i" . I ". fa? AGED cannot properly masticate solid foods and digestion is often-upset-Muey do not receive the n e e d i 1 1 n ou rishment to make strength if i'.Ufc-d ! x-id preserve healtih, but ople everywhere could it the, strength-sus-trriskment in Scott's hev would take it after onrv TO: every .1 It posse ??s the i merits of rod livei powers ol tiie hyp lime and soda am qualities of glycerine ourishing" ele oil, the vital phosphites of the curative all so perfectly combined that nature immediately appropriates them to create strength nourish the organs and build the bcdy. It relieves rheuma tism and ailments due to declining years. It adds to the span of life. Refuse substitutes for SCOTT'S, Scott & Bowne, Bloortifield, N. J. 12-63 rSrUiirffiiil-ii ft m 1-mi Notice By virtue of the power and author- ity nested in me by a order of the Suoerior Court of Bertie County, made in the action therein pending, entitled "James H.- Bunch against William Bazemore, Thomas D. Bazemore and Mattie Bazemare," 8 dd order being made at Feb. term, 1913. Lane, Judge Presiding, I will, on trie 7th day of April, 1913, at 12 o'ilock M., at the court house door of Bertie County in the town of Windsor, the high as t biader for N. C. sell to cash, the follow ing lands in .Bertie County, North Car olina, to-wit: Imi A 1 " home place in adjoining the Snakebite township, toads of H. W. Bazemore, Mrs. J. J. Cobb, and othors, and fully described in deed from Asa Cooper and wife, to Charted B. Bunch, of record in Bertie Register of Deeds office in book 94 page 397, whitm is referred to for full description of same. Yhs sale is to be i tar ted at the ad vanced bid of J. H. Bunch, amounting to $1227.60, under the aforesaid or der of sale. Place of sale Court house door, Windsor, N. C. . Time'of sale 12 o clock M. April 7th, 1913. Terms of Sale Cafeh. J. W. DAVENPORT, Commissioner. Giilam & Davenport; Attorneys. NOTICE OIJ SALE By virtue of an order of the Supe rior court of Bei tie county, N. C, en tered in a special proceeding therein pending, wherein A,'a Mizell and oth ers are petitioners ar d Dellie Mizell and others are defendants, I will on Monday, the 21st day of April, 1913, at lo' clock m , expose and offer for ale. at pubiic auction, at the court house door in Windsor, N. C, tG the highest bidder for cash, the following jbounded and described lands: 1. AH of Lot No, 6, of the Eason tract as described in the land division of R. M. White, of record in Bertie Register of Deeds dffice for Bertie county, N, C, in book 81, page 328, et seq., and more particularly on page 332 of the foregoing book 81, which gives a plat of said tract with metes and bounds and whidh is referred to and made a part of t lis description for the part of accuracy, said tract con taining 262 acres, It- being the land allotted to Temperance C' Mizell in said land division, lying and situate in Bertie cdunty, ;N. Cl : 2, All of Lot No. 2, of Home Place as described in the land ; division of R. M. White of record in book 81, page 32, ; and: more . particularly on page 322, which shows a plat of Baid land with courses, distances, metes , and bounds, it being all ' that : part of said Lot No. 2, thatUies on the north- west side of the Bri ing i67 ; acres more ton road," contains or less. (All of that part on the southeast side of the i Britton road ? havind ; been sold to N. Hoggard containing f75 acres of record in book ' 90-344 . Bfertie : Register of Deeds office. ) -The f oregoing books r . and pages are. referred , to and made a s part pf this .descriptiort for:-the pur pose of accuracy. " Lot No. 2 is the same allotted .Temperance C. Mizell in the foregoing land division, except the 75 acres sold to "N Hoggard during her life time, for partition, These lands , are sold Place-of sale Court bouse door, v in I Windsor, Nv C. , ...... .. ;A .. ; Time of . sale Monday, April 21, 1913, 12 m. Terms of sale cash. , - - ThiV; March 20, 1913. , i W.m. JOHNSON, Commissioner: BEST KNOWN, COUGH REMEDY : For fortyhree' years; Dr. King's New Discovery has been known thru bat the world as the. most reliable cough remedy. v Over 3 million bottles were used last year, len t. tnis prooi of Allendale. S. C. writes the way hundreds of others have done: After 20 years I find that Dr. King's New Discovery is the best remedy for coughs and colds I x have, ever used. For coughs and colds ; and all lung trouble it has no equal. 