- -V. . est:.; li:i;i;d hi i::.- Oldest North C&ruL.a N'w. .per West of Atevl!!a DEDICATED TO MACON County and the Welfare of its- Good People I! PROGRESSIVE, LIBERAL INDEPENDENT ?i i J ' ' 1 2 v " pcdi VOL. XLVII. NO. 7 urges sons 0? L1SM0SZA M. Fred S. Sloan Points out Advantages of New ' Legupie ENRICHESTHE .SOIL Improves Pastures and Yields Good Crop Of Hay BY FRED S. SLOAN t (Macon County Farm Demon stra tion Agent) The use of lespedeza by Macon county farmers as a soil improver, pasture legume and' for hay has in creased rapidly for the last three years. The real value of lespedeza as a legume for this county has not yet been realized, for it has been grown by so few farmers for so few years; but from observa tions both in other "counties and locally the prospects are that it will be', the leading legume in the near future. ' .,' . Improves Soil ; For, soil improvement Icr Jedeza works into our system of. cropping as well t or better than any other legume. Its soil building qualities are betterthan many of the other legumes fer it grows thick and -yields a heavy growth to be -turned under. ' Each plant has nodules on the roots which' put nitrogen into ine sou, just 3 cowpeas, rea cio ver, soybeans" and other legumes, and by-growing so thick there are more plants dqjng the same job. It will grow on soil too poor to produce other crops and will stand as much dry weather as any other crop we grow. It grows well on both upland and bottom land,; mak ing the ..best growths, where the land is fertile, but will make a fair growth on land too poor to grow good corn or small grain. Increase Corn- Output ' George Dowdle obtained a"h in crease of 44 1-4 bushels of corn per ere by turning under one crop of lespedeza on land which was sowed in oats the year before. The gen eral practice is to sow if in some "".small grain crop such as wheat, rye or oats from the first of Feb ruary until the last of March, us ing 25 pounds' (one' bushel) per acre and covering the seed very lightly with a brush or drag haf row. By using it in this way we can eliminate, a part of our farm work in June when we " cut our small grains, and then prepare' the stubble fields by cither plowing or discing to sow cowpeas or soybeans. ! This is one important factor for at that time of the year we are very busy and many times the land is either too wet or tea dry to pre pare. About October we " have a good legume to turn under for soil improvement, to cut or hay, or to save our crop of seed for next year, instead of the usual crop of rag weeds. At A Hey Crop ;. the feeding value of lespedeza hay as compared with soybeans, ac cording to , analysis, is that les pedeza is the best, as it contains nc and one-half more pounds of protein per hundred pounds of hay than soybeans. It is easy to cut and to handle for the small stems and leaves will cure out with very little sunshine. It cures bright and at the present time some farmers are feeding it to their poultry as a green . feed. This year E. V. Ammons cut part of his lespedeza crop for hay and reported a yield of a little more than two tons of cured hay per acre. George Dowdle also said his yielded two tons per acre. Mr. Dowdle and John Fer guson both reported that they got an increase in milk production when they changed? froi'n soybean to lespedeza hay and that the live stock would eat every particle of '..it: . ' A-,' ;" As a Pasture Plant ' All pasture specialists recommend ' that every pasture have some les pedeza in it. They also say that it should have some of the common and some of the Korean variety, because the Korean comes earlier in the 'summer and thf common , lasts longer in the fall. The farm ers in the county who have tried it in their pastures say that they want to sow ' some on - all. of the land they 5re pasturing. Bartlett Bennett, Car Slatfc,- C. W. Hen derson, Gilmer . Crawford, .George - Dowdle, W. R. Higdon, Jake Deal nd others found that on new pas ture it was one of their most im portant plants, for it affords a lot cf- pasturing the first year and on (Ct&ttatU in rkgi f:-fj , : NEWS SUMMARY A Survey of State and National Events Concisely Told in Brief Up-to-Date J News Reports " ' STATE NEWS Judge Harwood Arretted . ' Judge John H. Harwood, of Bryaon City, waived preliminary. , hearing at Raleigh Tuesday on charges of tampering with rec ord t of the . ttate in connection with civil and criminal actions againtt hit daughter, Mitt Lola Harwood. Judge Harwood was placed under $1,000 bond. Trial of the criminal . case againtt Mitt Harwood wat ttarted in Wake tuperior court t Raleigh Wednesday morning. She wat alleged to be short about $4,828 , in hear accounts at clerk in ' the revenue department. Trial of Judge Harwood, who wat 'suspended as special member of the tuperior court bench latt week, it expected to start next " Veek. " ,. . . Sayt Wat Hired for Arson Admitting he set fire to a Bear Poplar store in