rot be dependent upon the la- 14. No person holding any public mount of sales. 1 omce or position in tne county : or 5. The trustees are i required to town voting for dispensary shall be e- make rules and regulation for proper j ligible to be chosen as dispensary conduct of the dispensary. They prustee or manager of the dispensary shall determine the Quantity that may1durin& the tirae he holds office, . u - ; .:r S ine trustee shall be paid such be sold to any one person pi ovided I " - ..... ..: - .1 uie : -uil I J uu ic quaumy uiaii iiii -t p.ut , j6Q ctQn shall held un. be furnished and none shall be drunk der this act ore lhan once over lwo on the premises- -" Consulting Opticijm. All errors of refrection scientifically corrected , .:rW.- R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, WINDSOR, N.C. , Practices la all Courts. , Special attention liven to Collections. f-. - ' j" f-y- m First-class Watch repairing. -. ' Odckis and Jewelry and all kinds I of Spectacles - and "Eye-glasses -for hect f0r au v. - sale. in R. W, HALISH, Expert Watchmaker and Graduate Optician Main St, next door to Mrs. Barrett's . store : ' a,' Cash Paid For Old Gold and Silver. ) y.INDSORr R C T M E1: RAILROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS. years. Time TabCe No. 2. 1899. North. No. a-A I EFFECTIVE 5-2T . I Sooth. No. I-A 630am 630 S5 5 7 3 750am Lv Ar - Windsor Butlers Askewsville Holly Grove B BANNING . Powellsville AirteSKlE Ar " 6 iopn , " 600 A 5 40 . 5 35 Ar " 5 5 5 Lv 4 4SP" - 8. " The trustee will also fiix tte pri'-e at which the liquor is sold, pre- vided that price is not to be moie than So'per centabove'thecost. tv.;i .Trni finnHav." ? . Flaer Station. - Train No. a makes direct conntctKm with the Norfolk & Carolina Uain No. 10a at Ahoske : Mnrfnlk . Tram No. 1 makes direct connection 1 with Norfolk & Carolina N0.103 from Norfolk. J.W.BRANNIN G.C.E.BRANNING Pre v i. General Manager, i M.C HINSHAW, ." General Freight & passenger Agent.: CHESAPEAKE1 LINE. U. S. Mail Steamers . To all Points North East & West. n n v - u " 00 - Working 24 Hears la Day - There's no rest, for those tireless little workiTS. Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always busy, cur ing Torpid Liver, Jaudice, BillL.us ness, Feyer and Ague. They banish Sick Headache, drive 'out Malaria Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work wonders. Try them. 25c at R. C. Bazemore s. ..... $200,000 A CERTAINTY. Lv. Norfolk, Jackson St. ... 1 v fIH Point Comfort.... Ar. Baltimore, Pier io, Light st . . . ..54S P- m- ......6:45 p.,m. ! B. &. 0-. R. R. -P. R. R. Lv. Baltimore.... Ar. PhUadelphia. Ar. New York... .7:55 m- ....iio:is a. m. ....12:35 m. 8:00 a. m. 1 10:15 a. m. 12:43 p. m. I Babies and children need proper food, rarely ever medi cine. If theyTdo not thrive oh; their food something is wrbntf. They need a . little help o far'their digestive machinery working properly. Steamers leave daily except Sunday. For staterooms and any information call at. Norfolk Ticket Office, Main and Granby Streets. Phones 12. ; . W. B. BROWN 1 E. T. LAMB, Gen. Agt. - Pas. Agt. - --- V,-JU OF : aTiin LIVER OIL mttHYPOPHOSPHITESOFLIMESSODA v.The Joint Coiniittee on'Apropria tions Senator, ,Webb presiding, held an executive -session in the Auditor s office yesterday afternoon and tabula ted the figures bearing upon the de mands made: upon the State " for j appropriations. - One important matter difinitely set tled upon and this the appropriation g$ 2oo,ooo'asked for public schools would receive a favorable report. The committee continues its work to day. ' . ' . Love; versus p'arettes. Love; triumphed in Chicago the other day and Albert A. Clark and Hattie I rpra-p illy, were mirried. , TTnvious but hojjeful eyes, emaciat ed faces and all types