TO t YOU .v Borrowing; YOUR Ncig 1 1 4 4 borM LEDGER! o WE Will Send it YOU Twelve Months for ONE Dolar v L Six Months: 50 Cents." " vri' . VOL. WINDSOR, N.C., THURSDAY AUGUST 1 1901 L- MO 17 ... . i . - , - - - x - ' aHBWWia r o n m Tiir hit h LIfO 3 i. AM wiue us a jguuu VT They give a light tnat'a rich and brtl- jllant. No odor. Many styles. Bold everywhere. 1 If, Interesting North Carolina Items In Condensed Form. The McChmrock distillery at Mocfesville has been seized for alle?- ed -i rxegnlarities. r ' v A new weekly paper fs to, "be pub lished in Raleigh under the Lame'.of I "Wake Wide-Awake.'.' , John Watson, colored, seriously cut Mr.. A. W. Pale, of Red Springs, in an altercation a few days ago. . .W-r-r XT " T)" 1 . 1 r .1 n 0 11 j r A IX dilc Jiiancn, wiacwjpr me Ul VT. L, UVJ late Alpheus Branch, died at her Utaxiaris OlLiCO. J and Gastonia. Marshal Kemu Merritt aneted him. V v Greensboro Record. The South ern railway's depot at Jamestown was j broken 6pen la3t night and two pourches of rnail were cut opeji and rifled."4 The pourches weie left at the depot when train No. 12 passed at 9:30 going northr tobe carried up town to the postoffice this morning. Raleigh Cor. Messenger, July 28: Secretary of State Grimes, who re turned today from northeastern North Carolina, says the crops between here ana vv uson are toe poorest he ever saw, but that in Wilson, Edgecombe, ilitlntlll. MnilMflDHrMT We have 'arr-.nscd -with the New ork World to fur nish this paper with a limited number of-subscriptions for a limited time trjits great month ly liditton, . We are enabled to offer ten numbers of AND THE SA,M P.JONF.S HE BIT II 1,1111 DISEASES AND THEIR REME- -. DIES. Li air Splits s if vllliMIi LEDGER For 100 Per Year. He Know a fJcmcJy f.r A!! D:- lllry Hut the k'ao j Woni Take it. Thej arc Like n Horc with the Colic. " I fcTe tirl Attr'i U f:r tr..rTT rein. If , t f - tl - ji i r it- ti.r from it !'t t J . A. C:: r. c r ': -r, Cr 1 - ' t f ,." Rev. Sam l Jcnc his tfcrr.:!j Old or new subscriptions the same, for each dollar paid thclpn out a IcttcMor pub'.irn c on SCIENTIFIC ; OPTICIAN All eve t.oubles diagnosed. AU er rors in refraction corrected. Leseons in Optics taught S WINDSOR, N.C PAINT. home in Wilson Friday. .Mr. E. D, C. Pope, who. lived near Mbcksville, was struck and instantly killed by lightning Thursday evening The State has chartered the A. G, Cox Manufacturing company, of Winterville, Pitt county. 2 The cap- pople who .; contemplate tial is 20-000- ! . - -, naintimr will saVft moneV bV Notice is given that Governor Ay. " j . I 1 x T T' cock requne notices tc be posted buying material frolic J. J, or published in a newspaper - in the Mardre & BrO. , ! county of applications of pardons.. ' Wft carrVia Complete aS- The publisher, who secured con- sortment of Montitello Paint; tracts or - furnishing public; SCho6i the best and cheapest - paint DOOKS establlsh Iarge deposuor- on the market Also a 'lull 0 ine lino nf rnnf ham ts and small 1 1 tL-i-4.'--A if Reports made. by. supervisors' (f T ,1 "Si t owie laims un in.oanoKe river every tningi m xne pamKuue MARDRE&BRO. ' good, save corn which is - very poor, W. A. Orton, of the U. S. depart ment of-agriculture, who has been at Valdosta, Ga., for a week investigat ing a disease which has been killing hi arrival at h's home in Catt;tv vit'e, Ga., m hich be $a); I arrived just a wctk af'cr U Beauforfand Pitt they are farely WorltKMagazine is sent one year Ircc. : ABOUT THE MONTHLY WORLD The Monthly. World is a 3-2-page Magazine with colored P0" c $aula,Jvcncc sincc ,hc f;rill cover. It is cupiously illustrated with pen drawings and half- of January.fL!c h an 1 md.j tone reDrodurtinn; nf nhntncxMnhc Tho Sll.