Rowan county, Maurice Carr, negro, was given seven to .12 years in prison on Monday, On his statement he was hired to commit the, arson by J. C. Carriker; Arrest of Carriker was ordered. " ' Bank Cashier Arretted ' J.. B. Storey, cathptr of the doted Cherokee Bank of Mur. phy, wat placed in the CheYo kee county jail latt Friday in default of $5,000 bond on charg et of embezzlement and making " falae entriet. Storey wat arrest ed, at hit home in . Jefferton, : Ga on a warrant twora out by C. F. GiuTiiquidating agent of th Cherokee bank, who said : that between $10,000 and $15, 000 of the bank't fundi were missing. Storey waived prelim-' inary hearing. Dump Big Liquor Cargo A truck and trailer, bearing Michigan license plates, left the road at Dunn, Monday -morning, trying tb round a curve too fast. Two men escaped in a trailing car, Officers dumped out '2,000 gallons of ..bonded whisky. t, $30,000,000 Lota in Tobacco Tobacco farmert in North Carolina got -30,000,000 lett for the latt. crop than the preced ing one, the ttate reporting ser vice tayt with 458,129,286 poundt told, at $8.93 per hundred for $40,910,935. The previout crop average wat $13.14. Postmaster Surrenders a . Charles E. Boone, 26, sought since January 24, for alleged spec ulatton from the Black Mountain tiostoffice, gave-up to federal of ficers last week at Asheville and made bond of $4,000 pending trial Held for 1903 Murder Mitchell county is sending to Columbia, Mo., for George Pres- nell, wanted at Bakersville since 1903 for the murder of Lewis Buchanan. Churches Observe World Day of Prayer for Peace The women of Franklin observed the World Day. of Prayer on Feb ruary 12 with a service in St. Agnes Episcopal church attended by women of all the churches in town. The meeting was led by Mrs. N. C. Duncan, who conducted devo tional exercises. - Mrs. O. P. Ader and Mrs. , Eugene R. Eller were the speakers. - Mrs. Ader spoke on -the value ot prayer in remedy- irg the conditions of the world todav. Mrs. Eller outlined the ex isting conditions of the world and suggested measures for bringing peace to torn and distracted world. Both speakers stressed the need of: understanding between na tioiis and international cooperation toward peace. In the creation of understanding prayer is a valuable and effective factor; Mrs. Callaltari made 'the closing prayer. . . . ; A similar service was conducted at the church of the Incarnation at Highlands, by the Rectof, thi Rev. ft C Dufidn, Miiittd by tfct Rtv. NATIONAL NEWS ' Cardozo Supreme Judge . Nathan Cardozo, 61, Dem ocrat, chiefs. justice of the tt: Y. court of appealf, wat named by Pretident Hoover, Monday, to the Supreme court teat va cated by Oliver Wendell Holm et. The appointment wat giv en wide approval. ,"' Hindenburg To Run Again . Pail von Hindenburg, war "lead er and president of the Gerrnan republic for eight years, wiH 'rflii for another term, he announced Monday. Irish Election Killing t On eve of a general election, two government, speakers werfe killed at Foxhill, Ireland, Monday, amt-an- other was fired on from ambush- 13 Theater Managers Held Their Sunday charity shows not interrupted, 13 theater manager's were arrested in .Atlanta, Sunday, for blue' law violations, ' vl Approve ureaii diii House and tenat banking committSM on Friday, approved the tneature permitting reterve bankt to ditcount certain paper hitherto noeligible and to free $750,000,000 in gold for Currency ittue. The bills it expected to release $10,000,000,000 in .dew credit . Cripple Huge Rum Ring A huge rum ring formed by Ca- pone gangsters to run Canadian liquor in through gijjf ports, was crippled Friday wthJ4 arrests at New Orleans. """" Kentucky Reign of . Terror A reign of terror in the Ken tuckv coaT fields wis described to U. S. senators on Friday by Laldo Frank, New York writer, and Al len Taub, lawyer, who claim they weW-beaten ' and run out of Pine ville, Ky., wheff they went there to distribute food to striking nun ers. Ford Gives Auto Plan Determined Ao "get pricea of automobile down to where the public can buy them," Henry. Ford hat announced 'new four and eight cylmdermodelt to Jailed for Maatlaughter For Aie automobile slaying of Frank Ruff, prison sentence of five to seven years was given'Tom Cope, 45, at Waynesville, Feb ruary 11. Roosevelt FighttBack I Franklin D. Rootevelt, New York governor leading Jfh the pre-conventioft fight fqr Demo cratic pretidential nomination, on Saturday fought back - againtt Jouett Shoute, national party tecretary, who had atkad for uninttructedj delegated to the national convention. Roote veltaaid rank and file of party ahould expreta preference for a , candidate. Mr. Potts, pastor of the Baptist church, who led .with the opening prayer. Mr. Duncan spoke of the world conditions existing today, and of the need of a new sense of values as a basis for our rebuild ing the world. . In a meditation on the narable