9 " .1 G v;: : ! ;)) i r s f . NO 20 I P r p luse lo iin 01 8 E New York, August 6. The rolor line has been drawn t un board the United States receiving ship Colum bia at the . ; Brooklyn j ; Navy. Yard. The chief petty officers have w refused to mess with a negro , who has just been sworn in as chief carpenter's mate . , They have ; . , asserted . their unwillingness ,tof asssociate with- him in any way, or to . receive or carry out any orders that "may come to the m through hiin in . the line oi duty. Issac Miller; thd chief T carpenter's mate, is a full-blooded negro, -He has been in the navy:' many years and has a good record!; i For a long time prioi to his recent 'promotion, which was for merit, fie ranked - as a carpenter's mateofithe first class. When Miller appeared at the chief petty officers mesi on Wednesday eight other members of the mess a- rose and left the table when he sat down. , Miller ate his dinner as if nothing out of the ordinary, had hap-; pened. Since then he has had ;'- no company at his neals. He has been allowed, when he reached the Stable first, to eat alone. 1 and when others preceded him he has ' waited until they finished eating; v : Capt. Snow' said Miller's rights would be protected, , as the navy makes no distinction as to color. : . mers Feed your hair ; : nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only ISatr Mof hair food you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing ust what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. " My hair nsed to be very short. But after using Ayer's Hair Vigor a short time it began w pow, and now it is fourteen inches long, yiis seems a splendid result to me after being almost without any halr.M ' , Mas. J. H. Fiver. Colorado Springs, Colo.- Jf'-W a hottlA v T n iTKR cct.. ornggintB. m Lowell, Mass ior H Old Sores, Itching Piles, Skin Disea88S, : ABSOLUTELY CURED. HERMIT SAIE, ' 25 AND SO CENTS A BOX. by ail Drngrsrista. ; . Take no other. lie en Re (.less men APIS Table ie Lei HE TROUBL yiu j amuy jbcemedy Z5 years. WINDSOR; N. i -j HI Chief Justice Walter Clark Delivers an Excellent Address. ' A Complete and Interesting History of Ber tie Soldiers. EVERY ONE of 3,000 PEOPLE HERE The Confederate Veterans "Re-un- ion was a grind success, It did us good to see the old Vets so thorough ly enjoying it. Their days are uum bered and all effort' and . means ex pended for just one days enjoyment by our good : people , are 1 more than doubly, paid in merely looking into their faces and seeing the enthusiasm and spirit of '6165 beaming bright and. making' light, the -hearts that are heavy irom the realization of npe old age. ; ' ' ;:: ; O w ihg to the heavy rains on Wed nesday the) condition of the streets was so the parade had to be dispensed withi With this exception -the pro gramme as printed last week-was car ried out. 1 : t t President D, W. Britton called the Veterans to order on the court house green. ' ' U Chaplin J. R, Mathews then invok ed prayer, after which the band play ed some sacred music and Mr. Brit ion introduced Judge Clark.'; For about two hburs the Judge en- tertaraed the veterans with; a most complete history of the r services of Bertie County Uonteaerate; bowiers. We secured his address f and will publish it in; our next issued - -It will be of interest to great many famil ies. ,It should be preserved. The Daughters of the Confederacy presented Judge Clark, through Supt. R.W.Askew,with a handsome bouquet We will state that in presenting the flowers! Mr. Askew announced to the Veterans that the ladies composing the Frank W. Bird Cnapter of the Daugters of the Confederacy, will have charge of the arrangements next year and that a public dinner will be had on ground. After this tne' Associa t!on adjourned to the court-house and had a business meeting. ThA mil was called and it was found that two members had answer ed that roll-call of the great beyond since the last meeting. Tin. Qqmp officers were re-elected. . a a D. W. Britton President. TEACHERS WANTED. We need at once a few more Teac hers for Fall sehools. Gcod Dositious are being filled daily by us. We are receiving more calls tnis year than ever before. Schools - arid colleges supplied with Teachers free of cost. Enclose. stamp for reply. j American Teachers' Association, J. L. Graham, LL. D., Manager, 152-154 Randolph Building, Mem phis, Tenn. URSDAV T T 16 i J R. W. Askew Secretary, Jnd. A. Grant Treasurer. In the afternoon the Bertie Brass Band played for several hours lor the benefit of the great throng of people. The excursion from- Ahoskie brought three; hundred and -twenty nve people. Among them were a great many Veterans from Hertford "v . I Not with standing the fact there . diers werecarried to the hotels and ate in comfort and ease. - ' A good many citizens of Williamt- ton came ove across the ferrv and udj. x-copic 'vere nerei from a number of counties. r ?.1 Fs abig dav for Wmdsor, and equally as "big a day" for theold soh aiers. Kvery body enjoyed themselves and the old Vets especially. A Tribute to the Old Rebel. 