r . , r ! I, lyiHUOH ilEE SlTnON KiLL HIMSELF Commits Suicide! at The Home of His Mother, Mrs. L. E. Stokes of Vaughn " on Wednesday January 22nd. Ball Enters Breast . Hi HEALTH AND DESPONDENCY CAUSE. The sad news ot fhe.su cide o! Mr Hugh Lee Sutton, wh ch were flashed over the wires here Wednesday, was a great surprise and J hock to his rela tives and friends in Windsor. Mi. Sutton was at Vaug in, this state, where he had been tor several months eraploved m a mill, superseded by liis brother inlaw, Lillian E. Stocks. The particular as we have been able to setber them are: 'Mr. Sutton was bo sister. Mrs. L. the morning ot the trlrs went fo Mr. iwhen he found him lVing in bed with honk reading. -Mi. Stokes asked t,: if ho w.s ready1 fur breakfast, UIUI - Coroner's Verdict. In The Invest Held Over Maffi son iloggard, Colored: - L.sJinar with hlS (IS UU4IUIUS, " E. . Stokes. And on tradegy, Mr. Sutton's loom ly. Mr. Stokes then went aowo, uc , utf nnA ifft for his work, Mrs ;No matter how uninteresting a wo mem may be she will have dozen ' ot men after hei if she is good looking. , They cant holp it; they are abso lutely carried away by a pretty face. A woman may walk the length of Broadway and never notice wbeather or not sue had passed a pretty man. But do you think a man misses He is not," as a rude, a favorite with women. ' any of the pretty faces he basses? I fancy not. There are dozens of qualities thai a woman places far above personal beauty " A man will tell you that he places small value pn beauty, but he does - We the jury, for:our verdict say: .That Madison 'Hoggardj latebf Bertie County, came to-his death; on iSth, day of Jan., 1908. from a wound inflicted by... p.stol ban nreo-.rom a . been jntr-od-e(j in tae -pistol in the hands of Zach.ajyyloe tra Session o General Asmbly n n'rr.iim stances, to wit: At the time 9 :,.w... TO ; MAKE. THE WHOLE STATE D : BiII? Pres(3htd in thejExtra Session to Knock 'Booze'' Or ! 1 -Li 1 1 LU Ci y VI 1 1 . w; wv w , - Out of;Bertie, Pitt and Martin. PROHIBITION LEFT TO VOTE .OF. PEOPL 1 Mr siitton reDlled that he didn t nm bractice as he preaches. care for any, that he was feeling bao, xhe handsome man is not by any means the most popular type of man breaktast ana icu iu j wuu ; wumau. . ... btokes wasbusilv engaged about the There are many other ypes that ViaJrH a renort of a . . 1 -V imrrtoHiatel V t6 hef I- T7.'.r ovomnlp totp brother's room she reached there just of falling. He the breast and to Mr. Mr. Stokes Sutton as he was in the act had shot himself in died immedu tely. A note addressed -JO CI Q fnund! in whjcn thnked his brother for the many kind u chnxxrX him and wfth a l loinfr message to h s sister and peo pie he 2nd d his life. From the note ihe cause "of the rain act was infer ttd to be despondency due to ill health TVTr. Sutton was a son of the late Captain Sutton of Windsor and was a young man much rades. At the time was unmarried, his wile who Miss Dora at was Colerain, Watford, T,cv,inr died several ye ars ago; Mr. Sutton's renains weie carried to Colerain where they were intered Thursday. The Ledger joins with the ,anvfriends of Mi. Sutton's family an extending their pince re syrrpathy WHAT TYPE OF A MAN DOES A WOiViAIS Lllvcr Woman is not the beauty worship that man is. She does not plac nih a valje on good looks. Tf a man looks manly and well .groomed she does jiot care how plain his face is. The very handsome man is apt to tie selfish and conceited. ble to piease a wo think that his good He takes no tro man. but seems to iooks may cover a aencies of manner J Of course there ing men whoare a PNEUMONIA F' For exam ole. take the kindly man the mastefIlm5.iheJStrong aiah, thev" appeal to her rr ore than the merely handsome man, I know one woman who manied a man absoluel' for his good looks. ' He was vain, shallow, selfish, but ! a young god as far as personal ap Ipestfrance went. Hef love for him barely out lasted the honeymoon. There was nothing lovable about