1 t 'T - '''' i. '.V . ' ! ft - - ' MR. MERCHANT:- ; ' ; THE LEDGER The Ledger is read; Tby over 6000 people each week in Bertie County,. ' oes Job printin;; of every description, : Prices and Qualit; . -' . Guaranteed VOLUME 25, f WINDSOR, N.; C. ; "THURSDAY. MAY , 1, , ,1913.- . NO. CO, x 1- r7 m ' r . -' ii i . . ii i ii i 1 rd r-iT rN V Ml PL IT, m l j4I 1 111'' I - - - : r ' f . i -IT-: v . . i . r i , ,- ; V FROGEUM OF THE ' WINDSOR GRADED SCHOOL. , THURSDAY EVENING 8:30, MAY. Is t, 1913 ' Tantasia Brpante v..v..;..:..:..:(;y.;-:yerti Misses, Johnson and Riddick , ' -Chorus America ; . . . . Reading . of Violin selection,... Witches Flight......... .. Misses Introduction of Speaker. Address . The Chase Infernal?:... Misses Gatling (Music by -Miss FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 2nd 10:30. ; Larantelle 1. : Francis Butterfly Chase Misses Pierce Prayer .... - lass Exercises by Graduating Chorus ........ . Salutatory .. ; . ....y ... ... Valedictory. . ... 4 History . ..... .. .. ....i Mary Mill Saunders Prophecy ..... y. Annie Mae SUttpil ; WiU U . ... ....i. ... .. . . ..... ... Anna May Freeman jKCHous(in" German) Giracte. . !t F:, "; t'i v ""Countrv Dance ....... i...'..... .r.i. ..;,,., ........ .....,Tevin.' Address .1. ... . . v. ...... .... ... Mr. M B Gillam Marche Honcrnose ... . . X . .v . J; Misses warding Militaire .... . t JMisses (Music by--Miss In Securing the Services, fvas cipal, ol Prof. W. R.Sm thwick; One of the Best Equf DDed I Menjn the Stat A Native of iBeriie The Windsor Graded School is very fortunate indeed in securing the ser vices of Prof. W. R. Smithwick, as its principal,-4 for the; next" session. Prof. Smithwick comes at a great per sonal sacrifice, leaving a very, much larger school at Whitevilte, near Wil mington, whch has been jjaying him half again as much as he will receive in Windsor,. Two reasons to make the change and impel him accept our offer one,' a feeling thatJ 'he owes something to his native county and a nother. that he wishes toll ae ve his people and be near his kindred and life-long friends, , He is easily one of the very best equipped teachers in our state. A graduate of Randolph-Ma-4 con uoinege, in Virginia wijerH, aiwer. graduation he took : a post-graduate course and received latfother" degree; After leaving college be ' accepted a professorship in the large seminary at Beuna Vista, Vaf, where at different times he filTed the chair of Greek Latin, German, French English and Mathematics. He s .fully capable ; of filling any of the above chairs ' in ; any of our state : institutions. ' Several years ago he. spent th'e( summerjri Eu rope persuing research worK which has proven of great benefit to jiim. v ' Prof. Smithwick is': the oldest son of our countyman, and countj j surveyor, W. H. Smithwick,: who livei in Merry Hill township, . He is, in addition to his other qualifications as i teacher, a man of unblemished-moral :hararacter, high-toned, and a'higW; type of aj chris 1 tain pntiemai-ivgWe repeat! thatind: sor Bchool and the educational Interest of our community inerieral isyery fortunate indeed in Securing him. 5. v 1 BALL GAME1N AU -ANDER Aulander, N;OAt 4:" .ntfayjP. M. the Tigers from Keif oi "d and the local Deacons uncorked th s bottle .of popular enthusiasm which all the spec tators enjoyed proportionately. -The drinks were dished put irv trie: twoahd three finger styles' to all, with excep ' tions of a few who feigned not to witk- r 7itfiout turbulent.distinction. Tho WINDSOR SCHOOL FORTUNATE County .... .....:..nV...:f ..?r..;...;:iBy the School Promotions.' , 5 4 1 - . ..