BERTIE LEDGER-ADVANCE APRIL 4,20181 B5 The fabric of Bertie County since 1832 Faith More than meets the eye! Recently I was invited to at tend a luncheon event for cur rent employees and retirees of an organization for which 1 worked for nearly 28 years. As 1 began to anticipate reconnect ing with past co-workers and with meeting new ones as well, 1 reflected on how the many years of my career were such an integral part of God’s plan for my life. For starters, my job required me to move away from home. That may not Seem like a big deal to you, but to a then 21-year-old that who never been far beyond the confines of his hometown, to move to a place hundreds of miles away where he knew no one was for me a big deal! This was somewhat intimidating and frightening but God used that to strengthen my faith and trust in Him. Secondly, this relocation and major life change would serve as a catalyst for me eventually to meet my future wife to whom I’ve been married to for thirty- two years now! We have 2 amaz ing children and 2 wonderful grandchildren as a result of that blessing! Thirdly, it began a process of growth and development of the gifts, talents and abilities that God had placed within me but had laid dormant until specific circumstances and opportuni- Pastor Jay Rivenbark Be Still ties forced and allowed these strengths to be utilized. As my career advanced, it also required numerous geographi- cal relocations of my family. Each move also neces sitated finding a new church and developing new friends. The ex posure to vari ous churches, de nominations and opportunities to serve within each of them helped ta broaden our hori zons and Biblical world view. Each new location presented new challenges and new oppor tunities to grow and develop. Many of the leadership, bud geting, resource management, public speaking and problem solving skills that would be so important in pastoring a church were taught to me through the years of employment and public service to others. Little did I realize God was us ing my job and life experiences to prepare me for what I am do ing currently. Fourthly, we have learned that there are wonderful people ev erywhere with whom we can de velop relationships if we make ourselves available to them. Proverbs 18:24 reminds us that a man who has friends must first show himself friendly Recently we have been look ing at the life of Abraham who was called to leave his home, his family, and even his country in order to follow God’s call on his life and to experience the promises of God that had been made to him. Too often we resist change and are unwilling to leave be hind things in our life in order to pursue something better that God has planned for us. Life is short! Don’t settle for the famil iar or the safe route. Be like Abraham. Listen to God’s call, move in obedience and trust Him to lead you. Abra ham’s decisions of obedience would have huge consequences and benefits that even affect us as believers to this very day! Galatians 3:29 puts it this way: “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.’’ Just as the recent luncheon did for me, occasionally we need to look back at where we have been, where we are now, and where God wants to lead us. It’s never too late to get started. Pastor Jay Rivenbark is Pas tor of Open Door Church - Bertie Campus. He can be reached via email at The Lord is always with us Whatever is going on around us. He IS there. The Word of God says in Deu teronomy 31:6, “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Sometimes it may feel like we are all alone and nobody seems to care, but God is there all along. Like in the book of Luke when Jesus and the disciples were in a boat in a storm. Luke 8:22-25 says, “Now it happened, on a certain day, that He got into a boat with His dis ciples. And said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side of the lake”. And they launched out. But as they sailed He fell asleep. And a windstorm came down on the lake, and they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy. And they came to Him and awoke Him, saying, “Master, Master, we are perishing! Then He arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water. And they ceased, and there was a calm.” We look at this story in scrip ture and see that Jesus was there for His disciples. He was there when they got in the boat. He was there when they were sailing. He was there when the storm was raging, and He was there when they reached the other side. So Jesus was there when ev erything was go ing great and He was also there when things were really rough. You may be going ~ through a rough time, and it may seem like nobody’s there. It may even feel like when you do pray your prayers just fall to the ground and no one’s listen ing. The storm may be raging and you feel like your boat is about to sink. I want to tell you be of good courage. He’s in the boat with you! He does hear you. He is listening! I’m reminded of the story in Daniel chapter 3 where the The Rev. Jason Johnson Be Still king had the three Hebrew boys thrown into the fiery furnace and when he looked in saw four men up walking around. The king said in verse 25, “I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.” The Lord was with them even in the fire. The Word says in verse 27 that they saw these men on whose bodies the fire had no power; the hair of their head was not singed nor were their garments affected, and the smell of fire was not on them. Thank God He is there for us! Even when the storm is raging or we have to go through the fire. He is there. The devil may have meant it for evil but God can turn it around for good. Remember be of good courage He will never leave you nor will He ever forsake you. HE IS WITH YOU! The Rev. Jason Johnson is Pas tor of Freedom Fellowship of Ber tie. He can be reached via email at Bible Trivia Special Events Church announcements are published each week in the Bertie Ledger-Advance. The deadline to submit news items for this listing is 10a.m. each Monday. Submissions may be emailed to April 7 Missions Fundraiser COLERAIN - The Women on Missions of Coieraio Baptist Church wiii have a fundraiser on Saturday, Aprii 7 at The Twice Around Shop. The doors wiii open at 8 a.m. Lunch wiii be served at 11 a.m. and wiii consist of hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and sodas. Baked goods aiso wiii be available for purchase. The profits from the sale of items will go toward mis sions to help people who have lost everything in a flood, tornado or other disaster. The Twice Around Shop is located on Winton Street in Colerain. April 8 7Ups ROXOBEL - The Inspirational Choir will sponsor the “7‘ ups” at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 8 at Sandy Branch Missionary Baptist-Church. The church is located on N.C. 308 near the Northampton County line. The Interim Pastor, the Rev. W. Rob Lewis II, and con gregation invite the public to attend. April 8-11 Spring Revival Services WINDSOR - Spring Revival Services are planned for April 8-11 at Ross Baptist Church. Services will begin nightly at 7 p.m. The guest speaker will be Dr. Matt Thomas, Director of Camp Cale in Hertford. He wiii be joined by the Praise Team of Access Point Church in Edenton on Sunday’s Youth Night. The church is located at 1020 Bull Hill Rd. in Windsor. The Pastor, the Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Russeli, and congrega tion invite the public to attend. Aprii 15 Women’s Day WINDSOR - Women’s Day wiii be observed at 11 a.m. Sunday, April 15 at St. James Church of Christ (DOC). Eldress Allle James will deliver the message. She will be accompanied by the Smithwick Chapel Choir and congre gation. Dinner will be served following the service. At 3 p.m., Eldress Maggie Mensah wiii be the speaker. The St. James Choir will provide music. The church is located at 326 U.S. 13-17 in Windsor. The Pastor, Willie 0. Speller, and congregation invite the public to attend. April 21 Evening Prayer ROXOBEL - Evening Prayer will be observed at 5 p.m. SaturSay, April 21 at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. Light refreshments wiii be served following the service. The church is located at 206 W. Church St. in Roxobel. The Rev. Canon Sonny Browne and congregation invite the public to attend. BY WILSON CASEY 1. Is the book of Sa maria in the Old or New Testament or nei ther? 2. When he had a vi sion, who said, “Not so. Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or un clean”? Adam, Reuben, Samson, Peter 3. From Acts 7, who was the first person martyred for his belief in Jesus Christ? Apol- los, John the Baptist, Jehu, Stephen ANSWERS: 1) Neither; 2) Peter; 3) Stephen; Stop Shop & Grill 1105 N. Broad St. Edenton 252-482-0834 CELL PHONE Sales • Activate Repair • Flash Phones Vapes & Tabacco Products Seafood Plates Days. 794-5259 - Nights 794-4352 ■ Windsor, NC 27983 252-482 VIDANT” B&rtis Hos0itsi 1403 South King Street | Windsor 252-794-6600 I Phone; 252-794-2780 • Mobile; 252-209-5582 I