! STOP i til Bcrrc win sr vour Me rrkkr.e - Si YOU LEEGERtWc wil! isend it to Y 6 U 12 months for $ J .CO, and GIVE you - the N r 8 Y. Monthlv World - : " h X7 ! - . i;- ' V -V- 11 1 Nl ILL' U 1; .-. - v ,.'"-' . ! ..... w - 'v.' N, :' '. J - , ;""'v - ' - . J " I . . . . '... ... VOL. 17. On JeUies ; ; ; preserves and pickles, spread ." 'I I a tUtn coatlug' of refined II ' , ..... i XJ ? : i : t fo I Will kaep thorn absolntelr moistnre and ucid proof, Paraffiae Wax is also useful in f?-J a doipn other vays about the hoosa. fall iJJ directionaia oe pound package. K,3 , - h. : Sold everywhere. . , SH ' STANDARD Oil. CO. mm Iz. ..t- : ; : : :-- - - D R?W't&'riWffZ Ware store-.Sndar night and stole- a "kIE&aM hundied hilars worth goods All eye doubles diagnosed. AU er rors in refraction torrected. Leseons in Optics taught , WINDSOR, C People who; contemplate painting will sg,vt money by buying material from J. J. MflTflrP Ar "Rrn - - - - i . - ' I yy e uarjy a -uuuipieits-as- the best and , Cheapest paint On the market A1S0 a full line Of rOOf paintS and Small 1 r , n 1. Cans hOUSe '.paint and m fact every imng m Uie pamu line T M E TABLES. CHESAPEAKE LINE. U. SMail Steamers A a u n To all Points North Kvst & West. Lv. Norfolk, Jackson st ',. Lv. Old Point Comfort.. Ar. Baltimore, I'ier 19, Light st. .5:45 p- m. . :45 p. in. . ......7:00 a, m. B. & O. R. R. P. R. R Lv. Baltimore ,..7:55 a. m. 5;oo a. va. I Ar. Philadelphia.:...., .10:15 a. m. 10:15 a. m. j Ar. New York.... .-.i... 12:35 p.' m. i2:43p, m. I steamers leave daily except Sunday. ? Norfolk Ticket Office, Main and Granby Streets: J Phones 12. E. T. LAMB, Gen. Agt. W. B. BROWN Pass. Agt. ' RAILROAD. PA SSENGER T RAI N S. North. Timetable No: ISouth. m the first degree against T. S. Cren crrrTiur T.B-1901. INo.l-Al. o- . . No. 2-A I e 910am 9 18 9 35 9 4"; . 9 50 " 10 10 Lv -Windsor 'Butlers '--" Askewsville. Holly Grove Branning Powellsville Ar ". - 7 00 P 10 : . 635 ; 6 20 .'".' ;' Ar 6 15 " 6 00 ; 10 30 a m - Ar AHOSKIE ; Lv 5 40pn . roii ).oft Snnriav ' : i Fla? Station. -? Train No. 2 makes direct connection with tht NdBi-ni it & Carolina train No: 102 at Anosite with Norfolk & Carolina No.io3rom Norfolk,! H. CORWIN. JR. H. T." WAT E R S; Pre. ' . " Superintendent. MvC.HINSHAW, -u' General Freight & passenger Agent. mwm lr;- R AI lR OA D - i CONDENSED SCHEDULE rtiifpH .liitv 1 loot: - - No. ho3 NO. No. ;48. Nr ftOS Stations. r. m. M.: A. M 3 30 3 50 4 13 4 26 5 03 5 22 5 37 6 30 6 53 9 00 9 32 9 48 10 02 10 '35 Lv. Norfolk Ar. Pinners Point. 5 55 . 5 30 : 5 5 '. 4-5 4 20 4.00 ."'3 27 53 1 72 ...i Drivers..... ....Suffolk Gates .'.,. ......Tunis.... ..J'Aboskie..--. .. Anlanders... ..Hobgopd.... Ar.TarberoLv. 12 13 'ff 10 52 . H 04 11 13 ,11 26 12 02 12 22 10 46- ? 33 9 . 54 ?9 34 Ar. ' - Lv. Rocky : Mount. es & 32 I. M. 12 50 P M. 1 55 P. Daily.: tDaijy except Sunday, rains No. 2q and'3 solid tra&is betwes n Pnin an1 Wi1minrton. Tram No. 49 COU at Rocky Mount with trai i 23 for all poi k and No. 78 train for all poi.its North.; 1 G. M. SCRPELL. J. R iKcNkXY ral Manager. 