He's from1 Bertie' .County ' Bakersfield, Cai., December 8. Mrs Ashe, widow pf the late Captain LEGAL NOT! HS FCLLOniG RHUArXB BUSIHEXJ I UCUZZ3 ccucrr youh trade ' GES V V Y s. V, .,.Vs.'-.v t , i iiieL.Dies. use Runs iiiio ihe pnowon Riv er. Scnboi Exercises To the Ledger: . - Perhaps the :-,jnost exciting, and withal; the mostr miraculous run-away ver known here occurred Vlast week: A splendid steed belonging to the. firm Of Lee & Backs, liverymen, here, took fright and, after getting J-orn.un der control of the driver, ; ran for an half .mile down Ma in street. WinloTi is situatad on a .bit ff c f more than forty, feet' above the water level of the beautiful Chowan. The horse havjng ,no regard tor the situa tion, leaped " head-long into the placid waters. -The river at this point is 500 yards wide. , The animal swam more than half the distance acioss. Soon she was overtaken by men ir charge of small boats,- who diiected her course and in a few minutes the horse, still attached to 'the buggy, had planted her teet on terra firraa, and to the surprise of all, like Teddy, she had not forgotten her ''natural gill" of running away. A number of years ago, the Hon. Tlromas R.( fernigan, Ex-ministei to Japan, hid a horse to make this aw- ful iap to deatji. Since that t'me the. Chowan has opened its busom to 'others, but never before, e en unto the day whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary, has the "well known quadraped found its way -out of the difficuhy. . On Monday evening. o, Christmas week, theJWinton Male and Female Academy closed the first half of the scholastic year "with appropriate ex. rcises. In addition to the exercises talks were made by Senator S law and James R. Mitchell. Mr. Shaw urged the 'importance of the education c f the white children, making reference to the constitutional amendmeLt. Mr. Mitchell, after recounting the growth and development of the Acad- emy under the able managment of Miss Ella Earley, spoke of ' the expt- diency of the example set by Missis- sippi ii nominating and electing for 'governor. , a man onnosed to ne?io education at the expense of the white . citizencv of his l state. He showed tht nut nf hPrlv .ono.ono MnrT?i . .. . Ai frtr IhA pities rf H iirittnn in M I vu awi v.v .sw.w.. ... . . xms year, me negro race naa gouen ohonf- .prt ivr rpnt nf that imnnnf while, in fact, they h.we paid about 3 per cent of the taxes. He made a vigorous appeal for an amendment to the constitution permitting the school fund to go to each race in proportion to the taxes It. paj's. Mr. P. A. Peterson, a hi-hlv re. 'A uiZ. f k: n1nAa .jj-j j.. 1 ,,, ; 2Uu a cenaia 101 01 iana in saip town, ayjoin peCted Citizen ..pf.thW. place, dld dU- Unflthe said jesse Farrett loi, known as the 'Per 9Atig Christmas week of paralysis. Be cime originally to this bounty rom bweeden and located m fcoutn - v . - . m pton county, va. . Artsrwards he -came here where for ! a number pf tfears he has been engaged 1 a the har mess business. He was member fof the Baptist church Here. . - -V ' .-,.4, , f : ,; ... . ..( .. .,yy h - . .. .. . s W. lia.fe,c ui(w o. die leadin druggits of Wilson, N. C.l writesu ..fentlemea-Uniolicitedi' Idffer yo ; 3ii& .testimonial concerning .your vWotthington's Rem dy4 J'tcan add do, v say, that ihe f saimg-wjas ..used in my "tv; :-;sfarthef Ys familywm rriylbirthl and in any own evei.sjncb I havebeenhuuse; : 'i . r ; j ' ' ; r ' "... . it . - seeping as a panacea-ior au kiuqs 01 Ibowel troublesr"bothforadult and . . nnfant. As'drjIg'jSst I?have reoSmmen eld'andiolTtfo'tveiit . i, -.ioave never i.-tu4t uustoiucr uomiiajn - of its failing to cure up to the claim .made for ii.'