; : "".V: ; Vx;?n rOM '::':r:'n tf m WW i W. J . -. t - i . i 1 ' -.-1-- vs'TX 4 VOL 19 WINDSOR N..C. ;:,THURe DAY J.A 14. 19C4. 30 3 fV Y f v -A. - : V i J. i. ' ' r.' i''"t ! 4 '.v . ,.' r 111; ii OI l'GfiBl'S tm Miami. Fla., Jan. 7. Geneial John B, Gordon is dangerously at his iiome, " Biscayne, seven miles north of this dity, f The, attack issimilar to that he suffered from on a railroad train in iMtssissfboi. It is inflamation of the stomarcHcauhed by an case acute of indigestion, to which he is subject. A consultation of Genei al Gordons pyicians to-night leported from his home by telephone leaves no hope for his recovery. v J3TC Bean the 1 The Kind You Haw Always Bought A BANK FOR MURhREESBORO. A stock company is being' formed to open a bank in Murfrecsboro in Febr iiaf yrvtThe ;apttar stock will . be $10,000, composed of shares of $50 earh' Nearly all of the stock has already been subscribed. Those desiring to take stock can ao so if tney apply in the next week or so The Index. v - "When the butter won't come put a .penny in the churn," is an old time dairy proverb. It often seems to wotk though no one has evei told why. When mothers are worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh :" we say give them Scott's Emul sion. V j. It is like the: penny in the inilk because it works and because there is something astonishing about it. ; . Scott's Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver .oil with ! some hypdphosphites especially.prepared forclelicate stomachs'.1;. Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just, as naturally to the children be cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. - n For, all weak and pale arid -thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most satisfactory treat- ment, : v ; - ; . . s ;We will send you the penny . e., a ssinple free. " the form of a libel ts on the wrapper of every bottle i ci - sure' that tht nlrtur in Junulsion you bay. SCOTT & BOWNE, ;. ; Chemists; EmerlQin Sill knrnhn A ' - . I L 1 - J 09 Pearl St.. N. Y ' . Sac.aadfx.eo; aUdrkist& Slillil Hi :m u M inn Vay Of Hev New York, Jan. 7.- Of unusual in terest, as showing Sow the population of this country is increased anuually. by emigration from abroad, are ; the figurei just made public by the fede -al authorities. They show the num- ber of arrivals as this port, and this 1 is at least seventy-five )er cent, ot the agger ate number of new comer f. The trans-Atlantic sceamshins biought.tr this country by way of New York in the year 1903 804,235 persons;of whom 67,719 were cabin passengers, 93,5 5 7 second cab in and 642,959 came in the steerage The figures for the previous year, as compledK by William C. Moore, land ing agent, were 714,124 arrivals of whom 139,848 carrfe in the firt and second cabin and 574,276 in the steer AfbxV than cp millioirpew comers were added to. the populatioa ; during the year fust ended, for if the . ratia of other years was kept up twoj hun dred thousaud --persons ; made vtheif first appeal ance in other cities. Tae great rush usually begins m March and continues through, i the summer months, .dropping off as the cold weather approaches. The statistics show, too, that more than two thirds' of those who swelled our population recently came from Austria Hungary Italy and Russia. r The reports show that during the irst six months of 1903 the emigrants coming from Italy (including Sicily and Sardinia) numbered 152,777; Aus tna Hungary contributed 132,736 Russia and Finland 78,904- Sweeden 25,150; Geimany, 26,646; Ireland, 21 01 2, Norway, 16,43s; . England, 16, 201, and all Eujope a total of 511,4 19 From all Asia 13,670 came and from other pans of the world about 8,006V The heaviest month was May, when I377ifi4 foreignars arrived, the month previous brought 16,286, and in June 98,82r aliens came. . ; RECTOR OP ST LUKES - Ashbarnham, Outaiio. Testlfleavto the Good Qualities of Cbamberlains Ceugh Remedy. u Ashburhham. Ont,, April 18, 1903. I think it only right t that I , should tell you what a wonder! ul effectsCham berlain 's Cough Remedy has produc ed. "The day before Easter I was so distressed with a cold and cough that I d d uot Ihink to be able to take any duties the next day. as my voice was almost choked by the. cough. r . 