- y jfov Beetle Go Bataca-Ipbtlatbea Con vention at flTmrs Mill IHoV. 27-28. 1915: Sat urbN Everting 8 p, m. Song. - ' - Music. , ' ; Address , of- Welcome ... v. .V . . Response . . . ... ... ... Song. Speaking.. Prayer ..i.. '..J Music. Assignment of Homes to Delegates. Baraca-Philathea Benediction, P-' - ..:...-..H. Hi Mizelle i-: ........ V....;H. W. Early ....... : A. R. Williams I..'.1 ....Rev. H. H. Honejcutt SUNDAY A. M. 10:00 Song , by Congregation. Soncr bv Choir. Speech to Baracas and Philatheas....v.. ,...A. R. Williams Prayer. Song. ; Recess,, 11:00. Song' by Choir. Song by Congregation j Song, Philathea-Philathea . . . . . Song... Doxology. Dismissal. SUNDAY 55oncr. Speech. .. . . . ... S. B. Adams Music. ... 'S - Prayer. r ' Speech .... ....... - .........- ..... ; . . . . . By Philatheas ........ ......In Baraca's Sweet Vale p. m. 2;00. "'.I oca TJpnYvrra. raijw jw w w. . - , Dnnn) To Kl A TSiO fill d QIAn ' - - Soncr.iFarewell to, .Sin--i-. The News From ....... ..: .....Everett Hunter , : (- . J. "f . - .... , - - - L. A. 'Williams By Baracas v w-Ww- J J' The old site of the Aulander Graded School will be sold at public f auction on Monday, December 13th, 1915 J at 12 o'clock m., by order of the Boatd of Trustees. The sale will take place on the premises and terms ; will ie made satisfactory to purchasers. T ie oroperty will be divided into two lots one of which will include the old build-1 ing the dimensions of which will 3e 110 by 210. The other lot -adjoiis the Baptist church property ana tvi ill be 75 by 110. This is most desirable property and should bring a good price., I Hon. C. W. Mitchell, Rev.M. P. Davis and Prof, Chas. H. Jenkins p peared before the Board of ' Cour ty Commissioners " at Windsor on ; fii st Monday to ask an appropriation of $750 for the new Far m Life (School. As Mr. Mitchell stated before, tie loard, the school is not begging funds, but- having provided for something like $35,000 to equip this ; school,? an y ap propriation by the county, would lessen the burden undertaken by the Ioal community, Furthermore should the commissioners grant the request, it would enable this, school together w th the appropriation of a like amount' jy the loard of Education, to call on: the State for $1500, making a total of $3,000. The Board, of Education granted the appropriation on th-tir part, and when it is f considered tha ; a like appropriation by the county would make this school a county Farm L fe school, there is every reason to believe; that the request will be granted. The school will be open to the entire county free of tuition in either event, but .it would seem . an opportunity for ' he. county to appropriate , this1 sm all amount and secure ; the ; benefits ie rived from the operation of this nsw system of education. Also as : ir ti mated before the Board,- the r jlnstr ic tor in Agriculture ! pnd Domes tic Science will be available for: county demonstration work without cost; I It could not be expected ; that j the tn structor could leave the college at all times, but during the vacation s ;a-; sons, and other..f times; occasional ly, this work could be supplied, thus do ng away with the proposed I county Dem onstration work at a big salary. '. This section of, the country is ripe lor thjs and they have proven of great benefit. We are an agricultural . country, r and education along this line should be welcomed. It is the logical instruct ion .for this section. We - trust that the commissioners, who took the mat ter under advisement, will appropriate this amount for the benefit of the county. No one doubts but that this small sum .in connection with the $35. .000 furnished by the town of Aulan der, will greatly benefit this section for miles, and that the county will be amply repaid tor the appropriation. The outside work ofxthe new school building is about completed, and