.9 Dr. E. VV. Pugh . R. S. Ashe and a : pioneer of v Kern county, is d ead at her home here, aged 8 2 ye? rs. M rs," Ashe' came of a noted JSiuthern fanily being the . daughter of Professor E. Mitchell: scientist and member factulty of the University o North Carolina., . " Professor Mitchell is a native of -Bertie, county, . having been reared near Aulander where his relatives hOW reside. Confined to his classroom 1 . . . . j 111 mis great insiuuiion iror. iviiicn ell .is reflecting honor and credit to his native state and county, whose people take pride in therjknbwledge of his attainment. 4 ? HER VOIC LIVES Dead Mother's Son Coh tinuesjto Lull Her Babies to Sleep - In a quiet little home on the South Side of Chicag( , 111., a song is sung every evening by the voice of a n oth er, who has been dead morethan a year. Two tiny orphans, a boy and a girl sit on their heart-broken fathers Upjeach niht and are soothed to sleep by the lullaby teir mother sang lo them when she was living. 7Q- The singing is done by a phonog raph, but 'their farther ias taught his ittle ones that the voice is theirm oth er's, and they never go to sleep with out hearing it, . It is just a year now since their farther, bought u phonographthe only musical instrument ne could af ford. He took it home, and thn nut of curiosity more than anything else, he had his wife sin: into it a lullaby she crooned to" her 1 bal ies. The proud farther, took records, too, of his children's cries ard. prattle spend. ing all his spare change lor blank recoid- The oung wife had a sweet clear voice and other records were made ot trie favorite lullaby, but all vvere not equally good, and only one was perservee, Three days after the sons: was re- corded ori the phonography cylinder "e young mother was taken, sick. A wee later she died.. Several days hfter herburial the heMjt broken hu band brought out the; phonograph a?an and, taking his babies on his 'aP he heard the living voice of his I 1 r - aeaa w,ie croon. - 3 , Rock a bye baby in the tree top. wnen tne pougn oends tne c-adle will : 1 wvt I lAiitn . 1 1 . a am. WY- I . ... r.- . .. . ' J 1 and all -f . - -. -, . . - . r m m h ' - . '. , . '' . . ,1 t ' NOTICE By virtjkie of the powet and authority given by certain Deed of t rust executed by E. H. J2v ner and wife A. T. Li verm an to, B. B Winboine rrustee, winch is recorded in tqe office of Bertie in bcok"Xxt,-page 294; !,tbv : following" propeaty will be sold at Public Aution. V z;r j xst. A cersain hoese aud lot situatad ;in the town ofColerain, Bertie County N. C,, known as S.ffi? ry heirs lot STi J'at 3rd a certain lot in saia town adjoining . tne - ianJee:ls wlrhViCKK m?ryvlrJ I Deed of Trust executed March n 1893. by E . H. Joynerts HL R Birryman, trustee, recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for said Hertford Countv in Bo6k78,:rAge 299 -'leference to which is here better description of said lots. , Plac in'front of Post 'officTevat Colefain. N. C. Time. January ; 18th 04 : -. ; .. Ternis. Ca3h'; ' ;" : 'x. z;yf'C,-f--f ''l 'syi . ' ; B B. 'WINBORN Trustee ; f Xcrimilci teils i 1 '1 inni-J Estriict PERUVIAN BAIUL- V Fluid Extract POPLAR, BAF i V Fh23 Estrcct DLAat ROCP j i FImd Extract PRiau ' DAIUL .Ffo!dv Estrtct- BSC WOOD ti&5&4 Fluid Extract SARSAPARii' & Vt T3 Dccl GC7cl Tcmo. ft no Cnro, NOTICE North Carolina 4 Supes Superior:' Court; Bertie Cbunty f ' - Feb. Term 1904. -William Pritchard PJaiutiff, t:w- ,-. . vs.: -;A .. . ;-': :.VV. A; Cherry "Defendant -r. Notice f Summons aad -Warrant- of Attach -J ment 1 To W A,' Cherry Ejq Defendant - The defendant will tak Notice that a summons in the above en titled actf on was issued out o this conrt "against the said defendant on the isf dor of Janioai by W.L. t.von. Clert of said Couit which" said summons returnable oh the 1st j Moaday before the 1st Monday in March 1904 town on Feb. 22 1904 before the Superior Tour , of Bertie County at the Coort house in, Windsor N. C. whicbsaid summons -is issued in the action rwhu is brought by William Pritchard to .recoy- er of Wr Ai Cherry the sum of 270.00 with inter. est qH said sum from Aug. tst 1893 at ,8- per cent Interestdue by note' given said Pritchard b said Cherry for said sum on Aug 22nd , 1892 for money loaned said Cerry by said Pritchard;. and the said action ir also brought ' to . foreclose a mortage executed, by WH. Cherry to Wm. Pritchard in Record in-Book 71 page . 