of the prodigal son he pointed out that the worlds like the prodigal son, had gone out with a material sense of values, , and that the structure built theredn had crumbled. Now that we are com ing to- ourselves we are realizing the need spiritual sense of values, yfewwe are turning to God. Hwlso .poinfediut the fact that wcsowd not carry Christ to other countries until we: had 'let Him " jnto our own life, and our own affairs, and- called the eon grcgatiori to penitence for our own shortcomings. Prayers were 1 of fered . for vou-ountry, : for China, for all missionaries, and that peace might come to the world. The pastors.of the Methodist and Baptist churches were present, and members from all the churches in y FRANXLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, FEB. Ml EIPERTS C0nlGS01 Poultry and Livestock Specialists Slated To Speak ' G F. Parrish, poultry extension specialist will be in Macon -county Friday, Feb. 19, anwill attend Organized Farm Program meetings cm that date at Union at 10 a. m. and Otto , at 2 p. mi to assist in working out poullry problems F. S. Sloan, county agent, advises that Mr. Parrish will conduct prac tical culling demonstrations at both of the meetings; showing the scien tific method of culling flocks for greatest profit. If is expected that a large number of farmers and Ltheir wives will attend these meet ings to avail themselves of the val uable information Mr. Parrish will have on .the subject of pou'try raising and flock contrql. Dairy Expert to Attend Meetings to be held next week in the following communities will be attended by F. R. Earnham, dairy extension specialist, who will assist in putting into operation the Macon county Organized Farm Program. ' Organization meetings were held in these communities two weeks ago under the direction of the county agent . and interest in the movement has gained consider ably in the meantime. At the or; ganization meetings the attention of those attending was centered on the farm program as a whole and as applied in general to com munities, whereas, at the meetings to follow, it will be possible to take up individual problems and ap ply the principles of the program to specific cases. Schedule of Meetings The schedule of meetings for next week follows .Gneiss, Wednesday Feb. 24,. 10 a. m. Holly SpringsTWednesday, Feb. 24, 2 p. m. - Cowee, Thursday, Feb. 25, 10 a. m. Higdonville, Thursday, Feb. 25 2 p. m. "Cartoogechayc, Friday, Feb. 26, 10 a. m. Iotla, Friday, Feb. 26, 2 p. m. Organization meetings were held Wednesday and Thursday of last week at Cartoogechaye, Iotla and Bethel and the following commit tees elected: . . Cartoogechaye Laddie Crawford,' chairman, Mrs. Henry Slagle, co-chairman, Jeff Enloe, Jr., secretary. Iotla Lawrence Ramsey, chairman, Mrs. Bartlett Bennet, co-chairman, Mrs. Wade Moody, secretary. Bethel Robert Fulton, chairman, 'Mrs . w""'", .uiis.i Pritchard Peek, co-chairman, Leon - ard Home, secretary. E. K. Cunningham Co. , Store Is Redecorated E. K, . Cunningham & Company, have started their spring, clean-up early thi year.. Already they are having their store on West Main street remodeled and redecorated in preparation for spring business. The walls of the interior have been painted in cream-white with sten ciled decorations in blue. Other improvements also are being made. Falling Timber Breaks Highway Worker's Back Clyde Kearnes, 26, Salisbury, an employe of 1 the State Highway commission, suffered a broken back when a heavy timber fell from a rock bin about 10 o clock Tuesday morning. The accident occurred on highway No. 28 near Rainbow Springs. Kearnes was brought to Angel Brothers' hospital, where it was reported his condition was se rious. Mrs. J. C. Umberger Wins Newspaper Contest Prize Mrs. J. C. Umberger, of Frank lin, Route 2, was among the prize winners in the featuVe popularity contest in the Asjjeyille Citizen last week. The articlerwas on Dorothy Dix, which was published in the February 16 issue of the Citizen. LICENSED TO MARRY A license to marry , was recently issued here for Elmer Medford and Miss Beatrice Byrd,, both from Bryson City. Miss Byrd is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dock Byrd, formerly of Oak Grove, Ma eon county, 18. 1932 Every State, City and f ownCTo Participate In Nine Months Bicentennial Celebration These points should be eniphasiz ed'with . respect to the Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington this year: . 1-It is sponsored by the United States government: Congress creat ed the United States George Wash ington Bicentennial Commission and the president of the United States is its chairman, 2 -It will not be "a world's fair or exposition, and it will not be held in any one place. 