'' 'I - . '- ' ' - VOL. 1,9, ; :.'i.,.'y; ; WN DSOR I : !Cf - T HURS D A Y 'AUGUST 17? 1 JQOS;; a ' ! JMO C .. aig , ,n ,1 ,1 , ,, ,n M , i, n ,mtmmm WJ urn,' , ; - - L - , , , , - ' , , " - ' -v- ' t j' , n- "i .' l r'---,i i in. niini 'i ' 'i ' ' ''" ' ' 1 ' 1 '' ' ' :" ; "'j ' . " v f T " - S. S. .G! Of ' The Wes tjoz;an . Members In . Taylor preached the , intro ductory sermon on Friday morning; from Isa. 53:11. 5 T. E. Brown who Is well equipped for the duties of life, was elected moderator -and he made an excellent president. W. L. Davis Was elected slerk and N. W. JBritton treasurer. Bro. T. G. Wood was Drpsent and presented the claims ci Roanoke Is land to the Convention. The' West Chowan brethren are heart and soul with Bro. Wood, so they aid: "We have raised two hundred aollars for Manten; but we will jiiake it five hun dred from thechurches of khis Sun day School Convention, and we will hear your call if you need more than -this. The purpose of Sunday was variously defined. To Bible" N. W. Britton, "To .Schools teach -the advance God's Kingdom on Earth. Jen Hines To Win Souls," Pastor RJ L. Gay u,To Develop Christain Character." and others. Some of us were much surprised to hear that:there only twenty- threeThUTr dred people in the S. Schools of the of West Chowan, and that not more than one-half of this number are mem bers of the church, t There are more han ten thousand church members in the Association, so it follows (ac cording to the correct calculation of X T.' Speight) tnat there is only one of ten of the church membisrs in this great country in the Sunday school. The Convention ha a sreat problem to solve, and she is exerting herself that end. The Gonventioin decided to hold Sunday School institute for benefit of ihe workers; to have Sec retary Moore to aid them in rallies; to have a Sehool conductei in each Convention, beginning with Friday afternoon of the next. sessio 1. ' John Cale made one of the finest pejches on the subject The Mutu al Relation of Church and Sunday School. . I. The School's relation to the Church. j '-. (a) Is it an agency of the church? (b) It is a divinely authorized a- gency of the Church. : r " I had a very severe sickness that took off all my hair. J-1 pur chased a bottle or .AyerjS Hair Vigor and it brought all my hair back again." , ' I: W. D. Qulnn, Marseilles, 111. One thing is certain,; Ayer's Hair Vigor ipaLes the . hair grow.?;: This is because it is' a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hair grows, thats all there is to it. -It stops falling of the. hair, too, ; and al ways restores i colbr to gray hair. -;V ..V- 1 s Lottie, aii ornst tsa. , - If your draggisfc cannot . sfciiply you, nd us one da fiar and we will express m send you & brittle. T?a sore and civa the name L of year nearest express omcs, Address, ; WLu Hair I; Qver 7nJ Thousand, CJiurch The Association. (c) It is helper in the moral nd 1 spiritual development of the qhurch. II. The relation the Church should sustain to the Sunday school. (a) Consideration for Sunday school work. P (b; Confidence in it.- (c) Contiibution to it. (a) do-operation with it. (e) Aid her in culture. (f) Conquest with it. , J. K. Parker a young man and an orphan made a strong speech on The Relation of the Sunday School to the Orphanage. The spirit of the meeting was fine the speeches well prepared and de livered, the whole Convention seems Ben Hines, John Cale and Joe Parker. get such credit to themselves as young men that thej deserve spe cial mention. There are forty-one schools in the Convention; only twenty-six of them are open all the year. A larger per cent contribute to the Orphanage than any ether object; twenty-nine school remember, the helptass. . T. S. F. 1 r- Arm Ymm Vring AHm.m Poot-EaseF . Shake into vyotsr shoes Allen's Foot Ease, a ppwder. It euros' Corns, Buns on, Painful," Smarting Hot, Swollen eet. At all Druggists-mud Shoe Stores 50cJ; fie 1 1 Governor Will Make Sever al Speeches in New England Governor Glenn is prepaiing for his trip through the New England States in September, and announce ment of several dates and places where he will speak have already been made, but the itinery is not complete. A few other governors of Southern States will be present on some