67 Bertie Register of Deeds office and! conveying the ; fol lowing lands as securely to said debt. . Thav certain paicel of land in the town of Lewiston Bertie County N. C and known and designated asfollows. Lying on the South" side of the road hadingfoom Lewiston to Windsor, " djoining the lands of Edward ; B zemore H. P- Harrell and others and known as the Whitly lot Which manage is-ref erred to for describing said- land.- The defendant will also teke notice lhat a war-; rant of attachment was issue by said Clerk; itr this action on 1st day of Jan. 1904 against all of the property pf said defendant in Bertie County which warrant is reliable bef or?, this court at the time and place above named for the return of summons when aud where the defendant ' is , rc-" quired to appearand answer ar demur to the complaint or the lelief demanded will be gran led FRANCIS D. WINSTON Attv for plaiuUff LAN D By virtue of an authority of an order of tht Superior court in a special proceeding thereii. pending entitled "Asa E. Lasper et. al. vs. Mai j J. Huehes tt. el,J the undersigned commissioner will oiler for sale the following described 'land beiogan SnaKe Bi e township-Bertie County. N.C: adjoining the lauds of Junuus Bridget , Joe L;r;w place, Jas Harraan, Abrani Uempsev antl Richaru Casper, it beint; the home places f the late Wil liam Casper where he lived and died, lying on Buck Swamp and cemtaining ioo acres more 01 less. See Book 04629 Reg. office Bartie County, N. C. which is referred to. The timber trees will not be sold they having been sold tob. Lip- sitz April 2, 1899. -; w l ime 12 M. baturday, January 10, 1904 . Place Court h use door, Windsor N.C. TermsCash W. R.JOHNSON. . Commissioner Dec. H 1903 ' NOTICE! By virtue of the power and authority eiven by a certain mortage executed by. W. A'. Cherry to Wm, Pritchaid which is recorded in, .he office t tvo, -eds of Bertie County, in book $5 page 385 the fo lowing property vtA , be. sold A certain lot in the town of Lewiston bee-inn in e on a road leading to 'Windsor at an oak at Mrs. H. M. Thompson's corner and runnme north 7? W. 88 to a stake, thence S. 20, W 22 feet to a stake, thence S. 49, E. 7954 feet, to the Thompsoi me, 57 feet to the beginning and containing 310c square teet more r less. Ana aiso one piece e parcel or tract ot tana iana suuatea in snateDiti township, and bounded aj follows: Beeinnine at a birch gum on tre canal iaopos sum Branch a id running from the canal in a nor therly diiection along a small -itch to a stake thence along an pia neage row across tne neia tr a small eak post on a path leading from the Lew iston to the Windsor read, theiice to a pine in e sasterly direction to another pine, thence to a long leet pine on the avenue leading irom tn residence of J. W. Cherry to Mrs. F.G. RawlV gate on the Winds roab, theuce down Said roar" to a canal, thence down said canal topos uir brrnch. Thence alongsaid branch t a canal thence alontr said canal o the . beginning and containg 250 acres more or less n Place ot SAle court Mouse uoor vv inasor i . . Time of Sale 12 M. Monday Feb, ith 1904. Terms of Sale Cash. Nov. 31st' 1903 Wm. PRITCHARD Mortagee Francis D. Winston Attv. v NOT1CE. ByViUue of thepower'and authority eiven by a certain Trust Deed execut ed