1 x - - V . -- t - ' - ' . ' I -: -Vs' ' ; "Cr: . f. VOL 20 WIN 21: PRESENT. Wilh this report we will have given he condition oV the ; public" schools of BerrW county and ithe atteoaance 4ipon 4he'meAjConditronr.obUine4 ahrouch the teachers - themselves fiiv itt"tb townshi:eMnghe 5upt; R. W..Ask5Wo SThe; one a by held in Windsor justbefdre Christmas was the last of . the series oi 1906. - - v: ' - - r" r-: . i - 1 Mr, T. SboweW, ;"of.the Academy delivered an addres s of Jrwfelc,omei to which Rev.1 C.E Edwards responded . School .NaxMss:PearI:M er, teacher.V36 ion census, in . school,: Stove no good.,: . Pump no .good Child r eh go od . ' ; . t . r: , af4 on roll, 4 ; in school. orts good. :; I A ?y No. 3. absent.-, 3 -r'r; ;t" teach Com .No 4. Miss Julia-Stokes 19 , Census" 0 in school. Comforts And: children good . . ; : No sr C. "JE. Edwards, tocher 4-3 on ceasus; 31 in school, - Have to l : bring walerf f om ne g hbor s. Com ? : forts tairly good. f; -J' - ; 62 ': on census, 3in school, Comforts -and children good. " No . Miss Lettie TAizei on census, a8 in .school Comforts good. - ..-V ': Noi 8.: Miss Cora Drew: 22 on 1 ensiis, 12 in school.; No water Com No. Mrs, Allie Best: 26 on roll i finril New st jve but no t ;: rood. - - - -: f f I? No.; 10.; No report. ; This School bas recently been destroyed by arc No u Miss Emma Moins: 31 school. Need blacK - - fcoard. ' - : No. i. - Miss Marx Askew 140 on census, 2 in : school; Chile ren : attend Windsor schools ; 13 not represented; No. 14, riot represented.; - .f No- 15, White: 67 in ince. - Comforts good. attend By Miss Janie, Cherry: ,s a I- on "census 19 jn school. Glassr all the" widows. . but of . . Miss Beula Hoggard : r ; 1 6 oh cec- rhooLV Children-kefus- to attend,- Comforts good, No. 1. Miss jLillie Spiui r 4, .V :.! -.'V. r 7 nn rinsus? 6 m school. Wate rfrom Q3 igribors; T - ; Remarks were- made by: M iss, M r A. Dunstan. Also "byj Mrs-Best oh what'ean be done to ' increase ance; and byMr. Edwards on . - t -v ';-., - i? furnituie. L. . , . jattend school - A MODERN :M IRA CLE. 'Truly: miraculouas'eemedtrecpy -ery ot Mrs. Molliertoii oi mis writes J. O.; R: ; Hooper, Woodford , Tenn., "she was ?o wasted, lypough ing up puss from her lungs. t Doctors declared her,, end: so near l.lhat - her family bad watched by her":bd.side forty eight hours; wrien; at my urgent request Dr, King's. New Discovery was given here with the:? astorj ishing Tesult that 'improvement -begap,"and continued until finally completely re-: -covered, and is a healthy i woman : to iay." uuaranteea cure ;iorr. cougns and colds. 50c arid at Bazemore Trial bottle ffee.i VL C. INM T Death Rrf Mrs; Harrett Butler. Died on the "rhoming of Dec, 77 IQ06, Mis. Harriett Bntler, widow of Keuneth Butler of Mitchell township Bertie coun ty the deceased - was - -78 years of; age. ; ."There: -is 'ub t use ijof enloguiin the life of fa good : woman but jSi m ply Jsay that if r she truly, lived tb the.honor ol God and -according to his will and commands, srie lsrho resting in his love a aiting the great resurection morn. -. When all motlns shalf.be snmmoned to hear doom whether it shall be good or bad it; is hoped thEt: this good wdmah will be found among those who will have oh their wedding garments prepared to enter the Paradise of God. ' v r . : i : A.FRIEND. " HALF THE WOR WONDERS.' ; : trt. how the other half lives.: Those who use : Bucklens Arn ica Salve never wonder if it will cure Wonnds, Cuts, Burns, Sores end all siin eruptipris theviiow itwill. Mrs. Grant Shy; 1130 E. Reynolds St., " Springfield J UK, says: ki regard it one ot ;ne ab solute necessities of house - keeping." Guaranteed by;R, C. Bazemore 25c. SHARPE-CULIPHER Mr. Willie J, Sharpe .and:Miss Liz zie Culliphei were united in the holy bonds ot wedlock on Dec. 12, at the hon.e of the bride, amid friends and relativesRev; W. C. 1 Merrett per forming the ceremony.. Miss Cullipher is the: daughter of Geo . Wj Cullipher of Mt. Gould i and a charming Voung woman. She was the recipient, of many . handsome and valable presents . BEATS THE MUSIC CURE. "To keep th body in I tune writes Mrs. Mary Brown 20 Xafayette Place, Poughkeepsie, N Y, ''I take Dr, King's New Life Pills. They are "the most' reliable1 ah d pleasant laxative 1 have found' Best for the Stomachy Liver arid Bowels. Guaran teed by R. C. Bazemore 25; - - Wori Honors;' Go where, you will. andin every walk of life you will ; find bo s A arid girls reflecting credit on Bertie country-their homeVi Mr.:W.'