50c and $1. at all duggists." ) . Made A New Man Of Him. "I was Buffering from pain in xny stnmanh. hftad nnd harlr Ttrritn ft 1 fri. Alston, Raleigh, N; "and my but four bottles of Electric Bitters f l vRr Mil f R-innnvH nin tiot: twotit nirnr made me feel like a new man." X P8ICE 50 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES It will get rid -ifil iyouit cough, or we i&HP"ta.. rt-eciy- . ... - j v t t i court bouse in Windsor, ; N, wai m will refund your money. J. J. Owen on Mondav. 4th dav of April, 1 9 3 ; au, FOR Life Fire J. B. & 50 L Insyfance WINDSOR, N. C. XL & The Reliable Household Lantern Thert is always need for a good lantern around the home in the yard, in the cellar, in the attic wherever a lamp is inconvenient or unsafe. The RAYO is ideal for home use. v It gives a clear, bright light like sunlight on tap.. It is strong,jlurable, compact, handy. Doesn't leak: Doesn't smoke. Easy to iight and rewick. Will last for years. Ask for the RAYO. At Dealers Everywhere, STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated ia New Jersey) ,' Newark. N.J. X (S3 ad B " I suffered, during girlhood, from womanly weakness writes Mrs. Mollie Navy, of Walnut, N. C "At last, I was almost : bed-ridden, and had doctors. All the time, I was soells. that lasted from 7 to .gave Cardui a trial, .1 could anybody. In 8 weeks, 1 .vas weiL l had oeen an ;nvana for 5 weary years! Cardui relieved me, when everything else failed." - - , - ; If you are weak and ailing think what it would mean, to you, to recover as quickly as Mrs. Navy did. :r For more than 50 years, this purely yegetable tonic remedy,for women, has been -used by thousands They; found it of real value in relieving their aches and pains! Why suffer longer? A remedy ' ttiat . has relieved and helped so many, is ready, at the nearest drug store, for cse, at once, by you. Try it,, today. V ! 'v : TThfSt to: Ladles-Advtsorr Dcpt- ChattanooW Medldne Co.. Chattinoors, Tesa.. tzr&tcicd Instructions, and 64-page book, Home Treatment for Women," seat tret. J tl NOTICE North' Carolina, Bertie County, I , ";: In'the Superior. Conrt Retried Ann Finch and nushand';wil . ; Pich Petitioners. . , '...",;" , ' -against ,. T. H. Washingtou, IGeorjte Washington Mary V. Washington Amy Washing ton, Bradshaw Washington, and Thelma ? " Washington, defendants . . Xo T. Washington: : George Wash mgton. Mary: L Va"hington, Amy s Washin gton , Urad shaw Washin cton an d Theloia Washington defendants , You and erch of you will take noticti thaf you are' required and commanded tt anoear before W. b. .Lyon, vicrji vi answer or demur or . otherwise - plead tt the petitiou of Be tie Ann Hiuch and hut band, Will Finch, .which demands a salt of the share of ihe John , D, Spiv ey; traci of laud which was. allotled to iietue Ann ( Finch and the above named delendants in the John D. Spi vey, land division aj; appears oi record in book ,166, page 106, Bertie Register of Dteds office, : which se for description the said sale of said share of land being asked foi" partition among the tenants in common theiein W, L, L.YON, Clerk Superior Court Winston A'Matthe'S. attorncVs" . , Our fee returned if we f il. Any one sending sketch and descrimiou cf any invention will .promptly receive our opinion free concerning. Patent1' sent upon request. " Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive speciat notice, without charge, ia The Patent Record an illustrated and ,.'ids.!y circulated v journal consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. , Send for-sample copy FREE 'Address, - VICTOR J. EVANS A CO; (Patent Attorneys,) T ; - -vans BuiPine. WASKllNaTON, O