bv B. H, Heckstall arid wife to Francis D. - Winston which V' record edJ in the office of the ' Register of Deeds for the i;ounty of c Bertie .in Book 1 1: Page 414 f the; I following 1 i propety will beold;j at: Pub" ic Auc That certain tract of land ? which Jos. HeckstalU owned In Her life time sit bated on the roaa from" Windsor to Greens X -Roads joining the lands of John Sanderlin Geo. Bond and others and on which b. h. , Heckstal now Uvesr con'.aming 95 acres mor prJe'is and which J ho Heckstall bought of John Kobbins. r r ' I HPiace of Sale Court House Wind. fsor N. C.' . ?,;fv: ';i; Tine of Sale 12 M Monduy Feb.- is Ter ms of Sale Cash 1 fc ' - ' c : Decl 20th :(;::': FRANCIS D.i WINSTON Atty. Francis D. Winston Ts6 the story : s Not a iatent medklne: a thin suritnottS 2kuid .of a plecxsdx NOTICE - r Norh Caroi-a , . Notice of , Bertie County : " ',s :-Executior " Francis D. Winston and Rosa K. Wnston - ;-s- ' . ' -vs. '.... : : Jas. A. Modlin. John P. Boyle -;;- .'Jas. A Modlin.- v v . - 4 J - By. virtue of two executions directed-to- tb undersigned from the- Superior . Courf of , Berti' Countv in the above entitled . action I will ; o Monday the 4th of, Jan. 1904', at 12 o'clock ; M.. a tHe Court House door of sa d county sell to IN highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execiitin " 11 the debt, title and interest which the sai' f as. A. Modin pefen.dant, has in t he f ollowin t . ' J 51 j - 1 . . . ' J . - HcsCTiocat reai esiaie 10 wu ,: . r -. , . Vist The Williams farm in Snakebite' Tfwii ihin. Bertie Countv N C adisinine the lands o T- T. Speight, LJ C.- Garriss others . containlnr -so cres more or leas. ' " - - .. - 2nd The snowfield tra"t of land in Woodvill Townshio. said countv ann and state, adjointnt : ands of V. H. Spivey's. heirs, L. L. Cotton, anr otners ana containing 577 acres more or less i trd The Makns and McRea swamp , wbid said Modi in acauired bv deed of S. McRea Meal ina d T. C. Bond. Sheriff of Record in Book o? pages 178 and 433 respectively of Bex tie Register 01 ueeos onice. .- - : ... - - ;Mth All the timbers, rights and easements which sakl Modlin and others acauired t bv deed of J. J . Cobb and others, of rerorc ird in Book 114 page 529 Bertie Rg.. Deeds ffice. Lr frth All the timbers, nehts and easements which I saMModlin etal acquired by deeds of W.CAskew and Alex Lassiter commissioner, of record it Boor 1 15 pages 395 and 294, TespecJtiyely, Bertie Register of Deeds office. . , '-'..6th All the timbers rights aud easements which said ' Modlin and others acquired by deed of Keneth Ba zero ore and wife of recrd in uooit "5 page 283, Bertie Reaister of Deeds office v. .T, C. BOND :Dec. 4.1903 ' :-v ' ,-: Sheriff - - LAND SALEr: NOTICE ' Bv virtue of the power and authori ty gv :n' by a certain mortage execut ed by Thomas J. Daughtery and wife to M. F. Parker I, will at public auc tlpn, sell to . the highest bidder.; for Crsh, at the court house door, in Windsor N. C., on Monday, Feb. 6th, 1904 t?' he rolloving described land in Wind. -01 township, Bertie Connty, :N. C, viz: ; . ..." V.!- The1 trac of land known as the 'TinTha Mizell tract, beginning: . at a water oak, stump known as thea'e corner, then running the said Cale iine to thernn at Turkey swafnpi then ilong the run of said swamp to M. F. Parker's corner (this being the corner n another tract belonging to M.' F. Paiker known as the Shade Watson and) then along the'aaid line to the county road, to. the first station and con ainujg 20 acres more or less. , Tirner-12 M. Feb. 6, 1904.. Terms Cash. Place Court houSe dob, Windsor, N .C. .j,. ' .".