I 1 1 . I j V .1 f DEDICATED TO L1AC01I County and the Vetfare of iU Good rf ' ) LIBERAL INDEPENDENT CL. XLVII, 1 . 3. 4 FRANKLIN, N. C. THURSDAY, JAN. 28, 1932 11.53 PER YEAR I k I; J Preacher Dies in ir.ta After Lens Illness NATIVE OF MACON t uiiucr uuiiur ui r raiiAuii Press Succumbs to Cancer : "A . Dr. Caleb A. Ridley, ' who rose from humble beginnings on a (arm in the Watauga section of Macon county to be one of the south's outstanding preachers and lecturers, died Wednesday afternoon of last week in the Stciner Clinic in At lanta. For several years he had been in declining health and early last fall , he became seriously ill with cancer of the stomach at the home of his mother, Mrs. Eunice Ridley, in Sylva. He was brought to Franklin for. treatment and later - was removed to Atlanta, where his wife, Mrs. Lula Wilson Ridley, lived. ... The funeral was held at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon in . the Central Baptist church, Atlanta, of which he formerly, had been pastor " for several ears. V' ' Eloquent Speaker Recognized as an eloquent speak er, Dr. Ridley had served as pas tor of churches in Atlanta, Blue . Ridge, Monticello and Quitman, Ga., Live Oak, Fla., and 'Beaumont, Tex. , Besides acting as pastor for the Central Baptist church, one of the largest in Atlanta, Dr. Ridley organized the Third 'Baptist church, which he . also served , for several years. . . In addition to his career . as . a minister . Dr. Ridley gained- a na tional reputation as an orator when he entered the Ku Klux Klan and was promoted to . the high office of imperial kludd, or national chap lain. In this capacity he toured :f the . countiy, filling hundreds of peaking 'engagements. ,,-"Cale" Ridley's early boyhood was spent in macon auu jacitson counties, working in the, fields and also in C. J. Harris', mines near Dillsboro. While working for Mr. Harris he saved enough money to go to Wake Forest college. Later he entered Mercer University, where he completed a theological course, and subsequently he was graduated from the Moody Bible school in Chicago. A short time thereafter he was ordained a min ister of the Baptist church. Striking in Appearance - Dr. : Ridley was born in the "Watauga section on 1 August . 22, 1873, ; the son of William and Eu nice Franks Ridley. He was a man of striking appearance, com pelling personality and offered a friendly hand to everyone. .During the. autumn of 1930 he was editor of The Franklin Press for several months. His return to the scenes ' of . his boyhood; with opportunities . to renew old friend ships, brought him a great deal of joy. He was always cheerful, but his friends knew then that he was in poor health.- Wrote Several Books Dr. Ridley found time throughout 'his busy life to write a number .of poems and several books of .theological essays and biographical sketches. Many of his poems are . t --J t.- - contained in two volumes "Just a Thinkin" and "The Flowers Will " Bloom Again." Other poems ap peared in The Franklin Press dur ing his editorship of this : paper. Other books lie published were "The Southern . Mountaineer," "Shadowing a Drunkard," "Primary 'Things of .the Spirit" and 'Tli.e Literature of the Living." '.,., (Continued on nage four) ITS EASY To Cl?lTl CUE CAilED OK To TJo A 'I' news; summary v. A Survey of -State 'ami National, Events Concisely Told , ia Drisf Up-to-D&te News Reports STATE EOY KILLED BY CAR His skull crushed, Gordon Mil ler, Jr., died at Durham, Saturday night, 30 minutes after he was knocked to the pavement by a hit and run car. Cary Keith, 21, Durham, was held for investigation. - , -... . . ... CHEMISTS ASK NATIONAL MEET The Piedmont section of textile chemists ; and colorists riiet 100 strong in Greensboro, Saturday. It is the section's "time to be host to the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists in 1932. They ask the national as sociation to come to Greensboro. N. C. Republican Convene April 14 April 14 has been chosen by Jas. S. Duncan, ' chairman of the N. C. Republican executive : committee as date-of the party's convention to be held, in Charlotte. It will be a one-day convention. NEWS LETTER MAY STOP The News Letter, for 18 years an impartial reporter of social, civic and economic facts as assembled by State university authorities, is to be discontinued unless "outside financial support is secured. PIEDMONT ADDS 134 INDUS TRIES During 1931, there were 134 new industrial, plants built or projected in the piedmont area of the Caro linas, the . Duke Power company states. There