- H. rTayloe, sonof: the ;late Benjamin Taylde,' second class gupner with the rank of corporal, doing service at Fortress Monroe,- is spending fthe holideysv home. - He ibripgs home ' with him the honor of being; ' thjbest rTarks inaa in-his company of : about oue hundred Theri -This honor carries with it a handsome gold.medal which Mr. Tayloe :; wears , with just pi ide. .At the larige of 300 yards1 be popped the bullsee Tfive times .out of five with steel bullet shooting the five times in 20' seconds andlinrfive; dlf ferent positions """-He is; -in 'tie line pf pmo-ion: and- hopestottend the war schooi ;;atsWashjngtop v and pass all examinations forV cbmmisr sion 4 vJ 5L " H U R S D AV :? r A N '. WEDS J filr. Cladius Grant of .Rich Square. , 4 Among the happenings in the " so ciety of this community perhaps no event has been of interest to so large a number of ptople as was the" mar riage of Miss Ella Wingate Early to Mr Claudius Grant at the Aulander Baptist Church last Thursday, after noon-r .,r-:'-3r'r - .-.V . '..;:;i- At half past two o'clock, thebndal party i was driven to i the-church from the country home; of the bride;tvMiss Acnes Watson; acrbmpained by .Wal ter Gran v brother of: the groom, were first to erite r the church. , Mi. Grant sang Ob promise me" prelim iuary tb the ceremony, c At the close of the songrtbe"ushers Messrs. Huf ham Early and Asa F. Rice" entered tof'thereode march' by Miss .Watson followed t by MrCJif ton .Early .with-MjssVl?se-pbinVGrtffiDr.. jno.? T.- Hoggard with Miss.Eva Watson; Mr. Godwin S pivey-with Miss- Aanie Cobb," Mr 'Herbert Early withiMiss Mary Spi- vey and, Miss Ethel Ear Jy. Maid of Honor and siter tothe bride,; who was ravned ;iAfcte:?-crepedechene over taffeta. " carrying, American .... m . . -.,;' Beauty roses.. The bride wearing, a grey ' traveling suit and can ying brides roses, entering upon the" arm of het f atherwas met at the' altar by the groom who entered with his best man, IhPaull Grant of Newport News Y a , 4 . At the close tf a both beautiful ana impressive ceremony by Rev. bj L. M.r Curtis, 'Miss- Watson . played i Mendlesohn's wedding march. : Mis. Grant js tbebeauttful anclk at. tractive daughterof-'Mr.-randr AonerW; Early- whose charming manners andmany social attainments had long won for her a favorite position in the society of her many f 1 ierids and acquaintances Mr, Grant is a progressive and enterprising young man of ,;Ricb Square,! whose business interests ireUosel identified with those of hi community, 'The bridal party with-a small num ber of friends;- were' delightfully "eri tertained at dinnerthe eyehingibe fore the marriage at -the. elegant country; home of the f bride: t Mr. and Mrs. Grant . left on rthe 3:30 Coast Line train for a two weeks toUrnorth,mfterwhich;4hey will beai their futuie home at Rich Square, N. C. "I MAY LIVE I OO YEARS. The chances of:Uvng a full cen- turA are excellent in the case of Mrs,: Jennie Duncan, of Haynesville, Me,, now 70-years oH, - bhe wntesi friiec trie Bitters cured me ot .unronic vys pepsia bfVo . years Jstandirgjand made meteels; wen ana .strcng-as atyourig-girL'l Electrical ttersT cure Sthmanh and. Liver" d iffeases, rBlood diso'rders.General Debility and bod ily weakness; J Sold on- guarantee at R: G. BazemorerPrice only 50c. Jof Infanvs and.- Children, :-: - .- Tha Kind You.IIava Always Bonglg V, Bears tho . OifiiiSture of - : . ... .. i , . ' - v- - - - , - - .. - , . X i RECAPTURE -OF - RU FFIIvf AT : JAMESVILLE ; ? 