. . - v' ' ' ' - V - -.if,: - - - - ' y - .' ... '',.''- . V0L2O COUNTS iCOMMiSSiGNERS IN SESSION. The Routine Business of ! Tmnted-lVl H, White the NeyvpintMen ber of the Board Qualifies flR. C V SPRUIllL" ks The Board of County Commission ers met at the usual hour. 'Members present: s .. C W. Spruill, R. J. Shield, J)r. A. Noweil, Dr. Wayland Mitch ;11 and f. H. White. Minutes of last meeting read a id approved. ? On motion of Dr. Wayland Mitch ell C. WV Spruill was elected Chsjir. of the Board to fill the unexpired ttarm of George I . Mardre who resign d as commissioner and Chairman of the Board. J. H. While havincr been appointed to fill the vacancy of the JBoard, qualified according to law and Ttook his seat as a -member of s lid Uoard. - Ordered that Sheriff Stokes tuy :baits for the jury rooms. Ordered that Craig Mill site i nd ipondbe valued at 300 and tnat back laxes be collected on the same. Ordered that W. W Hughe? nd is herebv aoDointed cons ae of Hvhites Township and he mediate lay tenideredjhis bond constable 'which1 was'accepted. Ordered that T. R. Cheny be und ns Hereby appointed guardian of Lum ber. Bridge, in Snakebite Towns! lip, and that he be notified of said ointment. ' - ap be Ordered taat Charlotte Jordan given as tempoiary help 3. and on tbe recular poor list at $3. put Ordered that Mrs. Sallie Hoggard &e given as temporary help $3. ind Cbe put on the regular pooi list $3, Ordered that the valuation of Mrs, jjo s . H . Etheridge s, Law rence farm -be reduced in value to $2,000 and t$hat she be refunded the tax on $iboo valuation of said farm, he said farm having been heiteofbre valued at 3000. The report of the lait grand jury was filed with W. L. Lyon, C. S The tollowing accounts were a! ed and ordered paid, viz: -Dr. Wayland Mitchell, exam C. low ing lunatic . . ... . .$ 3. B. Howard lumber for brid . ge and wpik on same . . . f . L . Harrington, caffi n for pauper. .... . . C'Bazemore, mdse for Co, Farm.:..... ....... .... 3Dr. W. Si Gurley, services to Board of Health . . . . . . Jesse Hoggard, lumber for jbridge ; o vie r Eason's 2 00 5 00 00 J 27 00 Swamp. . . . . ........... 92 S4 Q HvSmlthwick, lumber for foot oridgc . 5? OD !harles Bond J P's costs . . v WttL Williams, , lumber and, Ms " ' HARt) TIMES IN KANSAS., The old days of grasshoppers and d 1 6utb are almost f orgottorf m jproa erous Kansas of to day;; aUHough: a citizen 'of Cqdell.' Earl RhamburjJ.has mot ) eif forgotten a4 hard time : he, en .countered. He says: I as wor n j out , nd discourage by, coughinfii " riight -and d ay ad' could find no relief till M Uied Dr King's New Discoverv. It took leas than bnebottleto- complete 3y cn're me.VTbe-safest and more - fc liable coughTand;.cold remedy ( and throat healer ever discovered. Quar anteed by R. & Bazeraore druj jitore 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle jfree, WINDSOR N. C. and Joying Recounts ELECTED CHAIRMAN. work on bridere . : t cn J .F Phelpa, services, etc. i at , t vo.,Farm..;...r.. . , .166 55 W Q Raynor, mdse. for Co. ! t r 2 - Farm. .:....:f w ;J.y.... .:. J B Nicholls & Bro. mdse for CoFarm...;Li. . Sl J W Cooper, bringing joe - Watford from Noifolk... Dr. -C J Sawyer; services on Sanitary-Board..;.. . . . , f B Stokes, services sheriff Sept. Court. .w... . . ; . , Windsor Ledger rpr't'og, etc, A C Mitchell J p costs state vs. VVm. ' Pai ker . . . .... John Mitchell, work and lum . ber on bridge Cherry & Brot amount paid for bringing Pat ker to jail. .. i. .V.i.v ...... )--:..'