were 37 new hosiery plants, 34 other textile 'plants, 21 food- and feed industries, 13 furni ture plants, PROFIT ON HIGHWAY PATROL Costf the state's highway patrol was :j,hh,wj.w in 1931, reports Captain Charles D. Farmer. The patrol made a profit for the state collecting $260,666.82 in license fees, fines and costs. Arrests numbered 7,813 and traffic violations 158,5h4. Two 'policemen were killed in 1931. CHARLOTTE LEADS BUILDING . With $1,267,488 Charlotte led the state In new building in 1931, Greensboro had $1,111,136, Winston Salem $853,987 High Point $800, 970, Durham $714,760, Raleigh $575- 572, Salisbury , $344,010, Asheville $243,463. N. C TEXTILE MILLS ACTIVE Cotton mills of North Carolina used more cotton in 1931 than in 1930, the sharp increase coming in the last six months. The state was a leader in a national in crease of 76,851 l;iles used in i931 over the number used in 1930. W7 CORPORATIONS LOSE CHARTERS The secretary of state is notify ing 967 North Carolina corpora-j tions their charters have been can-' celled due to failure to return the annual report required for basis of the state's franchise tax. '.' POTEAT HEADS ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE Dr. W. L.' Potest, Wake Forest, was on Friday named ' president of the N. C. .Anti-Saloon league con cluding the annual meeting in Greensboro. The league voiced-disapproval of any plan for national referendum on prohibition. , It cal' for vigorous enforcement of the law by the state. DEFERS STATE SALARY CUT Cutting of state employes salaries has been deferred by Governor Max Gardner until, March 1, to permit time for readjustment. FEWER AUTO FATALITIES IN , n. c . . . :. North Carolina automobile fatali ties in 1931 were 762, or 15 fewer than in' 1930, but .5,075 persons were injured last year, a record. EXPERIMENT WORK THREATENED Diminishing returns from fertili zer taxes threaten the operation of the' state's ' farm experiment station at Satte college. Dr. R. Y. Winters, director of the station, has notified 25 employes that un less new sources of support are found, their services must be dis pensed with by January 31. State college and the state department Will fight to have the experiment HUn tfQrk toftt'tilfe, DRY OFFICERS TO ASHEVILLE Prohibition administration in the 28 counties comprising the west ern district of the state are be ing transferred this .week from Charlotte to Asheville. J. 1; Kanipc is deputy administrator in charge. DISCUSS SCHOOL" YEAR LENGTH The . state's budget bureau, be lieving counties will stop, maiiy schools at six months, anticipates $500,000 of the $1,500,000 extended term fund will not be used this year. A. T. Allen, state school superintendent, says there is no wayof telling how many schools will continue to 8 months. KILLS WIFE AND SELF Robert Snell, 40, shot and killed his wife, seriously" wounded Mrs. E. R. Hay.es, a roomer,"" and killed himself in his Raleigh home Satur day night. Mrs. Hayes, wounded in the abdomen, was the only witness surviving, two of the Snell children not waking from their sleep, at the sound of the shots. HURT IN LEAP FROM FIRE Awakening at 2 a. m. on Mon day to find his $20,000 Blowing Rock home burning down, R. )! Hole leaped from a bedroom win dow, sustaining a . badly sprained ankle. His nephew, also leaped to safety, was uninsured, DROP IN N. C. HOMICIDES Last year 329 persons were killed by others in North Carolina as compared with 347 in 1930. Suicides increased to 305 over 281 in 1930. Lightning killed 34, airplanes four, railroads 71, burns 227, automobiles 638. reports "the state board of health. - N. C. BANK RESOURCES GROJV In the third quarter of 1931 re sources of state banks increased by $1,513,988 to $253,692,479 on Sep tember 29. Deposits decreased $4, 262,073 to $76,084,830, saving de posits' dropped by $907,000 to $45, 566,473. GIRL KILLED WITH SHOTGUN Two girls were playing with a shotgun- at Waynesville, Monday night. It discharged in the hands of "Dorothy Arrington, 10, the- load penetrating the brain of Essie Robeson, 12, killing her. - U. N. C. STUDENT SUICIDES Found dead on a forest path near the state university campus, a bullet wound in his neck, Daniel J. Olive, 19, sophomore from God win, was declared the victim of suicide. 