H S 1 V 1 if. " V-.:-.-. I" f , . - J- " r J . -r -TV--:-.- f - V ?. - 5 - - - m rr jiar'S " VOL 18 WIN DSOR N. C. THURSDAV FEB - 23 1 905; 'NC.u:-r. f ? ) nr- A .... Up in U BUILGUN6S IBID TO THE GROOHD. Not since ff ever before the great fire at Windsor four years ago -has Bertie' Counr ty had such a coriflagratioh as the one that swept ! the town of Ee4stbhlast , Tr urs day night. Every stdrein the town save Baker arid Hog gard's (now G. W. Baker) and J. W. Pugh's was l aid, to the ground including the Hancock. Hotel and the "esi- dences ot Messrs. Saunders Cherry and the old Balance residence The, fire originated from a defective flue in the store ?re- cently occubied by Mr. Mod- lin as a millinery es tab lsn- ment, it was about 10,30 p$m. The flames soon f be.- came uncontrolaole and spead on both sides, goinof in one direction towards the old Per ry Harrellbar; and in the Oih er towards Harrington's- C ?ach I had a terrible cold and could hardly breathe. I then tried Ayer's . Cherry Pectoraland it gave me im mediate relief." . W. C. Layton, Sidell, El. 3 How will yburtotigh; be tonight? wbrseprob ably. For it's firtla colp, then a coughtheiii chitis or pneumonifrjd at last consumption; Coughs always : tenjd downward. Stop ths downward tendency; r by H 1 taking Ayer s Cherry Pec toral. l Tkree sizes : 25c, S8c,"$l. ' AH dra jslsts. Consult your doctorr If lie says take it, then dp as he says; 'If he tells you not to take It, then don't Uke '. It. He knoys, Leave it with him, W are willing. -' , -. j . u. Aiiut co., wweu, fliasa. f F Go lds f ; I 9 of a Defective Town Goes ; Flames. : - shop. Every person in town and the cOuYi try close by was summoned and stocks were being remo . ed to the oppo site side of-the street. It . was useless tofight such fieryflames soe very one began to save what they could. But 4 the heat became so intense that such efforts had to be stopped, rThenall at once asTt were the buildings on the opposite sideof the street, where goods were carried for safety, caught and likewise became unman ageable. Thus, the, gbjids brougnt from the stores on the other side of the street again had to be removed . But the flames spread so ra pidly and the neat . was so great, very- little could be movea, but wasv obliged to re jiiain and be consumed. By this time the fire was absolutely in the, hands of providence and the flames were carried with the . wind." Whichever way -the; wind ble "w destruction tollovyed; in -its wake Several residences back of 'the stores of Messrs, Cherry; Saunders, and. Ren- fro w and- Garriss, neqessarily caugfit and were laid to waste. Then again, the ; wind5 carried the monster flames across" the street leading from Kelford sweepipg the,; stores on that sfde, including the A T Ea- IN THE MERRY SPRINGTIME." In the mefry springtime, the fest ive malaria microbe; goeth forth de termined to colonize ever" human or ganism. If?this arch foe has invaded your system allow us to suggest Ry: sales Tohic. This remedy frees 'the blood from malaria microbes elimin ates poisonous matter from ; the sys tem, strengthens the.nerves..and re stores robust he-Jth. Rydales Tonic is guaranteed. Sold by Windsor Pharmacy Co : " ' 1 - R R" C son corner, building land go ins: on down and destroying the Hancdfck Hotel; which was bought of WvF; Han cock but rwo months ago by M I. T Baker;-'J v Fortunately the wind did not blow in the directiou of Baker and Hoggards large buildings for it trhad' the en-4 tire town would have, gone, - The :ossJs ; -apalling and far reachi ng . It ib a : great cal- amity to jwhat; was a most prosperous litfle town. Its effect will' be fetr; all over the county and some instances o it of the state. ; v. "i Tne .County jseati -Jsehds- ita sympathy and condolence and its'wiilinghess to render any aid whatever. " The damage dqne and those who suffered 5 are as follows; Iossf Insurance R.W.Rawls (furniture) r.poo jj$5 00 G.'S. Norfleet " $2.5o v$.ioo Hancock Hotel.. .$9,000 Renfroe & Grris stock $9.000 ' $3. c;oo VV. S. Bazemore..... ..$2500 '$1,300 B. Ren f roe ....... , . .$2 000 $8.00 J. B. Saunders.. ..,1;. ....$4,800 $15.00 Jordan Heirs .... ... ... .$2,500 . . . ... John Harrington..,., $1,000 . ....... H. C. DavU.... s...$i50 John Grant .$150 .... J. A Mod lin ... 1 . ; . $600 . . . . ;v W.V. Brett & Co $4,000 .$1.00' A. Capeha-t,. $400 G, S. Norfleet...... $4:100 $i.oo G. W. Baker .... .:...