2. : Sup't. Train , . T. M. Emerson, , , . GUARANTEED: tf'I AAA lEfffrtSII Interesting North Carolina Items In. Condensed hcrm. - .. Judge Council, of.Boooe... . cpntcnv templates removing' to Hickory; -r- ; - Fannie Scales, colored wss killed by a shifting engine- lr? Winston Tues I day. 1 - " . Bryan Allison a- ; nine year-old Chatlotte boyt fell from' a tree Friday and"clied Saturday witli the injures. Burglars raided a Morganton hard- and cash " T - Maj L, P. Erwin an old Confeder ate soidier and newspaper man, of Rutherfordton,dropped dead Tuesday age about 76 years ; . - S?tbif MPn-Vlidy- a'nJ disease. Write for new free book..the Durham mil,ona're. and H. R. Dr. J, N. Hathaway, "22 1-2 South j Rroad st. Atlanta. Ga - Gen juii an S, Carr has bought the Mountain Park Hotel at Hot Springs with 100 acres of land, paying about $,60,000 therefor.-. Goodall Sunday is' worth 600 th. money being given to her by he- fath'CarrierS ,n this district, - and 'It. er, Washington Duke,ofDurhau " ! ?UttZ ...ured bv thelPostoffice - ' - .. - . I Department thai an inspector, would COUNTERFEIT COIN. Resent into the district, in 'ten days It is asserted that there is a lottof coun:erfeit, silver coin in circulation in Raleigh, -One of the questions is whether it is made in the Penitentiary rb?e ot ,0"7ef s fsoe mavi uaue a goou ueai wu cu uiey- put in i circulation by the hands of ":ruiteesV and discharged men. " . 4 A Complete Cure. . When you take Oooch's Sarsapar- parjlla you find i a complete cure for bad blood Former colored CnnorpssmanWhitp , 0 - Qf this" State, called on President . . - ' .. . , Koosevelt at Washington on Monday according to the Charlotte Observer. ; Vhite it 15 undef StJodjdesires'a.n'of- tice and is riot very particular what it is so the salary good. He says Roose velt has always : treated the- colored race fairly, as "American citizens and n.t as negroes, and t hat. is all they ce sire now."- - . ' . v,'. -, . . .. . v The Mecklenburg county grand jury has found a true bill for - murdei: snaw,wno Kiiiea tne negro watermelon thief. ' : '-. A- - '' Pain Can Be Cured ''.' 7' '- f Why suffer pain? Pain is trying to all your Why riot kill pain. Nothing iciiis pain, eitner luternai or external paiu, so quickly rand effectively as hooch's Quick Relict - Cures cramps dlltl COllC. - Big" Bod Sinpes shot and killed J ohnO, Bri ttiaririn V j ohn Hudson's yaroHirinerijouth iVlorintains of Burke county last Thursday, Snipes 1 was inuEag,; The slayer escaped. :g : '02? 3 : W .. iatiraood ; name : ior Scott's : Emulsion.. Children ire like ybunp;; plants. . Some Jimlff gTp3f Others need fertilizers. : r : i he nature ot some emiaren 5reyents them from; thriving on ordinary "food Such chil iren grw right if : treated right; - All -they heed is a little, fer- Scott -Ernuisidn is ?Vthe right treatments .T" - Fertilizers make things grow. That's just what Scott's Emul 5ibh doesr It makes children grow in fleshVgrpw4n