85 TAKE LAW EXAMINATION Eighty-six applicants for lawyer's licenses took the tate bar examina tion on - Monday, including one blind man, C. C. Catcs, Jr., Burling ton. SALISBURY COLLECTOR AR RESTED On report of auditors, Saturday, that shortages of $25,000 had beeii found in acco.irrfts of George M. Lyerly, fofmerSalisltiry tax col lector and treitsiirer, he was ar rested aju! released on bond of $10,000. ' SEES STATE'S RECOVERY Governor Max Gardner said on Saturday, North Carolina has been a leader in 'readjusting herself to changed conditions and will ne one of the first states to rally from economic degression. TWO SAVED FROM WELL Crawling under her home to find a two-year-old son who had dis appeared, Mrs. ' L;-' B. Richardson, Greensboro,, fell after him into a 20-foot abandoned well. Firemen saved the two from five feet of water, after, a four-year-old son had giveifhe alarm. NATIONAL INDIAN TEXTILE STRIKE Seventy thousand Indian textile workers on. Saturday went on strike as a protest of the arrest of Ma batma Gandhi; who organized them. BANDIT KILLS SELF Chased into a New York de partment store by a policeman, Richard Goeltzl shot himself to death --on Saturday' in full view of (Continue en page four) rases of ra ORGANIZE 1 1 Arrangements Made To Hold Religious Exer cises In Schools Plans for a Macon county. min isterial association will be dis cussed at a meeting of the minis ters of the various chufches to be held at 10 o'clock Monday morn ing at the Baptist church. The meeting was announced this week by the Franklin Ministerial association, which was recently or ganized. Members of he town group are the Rev. H. C. Freeman, pastor of the Franklin circuit of th Methodist church;, the Rev. Norvin C. Duncan, rector of St. Agnes Episcopal church; the Rev. 0. P. ,Ader, pastor of the Frank lin Methodist church ; the Rev. J. A. Flanagan, pastor of the Presby terian church, and the Rev. Eu gene R. Eller, pastor of the First Baptist church of Franklin. Flanagan It Chairman Rev. J. A. Flanagan is general chairman ' of the association and Rev. Mr. Eller is secretary. At the first meeting of the group arrangements were made with Guy L. Houk, principal of the Franklin public schools, for the ministers to conduce brief religious exercises and make short Bible talks to the school children at regular intervals. Mr. Houk explained that facilities at the high school made it im practical to hold daily chapel ex ercises for the entire student body. However, he invited the ministers to address the school children, both in -the high school and the elemen tary grades, in the various class rooms. The Franklin Ministerial associa tion will meet the first Monday of each month. ROBERT!. LONG DIES IN ATLANTA Was Originally Resident t of Macon County; v Passes at 62 Robert L. Long, an old resident of Macon county, died at the age of 62 at his home in Atlanta Mon day morning about 1 o'clock. He had been ill for sometime. The funeral was at Asbury Meth odist church near Otto Tuesday afternoon. Officiating was the Rev. J. L. Teague, a life-long friend of the deceased. . Mr. Long was married to Miss Georgia White, who survives him, along with the following children: Mrs. Elba Dillard, Macon, Ga.; Miss Zoa Long, Alto, Ga.; Mrs: Icie Camp, Atlanta; Mrs. George Currier, Commerce, Ga. ; - Misses Mabel and Annie Long, of Atlanta ; Oscar Long, Atlanta -and Cecil Long, Lafayette, Ga. He is sur vived also by a brother, Sim Long, who lives in South Carolina and his nephew, E. W. Long of Frank lin. . Mr. Long was raised in Macon county and was well known here. His passing will be keenly felt by his many friends and acquaintances throughout this' section. SYLVA, Jan. 2,7. (Special)-Syl va Collegiate Institute trampled the Franklin High five here last night, 20 to 11, and the Smoky Mountain Ramblers defeated the Franklin All-Stars. 53 to 26. in a double- headed. The S. C I. quint played steady ball throughout to annex victory. Fincannon and R. Dalrymple di vided honors in the second court battle of the evening. The lineups-: S. C. L (20) . Pos. ' (11) Frank. H. McFee (4) F (5) C. Freeman Bryson (2) . . . . . .F. ... (3) Sheffield Dickey (4) C Teague Mcjunkin (4) . . . .G. . . .L. Moore Waldrop (2) ... .G. ...... .(3) Dean Subs: S. C. i.