DEDICATED TO MACOH County and th Welfare of its Good People , C! ".-it I.'orl'j Carcl'.ta Newspaper We&t cf Abhevl'Ia PnOGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. XLVII. NO. 14 FRANKLIN, N. C.i THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1932 $1.50 PER YEAR MM LEADER Elected Chairman of County Executive Committee , PATTON "RESIGNS County Election Board Scheduled To Meet On April 16 Albert L. Ramsey, of Franklin, RouJe, 3, was elected chairman of tli Democratic executive commit tee of Macon county, succeeding George B. Patton, who resigned on account of ill health, at a meeting of the committee Saturday aftcr noon in the Hank- of Franklin Mr. fatten has- been in 'poor health for several montltf and has been confined to his home for some weeks. . Mr. Ramsey, the new, chairman, is expected ' to announce his plans for the party within the next few days, ' "Township Leader iiotnnrrafir activities in the va rious townships will be directed by the following executive committee members : Robert Sheffield, Cowee ; J. M. r'p,K' Mill Shoal: A. B. Potts. Sugar Fork; J. P. Moore Elh- py ; Earl Dryman, t latts ; r ran Highlands : Charlie Norton, Smith's Bridge; Carl Slagle, Car-1 toogechaye ; Bob Burnette, Nanta hala No. 1; J. R. Shields, Nanta hala No. 2; Robert Parrish, Bum ingtown; J. S. Porter, .'Franklin. Convention In Juno The county Democratic conven tion will not be held until after the primary in June " The county elections board is scheduled ; to meet on Saturday, a;i 1ft trt organize and complete ..,r-nfrpmpnts for the nrimaries. The committee, as recently appointed by the state board of elections, consists of T. S'. Munday, Fred H. Higdon and J. R. Morrison. SEVERAL FOREST FIRES REPORTED IN MACON COUNTY NEWS SUMMARY A Survey of State and National Events Concisely Told in Brief Up-to-Date 7 News Reports CONVENTION KEYNOTED NAMED George, K. Freeman, Golds boro, former state commander -of the American Legion, will make th keynote address for the state Democratic conven tion, Governor O. Max Gard ner has announced. .Senator A. W. Barkley, Kentucky, has been selected to make tha key note address at the national Democratic convention. He is the choice of the Roosevelt forces. Many In State Institutions At the end of February, there were 15,997 persons in state penal correctional and charitable insti tutions. There were 2,416 persons in county institutions as of the same date. REVENUE BILL The house of' representatives on Friday passed its revenue bill after three weeks of battle, by a record vote ot 'ill to b4. tne bill provides revenue ot $1,032,000,UUO, thought lutiicient along with economies to balance the tedetial budget All sales tax sections ware, killed by in surgent members of both par ties. The senate is said co be favorably disposed toward the , bill as it finally was approved by the, house. FARM STUDENTS HOLD BANQUET Interesting Program Is Given at Father-Son Dinner club of the Franklin high school Western North Carol jna is be- iliac vJ u'F'-v " - i .-. Andrews Man Planning To Operate Buck Creek Ranch as Tourist Resort Buck '.Creek ranch, ''the private land exterior finish in keeping with estate of W. 1. Latham, ot An drews, for more than 20 years identified with the ''lumber 'industry held its second annual f ather-and son hanauet in the school audi torium Friday night at 7 :30 The vocational agriculture move ment in Macon county is meeting with much favor among the lead ing farmers and citizens. The lo- e& department is drawme to a Two of Penn's Assailants Caught Elwood Johnson. Silcr City, and Lawrence Armstrong, Winston- Salcm, ' have been : arrested as two f t,r men tt'hn attemoted' a Ul IVMI - " " I robbery at Chapel Hill last week. Officer U. M. Rackley impressed Ashby Penn, 20, of Reidsville, and his machine and overtook the four. Penn was shot through the lung when he advanced on the rob bers' car! R. G. Thompson, Mt. Hollv. and Tack Thomas, Winston- . .. ., Salem, are sought as tne otner two in the case. , Frazer Pays For Murder William M. i'razer, "playboy," ol Kahway, N. J, who squanclereo $25,000 on his mistress belore he shot