-c.c with my constitution anJ ta " t f,--t".-. ...W ...MUHUUJ UH. l,!,,,.,..!,. U . f J . . o I .1 . , 1 , , ....... ..... .. . - I WlU uut V lit! lit,... cotton, says the disease is caused by. rcsuu 01 ine Dest artistic sKill, aided by a'l the latest .pnnting -wz x tc anJ ( im R(ti,!y ifn.,.DV fungus in the soil which clogs he ves press appliances, making a magazine unrivalled in the quality ed""by the remedy. What a ifeaH seis mine stalk ana causes the plant ot its contents and the beauty Of US apparance. to ao over-wotked man 1 cn to wilt. He sayswhenj the fungus Each issue contains stories of romance, love, adventure ovcr"workcdon one I,n? ecthct once gelS ,nxo me onuwin nve as stories of and-cu rious, fathered tocethrr k lh1 is opcratir. and hc'.jv long as cotton is planted upon tnat f- . i,. , . r . ,& - . ful to him. I have srcnt tcti uuui ui uvcr uic wopj; me results 01 scientinc rescarcii. and j.u.fc.i. V. . . . . . I alji lo the not hot s-jn, tn interesttnp-editorial reviews Itmimhpri; amnnor ire mntrili. . .. ... . . When you want a modern, Up-to ' , W . V lWBw ,un ac nin" ,aai "crc date physic try Chamberlain's Stem- to the leading-literary men and women of the day. Its cutting wheat and oats pUic5 corn. ach and Liver Tablets. They .are comic pages will present the work of famous comic artists. ons pta etc , gtiticg cp at easy to take and pleasant in enect. There will be funnv DarajrraDhs and nictures. o'clock in the morning and J. J. Mardre & B.o. Hiir-spUnir.r; :r.'.: , friendships. If the f.;:r sp!i:tir.g is dor.c cn yc'r own hc:J, ft bses fncnJs ; for you, for every L;:r cf ' your hesd Is 2 friend. Aycrs H:ir Vi;or in I sdvmcc will prcvcr.r the j splitting. If thcsplinirr has bcun, it will step it. j If rfrt'fi. 1 .. .. - - - I.'. ..4.- i I L.. F.' PIERCE. Ajfnt for tlit CV7 A leature each moh the most famed manor Sh will be the large first page portrait of dat niht at 9 o'clock WAVFPT FV f . fa r. & V t. and improving every day hh the W V HlVl-Ii Y r. woman of the moment m the public . BICYCLES TIME! TABLES. say that, even with most favorable weath er for the rest of the season, there! cannot be more than 25 per cent, of corn or peanut erops and 75 percent ipen Long, wno is at work oni . K treatment u 1 1. 1 c v 1 1. .......... me imcuiwij.uwM, iuiua i -j - . i Amon oiner xnings it troubles tr.c it .may'he six weeks before the reports In collecting the.prepanng for publicatiortthe literary mat-lto see o many people in trouble o r-o. ran A,? -- TJ Arae rtnr ' tV. I J.J - . ! 'a. " I - X " .1.1. 11 f . 1 " . - . I -T-l !. 1 II . . .. .uv-imu;, i. . uuvj uui iu dim dri suu ctu Kir uic luoniniv world no exoense tsi mere is naraiy an iuue or mc nem. uooa:,uauiyiaieuaSuC5uppo5ea preai. It is one of the most attractive iney wouia De. ne wiu. nave to j r ' xt ir i f T - tssued from the great city ot New York CHESAPEAKE UNE.Iof "o ?p U. S. MaU Steamers r i I Greensboro Telegram: Judge J. E. 3i, another from that date-to" April ni2h class and widely vaned entertainment to many, thousand Lad lhal ir, had i and the third frorrr April I to July iicmicia uhuuShuui nmui njiicnw. . f . y . j a Boyd has signed a decree con JaUfKfud the saleof the Greensboro wal firming: ater sup- Green s- Lv. N.lrfolk, Jackson st...