of the dru habit were seen among the . witnesses of the" ceremony, and several friend and relatives of the contracting cou ple were guest at the final scenes in this strange romance. ? .Hattie Izora Dolly is) a, handsome woman of tweutyoneyears. With her mother she conducts a hotel at 12 Sixty-five" street '-T" ." '-. Albert Bee Clark is 25 years bid, handsome and manly, but seriously addicted to the cigarette habit. ' S Months" ago th: young man applied to Mrs-Dolly's hotel for a clerkship. in answer to an advertisement, and was 'en ployed. He fell in lore with the young woman and she accepted his attentions. He asked her to marry him.. - , , " . How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? she asked. - ? Young Clark truthfully replied he smoked about 100. " ' ' . ' 1 1 "Then I cannot marry you, was her reply. "You must first stop sraok- The oung lover, promised - he would, but the vow was more than he could fulfill. For several weeks !he took the medicine of will power, but is not strong enough to effect a cure. . - Three weeks ago he appeared at the Stanton Avenue Police StationJ . I want you to lock me up"he said to the sergeant. "I want to be put ina cell where I cannot get a cigar ette and kept there, until I am cured lf the habit He then explained his reasons for the request and upon his own sugges tion was taken into court, fined $5 and sant to the bridewell. ' Dr, O. E. Miller, president, Mrs. Angele Cox. Secretary, of the St. Luke's Society, learned of the young m n!.-- earnest effort and, after paying his fane to secure his release, took him to the institution in Indiana avence, where he has been ciired. ! Last Sunday Mrs. Dolly called up on him, and when she found that he had not only given up cigarettes, but had professed his acceptance of re ligion and had reformed generally, she was overjoyed. Arrangements for the wedding were made and invita tions were sent to their relative and friends. , At 8 o'clock last ' night the cere mony "was performed, Rev. ; Wal lace R. Stubb?c, assisted ty the Rev. in James Connolly, cvarcliit tf the so-! - r . . .. v .... 1 was best man and Miss Waldo v. as bridesmaid. The croem's father and rrpther, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Clark, were presei t and shared in the re joicing. It his been announced that young Clatk will conduct an KnleoJ mis sion of the siciety in the future. TAXES. After many intricate cxarnfl-s the scientists have discovered ; methods for obtaining all the uatu al diges tants. , These combined in the pro portion found in the . human ; tody and u lited with.substahces that builds up the digestiv- organs, making a compoudd Kodol Dyspcpsiu Cure. It digests what you eat and allows all dyspeptics to" cat plenty or nourishing food while the stomach troubles a're being radically cured by the med icinal agents it contains." It Is pleas ant to take and will give quick relict. t Mr. J.T, Will'ami take lua Captain E. R. Out! An J Ac vocateta D:'i"ot of la Taii. Mr. Hilton I Mr. II R. f)t!aw, -"n WAR REV1-NUE REDUCTION. tide which aj-rcarei in j-ui j-aj-r c I ' " Jai uarv 2 xrV stems to th; ik tl.it! lh: Legislature wculJ irrl ct a- 'n-s-ticc on the oksred race by diviJi.-.j the sc!i'"rl lax as set f;rth in Mr. Ward's L.ll, which prc-viJcs I f each rate to .support ?tir o n sc;oli. I caanot ngrcc with Mr. OwlUw in his ai; rj i t, fcr 1 iavariablc iclioe The bill for the reduction of war revenue, as finally agreed upon in conference, was Sunday reported to the Senate and the house, and passed by both bodies, so that it now goes to the president, fcr his sigmture. The charges in the present law will go into effect on the 1st of July next We take the following which ill be of interest to our readers: ' Tobacco and snufl, 12 cents per pound20 per