and killed her, paid tor his crime in the electric chair at Tren ton, Friday night. Frazer was ar rested at Kaleigh after a motor trip south in which he hid the woman's body in woods uear Doswell, 'a. Thrilling Rescue of Boy Clerald Collins, three, fell 20 feet down a conical, 250-foot, drill hole near Picher, Okla., on March 31, and remained wedged in the hole for over 12 hours while fran tic rescue efforts were- made to sink a shaft beside the drill hole. He was not badly injured. as a tourist ana vacation resort this season. Mr. Latham has an nounced The ranch, a boundary of more than a thousand acres, has an el evation of 3,000 feet and is located in the extreme eastern corner of Clav countv .and nestles in. a nar row valley surrounded by rugged close its second successful year and and high peaks of the Nantahala air indications are that the on- . , . ff t . coming years will meet with even h;ghway fjo. 28 and are reached more success. by an improved road which leaves c i tiooAm 'tt,o ocrripnlturp thp. ln'chwav at the lower Buck (Ml ... i.i.......-, - - - - .J 1 inctriiMnr i thp first snpaker ofrrrfek bridge. UVll , " .--v. - I the evenine. He gave the results Hunt For Slayers of 7 A grim manhunt has been under- way tor nays aiong me ivicAj.aii border for three bandits wno on Friday night . slaughtered seven members of the family ot a ew Mexico dairyman in a robbery at tempt. Formation ot a vigilance committee is considered to queu recent bandit outbreaks. Turn larce forest fires and sev eral -smaller ones have been re nnrlpd in Macon county during the past week. The worst were on 'IVimnnt and Amnions' Knob. The uttpr nresented the appearance -of a volcano Wednesday, with huge billows of smoke rising, above the u The fire on Trimont and also another on Cartoogechaye were believed incendiary. A bloodhound was broucht here from Clayton in hopes that the person or per sons responsible could be trauea, but the dog failed to produce re cita that would stand in court. John Wilson, of the Wilson Gap vicinity near Highlands, was Douna trt Bunerior court Friday by Jus tice of the Peace J. C. Mell at Highlands, on a charge of setting forest fires which burned over about 125 acres of national forest land in the vicinity several weeks ago. Wilson was arrested by Rang er Don Young on circumstantial evidence. He . was released under $200 bond. ON HONOR ROLL Miss Jessie Higdon, of Franklin, Miss Sarah Hicks Hines, of High lands, and Carl D. Moses, of Hig donville, made the Beta honor roll at Western Carolina Teachers col lege at Cullowliee for the winter quarter. , , VOTE .FOR PHILIPINE FREEDOM ' The lower house on Monday approved the Hare bill to give independence to the 13,000,000 Philipinos in about 10 years, by vote of 306 to 47. Eastman Money to University finrtre Eastman, who gave away $100,000,000 before death, left $20,- 000,000 in his will, most oi it to go to Rochester university. Admits Bank Robberies Arrested Sundav for Chicago of ficers, Donal Loftus, 30, admitted 17 A tit hank robberies in Which . A. V tinnnnn una taken and also three IUUtWV ' 1 V recent bigamous marriages, ric u j i;tin mnnpv when taken in IIAU IU". ..v.. -- Indiana. For A Plant Halts snq.oofiooo OUVICI vuaai eaw t ' . , Ford automobile plant near Niznhi Novgorod, has come- to a halt tnree ths after production started. Dlroi-lnri are " heiner replaced to IJI I VV1." 1 - attempt a reopening on April is 75,000 MINERS STRIKE Failure to arrive at satisfac tory wage figures in joint con ferences, is given as the cause of a strike by 75,000 bituminous coal miners in Illinois, Ohio, In diana and West Virginia, the men ceasing work as of mid night, March 31. Large House Ttin main ranch house is a 22- of the last year's projects, stating J roorn structure equipped with run- that the class as a v whole made ning. water and baths with interior $681.59 clear profit and that the many hours of student labor. were given sufficient credit. The meas ure by which the value uf the agri culture class may be given is shown lv the. total labor income of the entire class, which reaches the fig ures of $919.76. Most of these