it . ft ' - 0 r: - WEWS--vNDNOTESvfiFRaM'LUtANDER C 'TOur Gorresponqent v and , A - Complete Resume of Nthe Week's News".i ; . V;5 v. iN OUR GROWING,: HUSTLING COUNTY TOWN, " " " - " ' The people of this se:tion ofjhe country-have in the past two or thre r. years shown moire te n d eh cyr toward order and sysrera, taste knd quality, culture and refinement than ever be fore, and tnis fact is being daily dem ons'rated in various, wavs. P. A. new order of things is in evidence in every pat of eastern Caiolina and persist ent efforts are being made in the in terests of education; of a al and social life, of mod higher mor ern methods in business and industrial life. But there are some instances in which we arc compelled to notice jthe lack of advancement, and in mentioning some of thee we desire to allow ful credit to those pkOgressive men who contem plate improvements, of are many in this section Which there It cannot be denied that here in our midst the prevail lag spirit in evejw walk of life -is one of progress and advancement. andvyet on the other hand it is an un deniabl tact J.h at the business world has not kept apace, with the stridesj made in other lines, Ve have no wish for this article to be construed as applying only to those in our own town, for we have in mind several towns and several establshments in calling attention to some facts which are not only noticeable " to our own people j Dut tc strangets and others wno visit this section of North Carolina, We have reference :partic DUrly to the appearancej, both exter jor and intCi ior of some of :6ur stores, Merchanta here and elsewhere who tead this may considerthis none iof our Business, .whichwe" grant , pnly;in so far a? it does not affect the public; then a fi a in they may say thatwe know nothing of the business of mer chandising and are not qualified to ' discuss the question; right again but we are writing from the viewpoint of the customer, which : is t eally the t .only point of view to be considered, , ; ' since no merchant caD make a success r: upless he, places himself in the - custo mers place and iearns what is most . pleasing in aopearance, -quality and . stock. And our motive is not mere ly to criticise when we say that the ti ne has come when old jmethods and . old stock cannot satisfy the demands : of a people who are daily growing more discerning, more cultured, more fastidious, mere highly educated . New people want new things and the ola cross roads genrral store of ev- . ery tningi imaginaDie can no more . -satisfy this demand, than one can a well die&sed man by giving him over alls when "he asks'for a! tailor-made suit. The paople have outgrown such. They know they what want " r and demand it, and trie, merchant who persists in selling -: -sell an impossible mixture of every .conceiyable kind wfthoilt regard- to the improving .taste of possible cus . 7tom'erj5,-is doomed to inevitable fail ure. . The demandrnow Is for aualitv for; modern service, for uptodate goods, and the merchant who attempts to suoply this class of trade with mo- Jasses and r calico, doo meal, hats and vmega and suck candy, will: be s: ad corn , s'demeat a back num- ber and be lttt far behin d. And vet : " CUB15D brjght's rbEA3J5L -Mr. Robert p. Burke, Elnora,NY. writes:- 4?J3sfore I? stilted" to "use Foley's! Kidney Curt I nad to get up from twelve to twenty tlies a night. md I was all . bloated up! witKldrdpsy aad iny eyesight was so jmpaire'lJ could scarcely see one oh; my family across the, room,, rjl nad :given,tupi Vi " V-V i'J. v-'" -iocent botU worKM wonaers. and before 1 had taken :the . th.rd bottle iuc uiuy, 6 tj r-.