POSTOFFICE AT VOODVI II AS TO THE 8. A. FROM Jin Official ol Ihe Engineering Department vlsils Windsor and goes over the two Proposed Routes. A JIass Meeting- ; Held Mr- E. W. Smith of the en-, srineering department of 'the c a- $oard Air Line Railroad, was in Windsor last Wednesday ni to' con- trnr He came as a result of the Terence a delegation of our citi- :zens had with the President of that road recently. The : pose of his visit here was .to pur- as- certain, approximately, itne cost ! of extending the road from ! Xewiston to Windsors ana to find out if possible if there were -any physical obstructions ori diffi- culties along the proposed route. He came from Lewiston over what is termed the most c irect :route. He then rode about town 3md looked over several p laces where a terminal station might be locatad. The next mopning lie was carried' back to Lewiston tVi wflv of Tnd i an Woods - the WJ bliv w - r r- 1 other route proposed. , in ad-1 locates or favorites of each j route endeavored to show him the advantages each possessed. At-, nio-ht ft mqss meeting ofi:i the citizens was held in the1 (couftf house and Hon. - A. S. Rascoe was elected chairman, . ank .Mr. S. VV. Kenney Secretary. An interchange of opinions was had and several or; our citizens made talks: ; A committee consisting of A. S. Rascoe, T. Gillam, R. C. Bazemore, E; L. Gatli'ng and J. H, White was appointed to ascertain as near as practicable the volume of business eff the town and of the two proposed routes and what the town, itself or any of its individual citizens in a public and progressive spirit, would do in the ay of a site for a terminal station; "Whether or not it would be do nated to the railroad as an in ducement for it to come; or to Sive the approximate cost. This committee will at once Set to work. Mr. Smih will file his report with the President in the course of a week, and at that time-he suggested that the -committee also file its report, that the two may be considered jointly or au tne same uiie; ior the greater the inducement the greater the argument; that the inducements may offset the cost of building the road as 'much as possible ' V Mr. Smith was in no ....... - . , . . -. . to make any: definite s position tatement r offer any 1 prospects .of the road coming. "1-His. dutj lies , in the engineering departn lent, the department whose purpose is to expend money. Therefore he came principally, ' or solely to in vestigate the; physical condition of the country arid the proposed routes and:to report an j approxi mate cost of the extention. ; In this, however, he was, Taost fa vorably impressed.; .-Hi found, a fiat flourishing farming i country necessitating no '. grading, r or tresseling practically at all ;He so expressed himself .MfHe also found the sentiment strong and unanimous and v commented . on the bright prospects of our rich,. fertile farming section. He will L. EXTENSION LEViSTON TO UlNDSOR. Nip make his report to the President and the committee will do, like wise. Then the question will be considered and probably, v. 'de termined. " It may be tht a representative from the traffic department will also come and make an investigation. Let the favorites of each route assist the committee at onca. - in making an approximation of the volume of business each wilh afford and the direct and material induce ments each has; to offer. The 1 committee wiirascertain as near as possible, -what inducements the town and citizens' will : give or make in the way of a termi nal station. Deeds, Transfers Etc. Recordea in the Register of Deeds Aif. . . . r.i 1 uuice oince reo. loin 10 March 15th Minted Salife inton;; d; Mnton. lan "?xoe towr.snip.n oo. $iaoo and jov d affe G j Perry et a, to T Qm&m d w. l. Lyon, the Jeremiah Outlaw tract of 125 acres in Whites town' ship, $l60a v ' Isham Walton to Jane Casper, 5E acres in Roxobel township; considera-f tlon i V' t , , . ... . ; dot. in Powellsville, consideration $200. B. F. Renfrow to A. J. Morris town lot in WoodviUe; consideration, $1,525 W,.,T. Williams to W. F. Daniels, 132 acres in Colerain township; con sideration $2500 E. L. Gatling to Celia Etheridge, 550 acres.' the Lawrence tract, in Whites township; consideration $2500. J. B. Gillam to Geo -J. Waters, part of the Abner Rufiin lace in Windsor township; j consideration, $900. Ol . E. Butler to W. A. Hall 20 acres in Snakebite township; consideration,' $500. x , ' . . D. W. .Miller to Mrs. Annie L. White, a town lot in Aulander; con sideration, $400. A. F. Lewis to Rosa Askew, " 1-2 acre in WoodviUe township; consider ation, $25. . v Geo. D, Wynns to Bunch & Powell, 13 acres in Windsor township consid eration, $55.00 ' H H Hoggard to H L Morris, - town lot in Aulander; consideration, '$950. ; "Reuben Harrison to i Wilson Hog gard" 2 1-2 acres in Windsor township, consideration, $50. ! - ' Wessen Hoggard to T. D, Co wand, 2 1-2 acres in Windsor township; . con sideration $50. y .