- --5-45P D1 Lv. (Mil l'oiut Comfort - ...6:45P- m Ar. P,;iumore, Pier Lv. r..i'itimore Ar. I'laladelphia. Ar. XJ w York. E. T. 9, Light st. ....... .7:00 a.m. B. &O. R. R. P. R- Ri 7:55 a- m 10:15 a. m. ....12:35 P- m- 8:00 a. m: 10:15 a.m; : 12x43 p. ni; SteaAiers leave dalily except Sunday. j For iuterotmis and any information can at.. Norfolk Ticket Office, Main and Granby Streets- Phones 12. - W.'B. BROWN Pass. Agt. i Lamb, Gen. Agt. To AtL Points 'North East & West; ply company to the city of bo;o for the sum of $75,000. This amount is according to' the agreement made by the city. It has been decided by -the su preme court of North Carolina that telephone companies are"" common carriers. They can not disc rimir ate by refusing to put their . facilities at it uV disposial of any person- who nay offer to pay the usual charge for luch service. Mrs. H. P. MacKnight, wife of the magnetic healer, concerning whose iction a great deal has been said o Sate, is critically ill "at her boarding olace in Greensboro. Her husband fnd two .physicians- are with - her, The chances are against f. her . Tecov- T; A. Jackson, whom United States leputy marshals have been tracking iince Februarv, was arrested Monday III RAILROAD. ifPASSENGER TRAINS N'OKTH. No. 2-A Time Table No. s. ; south. 1901. - 1 r EFFECTIVE T-8- Lv Ar Windsor Biitlers Askewsville Holly Grove Branning Powellsville. Ahoskie Ar Ar Lv 7 00 p ny 652 635 ---6 20 .'' 65 ' -6 00 . i ' 5 4Pni av J - - J " e publications P!' but hal s rcportinS the fact orsweemcati ana tnn aisernoon 1 Rrralrtx: - gu:;s. & LUCKS. Satisfaction Cxntcr.Ucd. Subscription Price, oc. Per Year.' RULES FOR PARDON., V- . His Excellency, the Goveronr, has raade the following rules with refer- 9 10 a rti 9 IS j 9 3 9 50 10 10 If' 30 a;m a- 1 tily except Sunday. Flag Station. naiii .o. 2 manes until vuimv.i' . , 7 f r-w 1 -r i. p. a. -ii N..R! '.i.k& Carolina train No. 102 at Ahoske business at High " Point, : StateSVllle . lor .Nrrtoik. Train WO. 1 ma ices uucvi iuv, with .orholk & CAROLrrfA N0.103 from Norfolk. H CORWIN.llB. H. T; WATERS. pres . BUpennienueiiv. M.cjHIMSHAWr . v ; General Freight & passenger Agent." RAILROAD CONDENSED SCHEDULE Dated July I, lo01J No. tio3 P. m! 3 3 3 34 4 .i 4 4 Sol 5 A 5 3T 5 Sfe 6 3t 1 7 2l P. M. No. V Sttions. a'. 9 00 9 22 9 48 10 02 JO 35 10 52 13 11 26 12 02 12 22 Lvi.Norfo1k,Ar. Pinners Point. Drivers-... Suffolk,.. . . Gates . . . .J Ahoskie... .. Aulander ... ..Hobgood Ar.TarboroLv NO.; . 48- P. M. No. ,tl02 A. M, 5 55 ' 5 3 5 o5 ' 4 50 4 20 4 00 .3 41 3 27 2 53 2 31 12 50 P. M. 'Daily. Ar. - Lv-k Rocky Mount. 1 35 P. M. . I OO: 12 4O: 12 13 -it 59 II 22: II 02: 10 46; ! 33 9 54 " 9 31 .' 90 VA M. i tDailv exceot Sunday. ; Trains No. ao anA aH solid trains between Pi " J'oint and Wilmwigton. Trtin No. 49 cor ne-ts at Rocky Mount vitb trai l 23 for all poi ; utlijand No. 78 train for all poi its North. G. M. StRpri i J".'R .KENLEY ! ral Manager. ' Sup't. Trains T. M. Emerson. ftie. first j-epbrt will go back - two years. -v l he oaa tact develops tnai the late administration of the pen- tentiary in its report ot date Pec embei 31 last, put down" all salss of horses, mules, etc as "net earnings." This simply astonishes the new ad- nnt npt arninp-s at all. lhe sales I rr r of that character were quite large. V KULE -Nol,ce must be Sv"en Dy " ", . the applicant for pardon; or some IlroonchArrt WarnrH- I a - Till ' I rvn A in hi nr h(r nfKalf f.Tr not lci Gilmer is asked a number of oues-1 tions about the young Filipino stu- two weeks, such notice is to be in deat he