' 1 ' - .' x- i . v - ;; ' . ..'.-- '. - ' ' - ' -. .- .' ... : . ' ' , ' , MR. MERCHANT: rf '. ' (l Ws,. O' T " '.Ts- ' " '" ' ' The Ledger . is : fa-rU As V- " Jl l! H i x v' ' w '-" -' ' Y I ' ' " - TJlE LEDGE?, read, by' over. -60Q0'VVi ' Kill . V f fTMT fiMlTlf (1- '-4 - "f r" K , i"- : :oc3 Job Print! people each -week irij'- ; VdJU.Iil- 1G " HUj U l(' ' " IJ I If! ! ' ' 4 1 7 ' K 1 I H -4 every. Dci;; Bertie County., V IH'S'.- -PT. (l ' "! --" 1 K:A 1 1 l 7 , Prices and Qar.lU; :h: ';:: ;y:-,::-.;-;T;-;;.. ; 7 v;;,. . ; ; . -' : r J. Guaranteed. VOLUME 24 ;; ;-' :. .y;--: " . ' J ' : J'- . WINDSOR. N. C. jTHORSdAY; "OCTOBER 17:1912 : "T" - ' - f jp 23 in Advocacy of Governor HYoi In, Advocacy of Vf)p'v, T Kiichin for the Senate no-G'cclic: .VTw7 t 1 1 L M IS..' .' . I I -."..VI I II II I 1 i tun. in lows the I Mr. Editor:--The people who ; read and inform themselves rjnuat oe amus ed at Mr. J".',.H Etheridge ahd S, B. Adams' attacks on Gov. Kite, the beginning ; every one k Gov. does net enact laws. : he recom mends and'the legislature r enkcts but they don?t always act according to his recommendations. In, !. the beginning we reproduce the Governor's letter to Hon. H. S. Ward; and Solicitdr Wards reply, also a copy of his letter to every judge and solicitor, in the state asking them if they could suggest ; something to strengthen the anti-trust law, and Solictor -Ward's - letter ; speaks for it self in admitting he doesn't7 now: any thing better to ; suggest also the ex tract from .; the fcrovernor 's message ta the legislature shows he recommended an enactment ; which would strenthen law. Now, what more;could hs do? . -The Simmons people are " raising a great howl atout Gov. iKitchin misrepr resenting Senator Simmons by telling how many times he voted w ong and how many..times he voted rigl t; What are Mr. Etheridge. and ;Mr. A dams do ing now? Are they not: misrepresent ing Gov. Kitchinr trying to nake the people believe- that he 'wilfu ly broke a promise when the letteis an I records show differently. Wonder if Mr; Eth eridge or Mr. Adams ever , read a word of Gov. Kitchin's - message tc the leg islature? . "Now, MrTTEtherid e, if you used ten thousand ..tons of .coal per year in your business and had to bny and had to pay that iniquitous protec tive tariff robbery which Senator Sim mons voted against hiai platform and against the people of : his" state (know-: ing ;too, . there was not a ton;oi coal mined in our state and; we have, all of ours to buy-" outsideUthe-A-wstate) ryou would be one "of the first mjeri i o say ceme on boys and lets" get that man away from there, he is not standing on his platform but is voting with the protectionists and again t the interest of his own people.- : ; ;. ' . Now these are facts of, rpcord and there is no getting around them. C Mr. Adams started out several r. eeks ago telling us what a small !; man our. Gov. was and what 1a great ma i Senator Simmons was because he vote id against riis platform for a tariff on lumber and so greatly increased the, value of the standing timber, but when he was con fronted with Senator Simmons' own words in his speech at Snow Hill when, he said the tariff did not increase the price of lumber at allx which was in di rect contradiction to Mr. Adams', state ment, he shut up like a jack we haven't ' heard V any about the great benefit the lumber offers the -farmer. says Gov Kithin is a I promise break er. What wi 1 he say I when -hfe reads Hon. H. S. Ward's letter., J; . Gentlemen, let's'1 have fair "play in this matter, if you are going to set .r , ' . . - -.1 ' m rm o o Hbweep is your convibtionthat this goVernmeht ought W be in new hands, ia clean nands'r v A . . - .t . . - - r. How muchre yem ;infavbr of a cleatt tslate frolri Wiison and MdVshall clear down tne line to the very ..smallest offices in ybuf locality? J ' . ; The Democratic; National. Committee has every" reason1 to believe, that every pro gressive, voter iswillmg to spend a dollar to elect Wilson and MaVshall and themticlnit. - nd $h$ xlouJds arJl anxious to contribute to the VWilcon Cmpaira iFund in: amounts of $2, $5, 10 and $20. 