-v - Thomas Gillani to W W White, D L White arid J A Morris, th Jere miah Outlaw tract of land in Whites township, consideration. $2200. 1 R H Morris to ,T i White, part - of William Hall tract of land and ,a town lot in Aulander; consideration $3100 ;. - Mrs, M. C. idoxria to H. P. Sewell 20 feet of land in Windsor; considera tion,1. :--:',X , Josiah Brown to F. E. 'Evans 44 acres, in Colerain township ;i consinera- tion, 3 $1600. z v : ' publication. 1 W- T. ASBELLE, ! NEPPIE ASBELLE. f " "Committee. Subscribe to the Ledger. Wednesday A Posbffice'H'as been Established -atWoodvilleLocated aKthe ":J I'Depot Known as Woodville - ' i. u Garris, Postmaster t . V-A Eostoffice has been established at the depot in WoodviUe, tdbe Ichown as .WoodviUe. ;V It wentx in operation on the'lX) inst, and MrWl-'-U Gar ris is' first postmaster THe 'ofii:e at present is conducted in the store of Renfrow & Garris. - - - . Marriage ticense During the, Mdnf h of March Licen-' i se to. Marry has' been Issued ' ' the following' Coupies t WHITE.'. - ' " Delia Freemaan to Elizabeth Wil son. - - r- - : . Monroe B. Brett to Mary Myers. W. LI, Williford to Gbldie Cowand. iiiawara uazemore , to . hard. . . m. . .' : Demie Pritc- COLORED. Nelson Cherry $o Harriet Whitfield. Allen Gillam to Lula Simmons. John Brown to Lettie Keener. : ' Thad Revel ' to Martha VVihslow." John Willif ord to Emma Myers. Will Burden to Emma Bunch. : Brodie-JWynns to Lillie Jones. Sol mob Powell to Cora Peele. : Ed Hill. toHattie MizelL , , ,-1 ' i rr-it m . ii ' if i i --'-jfe ys ? .- Since the days of John HMills, first Superintendent of-.:, the Oxford Orp hanage,! singing Class from that Insti tution has annually made a tour of this state, until now it has become so well known and the. concerts by these little ones. are much enjoyed that the people have come to look on the Class as one of our state Institutions. x ThisJClass started out on Monday for another of these tours which will cover almost the entire state before it is'completed, with tworest spells of two( weeks each to break the tedium of the tours. Much success to this Class of Sinft ers which represents the cause so hear the hearts of the good people of this stste. - Obituary On January 1, 1913, our Heavenly Father. In his infinite wisdom and love saw. fit to remove from our midst our beloved brother, Z. W. White, age 63 years. He has been a faithful mem ber of Green's Cross Roads Baptist Church for about 40 . years, . and for several years has served ats deacon. He will, be greatly missed . in the churchy in the Sabbath school, and in our community. f : Because of Brother White's death the Green's Cross Local ' Union JJo 1804 F. E. & C. U. of A, wishes to give expression to their - sorrow, and to the high esteem in which he held as a member and a' leader. He has bee president ' of our union since its organization in- . was local Feb- ruary, 1911. Therefore, be it. ' Resolved 1. That in the death of brother White we realize that bur old est and most faithful, member has bean ; transferred to , his Heavenly home, - y ".: 2. Tha we, .as union Jbpw in hum ble submission to Hinf who ; doeth'all all thingswell. .. :r . v 3. That the Union community and I state have lost - a -valuable leader whosefcplafce' canno easily be filled, r , 4 rjhat we extend to his family our tenderesv sympathy and pray God who careth for all: to also be their stay." ' . , X j - xr . 5. , That a copy; of these resolusions be sent to the bereaved family, a copy spread on our Local Union record, and one be sent to the -Windsor Ledger end Carolina Union Farmer each . for Orphan Singin 1. k r n V t-- r 1 :" 4AV, . ':; ' ' i I r -. flnpHanninnss nf -tiAvh Hnnpd Our 'A Tc-W mW Wh Vwell-meanins: rjeonle, cro f rom M;he stork's nest ta Uho o(tv without savins::the price . . , - 4. give you xne rt-asoii ,uuy& gcu uiuim. ; .... Explain why children or theirparents neglect the very funda mentals of education while the glowof yohth is yet within them, and J shall quote your own words to tell you .why s the Chinese smok'e opium. ; " , ; v There Js a similarity: between the follies, and a kinship among fools, and it lies in this: That the fool says in his heart, "To morrow, is not 'important.'' Extravagance, booze-fihting, men tal neglect aniopfum are only possible to the half-wit who livea for the sake of today. . , , , , . the day for which" wise, men prepare, and in the, preparation they discover-a wonderful today; for happiness and peace depend upon imagination, ana imaginauon iooks iorwara, ; Tomorrow ijs what brings to us the reward' or punishment for today. Our plans and efforts for' today - must - invariably be con trolled by the sort of tomonovwe desire; -t for every- man worka for-what he wants.