ii ! Ki tIV ZZ KlSs v VOL 19 WINDSOR N. C. THURSDAY JAiNll 7. 1904. NO 37 V A '7-.tt-tS: - vtt-.X ' WW ii- i.W:, lKj.dlljlvl.. r'i r,;' ' ...j , .... v - y ...... V ' -.. 1 ':: i a s .... V 'X m 1 s 'S" X i 1 4 '.I . TrtE ANNUAL STATEMENT CONTINUED HOT TTNIfi , T7T FPTTONF t ; . ; t G Gillcott:6 8o: A JB Hardeni . 5 30 j Ji. Creech; ,6 80, J Ulcott , 7 '40 -V jW.Dcmpsey '5 55 i F nikett 7. 10 J W Johnson 4 76, WM Davis - 4 6tf - I E Peele 7, jo, Noah Cooper 4 76 " i vPETiT.juRORS., - T AHhelps 2 bof Jsaac Piland -12 . 50 W R Brown 5 .50, TIM Peele " g 20 D FL Jernigan uO 60 J Ii Burden'ia i- T Vy.HoUoman.4 40, W Lawrence v 13 80. W HV Harden i?' ;J W. . PugVesi3 40eGeo( ELassiter 9 00 W -K: Barnacascel 8 yorW C Hughes -9 3vWJ Co'wgid 8 8oLCherry'8 6b TsC Rawles 9 4ot.i Writ Baker 9 6a y B joz Gasper 9 ;30 Mi G Mi.riton q 80 ' Moses HoWar'd, 0 40 --5 :V.r T H Lawrence 7-95 D Outlaw" 9" 90I h J1 E Tadlockk7 80 ,;J R Lassitef 9 10 V, r fNfALES JURORS. ' VThe following received. 1 . 10 J B Saunders; E L Joyner ; it T D'Holly'r ' J T Smith ; W T Peele ; Mizert V- A C Mitchell t W J Rogusoh ' yV M-Parker - J J Brown - I Gillam : 'A D.Early T C Bazemore , J W Rhodes . .j'P.SIade T. D Holly C-S Barnacascei A Bazemore V;.. C .L Grant ; W A Tadlock r 5 H Hoggard J T Smithwick, Jr J iY'O Gerock .W A Tadlock-' ' J L Morris ; -E-D SpruUl C J. Morris E P Cherry J A Davi W J-41e Is destruction i of lung by a jf growing germ, precisely as y of cheese by a growing germ. -r Tf stop the consumption. ; You can orjcari't;, according to fwherrypu begin. , . TakeJSicott'sTEmulsion of .-'!-' -, --i',;- :;Cod Liver Oil: take a little '.at first - it acts as a lbod ;t: it; ii J&c seamiest foo Seems not to be food ;t makesvou hungry.; eating os, comfortable. 'You ffro w strohsr- Theareuuinehas . - " ?lrt"re uit' er ; 4 1 ake more: take no other; not too mucK i; enough ! is a 1 2 vmuch as yob like and agrees with. ypii. Satisfy hunger jwith usual food ; whatever ycQ like and igrees with you. When you are strong again, have recovered 5 your strengththe 4 germs. : are dead ; you have killed themv t If you havanottriod;itf l soncl jorireo samplo,; its acrdcoble wtttowillQ.mprlpyqii t ,r SCOTT A D OWN E, f 09 Poari St., Mow Yprtv A S Barnacascel C J Joyner PJ'.GUIaro ,;,rB Saunders. The following received 4 10 . V V J, W Dempsey f ; : TtA Peny W M Suttou r; - & qwti j Speller fr7V L C B Bunch A JDEasoti petit juror X'.X" 17 7? J F Phel ps services Co f ai m h v 5 3 03 J . F Phelps service Co farm i 06 00 Mdse For Co Farna J J Mardre & Bro - 1 109 : 5 25 ' 4 20 "13 92 : 39 13 ,J2 14 365.64 265 80 I 03 ! 33 RC JBazemore : W E Copeland " Haste & Johnson . . -, J J Mardre & Brp A S Racoe mdse tor c h : G T Brett feed etc. Hertford CoV jail expenses: : C L Hoggard rebate on taxes T C Bond "work done on'tfh Edwards & Broughton Rec 1 for Reg of Deeds office 17 qo Charles Boud com. on Co line 125 oq Ed ward s & Broughton J P doclc.r 5 40 Windsor Ledger punting r . 6 75J J R Castello w repah s on bridge 150 TT Sbeight lumber for road '2 00 W H Beasiey : " 4. 72 JTMizeir.. f - 6,00 US Mizell "l V ,8 10 J J Mardre & Bro mdse for poor 3 io PAID, CO COMMISSIONERS j H Bo wen I H Lawrence J L Harrington POOR ORDERS. 11 90 21 00 1080 J Bird 3. 