-' ... J R Cherry 12 J P costs state vs. Will White and oth 9 30 2 OO 7 35 4 12 $6 ers. . : . . . ...... . . . 3 M - 3 6P - . :x - '. 400 E V Gaskins, lumber for bridge,........... .... ... . :.; B H- Gray part pay ? on ti 00 1 way . 1 . . . , ...... . . ....... Winstor fcMatthews, legal services, etcl.l . . . ; 25 00 J T Mizell, lumber ior Co. Farm. . .1 . . . 8 36 R W Askew, coal for Bertie! County.".....; 84 00 Walter. Evans, Cogswell Co. mdse for Reg, office . . 2 30 T R Kerr solicitors fees . . . . 35 o W L Lyon sery'ces C S C. . 107 35 3 T Han ell coffin for pauper' 3 00 Jno. Haste beef for Co. Farm 7 58 j Bvt ' .. . r . H Gray, baL on foot way. . 2150 VVm. Sanderlin, ser, janitor 15 00 1 Sol Cherry, as per acct.t etc.. . 45 13 t r 1,. mnoc V., : Co. Farm...... . . ...... 15 OO w J Watson, T P Costs. . . . . 1 45 T - , . , . Jn . , N over n,ason bwamp.. . . . 1 75 9 S Lipsitz Co. mdse for Co; , C J B StoKes, sheriff conveying . lunatic to asylum. ..... . . 24 53 W M Davis lumber and work on bridge -. . 1 25 16 98 - 500 . ,' "4 SS 32 36 41 70 610 15 00 r8o Stokes & Tadlock mdse for Co. Farm ... . . f . . . C Mrs. Toanna J, Phelps, lum Jber?for Toad . . . ..A . Abram; Burden, mdse for Co; Farm . . . . ......... . ( . . . J H Green lumber and work on bridge over Conritsa Swamp J Biidgers, feeding prisoners JIH White, V4 j .P cost's . i .. J F.Phelps gun for guard Co. , Farro.;.........h......v. .s T C Bond JP costs state ; vs Hemy Wiliiams. 1 Dr. H. y. Dunstan Suptof Health submitted his report which waj ; ap profeld:'.; ; :f.;.- v : There being no ther; business on motiori the Board adjourned. "-' r J " f ;: OL CHERRY ; S .V V ; Clerk to the Board. . THEV MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD , ;J The pleasant purgative effectexper ienCe'by'all -who use- "chambetlam's Stomach and Liver Tablets and the healthycondition ofL the " body and mind wKch they create one feel 0 joy fnl. Price!. 25 cents. Smaple3 free at Windsor Pharr ' ""'V co 31 Auditing V THURSDAY OCTV 17. u 1 907 THURSDAY NBWS; PROM PBBRY- TO WN. g We are ,hayi ng copl : nights no ? the fall season is coming onus,1- last JweeW in Norfolk an theExpps1 rion Rev. T. T. Speight conducted a revival' servicear and baptized 1 2 in to the church his work here has been a great blessihg 4o the community,, - MisV.M visaed .the Ex positien ihis week t v ' - v. r-.:w.,.i; is;..'' ..v 'i'-V. ,.S-v " "i- Rev. S, B. Barnes preached ' the f u nei al of Mrs. Swain Sunday evening. Mr. W. B. Outlaw, vis)teieviEx pbsitioh f last weekr : 5 Mr, Freeman is very ill at th's writing -.; r " . V';-.' Mr. G. J . -Perry and wife visited the Exposition las week. -.: I 1 Mr James Bunjc and family soent Friday and- Saturday with relatives. f Good 'many strangers attended the the revival at Bethany this week f The Odd Fellows of Colerain Lod ge attended the burial ; service of, Mr. Etheridge