'The citizens iirWiniamston'awak eried M onday ihbrnihg to find '.that the wave of burglary, that has been swepingover the; adjoining counties had strncK.the townrTheesidence of John EJPope haa been'enteredvby" cutting a blind a ud raising the," sash bfthe "window, Mrs Pooe was sleep ing in the room bnt- was -not arous" ed, The pockets of his pants were turned and contents gone, fortunate ly he had bnlvrasrhall surh,;; . r!j - Lkter Mr. Wiison G. Lamb rejwrt ed that his auit case - ahd:overcoat. had been taken from ;he dinii.g.room by some onei eutering the" window which wasmnfastene. . Earlier in thermprningVa . tsection hand on the railroad5 mt , a 'man : ep route to , famesville who) enquired Jthe distance of hiro;r Tust outside of the town, near the railro ad : the the "man Iatet;found Mr7 Iamb's case Pand overcoat. ' .The' authorities putting the clues together, decided : to r trace the man seen "on .the track, .Chief jf police Page phoned to Jaroesyille to . look :"out :for hun ;and; Sheriff CrawfoVdstarte man was apprehended byrPoliceman Wdrd at Jameiville who secured hira tilt Sheriff Crawford arrivedr " l - He was -b-ought to .Williamstoh and lodged in jail. "yponinvestiga tioh it waff found that be was wanted in Hertford, Cjrityif or J burglary; and by communicating with Sheriff Crawford learned that he wai . want ed In ; Virginia.' for 'murder ;dohe a Tuffles; Va. on" "Tuners th " L9o6.Ke answered, to the f description Wired here and in conversationwnn tne sheriff said that he had been deliver ed to : the . Virginia . authorities by Sheriff .Garrett of JHertf ord Co. ahd had escaped j from tthe Lynchburg jail; Sheriff GaneU airiyedV- on Tuesdayl night . and identified., him He is knbwn as Wiuam Ruffin alias Jesse RurBn, alias 7im Wrightr. He murdered ihe postmastsrt iTuggles, V a., for safe keeping ; " wasJaken : ; to Lynchburg 26 .where he " escaped by filing' ther bars.. Hejnade a-whole after three "weeks work, J 'To hie ej the cut bars, filled the place with bread anciJdiped it with :- ink, ;,so as tb tscapeS detection The prison er r534 ' " - -" " if bbi$.aNvi:'ooff db : - - '"t;' (mi-Man nrrri nooTCI eh K V90 i L44vwW"ar: repps' 4 4 : ; cijij noX dOA&vpuiA uzuoiitjuj o.qddixp - . 'w 'w -fw w s' wN- 4 NO . ..'.-p.7 isa dangerous - characters and h isr been ; ".'operating-'. n'o'. : ;doufatw in theconnt?es of JRitt; f Halifax aud: Edgecombe before reaching our coi nty; Ji It is 'suspected -that -was .the seme lobber" who "was 1 at Robersouvitle Saturday -night. ' There is a $400. reward for him in Virginia and arrangments are bein made to carry hirh there this wes!:. -vViIIiamston Enterprise , i FarmvilleV Va 'December 3 - telegram received here late this even tng from Shei iff DickefsDn, of Prince: EdwirdannoanCes that he will nr rie in f Faiiiiyille at i; o'clock to night with illiam Khffin, alias Jcc: Ruffin one of the aleged negro mur ders of John Grubb; Baffin will b 2 put inthefPrince Edward jail under a heavy guard both dajr ana niht and allowed no possible chance to escape.; Judge Hundley has ordered a special terrh of-his "court to com mence on Januaty 3d for the trial of Massie Hill," whois ln "jail- a coh -fessed accomplice of ' KufBa's 4a the murder of rMrGrubb, w warned the acting jail brl this morning against Ruffin's beingf allowed to saw his way out of Jiis cell: again. Hill says " he has been with -rRuffin often and told the jailor that hehad - seen him conceal the littler steel saws irrul . J" ' soles of "his Vff hoes, pit is reported' . here that Ruffiri - has been in North . Caiohna all the time since his remark able escape from the Lynchburg jail : oir the- bight of-December 1 6th, Ths totaL reward for his capcure amoutcil ta jf40o which. will J be paid to 4b a sheriff; btHertford .CQunty,N C.,,, ; .7 . BAD STOMACH TROUBLE CURED. r Having been sicjf forthe past tr;o years with a bad -stomach trouble, a. friend gave me aldose of ' Chamber lains : Stomach', and Liver Tabletr. They-did nie so - much good that I bought a" bottle - of them and havo used twelve bottles'Jn'Vall.;:,Today I am well of a bad stomach trouble. MrsT John; Lowe, Cooper 'Maine, These tablets are for sale by Wind sor Pharmacy. Vf l K'ir.i Yea l!:-."3 fcys v ." ; - -. - ' ' " -- , ill i" j sxoioonaa tw : ; jfJ 5 - V''V' - ; ' - ( - ( . . h AOU Uirorcui UlO10 Otn C 3 - ' ' ( ) ( ) oJ W w "w v w"" w" s-" w' v. 1 4 -

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