$7.5oo ,$7.ooV A T. ' Eason & Co $4,700 $3.75 Cherry Br s... $2 .000 $ 1 .00c A:,T. Eason (cotton).. . $2.10. JVfrs A, F. Lewis (hoases)$?oo ......... ling HotlsJ (houses)' 200 . SBridger $S.oo ......... v vv. A.nerry ,250 jw. Pugh..... ......... $100 Dr. y. Mitchell $800 J. C." RaWlS...... $500 . Total $71-960 $22,450 FRAUD EXPOSED. A few. counterfeiters have lately been making ana trying to sell, imit ations of Dr, King's New Discovery for. Consumption Coughs and Colds and' other medicim?s hereby defraud- the public. : This is to warn your to beware 6f-suce people, who seek 2 to profit throngh stealing the ; reputation of remedies wh en have been succeffs fully curing-disease, for overc; years A sure protection to yc?u,is our anme on the wrapper, look , f 01 it, on all Dr. King's or JBucklen's remedies, as all others are mere imitations. .H E. BUCKLEN & CO , Chicago, 111., and Windsor Canada. : Sold by . R. C. Bazemore. v - X V - b MUST 0R li FOR If I Ii is the consensus of 'opinion aniong intelligent farrqjrs; ; merchants a n d b a n kers , th at unless there, is a solid compact organization through out tHe cotton 'belt of the Souths a. mong the cotton growers ito curtail the acreage, there is no hope of bet ter prices tor unsold cotton . or .the crop to beaisad this year, Government statistics disclose : the fact, that nearly thirty 'two. million acres were planted in cotton last year which made in round numbers" thir teen million bales. Tiie, cotton spin ners of the. world. consume about eleven million bales - o- . southern J cotton.' So this will ; Jeave a surp lus of two million bales to be added to what Js-' raised this year, ' . .Will not another large 'croD, in view of these facts, reduce' the price of the staple below the costs bC pro duction?:. ' . . ' ' - - ; ; - Is it xx Jt evident cotton! wilh sell like it did in 189 4 for., 4 and 5 cts. This means debt sufferine: and'-fin an ci al sjj-icide " In those years th at c ton sold at these figures 15 per cent of the cotton planters, of the - south were sold out, at least ; their homes Shall history .repeat itself? .A - faith ful and honest corporation to reduce the acreage is the only remedy T wen t' five percent reduction means a curtailment of eight million " bales less cotton or a ten million bale crop to bejsold for 10 to 17 cts per lb. .and brought to the: South six hundred and fifty millions of doilars, - Last years crop of thirteen million bales at 7 cts perI b. will not sell f or ' over tour hundred and fifty .million -a loss by over Droiuction of two - hun dred millions : bf -dollais. . Every grea business industry.' is unites to protect and i enhance the value of its products, except the farmers". This is the secret of their success. Farm ersare like a howliiigj disqrgauized mbb, Jighting with ofd flinc steel ri- fles and; pepper box pistols' -s against aell trained army equipped with mauser rifles and gatlrog giibs; It is o n ly by the i n te c ve n tion o f p ro viden c in sending floods, bill waviletCj Cthat they are : not broken up root 'and branch. ,'"; ; " :' Far.ners stop growling -and' abus ing the speculators when . you r con duct caused low prices, and the re medy for better 'prices is in your hands. You are-masters, of the situation if you wilj profic by exper ience and unite tor selt protective and psrsevatibn. Jpin . the cotton growers and business mens' protection association. ; and be true to your pledges iind - profitable prices will crown -r your: labors.-. - ; ? : J. H, E. ; - Bears the Tfca Kind Yea to tays EcrJ3 SWALLOWED M : - SiXTY.NAILG Kentucky Fa i mer Also Gqrc 1 Himself with Screws and Brass PIn.-He is Dend . Now. Ovvingsville Ky., Feb. 16. Luther Sharp,'45 years old, a wealthy Bour oon county farmery has committed suicide. He left a note requesting hat an autoply be peiformed'on his body,.which was done, and which disclosed the presence' in his stom ach of srxtyr nails of various sizes, several screws "and brass pins. Sharp wrote that he had- beeri swallowing ihase articles for a month;. He Was ubject'to fit& of melancholia' and had niade sever 1 ateiLpts to. kill himself.' Last week he swallowed forty grains of morphlieand his life was barely saved on that occasion. . Snarp had -been guarded lor some time toprevent nun committing sui cidei but he eluded his guards," - ?THAr TlCKLtNG IN THE THROAT 1, One min'i'teatter taking-One Min V ute (Jough Cufe tnat tickling inthe v the throat is gone it - acti in the throat not the 1 s oraa.ch. Harmless -Xood ton children,, iSoi by Wind, sor fnarmacy Co. . ' . V T onsumphc" There v is no specific for consumption, rresh. air, ex ercise, nourishing, food and Scott's. ' Emulsion will come , pretty near curing "it, if there . is anything to build on. ; Mil lions of people throughout the world are living and in good health on one lung. . f From time immemorial the doctors prescribed cod liver oil for consumption. Gf course the patient ' could not take it in its old form, hence it did very little good.- They : can take ".'-' - . EMULSION arid tolerate . it for a long -time. There is ho oil, not excepting ; butter, so easily digested and absorbed by the f system as cod liver oil in the - form of; Scott's Emulsion, and that is the reason it is so ' helpful in consumption where ; its use must . be continuous. 5 Wef will, send you a , sample free. ;- CJ Be sure that this picture in the. form of a label is on the wrap per of every bottle of - - Emulsion you buy.. A ocott oc Downe: .v , (chemists tuv treariorxeei lL .' New York - . SK-WV 50c. and i; all drnggist . ... ...

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