brought back from the Philip j serted in a conspicuous place in some pines ind placed in the A. & M. CoJ- nf.nrr nilMi : . h r.vm,v lege at this place. His father is -r-r r what is ncwri as a mayor of a town tor two weeics. it mere is no- paper and is quite wealthy for a Filipioo. published in the rounty, then the Capt. Gilmer formed his acquaintance same to be posted at three public and hi . expressed a desire to have - . . . j v u j p.aces in the county as follows; At his son given a good English educa- , , , 1 tion and asked Capt. Gilmer to lhe court-house door, at the post-ofBce recommend some T institution in door at the county seat, "and at the America'when he elected the. college post office doot nearest the place here, lhe tatner agreea to u ana where the crime was committed, for has sent him xjver to remain uniu ne , . , , . c u u- - a - : , I which a pardon is asked. finishes -his education. He is notl. v m . m a "charitable subiect" bv any means! Rule II. Such notice to be sub net lias he been adopted by .'Capt. stantially as follows; Gilmer. He is - a verv bneht voune boy and is learning to speak English State of North Carolina, ver fast. . ' - harmed with counterfietinff." It is 1 fnrp lives are saved bv usinff Dr :laimed that he has carried -.on' that Woi thin? ton's remedy than by al notice is nerepy given tome pur other .! remedies , combined. It is I lie that application will be made to withont any t exception the world's the Governor of North "Carolina for greatest pain-cure, and r is absolutely! without an equaj on earth tor curing ine paruou 01 v..... cramps colic, cholera morbus, -diar- convicted rhoea. dvsenterv. summer complaint, rV stomach internal oainj etc. Price I at Terra of the 25cts at Dr. E. W. Pugh's. J - j Superior Court of - Raleigh Cor. charlotte Observer: .....County, for. the crime of;....-..... - - . . Ml I Under the law tne btate wm am as K...... ard sentenced to many as six free libraries in n pmintv at rural nunlic schools.' The State' supenndent ot puoiic ;instruc- r'k - t tioh is infermed that so for the is. Rule III. The same requirments, libraries: Bertie Wake, Anson, with reference to notice, obtain in Guilford,; Union, Nash, Beaufort Durham, Iredell ' and -Rutherford. Duiham has provided . for iS, but under the law the State cannot aid more"trian";6. . Wilson and Warren have each provided for a, Rowan 3, Gaston, Onslow and Greene 2 each, Buncombe. Watauga, r. . Brunswick Duplin Lincoln, Columbus, Orange, Franklin,' Mecklenburg. Caldwell, Bladen and Henderson i each. AU this of course is a mere beginning: Theotal which the State is called on to aid is 8g. lover. I nrvtt beard or oxrr dslc- o many devilish means as they are uncd her TO THE DEAF. -.V rvch Ujy, C-ufcJ cf Lr C' if rc i and Noive m :!c HcjJ It Dr. K ch maurrs oi cotnuiutations or respites as well as in pardons. kule iv. rrooi that the notice, as above required, has . been given must accompany ine fcmion or ap plication for pardon. . Rule V. These rules take affect from and after this day. These rules are made that the greatest publicity possible rmy be given to all applications for pardons in ordtr that all persons interested . . i. .i -. . i . . . t . said that mhen lore lumj to hate H 5 w d 1 l- u.:.'.c. v xljii ur.l t . ... . t. . . .1 rr.ay .je i . ,r . tree. ,M;.::r kc uuw ,oc vu turn 10 r.4;c N r-.,0. Tl - VKL Ir v-... any morcman can vce no water tc ;So Xja Act.