cent reduction.' Beer, thevhouse rate of Sio per barrell and repealing the 7 prr cent discount, was retained. Commercial blockers . taxi Re pealed in occord an cc with origiral action of both houses. Bank checks: Repealed. Certificates of deposit: Tax re pealed."" ' ; - Promissory "notes: Tax repealed. Money orders: Tax repealed." Bills for exchange, foreign: -The rate nxea a 2 cents tor eaen ioo m UUS o( education until every poor that lo disciim natj the races in thU particular would be more satt$!actcry to both races than any mea gre, that has yet come before the pubi c. Mi. Ward E ll does cot. in the last, debar the colored race frGm an education, but ir stead it give the ne gro an opportunity cf taar.ilcstifg the interest that he has in the education ol his own race; "or surely if they have any interest at heart for the e tiucation of their race it is high litre that they were rnr.Ifesting the fact, sir.ee we cave been educating Ihera for thirty odd years. And 1 think its time that we were reaUiirg the fact that a large per cent cf oui hi:e children are almost debarred frorn the advantages cf education cn ac coutt of the disadvantage in the ar rangement of our public S hocl. Now if we pay Qoper or.t cf the school n tax, we are deprived cf about 25 per cent that would go to the benefit of our free schools. This wou! J mean 100 per cent added to our white race's I educational advantanes, for . then,j every one Uiat felt an interest ta the educational development cf his own race would cry out for more taxes and more appropriations for the noble Led n ycur t Is !: cc;t: ? Then ycu l.y.z t:::c in y ur r: : rr err. ir.,:. Y. ; h p r, t". f - - i . w s, : ,. yc-jr to-c's trc i!-sys . 1 i ...... ' - There's c!d i::tlc cure: ;d rc- ' v0 I 1 i ' I u u i I 4 very r.ext d:y. Y 4 Doa'l talc a c::h-n:. ! dose and then s:c-r. Ik:- xzt lilt a Iax::ive c': z each night, j jsr cr.c j; ; :d .' caastonecooJ freer. eve- J mcr.t the day fch'o- irr. r You feel bet.er - il k i four dysrer' Is cured, ycur 1 i.cauj.,.c$ pas3 & - ay, your tor-jc c!e:rs tp, your liver a::s vclh sr.d your bo - els no h-rer r ) Civc you trcclle. t-1 Cwt. A3cre-:uu. " 1 tar i --t- rr f r 1? l r - k-r - i : ; . T T t -, ..ailXti JC, i A Tt l-.. t, X iA. ment. v Bills of lading for export:' .Re pealed, ; Express receipts: Repealed Telephone messages: . Repealed. Miscellaneous bonds tax: Repeal ed, except upon bonds of Indemnity. Ceruhcates ot damages and cem- whlte child received a fair portion of the education that the ether race has so long riep'rived theca cf. With thir needed, amendment to our constitution, e wou;4 have less complaint among our lax payers. Mr Outlaw, thinks tha more education a .wculJ rrakt a I ttter rate- But their RAILROAD CONDENSED SCHEDULE Dated May 27th, 1899. , No. No. - ' No. No. h3 49 Stations. 3-' tiqz t M. A. M. - ' p- A' M- a to 9 oo Lv. Norfolk, Ar. 5 55 10 25 , 140 " 92 I'itmers Point. , 5 30. 10 03 ; 3 03 9 Ji v.. Drivers.... . 5 05 - 9 34 3 17 1005 .Suffolk ... .45' 7919? 350 10 35 ...... Gates 4 20 8 42 4 15 10 50 ......Tunis;..". " 4 00 78 23 . 4 36 11 06 ,.r.Ahoskie.... .341. 18 05. 453 11 21 ..Aulander.... -3 ?7 8 50' 5 35 12 00 ..Hobgood.... 2 53 . 7 08 , 6 00 n 21 . Ar.TarboroLv. 3 31 .- 6 6 Ar. Lv. .... - .'. 6 3 u 50 Rocky Mount. '155 637 P. M. P. M. '- P. M. A Mr Dally tDaily except Sunday. Trains No. 49 and 4S solid train between Pi er's Point and Wilmington. Triin No. 49 on nects at Rocky Mount ivith trai r 23" for ail pof t South and No. 78 train for all joints North. - G. M. Scrpcll, J.R.Kenley Mnra Manager. . - i , 8up't. Train. ' T. M. MCR80Ni , Qnral PatMRSt Agent. ivill generally : correct this I difficulty. : i ' , I If you, will put from one- f fourth to felf a' teaspoonful f i in baby's bottle three or four j I times a day you will soon see j a marked improvement. For larger children, from half to 1 a teaspoonful, according to ,htefit dissolved in their milk, ' if you so desire, will very :f soon show its; great nourish-1 . 