C Accident Aiitb " Baltimore, Ml. Spells to give up. We had three ; getting worse. I : had bad 28 days. In one week after I eat, sleep, and Joke, as. well as of weak and ailing sufferers. CHERRY Agent wbmwKfeic i Notice; By Virtue of the power arid authori ty vested in me by an -order ... of 1 .the Superior Coutt of Bertie CountyLmade in the special proceeding? therein pend ing, entitled' Viola Bazemore, Thomas H. Bridger, , J. H. Cherry, and wifej Daisy Cherry, and Junius Bridger, Petitioners; against' Erick'Cowand and Gertha Cowand, Defendants I will, on the 24th day" of March, 1913. at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door;: of Bertie I Coon tyi im theTtown of ' W indsor sell to the highest bidder for ; cash, ; the following lands, and interest !and es tates in arid to landi: in the County v of of Bertie, State of North Carolina, to-wit. ' s'"?' '- J 1st. -A. certain tract vox land in snai eDice lownsnip," aojoimng- me lands-of ; Henderson Pritchard,1 ' Jr' :. A- Pritchard, and : R. M. Bridger -land, t' containing -50. acres " more or fess, visaI 1905 in the following lands iQ and fully described. in a' certain deed?ertie County, North Carolina, t0-wit: from W. R.i Johnson, Commissioner, to -Han ah E Bridger, of Record in Ber tie Register of Deeds - office in book 144 page 281, and also being-, fully described in book 62 page -196, of said county " and office, which is referred to for full description of usame. . 2nd. J A certain tract -of land in Snakebite township, county and state aforesaid; ad joining the lands of Henry Modlin and others,, containing 36 ' 2-3 acres more or less, ully, described r- in deed of record in book- 68 page 3, which is referred to fory; full descrip tion. . ' ' . ?' . 3rd. An undivided one half" inter est, and estate In and to the. following lands; a certain - tract of .- land near town of Lewiston, Woodyille township county and state aforesaid, containing one acre more or, less; the same being lands conveyed by A. T. EasbnV and wife to Hannah E. Bridger and Junius- Register Deeds office, . in book 1 76 page 235, which is referred to for full depcription of same. . - " 4th.' An urdivided: one-sixth1 inter est and estate in and to the : following lands ' in said county and state,; to-wit; A certain tract of land ' lying on the North side of Cashie - swamp, r ad joining lands of Ed - Jewsome, Jo? Pritchard lands the Wiggins , land which' are known ; as J ; R. f Bunch lanas containing 400 acres more' - or less; the same being lands .conveyed' by Elizabeth Drake to Hanah Eri Brid ger and others; by deed of .. record in Book N. N, page 202 which record, is referred to and made, a part thereof for full description of same. . - 'I 5th, An undivided one-fourth' in terest and estate in and to following lands in said county, and state, to-wit: The Burden Mill and' mill pond 5 and 1 all lands annexed thereto ae a part of said mill property, it being lands con veyed by J os. Mitchell and wife, to W. J: Cowand; by deed of recordia book 117 page 192 arid also the J. H: Bunch lands containing 30 acres, more or less, it being lands to W. J. Ckw-1 and by J. S. Mitchell and wife, by deed dated Oct 16th 1903 and further .the T. L. Mitchell land which Drew Howard lived in 1892, which is also described in aforesaid deed; both of the last two tracts are fully described in a deed of record in hook 72 page 55 and 559, which is referred to and made a pert hereof for full description of same. - The said lands will be sold in the (order named above, 1, 2, 3, 4, and - 5. Place of s.ale Court house door of Bertie. County in Windsor. v , J Time of sale-'-12 o'clock - iM.V March 24th 1913; , ; - Terms' of sale-Cash. , , ; . . J. W. DAVENPORT, Com. v Gillam & Davenport, Attys. . - NOTICE Ry virtue of the authdritv conferred on nie by -a' certain deed of - trust exe cuted by Nazareth Wilson and wife, Mattie Wilson,' I, -will,: Ion - Wednesday, the 26th day of Marchj 1913, se 1 t public auction," for cash, to the hi&he t bidder, a certain tract-1 or