-jc. Nc Vctk.l. rolina, .County. ) . Aflev, rBooIiForl Ft -: m Special Arrangements Viiereby a Fre - Copy Can Be Obtained by Every ' Reader of This Paper. . For weeks the presses have been busy turning out the enormous edit ion of Dr. J. Newton Hatnawav'8 new book "Manliness, Vigor, Health" necessary to satisfy . the , puduo ae- mand. : Dr. Hathawa: ha reserved a Hmitei number of these books, and these he hassDeciali? arranged to sand free by mail to all readers of this paper who send names and full address to him. .raanz Ttr Tfa.thawav has confined hi3 iractiee aimosi-exuiusncijr ui.oo.o trino ihai timfi ho has restored more men b health, vigor, usefulness and happiness than jiy ten other doctors in the country combined. - Dr. Hathaway treats ana cures uj iauu rjtirely his own, discovered and perfected by .;mci .nil ncort AYlim!velv bV him. IOSS' OI Vitality. Varicocele. Stricture, Blood Poisoning can turn to fire. Some people have just iatura5y cot the detil in 'thern and all you have col to do is to touch them off. The great trouble lhee days is that ver few gtrls are satl hed ith one beau -and very fe your.;j bucks are satiif;rd i:h c? sweetheart, ll.c girl that hat tht S. A. I.'W. PERRY CO NOMrOLK, VA. Cotton Factcm and Commission Mercbnt. md dealers in Bafjinrr, may hv-- an opportunity to be heard , V . 3 kiiiU P. M. PEARS ALL, Private Secretary. same wal with the Uys. No wor- Mova ScOt'lu Land Pla3 der theyjet up a lot of dmlirr and for June and July somebody gets kw.eJ. A s-rcL-cj shipments a3 follows: -modest girl hh one clever Leiu j i o lu .t . . $ t., wvfr rel kil'ed bv Kef kivcr ar.J a 5" o:.'.. $ Great ; conste, nation was felt by the 1 levcr ilh a n;cc dcVt U f friends of M. A. Aoartv of Iexin?ton ' urloi! Ky.. when they saw .he was turning C. u V fctu rUa Tr(4 YtU t an in cf rrribly. His malady was Yellow down prcacher and lcc:urer. but I QUKES 6l GURLEY He was treated by the dont koow .hat ot e u .Vu yellow. His skin slowly changed I fi,r!- color, also hts eyes, and he suCfercJ J Farming may be good for a Irokf o terribly. J Then he was advised to trv FWt,iCU,vc lhc dctUi4h our- PF . . .i.. . -.. Bitte.s, the wonderful . Stomach and iwere aie many oi ic osa pcof get Liver remedy, and he writes "After I the devil in them. I know a'lerncjx taking two bottles I was wholly lint Hinirv but the txeiH ion' . . . . . . I ' ukeil. They arc .tc a Vrc with -?S ' J. . PI'KKY CO. .rj t ....for a term cured." A trial ptovei its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troulbes. Only 50c Soli by R. C. Biremore. - EASY BISCUIT Are these biscuits easy, mamma?" said the little three year-old. "I don't like the hard ones-" "Yes, they are just like Ayer's Pills, my dear,- easy to take. LOOK! READ!! LEA MX R Ml a Its different stages, Rheumatism, Weak Back, Ml manner of urinary complaints, Ulcers, Sores nd Skin-Diseases, Blights Disease and all forms f Kidnev Troubles. His treatment for under feed men restores list vitality and makes the Dr. BMwA.fSiESSL- 7aricoceie ana aincrare 'l"F. alKi r V r cautervis phenomenal. The patient is treat- eFl ri hv this meiuou ai ms ""i"? , r loss of JJme from business. 11113 is positively r .s Hatimurav nalla the oarticular atten- 1. tonbf sufferers from Varicocele and Stricture to . . 