- 1 plIH' OIK. ElizabeihC :N.:' C, -February M6 A report reached here this; af ternoon that Kenneth, the eight yeai old spn of; Senator S.xM.! Beasley, ot Popular Brahc i, in Currituck count) .fcas mysteriou sly disappeared v Every effort is being made to find him., bur to the time j this report . reached jh-re has been unsuccessfnl. Blood touads have t een wired and Senator Beasley notified. It is thought thai the child h s been kidnapped. The little; yesterday mc for diuner. since. He ha'd ellow attended school ping and at noon , lef i, He has not been seen to D some distance ght was made a pris parties tc be held 'foTfs ad it is thou oner by some rassotn. Acting on telegraph advise seni firm to Raleigh he left immediate1) for Suffolk on trje Seaboaid train and there engaged the services cf young Branch. When they -nr rived here Mr. Beasley who is a man" ci 30ial disposition, seemed much bro ken and appeared to be taking: the matter very hard. He said that he icnew nothing !nrvvn to h'w si 1 1 re v lid the tel .vas gram. made ' He said that he Hoped with the assistane- n.i.a procMfcU soon to clear up th' 1 tnystery and tr find his son sae .ar.c; krd despondently, how svel!- He ta ever and saiq sifting le The comb 1 that he dre tded 1 some.- NOTICE deed - By vn:uc of, a mortgage E xecuted R l'earse by L. Salient .-r and wifi Bet! e and registered in Hook 72 pa4e"to7,t Bertie Register of needs' office, we will on- Saturday, the 1 8th day ot March 1905 w at. 12 o'clock M , at he .Court. Bouse door mAVindsprtNV "CM sell for - cash to rhe highest bidder a certain piece - or rrat qfJaricTin Bertie County N, f, in "Merry; Hill Township known as S ins Sou-i . con taining 36 acres tying -n the Cashie'Riverand bounded by lands of John . Wi.liams and" -being tbe first. tract.of land described in atd nvrtgage deed..: ' ' . This Feb, 14' 1905-, " V , J NO. WASH -PHELPS " . JNO. T. SMITHWICK ; , ; - Evxecurors of R." Pierce. 1 Pineules is the nane of a discov ery put up in a new wav. 4 A. certain cure for all kidney, blood and blad der diseases, "an J every form of rheumatism, " Pineules relieves back ache and k'dney;pairis permaneuty If you neeol such a remedy ' Jet .-' us show you the wonderful Pineules . ' LAND SALE, MORTGAGE SALE, w By virtue of ascertain mortgage ex ecuted to J. . J. Mardre & Bro.by M irtilla White of record ;iri -Book 12, Page ,467? -in the Register of 1 )eeds office of Bmie Co., N. C.f we will -1 sell at i publ'C auction on MONDAY. FEB. 27, 1905 :; the following real estate in Snake bite towr ship Bertie Co., N. C, ' That tra:t of land, known as : the James Bunch land, and 'adjoining the lands of Mike Thomas, Horsey Evans s;aie and others and containing knt iv not what. ned" efforts of jrplc of Popu'lr Branch and rouarUng ccd searching n C3 i caiticilly sea 1 IB trv side. nay 1 'm the peo the sur- 1" - entry, who have formed aTties and are syste- c "iia the whole coun- je entirely failed to fine the missing Hoy. and as theory afttr theory is traded and nothing resul s the mystery depends. If he was kid napped, who are his abductors, and for what reason is he bein held? li he has met foul play and is now deac body concealed, There asked many were is the are the ques times. Close 4 ions being Every foo Itv of tbe i seat chef 1 madt! of 'ill t resource nd Eager Search of ground in this vicin- chool house have nee.. I -r I t over, inquires nas Deen he people, in fact every been exhauste. icres more or less. . Time of Sale Monday noon Feb. 27. 