0 - : ) , . : - , , " uuAo.uui iipiKaj, xo soca wo must loou lor -victory. ; . . ,-;;. HeadayLfct-'For tho1 WvoiuLV. . v. ' limc'Aii Important Factc? This is another case where time is money. The enemy . have : their -funds supplied instantly by the Interests.. ; : : ;l, v - j- , : ' We have only a-few days-and contributions to be effec tive must be received at once. . . 1 4 . - - There, is no question of the -money of the People being able to defeat the money of the Trusts. Because it greater even in volume and will be used la straightforward telling ways. . v . ,. . , . v : But to be effective it must be received and 'used within the next few days. , ; y. , ; Quick action Is absolutely ne.cessarv. Let us have vdur - -Wilson, and Marshall; on November 5th.- contribution or the list you make up from your friends and" M " - v ' ; . - V i , 1 co-Workera today if possible. to .u . How to Contribute to the Wa0on ilf irou know several Wilson.: voters, or work 1 in a nlar where there are Wilson voters, take up a subscription frbxn Cll of them, . v. . y. -- r . 'K. Place I your name and the. amount of your subscription tl the top of the list and get the others to join you; ' . , ;' -v Mention the name of this paper on your list. v J1 Then mail the list and contributions to C. R. Crane, Vica Chairman Finance CommitteeDemocratic National Com mittee, 900 Michigan-Avenue, Chicago, 111.- : :; This is the, mosthelnful work vou. as an individual, ran do for ;clean government next to casting rj'our ballot - for How Your Money .Will 'Be Spent Campaign Funa t .1 ' WvVMson,-.; our i standard: bearer, -has. never.. had-;- Sign-: the Coupon in this corner and fill in the. amount ' . the time or disposition to.talk about himself. - - ,.' you give. Then attach your-Money to.this Coupon and mail He has never used spectacular methods to place himself today to the address given on the Coupon. In the spotlight. . v - ' Issue all checks, money-orders and address all xon u His greatest work has been done without ostentation, in ' . trlbutlons to . jC.. R.r Crane, Vice Chairman Finance.-. - the most expeditious, dignified manner. ' K " V Committee Democratic National Committee, 900 Mich- : -The. great ;mass -of voters do not know what a really Ifian Avenue, iChlcagof JH. ; great man Wilson is.-, They do not know all he has done. "7 ' Then-write a letter to this newspaperv giving your name fhey do not understand all the features of his platform. ;" a contributor and stating your reasons why vou believe . v We must tell them. : ; '-...7T. V - , . . , . - Wpodrqw W Uson should be elected President of theUnltedM : To educate this great nation of voters, esneciallv the tStes.In this: wayrw : dear thinking-Independent Democrats, Republicans and - nDutor''. A bouvenirKeceipt, handsomely MthographedV , lis merits, means .:: ,tc1 WUi lu i ig wm uc seni to you. x our ieer win ; We , propose, to use . your dollars in just this way tlpvP eyerytning .you-cap to hold up Wilson's nands in mi f Judiciouslyd wlthoutpennyrittered away for fight-r necessary item.; 7 V : ; 4 V-: - l5F1tn!, We know vou have confidence we will do this thicrand w " Progressives who choose their leader on his the expenditure of a vast amount of money. We know you have confidence we will do this thins and successfully." - -14 r; Why the Dollar Counts " In this campaign : the issues lie between . the r forces tf : Representative Government and Popular Grovernment. ; : : In Representative Government only a part of the people have influence tnose