0 rtr nt Ol Q1 f lllQ TlfiW IWiK. " 1 " r-" ,a7AnTv nr. Hathaway is specially .V Jll PA rJ-4.r retodVcrdTtoina UIllV OU - C l n f M M M I by ral nronalsuoervision,and all remedies us ii ni are prepareu iron iuc 3iiauu -r. lis Owu aoyrawntjs uuaci ma i'Dlov""1 v irwT,: i - ft lir. nLLijHAYVa V luaaco . uv k ----- estandbestdrugs in ' 0 make your baby strong ana &ru: i A fifty ceirr oe o iion ofadvice, either at his office or by mau, ana j 4 jhen a case is taken the one low feecovers au A--. S Ml,f.l7lA GUARANTEED trrtfAccinnal services. i'ti Dr. Hathaway always prefers, when it is ppssi- i. $ j ble.tobave his papts cau n,m ir - CNDER A - "iJC;! ivit tw u not pssential. as he has m,ro.ri conres of thousands of patients, in all sec- 5 000 DEPOSIT tions of ths world whom hehas never seen, bis 3OfUUU UCrJU Qf Home Tj-eatraent is so perfectedthat R. R. FARE PAID ' . , . CJ J " T I .. IWlWl . ff' t .J.NBWTON HATHAWAY, AL D. . till: M-" 1- . Ih'fl'f ..","J- Dr.Hath..yCo. .... . . " - " "'v I 22U South Broad Street, auant,u. .-.LA Biiliursanni re Ionnn Cn. I soul" " xr wpirtva Scott's Emulsion wi change a sickly baby Jo a plump, romping child. Only one cent a day think oflt Its as nice -es cream. feCOTT Sl BOWNE, Chemists, 100-415 Peart Street, - Kew York, : W. S. &J. L, PRITCHARD, Do you Want a Suit of Clothes at Summer Prices? - . . In this special Summer Sale of Clothing- we are ottering you our entire stock of Clothinz at PRIMh COS I. 1 hey are all bummer uiothin and must be sold at once.- We do not intend to carry them through this fall. TFe aae going to sell them AT COST rather than carry a single suit over. We can give you all wool suit qf Clothes from $2,50, 3,00,3,50, 40. 5,(XX 6,00, 7.00, and 70 Don't fail to come to see us when you come to town. We are also offering a Summer.Sale on Straw Hats,' TTe have a nice and well selected Tnc of Mens Straw JIats that -will suit and please you. These hats we are now selling at exact cost. JFeare not going to carry over a single Straw Hat You can buy our 5oct. Hat-sat 37-i 2C You can buy our 75-ct, hats at soct. You can buy our ji oo hats at. 75cts This movement is so comprehensive and th- valnc w grcat,that every frugal man will not fail to take profujby th s great money saving opponunuy, Thanking you for your past favors, c .ire to s;-ne, the colic: when you drench him r,h remedies ou have ,jot to sin hi head to a limb and p-t a lor.g r.cckrd bottle do n his thro!, and 1-e ..! hold it in his moC.h. until t '.rac'c him almost to death and t;c:i na)i die with the drench Cuu;' a: la It is a mighty hard rrattcr U get aj d ihonest ru n to tale a good ficse of IUble honest), H i a nud m::er to get a cussing rao to pray; r. a mi-h'y hard matter U gel a Siar to take a ui mter.ty lhat wi.l cure hsm; baz p-crhap t!ve ImtJoI cf all is to Ret a stingy man lo ule a dose of Ubvia i). There is io disease without i:j rem edy eiilxr oral, inttl'.cctca! t-r jh) ical. unless e find cas. mlt c a lums and! t'aa! hac j;cttcn beyond lemedies. Wud a fciu w finds out what i the matte' wstl?. m nndflnJuul hat wtM ct:rr I. i n. if he doesn't tale the remedy hedev.rT-' es to die i( it ii a p) truut!e, he deverves to CO to the 35 , if ;x is anient.'.! tro-Mc; he -tc-crt$ tj I to pcrd tiun it it is rl ts S ! I leave iic i:cr kr our Ker.tucy latr.i ! -n -i.-iy. V i'.l rutica'.c anJ l :S-rc a fc d ij- ana r.?n l am c:t ir t.iv s.. r"-J ALE. VJOZU Xzi ct Cat.'.! U t r'r l.ia M cf a ,'.-.i.V iM-x.:' ' - t-fM trow t-e:'.l ta t 1 . It tc!; Irr I" 7 ..-t It uVA.r. l-r .!cri - t: - tr.' ti-l rrr tt::ir; -- r i r erriir. - 1: r' i" 1:. j-m. .. tl c'-A" f ..'' . Ur ,rr ... J- r 1 1 W M ! t - w r..l , ar. i r..-: la eifrr t rrj. ' ' ':. It r.-; r t Tvr.i, It U i r I e Ui c 1 r r'-i 1 u t? 1 ri r f - i : t i - i ! ja ni. W. 5, f; J. L, PniTClIAT!I) v. - - wwikfcu vv..( T'FVTI02S THIS rAr " it " 4 f