at Coletam Sunday een IDS. JJiA-lli. To care a cold nrst move tne oow els Bees Laxative Cough Syrup acta gently on ; the bowels o rives out the cold , clears the head . It 's pleasant to take and radthersh gily - recommerd it for;colds croup -and 1 whooping cough. Guaranteed ro .give satisfac tion or money refunded. Equally good for young and old. Sold by Windsor PharmacyfH.k5-S.;;: pn 31 NEWS, FROM DREWS STATION. I - J. anuria " . Hiooiny their neanuts. ome or our young men uau uC spoit last week squirreling. K ,r H Mr. Luther Cowand had a smash P Sunday.. While gofng-to Windsor, i he met a coloied man while . going to (Windsor, Mr. jCowand giving him J about two' thirds of the road , never thelessthe negro drove intihis bug-- . Mr, and Mrs. N.' H . Bunch visited friends and relatives near; Capeharts Sun Mr, Tom Parker, of Portsmouth, Vhas been visiting, Mr West Mir. z ll for the past week. 2 v Mrlickfr H arrell were" the guests of Mi . C D. Castelipw's family last week. Mr. ana Mrs. Irion Gillam; were in our neighborhood .Sunday. Mr. Moses Craig was the guest - -of Mr "and Mrs.Mike Thomas an4 f am ily Sunday. . . - , . : 1". J. r Mr. AbneV Pritchard r.of Cashie - - . . , - j , Neck was in our cbnimaniTV Sunday, - . " -1- . i. .,---' . 'Mr; Cohen Petle ot; Cashie Neck was m our section Sunday. Tr--T,; - r,-4 . - - i .1- ,iP..',.--S,-"( ." ' We e having a fine-, Sunday School at Drew Station Mrs. Ijas. Ward, can't be beaten for a teacheff fact alftf our teachers are up-todate and take great In teiest. " ; -:" MissJ Dais; Bazemore spent last week with Miss Gladys; Howard.' - Mr.J.B. 'Gniam passep through om; neighborhood last week. FARMER BOY. - -i -- v- ti .-- -'" t j ' NEWS F R O M BUH-? DENS " ;Frost time a Weather the farmers are hustling. - The TelepHone Cpglrunninla w w mAuIany e r to 'Re p ubl ican , to connect the Windsor Line.- Quite :Tan improvement to this community. v-fAVnegfo driving Risolfastybyif Nlrs Mary Jenkins? and ' daughter caused them to run into a deep f hole in : the ro? d and threw. M rs Jenkins o ut and broke her Srm t Shell tsl(imjprbying now. p Miss Mayme, Worable will begin her school at the v Bu dens 2 school house;; In-ashort glad Vo havV-heK w-thus Miss BachUr who is going to school at Aulahder boards at! Mrs. Tom Mor rtsV Jq'. quf a Mmmtwi tyi I :;.Mr.'MwarSS'h Pritchard'sT right 1 in ; the Burdens store and is in charge now; 5 Mr IPritchard and wife have moved to their mother's vi here they will make thier future home. .They will'b'e miss ed very much. - : : ' . 1 " -1 y , FFLICX3! WITfl SORS . EYES FOR 33' IhaVe been afflicted with sore eyes ago I became totally b Ii nd - for six vear Myesjwerebai One of ra iighbb my l ryi rir jC namberlain!s -S al re ? an d gavimehalf:atbxbfj rises it healed my eyes and my sight cariio "back Ho m e. Pi C fe Earls Cynthiana KChamilain's Saly is for sale by. - Windsor - Pharma'cy . ,::-Su.;f-.;"vj OKE -Farmerk- i nthis section have finis h: ed ldigejng peanuts and some of tl e m ar;fa3j!t6TC - - R Walter LBrltt ho have been" visiting relatives - In this community . have rettirned to their h6meat5DavisN & Mri SLBntt with; a fever tor some time we. aressor rf tojsay islimbng rpsip w iy;i!;- Mr and Mrs C. C ,Holder a ud jittletdaughtercAnnieu guests ofr Si Batt familyv Wed ;ncsdayiht essrs FrPBri tt,iTohn "g MBrittj HKtiaa LJBrittvisitedtheEtposition. sonic H . v'--"---"--.' .v:.