pre sents a splendid appearance; from, all sides. Situated on a commanding ele vation,' this building can be seen from every approach to town,- and is a credit to the community. The people of Aulander are building up great hopes along with ' the building of this school, and they have voluntarily bur dened themselves with an obligation which will amount to nearly ;$40,000 all told. ' These people ; are doing ev- ery thing, possible for the betterment of the future , generation, and their sacrifices will mean much ' to Bertie county and, the surrounding counties. Here will Domestic Science be- taught by actual work . isself. Any person within the county may, attend this school free of charge for tuition. It is to be hoped that not only young boy a and girls, but also older ? men r and women will take advantage of the op portunities offeied in this school. o;d;c eels it work, Other counties have met with success in operating Farm Life schools The Joseph; B Cherry Chapter. U. D. C. at Merry Hill, C, met on Nov. 3rd, ,1915,; and elected the fol lowing officers. " President, Mrs: M. E. Small wood; 1st, Vice President, Miss Mittie Phelps; 2nd, Vice Presi dent. Mrs William R." Smith; Treas urer, Mrs. R. J, Shield's; Rec. , Sec. Mrs. Mrs. Samuel Adams; cbr.-Secretary Miss Jessie "White; Registrar, Mrs. Asa Phelps; Reporter Mis3 Myrtle Williford. ' 1 This chapter has been organized just one year -since that time it has done good work such as helping 'the aged confederate soldiers, and a , play under the managment of . this chap ter will be - presented; soon, , at the Merry Hill Graded School. - Miss .Myrtle Willif ord, : ' , - . f Reporter. J. H. Matrhews -For? The Legislature: , The people of thf county will, be much interested in the ; following let ters. ' Mr. Matthews' announcement will be read with interest; He is well known air over the county and has rendered strong and . valuable party service, The letters are interesting reading and speak for themselves; ; Colerairi, N. C, Nov. 2, 1915 Mr. J. ' H. ' Matthews; V- V v 'Windsor,:N;C. V.. , " Dear Hilary Since 7 we returned from HaleihVwheiewar':7caBe' "-..about the raise of taxes was7 placed so favor able before the Commission that!1 they reduced bur Coun ty increase a - third: I have thought a good deal about " the law authorizing such an increase with- out notice - and - hearing r 1 r do not think that so much power; ought to be lodged in any three menand especially without having some means of having their action reviewed. It, is true we got some measure of relief j'butv very few counties did and ; I think this ar bitrary power placed iri the hands of the Commission shuuld be : restricted. After hearing lyour aiument before the Commission; I became . convinced that your ideas on ' the' ; subject Were correct, and, I have thought of it" a J good deal and nave concluded that you could be of use to tho county and - the State in Raleigh as a member of the legislatuie, : especially . in passing :a proper and just tax Jaw. ' The purpose 'of this letter is to ask the direct questbn if yba will not ac cept the nomination for' the legisla ture.? I hear a great many people use. your name in that connection and I have no doubt you will be nominated if you will oecome a candidate. Write me and let me know if "vou will ac cept; j rI Jhqpe; you wili-rVitb, ,best wishes V.:? . Commissioners PrdcHediuus "1 J 3 rVQuh.iriend , 1 D. 11. Britton. f ; Nov. 8, 1915. Mr; D. R. Britton, , .V: ; ( i Colerain,N. ,C., v My dear RovrI wish to thank you sincerely for the high compliment of your recent letter. I agree with you that too much Dower is lodged in ' the tax commission in. the matter of raising taxes, and that thereshould be great er safe guards and an easier and surer way to have their conduct reviewed 1 have given these matters a good deal of thought and feel that the present system