( Watson (4). Smoky Mts. '(53 Pos. (26) All-Stars Morgan (16) . . . .F (9) R. Dalrymple Queen (16) ;.....F... (3) Barnard Fincannon (20) ..C (8) Wilkes Moore (1) .G (6) H. Dalrymple Monteith G. ... ...... Bowers Refrees Jones Sylva. Basket-Bali Results i ii i i Plasio f of. Program fTTT T 11 Webb AddressesJvieefcEiii Plans for Power Project And Park To Be Outlined Hoover Interested in Development of Park Roger . Miller, president, of Western Carolina Mountains, Inc., has received the following letter from Herbert Hoover, President of the United States: The White Houte Washington January 20, 1932.' My dear Mr. Miller: Please present my cordial greetings to representatives of Western North Carolina organ izations, meeting in Asheville on January 28 to promote the Great Smoky Mountains National Park project. The prompt develop ment of this park along, the ac cepted and successful lines for the conduct of such parks will mean much to this generation and to posterity. I hope your meeting may contribute to the attainment of your objectives. Your faithfully, Herbert Hoover (Signed) EUGENE NORTON DIES SUDDENLY Well Known Dillard Man Is Victim of Heart Attack . . , Mr. Eugene Norton, 44, of Dil lard, Ga., died about midnight Monday at the home of hissister, Mrs. Paralee McClure. Heart fail ure is given as the cause of death Mr. Norton was sick for several months following a stroke of pa ralysis about a year ago. Interment was at Mulberry Meth odist church at Tryphosa, Mr. Nor ton's former home, Tuesday after noon. Rev. Mr. Keen, pastor of the Baptist church at Dillard, of ficiated, assisted by Rev. Mr. Pat terson, pastor of the Clayton Meth odist church. Dr. Andrew Ritchie of Rabun-Nacoochee school made a short talk. Mr. Norton served for two years with the American Expeditionary Forces' in France. His loss is keenly felt by a large circle of friends.. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Virgil Norton and four sisters, Mrs. Paralee Mc Clure, Mrs. Cordelia Howard,. Mrs. Rol Lcdford and Mrs. Lee Corn. Pallbearers were Messrs Barnard Dillard, Charles 'Ray Dillard, Clar ence Teague, Roy Dillard, John Guest and Claude Dillard. WE BEG PARDON The headline of the announce ment in the "Press" last week of the next quarterly meeting of the Macon County Singing convention gave January 27 as the date, where as the body of .the article stated it lo be the fifth Sunday in the month, January 31. The latter date is correct. Rotarians Hear At Inter Rotarians from Waynesville, Syl va, and Andrews" joined with the Franklin club Thursday night of last week in the annual inter-city meeting. The principal speaker was Abit Nix, of Athens, Ga., a member of the international board of direc tors of Rotary. He spoke on Ro tary, principles, and said that Ro tary continued to grow i in 1931, with many new members being added iii Europe and the Orient. The only decrease in membership he said, was in the United States. He urged all clubs to work toward increasing their membership. A feature of the meeting was the discussion of the 5-10 year organ ized farm program for Western North . Carolina. A representative of each club endorsed the program and urged all Rotarians lo lend their cooperation in' making the movement a success. Theodore Nichols, of the An Organised Farm in Macon Outline A T ft m Thorpe and Albright To Address Meeting in Asheville J. E. S. Thorpe, vice-president and general manager of the Nan tahala Power company, Bryson City, and Horace M. Albright, di rector of the national park service, Washington, D. C, will be the principal speakers at the regional meeting of civic leaders at the Vanderbilt hotel in Aiheville to night at 6:30 o'clock. . "Western Carolina's Industrial Future" will be the subject of Mr. Thorpe's address. Mr. Albright will present . and explain the plans of the federal government for the development of the Great Smoky Mountains National park. Big Attendance Expected Twenty counties will be repre sented, and advance reservations indicate an ".attendance of four hundred or more, according to Ralph E. Nollner, secretary-treasurer of the regional association. Mr. Nollner said that special invitations have been extended to all of the civic and commercial organizations in Western North Carolina, news paper editors and publishers, city and county officials, and public utility officials. The meeting is open to the public, however, and the attendance will be limited only to the capacity of the dining room. Mr. Thorpe is directing one of the largest power development pro jects in the south; he is especial ly qualified to discuss the indus trial resources and potentialities of the mountain region. Mr. Albright has just completed a thorough study of the Great Smoky Moun tains National park area, and his address will include a definite an nouncement of plans and policies adopted by the national park ser vice for the program, which will begin as soon as the land pur chases are completed. Western Carolina Mountains, Inc., is an organization of volunteers endeavoring to unite and to co ordinate all of the activities of constructive