-.V.. Miss Agnes Johnson . ... I..;..... ....;..:..;.......... .Hoist Matthews and White. t - . . Hon. F. D. Winstoa Prof. J. H; tlighsniith : : . . . . . . . ; ... Koelling. 1 i and Stokes., - - i Gurley's Pupils.) 4 Dennee Pierce. , - and Sallenger. ?gBaftlet . . . . ? .. . i Rev. W. M. Dargah. Glass: Grade Mary Watson Bond, Pres. . . . . . Amy Riddick . . : ...... ..... . rr. . . . . . ekonske Cooke. i Diplbmasl ' ' ... Ascher ; !r v Askew's Pupils.) final artalysis of the chemist ' was Dea cons twelve drinks, Tigers three, a la carte. 'f ' " Aulander has he best ball park the writer has seen in this part of the state. Players, benches, bulletin board "and a two hundred capacity grand stand and accessories that are conve nient. All the players on the team are hard workers and better yet - they are manly sports. . You are invited to enjoy the. games of the season with us with the assurance of our appreciation for your presence, ; and 'a corpulent nine ipning contest of hard fought ball. Fori arranging games, write A. F. Rice, Manager. , r ; The News From Sans Souci The farmers'are getting .behind ISn planting: their, cotton. I on account ,'of dry whather. , ' C '-.c"- Mr. J. S. Smithwick 's horse ran away with him last week and hurt him so that he was sick for. several jdays. r -; :: :-. r; ; . ' . Jar. J. W. Langdale spent -;.a day ,or two in Eden ton last week. '9 ' "T.r tMessrs ;W H. : Oder -J. S. Lrangdale G. R. Oder and B:; F.; Langdale spent the day a Capeharta fishery last Fri-I The Albemarle Lumber company are putting iri theirjrail rosat ans Souc ; Mrs. G;E.fWliias'jbasb sick but is inncb! tetter now.' ; " Messers J. S; - and B. - Langdale spent last Saturday in Windsor, f Mr. J. Li Williamg E. Langdale G.1 William toolc? atrip to Pryinouth :Sunday..r-tyrf (From th .Utica Globe) Out of 2S,000,000 children-, in the United States lessi than 18,000, 000 go those 7. 000,000 children hodp; not- go to scnool half of " hem i live pin tHetcotiryner roads dangerous roads r usually 'iv pref vent" f romgetting tdjand from school good school r;themtoJgo! ManchiHren arkillea talking raiirpad tracks to school. Why? they have noTroada to walk f bri many .coiidren each - year J have no sos!tSloioi so bad there 'is no .profit m farming nb!ni6t for scfiools r scfioolsv;rid prosreMtia noi THE rilAYVjERM :0F: COURTltHE NEVS FROFiI-AULANDER ConyenetiPromptfyat 9:30 o'clock - Monday.': t tet -a -Two-week's Session,' First of week Tak-; ; -nup by CrimjnarCases Several go to County Farm We are unaele toT'get -more - than two day's Droceedings of ; the court ' in this issue Monday-arid Tuesday .v T court convened gromptly at .9:30 o' clock. When iTudge Lane delivered his charge and a recess ''was : taken.:-. The following countymen: were drawn on the grand jury , , :' , . v ' . - , JURORS C. L. L. , Cobb--Foreman . W. .Geo. Mizell x . : H. Jenkins 3 - gGat:Mi?elif-.: au J. T; Pritcbard J. W. Freeman tei; Wiii taker! WM?:XMM?: Cleveland Mitchell ! . :J6hn T. Cqwaridv : .; i J; C,;Earlylll; -c..: ,ex. ninoggara umcer; J In the af ternbon the criminal dock et was taken j. up and ' the following cases were, disposed of:. Filmore Ward-larccpy-r 8 months ori ; Tom ed weapon guilty, Judgment nqiretT-f' Idered'atrthisiitihg;1 f-Vfx'-U-- Letiard Bond, assault with , deadly f weapon, $10.00 and cost, v i . Calvin Parker and Roscoe Bond JrU affray, not guilty. , , Al Beasley;- assault with .deadly weapon, 6 months on County Farm : A1 Beasley, carrying concealed wea pon, 60 days