-'':?:'- ' tingbippga . i.i-,-'-a.. J Miss Maud Leicester: is- spending some time with her anmotherrMrs Fannie Leicester, V ' 1. Tr-rplin Rnttftrton d bight wit Phelps V;V rSi 1 - :lemey.laWna . Mi s; Sallie ; 'SmStbwick'' is yisiling L . " t , . . ' ' her daughter, Mrs. S, A. Adams, cf Windsor ' 5 ;v , v " rr Robert Hr Browne while working on :Mrf George Leicester's new hbust e 11 off and striking his head i on :a p ;'-itcbCcd Etc? , & 'iii i. -- . . . - ..... 1 , m m ; " ' ,V V W V V.W W k -A - W . k , S W , W W W , w w Ri'GHt :MOVEWEirj TheiEstablishttient of Storage Warehouses IihtBeeSio , the Proper thiiig FARriERS,iCORaANIZEC It Jsgratif ying to see the move- men t th at is on: 1 foot in , Windsor tov estsblish a cotton and? peanut "t?arc ue?It; means something to tL; ia'rmersloflrtnii thb ! pnVj:pkn cd crobs the hard worked farpercf; yrow to besolcl at ii f certain ; date: Organization iand warehbusbS feeo , tc? rne the pnlyg iemedy. ;-It is thcr only svstem by i whictt rwe caabea ;i the bars iahdfspeculators, Qis'jther'apyr twbimdnthV ' and tbaiy 1 1 ? It has as much material . value or v worth to day -; a? - It ; v;ilp have tomorrow, or as it had; yesterday Bo there is but brie real ; or thonec ; cause for a fluctuation kin pricey name, ly: the law of 1' supply J and v p Orrjii,fYpi cannot gtarr f airf;;(' ; pricei torjyour" prod I bmtgSb let get4ogeher;5W h at ; r ; ' "say? you brother farmeifi If the meW s T &ad asrnuctf ; etrejWld f :; ";RS';V f sounding- the clarion call to oigaiiielrc . Hut bncei' Better rjce&lll.benefit!;:':., . every bodytnVbankerhev m chant, the lawyer, the ediror,;the de tlbr; every iade or prof'essibb.v t So E - ; iiope many will Jake stockand wof It . s: -in the1 warehouse begun. - Donc let v UtJag.'.M-iii J Ivas gratifieii tpread an ed itor ial: r-: . 4n1lheXl-edgethe5 oth'r lveek,r5 in: .; wnich the editor made sqme Jimely ; Suggestions and gave' tne farmers iood "coiii inon sen se. talks') IX am glae!-v a have him on the sidebf organ iza; ibn:with andnb :e gi no sd ysib't 'Holdln'Cbnirjany . verybody to; patritze it and' pus!i it along bv subscribing 10 iCThe. raer : ?hants are 'rirferested and . will do ... '; i heir parV but tliey need the pboperji ;icii' of the! produce tstppvStXxh in te":'; Jour help 'will only be a hule butro r ; inembve ihjropsJot,raibtb swe)lheraghty . 1 r 1 ver s.4:-: r xft .- Orcan ze. v Build a honded ware house &n sayt; the-buyer--g i yer?. el what iask lor mvjo wn prppert and you can have i:; "' ": ; . 1- f rial Catarrh treatments Care bein. mailed out free on request," oy"Dr " Shoop of jiacineWj?-" lhcs tets are prbvingitp the; people--nithout ' r bennV's cost the great value of this - bnnn tft dfl". ' JiH At I 4 M bfc. W w.. .www w.Wfc atl - staritly.His death. was 's shock to -tl.2. community and a great loss to the be ieaved -famJlyV' We hopesorae f 11c:: Vill mite:fiUtin tribute to his ir.z. 03clfe :; - - - "A ' ' 2

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