agencies interested in the advancement of Western North Carolina. Cartoogechaye Offers An Idea for Farm Relief If an engineer is a man who can do tor one dollar what any man can do for two then perhaps the definition of a farmer would be a man who makes two blades of grass grow whire only one grew before. If that is true what would a man be called who raised twelve potatoes in one? I Well, Mr. Turner Enloe of Car toogechaye did it from Irish . Rose seed and brought in the evidence to the 'Press." If you do not be lieve it iome and see it at the "Press" office. Then, if you still do not believe it we suggest that you communicate with Mr. Enloe. Abit Nix -City Meeting diews club, . said that Western North Carolina is importing $14,- 000,000 worth of canned goods an nually, whereas most of this should be raised at home. He urged standardization of farm products. Other speakers in connection with the 5-10 program were : James L. Robinson, of Waynesville; Harry Buchanan, of Sylva, and President H. T. Hunter, of Western Carolina Teachers' college, Ciillowhee. Mr. Hunter said that the farm pro gram offers a splendid opportunity for teachers, to join with farmers and business men in working 16T the better of community and sec tion. Guy L. Houk, president of the Franklin club, presided at the meet ing and introduced the speakers. The meeting was held in the vacant store room next to the Ma con Chevrolet company and the dinner was served by ladies of the Presbyterian church. TV Farmers and Farm Wom en Meet with Franklin Rotarians DRAW UP PROGRAM Uniformity of Livestock Types for Couiity Is Urged Plans for putting the 5-10 Year Organized Farm Program into ef-1 feet in Macon county were dis cussed at a meeting of farmers and farm women with the Franklin Rotary club af its regular weekly luncheon Wednesday. The prin cipal speaker at, the meeting was Bruce Webb, promotion , manager of the Asheville Citizen and the Asheville Times, who is organizing the 5-10 Year movement through out Western North Carolina. Mr. Webb emphasized the neces sity of standardizing varieties and grades of farm products so as to meet market demands. He pointed' out that the prices of quality fa products had declined but little in comparison to the decrease in the value of other commodities. Urges Uniformity "Before Western North Caro lina farmers can make much head way," he said, "they must develop uniformity in their products. It white eggs are wanted, they must produce white eggs instead of brown eggs." He! said that' Western ' North Carolina agriculture could hdtev"efr supply the local demand along cer tain lines. The Biltmore Dairy, he ' illustrated, needs pigs of !t certain size for its sausage factory but cannot get enough of them. Other points he emphasized in the farm program were the use of only the best purebred stock, . increased acreage production through soil improvement, and the application of business principles to agriculture. Other speakers were Miss Eliza beth Kelly and Sam L. Franks, co-chairmen of the Macon County 5-10 Year Program committee; and Fred L. Sloan, county farm dem on stratioju agents - , Program Outlined In the. rniirip . nf a rnTThvi-table discussion, led by Mr. Sloanfftt " " following plan for putting the 5-10 Year Plan into effect in this coun ty was evolved: ' -1. Every farmer to develop ar Lkast one acre of improved pastnrt- this year. 2. More beef cattle. (a) Improve quality' of sires (b) Develop uniform breed of beef cattle in each community. It was decided, that each com munity should choose between Herefords or Shorthorns. 3. More dairying. (a) Cash in. on feed crops1 through feeding to cows and other livestock. (b) More butterfat. .(c) Guernseys as the dairy type for the county. 4. More and better eggs. (a) Each farmer urged to keep at least .50 chickens. (b) White Leghorns for the county type of egg-producer. 5. Crop rotation. " "f-N. 6. A garden sufficient at least to take care of home needs; on every farm, - - 7. Application of business meth ods. Every farmer is urg:i to keep books, carefully record all cash receipts and expenditur j. Besides the Rotarians, thevt vere 18 farmers and farm women tt the meeting, which was held h the vacant stores next to the Maoon Chevrolet company on Ms i street. Lunch was served by lad', s of fh Presbyterian church. . , ' The farmers and farm v the meeting represent'" Uvey section of the,' ' werojirged to .-.-'i'" " discuss ,jrfri " ,-" ment in "C1U1S- bors so tl familiar wi m co. farmers .of urged to on unif cattle, v truck . M ) I i.