with no political faith, who spend -r fortunes in . any direction where' their own ends are fur- 1 ', thered for money. : .. . r i--:, In; Popular Government all the people have influence, - because their executives and , legislators do not dare -to x thwart the expressed will of the people. , - : " Representative Government, as ever, thisear is being . : -supported by the money of the Interests. : It is being spent ; lavishly to give the voters a wrong Impression of Wilson. ! -Popular Grovernment, this, year, to win, must depend on the" truth being told about Wilson. We must publish his record and platform broadcast so that no. one' can controvert it. 3 . : f Your $1, your $2, your $5, your $10 or $20 will count and .punt to win 11 spent m this work. LOYALTY COUPON ' To C CRANE, Vie Chairman Finance1 Committee, r i :: The Democratic National, Committee, 900 Michigan ArsoM, i-yjAs a believer in the progressive ideals of grovernxnent repre sented in the candidacy of Woodrpw Wilson for President of the' United States, and to the end that he 'may take the office free handed.' tmtrammeled, and obligated to none but the people of the country, I wish to contribute through you the sum ol$.... . . . . 9-9 ... ' toward the expenses of Gov. WilsonTs campaign. ' f - -. -'"T ' .' : ,ame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . ress. ; . . , . . ... . . . ...... . . . . . i . Stated .vVr. Uvrv.-i:V. . i l. .v i v-i-.:.- knife and m or e ? tariff on Endorsed by yourselves up as a guide foil pie, our advice is to inform thm facts don't mislead the-peo- yourselves r. Ether- ears ago. et on the ith' those every shot' isW. W. TO H S. and give them. Our informationxis that' GoVi Kitch in beat the Hon Locke; Craigi( who we are all going to h vote for : (this time) without the votes of either idge or Mr. v Adams four Now friends, don't siilkj Tight side, let us count you that" ar cnino ' tn snrl h .- man ' to the Senate we can depend isn ti help up hold the hands of Woodrow Wilson and vote on the democratic side out of the box. 'That-man ivitohin." Ynn will fpipl bfittfir while ou are awake and you, wili sleep bet ter at night. . , ; : GOV. KITCHIN IN REPLT5 ' WARD. ': 1 "Hon. H. S. Ward is quo ing on me to show his lette c ing that he would convict r m ten words to our -statute .' ly offer below: the correspondence. Xou rr:ii i ' 'j.: v ' . 4 . . it - ; win ooserve inai nis lnvesugauonwas before I became Governor, h He an a ble '-.-lawyer concluded the cok tract was not a violation of our law. hit was his duty . to .prosecute. He ; ish quoted as saying this contract was not shown, to any legislative committee. His letters show that at the request of a' legisla tive committeeman having !in hand the construction of the statute he gave his experience. Why didj he not tell :of that contract to that committeeman Psrhaps he did. His letter to mo is dated Dec. 12, :-1910, and I promptly recommended to , . the legislature his Now he ' suggestion. ; He confessed he was run- able to make further . suggestions to improve our, statute. I made many recommendations embracing the most drastic and comprehensive ones' ever submitted in my judgment to any leg islature. I also append my latter to the solicitors, written after the act of .1911 became effective.! I had" plainly recommended that the law be'amended by adding the strong and sweeping a mendments urged in my message, in stead" of being repealed and re-enacted in modified form. ( A copy of, my. rec ommendations will be mailed to any onel desiring tbe same: . J. . . 