of the occesions at which the Tar Heel Executive , will speak, but tjovernor Genn is now the . recog nized exponent of Southernlsm from among the governors jot the South md he will have more dates : to fill than any other: x The object of the Governor's visit vO. New England will be to get the people of the North acquainted with the industrial developments rid re sources of the South, an , exemplified in North Carolina. v . North Carolina' will be the soul of his speeches, and he will relate this States progress and Advantages industrially coramerciUy ind educationally; and will tell"' the dyspeptic Northerner of thevinnumer able health lesorrsin - Carolina. - All nis addresses will be directed to bene fit North Carolina,1 apd he 'will tell the North of the vtrue : -conditions aere. t ; . JBeers the Eignattrre f iiiu ivmiu iuu iwiuiMnajJWkA Ready For or STY. : S?se . sr. " 1 p -: isi N il. G. Mi 1 The Board of County Commission ers met at the usual ' hour, members nrocpnt' f " W fsnrnill - IVio i-V. T aT m . t u t r T - Marr;ngton, J. H. Lawrence, Dr, L. A. Nbwell.' Minutes of las meeting read and 1 approved. . " Thos. Gillam and -Dr. H. V. Duristan 'and A. L, Pritchaid, ap peared before the board and asked Couuty contribute ! to the purchasing of two automatic Igates to- be put across the Cashie.Neck road'r Alter hearing (he argument ' of the above named gentlemen, th Board decid ed to allow $50,00 to be used in. erecting said gatss, Ordered that Jacob Barnes, an old confederate &oldiei, be allowed to peddle without license lor the pei io ' ot twelve months. ; Ordered that tne abstract hereto fore furnished by VV. 'pi Brown - to M. P; Phelps, tax list taker of Whites township be aud is hereby n received J ana tnatitie ine;Di put un tti tax list. 6t 1905. - Oidered, that Mary Hall be givn as immediaier help. 3.00 a .Ordered that Mary Hall.be put on regular poor list at $4.00 per quarter. Dr, H. V. Dunstan submitted ; his health repot t which was 1 accepted, , Ordered, thit Adeline Williams ..... , -. ' "a. ? : v .. .. . .! be given 'immediate help 3.00. , Ordered that J as, S. Pritchard be and is hereby elected guardian of the bridge over .Conatitsa Swamp, on the road between Snakebite ahc Ebeoezer I Church. The following- accounts were a lowed and ordered paid. - R, i,. Bazemore, mdse for County farm . . . V $9.00 Wilby Earlj, timber for bridge . . 5,95 C. J. Joyner timber for bridge. .5.35 J. M Mizell lumber tor bridges .70 C. Qi White lumber for bridge 1.50 R. ILi Freeman lumber for bridge. . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . 19,76 W.T.White' Sr. building . btidge'and foot way. and timber over Waden place 94 77 Holder and Smithwick, lumber for bridge ! .671 i- ? A, S. Rascoe mdse for Court -Honseand County farm : : 9:35 T. P. Early, bringing Frank, V . dark ;td , jaif. . . . v. !l?if6o CW.' Jacocksi tax books for sheriff'. .. . . i... 9,25 D.j G. Ward, bringing Mrs. lr. Emma Hannon to Co.Farm 1.93 D. W. Pittman, bringing, John for" : .; . TT- NUMEROUS AtfD WORTHLESS- . Every thing-is in the name-twheh it comes to: Witch Hazel Salve. !. C, -De Witt 'arid Co of Chicago dTscov ered some years ago howT to make" a salve from Witch V; Hael that" , s - a s c 1 fi c f o r. p i i s, 50 r bl j n d , : biee ding itching and producing .Piles, 'eczrma c its, brirns. bruises, and -all; skin d seas s-. Pe Wit? Ts Sal ve has no ; eq u . . -.s , -. . . . , nT "This has 0iveu .rist tninnmprnn? . , . - vv!iL 5-r-tne genuine . ioia Dy vvina-. mm 105 j don to 3 U . . . ' 7. . . . : 1 . 7 o C. P. Jernigan, lhm for bridge . . 7V34 Edwards & Broughton, chattel ' record for Re?. Deeds:. .i.l 10.34 W. R. Brown, lum for bridge 1 . 4.64 j oOi veiry. pel diu lor service, : 1 . ( , . ' and money paid but . ... . .86.02 A.Burden, mdse for Co. Farm 7 09 Dr; W L. Davis,, lum. fbryCo. r . Farm . , . .8.00 J. T. Mizell, lumber for ; County V "; . farn.. . 7. 21 , farm.. . ...i... :..-.......'3i 63 Baker and Nixd'n lumber j for 1 x bridge...... rr.. ... 6 00 J. L, Harrington, sex vices Co Com... . ...1080 J. H. Lawrence, services as Co, ;' . Com . ; : : '. . . .21 loo E. C. Bond, dirt for.rbad---;--" 1.68 S Lipsitz Co. mdse for county A-',' ;''"-A"p- A;:AV -- aa.: .-f. -,;a? i .;-;r-..