parcel of land, described; as follows, towit; - certain tracts or parcel "of land situate, and being in ,; .Wooduille ' t, i n- ship. Bertie ounty, N. Cw. adjoining the lands of . Isham. Thompson: Annlas - Ward and "others, ! and : lying- on the northwest side of Flat Run , branch, and being the same ' land bought by Chas. Simons from John v W. York and wife and deeded; by - said , Simons and wife to Nazareth , Wilson, by deed da ted January 10th, 1912,' , and duly.re corded in Register's office said county and containing H 3-4 acres more or less - Time of : saler Wednesday, Ai March 26jT:I9I3. ;V;1: -::'r-,;:" '. Place of sale-On the premises in Woodville Township.; ' ' . ! " " ' Terms of sale--Cash i ' " " V.GEQ. S. NORFEET,. Trustee. Fanning, Craig, attorney;. ; - This Feb. 19, 1913. Notice North Carolina, ' Superior C0Un Before 'cu Bertie. County, JacobStaton, '; N.; H.; Staton, y Staton. Malvina "Statnn a . 1 ' 7 ; Staton Petitioners. .;V ' ' vs " Frank: Walton and wifePriscilla Wa, ton, Lemuel Staton and Grant St 1 ton, Defendants. To, LemueL staton and Grant Stat defendants in the" above entit a special proceeding. You are required to take noti that, a special proceedings entitled above' has been commenced in the Sun. erior Court of -Bertie County, N. 0 to, lay offi . assigns, snd allott to Vm r'"". v w unjau ocator, aeceasei ner aoA'er as allowed ty ana j ursuant to section aufca 0f Ra. ' A' certain tract 01 land conveyed by S.:A. Norfleet to Elijah Staton fc. deed of record in the office of the Register of Deedsfor Bertie County in book 146 page 93, containing 32 acres more or, less; said record being referred to for full description of same 2nd; . As certain town lot in the town of Kelford, N. C adjoining lands of Elijah;Staton Mariah Staton and others- the same being described in de'ed from S;; A. Norfleet tojElijah Staton of record in book 160 page 115, which is referred;to for, full : description of same ' ?' -' , ' . - -"i 3rd. : A certain'lot of land in Wood ville Township, adjoining lands of Geo. T... Brown and " Elijah .Staton, fully described in deed from W. C. Evans to Eiijah Staton, of: record- in book 160 page 116, which, js referred to for. full description of same, 4th - t Ar certain tract of land in Kelford ' N C, which is described in a deed J. romi James H " Biggs and wife AnnieBiggs to Elijah Staton, of Re. cord in book 146 page 90, which is re fef ied tojjand made a part hereof for full description of the same; and said defendants will : further take notice that they are required to be and ap pear' before- the uedersigned clerk of the Superior court at his office in tie icourt! house in Windsor N. C. County of Bertie; state aforesaid, on the 1st day of April, 1913, at 12 o'clock M. and answer or demur to i the petition in this cause, or the. petitioners will applyj tor'the court for the : relief de manded in said petition. This March, 1st 1913. . ; W. L. LYOF, - ; . " c. s, a Gill am & Davenport. r Aftys. for Petitioners. Operi;Apn 2?, J 9 12 HT THE 'NEW' WINDSOR rverythins: New IJp-to-JData 20 Comfortable and Well Fur- ! . nished Rooms. Tab t;s Furnised with, the Best l' J the Market Affords. SpeciaF Attention Given to the Transient Trade. Free Haak to meet , all Trains : : ; and Boats A Home sor the , Traveler, and .: Tired Public Oolite Servants always at your Commands Less :than .Two Hundred feet , ' from Depot. Firstr Class Service Guarcnteed. J. H. WHITE, ' Owner & Prou'r. SPECIAL TO WOMEN Do you realize Hie fact that thousands of women are now using . A Soluble Antiseptic Powder as a remedy for mucous membrane . fections, such as sore throat, nasai pelvic catarrh, inflammation or uic tion, caused by female ills? Women have been cured say "it is wortn 1 weight in gold.'?: . Dissolve in waters" apply locally. For ten years the W E. Pinkham Medicine Co. has rew mended Paxtine in their private respondence with women. .f 1,05 . For all hvmehic and.toilet uses it no equal. Only 50ct a large bps :at v I nists or sent postpaid on receipt 01 p . STOP