1 Releigh, N. C.,;Dec. stOr 1010.; Hon. H. S. Ward, Washington, ' N..G.' Dear Sir: Please write r me whatever definite, pooposition has occured to you in your experience as solicitor or oth- erwise which wil in your opinion asari emendment, improve our present anti trust law, a copy of . which I herewith enclosed ' It is my purpose :to recom mend sofrie amendment .and -desire the benefit of any specific suggestion? : ' v" . ' Yours truly,- v W. W.; KITCHIN, Governor. ; Washington, N. C.,' Dec 12, 1919. My dear Governor: I have' the honor to acknowledge receipt of: your letter of tho 10th.J inst.; , enclosing . copy of the anti-trust, asking, for my ex perince with and opinion of the same. : (Concluded on, another. Page) ted as call- and. say- the trust I glad- BEe m&m , Let us have your money at once. It is needed now. .Gov. -Wilson' through your eolomns during vants to go in under -obligation to the people. - . . erit "campaign. : But so, much 7 . -"f - ' " : ... . r " " - said: and 'written 1 ''attack in Simmons' personal ? character as well as his" private record . that I cannot re E. S. Askew r..:. I Windsor Ledger,.; J. E.; Cooper . ... v E. W?" Gray J. Stokes...:. T. C. Bond W: S. Pritcharcl 1 J; I ' ..... - T.t,.. -. ... I . . ........ . . -. f. . . ... . ......... : . ' ; ; :', v. ' $1100 vl;00 tifob 1.00 50 1.00 .1.00 1,00 speecnes oi tnis wonaeriui campaign-. . w . ... , vwqv'-.v. . T, - v. xi- ; for.KeidsviIle, where he will re-onen er. He has a way, of getting closer; , ?a ; n - xi. ju - his work for the Democracy, and he to the crowd than most of the , politi- , i " -U3 - . . . .i. tti. ;a - w go at it with the same patriotic Mr. Editor:-i-Pleas print, the" fcU lowing. editorial taken from Tho . Rcr.-noke-Chowan Times, and oblige, V. ' . " C. A. cooiin. We are copying on first paa editorial from the Wilmington Ziz? which states with force and clcamr the Democratic position on frco-trd:. Our- candidate-for President, Voodrc'7 Vilson, is opposed .to , free-trade. It he favored it th are would be no earthly chance, for his election; : Southern faamers have been asl::p while tariff! billsf were; bein mzZ?. They haye. allowed representatives "c? capitalists and he idle; rich to rep resent them as ,f averlng free-trade in Southern products : while' everything we have to buy is heavily taxed, con sequently we are discriminated against in every tariff bill that is enacted Into law. Take peanuts for ins tance. Thero is a duty of about 5 per cent (half a cent a "pound) imposed on the impota tion of. foreign peanuts. As . soon aa , the price has reached 3 1-2 and above our markets are flooded Mwith foreign; grown peanuts and. down t goes the price. A short crop of peanuts does not mean that the price will , be high unless the crop is also short in Africa, Spajn.f Japan "and. China and other pea nut' growingl countries Theres hould be a duty of a cent a pound oh peanuts j until the rate ;is lowered on the necea sities the farmers have to buy." Thero is a duty, of 87t per cent on leaf tobac Co and yet the revenue srom imported cabacco r amounts to h$25,000.000 V a year. Why ; should the tbbacco grov--' er of New England, Kentucky and ct! e' states be' - treated ' better than th farmer of Virginia and North. Carol inn? Our own representative in'.". Congrc:;, recognised as; one of the ablest cr 1 best, irta puolished f interview 1 stated that he would vote to place peanuts on the free list and thereby reduce the price the farmer receives for his pea nuts' Wonder if a sinerle farmer has written' to our Congressman protesting againstthis If he knew a majority of the voters of v the district' favored fair treatment of the peanut farmer he would not vote to place them on tie free list."' vy; '" ':'"'--' ' ' ' ' If any of our farmers have: b$en re ceivlng too much for their peanuts and want the price ; lowered they should write to our Congressman aind Senator and osTc them to vote ;to place peanuta on the free list. a :' - "' , '. ." IN ADVOCACY OF SENATOR ; I SIMMON J R E-ELECTI 0 N Mr. Editor :---I am not in the habit of .writing: to, .newspapers and did not think I would have any thing to eay the prc?: has been - said and written ' attacking Senates school of Henry Clay--thatr of making spirit which causes the soldier to ah- OTiror Ka Vti-irrlA noil n-mre, .'s -'': J .?. ' -f- open air speeches, -h4re''gatheK?