- ther. symptons of Bnght disease, - Winrlsbr Pharmacv.' " -V',: I - :Ppt;:finfCohderised' Fornix some , merchantsstock up with just such a mixtcfe ; and wait for- trade, wondering why ; customers . no not c me. The wonder is that they come at all, or rather that, they" go again after giving it pftVial.; Tirst - imprest s ons aire lasting ind a man in bus7- ness can no more hope to Tetain firtt c asstrade with second - class r goods than to expect a big .volume of bns ness -vithout advertising. A areural store or cOmmissary with every thing men tionable, f rbni white kn itted soxs to six year old hats is alt right in its. place. but its place is not in a busy hustling, growing, .uptodate ' town Molasses, sweet cakes, sardines mouth harps and such things -have fheir places, buUwiil hardly satisfy thecustomer who wants sirlora steak tailor-made clothing, vici-patent shoes kid gloves and ' other srich require ments. True there is some trade for this class of goods," but the- general demand is foi quality and up-to-date ness, and it is as necessary for the merahant to anticipace and satisfy the wants of his customers as It is to properly display his goods , soj Jthat they wiir catch the eye of possible cus sorners and create a sale. Miss Nellie Millar of Franklin is visit ing her brother Mr. D. W. Mil- : Miss Kiua Dunning is in Rich raond, the guestof her sister, Mrs. R. W. Dodson on Frauklin St. Hon. trwrMitchell is in Raleigh Mi. Mitchell spent .Sunday at his borne fcere' ' :i-iCh J There was a very sweet and pretty home marriage here last Wed nesday wheniMiM; . Deanes was . mar ried to Mrjoii Freeman of Wind sor. Only the relatives arid near friends oi the two were prelent. Rev ;LGay officiated, yiiss. Nettie Deanes was Maid orHonof' knd iVir J Cooper of Windsor: best ifian.f Among tnose present were Mr. and Mrs. Har risonlbf Windsor M r Cor win 6f, Ahosl Kie, Miss Laura Freeman of Windsor Dt. and Mrs. Jacobs of ,,-WoodJand; M Iss Effie Jenkins of RoxobeJ, Mr, Carl JLiyerman of Roxobel and others 4 r; arid Mrs. Freeman - left on the afternoon train for VV inds'or where; thty will remain some time before eo ing to men luture home near Powells Ville. -Miss Deanes will be Prea tlv missed here where she was a member of the Baptist choir, the book -club etc. and a leader in the church workv Mrs. W.. H. Ward of Greenville has returned to her home.after soend ing several da s- here with friends and relatives. " - Mrs; Ann ;E. Ta Jor is quite, ill at. ner no me near here. t Miss Claudia ; Barret t : who. came down to take part In the play, has re turned to her home in Franklin; Va; $8-25 per thousand is what the Dunning:Co; offers for Jogs ,Read iMbM nuvciuacmcm auoul it. Lawyer Bell has': cone to Rorkv iviuuui ior a day or two. C :rAnd it proved to be a celebrated cise: -Theuflmha u Ahoskie brought tearstoUheir evesJff; . ; ; - - r-A nrMnn- ' v-: saddened themf gladdened theni J and hi . -::;' - : V"U A NDE R,; N, C, V J Mr. W. C. Bott. a Star. rAfxr Tr. -- "-w wunu. ivcu iu usiasiic nis praise ot. Chamberlain's Cnntr i?.r ly-His childrenhave all been sub jeci 10 crup ana ne has used this re medy;for the past ten vearsanrt thnn gh they much feared: the crnim. nic n.ic aru.uc a.wavs ieit sate upon Cough Remedy was fn'the house. Mis i - oldest eh i 1:1 vac ciiK? ' -" ljr- I ?" "6 " pvvi urv-namperlain s oldest Ichili was sublet to seWrVt narjKs.oj croup, but this remeriv npvp. reComraended it fr.ends and neighbor and al, whohave used it uncquaiea ior:croup and whoonne' cough. -For sale by Windsor Pharm H : - y iuusornarm qb the whole the people - of Ahoskte and the people of AulanderV'are :' well pleased, about the trip our play made ovei there. The cold weather kept a few people yjrom ,a distance from com ;ngV but. the crowd was; good and i ap preciative The; players.'-did splen did ;"A Masonic-; banqnet ;Wai put off for the play", ani in turnthe play ers put out a-fire for town. Jt has been found impcss'ble' to? take "the play to ;. Windsor " as mentioned . last week; tne reason? areVn u.erous, and ' however txrich to be regretted, r they are imperative, ,:heplayers wanted to go .very much anrl it ; was "hoped that they could go. but n6w it is call ed off. until so Wfuture Urie'A "let ter from Windsor, stated that they woula be yeryjglad iorhave. the play and would en tertalt Ctfieh troupe. Here's thanks i to Ahbskie for their courteous consideration aid entertain ment. .. : -: , ' -"l - EoOKHTCs Jii5V Saiuo A I Ml I j Red n eed Prices. 7 The Ne Year: has come by natural course dim wuii it . we iNew Prices we - have iust made. We are gomp; to. sell what we have at RECUCED . PRICES until we' take our annu al inventory, : I W e have lots of G o o d bargains BROWO COTTONS YARD WIDE FOR jThis As a GratiBarpjain o;iye you sthe pbenegt ol these low priceslas ionp s it lasts., Next 20 days bpecial Prices mm all Goods y ffl 6C $8 25 PER looo FOR LQGSri : The price of lumber has dropped, paying.