him. She could not depend on him or look up to him in any way. She nould not even respect him. ; liked by his com J If she had married a plain, honest of his death he. - - Hav man she would in all prob w w j J , ability be a happy wire today, As it is, she is a' miserable unhap py woman, wun every illusion snai tercd, and I am quite sure has not a very exalted oplmou ot good looks, Fortunately the women who fall m love Vith handsome faces are few and far between. We hear of hunareds of girls wlo fall in love ith handsome stage he roes, but the heroes are always per forming deeds of . valor or enacting some part that shows them to. be verv brave and wonderful, as well as handsome. It is the character as much as the face that the girls admire. " When a woman says a roan is "nice looking" she means that he has an honest; kindly face; a- face she she can trust.; . She is quite satisBed with that sor r t' npvpr .envies the sistcr who may have mairied an Adon f. Vlt has been pretty well proven that the handsome men do, not make he Vpct husbands. 1 l "- - They are usually top vain to be sat isfied'with.tae" admiration and ad ula tion of oncoman, y :V; ; T The sensible woman is quite con of the hpuiecide Zchar Tayloe was a duly qualified Constable of Mitch ell's Township, in Bertie County, and had with hi nr a valid criminal Iwar rent ordering the arrest ;of the. de ceased i Madison Hcggard, and charg in him with incest; that on tne morn ing of the i8rdav of January -1908, aid Zachiry Tayloe being, the pro officer to execute aid warrant, deDutised J, L.. Tayloe , and - Jos. Phelps to o with him to the home of the deceased to make the arrest; that they went to the home of the deceas ed and the house being open they entered, the room where the deceased was sitting by the fire; that;said Zach ary Tayloe spoke to the decease and started to read the wairant when the deceased jumped up .from his seat and make a vicious assault on said Tayloe within iron fire stick,-: about two and one half feet lpn ana bay ig that he would k'U him; thit said Tayloe was forced to -shoot the; de .. ...Afort himflf and in de fence of his own life. We, therefore, find that Zchary was justified in kill ing -the "-decease, Madison Hoggard, and we render our verdict that the killing was justifiable homeside, and , exonerate him fiom any and all crime or blame therefor. Only two Sills of f importan'e, "so ten days. Ex . A member by the name ot tier now mine has introduced a bill to ma! being heldjn Kaleigl.; One bill a new judicial district out 01 ins cc wbich" proWptedthe call by-Gover ,o Martin, Pitt and Bertie but its p. nor ATieno ior an cxir a miwu ; b "v. , ' r r for the unidoing of , what 1 the 'jegisla r H : " , ' -: ; ture did, viz; , .the repeal of the "pas j . . . - . BULLETIN V. " ' " sprier rate bill of i-d cents ana -in Vifu therofanbther rate to be fixed as have been agreed upon by ;Goyer nor Glenn his counsel and ;ine? raiiruaua . - g -d tl; A committee is now.engagd in 'pre Ln , paring the compromise bill;.Kwhich will call for,a higher rate two; ana one half cents., . . I '-..r- ; Of crna rr.n:.,:! - The second bill of importance zto the state is on the liquoi question The dead languages must which makes the entire state prohibl. spoken in the spirit world. If youdrink too much port, may. get portly. v Sometimes your next of kin is r; er too close. be th: tion. It prescribes that a general election hall be held on the "first " Thursday in August, and that the prohibition law shall go intoTeffect. January ist, 1909. The bill has the endorsement of theNorth--,Cafolina - Anti-Saloon Yd a cannot have much ready mc ry- when you "haven't a red." It's nice to h?Ve some small monc . just f 01 a change. : - Tn the efevater.'even lowly peor ' Yaunde right over us. - The AtmlessWonder aoes thir League, and; was prepared by'som;: ;-n anff hand soil -of-way of the lending lawyers of "North Care I v What a ccinbination, to rr -"... ;' " : - . ' I r irMmiMr hilrhd