r Pictorial v; -v Ph'kse;',;. of . - the .Day's- Iews VV?-k ' mo . - --.1 The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been. in use tor over o years, has borne the 'signatnre of and has been made under his per- sonalsupervision since its infancy ; Allow no one to deceive you in this. All C ounterf eits, ; Imitations and Just-as-ffood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endang-er the health of i Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORBA ' 'i. ; v j, . ! Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Southing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither) Opiinn, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms - and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency.' It assimilates the Food; regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. GENUINE fnrfRIliK ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 4? The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. c TT MURRAY STRCCT. NEW YORK CITY. Fakirville, Feb. 30th. Mr. U. R, Ezy. Slow town. Dear Sir : You ask if your stock neighs lor their neighbors Nay my treind, it is tDr some Uondition rowder lor tne urea spring. Military academy, feeling. You can get - 4 ; Wl. .- I-. OME. Idea of what -, a shell " does to a m Od er u building may be gained from the accom panying picture of one corner of the Russo-Chi-nese bank in. Port. Arthur; During - the siege the bank -was struck twice in; f the same corner,by Japanese i j pro-; Jectiles; and'the larger' of Ithe two apertures made 1-in- the j brick wall - was seven feet ' higli by about five feet- broad. During the siege the hos pitals were ,struck repeatedly, and a number of sick and wounded men were killed in their cots. The Japanese de clared that ..bombarding hospitals was not their intention, , but that aftfer their big guns had been fired many times their accuracy was impaired and the; offending shells fell short of the real marks aimed at. Many of Port Ar thur's noncotubatants lived in caves, but even v here, the shells at times searched them out and killed them. v ..- SHELL HOLES IN PORT ARTHUB BANK. Brigadier 5eneral Oswald H. Ernst, who has " been appointed to the reor ganized isthmian canal Commission, was first designated a member of the canal board in 1899 by President Mc Kinley. He has spent his life in study of engineering problems and has been Identified with some extehsiveworks of this character. General Ernst was born in Cincinnati In 1842. He was at Harvard university, for two years, but left there to enter the West Point any of the standard brands at 74? where he graduat- vvinasor jtnarmacy aiso rock sair ior scock to iick. Yours truly If you will seed Goodj seed The right time to seed, You will succeed. Now is ti e time to seed You will find fresh seed At the Windsor Pharmacy I seeji you seed the best. I Will Do-u 1 :-&&?ms&9i.r 1 .'Y&sSjy'jt BRIGADIER GENER AL O. H. ERNST. WANTED BAD DEBTS TO COLLECT IM ALL PARTS OF THE UNITED STATES; 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE: NO COLLFCTION, NO CHARGE RICHMOND BAD DFBT AGENCY, P, O. Box, No. I09, RICHMOND, Va. construction. I "PLANET JR FARM AND GARDEN TOOLS Seed Drills and Wheel Hoes combined. Single Wheel Hoes, Double vy neex xiocs, tuxivarors, xxoimc noes, ouusy wuiUTators. jtPlant Jf No, 8 How Hoe & Cultivator illustrated, is the most complete of $ kind erer zarmer. It is stronger in design and The amount 'of work and variety of icn it may dc aaaptea -will only be appre realized after using one for a season. DESCRIPTION Frame Extra long and high hard to bend and alow to closr. 3hnk Hollow steel and clamping both sides of frame, strengthening each. DepthRegulated by wheel and runner, instantly adjusted by lever. expansion By lever from 9 to 25 inches. Sid Hoes Arefortaking from and putting to the crop. Set at all angles and are reversible. Can be removed and small steels put on. 1 "Planet Jr.' Catalogue Postage free to anyone, also our own illus- 1 rade discount to dealers on all Planet Jr. goods. HE FARM TOOLS AND SUPPLIES Farm Supply Co. 12 1ft . M Vfi here S& f V ir offered XTTaXl I ses t xNV I! ciated A . - 1 v xrarea caiaiogne. FULL L Norfolk Address Cars Dept. No. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Union St., Norfolk, Va. lieutenant in the engineer corps. He saw active service in the Atlanta cam paign of that year and afterward "served as assistant "en gineer on fortifications of the Pacific coast. He was astronomer with the United States commission to observe the solar eclipse in Spain in 1870 and has been superintendent of West Point academy and engineer in charge of nu merous river and harbor improvements throughout the country. In 1898 he served with credit in- the Spanish war, participating in the campaignin Porto Rico. . v , Meet me at the Naval Re serves Carnival any day dur ing the week beginning May 1st 1005. CASTORIA 1 For Infants and Children. (be Kind You Have Always Bougtt Bears the 'iZi&tord of 7 O A wonderfully capable and accurate camera built ; on thq Kodak plan. Good enough to satisfy experienced photographers, yet so simple : that children can use it. PICTURES 254-x35 inches. Loads in daylight th Cartridges. V Fitted with 'mehiscus lens, - and shutter With iris diaphragm stops; i Full description fn Kodak Catalog TREE at any photographic dealers or by mail. -. EASTMAN KODAK CO., Rochester, N. Y. Make the breath as sweeV as a )se by curing Indigestion, and Sour tomach with, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure 1 pleasant, palatable, reconstructive sue build:ng digestant. E. L. Bab k Amherst Minu., says: "I ! have ken i great many lemedies f" in 'est on but have found 10 - nual-to Kodol DvsDeDsia ScureV Ko - 1 m oi digests whBC you eat, cures 'di tion. Dyspepsia, Soar Str-mnclh V-lchinsr. Heartburn and all Stomach Troubles, Great care is usea in i'he preparation of Kodol the gejt -rst digestant that has ever been dis: i covered Sold by Windsor Pharma - ey Co, Meet me at the Naval " Re serves Carnival to be held in j vv iuuoui Lay isi vi kjlu iu- clusive. MOTHERS! MOTH ERSI MOTHERS How many, children are v at this season feverish and costipated, : with bad stomach and headache. Mother I Grav's Sweat Powders 'for Children will always curer If worms aie present! they will certainly remove tbem. At all druggist. 25cts. Samole mailed free. Address Allen S. Olrcsted, Le Roy, N. Y. v Meet me at the Naval Re serves Carnival any day dur ino; thq week beginning M ay 1 st 1905. WB WANT ALL I NTCR ESTCD tS MACHINERY TO MAVK OUR NAMI BIPORt TOCa j DURING 1905 Vrlto un etatlno what ictn c? M AO HINER Y you use or Install, and we wlU malf yea -;'FnEE of? all Cost- ? !,..; HANOSOUK AND USKFUI. Pocket Diary and Atlac , commercial calemdan GIbbes Machinery C6nipi COLUMBIA, 3. C. A 8TOOK OF HORSE POWKft tlAV Vrbsscs to ok oloscd out a CPCCIAL PRICES If taken this month, keeps youell all summer. It makes little ones eat sleep and crrow. A spring tcnlc for the whole family. Hollistser Rocky Tea. 3 5 cents Tea or Tab lets. Windsor Pharmacy. ASKEW & SMITH AGET; L.F PIERCE Hold Your Cotton and Peanuts If you think you will get better prices for them, but it would be a very great mis take to hold them and not keep them insured. It is bet ter to sell them at a low price than to lose them by fire. Messrs. Jacocks & Askew can give you the lowest ratesj- obtainable on all classes o roperty. BIYCLES NEATLY ANFJ QUICKLY REPAIRED. ALL , PARTS OF BICYCLES RE PLACED OR REPAIRED. Windsor N.-p. 33 THIS LINIMENT KILLS PAIN AND SHOULD BE FOUND IN EVERY HOME AND STABLE CURB AND SCRATCHES. J. Arthur Brubeck of Simeon. Va., erites: I have tried it, and find Yager'3 Liniment the best he ever used. One of his horses had a curb and it removed it entirely, and it is also a sure cure for scratcnes, ana many otner aumenis ne has used it for, he says it is the best of all Hniments and recommends it. A PAINFUL BRUISE. Mr. W. E. Bruner of Richmond, Va., writes: I had been troubled with a severe . . V , : -3ai m Un-raj harehack and could not cure 'it. a i friend recoXiended VaoslS XWWOT, OM aptjm reUeved Wm. less than a bottle cured it entirely, he says it is the best liniment he erer Wed. CURES SWEENY AND RHEUMATISM. Mr. Thos. G. Price, stockman for the Monongah Coal and Coke Co., Monongrah. W. Va., writes : They use 125 to 150 horses and mules, and have used Yager's Liniment in their stables for years past, and it has never failed to cure. For several months a veterinary worked on a horse with a severe case of sweeny with no results, when three bottles of Yager's Liniment cured it. Mr. Price was laid up for eleven months with rheumatism, seven months in bed ; two bottles of Yager's Liniment put him on his feet. , When you need a liniment buy Yager's and you sret the best keep a bottle , in your home and stable, it will be the best investment you ever made. Have 7f An improvement over all Ccrc2 Lung and Bronchial Remedies Cures Coughs, Strengthens ClCJ Lungs, gently moves the Borrd " Pleasant to the taste and czzZ alike fox Young and Old. Tmmi hi PIHECLC MEDICIKK ffl,r.. nr, VViiisor Piiiiraiacfr Companye - Sears t!te ' YC'jliSra 7Tr. TACT INTO Sl TTlnl l ! I 0 r"