- andthe sincerity of his desire is tested in tho refining pot of efforts ; . : , ' Joy is a statejof conscious growth that looks -forward to what is to come, and Jna permanent" ;happ;ness, cn come to the man who iives only inyesterday and today.; v V ; ; Imagination and ambition are soul-mates because they are both looking forward tpf tomorrow. - ' ' - : ":. .'. - CHARGE OF rHExBAttUAIfi, an aged sarvant of theLprd gavo .mmZ2i Half a league, half a league, T Half v ai league on ward I r Quiclrto the' bargain sale , Rushed the Six Hundred.: Forward, female brigade . 'Charge the dress-goods' she said To the department store . x. Surged the Six Hundred. t Forward female brigade; Was there a, soul dismayed?, ; Hopeful, but yet afr-id, . : -' Counters" were plundered, Theirs, not to make "reply, , : Theirs but to dress and fly,' Theirs only but to try To get there first or die. ( Quick , to that bargain sale; -ToreheSix Hundred! , ' Silks to the right of thm -Ginghams to the left of" them . Linens before them,. 1 Floor walkers wondered! - s''f . Quizzing the. tired clerks . -(You know just how it works,) ., Pawirg with franic jerks," . Remnants all sundered. . Bravely they-rushed and well Hither and you, pell mell, ,. Without a breathing spell - -.Crazy Six Hundred; ' Flashed fingers here and there -Snapping up bargains rare Each seeming not" to care . That the clerks-wondered Right down the line they broke, Grabbed remnante-holy: smok! : Bargain sales - are; no joke, ; . : "Every one blundered ! - ' . :,; ; Fought for the choicest goods, r:FranticVSix Hundred!,; - What a cleanup they made At that wild bargain xaid ! . ::. : WilI the goods wash 'cr , fade?" Each woman - wondered. . . - V' Honor the nerve displayed . ... ; . Over each -nine-cent trade,' ; Whether 'twas charged; or . paid, Tired Six Hundreds V - - A Correction Mr. Editor: . - .1 - V ; - It is learned that some misinterprit a passage .in the article headed "Evan ilistic; Services", in your issuer of March.l3th- f t V -The passage reads as follows: . -: It has been ascertained that not a few were laboring under" the delusion that this evangilist is identified J with .the Russell mo"vement. This is the easel9?. What is the case? "That if any , iden tified this gospeller with said move ment it is a delusion. - When much younger, whila in En-i 1 1 Upon Plans df Tomorrcv. of a rainy-da v meal and I will u . ; . r me some information whicii has proved very valuable and through te kind pess of the Editor'ft should like to pasa it on." : 7 ' : - ' . The question put was as follows: In view of the fact that in these last dy3' so many- strange - doctrines of mush-room growth ; spring: ? up how is op false?-' . '. , - He replied: test Wl by the following rule:' ; , " r, -.. If the .doctrine is true : it will &! ways exhaltvChirst "an atoning worki will give &im His true' Dlace anrt always humble man, put him in hla true dust. - If the doctrine is false, it will ftj. ways ex halt man and his work, flatter him and belittle Christ, make little of his person and" His work. May th3 reader try this rule. : " , ' ; Now a Ch ris tain mu s t be J cry- Htth Chrittain if he can accept "Millenl&l Dawnism" for the first thing he ia asked to surrender is the. citadel of his faith--Christ; for said teaching degrades Chris t' to a creature of God's, hand. Den v His divinityjand what left? -Not-the gospel thut the apostlea preached and for which thousands have laid down their -lives.- ; :v . f ; Be not deceived evil communic-i tions corrupt good manners." . "Test all things." . The Bereaus of old were "more" noble because "they searched the scripture daily to 13 whether those ? things were' so." - " . v - 1 : Yours trulv, . M. R. KEIU, TiiQmpspn--LyoD The following invitations' have bcziv issued: o . - . Mrr William Lie weflyn Lyon f request-the honor of your 'presencj at the marriage of his daughter '-' ; vSallie - ,to-; " .r Mr. Louis Whitmell Thompson on the morning of Wednesday, r twenty-six . of March . ; at half af tar eight o'clock . ; ... s Cashie Baptist Church . Windsor, North Carolina :J, - ; At home . K after April - ninth at Lewiston, N. C. " JjOST: - A Pocket-book, somewh t between Windsor and Hill Castellor? home; containing between $7.00 fJ 10.00,' and a receipt from the Ban!; r J Windsor. The finder will plecizo r: turn the same to the'Ledger oflic? r receive reward. : Y7. L,BAnr" Windsor, N. C, R. F.' D.

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