11 II 1 ing power.- 11 tne moiner s milk does 'not nourish the baby she needs the emul sion. It will; show an effect at once both upon mother : and child. 5 . " oe. and ti.oo. all druggists. S ; SCOtT BOWNE, ChemUts, New York FREE BLOOD CURE An offer Providing faith t Sufferers. ; Is your Blood Pure? Are you sure of it? Do cuts or scratches heal slowly Does yourskin itch or burn? Have you Pimples? Eruptions? Foul Breath Catarrah? Are you pale? If so purify your Blood at once with B. B. , B (Botanic Blood Balm). . It makes the Klood irure ana .icn, . neais every sore and gives a clear, sooth, healthy skin. Deep-seated cases like ulcers, cancer, eating sores, Painful Swell ings Blood Poison are quickly cured by B. B. B., made especially tor al obstinate Blood and skin Troublesl B. B. B. is different from other rem edies because B. B. B. draihs the- VJS3V HE GUiiGS. ' " i . Tl:e Greateflt Specialist of tlus 7ir Give Every Cum Ilia Poraoual Attention. . nnrliM Mo doctors bara a certain namW uoexor - otUck rcnuxues wbich ucyosoln llat'nawnv' ail cawu L!ili rcouibt t.l .in' tor. T'.ils Is net Dr. Ilutliaway's method. iHKiunolaieillvumi'na' aj'-n.;n tii-iermiucd. Tsui every C-iPO UItcmiUhi "pur atcir t: a tn xjicino are j isinlrtorcil whtcti are iKCinny rrrr-rcd nndt lr. La'.hav;-:j' rrima; r I aiiiO manner, con-rautiit. i nolwopoorlo t rra-J In t.o raiuo waj ovca rrr muio ctuiplalnt. Ur. li.ith.iTraT is a :ctl word Le trcU tpcCuU ar' l:i a f iciaj c.nnof ot rjBtom ftadiod oat yocr ni-o w hn j In flcatesnot otherwise specified Repeal- present history will not ej '......-,-- . . prove ibis; for if we take thern Iron Charter-party: Renewed. " !hc veiled county, cnc.e .to the rnnvM1,. Fr,mnH . Kln- educated town dude, we wi'.I f-.d the I t . . i 7 i-. .t. - l2.:oo;above la.soo. 2? cents for morc -." creu. v.cy each $coo. in accordance with senate ,aow us ,: out ot our own k I a who have taken money chilJren mouth and Telcirraph messeres: Tax repeal- applied it to the edecatioa cf a race e(i ' ... ' j that is ever ready to reat us with any ajl kind of unmanly conduct. I think if we give them a chance to raise their own fund, they will better real ize whit education is intended for. Yours very respectfully. J.T. WILLIAMS Insurance: Tax repealed on kinds of insurance: Leases: Tax repealed. ; . , . Manifests: Tax repealed.v . Mortgtges: Tax repealed. Steamship passage--tickets: Ex empted below $ eo in co-t for . that price and ovei. Power of attorney? Tax repealed Pro'est: ; Tax repealed. - 5trtkc a Rick Hea. I was troubled for several years with chronic indieeslion ad nervuuj debility, writes F I Green of Lancaster T . ..... I ' rropneiary meotcines: tax re- . h., "No remedy helccd me Tax- pealed. - Perfumery and cosmetics: pealed. Chewing gum: Tax repealed. Legacies: Law modified so as Vifincfsor Acaden orrrts covsr. t utxiatv:1'. rarrASLS io cr Lt.i :z. rrs srrcJAt. ATirrrrr -t to Lrsjaisc a Ar:: rstrAtAT; THE. FALL imt I i .:; TiI2 THIRD WMK tN $ in IVUt the ir:;.u tlim i f :.'.s R. G. KITTREL. TT:. V. ' f-1 m -"7.. - f L. F. PIERCE. Afcct fc-r the. ur.t. I beeran usine: Dcctric I. iters which re-j did me more good than all the medi cines I ever used. They have also kept my wife m excellent health for years. She says IJectric letters are 10 just splendid for female trouble that exclude from taxation legacies cfhtY arc a grand Ionic and invigorater for weak, run down wemen. No ether WAVERLEY BICYCLES. Rera-rcr: J E!C'CXL. GUNS. -ecLCG3. Satisfaction Guarcntefi. Srovcxlonctenlareivi upocio-uaur urln the twentf joara nuoo prnctic-e en) iyed ty an ,r-c;ali t la twent yours ot t'ae not axtiTiTe tuc- pti or nnnnrfKi, 01 n-qn.