1905.;- rTprms ot Se All c'r.sh. Place of SaJe-'-Court House door, Windsor. N: C. J. J. MARDRE &. HRO. Mortgagees. This Jan. 20th. 1905. t j DESERVED POPULARITY . To cure Constipation anil Liver doubles' by gently moving the bowels and acting as a - tonic to tht? 1: ver. take Little Early Kiseis. These Fa nons Little Pills are mild, pieasarit nild and harmless, but effective and sure. ineir unaversi use 1 or manv years is a strong guarantee ot popularity a:d usefulness. ' Soid by Winesor Pharmacy Co. " By -order of the Superior Court "of Bertie and 'Hertford Counties entered in a special, proceedings there pend :rig styled J: D. Sessoms and , S. .M.. Aumack adm'rs. "of Watsinl S. Win: borne vs. Isabella Wihborne, , I . will sell to the highest : bidder "."at public auction in front of .the store ; of 'John O, Asfefew in Harrellsville N. C... at 12 M. on Monday ?Qth.- February 1905, on" the teims mentioned below the following ieai estate which belong ed ta the said Watsin S. .Winbbrne- A tract of 46 acres of land , adjoin ing the lands ot W B. Felton, Edmond Jones and L. J. Baker. 4 Terms of sale one half when sale is confirmed and balance ,' Aug.' 2nd. 1905, with interest ironi confirmation of sale, title retained. Purchaser may elect to pay all case and get title at once. ' . . - :r :'' t.'k . . . ' Place of sale,' Harrellsville N. C. -1 Time of sale12. Mi Feb," 20 1905; ' This Jan. 18th. 1905. , S. M - Aumack, Adm'r." Sears the 3ignatTire ' Are You Using . AHen.s Pout-Ease? Shake into your shoes Alleri,s; Foot Ease, a powder. It cures Corns, Buni ons. Painful, Smarting, Hot,Swollen feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Store 50c. t- What are They -Chamberlain's Stomach and -Live Tablets,' A new remedy for stomach troubles, biliousness, and constipation, on d a guod - one. Price 25c, Tor sale by J. J, Mardre & Brb. ' NOTICE OTICE. has but with no tence of the Hurricane result. With the kassis- dog trained by famous Branch.," the hope, is that the myjiterv will soon be cleared p, either tie boy found safe and his bodv. The strange 1 " case is causing mucn interest nere and the residents of Currituck are in a state of intence excitement. The folk wing special was received from popul if Branch at 2:05 this afternoon; 1 " - ' Sriuaton Beasley?s boy disappear-j edv at nocn Monday, the - alarm was given 1. 1 1:30, about thirty men icaiiuuucu dllLl WCUL IU1U ' LllC vvuuu with Professor Jenkins, "The snow was falling fast and the crowd soon mere ased to seven ty-five men, which liur.ted nearly all night. Yesterday Mr. BeasU y aV Raleigh and son Mor an, were telegraphed. One hundred jnd twenty five men were search ing the sw At 1:30 amp. Branch p. m. Hurrieane and bloodhound . were telegraphed or. ; Senator Beasley, .Mr. Branch and dog arrived at $np this morn ing.! At 'p30 this morning tho blood hound was put in the , wor.ds and trailed he bo to. ahe edge of " the svvamp a id returned,"' Over two hundred tien now have gone . into , ' the searcV ! again. 'Mrs.- Beaslev is a lmost prostrated) with ejrief, - The ;o mm u n 1 ty s wrap ped i n so r r b w. tO CUftE A COLD IN ONE. DAY; . Take AX ATI VE BROMO QUI: NINE Tablets. AH druggists refund ' L . 'c : ' me money.it u iau 10 cuic. E. VV cox. 2 q Grove's signature is on ech By virtue of an. order of the Super ior Court ot B'jrt5e county, entered in the Special Proceeding therein pend ing between as. H. Cooke, AdmVpf jno F, Cooke against Mai Ha C. Hall, et al., heirs at law,- I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Post Office dooi in Aulander, N. C , on Saturday March 4th, 1905, at 12 m 1 pire' oT ' pared ot landin Roxo be I 'aWnalitp Bertie county, adjoin ing tl e lands v, James Cofield, M. F, Minton, W. F Minton and other?? known as the J no. F. Cooke Tiome place and enntaing about 100 acres. This 27th, day of January, 1905. Ale? Lassiter, ' J as. H. Cook , Atty; for Peti ioner Commissioner. The firm of McDonald and" Allen; - l-irtrfnrf Rvittinor- ?n tnvon rf iiicir 1 ..1 . 