1 he same day I received an order from you for a bottle cf your Cough Reme dy. I ix once procured a sample bottle and took about three dor es of the medicine. : To ray gieat relief the cojjgh and cold had completely, disap peared and T.'.' wase able to preach thsee times on Easter Day. . I - knqw that th.s rapid and effective cure' was due to your Cough Remedy I make this testimonial without solicitation, being thankful to have found such- a Godsent remedy. Respectfullyyours ; , . r ; E; A. Langfiedt, M. A., Rector of St Luke's. Church. To Chamberlain. Medicine Co. 1 : This remedy is for, , sale by J; J n w 1 Aim Game i After ' Hariria For t- ; Fresident , 1 V Report That Stahdard Oil Mae nate Will Guarantee a -$10,000 : 000 Canipaign Fund." -.: t; New York,' Jan. 7.-At J. D. Rock efeller's offices at No,1 26. Broachvay no one today; would discuss ' : the Washington report that the StandarB Oil magnate will , guarautee : a ten million dollars ca npaigh fund if Hanna will runon:' the;Presidental kticket, ' Washington politicians, it ?is ' said have secured positive evidence that a HanniRockfeller bureau is work ing against Roosevelt through the freceipe of editorials "from Cincinnati iency of ooseveltU r candidacy. Copies at ;these;editorials Vhaye been sent to Senators af?d members of the House. ' V 1 -' ' Farmers Institutes A number ; of -Farmers Institute are to be held dutbg this month anr Frcary:by:th riculture,'and these will be . cond ucted by Dr. BV Wl . Kilgore State Chemist; Dr,-Tait ButlerState iVcfv1 erinarian, Prof. W. JT. Massey': and Mr. B. G, Williams. One will be held in Windsor on Monday January tie 2 5th, We hope as many of our armers as possible will turn out and attend ': :y': ':" : ?: - Says' tie Can Prove . Alibi. Alleged Colored Forger Claims He is Innocent ' The case of G. A. Mitchell, colored charged with forging the , name of Mrs? L. E. Cleatpnof .'Bertie County, N. C, to an order on .Montgomery & Co.;' of this city, for the sum of ;$6o, was called for trail in the - Croorat- ion Court yesterday, but. was contin ued until January 14th in order to allow the prisoner to get a witness 10 prove an aiiDi , The accused was represented . ' by W. H, Land a colored attoaney. A witness for;thf State, Lewis Shapiro was brought f ron Brltimore K testify that he saw, Mjtchefl sign the name of Mrs. Cicatbn to the draft The expenses of this witness will bepaid by the State. Norfolk: Landmark. s; This case is the one in which Mrs, L. E. Cleaton lost a draft for $60 given her upon Montgomery; &' Cotj by T. J White, of Aulander, N.' C. tn payment of a bale of cotton, the draft being forged in Bertie N, d and brought j to Norfolk where. upon presentation to; Montgomery Co., a 'check was given oi the amount of Vhe draft."" 1 -4. ' - Chj ffnatttre is on erery bca cf tie raul lets 1 m ll To tanfl - 8-000 Men in Corea oi Guard Denied Transi! Lopdon Jan 7. Ad vices from the Far East; to day indicate war at any moment. The refusal "of the t Japa nese to allow the Ru sian legislation guard to iravJ by jthe Japanese ' rail road froai' Chemuer to-Soeul, and the evident; intention of Japan to land 8.00 troopes in Corea at puce has brought the. tension to a snapping point. " ; ' . .- ; Genoa, , Jan. '.7 Two , cuisers purchased by Japan from Argentine are nearly ready for sea, having 1 ad their armaments ; completed. They will be renamed .the Kasaga and Niasin ' .. ..v , Lohdon Jan, 7.