$8 25 per 1000 for logs, j 8 : Wewant them good sound pine are. ;properly trimmed. YoucanVut up intoihe' limbs -ifr neces h i - They must b& straight and ncr doughty, -we want; them fr6m? inches' to 24- inchesr - V :";- -" , rT,h'is priceis f, o. b. cars with bill of Xadeh; VCash is paid as . I soon js received. : If you T have any old field -ptne. this is k -VOUr chance v timhpr npf mnw' cinmnina this' ..t. ii - & Write us about it now: - " THE nUNNJNQieOMPANVi V& r-t'. K al Estate insurance. ,J Por Infanta and CMldrca." ' . : Tfca -.Kb Yea llavcj Alv;c;3 Zt 1 Bears th.3 Signature of RING ; Advt - :now saylfor .me; Editor - - t:Y Ken ney--thatLam offering ;:hti special pricesj on J wat ches. : caprices that can't. be,. touched :7 ir bv-ather dealers. : -""r ? - -r Call . or : write :me-yonr-v - wants. X:- v- - i .Post Office r Buf Idna ;: JusfeFew: Jtems Cal; coV .wor tlr gc, fa t. 6c Pnrcals worth 15 Qutinsrlworth 10... ... 8 1 - P These are just " a tew items. -4 - We want yd u to have the ahd;these"are. ' Prices' V I - V v jwhere you canfbuv; so has logs, but we arei. still; feet long, ; ; - : . J, TrX1 Mi Iogs,knots no objection if tHey 4v V , ; . : . V?"r -1" " -V- : : -X-rj J -Timber. Invest mPntc S- i i Ml fi good r , ... a 4 f ill- t I 5 -P - .... -A i . TK IS WOPvTII REME'IEERING. . - As no one is immune, every person shold remember that .".Foleyo Kiney Cure v;ill cure any case of kidncv or bladder trouble tbat is f not beyond therrach of medicine. Windsor Pharmacy. : - 'WWW Vw W i -..- .r .r - v ; .... o ' r . u , U - - . - l j -, n a n ALCOHOL" FLAT- - A IRON ; ,,We. the undersigned, after having used Mr. J. S. pfew's Alcohol F!a--iron. do heartily; recommend it to all liousevives who ao any ironing at all It pot'only, saves time and money but above all it saves healtn. in that it ?Ioe away with the heated stove and .Qipg.allyourwork-in'-a hot kitchen or. room as it may be. . MRS. JT. BARBER, rMRS. ABE MORRIS, MRS: I. M. JOHNSON", MRS. W. H, POWELL, MRS. Ol CHITE, ; - - : mrs; l. f. pierce, -- v-v mrs. a askew, : -MISS ANNIE DREW, XESiriMONYSYMRS; Li GitAN r After using and thoroughly testing in my home the Alcohol Flat-iron now bein g offered to the public by J S. Drew I find it to be cemplete fri every detail and an absolute success; I cheerfully reccom mend it to all house wives wishing to do away with the hardship of ironing over a hot fire on summer day. Mrs. C. L. Grant This 'Flat-iron is one of most unique' inventions of the "age simple, safe and a monfey saver.-Every man who - loves his wif e'should buy one for her. There', is no need of a big hot fire in vthe stove especially" during the. hot summer. .All that is 4one away.with. -; This little iron heats itself. i 'Themother doesn't have to ' mind the children and watch. , the fire at the. same" time Ironing can be done on Ihpoarchihthe rsitting, room, any where - in1 thft' mcA pn n sucha .pleasure for pleasure it is. ! ATIV lfttl with n nrnnpr : Iawo -f. wife will at once buy. one - and take her front over a hot itove, in a hot kitchen. For price and particulars see or write J .S.; Drew, Windsor . N: O FOUND! 4r M E: Evans Co . BRqAlNSlBARQAINSH .'On everything, specially men and Boys ClothFng, which.we are selling at PRIME COST, only. think of this a $36.Suit for ; .; ..S... ... $14 00 16 ob Suits at.;.".Vj..". . ... 10 50 i3 '59. Suits aT; ; .V; V: . - 8 00 Yonthsuo 00 Suits now. .... 6 ro Chilrensi Suits ironi x 25 to... ' 6 00 Wfi also, have" an up to date Line of -Men Ladies and ;Boys Shoes. JPineHamilton. Brown Snoes the best TOadeyivfitcuaranteed.V Lidies n ice DressGo3ds also at a bargain come early befoie the bargains are all gone. Just think of this the old reliable Red Bird tobacco, price every, where 40cts !b.we are sellingit .t-25'cts; per lb. buy novy where you can get your best prices that is'at -" M. B. EVANS Co 's. Store. gam ' and beatirie thm hsZz. '! Promote a hnajint irrowt'i. I?-rcr Tails to ,l2tor urfj Hair to its Youtiiful Cc'or. Cure ca)j diiewe tir lair - J oe1ana f ixu ( r i;r f, 3 1 r 7 -i j every Zc'JZz Is n ?o Cr-. - , w? , ;Nv. 2ZT " - - - - - -1 v? w .

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