'I? 1 t t vv musor, is, inis aav, .uissoivea Dy mutual consent. All debts due the said firm will bq paid over, to Geo. McDonald and to whom all counts due said firm- will be Joseph Allen yili conduct the saloon separately and individually and Geo McDonald will likewise operate the grocery store; each and apart from any partnership v ; Geo. Mcdonald, 70s allen c- paid - ; Having qualified as administrator of William B," Watford, deceased, late, o? Bertie County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claim a gainst the estate of said decease'd to exhibit them to the undersigned, or to John T. Beasley GoIeraine,yN. C on or before, the 5th day of January 1906, orchis notice will be plead in bar of their recovery vf All persons indebted to vsaid estate i will " please m ak e i m m e d i a t e pa y m e n 1 1 o the u n dersigned, or to J;' ' f. , Beas ey, :as above , . ' a nis. ioin aay or uecemoer 1904 JOHN A. WATFORErAdmr.. ; - 7th Ave- and 3rdSt. V; North Bermingham, Ala , . "SiOO Or. E ; Dcthen A nt I-EIurctlc May be worth to you more than $100 it ynu r1iay a. ctiiid who soils bed d ing f r oni meow 1 ince r of r water duriug ?leer3.- Cures old and young alike. It an est the trouble at r once Soid by .Dr. W, S Gurley Windsor N.Cf ' , V -r ' NOTICE. '-' 1. - : By virtue of a mortgrge deed exe . cuied to me by E. J Itell and registered in Book No. 103 on page 1 69 in - the Register deeds of Benie - county,' T will sell on Saturday. March 4, 1 905 at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door in Wmdso, N. C. for cash to the highest bidder a certain lot of land in Colerain To wnshi p, ; Bertie bounty N C. which E, T Bell purchased i of J. 'M. Mom ague the , deed for which is of Record in Boot? No 90 pae 446 Bertie .Co. Register of Deeds ; office, and may be seen for futher.iscription This 25th Jan. 1905: . . E. E. El'HERIDGE Mortgagee. NOTICE Having qualified Adminsaiator upon the estate of Ruben L.-Byrutn I hereby: notified all person holding claims against the said estate to present them to me for payment by the first day of Jan uary 1906 or-this notice will, be plead in bar of a recovory thereon. - : - ,'tThis Dec. 5th 1904 ' RICHARD TAYLOE 7. 1 Admr of Ruben. L Byrum, ' Winston and Matthews, Attorneys. ' 1 The Sunshine of Spring The Salve that 4Cures withont a scar is DeWitt's Witch Hazelr Salve Jntsf Burns. Boi!st Bi uises and Piles disappear before the use of this" salve as snow before She sunshine of spring Miss.H. M.'Middleton,r Thebes, 111, says: T was severely afflicted with a feyer sore th.it was' very painful De Witts Witch Hazel Salve cured me in less than a-week. Cet the genuine, Sold by Windsor Pharmacy Co. . DniNlSrRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified 'as Administratrix on the estate ot Walter C. Lyon j de ceased j 1 herebv notify, all persons having claims against the .estate to present them to me for payment, on or before the rnd. day of February, 1006, or this notice will be plead in bar of their, recovery." ' - . -1 J All oersons indebte'd to the; estate will please make immediate payment 'rhis 30th day ot January 1905' ' xMrs. ANNIE M. J,ON, , 4 ..Administratrix. : Claims against the estate may be riled with Mr. W. L. ' Lyon,- for. me and those; owing the estate may make settlement of same with him. -' Mrs. ANNIE M. LYON, ' n. Admr. : NOFTGE; : ; Ihc Citizens of Kelford N.. C, will petition the Gener- al Assembly in session, in the city of Raleigh N, Ct : to a mend the Charter of. the town of Kelford, N . C, so as to oro hibit te manufacture or sale of intoxicating drinks in the corperate limits of tHe tbvvn on and after July 1st. 1905. This Jan. 9 1905. . ' notice As administrator of the estate 1 of David D Evans," deceased, with will annexed, I will on Monday