SPECIAL OFFER: Will send you the LEDGER from now un til January 1, .1915, ; for 35 cents. J THE LEDGER - Docs Job printing of ; every description. Prices - and v.Qualit? Guaranteed. . volume 31 WINDSOR, N. C.i THURSDAY AUGUST 26TH, 1915. No laienaar m uvu Acnons ei ior mai at Au- Haymonveideniiouse gust Term ,1915, of Bertie Superior Court. DON. C. C. HON, Judge. TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1915 Ko 18. No 20, Ko 12. No 13, No 14. No 15, No 21, No 8, No 54. No 16, No 22, No 23, No 27, No 29, No 69, No 30. No 31, No 35, No 36, No 37, No 49. No 42, No 47, No 48, No 50, No 51. No 60, No 63, N0 64, No 75, No 76, No 2, No 5, No 6, No 10, No 11, No 24. No 26, No 40, No 46, No 52, No 55, No 56. No 57. No 58, No 59, No 61, No 62, No 68, No 70, No 71, No 72, No 73, No 77, Helen Wood v Otia Wood. L W Jemigan v Delia Jernigan. . : - I . WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER, 1,1915 J as T Harrell v B,F Lowe find wife. : ; Samuel D.Young, etc v W H Stallings. , H P Sewell v J H Ham, et Jala. Maggie Watson v Atlantic Coast Line R R Co GeoE Morris .v Erne 8 1 S Askew , THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1915. Thos Winborne v Clinton Burden. Aulander Live Stock and Supply Co v Mrs C O CaBtellow. J H Alien vC E Outlaw, ejt al. ; ; W M Parker v J D Rice. i W H Barnes v W H Barne j. Jr et al. FRJDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1915 i, John T Smith wick v Jos J Gregory, et als. T C Ward v W H Mc. Ghee. T C Ward v W H Mc. Ghe6. J D Rice v Walter Melton. Afmistead Bazemore,v Raleigh Doughtie Mrs T P Hale v W S Dunning. , MONDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1915 J D Perry and wife v J J Bembridge. i B G Willis V J P Hoggard. Frank G Phelps v Richard jMorris. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1915 Barnes & Jiicott v Norfolk Bagging Co. L J Barker v Bettie Feltor , et al, R J Bo wen & Bro v W P; Carter, et als. J B Cherry v-E R Hollomon & wife. B D Mizell, v EE Daniel,! et als. " S EDNDAY W E Baker y H H Hayznan. w Citizenf Bank v J W, Winbjrow, et al R L Upshur Guano Co v E L Crumpler. Kelly & Borum, Inc v E l Crumpler. S A Adams v E L Crumpler. MOTIONS. W Powell. W Powell. H W Gatlinur v Tilden Early. J H Hyatt Y Pell Powell, E D Hollomon. et al v Pernecia Hollomon, et al. Gibbes Machinery Q v P Gibbes Machinery Co v P J D Hoggard, et al v Ernest S Askew, et al. J D Hoggard, et al v R L Tillery, et als. H P Sewell v George Holjey, Bank of Windsor v Charles Bond. J P Freeman John R Phelps. C H Griffin, i adm y Bank Jof Lewiston Roxobel Supply Co v W J ; Watson. ' r Benthall & Cowan v John Pittman, Georgia M Johnson v Western Union Telegraph Co Winborne & Co Inc. !v E S Askew, Trustee John E Vann, Trustee, v i G Raby. j 1 David White v J R Lawrence, Executor. Eunice B Chaney v Arlington B Chaney. . J H White y Duncan Tayfoe. L George L Arps. etc y P C Jenkins and wife. Home Fertilizer & Chem do v W M Lawrence, et al. Jno R Lawrence, Exr v York T White. W M Mitchell VXP O Newsome. a TFake Cures The hom Weddfng of Rev. L. D. Hayman'4ind Miss Bess Weld enhouse was: . celebrated at 9:30 o'clock WedoesSay; morning. August x19af the residence of the brides'r: motHei Mrs.: JLaverif a a: The ..C6ncord and Charbtte ? fKW- papers cair& full accounts o this social eveptf nicK.is of; unusual PELLEGRA iiiliNfil I. Mrs. J- .C. : . Pruiiftn." nf Winrtn increase. Seemslto: be bri the is i:true Knot so ' " XL e interest to ledger readers ' any others : id etie county. ; vK The? Hen V. T..Albright.fpal tor bri' Cjbncord ;V Circuit and brother-iri-Iaw.of the; bride,pe formed . the cerernqny using;;& full ;j8ervicbf& church jtfl some going yay kowri was fat tended byJMlMa asmaidjpf lo C-: ,; wHHSjj Mrs. W. TAlbrightaa.'tle graciousDanelQfcbn M.vR.;Pleij was the!;jbS2 The cereniorips f toalder dmilfly; attractive by ifisklli dering of redding airs and Me delsohns grand ( Wedding march by Miss Jilette of Capeville, Va. The bnp!e approached the beautifully improvised altar on No No No No No 1, 3, 4, 7. 