3 It will be a nation-wide, even a-world-wide series of celebrations in which every state, city and town every organization and in stitution, every home and individ ualin this country, together with Americans and others in , many foreign countries, will participate. Every community is expected to plan and carry out its own pro gTam of events, in cooperation with the United States Commission and the State Commissions. 4 It will last from Washington's Birthday, February 22, 1932, to Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 1932, with special local and nation al celebrations everywhere on all holidays, anniversaries or other days, which can be connected with the life of George Washington. 5 -While the ceremonies on Feb ruary 22 should be especially elab orate and impressive, as marking the actual Two Hundredth Anni versary of George Washington's Washington Bicentennial Celebration Openq Feb. 22 WOODMEN HOLD SOCIALMEET Talk on " Witches and Superstitions" Made By T. T. Love Wayah Camp No. 889, Woodmen of the yofld, met ' for the bi monthly meeting on Monday night. This was a social meeting night and a large crowd attended. Due to the rain, which had been falling steadily for two days and a night, several of the musicians and speak ers were not present. After the opening with a Bible reading and prayer, T. T. Love made a most interesting talk upon "Witches and Superstitions." He turned back the pages of history to the early days of China and Egypt, then he covered the witeftcraft field through the early days, of France . , . .1... . ,. 1 "u . i-"'a,'u' b . y' Several games were played, great ly enjoyed by all. In "Buried Alive," John W. Ed' wards read sketches from Poe's "The Premature Burial ;" Al Jen nings' "Through The Shadows With O. Henry" was quoted, with Big Joe being sent to the dead house, while still alive. He told of sever- al instances within the state of men and women being buried alive a creepy sensation, but maybe part of the facts are true. After eating many cakes, the gathering sang several of the Woodmen Songs; following them with some of the old favorites, "God Be With You," etc. The next social meeting of Way ah camp will be held on March 14. At this ' meeting the wives of the members of Wayah camp are to-present the program. S. H, Lyle, jr., has removed hjs office from the Bank of Franklin building to the Higgins building across Main street. 2 Suffer Knife Wounds In Main Harry Shepherd suffered serious knife wounds about the . face and neck, Charlie Crawford received a gash in his back and George El liott's clothing was almost cut in shreds but he escaped serious in jury in a fraca's on East Main street abotit 8 o'clock Monday night Shepherd was taken to Angel Brothers' hospital, where it was found that he had Numerous wounds about his headjr His cheeks were cut through, k necessitating a number of stitches, and a cash on hit neck came dangerously clot to Birth, arrangements also should be. made for public gatherings, pag eants, plays, prolcssions, musical festivals, tableaux and other events at various times during the entire period of more than nine months. Every program should relate to the great life apd work of the First President and Founder of the Republic. On Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving JaTtrtd- other na tional anft local holiday or anni versaries .there should be special programs, but the celebrations should not be confined to these days. 6 It will take time to prepare the local programs and arrartge for flie local celebrations, ithe United States Commission urgW mayors and other officials of every" city and town in the country to appoint George Washington Bicen tennial Commissions or Committees in order to prepare for the events of the Bicentennial Year. 7 All organizations and institu tions of whatever character civic, business, lsor, educational, re ligious, fratrnal, literary, social and others ate urged to plan, for a "George Washington Year" in 1932.. 8 The United States George Washington Bicentennial Commis sion, Washington Building, Wash ington, D. C, will send suggestions for local programs to any com mittee, organization or group that will write for them. Whole Nation To Observe Fete; Hoover To ; Broadcast The official opening of the nation-wide George Washington Bi centennial Celebration will take place February 22 at noon, Eastern Standard Time, wh4n President Hoover will deliver his . George Washington address before a joint meeting of Congress. Members of the United States Supreme Court, the Cabinet,, foreign diplomates and many other distinguished visitors will also be present. Radio will carry the address to every corner of America over a nation wide hook-up. Immediately after the address, the President will give the signal for the singing of "America" by a combined chorus of 10,000 singers assembled on the east stepsf the bCapitol. The entire nationSlisten- fmg at its radios, is expected to join in this singing. The accom paniment will be played by the hnited States Army, Navy "and Ma rine' bands directed by John Philip Sousa. jWaltcr Damrosch