February 6th 1905 at 12 o'clock M. at the Conrt House Door in Windsor . N. C: seil. jor cash to tn higest bidder" tbe following ; des cribed tract of land to wit: ' - A certain tract orparcal of land : in ' Merry Hill Township, Bertie County N." C. adjoing- ! the lands of Jno Wash Phelps, Bryant Swain - and .. . - S J 1 injr the same land devised to David D. Evans by saraU D. -Evans in net last will and- testa ment and which David D.Evans in his last will and1 testament direcied be sold to ; "pav debts of eertai conditions n his said will v . mentined., . , This Jan 5 1905. " - R. C. BAZEMORE s . Admr, with 'Will annexed ' kof Dauid -D. Evans deed numoer ot whiskey i to the1 Democratic NOTICE! ,; , Having qualified as anministrator with the will annexed' of David D Evans, deceased, Jate of Bertie Co. N. C, this is : to notify all persons Waving claims1 against the estate of saia deceased. to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 5th. Jay ot J a n uar v, 1 90 6. on this : n cli ce - w i 1' l?e . plead' in bar. :bf . their viec'overy AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 5th. day of January 1905.- , - r:-c. b azemo re. Administrator etc. Bee's Tar and Honey Tar is differ ent from all othes remedies' offered for the rel let of cough and lung and bronchial troubles It contains Aritisep tic properties that destroy-: the : germs and Solvent properties that cut the phlegm "allowing Jt to be thrown off moAes the, bowels getly Cures Croup Whodprno: Ceunh ad Colds in one night, Sol d by -Wi ndsor' Pharm acy NOTICE rv y virtue of a decree nf iV : Bertie Cnim. ;.r:?e of tle et als e door m r.j" 9c i. VS. I SUi- -.-olict. r.Tv Court Hons. rtfi ; January jo'..u sale, for casb.- the foIW'c'? 'A certain tnn .T"V1"g Tztirle. . " at snip, bounded by the th i ia ierry .,. James E. CasteUow A n iS of w l r Davis and the TncW o D." ' . " martin o qor v This Nov. st. iqo4 -. ' Cmi: NOTlrp f : By virtue of the Po. be sold at blfc it?;tihe fninly of land near Ihe 7 Caesar Gillam & Wif I V?ndsr on the4 0. Onn t 11 not,. , - " Dec Ji & SESSOMS"MortageeV j60N, A C Sears tha ''' ':-.9 8igBCture : "X C3 Thi Kind -Yen Havs Always feoggfa Yoyr food must be properly - digest ed anci assimila ed to be of any any value, to you. If yonr. stomach is weak, or diseased take Kodol Dyspep iia Cure U digests what.you eat and gives the storraeh a rest, enabling it to recuperate, take on new life: and grows strong again. . KOdol cures sour stomacn, gas. bloating heart pal pitation and all digestive ; disorders Sold' by Windsor Pharmacy Col C : Piuesalve acts like poultice. ,; Dr. DaieLittle Liver Pills core ; In Ashvilie a men subrribed campaign. : It was afterwords learned that the- had also contributed to Re publican campaign fund and pome of i hem had'subscri bed to theRepublican fund double : the amount ; given the Democrats.. -The- Democrats did-not tv"se the mpney subscribed by the whis key.interests and cn the day of the election : the ?Democritic : chairman B ANKRES ; -ORGANIZED 4 'V- 7 - x New York LIFE Co. S5 1 - i 36? Qty. OLD LINE J-EGAL RESERVE.!?11 the ba?k is from the -: Offer all the literal polices at a -small premiam. Cash values ; paid in addition' to face of policy C T. LEVINESS 6. Raynert igr, jo. Ljpu . ; , Agent sent a cnecK Teturning to each one the ! 344 Charles ' 7indsor N- C amount' suuli 1 ucu iu i:ic fund. ' By this action the ' Demo go into offices untrammelled by pledge and' unfettered with promises to whis key interests. - r - campaign j St. Balto. . , Md ' democrats !'- . 'L 1 in r Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets cure d igest i on d y s pe psi a a n d ' st rengt he n s, rhe'stomachSold by Windsor Phar macy Co.