to a hed MARRIAGE LICENSES. Following Couples Have Been Issued License to Marry "Since Jan, I4th. una. Ot course, this bill in its text may be changed semewhat. But the fact is clearly apparent that a btaie proni bition bill will-be pas?ed by thisexr tra s'essfon. ft is possible, if not probable that.the timeof its going in to efftct may be changed from Jaa. 1909, Some'. favor it being called later while others want it earlier. : The Democratic caucas acted verv-wisely in deciding to submit the que stton to the votei e to be decided j multitude of defic Ihundeds of charm so very good look it.tr:-hut I am speaking of the- man who has good looks and nothing else o coiniuebd.hi.nl. iLLOWS A COLD. 'X:' Honey anu 1 ... f t- j - . .u u., hprp he belongs arid stienethens fne luuga "i'-,eave iuc - ah m 'T 1 3 It is clasimediidigestion is the Na - : THitc whv the demand onali oiseaac - ... Windsor Pharmacy .VtKi"-rinks of "the' bachelcrs. WHITE. J as. E. Pierce, of Hertford Co., to Carrie Rhodes of Windsor. Thos. W. garrison to Eliza Dun dalow, botn of Windsor Township. Wjiham A. Hughes to Abel White both of Whites township. . Piitchard Jordan to Burnie Lee.both of Colerain township.- Chas. T, Coneld to jiiiaueiu xa- vis, both of Merry Hill township. Willis M, Dunning to Lizzie. W Hall both of Roxobel township. L. H, Freeman of Windsor to Ella T. Deaus of Aulander, . - Walter C. Jordan, of Wbodville, to Maud W.'Hall of Roxobel. . Wm. A. Harden td Ca!ie Tierce .hnt'-of Windsor township.: "uavid' Castellow to Modist Casper ; TT7Thdn-r tnwnshio. I J. - : - COLORED . : : 4 Is ac Williams to Nina . Horion.; Jas. Newsomertp Hannali. Melton, Lewislrerry to EstellePerry.- v VTos; Chamblee to Flora Holloman. : Vol a Bond to Ella WhitV.y - ; LcwVs Bond' to Minnie-Bunch C 620. Hyman to Margaret Jones. have nightmare hitched to a bed that'c buggy. : Sometimes the short person I: the longest suit at cards. Ths musician is willing to pi right into the hands of. his audienc - Japan has offeied to build a nav for Spain at ' reduced rates. Rus-i should get Japan's address and writ for terms. .' Postmaster General Meyer v quoted' recently as saying that the : ! ports b- nis department showed th: qutaliou IU IUC. vwiv 1 w tw w v ;; F" ' . wi ------ hv them in election. Any other way ..thousands of depositors who would be suicidal to th party auir uw drew ineir money num " ' democratic, in principle and letter.; - ing the recent flurry were buyi As soon as the bill is seUled on or pbstoBice money, oroers pay passed we win pupiisn 11 tuiuw.j No other bills of any importance have been presented,'; and we don 1 think will be, at any rate thevshould not. As to how long the session will hald or continue it is impossible to sav. However, extia sessions have been wisely lim ted to twenty days. When thev expire the pay tbll ot the members cease to be made, out and home coming will follow. -There is no necessity for it to last longer than j .m..1vpe ' This means that m: person have oeen payirg fees to t government to keep their savings f them,-" - Hundseds ot people -. yesrlv through painful operations needl: because they ncvei tried Man : Pile Remedy. It is put up in sue! form : thatr it can be applied : where the trouble lies It receive : pain and inflammation. It is for fnrm nf mles. Price ;oc. - Sold bv Windsor Phart 1 Is your baby tbiia, veal fistful ? him a Soptf Jr lmzsiztj Wetiiust "'have- some sort a good 4x 1 ., O '.-: O - rMake baby. , ; - . .. '- ' - - ' . . - . ' .- i ,, . . .. - : - ...;-.- -' h - ; -j. ... . . . . . - f V? ::;ScslMmUion)a Cod liver 0a and HypophospMtcs prepared co tlit ir iz easily dicestcd by Utflc f ollis. Scoffs Emulsion is a sturdy, rc;y - cheeked Kttle fenov fuU of health and viC6r. ' V ALL DnUGGIGTG! 50c. ATJD Cl.OO. Stomach trouble, dyspepsia .,Df.,S,sT tendents and we will mail, you a copy iumroer. . ;- ruaboutthex. Sold by VV cd yard .V.nds.r. . 0T Phinnacv. . ' P 3 ,

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