strength. . - . .rrrnw riui uiuuu. ' WINDSOR, N. 15 ; Msiwue .sufficient to give you most delicious i tea biscuit using Royal Baking Powder as di- - rected. t A pure, tftie ieayenerj;: . The Durham Sun understands that .? The' u umber of inmatesor "thej of bciug tr; tor .'could not be. ta .tin-ex-Judge H.,G, Connor, of Wilming-j Methodist Orphanage here is . row 32.. uined against the Soutbcrn people, ton will be a candidate for associate it was expected that work jpri the; Tle gentleman l)"v2S not satisfied justice of the Supreme court before new building' whish is' to be tie miin. with '.Mr Koosetclt's fe'ruoastraao. the next Democratic State :.Conven-' building, woulding be in operation by aud repeated that the Souihern pho ton ,. ::. .-r ;; .4.c.. . 6. ..- 'jOctober i, but - there' i a litlebe- pie wre i Again i Mr. Roowlt re Miss Mable. Duke of Durham. Jay. . 1 . " ; fmonstrated sayirg. ihat.h'S . 0lhr daughter, of T?rodi rnlr r,r1 RranddBUghterof Wshinglon. Duke, Goodall, a traveling man of Rich mond, V a., were married in Raleigh Sunday, It was a run-away match. The happy pair" went to Richmond Sunday nFght. " " T Congressman Klutts and Senator Pritchard have agreed on a basis for aPPO'ntment of rural, free, delivery Our Congressman feels ieeis certain mat a 'mimhM. -nf K.;n ,J:rVriu eration in a short time. .k.. v ju ime. " " ':; j Be Net Deceived 'Dont think that you can neglec your health and reached old age. The way to longevity is to be kind to ma ture and then nature wuTbe kind to you.. Constipation, inactive liver, etc. are foes to nature. Mexican .Root Pilis help nature. Try them. They cure. by cleansing - aud -strengtheb- MrJ J. Hoover who lives at Pine Grove near Wild wood on the farm of Mr.. B, B. HallisonT a few days 1 ago ; killed two rattlesnakes' that "were of unusual size and-age. They were n jT only of unusual dimensions, but were"veritable patriarchs in age, as shown by the number of buttonSi.; -The larger of the snakes measured seven and a half feet in length and carried 40 buttons on its" rattle." . The second snake measured six and ai half feet in length and ihad buttons. Each button represents ' one year in the age of a rattlesnake. ' r " : " Stepped !nfoLlre C0b t .- - .1 "When a child I bufnei my if dot frightfully," wntesV. . H. Eads, of Jonesville, Va "which causes horrible ieg sores for -30 years,bui Bucklen's. Arnica Salve wholly, cured me after evsrything'else failed, Iufallible for Burnhs, Scalds. Cuts, gores, 1 Brn'rses andlPiles. Sold by R. C; Bazemore A night or so. ago ; a young man here fired at what he declared was a burgler.' 'ile-r founb - blood in the poarcb. To-day it was found that he nad shot a' dog,, and thus a sensation w?s exploded 7 Best Prescription for I -,-? : , r sections 01 :: "States.' : j " pay. ." Price, 500 1 ; C AiTi' ijfc totfri?"llo,i Feb, 6, 1CS9. Pafiia MA vnra Co.., .City Ining out record cf inventory -oat.