BERTIE LEDGER-ADVANCE APRIL 24,20191 B3 The fabric of Bertie County since 1832 Faith Special Events Church announcements are published each week in the Bertie Ledger-Advance. The deadline to submit news items for this listing is 10a.m. each Monday. Submissions may be emailed to April 24-25 Youth Revival Continues HARRELLSVILLE - Youth Revival Services are continuing April 24-25 at New Bethany Baptist Church. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Robert Watson, Asso ciate Minister of Weeping Mary Baptist Church in Lewiston Woodville. The Praise Service will begin nightly at 7 p.m. followed by the Worship Service at 7:30 pm. The New Bethany Youth Choir and other area choirs will provide music for the revival. The Pastor, The Rev. Dr. W.C. Clark, and congregation invite the public to attend. April 26 Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser WILLIANISTON - A Spaghetti dinner fundraiser is planned for 4-7 p.m. Friday, April 26 at the Scout Flut in William- ston. The dinner is to raise funds for Celebrate Recovery, a Christ-center program for those with hurts, hang-ups and bad habits. The dinner will include spaghetti with homemade meat sauce, salad, garlic bread and a homemade desert. The price is $7 in advance and $8 at the door. The Scout Hut is located at 117 South Smithwick Ave. in Williamston. For more information call 252-508-1875 or 252-799- 1006. April 27 Holy Eucharist ROXOBEL - Holy Eucharist will be observed at 5 p.m. Sat urday, April 27 at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. Light refreshments will be served following the service. The church is located at 206 West Church St. in Roxo- bel. The Senior Warden, Johnna Browne-Lewis, and congre gation invite the public to attend. April 30-May 2 Revival Services WINDSOR - Revival Services are planned April 30 through May 2 at St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church. The services will begin nightly at 7 p.m. The guest speakers include the Rev. Shawn Robinson of Gale Street Baptist Church in Edenton (Tuesday), the Rev. Purcell Whitaker of Peterson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Merry Hill (Wednesday) and the Rev. Samuel Fields (Thursday). The Pastor, the Rev. Kennedy L. Barber, and congrega tion invite the public to attend. May 5 Deacon, Deaconess and Trustee Day MERRY HILL - The annual Deacon, Deaconess and Trust ee Day will be observed at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 5 at Peter son Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. The guest speaker will be the Rev. David E. Moore of Indian Woods Missionary Baptist Church. His congregation will accompany him. Singspiration GOLD POINT - A Singspiration will be held at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, May 5 at Gold Point Christian Church. Carolina Cord Connection will be featured. Refreshments will be served following the service. The church is located three miles north of Robersonville on N.C. 903. The congregation invites the public to attend. Ongoing Women’s Ministry WINDSOR - The Women’s Ministry meets from 6-8 p.m. on the second Friday of each month at Cedar Landing Mis sionary Baptist Church. The meetings include fun activities, free food, door prizes and lots of love. BIBLE WORD SEARCH by Elie’s Spiritual Treasures COLOSSIANS 3:1-2 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION I N G C G Find the holded/underlined words in the diagram. They run in all directions — forward, backward, up, down and diagonally. WWW.SEARCHING-FOR-JESUS.COM Hoops and hope... I think 1 may have done sig nificant damage to my hip. My back is in knots. My right fore arm seems to have some kind of a strain or tear. If 1 had gone 15 rounds with my martial arts hero, Chuck Norris, I would probably not be in as bad a shape as 1 am now. All because of basketball. Basketball and the gospel, ac tually. For five years at our church, every Thursday we used to rent out a local gymnasium, open it up to the public, and have what we dubbed the Basketball Out reach. We would open in prayer, then play ball for about an hour, then I would preach for about 10 to 15 minutes, then we would play for another hour. We did this up until eight years ago, when for a variety of reasons it became necessary for us to bring it to a halt. But 1 never forgot it and never stopped dreaming of the day we could start it up again. And then last year we finished our own family life center/gym- nasium on the church property, complete with a regulation-size basketball court. As I write this, we started the basketball out reach up once again. Fifteen young men from vari ous places showed up. Everyone made introductions, we prayed to begin, and then we tipped off. And 1,1 did what 1 had promised myself I would not do; 1 played the first three games. As I think back over eight years of hiatus, 1 realize that much has changed. Back then 1 was a lean 180 pounds and quick as a cat. But for the past seven years of no basketball (Tittle cardio of any kind, actually) I have been Rev. Bo Wagner The Word of His Mouth power lifting and am now a solid 205. Back then 1 was 40; now 1 am 48. And 1 have found that, in the past eight years, humanity has all apparently got ten much faster, and gravity has apparently gotten much stronger. This is to say, in reality, 1 am old and well past basketball prime. My son, the dis respectful whelp, ran circles around me all night long and laughed about it. He even outscored me... and out-re- bounded me... and, well, 1 think you get the point. Jonathan, his 100 