9, The following cases have been continued by consent and will not be called for trial at this term of court, viz: andor, et al. F A Milliner v Stephen W H Mitchell, et al v Aiilander Realty Co. S W Kenney adm V Seaboard Air Line Railway. J H N, well v Brarntna Mfg Co W G White, Jr et al vWM Mitchelli et al. No 17t Corina Chavis v Henry fpavia. No 19. Armistead Bond vtillie fepnd. -'...: No 26. B F Renf row v Dr C C Joyner. . No 23, C T Harrell v J W Deavteaux, ' No 32. Ernest S Askew admr v 5 H Matthews admr. No 33. Ernest S Askew, gdn v J !H Matthews, admr No 34, J W Deavreaux and wife V W F Outland. et al. No 38, Jenklns&iWilloughbv v Turner Holley, et als, No 39, Jenkins & Willoughby y ielley Deans, et als. X No 41, Dr E H Horton v Tilden Early, et als. , 1 No 43, Ruffin Clark v Richard ijayloe. - No 44. Joanna Bunch, et als y Thomas Basnight. ; No 45, Thomas Gillam, et als v Henry V?p Smi thwick. No 53, S W Harris & Co v M P Eason et al No 66, The King 4 Overall Co v Geo T BrkK No 67. Bunch & Powell v J H White. No 74, Bertie Machinery & Motor Co et als v A C L Railroad Co et als. No 78, J E Reidv W G Mitchell': Causes not tried on the days f or whichXthey a)ceset will go over and take precedence of all cases on the next days calendar vttnesses will not be al lowed to prove for, attendance before the day set for trial of . the . cases in which thev tinued bv consent. Causes to be .heard .on 'motion maifvbe:calIed:aV any.-' time. r , ; ; . w. L..LYON, -"; ' Clerk Superior Court, r the arm of her " brother, Mr. William Weidenhbuse,- i who pre sen ted her M jgrt)pm:; iTheir: marriage vowce$Qlmnized by the giving, of the wedding ring.:, - - The cerejny waf itnessed by jrelati vei larfdi n timaeendsl TThe groomey?L D. Hay. man, is " jstor in; tie Circuit J He is a graduate, of Trinity Colleger inthe I classfbf 1913. ' For -a year he 1 has had the work I pf the Methodist churches in this Circuit under his charge, j By his tact friend ship and devotion to. his work he has greatly endeared him self to our people with whom he is very highly esteemed. He was born in Dare county; the son of Mr, D. W. nay man and his wife Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Hayhian. He is one of the strongest preaciiers of the young men in the North Carolina Conference, taking high: stand among his clerical brethren, i A most suc cessful District Conference rwas recently hejd in his Windsor church. His power of prgarii- i zation was apparent in the com pleteness of his direction of the forces of that body. The bride! is the daughter of Mr. W. M. Weiidenhouse anl his wife Mrs. Lavinia M Weideh house. She is a a.graduaCe of Daven port Female College iJenoir, r N. C.f and also of Trinity College, Durham, N.1 C; where she re ceived her Au J ' degree in 1913. Her charmijngS inahners pand graces of mind and heart have made her : many friends. She has; every qualification of head and, heart tof make her the ideal wife of a useful and consecrated husband. It is- of interest to note that Mr. and Mrs. Hayman were students and - classmates at Trinity Collegeianilgriv their diplomas the same day. How much that tributed to the interesting event of Wednesday, w'll not be hard to imagine, - -r- ' A t-; ; I Mr., and ; Mrs. Hayman .; left Concord immediately; lifter their marriage- and took' a-, wedding trip that included Washington City and a number of the north- as eisewnere. - A verv Drobable answer to the why and'fwherer fojrtOeKsituati lJppp( inJariK tibnithelJnited StatoS?ub :10Healeyic DrGbIdberger claims that pellegraSis fnot 'JfeSnpj5ifd;! fectious or even commu trbulbletS ojdevollr tolSurgnjo they do not eat enough lean jatpfjl eggs, , but eatvdisprbpbr tiona large amounts of such things as grits, - molasses V, flakes, y corn or starchy f oodsu aVSH 8Pent several days of last week rith - her iMer; ; Mrs. ; W. Oyloe. ' " e - . bj iss aaaie Kntton a suendinfr- this weeatJOceani'VievVv : com panic d by Mse j anica t izall cn3 Virginia Rheaof;in(j8or j . ; " fAMSuIandW; A. AVvne:snd J. V7. yioe,f R. spentf i Sunday ; atr atoacea Springs, They reported avery plesht trip -: -feMisrt Irma x Smith; :i of Norfolk b spending tjhis w Hollomon. , , , ': gMrvPaUielirris spent i last wee with Lirs A Bass. fiMffi H.iC?iWMnl little dau- terHalen y is in Norfkithreiativesv : , ? ftMrtt&lljGaW Windsor Z! spent Saturday night with Miss Lins t and; Celia Bass spent Pri- day in; ;1 Colerain-f S :S:i:: V 1 ABoskie span t) Sunday and Monday inltdwriw fMrsgi;'MHarrl. spent last week in Harrellsville visitN Rignt manyj of 4- the people . around -? here lajttended the ; tobacco sale at A hsk fe ; J as tThuTsday'- legra is particularly a disease of the p on or xw here it does strike aninj3iyiduali membBf.ael soine reasonhas Sot beeh;eating awell balanced diet llJclird lnglltt Jajjpa 'pllegragirdue strictedjfe tKerecentllslig financial condition tople pellegrin shpu)iniludfa andatialf at least four eggs and a half pound of fresh, lean meat, to- ether with a liberal allowance of peas arid bans. These ar tides of diet should be varied somewhat from time to time to suit the taste bf the patient. Very . little, if any, medicines are recommended or are found necessary j In4 this connection Dr. Goldberger cites some causes bf more ;or less fraudulent so called pellegra cures that are be ing heralded as sure cures for pellegra ; at I good; st prices-: and, what's more; their patrons are getting cured . According to Dr. Goldberger, it matters lit tle whether a person is;giyen a solution of salt and water, sugar concoction at a dollar 6i two h ounce for so long as the patient ed home Saturday night after a very pleasant stay at Panacea Springs. y " -Miss NanhierPi'nianSretu home - Tuesday : af ter spend i ng sorno time with relatives here OmGriffiiilatlPefry-s ;Xrj tend 'tneChleeUng 'Fain 7' eraiftplri brie of eostViprom and fanners of Chowan colintyjacd a native oft Nbrthamptbr folk convention of the peanut growera ' oJfeCarb!ina! aiid rstfnia, J Dr. G rtfteaurimpU den t bf Fihe Mt!uti hav ing in charge the inaiiguration or: ca- : tablishment of peanut cleaners by tha members of jtlgFarmrs'yXJpion; A. charter v has been ; secured from' thfl State of Virginia for the company and furthfolfBaniwtibn' On thissurettvBiV Griffin will -spak to bur IfiarmerT by the president, Mr. J. J Lawrence Harrington; to urge as many of tha members, to attend as possible. liberally of such ; thih ai w niilk; eggs," beansahdlpeas f the chances of hisigettirig welfare very . strongly in his favorand of cburse;he: credits thej a tised plep reni curei;-;i-JcM ern cities. They, ;will be absent for quite a time, and on tiieir returnwiW JresideJhltMethcK dist Parsonage w hichuhas been recently repaired and put in fine order for thec6mingfbithe bride. I am " sure no couple who ; ever commenced married life in Windsor r will be received with more genuine hospitaIityf and ireal ieiidHness than"pur friend Mr. -Hayman nd his bride. , She will in a short time feel very . much at 1 home in Windsor, where our good , peopl e of every creed . are swift to ex- Co. Union First Thnrsday The county meeting of the Para ers' Union of Bertie , cou nty will m est with;:Perry's Local on the ; First Thuya d ay - in September it being the 2nd day. ; I ; urge every Local to send a full and large delegation or represen tation. It , is rery importan t,L I tlct ters ' affecting every y member end hia welfare "will be idiscussed. therefore It . is; urgent that y we: have a large at tendance.; Aside from the question of peanut ; bags and ' such matters . thcro are other important questions tbcczaa ud before the Union and I insist open every member,:, if possi ble ': attending. Remember the place - -Perry's LocsL at Perry to wri ; and the time the first Thursday in September, the 2nd dayc : J JLRCB f HARRINGTONi, 0 :0 President. J. M. PEBRy, Secretary. : " l ypman s missionary ItJ SoclGty : TheWoman'a Missipnaryf Society of Cashie Baptist church desires to ex press its appreciation of the services rendered by the variou s commi t teea a t the Meeting-of the ; Wbman's llissicn ary Union of the West Chowan Asso ciation ; on July ;ther 28th with, tha Cashie, Baptist church. , .. The Society also wishes to express thanka toj Mr. kindnessv and thoughtfulriess in sup plying, watermelons, lemons," sugar, tend the cordial hand and.speak etc-Vwih added mach t0 tho enj?y- tne" words of sincere and hearty geetini f MrsL: Pierce Pres. Mrs vE. fU. Gatling; Se 1