1 ' Harriet Creecy 3, Columbus White 2 , Parker Bros for coffin 3, Shffs, Cons, and J P Fees. C LLCobb ?,oo ; W Northcott 2 33 1 L Harrington : 4 65 B Gray v 20 90 T Gillam 65c -T C Bond v 31 23 Orders Paid Officers &c Godwin C Rogers 1 j V Vjfhite and R J Shields J 3 Mitchell jV White 2, OO I 40 1 45 1 20 26 93 i& 3 8S 2 85 2 70 1710 37 5 A B.Gray MIT Phelps J Y Sraithwick J W T Heckstall V J L; Harrington N Minton - . W-i, Lyon v. i ' VfcE Daniels solicitor ) : Paid Sundry Orders A b Kascoe lor c h and jail x L,, 3 35 W LLyou C SC Fees! ., . in 68 C Bood officer to Grand Jury ? 5,00 Edwards & Broughton for f Records &c " 1000 Chis Bond sitting with shff K : 2,00 S W Kenney stenographer - 10,60 f vA' Davis guarding j iil 1 1,00 Jnp J, Freeman Reg. Deeds -f; ; Hertford Co, Belfield et ah 5,00 Sol Cherry ser. aslleg Deeds, 60 73 fTBond Sh'ff conveying pris. 1665 Daniel Sol fees 1 , 67 Co W L Lyon, Clerk's fees 73-3" PETIT JURORS Jno-C Baker i;p-Spivey. lSpivey 8 70 7 75 6 10 W E Caspar C L Grant; . 780 People, Hurried lmsi s t ' Mostly Women X ::A palling Scene, ;.....:.(. .- Atan . evening performance in the, - '' " V- " 1 IroquoisTheater,'m the city of Chief ago, where the' audience consisted, of women and children mostly, a fire broke out and resulted in the burning alive of near as can be ascertained seven hundred and eighty persons. : Such a scene2 and. j catastrophe can iiot be pictured by pen- 61 imagined in ,or,es mind. v The. foiloiving. inci d en t vv il 1 gi ve a sm all of ; idea' o f the horror and distress. --. ' ': ' : b liss Cieorgia Swift, -probinent -in society,' wabadly battered anc1 brui sed in .the panic in the tneater. In talkingof her experiences tc-da she saicl - "1 started up the aisle at about he same time as all the others, I suppose My seat Was ori th6 -first - floor near the stage, and when I reached the rear of, the au iitbriuiolthe jsie jwas choked with people who had fallen ' A J Perry -J W; Hughes, VV G white, JG Cale ' G R Hicks Frank Harden J M Yeates L T Ward " . J L Morris D R Worlej 1 10 1 10 4 10 I 10 I 10 I xo T IO I IO I 10 BONDS AND INTEREST COU ( PONS PAID A S-Rascoe, interest, X T (Gillam five bonds, ' ; J- A Grant,; five'bouds; T Giliam. thirty coupons, T A Grant, twenty coupons, 50 00 500 00 500 00 60.. 00 1 : 4O OO A S Rascoe twenty five coupons 50 00 ORDERS PAID "ONvACCT OF - NEW JAIL A S Rascoe W P Rose ' , ; D K Cecil & Co.: ;. 15 00 14 ?7 I OOO OO 500 OO CI It 50OOO ASSESS- ORDERS PAID TAX : , : : ; ORS 1 ' W M Davis r A W Early.v . . i J R Cherry W P Phelps - ' I WRRaynei R J Shields Ino N Hoggard ' J H White ; W M Davis 2 00 .'.". - ; 3 9 ,2 90 3 9 3 10 3 60 10 00 100 60 55 00 SS'Oo 80 00 60 00 60 bo 60 00 55 co J R Cherny , W P Phelps.- - W R Rayner v T Jno N Hoggard - W T Phelps : J CTynes T A Smith wick -;'."- ' "; - POORJORDERS ; J j'riardre U fro, 3 78 J CVistellq iq 00 E White 4 co, T.IVczdea 5 cp and Chilreti. An "I looked down to avoid stejDping on them and just as I did so my eyes were caught by those of a little boy. about sn years old, who was lying on the floor unable , to rise. He had large brown eyes.and was so neatly dressed and apparently so well bred anduch a little gentleman that he fascinated me. As he saw me looking at him,he.said: 'Wo.tyou ' please please help me; please do, T "1 stepped to raise him if I could but the crowd was too thick arid the rus. too strong. I seized him , under the arms, dnd then I was knocked over him onto my knees ; in the aisle. I struggled to my feet, but the weight of the crowd was such that I could not turn back and I was .carried out through the'door; The little boy was ite" tHose eyes of his will unt me while I live.,r . . , ,. ., ... . I w - R Rascoe 00 