percent cowboy buddy from our youth group, also outplayed me. And to add insult to injury, all of them left walking just as quickly and smoothly as they arrived. I literally hobbled to my vehicle, after hobbling into the office looking for pain reliever. Then 1 winced my way home with every gear 1 changed and hobbled to the Jacuzzi tub to try and soak the pain away. A lot has changed in eight years. But what has not changed, except to perhaps grow more pronounced, is the need for churches to do this kind of thing to begin with. When last we did this, a trou bled young man came out week after week, played ball and lis tened to the preaching. Many of his friends came with him, and some of them truly began to follow the Lord. But the young man, 1 still remember him viv idly, ended up getting shot and killed in a bar brawl. I often wonder if we could have done more. But 1 also rejoice in those we were clearly able to help set on a different path. The hope the gospel gives ought to be preached in church services, yes. But not only should it be preached in church, it should be preached outside of church as well. Jesus preached from a boat to those on the'sea shore, Phillip preached in the desert to a crovvd of one, Paul preached to some women by the river, and Stephen preached at his own execution. Simply put, not all sinners can be reached “in the rut.” Most of the young men in our gymna sium hearing me preach have not yet ever been to one of our church services. While never being sinful and while never be coming like the lost to try and win the lost, it is incumbent on believers to use what tools we have at our disposal to get the gospel to those who need to hear it. And so we play basketball. When you think of us, pray for this relaunched ministry And whenever you have an ache or a pain and reach for the Tylenol, think of me and pray for me as well; my life’s verse is now the first part of Psalm 37:25, “I have been young, and now am old...” Bo Wagner is pastor of the Cornerstone Baptist Church of Mooresboro, NC, a widely trav eled evangelist, and the author of several books. His books are available on Amazon and at Pas tor Wagner can be contacted by email at In all things... ) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc. It’s 10 p.m. Joy and 1 were trav eling from a late night meeting after a nursing home visit. She said, “Honey, the car is knock ing!” We turned off the AC to make sure it was not associated with the recent addition of freon to our AC system. The knocking continued. Being the mechanical person that 1 am not, Joy makes a call to our son, Josh. He’s on the West Coast this week ministering at a church and visiting family. She describes what we have seen as we raised the hood to examine this knocking of the en gine. We had seen that the ser pentine belt had slipped over about a quarter of an inch. Josh tells her what we need to do and tells her to go to the nearest store and purchase a 14 mm box wrench. On my way down the aisle of the local WalMart, I’m swiftly heading to the hardware depart ment while Joy looks over the Easter markdowns and “spring and summer arrivals” filling the emptied Easter sales spaces. I noticed the T-shirt the man that was directly in front of me was wearing. It read, “Sawyers Re pair” and noted that it was a die sel repair shop. Da Wallace Phillips Carpenter’s Tools When I summoned him my intention was to confirm that I was looking for the right thing as I told him my story and what my son had en couraged us to do. He quickly said, “That’s ex actly right, but you don’t need to purchase a wrench. I’ve got a 14 mm in my truck.” We made our way to the parking lot and he was parked a couple of spaces over from our “knock ing Mazda.” I raised the hood, held the trusty cell phone LED light for him to adjust the ten sioner pulley and it was over in a matter of minutes - the knock ing ceased. During our conversation, I had told him that I wasn’t very good with mechanical things; that I worked with people and was a pastor. We exchanged a few more words and I made my way to the ATM. I pulled out some cash and found him catching-up with his wife in the store. I pre sented him the money. He tried to reject it, but I insisted. He expressed thanks and said, “Did you say you are a Pas tor?” I affirmed and then he said, “Would you please remem ber me? We have some prob lems in our family.” In a matter of moments 1 was speaking healing over Crohn’s Disease, calling for financial pro vision, and ministering Christ to this unchurched man. The Holy Spirit settled in and we were both blessed immensely I then recommended a local church for him to consider next Sunday I caught up with Joy and we made our way to the car thank ing God for our car trouble. Paul said that’s exactly what we should do. “In all things give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 A little car trouble resulted in an opportunity for me to shine the light of Christ and spread a little love. Remember to give thanks... in all things. Dr. Wallace Phillips is Senior Pas tor at Carpenter’s Shop Internation al Church in Ahoskie. Join them for worship this Sunday at 10 a.m. at 903 South CC Road in Ahoskie, or join them on the web at csicminis- for a live stream event. THE ILLUSTRATED BIBLE I beseech fou therefore, u mercies brethren, of Goi that pu present ^sacnhce, pur bodies I hofy, acceptable to God, which ispur reasonable service. ©2019t)y King Features Syndicate. Inc. World righfe reserved. ^ o 9 N H- >1 ^ (n I 9 H l)f^ . hXo N V h) X .r m o vCb SidMSUV HDHV3SaH0M3iaia^