- . , v Tais jan. 2, 1904. ; M. F. PARKER, f . , .Mortagee NOTIC . Having qualihed as executor . of Mrs M w Rajcoe deceased utioVr. ier last will and j testamentnotice is hereby civen to all -persons indebted to said deceased fb make ! iinmediate payment and all persons having claims "Sainsc jsaid estate are not: fled to present hem for payment tothe ; un- lersignedoh or before the 1 8th day f Jahy 1905 or this notice after said' date will be relied on asv a bar to their recovery. c v . . - This 30th daj December 193. -v A. S, RASCOE Executor, ; NQTiGE L Having qualified as Ad mf upon 'lie estate of Mary C Jordan' deceased I hereby notify, all persons indebted "to sain estate to make immediate ; pay- .mtjnt, and persons . haying claims igainst saia estate to present them for payment c n or betore tne 10 day of f any 1905 or - this notice vwill be plelnibatof their recovery, s- John N. HUUiiAliD Admry ol -. ' - 1 . (Mary 'Cf Jordan ' ' rr a Having qualified as executor upon 5 ; ' the estate of James Bond ( deceased i n-reoy nouiy an persons maeoiea pavmcht, and Vktt v rsonsVhaying claim? against said estate to p esent them for payment on or, before 'the I MRS. S. W: BON D, Executive of - Taraes Bond. S i I . ' ... bitter taste.' made of..' 1 v . We No Pay, Prxca, : :. day qt January 1905 or thiiijnotice wil Oua rvcTio mtv uV oi2 be plead in bar of their recovery, r -:t '' We always hive iprclal bamlas to ' 'i This 4 day of Jan: 190 X "5:' ' C r ' : thghUr used Plxnoa and OrgtB V science and method of cnrlncr diaea" " DR,' DAWSON TV-TL,r.ARI .) OSTEOPATHIC PHYSIClAn 4-0, 41, ,42 Haddington BId.f : 7 .-: NORFOLK. vY ? SAMUEL Cj PHILLIPS : ,NllTS YOUR TRADE -urnlturo, Carpeto, ; Lowest Prices viairanteed; . '" t '3i-337 Church; St- NORFOLK.: YAJ .A -'.-. . - Oon't Forgeiio VIsl. Pli Pliot osraphe . When You go to Norfolk,,. 100 GRAN BY 8T., OPP. M0NT1CLL0 MOTEL i. ; Take :.t& card and get cwo extra Pho- . : t .'.; . per dozen,' o. U. . lUK.W SON. . m KDrMrcmi'or '. . TENCILis, , RUBBE- 4. STTEL STAMPS, SEA1J pr.vrgf? - - .LVR, NICKLE, COPPER :i . BRASS: PLATERi ONZINQ, OXrOlZINO, PADS, DATERS, &C . ,. , ;22 Campbells Wharf, UestfSide of Ferry, f , 1 NORFOLK; "A. r ' " , 1 UO YOO utcD CLASSES? ) YE GLASS and SPECTA CLE MAKERS, S3 GRAN BY f.TREET. NORFOLK. VA. - I- Basel Pa int..; r Cbc most economical $ Durauk ' i . Write for Descriptive Booklet . . Sent Post Free. E W IC I N S P A I NT 1 OIL C'O.I v NORFOLK. VA. , IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC j; VINES and Li Q U QB S j. , - Wtite for Prfoo'r.lat. ' i WHITE BROS, It , Commercial .Place. NORFpLK, VA. : O. E D. BARRON, ' ' rf Who bellsl ;.. j . ;r : ..w ; :; .v No matter where located. j;Afft Haye Rars Bargains for InietUiu, PABV ST..' NORFOLK-" 5UftEY;:;;;BAu Tailors & Fu rn Is h c rs ' 333; Main Street - $r I ORFOLK, , vur rfi ail Orders win be .Promptly filled to: " the Lartf est Stock la the ftouth If Sent U BURROW MART 20O I4A1N ST.NORFOLK, VA. : Fuir Line of Medicinal Liquors.- YOUR TRIP TO NORFOLK ; U not coaplttt cnUa you yiiit . ; - P & U Lr G ,f - - - 90 Main St. Near Cranby St K VEnYTHINC IN JEWELRY. yp MQWrrr WORTH OH MONEY EACH S t , 374 Wain Si., Norfolk Vi i Strictly nifrh' Grade, la Equipment. -, truetort, lltho3t and Systems. A Thor . : . ouh School, ,: Writs for Particulars. POfTfcourf .BUZ!::E$$"t6dEGx: ' a.. ':;. Portxmouth, ;.Va. .: ONMH BAMS fANJkOEUXWT. arisist ori tourjCrocer Giving : KNADLtR, 6 LUCAS' j 1 cUXtil CcAsVL'Dsi Ss.Mt.t.O, ,X)VT ; A;r: ty ;Vatyf Qt. o; yoawillghet for your mo T . BHT'ISFP7 i : ; 66 Granby St, NorfolkiVc- , . For the Deal in pcnlrotry" ; AIMLESS fiXTTRAWrjON, AlTlCUL TttrH, J ; ';' CROWN At.'2 BRIDGE .WC, GO TO i 1. i.-.2.' A ':"'.'. .' ' ; UNorfolk's Pure Food Storey .. -'; li&j the lirsest nl pxotcoiupitfU Xoc' BUpla and fancy Urocene iu tne Coujr trade in person or oy tuuu buiiciuju. , THE ZOUJH'S FlUEST tiHQC.Efil i ' . . - r 4 0

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