1 MOTHER OF SCHOOL GIRL Jells How Lydia ii.PirJdiam's Vegetable CompoundlRe- stbred Her Daughf u teVs Health. 11 rn :i?-i 1 chiJd emai spoke bctors ey did r any. Plover; Iowa. ' From, a sms my 13 year j old daughter chad lllSlliWSWiW!il!i to three not help h Lydia E. Pinkhanrs I Vegetable Com pound had teen of great benefit to m, so I decided jo have her . give it a trial. ! She has taken five bottles of the fVfege- J table Compound ac- ordirig to directions on the bottle and she is cured of this trouble. She was' all run' down when she started taking the Compound and her periods did not , come right She was so, poo rly and freak that I often had to help h ir dress herself, but now she is regular and is growing strong and healthy." Mrs. Martin Hel vi g, Plover, Iowa. Hundreds of such letters expressing gratitude for the good Lydia E. Pink liam's Vegetable Compound hasj accom plished are constantly being received, proving the reliability of this grand old lemedy. If you are ill do not drag along and continue to suner aay m ana uay out uuu at once take Lydia E. Pinkham1 s Vege table Compound, a woman's remedy for woman's ills. If you want special advice Trite to lydia E. Pinkham Medicine C . (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will "be opened, read and answered by a roma& and held in strict confidence CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION dta?e or rsiortn (jarolina, Department of State To all to Whom These Presents Mcy Come Greeting: Whereas, It appears to mjy satis faction, by daily authenticated record 9t the proceedings for, the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholder!, depos ited in my office, that the Roanoke Stiver Log Company, a Corporation of this State, whose principal office is sit aated in the Town of Lewiston, County ef Bertie, State of North Carolina, (J. P. East, being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process led with 21. Re- may jbe verged), has compl "Jfrffi requirements of Chapter Tiaed 1905. entitled 'Corporations " preliminary to the issuing of this Cer tificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of Jforth Carolina, do hereby certify that she said Corporation did, on the 1st day of July, 1915, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of paid cor poration, executed by all of the stock holders thereof, which said consent and the record of the pr jceedings Aforesaid are now on file in my said ffice as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have Aereto set my hand and affixed '.my fficial seal tt Raleigh, this 1st day of illy, A. D. 1915. I ' J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State, (Seal) lecoramends Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea 1 never hesitate to recommend Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera Thoea Remedy' writes Sol merchant, Jesse, Tenh. "I f it than any other preparations of Ike character. I have used it myself and found it gave me more anything else 1 have ever tr same purpose. ' ' Obtainab where. and Diar Williams, sell more relief than ed for the a every- i WHAT COTpIl IS It has been said that every third person has catarrh in some form. - Science has shown that nasal catarrh cften' indicates a general!; weakness " cf the body; and local treatments in the form of snuffs and vapc fs do little. -H any good. -Cl'ljS ft v To correct catarrh you should treat its cause, by enriching your blood with the il-food in Scott's Emulsioil I which is a v medicinal food and a building-tonic, free from alcohol or any harmful drugs. Tryit. ' Scott & Bowne, Bloomfiela, N.J. ' fi B3oJTJKH?o-BE9 palvo IL :r1?5or PZIco, Curcoj Ocrco. &H.QW Am c 3C MURFREESBORO, NORTH CAROLINA A high-grade .small College for women, founded in 1848. Restricts its attendance with an aim to provide each girl with the, maximum closeiridividual attention and Instruction. - Offers carefully selected and fully rounded courses in Liberal Arts, Science, , Music, ' Expres sion, Physical Culture and Domestic Science Preparatory department for high' school - under graduates. Additional to'regular college work provides Teachers -Training Courses which fit for teaching throughout the State. Strong graduate- faculty, magnificent fifty-acre ; campus wi tlx in vi ting lawns and drive-ways, .s Ideal conditions for abundant outdoor; exercise. A perfect college cown. Healthful location, cultured residents, and religion tone where: the moral and spirituals wel fare of the daugther is carefully guarded; Board, Room and Literary Tuition only $168.00. Next session opens September 8ch. For, Catalogue an particulars address. f ; K .it " G. E. LINEBERRY, Pres. Murfreesboro, N. C. - More Comfortable, More Beautiful, More Powerful-As Economical as Ever f Jl. Just as truly as first impressions are lasting impressions, you will always think of the Jiupmbbile as a big car A car of surpassing beauty A car of delightfurcomfort A really extraordinary value at its price. Your first ride in it will show you performance that proves the car as good as it looks. And your ownership will give you daily satisfaction & its economy and its never-failing service. Please let us arrange for your demonstration at your earliest convenience. 