at the. Copnty jFarm,1 - . John Bazemore, unlawful sale of 1 liquor, guil ty, judgmen t not rendered at this writing. ; ' - Gordan Mountain, unlawful sale of liquor, guilty, judgment not rendered at this writing. . r'lf - h ' . ! Otis Yeale.. unlawful sale of liquor, guilty, judgment hot rendered 'atfttiis Wriling . . . .. ; -: , ' X Al Beasley, assault with deadly wea pbn,s 30 days' at the 1 County Farml Fuller; proceeding will appear in our next issue. r : ' ' - y -1 ' thousands of ; children; have - to do with little schooling, a little ' part at a .term at schopl -why ? Why be cause father needs their help on the fattn-h isp' makihgfmoney v.enoughi tfaysbeca for h aulihg. crops to -m arket he has no for5extra hired help?; '- -C 'fW . " i V i:s'. ; . Eemainiiig pnCalled fbninthis office for the week ending April LETTERS iM-lMM :a;;Riberso;lB: ; Rebecca Faeeman 'V- i;yi vK&vC ': ' Ara Rascot -. v -u-:,, u' j- f.. M!!WS yS;?ys ifi .;;ov JoeepRtm ; . iaran Cassie Ryani-1.? Jsomr,Westj-Wi xfe-i--? ,WiUiam-H'HeckstofiK -Sip- " . K V POSTAL-CARDS lese;letrsibe;:i3e deadJeterJ 6t'delivereo!;bdTel the :above -tay r advertised; " V giving data-of-list? tsM-: enclldbnayaenroiaost iniellTham'eri;? wiu iwfiMl 4 . N - . The Recent Fire at The; Oil Mill "Not as -Serious as First Thought,' : Baseball;. Commencement .Medal' '-Winners.' Candidates For .Officers . The fire at the Bertie Cotton Oil mill was not as serious ts at first be He ved, and the: company A will immedi lately begin 'replacing the buildings and machinery's sootr as4 : possible. V The insarance will amount , to abou thirty thousand. -A great many seed were saved;,: the .fire Jhaving. burned over the top and .being put but before burning to any great deptlj. A stock holders meeting was held to: formulate plans tor rebuild; :'"s . 1 -i-i:-,,' .V' Aul ander and Kel ford played a game of ball here last Friday the ; game re BulHng?in Scorp If 41; to 3c?i;Heayy I hitting ; on bolsWes? wasfeature Vs s The grand stand a new-" feature in Auladder, was ffilled; With beoplc and is proving yeiy popular. v ,Ther ground this ;:seascwl et IhaiJ; ?Saa UiU be played bn jacp&n t! 0 jHiarigf made!an eaHy;startro wlVJDplayed -thiseek? i The commencement exercises at ? th High school las txweek" were 'most en joyable and have recieved much favort able 'commentJ 1. On K Thursday f ciiigh the concert was given and ; :a prgram rendered which cwas excellent. The. &dtire8'6rirJAlI Dr. Patterson made many chemical fori the benefit r of -his . audience and deli vered: a practical c dis course on cpmmori s er se - when co tri bined with education- arid - Religion. pFndayye test took place, Mfss Gladys Early arid Mr- Obed Castello; winning the ladies and geritlenians medals respiectively. Good music was. also a feature in ; the commencement.. ? The convention forV; elec ting .town officers was held last Tuesday , evening arid ? the ,v following. - For Mayor, Hon. W. HZ Mitchell, for Commission ers; Messers Ei C, Har eJU J. W Herring and W; ; S. Dunning, For Con stable Mr. H. : Rogerson.; ; These officers will stand for progressive rnea sures and the town js to be, congrat ulated on their election in May. Mrf Mitchell served as iriayor the past year and has .made a most excelent record Messers Harrell and ; : Herring will begin ne w , terms while - Mr Dunning was on the : board !, las tyear.:i; M rl Rogerson was constable 1 as t year arid served the town . well.. . ' one night last week before it ; stopped ;for31itrtion though it; Is understood that no .bones Weriroken, -A MrCof ield - was 'takeri ' 8ick on tne piatiorm to get air. when he Ips hisjbatoce'oram wh ich was running at. a good rate ; $ I . Mr.' Cola' Castello .was here : last week on . a visit. : He is ; employed by : Misses Lawrence Cox Zand ;: Pickett layeyreturn-eaito homes af teir:? havirigf tangitt in the Graded cht? tbia ; aessiori itiM:kk :Mf s Lize Taylor of Ebenezer was a in .town las t" week., Mrs, C, P. Newsome and Miss Fred die1 'Burden h ave returned -from a visit to their sister Mrs. Prrker I at ; Ports- PVatMngyisited relativis y T-;y- -1 y Weextend "our ' sympathy to SieclSetarj 6&4h& Nav Josephus Danisiithe lospby re last week;o ihfs ne wsperl pht the Raleigh Newa; & eplantwasiie 00ft arid i3 practically a total loss Tlie- insurance 'was for half that ainoratT thein ne wspapb and gweilded jcorisidcrable fii I f IIE: WE7S: FOOr,! COLEnAirj Rummage Sale Eyery" Friday and. , Saturday for Benefit of tho , Methcdist Church v :Other Items The Commencement Tonin!;i : The catch of flsh here on tho Chowan river has been fine this season-of Jshad as' well as her ring. The catch of rock, and perch, has also been good. Our fishermen have had a very fa vorable Reason; : and the prices compare" with those . maintained in former like seasons, Th commencement exercisG3 of the r Colerain Graded School take J place io night ard tomor row n i &h ts .; Excel lent programa have been arranged and can, In found : elsewhere in: this paper! The school has had a Very sue cessful;session Eth eridge" Kenriey - medal for scho ( arshir established ; nine or ten years ago : by th Editor of tllO tedger, - was won last : year by Master RbberfcSessomsvAt thtf Writing we ar unable to namQ thelsucccsiful -contestant j0nly.w, of our - citzcn3 ct tendeid iwart this week, (J AmGncr them were Ii. . El S: o :es T Wilson! ?1fSfejiiSdJr.c! A lion- :. . v :'' --'' - ; , ;. : : - . ' : v Sess DmiSWon t ;J to . WrA 0 t ii ' OV.y Jk M3V4jr ilia liiuuiiiiit; Drv BiipeBeasley who tho ptyearjori; been q aysician'viK ho3 tal:i;tHonbiu! homo lehtlyiV ' Hfilnbtgo, back will; locate ; in -North Garolina. -.y not establish a stavo aht ihC6Iera.in J There is not a better: loci. ti m in the county f or one thah on the; banks of thq Chowan river. ; The fact of tho :matteti , ideal . place fpr;;ah turing enterprise. ;We do not seejwhy pur peopla who have tho progress of ; the community at heart and who have the surplus cash to invest; Ho nptiaaiuguratQ some industries. X V7e should a- : wak e f romtbur; lethargy and get up a stave plant as a r beginner if": We ijnoMced in the reports of th vanpus laaks of the county in; ajrecent issue of the Xedgcr, that the Bank of Colerain stood second of the seven in the vol ume bf business. ; ' ' t OFrida3r,t;M dies: of tht Colerain, M.E. churcU will pn a Rummage Sale, to &ntinuef evetx Fridiay and St- urdajr !until:f urther noticed Tho public is cordially-invited :f and many 15 excellent promised. Proceeds ;f or tho ben fifit pf ' the - church. ; Contribu woiis wui ue rgraieiuiiy.;-; receive U and every body is invited Hto hcl in the good causes - ; I ' i - . ' ' - j'p?h is i that the ! President arid tho Dc partmeritell be ;-yery. carcJl in appointing men 'to ofiico. Thii is asjit shpuld be;; If the Dc- inocratic 'party is to stay in pov; er:it must cany put its platfcriri pledges arid pkice competent cr.'J good men , in"; office. No pli should be filled by come onQ'ri f avonte' f rierid. Character, c" acity party service and fitnzzi for that special place 'should cn 1 from all nppenincai 'Ati!!' bo f : tests; a trcod c 1 O !