-.theiA i.r ;-V-t;'?-" a r u 4. i- ' As the prize-fighters say, , he is m farmer, merchant, mill man mechanic w ru V -4.- tt - - - t . , , . -n. t. J , . tne pink of condition. ; His, western and huntsman wi,th horn and dog, each - M . . , . -, .. . , - iu - ' j- " t trip has toned his whole system up to anxious to hear the issues discussed r ' iTT- " by his favorite statesman. Nowhere 'i 5 r. is. he more at home than .when mmg-: perfect tdne - - , - ' ling and mixing, with that class , of j xja ul "'v3' :-''T-f:yr; , .f , ... . T. , , . He reports the Democracy of the folks whom the great Lincoln desig- w . . X .... j v ' . , . u twest in fine condition, and says that nated,; seed corn of the nation'. He tT;i- -ti 0jL - j i . if i x ii " Wilson and Craig will sweep the State snn Hao I , in ' -Tnl Ir Intra - Qnri .,x l I nn4- I. . - T . Jf - VOll 111 JLU'lV. 1VM.V UUU VC1I U1CU1 O U l I. " ' 1 J . ' -x . -t-:-i- i:a.-, i by o'd time, majorities. s tones ,w xi i exx luusuatc pun lx tai argu ment, ,.and which so seasons the point that it finds lodgment in the . minds of Resumes His Canvas (From the Charlotte Obseryer). A Windsor. N. C, Oct; 8. Hon F. D. Winston, Eleetor at Large, has run in home after a .speaking tour through the west. Reports sent out fxom his various eppcintmcnts, tell cf the rrrct his hearers with telling affect. In the sahae hour,; Judge Winston can quit the 'cross roads stump, don the- claw hammer coat and jWhite vest, and step with majestic tread ion the platform before the foot lights,; and with equal ease put the standing collar elite , to yelling and squalling. -- His art of cam paigning may be better described "'.by. calling it the art of adjustment from one clas3 of hearers to that of another. He laavca here Wednesday mcrmn RAMEY'S AlEDlCATOR:-J-Cuies coughs, colds indigestion; catarrah, asthama, hay fever, deafness and all head and throat troubles. Is conve nient to carry ; in your "pocket. Ra haey's Medicator, including one bottle of inhalent and one box of ointments is only $2,00. . Enough, compound goes with each Medicator to ; last. four months. .Tie-instrument lasts a life time Is'eold by L.S. TODD as nis private recora. tnat i cannot re fraih f rom 'i exprestingmy disapproval i of the methods resorted to in this caw . paign by Gov. Kitchin and his suppor t ers Iinotice that in i your last issu ; the article signed by S. R. Freemant : the young son of, Mir. Sam Freeman, ia republished I take Jt that the article has. the endorsement ; of Gov.. Kitchin and his .political managers' in this CQun ty of it would , not have again appeared " li does seem to me that; the need white people of this county should n-rise-in their" condemnation of eusU methods of associating -the name of f n honoretl jand 2 respectable K christian' white gentleman with: that" of a loT7t Contemptible he g r o - whom ths people of this county drove QUt from . its borders. Is it possible tht the the white men of this county will tolerate such methods! after ' havin made such sacrifice and heroic effort i in 1908 and 1900T to-" free our stt from just such low and and unworth; ' political conditions? ! Has character become so cheap in Bertie county th"t it can be assailed in thi3way with th 3 confidence that It has the-endorseincnt of the Governor; of bur 'great - ststi and his political supporters. : -- I for bne believe that the good p:c pie of this country will not stand for It, It should be condemned and I d;::r: z enter my :jBbiemrr protest to such c painj inethoda. '5s t

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