-? if ci Jan. 1st. 9 Snrt tbat roi-1 ilrr: ;rr- , C::t i i It kwmnlv Iron and . . ... , - -"' OiiininA 'in- a tasteless - - V--n t1:-; . - . form. .I'. Sold t)- Xrfi'&iBVX. sx3lU.VTat. druggist in the raalarbl- ii fe;? .Vl" are iait - C;; THURSDAY OCT. : 10 1901 t.fi T 1 J v i c. . r-i r- i - f - State Chemut kilgorc is represent- v.k oT..-, J . ; ' ri commissioners oi Agriculture at. Hot Sorincs. " " f 7 Springs. ; "f V pcated tlie third time. Roosevelt shct will be a week before 4the Suoutiih his fist straight frocn ' the It prcme Cpurt decides whicn a theV47. applicants for aftornieys, hcens s entitled thereto ' " ; , i:';. .. - J. GMeriiom pnotfiitsef thefsu- penor Court to tcmove Geprge ' ll. SmatheVe roai: the? recriver said of iuc i cMcrn fMOfin Carolina iunif . ai Asheville. .. The petitioner alj;es that Sm at hers has rhadeno atisIactorf re port as receiver tor ro years, -that i,!'.T,.. t.iu i;SS ui me jaw in usemir mnw m his. hands. This : is "Quits a. sensa ."-Alex Hill, of Forsyth c?unty wlwse wife had ibar&rieu ti;m ioie" tari seven years rem.irried. holding. a vieai widelyprevalent in NoUh Carolina" that after deserton for 'that space of time the dessrted person ' could, re marry. But the jaw-only uys that in such e case the person who re marries shall not be iuuictable for bigarny There U liability for adult ery and of this later offence Hill was j convicted and given four months. His patdon was recomerided by the judge and solicitor. He is old and feeble.-,," -. !. ' " '"'I ' ' - - -;". - -" - fi. DrE Dctcbon'a AaU DluUt.C - .Way be worth to you more. 'than $100 if.jou have a child who soils bedding from, incontenence. of water during sleep.; Cures old and youn aike.. It anests the tiouble at once I-op.-Sold byjDr.W.; S.1 Gurjey. - " '"' I ii II I ' " A Winter. Jingle- - . inters comm niener r-. . " Make the red. sparks fly? See the car.e. juice flowin';. From the. ol'.ume jnill: Here the fiddle goin' f iLife in Georgia stillP: v - Wiuter'sl comin' nigher- Lots o joy .'he'll bring; 'Come.injhar, Maria,- r--it I ' . Jine thTdancin'ringl r : ' i Oil l!m ennne 4 n-cf rtr - . OP time songs an stoties - Joy enought to k ill;. '''" Take yef buiumer glories , Geofgy's liviu stilll- Malaria Chillsand Fever, . No cmre;-..iK-'-. . A.o,;.- v.i-C;--.--j,.al)out tltti-wuo ls.r.ot W 1 - . . V .... 1 - ' . " - t T:?- RESCNTED BY: ROOSEVELT! Adaistcrcd a Solar, I'lcius" , to S;cp (. - . . , . i Afcaie of 4b4 -Soath., ' . . SiiOitJy alter Mr- KooevtIl nad f K'lW called. to "Ci'hTSf;orf"l.y Troi- ; dent Harrison as tic held f the- - Civil Svrvice Comiuivuon'bc 'com-j : "piny With ifUvi) was visiting, lcjcncatn,:, Tl c rr-'ot ;vci'". n ' i 'Xtniy and Navy Club Uuttti "Ue been the uJativ'c i'.h,t4 t?.- c v lj had" tier beto nc T'CuntilcJ tvj the J J StJUth iii cnnvciatKjn rcktrd cr a- J ! tpmntuousty to the Southern people as traitors. Mr. ' Roosevrlt. kindijr Ve mon&tratc-d and tutri lie clurgr wasa. Southern lsdy and that many 3 f . . hisiasmeh had engaged in th-t siCtf and the word traitor was often $ivr to him. ' vpon iw woiu if 'holder and adm.nsteren - u.e . . -r 1 1 . , . ,tonUft waS 50 ? dett"?n South Roosevel! tefotmvd him! lie ha aSreat deal oUcform .wot kotH hands - just -nQvWc '-Vih. "hi ,n ... , FR.E RLOOJ ct ac r - We reconuntod r-tanic M'kH Fiun .. ... . . U5- lr '.'A.' an " as ulcers, ealtre sorfs.