1 By rtrvJ. J. Butler. Forty years ago, July 3rd,. brings iresn 10 our minas me great battle ot . .. i . ... .1 Gettysburg, as well . as many . other scenes of our past life, and althongh it seems but short to some of us, yet it has been forty years and has brought us down to old age. We are now old and gray haired -and soon the last one of us will be gone. Every year some cease to answer to the roll call. Several have passed away since we last mer, ana ere we . meet again many more will be gone, So I feel like I want to say a part-' ing word-to the old Rebels, and it m,vhMU ut VTMnlnW of thi J " ? , past has suggested to ray mind a few lines of poetry, and though it may not be fit for the public at larce. vet ni m A Hill bWIMIII ft Tilt V IUk UiU ntore rrfr ri I Hrtio (no nnhlm . 1 1 i- not criucize it as it is especially in- tended for ttte old Rebels. Kodal Olvet Stcortk uy cuaDimg rneaigesuve organs to ai- 2est, assimilate and transfoim all of the wholesome food that ja ay be cat en into the kind of blood that nourish esnhe nerve, feeds, the tissues, har- deus the muscles and recuperates the organs ofthe system." Kodal Dyspcp sia Curecures Indigestion, Dyspep sia, Catarrh of the Stomach and all stomach disorders. Sold by R. C. Bazemore. . - AUG. 13; 1903 Away back In Uic sxies a war cry That vc ihougfifan evasion on D IX- . ieV fair land,. . ,, . tir . . c weni xonn to the strode, DOt ior nonor or fame, But protect our dear country and our j . -own sacred name, . vVe were then young; and stalwart. We are now old and gTay, And the last poor old Rebel Will soon pass aWay. v ; e will never forget while under the " sky;;- . , The dear one that we left. With tears in their eyes, We went forth to the struggle To. hazard our lives, To fight for our mother, Our sister and our wives. Forty years has since past We are now old and grey, And the last poor old Rebel Will soon pass away. Ye young men and maids, Ye noble and true. Think of the poor Rebel Unce stalwart like you. His days are near passed. He's a short time to stay For the last pcorold Rebel, Will socn pass away.. And now my brave comrades. a xma wora to you Let tu sen e our ctcI Caniain JWbo has hrough ua' sifa throuza. Ana tnen when at lact nrlm V kT. Wen 1 . iwect bye acdjbyc, e II rrxt n Forever ancj aye, I When the iast poor old Rebel Have aI1 Ped away. I J- J a urmir Strtlrhtentd Out here.camLfD a short time near com PWdy dqublcd up with iheumati m. A oanaeu-mnva Dome o: Chamber- lain's Pain Balm and told hini to tic it freely and if not satisfied ifteruso. ing it he need not pay a cent for. it," says c 1. Kayder, of Patterns Mills, N. Y. A few days later he walked into the store as straight aj a stin and handed me a dollar sayinr. 'give me amther bottle of Chamber. lainVlVin Balm. I want it in the house all the time for It curtd me For sale by J. J. Mardre & Bro. Sampson Tobacco Farmers to Plow up Uncut. Crops. IIIOF U f Clinton, N, C, Aug. 6. The to- bacco market opened here todxy. Both ware houses were full. Price WCu1? not vcraSc abovc cost housing and warehouse charges. A Cd ny farmcrssay they are go- hog to pow up lhe ungathered part I ot their crop a it will not pay them to bouse it. The American Tobac- co trust is not gettinc much I V. rn f nrl-.. : f ..11 f . 1 I . . - . . farmers and buiiness men. as thev understand the cause of their woe. Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass iL irB ling's riou EDIs'GOUory ForfSIKI A Perfect For All Throat tad Cure: Lung Troubles. . Uont bck C It fUu Trial EctMfr. CLItilOl 1,1 VOL : 19 BO YCO T T TOBACCO TRUST: . The ricrchants of Kinstorx Organize and Pledge Themse Ives Not To Buy . FROM THE TO BACCO TRUST. The merchants of Kinstoa have organized and pledged themselves not to buy any tobacco manufactured by the great tobacco trust, composed of the American Tobacco Ca and the Imperial Tobacco Co. unless they advance the price of tobacco beyond the cost of production. 'They also call upon all merchants in the tobacco raising counties to do likewise. Whether this will amount to anything there is considera ble doubt, in as much as the trust has bought up every independent manufacturing concern available or that they feared. , There r remains but few concerns jrom which to buy the marufacturcd arti cjc. Tlicn toj, vr doubt very seriously if the demand can Jbe supplied. . The thing to dof is to icut the acreage short next sea son. 'Plant none whatever it you can advantageously do so." j What to do with this year's Icropis a matter that requires serious thought- It should be held awhile at least. It is all rot about there be ing an over supply of tobacco from last cars crop. It i s not so. The supply is less than the demand with this years crop included. The trust is trying to fix the prices from which they will obtain die greatest profit- Nothing more and nothing less. Cut the acreage hort and boss your own situation. Suicide Prevented The startling annc jnecu c:;t ihit a preventive ol uicidr had rzm d;v covered mill interest r.tatn. A fua down sfitcn, or d.fp Ur.cy iuvr iablv precede su:.ciji nd aictiuj hit been lu.id tlul S .ccni i.-it conaUion which calr .cj-c hk!y. At Lhe first thought r i xU dc!-uc- tioa take Electric i;uci. It o rrril lo.T.c and r.cr.. ! w - tihrr lh r.cnrl 1.1:1 t ctUi till tyatcm. It's alw a gc: Stoich Liver and KIJ.r.cy f-u'a'i.f. Only 50c. S a lb xcv.cn gaifi:.: 1 by