-r1PreparatIons have been made by which the -"Emperor of Corea can take 7 lefuee 1 in the Ones French legislation if serious trouble I registered from 40 to 44 degrees brcalrs butt 'y ';:;' ' ::v" ?V; ;;Ilow zero todayl The public schoc! pngflof consols tnAy Arrtln ? s " r v ne' poin't y. f til ) 1 THE NEW YEAR BUESSIK 3 Tokio, JanV8; 5 The government s-i. lu. 4l: U1 41 . VWUbVIUlUg till. Vk' I Ul JL , btJV. Russian rejoinder; . A y high ; author? ty says the reply is satistactory ' to Japan, especially in its features bear ing on the question of v Coreaf v It says r Russia's J communication r ex presses the desire; tor a peacelul settlement Vi; 1 y - -Japan!is considering the reply, and if convinced Russia's protestations are" honest and there is a . change for pe ice, ,shev will continue negotiations. The ministry, however, unqualifiedly art opposed to a longer delay V It is apparent Japan will resent any intervention of outside powers in the extremity of 'a crisis. . It is thought possible the United States might' in tervene. This, the Japanrse say , j - is un j ust aud only will create , a'rdelay which will be advantageous ;to -Rus sia : 7 : ' ' "' ' MR. AND .MRS; J. J BEAS LEYiGIVEA RE- On Tuesday ' evening Dee; 29 Mr. and Mrs, j; Ji Beasley gave a recebtion m honor of Miss Effa ; !D e Ford ': the sister of Mrs. Beasleyl In virtatfons had be'en issued to " forty five or fifty, friends and all responded with best wishes for many happy returns, .:. : v ..; , Many games were" played and en joyed. At 9:30 "o'clock the young guests were invitea mio ine aining room jwhere ' daimy.ref reshments were served. - The' table was covered wth delicious fruits'and fancy cakes. The dining hall and pajrloiSrweretastefuliy decorated m holliday colors. TThe happy party dispersed v at 5I t:30 ; ' clock, ci nying ith them many pleas ant mimories ofthelevening, r : y !. 'Tto3 tr3 Y3 1.7 4IL0M73 n 1 1 Feels .Goisl Wil li m ice .Boston Jan. 5. Reports from all oyer New England indicate mora intense cold At Salem, Miss, the har-. bor was frozen over for the first time in fifteen years; ; ." From New Hamp shire Keene reported 32 degrees be low zero, the lowest in fifteen years while at otter places the ; mercury fell to 44 below, ; Woods River Jun ction. R. I. report the lowest, ever known, 36 degrees below zero. Trains every where1 were fron. two to six hours late to day.' . . A?, ; ; - - t Thsrmimeters in Orange, llzzz burst last night at 50 below zero. Ath ol and Tully, lass . bulb's went dovi to; 3 2. and; 44' below, ';..-;.' Rutland, Vt.,' Taa 5. -j-Thermori: ti ters in different sections of :,the city . ;; Reside the f fire this wintry night " -; My'tancies sweet confessing. , J Your re j .sweet Hps, your eyes of 'light My New. Year blessing ' T : Tharface, of earthly; faces fair, : Ever to me the fairest, v- . A little wreath of. dark brown hair; ii Of gifts the dearest I rv' ' - v. a. y: :..' "; . I And. with that thought my soul uplifts ; To holiest endeavor, - Your love, your life my greatest giftc Dear heart, forever! ' BILLVILLE v v Collector- Ive. brought this. bill to ycu untol it's actually worn but! Editor Dont let that worry you: give you an order for a bottle of izl: and a dozen pens! . Business is fairly rushing in th south, i ; No man with the rheumat ism can keep pace with -it,-"'":; ; Says iJrdther Dickey: "It is cc. better ter give 4daa ter; receive; tu: fer alldat-de most er us : is rr.iht" fond er bem' in de receivin' businci tf omer - it ; ! 1 lf. mother wis troubled xrtC, consumption for many years.' At last she was given up to die. Then he. tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and trii speedily cured." . 1 ': D. P. Jolly. Avoca, N. Y. No? matter how hziC your cough br hov. loir you have had it. Ayer'e Cherrv V Pectoral, fs thi best tning you can tatc. Its too risky to yci : until you have consurap tion.if you are cbughic tdday,;get a bottle- ol Ghcr!ry Pectoral at once. Tim tlza t IZc IZz., XL Jill rrri. ConrIt J99T Actor. Tf b tj UY i , thn do a b bt. It bo t: joa t. . to ta&o It, thon doa't t&ko It- llo tz.cv: Lcaro milSk t?ra. ro vrins. J. C. ir CO Lcnr.l. i: . Off! Enolflnn m Hi BlocKed JaIJJ 1V i a ccU ta ca - v.. . - ...... ,

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