1 Before you do ride in "the new car, we want to tell you of some of the things which make; it, in our belief, the great est Hupmobile yet built. On the score of quality, and resultant durability and economy, it has been difficult to make improvements. ln'proot ol tnis, we neea do no more than point to the Hupmobile repair cost record of less thah cent per mile ; and its well knbwn fuel, oiland tireeGonomy. The new car will go as far on a gallon of gasoline and oil, although" its power is 20 per cent greater. This produces a correspondingly better performance; a response to the ithrottle' that is hard for any car to excel. The five-passenger model retains . the generous proportions which set its predecessor apart from the usual five- y passenger type. j Its -riding comfort is even greater, be - - cause t the cushions are two inches thicker, built of real curled hair and the finest cushion springs, and covered with genuine leather. , The conveniences which mean so much to the comfort . of driver and passengers - are also improved. Perfect protection from rain is assured by - the new windshield ; the one-man top is even.easier to operate than before; the side curtains are tHe same quick-acting .storm-proof type. , , ',,-tj,- But you cannot form a real conception of f j Hupmpbile value by reading about it. : Aii inspection of : the car, and a ride in it, i willtestablish the car, in your estima-v (tion, for .what it actually is the best value i in the market at anywhere near - its price; ? If you know anything about automobiles, you surely know the esteem in which j Hupmobile, owners, alrhost without- . ) exception hold their cars ; the complete k satisfaction jHuprnobile ownership ! affords i them. : v ' . This car issues from the same faetorv- j is proaucea oy tne same organization; ; ' that has made the Hupmobile famous : : for its sturdiness and economy: ; ' J Let us give you your demonstration now. ' Your order placed at this time will as-: j sure .delivery of your, new car-when a car is the source of greatest pleasure: V: y r m . .- .. ... I ' ' i" " Country Conveniences Moving to -town to et v benefit of modern home con,, eneesis : no longer necessary We have our daily delivery of mails and if we, do. not have ra. ral telephone rfervice it is our own fault' for as long as the price of a telebhone is and telephone wire:can be bougt for three cents a pound, or less the cost of installing the tele phone is not prohibitive. As a result of the antivitv nf - vj. tuc rar- mers' Union of the South and of the Farmers' Grange of the North,; we now have a parcel post rate that competes with ex press rates for shipping our pro duce in small packages in the near; by zones and also for bring ing, light packages of merchan dise out on the rural routes. De livery of packages pf . limited weight by parcel post is perhaps' no more expensive i than the de livery of small Dackaorpa cer wagons-in cities. f .""I'd like to have water and ..&Vvw v ,jr wilt n a were aDie tof install them, X said a well-to-do farmer the other day. If every farmer had these conveni ences; who is really able to af ford them, there wouldn't be much : to ; complain about A carbide (accetylehe) Jight plant v-au uc lustaueu . ior less tnan $150, with friction lighting arrangement,- The , carbide light is a softer light than the electric and is in every way a practical lignt for the country home. An air-tight "(compressed airj water tank with connections , and a small pumping engine can be provided at a cost of $100 and up, according to capacity of the tank. , It is said that an ener getic and progressive farmer canget anything he wants, but he must first want it enough to make some effort to gefit. With thousand of farmsMt isn't a question as to being able to own these modern home conveniences KMw it 10 t 4ucawuu u mi Wiietner they will do without something e se of less service and less value and the only I reason i they do not not yet realized their value, . ; Hundreds of farmers in North Carolina' own automobiles4 and their homes f are ; not provided with watery ligh ts "fireless cooker kitchen cabinet, etc, all which may be purchased for much less than the purchase? price of an automobile. A. trip is taken only occasionally in the ; automo bile, while the wife must spend neany an tne time, in the home and in the kitchen laboratory. We have only-one' ;lifeito live. and:most of that . life is spent in ?the : home, j Isn't it worth while,: then, to ; take advantage of modern inventive geniui and make the home : attractive and convenient.? - Again, let rae emphasize the fact that j it is no longer, necessary for o to, move to towir to endy all the fioae conTeniencea that city people enjoy and wei can get them . at less cost than the city, people get them. The sooner we, quit moving to town to educate country children aiid: to get the benefit of modern home. ; conveniences, r an determine to establish", better schools to the i home district, ' and carry the modern conveniences to the country home, the quicker we will begin to see a transformation in rural life ; s cona tions. Entirely too many farmers are hunting excuses Jo move to town. - By the ' riglit kind of 'cooperation rural community life can be made as " tracrive and as inviting and as profita ble as urban life, But we, must fi"V ?et a vision of better things and be cpmy cooperative community builder8 -Progressive B armer. . Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O AS TO & ,.5