will di red thlr singing. In tlfe aternoon, President Hoov er, aofompanied by members of. the United States George Washington Bi5ntennial Commission and the strict of Columbia Bicentennial kCommission will lay a wreath on the tomb of the Father of his Country. Even before "tkeof ficial opening of the Celebration however, the churches . of Miatwm f ill par ticipate in an "ariofficiaPSflaugnral of the event in religious services to be held iif honor of George Wash ington. These services will com mence on Friday evening, Feb. 19, with those groups whose Sabbath begins at sundown on the. sixth day of the week. Other groups ob serving the Sabbath on Saturday and Sunday will also hold devotion al services,, so it is probable that nearly all of the 232,000 churches in the coun.try will thus honor the memory of George Washington. Street Brawl his jugular vein, Police Chief. R. F. Henry, Jr., placed Shepherd and Elliott under bond, $300 for the former and $200 for -the latter, pending a hear ing before Mayor George Patton at 10 6 clock Saturday morning Crawford was not arrested. The wound in his back required several stitches but it was not regarded as ser,ious and did not incapacitate hurt. Chief Henry s,aid Shepherd was under the influence of whiskev. This was the second serious cut (Contlnutd n yftft four) $1.50 PER YEAR . FARM RELIEF PliN OUTM R. W. Henninger Explains How Crop Loans Will Be Made VISITS FRANKLIN Local Committee To Pass On Applications For Loans ' A couniy committee to handle applications for crop loans under the federal government's $50,000,000 farm relief fund is expected to be established in the near future. How the futteh will be operated ajfU how applications for yioans be filed were explained to a group of Franklin business men Wednesday afternoon by R. W. Henninger, secretary of Governor Gardner's Council on Unemploy ment Relief. Tours Western Counties Mr. Henninger was brought to Franklin from Murphy by Sheriff A. B.. Slagle. The unemployment relief official has been touring western counties investigating con- di.ions. He was' informed here that most of the people in this -section have sufficient food for their needs but that the farmers are faced with a serious lack of capital to finance this year's crops. The $50,000,000 farm raief fund, Mr. Henninger explained, will be handled somewhat similarly to the old federal farm loans, except that loans made under the new fund will be on a short term basis with crop liens, instead of mortgages on the land, as security. The Local - Committee All applications for loans first must be passed upon by a local committee. Members of this com mittee, he said, were to be ap pointed by the county farm dem- onstration agent, subject to the ap proval of agricultural extension ser vice authorities at Raleigh. Loans sufficient only to finance crop plantings and production will be made, Mr. Henninger said, and no loan applications will be accept ed unless the applicant is a bona fide, farmer; that is, unless he made a crop last year. He also stated that each farmer to whom a loan JsAnade would be required to show evidence that he is "farm ing tox live at home, growing enough food crops for homeN sumption. The farm relief fund will be pork barrel, Mr. 4ienninger warn ed, declaring that local business men should see to it that the com mittee selected to pass on applica tions is composed of unbiased busi ness men rather than politicians. As to the general business, in dustrial and agricultural outlook, Mr. Henninger said improvement would be slqw. As 80 per cent of North. Carolina's income is depen dent on agriculture, he added, no permanent relief can be brought about until the farmers of the statej have been put on a sound finan cial basis. Suits To Collect Park Pledges Heard The , Stat Park CommUaion won a partial victory at a hear ing before Magistrate George Carpenter Tueaday afternoon of a acore of suit a to collect pledgee of money for the Great Smoky Moaintaina park project. The pledges ranged from $25 to $150 $1,700 in total and were to be paid in four equal installments. Magistrate Carpenter ruled the statute of limitations protected the defendants on the first three installments, but gave judgment to the Park Commission for the last installments. Only ope date was actually, heard, that of the Park Commission vs. Henry G. Robertson, and judgments were rendered in the other case ac cordingly. The state is expect ed to carry the cases before the superior court on an appeal. A much larger sum of money is involved in suits scheduled to be tried t the spring' term of the United States district court at Raleigh. Only -cases involv ing less than $200 were heard by Magistrate Carpenter; suits to collect arreareagea on pledges of more' than $200 were filed in the federal court A number of Macon county resident! are mong the defendants named. f

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