-,A,A.;A. W. L. Lyon, services on Pension , Board . . : . ..i.. . . . , . .3 00 f. W; Mitchelli services on Pen-' , sion Board. 1200 W. H: Smithwick, ser. on.; Pen. sion'-Board ; . . . . :. oo C I; Aiorrrs, seryices: ,on . Pea. ' , ' ; '' sion Board . . . 03 W. Li Lyon, blanks, ' etc., for C. ; ,;, ' , S. C 'office! . . . 2506 Hebert yMizell.' timber for road -..7, 50 ! There hein hb other business jthe Boaid adiourned. -1 1 , SOL CHERRY Clerk 7.: Business Suspended While AU Ablebodied Men Clean : The City . -The yellbw fever situation Jin New Orleans,.- f while ; apparently ;Jtauch worse is1, not considered by ( - any 'means desperate by the Federal doc- . - - - .1 1 tors. : IThe increase tin . me new caaes is due to the enforcement of. the'rule to compel reporting air suspicious Fifteen, new cases were reported on the 9th,- They were widely scattered .some in the most a exclusive a sections. The doctors are working hard to exterminate the mosquitoes, believing that to do away with the cause of in- f ection the malady will tafce. r care : ot itself. , ' '' ; ,i r ' Plenty of funds are at the disposal of the health officers, and additional checks coming-in to the citizens com mittee by every1 mail. : j : Business has' been suspended; foi the especial ; purpose ot ? cleaning up the city,: 'All ablebbdied males will be put to work under the direction of thesanitaryYnspert The stringent quarantine Vegul itions an receipt of-the news is : somewhat related ,'' - - - J For young an 4 old 'tne aest. pi 1 sold is Dr. Dade's Little Liver Pilh, Never gripe,-never Jail to Iclensev the system: a n d to n e the. li ver.-W i n d s o r 10 Fever worse loo ' ,i. '- . ...... "' I , : ' i ' . ' 'A-''- -i'- . ' ? --r - 'Mr K;:VJ-,!-f'4ATVr-:-;T :-"'''-it TAJ '.;;- f A .-' - ' ' - i - at 3 1: September ' , First sessiorr will be held at 12 r.I.. August 31, I- F.ora then util the elbse of the Cdnveriticn , 'at noon Saturday, Sep tember 2nd. there will be a continual round of good things. , Vv , 5 , Night sessions 'WillVbe ; held and daily.trips will be mae over the the College and Experimental ' farms On Friday and Saturday mornings departmental meetings will be held. v Special sessions by the Woman's Department; iV'V'i ' :-"V;: Special sessions by the Dairymen's Association. '' . ,' Special sessions by the' Cotton, To bacco and Truck Growers. ', ... '. . ; '-' A. ' ; Dedication of Agricultural Build- -i On Friday afterncori : the dedica tory, exercises will ' be held and ; a special program prepared,, (celebrat ing the completion ofhe a new agri cultural building. The farmers cf the State have long looked for this building- aud this event will be one f the special interest I to all ; peopb imthe Stite. ' '".iS0:: . v; -. .Continual of good things. " Prominent men and their wives wfHhe in attendance Noted1 speaV among other things the following sn b jects: ' .Insect Pests; :deseises f plants aiid-animals; soil irabrbvements; Fer- iiliirtrs, arid how to use the m; stock raisjug and Stock judging; dai yin- in ail of its phases, corn culture; all phases of ?cotton culture; poultry culture; beef and daity cattle; poultry crops, and how to raisi:-;thernV '-tobac co.culture; truck ; raising; corn pro duct?on. etc., etc.. All questions concerning the faro hoh e arid country life of special ira- Dortance tto women will also taken uf . at this farmers cjuvention Reduced ratei on all railroads" Ask ticket agent. . Board can be 'obtainea at th? " college at ' i a dayj Jor $2 for the session. : ' - '". T1 Cflg',to be the 'argest and most interesting :conye,ntioh ev er held at the college, . and every farmer in Vthe state who possibly can ought to . come; and bring hi wife for a pleasant outting, an I ta!;a part in the . discussion ot the vitals to have ane mind pro re-s. -factors connected with North Caro agriculture. .' '. r 1 ;: .eL'l, DAUGHTRIDGE, V 1 . - ' , President. C. W. BURKLTT - r . ' Secretary, . r . 3Ul3ip3UI U JO 5rqist uoipi2 sji soajsu so) 01 iCrjripadsasanssri sq? 01 vpSuiv , A3U- 2uiai3 jo . 'spddu ai -jojsaj jo J3?;tui aqj i puy ;uoiVu:mu ' ipop ad joj XBorrcqd ; j rui3 os spuTJja 31 osnuoq pooj tz Npisinrja siioos . rnb o ;sdq 3nh a - 1 sor Pharrn zcy. LS3. 1 -4 - - ( - ' ' f ' A - . . - ..s - .-." A" r ' ; : . i. - a- - .-