- .:.m.nm. hecemi, - itciiaig bliitfit $; j Arilc, Ul. Carbun lev, blovJitTfoison,.' tchirg bones, f ;rerirgsOfC3.'ciincrr.:csj4tb, beum.im. ' HM-mrc 'WoM.: IUlrr cure al ntanv! blovl o f kin aiscase, rsjfplly iftiif d Icr old, decrvv;attd c;cs. -"Iirt iV.rn al else faili. I lealvrry.y rr s rum. pie. stops' ,t.U aches;. fnd paft by, living a bcaltliy fblxnl T-upplj thoroughly tested for 30, .ar Thousands cured. At drvg -'nte $1. ber large hottl' Our'rradcilj receive a trial treatment ffceb- lr Giliiam, 213 MKchcIV S.uAtlartJ Ga. Describe : trouble - an'f Ire" medical advice given. Medic rr?e n tt.tij ntpM- . -; " 7 Whai'Mdre Rtcpecition. 'I wandr,M said Brcihcc Dkkvcy, Vif mister Rooa cll is guir.e ler give de cullud race jny mo.- titkcrniiion - . . . . - - - " dan what dey. been Ji-having? Dy shb.'nrtdst.c'r crjny rate what voted dCpuhrikin picket ix iimei inorc eleciioruen dat rriin aini ren,goi ofnca.ter jiis o'atnT;N3o,dait$ hat dey calfs rlckern'dr4i bitipo' dao 1 kinseeP- :':t 1 " - When you have no er,""-7e 00 not relish your food and feel dull alter 'eil ing you may know that you in:d ,a dose of Chamberlain's SU'inach and Wycr ' Tablets." Price " 15 cents. sVnplea fteo at f. Mardre & Pro's store. "; :- , - ' '- TheState.ScpcriotendtIit cl Public , Instructions tlecidey.vry plainly iri avor'-ot'the s,Hrrt waist , and ay$- a ...i'.'i'".w.... ... ..., Ii.ra' coat is coticr;q-"4il to aitenjance of 'a 'puVficsctKHL lrhis sctele1:the High Point case. " " JUSlilKfraa Mutation..;. - censuring. l-.a 'c. Xtii- -...'.,,Mt. ..-!.--! .' 't ir-i 1 1 rn. 1 .: ;".'; - a ' z : - Ot'R COLORCD POPLLUION.j Not Incrxsjli.. f"t n . ee litc1 j Unitrtl 5akby r:. e n nit.-.: )' ,his lcn 'oir:j!t:.j J : . !-? Cr. I 0:T.cc, and t?,i: hr s; s-.j :,xr.; ociyl.ical- !ti U5 tc s- at: f:urrs uf 1 ,o f.x c ll c CJ.rtffJcst the" icgro -; u!j:!oi s.i.-u'J exctcj the white wi! be tecar-v-J. Fmal ft,. fctes ijow th-it the? tco piJ n ill Cr.$ time c.:tl.t abou-t i: 93- ; . . . ... Some new eUmci.t of f.u.ii! r have btc-n co t-u'.cd t 1 i!..c I ft i ho!c it is tit; ta ti V. if.- I'-iT l; t negro i il;-ht?v Ur h'Jif- his tn The railirr-1 illtii ; I States indicated as- tl.-in r t dFipatchcs that the ru i:ut tjian thss bet the Vr;I : u rcVjtn hich'came irt thic bt haitr.ral troop bsve prcitlj- mf n c-J t!r final tesutti. Iu ta Suct'w nct growth Ka bom u'ptU-V rr.a'? In fid in on!j f. u S.ij5he n Stair ii the prujvmiot. a ne;t V Ccitri txlay " lhaa jn tSji, Vhri? arr AtkanaA, .UhtT-a. ncrnla. Jn many NtnKm ta:j the r.rgto ppjLh a ,h rc'a'Kf 't iQCuavu bat a it w srr.at -ritt tJ the tctaK Coc net grcatc'y arTrtJ cemrtal resu!;s. Tbc'conij I'.rJ f'urt ihuv show that the Zzro l w'n? h:J IkjIJ in the t wdcr -!ite rV-twi.r.u' is movirg tithet tht cCttar.: l',c!d l the GoH or ta V. rtcat ci:"ci tl Cc iV-e CjurrJ uiCi? J" tm l-erxLr.Ja-c tVat . tic' fCTco , lxe fon'tun.nl- c! out tctal i t'l lie a fci:o ' ' ' " l c: Ct ' 17.30: r - . T t ... 