- . " - ' m attack at knight of some wel CompTain may come :. A sudden form of Bo anyone. s Ever family should be pro Jded with a bottle of Dr Seth Arn old's Bajlsa' . iy4ac acinic juiver j-ius cure . - : Liver ill. Sold by Windsor Pharmacy rWarranced bv;:- S..Gurley.- ; OKAVifi TROUBLE . FORESEEN t ."- 'si 5- . ,t--?'. v'- - - - . - " . . . - ' -i . 7 i - -r- ' h?, - Y-N-V -v '- r . -'- - r-l .-It neads but. a little foiesight; to tell that when yourstortiach and liver badily affected grave, trouble is ahead unless you, take the proper medicine foryourdisease, Mrs; John Ar Young of .piay. NS Y, did. ; She says: M had, neuralgia of'the liver and I could not eat, I was verrbad for a long ti in e , but i n EI ectric' Bitters, : I found just what I needed for the quickly releiyed and cured rne.V Best medic ne ,for weak women ; Sold by R Cl Bazen ore , J b WOTlHir North Carolina ? q Bertie County f - "Perior Qjw Majr-WinnieEason Pla; t. ' " ToT E pn bnt 'The defendant 0"fet that an action entitled as " l1 takt , mencedin th Superr r V bL brought by th. plafn SfiBertirc obtain an absolute divorc fWlnnie Ea on ihe ffroundof mbaSSS dant will take notice that h? i.aod the c appear at the Bext term . rMk tertie Cuntytobe held Vn. ,erir C 6eforethe first Monday J ffi 1905, at the court Hoe in 5, Ft and where he will app-ara.r rN to the cmplaint or the relief d.WeT0r granted, lis Dec 2 1904 dmaile(i Vinston and Mathews AttVfJS1? C LAW D SALE By virtue of an order of the c nor .Court of Bertie Qonm special , proceeding therein t entitles; "Howard et al vs R et air undersigned Com; will unaer the diiection of the C offer for sale at the Court house ia , Windsor vNi-'G, for cash t ..r-hest i.iducr the following ed land Tying and situated in c bite township Bertie County a ing the lands of J. P. s;J' , H o ward , -Thos. H, Casper, Mitchell and the Roundtree t land and known as the John He iract. it being Lot No. 3 in the! Howard land division in Bod 453; Bertie Registers office cc ing 260 acres more or less. Terms Cash." ' I -Time 12 M. Monday Fe: ri-ce Court house door.W N. C. ' ' j ' " . W. R. JOHNSC Commis. 905- Th i Jan. 9, ; ; NOTICE ! By virtue of a deed of trust e. ed to me by Miles Mizell and hie E. Mizell, his wife, and iq in the office of the Register of I o f Beti e County i n Book N a 1 paae 25, I will on Mondaj, J 13 i95r at'12 o'clock M., i Court House door in Windsor, ' sell- for cash, to the highest 1 tne following deSwribed tract of conveyed in said deed of trust, A That certain tract or parrel c situated in Bertie County, S: North Carolina, which Jos I soms acquired by deed of Sa: Casper in book 102, page 82. Registers office, bounded as f On the east by the Winds r North by Jos, B. R'iffin heirs by Watson Ward and Win. 1 outri by G. H. ('asper, aod contain 160 acres more or le known as the Geo. M. Caspe: excepting 22 5-8 acres bt' sold to Watson Ward by i record in Bertie Register's c :; This 6th day of February 1 VV. L. LYON, ' ; That awfnl grindirjg stabb; kidn; dose of Pinesalve will care night. Pineules is a new up in a new way. A delight edy and spcific for all & Bladder roubles. . LAND SALf By virtne of an order of the S of Bertie County entered in the tuz therein pending between JoM and Eva M Watford Plonbt Beasley and Clarence Beasley, defendants. . the k : I will sell for partition tf. common for cash to the . bigbi place where be laud is s1" Coleraih N; C. on Saturday the March 1905 at 2 odock : p.10. Jj or lot or Jan a in iowu ux. North Carolina to wit: , The W. B, Watfora .home p of Colerain upon : whi ch .te,d5 Watford lived, adjoining tae w Saunders and the Baptist churcfl two acres more or less- Terms of sale Cash. . . t5e Time of Sale-Saturday Marcfi 1 . Place of Sal Coleraiii -rcT005 Th "the 3rd day of Februa ' " ", ' "Cos2 WINSTON & MAI ny