-ts kinr (.r ltt" rriTilo ot or bla own Every Case Specialty Treated. iM.oonnfrr. tr. Uathnway a pre it on. I nn;f.r-ni ..'rm I. .Ian to tins Individual rr-totn of tmnUxusut. Jo iptl ot hnndrnds of ri-qn Treatment rmlmrDT-Hnthaway'smettiolor trw. u nt,l)- r.jir ltwlortialliwnonelriJ9 l:lrnjLt L.:a knonliydra of Ms rcmodiwv hfl lat-iow-U iwan l Umitiu. chlei which may bo dom by thfnnlilUf"l uoof any . , , ir"t-ni,nvrniirul howpr't ClOOd and SKla Dr. HaShaw:v' tratr-r.t f jf jlSMo currnall loriisof ul?.T, n)r, Notch, plmpl'. etcand not only ri-irvs fio.iiiD nndwalo tiiiimr natural eondiu -. In-t e j i ur:h niiTi!rivonfroni the av.t-:n and -ill this wiUioui lin trAtrr-j-t of Vi-'-ol Varicocele Rd indStctanliam-lh l --ri- iTeiT ri'a cum p- i iawr tr-. charitable, religious, literary or edu cational ch?racter. The total reduction of the revenues s made by the bill as agTeed upon will amount to about $4 1,000,000. . t 1 tt.-. ... f .v . Til . j nna prmnni cure. r.J uirninnw r"".. 3 PolSOn and HUmOtS OUt Ot the lilOQa Tin t'atn nr monTnlenp n et-vtm-cr-t ! u- and entire system so tne symptoms! IhKntbntoi nr onomtm!i,or or i-.t cannot return, oive it a cures when all else fails. Thoroughly tested for 30 years. ' Sold at drug jsores at $ i per large bottle, 6 lare bottles (full treatment) $5. So suf- t :.t ,n ierers may teat 11, u uiti uvjuic ivcu; this book win u wnt twto BiiTon,o -.vi.h. away absolutely free. - Wrte . for it Consultation Tthr Address BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta FCEC KSS":1" SGa, Write today. Describe trouble) J. newtom hathaway h. d. i 1 e 1 1 t - , ariiiiiBw ana iree meaicai anvite eive 2wsutl liroHhtmt. Atunt.Ci - I JtKinriOM THIS rATES WH ICY tTTIAO." nnsiu to a cood'tioi of prfivt. rormal fci'i'h. . lr.lItharnTltn. )'ir-rvnarr-1a twn Kidney twtquwiion Hani for lh ho ut C'.a..a. rt U TiaifMt Kidi-fy trt.nl lna. .jeaies. ttnar laok h w.ll Ki.iy r't frv . OTeryono who a"'' li i m tn mid nni . Thert-m inJ for Pr. Htt w l.aw COOK bonk "M.ir,lm- MiTor. It - " !.. Twlca Prtvta From the Vindtiaeor RnthtTfjrdtin, : The editor of the VlnJUaiw has had occasion to test the efficacy of Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice with the roost remarkable results io each case First with rheumatism in the shoulders from which he suffered excruciating pain'for'en days which was relieved with two applications of Pian E.ilm' rubbing ihe parts affxed and realizing instant benefit and en tire relief in a very short time sec ond, in rheumatism in thigh joint al most prostrating him with socrepain which wa- relieved by two appnea tions, rubbing with the unsmcr.t cn retiring at night and gtttine; up free fiom pain. For sale by J J. MarJre : Bro medicine can take its place in oir fam ily. Try them. Only 50c. SatisfacLcn guaranteed by Ri C Baxemore Hoax What becoxe cf that com pany you were exp loifcrg to tuiui flying machine? Joax Went up. No, Maude.dear.the financial news is not all written in money sj limbics. tMtr!aj 5 Mk.h )mu, power cf South Airxttc Nervine To.mc," Invalids Lted su:Tcr no Jjn- can .. ' I f - 1 rj t;y. t 2 --.si.' cn re them all. It is a cure fcr the i IS A CTSTEM LI I" k'7 LV't whole world cf stomach weakness and ' LPlPIIil-iyjL marvelous and surprisir uo failure; never The cure lyHns with It makes the f.rst dose. Th: relief it trir- is? I -T- s f -t r t . X J I I. l l Cli ILL. TO N 1 C 1 1 . . , . . d;s a r;x:r.ts. matter how lore: )oj l ave su:Tcrcd. 1 . . i L i i: w your cure is ce;taai ur.crr te use c. r : ; j - J . this "rcat health Hvcn WW. . ' ant and always safe. j O ? f Sold by W. S. Gcrlcy, l)iu;;Ut V.'in- , tv .iO v Jsor, V. C , I 1 ii'i i . -

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