5.ii ? .... tS:o . ;o.,- tS;o. . - - , . . Tht LanJroatk 1 - 5i IL5 A neric:m-t!y fuf , Li"1hanci K o5oo site at J. I.. Mac Jre. r.:fe torc. It i cvfd CIkamlfU;n ISiorpach ar.3 Uti-tlV.!.:. It fijick' relief ta J . mrnt the I attack if given, v r a th? f.titj its ! jdi-ticn, o triV r-iWiv? pj-it j Prce. ? c ctntvT-cr b-jt. ,Sjr,f . A BEAUTIFUL LYRIC .4 Ileteiach!ceht;l-"U Itv4i Vit crick I,a c i c "ic c K . v r Il take to Ir a V-i; Only one it t , Tktaln by twain .e rr.t'ry. . One by one e dir. . . . . . . . ;.: , ,;,' .'perry Dvi's r.n K'tr. Ii uaV.k prtp-v'Ks a Jx cafe fvt pain tinnct fd to i : - ,a'y rr'S ciatrd, and no Cam? jr .'w?a W 1 ut if in Cijf acc-ir..:. or !!-n4 a'.tack cf t!j s-r.trry tJiatil A ct I " era in"rbw$- SolJ nrcrjHlr'c ..' J' ubiitu'.tt, thrrc ii I t-.. - Vxt Ktu.Kic. IVrry Uavi. Pi r-, ly . and err , 1 Your Money. Back'. i 4 . li r j r S19.75 r .hi v. t - . . .... W V I $. - tf " f .. , VM 1 - I. I J 1.11 ..! W .f t-'. . i i . 4 . . .- ; . .j -. . w-m ..... .1 - . mm ;h fcii mm T - W f ' I .. . C.k J -W f M m . . . r ; ht , m M-' - . ' i - ' -- . M . t ,H-.i -4 . .' - e -. . 1 . r . t . . - 1 m .. V t r--' . - fm w-r4 -. .... . . m H f IF b i . r. . " f - - J " i 1 NO GO iVo Hair? fit! tr.i f : -j i z. I ti-T r ri Aytra lfV;ri-J r-y t.? i: ;ri fi- asc- ;t. r.r, G.A..".Vir. A;i-i i, O. The trouble is vcurhi'r L docs rot have life cr.cu.'!:. Act promptly. Ssvcycur ; hair.' Feci It with Aycr's Hair Vi-or. If the ?:iy i hiirs ire hcinnlnr, to ; show, Aycr's Hsir Vf-er will restore color ever ... i time, i: u am r. I L. .F. PIERCE. Ar.it for tK WAVERLEY BICYCLES, . Rrraircar gu:.s. LOO 3, Sitilli.ctlcnGuirtrAte. TO THE DZAF.. - A r" UJ, t4fc J vl h.:t i--if:.T'. osJ Nf-'vc a :lt Uca4 1 1 lr. ;':--K!4 .Vi'.;.'";vi 1 4 Ii.-.- k f-uc JiOt''1 !3 iilk'J; v..'.3', wt.it ''sl f-C";c tii' t ;.'ci.!c l! lifi.::-3 r. iv ?a"C !-. : I A-'-!:.k tils ;5-. 't .M Atfr .c. Nc Vs ri,V S. A. j. WV I'MKUY COMPANY, Curios tAr,r ;., Norfolk, Y.t.. Srt i S t rf t corn)v; jSitKt M j 5$ --" t:tit I M;.. . - ..... ItT 4 , t.x a J 5 .......... . ..... t X j t j Il-I PEANUT: I Tcy :r;t,!r r-.c. 1 tlfjiJ: .... .. t i a!o . t l T J I J a? i r.vicj .... UK 1"L 1 : DUKES d.GURLEY ...J t : C v v: .- ,, I M . ni.' 1 ty A lc, 4r- K.A. t " .-V n t ri r i t f f r- " t.a ct " f T at t.'o 2' " II v, u t.-.i-.".r 1 - .v y , 4 a. . alr" .. -.ct I '- W L 4. mm wl it ... ' i' - . 1 x: t . !l i ii : J r .. t r is. a r 1 t ! I i:: ' . : -;: I -l . r . I -a 1 .1 r T '. ; - i . - .. ..' . ' i 1 r .5. j . V-' -. i A. 1 - ir. &": fare paid :;J grow happy. ;That s- we 1 -ul. t t'.i, it !' fx A., i .J t 200 fke& jL i make it tor. . ? Scholarships of (ered. 4 : Send for free sample. ; tau..".:. ; iosra tn.17. 1 jcascn Of 1033, K-j wzcq we a elso- find that' our e " -23- on- y or Axa . -

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