of placing this arbi trary power in the hands of three men un- cquainted with the local values and conditions is bjth unjust and undemo As to your question about my being a candidate for the legislature I wish to Bay that this is not so easily dis posed of - As you know I have had an ambition to serve the. people in that way, but I have not felt that I should force my candidacy on; the peo ple and, have been content to bide their will , and pleasure. -Within the past few months a number of leading citi zens have urged me to become a . can didate for the legislature and I have given your letter very serious consider-? ation and have showed it to a few of my e friends and 'leading Democrats about the county who have been in town since its receipt. After consult ing i with them, I have decided that I will be a candidate for the nomination and authorize you to so inform , my friends. If nominated v L will ive my time,; and best efforts to the party and represent the people of, my county honestly and to the best, ; of my ability If not nominated I will still u give the party and county my1 best efforts when called on. ' -. " ' - Again thanking you for your com plimentary letter. , I am with sincere regards, . - -, - Your friend, " J..H. Matthews, v n- 0 The Last Tailoring Opening of The : . Season- ; ; Mr. S. R. Eaton, with M. M. Mosse's Tailors, will be with is court-week. If ,you have v not bbu gh t y our win ter su i t, be sure you see his big line of ; samples. J. H. & J. E. White. . . " The Board of' "County Commission ers of Bertie county met in the court house i n -: VVi nd so r," on Monday No ve m De r the Is t X9 15 with .h e " f ol lo wi n g members of the board present. D R. Britton. Chairman, R; 'J. ShieWs. ,T. .W.'Griffin, ; S. 'JeuKius and J. ;B. Stokes-." !: " The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, after which' the following business was tansacied. Pursuant to chapter 35, volume 1 of the. Revival of. North, Carolina,- a petition, from the citizens of Woodville TownBbip was 1 presented to the board asking for an election in said township to ascertain the will of the people as to, whetheror riot .'there shall; be a 'Stock Law" in said, township.' The petition was granted and the election was called for the 11th day : ef I Jan uary 1916 the same being Tuesday, and J, T. Veale was appointed Reg-' istrar, and Ji N Hoggard and1 D ' M; Casper were appointed Poll Holders; and the-. town of Lewitun designated as the place of holding aid election.. Hon. C. -W. , MS tchell, J Rev, M. ; . P Davis and Irof. C. H Jenkins appear ed before the . BoardJ ask in g that 1 the cou n ty assist finan ci al ly ., to the amou n I of $750,00 in the establishment ofxthe Farm L1fe.8qhqol?jtiow -in couree'Oi' ( ejection in the f town of Aulander Th- matttr ,,a( deferred. until-the. meeting in December for consideration ' . .The. following' accounts were audited and ordered paid: V - . . General Fund . - W. J Butler, feeding priso: era In jail,' . . ,? W L Lyon, expenses bill Oc tober, , William Sanderlin, ' Janitor. . service October-.- - r D WPittmtilm, ; conveying , , prisoneirta jail, -' . v vW Ii Lyon , salary, month of . - October.? , " , 'M llnenibeE'-Pcihaion'.bQard, , 4 .V.2.dc C;TBroWn,rharid hire; for .bridge,' ' " Windsor Electric & Power Co lights. . - ; ' ' R W Askew, one day. mem ber Pension Board, Edwards & Broughton, tax book for: Register's office, D R Evans, catching arid con-; ; veying prisoners to jail. . S W Kenney salary Register of Deeds, -, '' ' Ed Skiles keeping Sans Souci ferry October, , t ;sK-. Lee VVynns, ( lumber .? for , bridge, ' , ' ' - - , Suffolk Feed & Fuel Co. cement for bridge, v , J H Allen, ' conveying prison ers to jail, S P Hale, lumber for Burden mill bridge, D A Askew, lumber for bridge, W H Beasley, briek-fer j ail : J S Deans, labor on steel beams, J W Cooper, salary October, C L Henry, fright bill, vV T Heckstall, lumber work on bridge, J F Phelps salary , and penses county farm, ; Chowan & Roanoke Tel. telegrams, . E Rhodes, lumber for court house. . W M . Davis, r mattress for , jail, . - G W Thomas, mdse for. pris- oners, - ; Jno c Bell, salary -Treasurer 'for October. . 