Jno Powell 3 00 H Reddick 3 60 kancy Carter 6t)o L Heckstall 3 ooS Williams : 3 00 Charlie Todd 4 00, H Cherry 3 Ow Polly Biid 3 00, C White , 5 00 M . Speller 3 09, A Gillam - V 2 00 E Rawles 4 00 Robert Fai mer 3 00 A Dunning 4 oo.vRjttie Sessoms 3 00 M Melton 3 po, Jennie Piker - 4 00 J L Conner 6 00 Eliza Birgs 5 00 John Morris 4 00, J R White 12 op John Thomas 3 00, B Clark J' 2 00 a-v - 3 uo 1 o iarK . i 3 00 Peggy Pugh : 3 o ), S AViliiams " 4 00 Van ITaIIm I rrl ' ' vrP , ullc 3 00 J 1 noraasua 00 A Mizell - 5 00, J J Mardre & Pro; for poor e 62, H Creasy i co I os Bond : f : . - - , . J i ' Vcb WITNFSS ' TICKETS ' PAID . - - .. . ' - 1 A C Mitchell .55 G vy?rlley i; t oo J P Pierce 1.35, J H h man i 00 J H By rum 2 46 J H Byrum,i 35 J B Gray i 55 Joe Mitchell ; 1 05 and 2 00 A L Pritchard ; " j .85 A us Watson 2 05 and 2 . 05 , Ra; ner 200 Rich Watson 2 05 find V 205 f Isu nc 3 Oi 4 . opeini 4 1 5 Mrs. T E White 3 30 and . : . 3 60 W J4PeeIe 7 S5;S Bazemere :'6Zo J H Bazemore 3 50 S Bazemore 12 80 Scott Lee :;$ 56- J H Hoggard 2 '50 S W Kenney 6 10 J H Hoggard 7 5P W J Peele 7 55, and 3J55 ! Peele 3 55, Scott Lee 3 40T Cherry 7 70 VV T White 1 80, and 4 J6o, ; W T White 2 36, C J Joy ner 3 6p. i : L. ChwryA;..v,;: 5 1 ltES itRORss PAirr ; D P Mizell m o, D jr Wheeler 1 1 10 W T Mtntocf Petit juror 1 i;4o W. E. Harrell 5 viS3cket::pd c uicy i45j i'; narreu . x Tnrrcrry i tfc Dr.: Mitchell1 a "70 and 3 70, Fr L Hord ,97 j C B Peele 3 60, Theo Cherry, , 340 T Phelps 2 00, Lewis Cherry 3 4a W, Jenkins 145, J T Hughes 2 90 Annie Leary . :' -TALES JURORS PD J G Bazemore 1 10 J b Parker h w Evans, ; .. '. EPazemore ; ' j , 3 ' PETTIT JURORS PAID T w Todd ;:;.'".V;.' J w Cooper 45 I 10) 1 10 Mo 5 55 5 20 5 7 5 6o 6 zo T h Phelps 7; G w Butler ' G w Cullipher G A Mizell' " ; C E Jordan w R Rayner 5 6 6 20 J R Parker C R Overton w S ritchard ; 6 6a 6 40 2 40' ; :v V Mdse For Co. Farm M Mardre & Bro , .. 12 73 J L Spivey 8 97 S Lipsitz Co 18 73 R C Bazemore 3 25 Stokes & - .Tadrock ; J J Mardre & Bro. ; v S fV'Kenney printing- " Ju n i U3 Bri dgers t eed i ng ju ry T C Bond shff fees ., ' 8 28 20 60 11 oo ; 37 7S S7 95' 79 18 G T Biett jail expenses y T C Bond taking Lucy White, " to assylum ? , 27 65 ; Edwards & Broughton,. for' bonds and records 20 60 J T Barber lumber for bridge " 6 72, ELTBishop'v ;; -road : 00 Windsor HardwareJCo. Ma ; . terial for bridge " 2 20 M L Spruill repairing bridge 4 S J L Harrington ser as Co com. 10 80 J H Bo wen G"L Mardre . It 87a 18 00 66 6j .r S J F Phelps ser as manager Co farm ". Director Co. Farm J P Mizell 13 20 A L Pritchard lev J Mitchell 5, V C L Keeter 11 60 Grauby Cooper fish for. Co J farm 56 J B Nicholls& Bro fish for Co. 1 .- . . - . ', farm . ; , . 3 20 J B Nicholls & Bro mdse for Co.' 1 ' farm , -. . 12 2& W T Heckstall lumber for Co. farm ; V ! -: l- ' ' 6 2 ' WITNESS TICKETS PAID. W FGray JrhnWhite . Henrv Sutton Alex Rayner, .1 VVrtght Rayner -:ur: ,t i ; (continued on another pac) vis given up to die with quick consumption, j I then egan to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I Improved at once, and am n6w In perfect health.' Cbas. E. Hart oan, Gibbstown, U . Y. ; It's too- risky, : playing with your cough. - r The first t hing you knov it; will be down deep in your lungs i end the play will bs oycrJ pc gi n c a rly w i t h Aycr'c Cherry Pectcralcnd stop the couh. S col 5S 3 97 4 oo - 1 50- i . 4 ' - 4 ;

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