1- , . . Jno O" . Bell, sending crazy person to chowan County. S ,W .. Keanev, , marriage licrnce. refunded, R C Bazemore. 'supplies 'for court house repairs, Herring & Beale, steel beams and error jn bill, Windsor Ledger, , printing, A O Askew carrying patient to hospital, Dr J L Pritchard, services to the county, -V Jesse Hoggard, 5 lumber for bridge, P R Gillam. merchandise for 'prisoner,. , i-, Austin-Western ; Co. v blade3 for machine. Stokes & Tadlock, supplies for jail, ..." 2 25 and ex- co. 1.10 120.76 10 00 v:'sltob ? 125 Of) if . . 00 205.24 4.10 2.00 18.82 4.6 b 125.00 12.50 22.72 50.69 . 4.00 3.46 ; 4.95 ' 1.50 " -75 208.00 17.10 395; 13 213.06 : 243 :. 297 : 19.52 .400 5000 1.55 I 3700 i '-.1 1 " 2 30 10 00 ; 2 95 14 95 r ' 6? :-f-- - 4 46 00 .43 49 50 14 00 ; G66 .7 00 Fund 15 42 ;'3 91 r: E C. Harreli; help for G FT Leary. , . , Windsor Pnrm cv.J su;ilirM for the county. , W'fT Thorn Don vyoik on the courfhouse, A . , : , Colerain Township "Road A Eson, labor, etc., . ; V H Frenmnn, nrvices and -" Jumber Oriiige,' - Suff ol k Feed & Fuel Co. . : 39 3D W ;H Perry, services and . hauling, . . 16 00 : Mitchell Township Road ' Fund Jesse Hoggard, road ; ex r periBes, J 4 338 0-i Indian Woods Township Road Fund D C Outlaw, service on road, . 10 00 Merry Hill. Township Road Fund ' Ernest White, service and: 1 . labor, - - . 115 00 - ? Windsor ' Township Road -Lund W.T HeckBtall, services la-, " , bor, etc.. ; : : . '. 65 63 i Woodville Township Road Fund DVWPittman, service, ex- senses, etc J ' ; SO 81 D VV Pictraan. expenses, ' "' 4 59 . Snakebite Township Road r'und ; Haler road: expenses, 6 50 ; - : Whites TowriEhip : ? D P Reid & Bro. feed, -; , ' 75 91 The following reports of; county, officers were audited, approved and ordered recorded: - ; S vW Kenriey,"f, Register of Deeds.fees received in cash - 52 05 Fees for which i he county is liable, ; ; : ,v ; 607 20 yv .Li Liyon.-. Clerk Superior , .rj ' : Ht ourt,. -fees received . in iashi'K J.yW... Cooper, Sheriff,. ..fees ".-received .in. cash, :r- c ,50 88 4no. ; C Bell. J Treasufer, 82 82 There being, no furtherbusincss, tho meeting adjourned on motion. :' T rr.D.vn: brittqij,5 1 124,10 CflPf HART II Jl CfllMlE Nov. 4; 1915 This is to say, to; my, frjenda that I am under lasting obliga tions J to them, for ' their loyal support at the primaries and at the polls last November when they nominated and elected mo to, the House of Representatives. I announced to my friends at that time that.I would not again be a candidate. V My determi nation at that k time has grown stronger, as the days have; pass ed and I nor- announce to the bublic that under no circum stances willI ask for another nomination. I am ready to sup port some . strong Democrat- I say '.'Strong' because my ex perience has convinced me that none but the ablest of a coun ty 's citizenship,' should be in ita Liegislative Hajl. ; - : Alanson Capehart. Velco'mes Rev; Qnd! Llrs. ' If Ul 11U1 Mrs. J. E. - Warner of Nova Scotia, mr. warner is a clergy man of the -church of Canada and comes here temporarily .. to supply the charges . included . in the Windsor group of Episcopal churches. He is greatly pi eas ed, with bur part of the conti nents Our people find him ta be a very agreeable gentleman. He and 'his family will occupy the Rectory on Castle Heights. Their daughter, Miss Warner, s will join her parents here thia week . A-r They have come South for a warmer climate and'for a vacation' for Mr. Vyarner. fhey. will' remain until July 1st. .1916J Subscribe tol th3 Lcd-er, 51.C0, p: year. V