projects were com aosed of the following: corn, Irish potatoes, beans, hogs, sheep, beef calves, stock beets and a few acres of Uspedeza. Guy Houk, high school principal and president of the Franklin Ro- tarv club, and M. D. Billings, coun tv suoerintendent. both spoke ot J ar the success of the agriculture de nartment and congratulated the r - tUa nictir Kurroundines. The fur (,11V vaw" " u nishings, porches, huge fireplace, a roomy living room or lobby, and n.,onisntlv arraneed bed rooms. V.Vll ,ll'Vii..J - Tti' fnrtii shiners are all new and . l W " CJ- m.ii'anir it is hand-made by work the inh AThe immediate surroundings are being landscaped and planted in native shrubbery. Trt rarrv out the ranch plan, the hundreds of acres of farm arid pas ture land will furnish home grown vegetables and meats for the table. A herd of more than 140 sheep is' already on the range. Horses and other equipment will be available in order that guests may enjoy the scenic and recreational oppor tunities of the mountain surround- !rtnrC ' The opening of this ranch with itc arpommodations to the public will place at the disposal of visitors the scenery of a region that has (Continued on page six) VESTTOIIEAD coin gop. Republican Convention Endorses Solesbee And Edwards COMMITTEE NAMED Hoover Policies Praised, County Administration Attacked FUNERAL HELD FORMS. BYRD Mother of Mrs. Hoilman Dies After Month's ' Illness Mail Pilot Dies in Fog Near the end of a perilous flight fromt Newark to Cleveland with 1,000 pounds of mail, Pilot Forrest falirk ran' into dense fog on the outskirts of Cleveland, March 31, and crashed to his qeath. Britain Balances Budget P'ofrarrtpd as a financial marvel is treat Britain's feat in balancing the national budget for the current vear with a surplus of 364.U0U pounds. The revenues, by that amount, exceeded expenditures of 770,599,000 pounds during the year 'Held For Murder OriKinally held under $2,500 bond each for cruelty and neglect caus ing the death of Willie Mae Mash- burn, -eight, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Brooks were re-arrested at Ashe- ville, Saturday, and held for first degree murder. Funeral services for Mrs. Nancy Elvira Bvrd. 88. who died at the home of her. son, Dock Byrd, at Bryson City early Monday morn ing, were held at the Oak Grove Methodist church Tuesday after noon at 3 o'clock with the Rev. Mr. Buchanan, of Bryson City, as a"meni . nu.. u : sSed bv the Rev. W. L. Bradley Doys on tne syicnuiu wuir. whiviii ------- ri, tuL were doimr. Ud the Rev. D. C. McCoy of Oak H. Lyle spoke on the value of I "V'T . .i.- .i lc home of her daughter. Mrs. Fannie agriculture in mc puunv siuuuia . , - - . . B . . , f Se ers irt Gastoma. about a month ana stresseu tne iraudHw W1I u u. tt. , f K.f ttomnl na UeQ. WICF IICIIIK UlUUKlll learning-u i.h. ur.y.- .,.... ......e., -- , - , , r rt I aUXl wllVa w-i-. oui W'VU, V to iarrn. .. . j. .u Those on the entertainment pro- P -r age, ;ne , c gram were Helen sncpara, joe ----- - o . . . . i.. I . ,c,t tier enn T?liren Hvflt fi T J II.-..-.. .1 .i mar VCA 3 IV ' 'i " "J ' ' anope, icram. minuu auu uumu , r j J rrafr.rH Music was furnished bv an eany ge xy.u jy.Cu the Hio-donville band. The meal was prepared and serv ed by Miss Alberta Beam and the crirls of the home economics de partment. Son Prefers Pool, Mamma the Movies M.. r.MHi Dalrvmple ap peared before the town council Monday night witn a reque. (fiat the council outlaw pool tables, now being operatea in Franklin under the legal defini nition of "lot macbinas.'' "I can't get my boy come home now until 10 or ll'clock . she complained. "He "-o ' - . bangs around tho pool rooms nd spends all lus money, ne u spend twenty-five cents in an evening, money that he ought to be putting on his back." "What time is it?" Mrs. Dal rymple inquired, abruptly 'inter ruptutg her remarks about the ainU of nool rooms. It was a few minute after eight o'clock, sho wa informed. "Oh, I'll have to go now," sb concluded, "or I II miss ne pic lure show." v Th cnuncil took Mrs. Dal rymple's request under advise ment. I rii&rr Finn Airman's Body Miccincr since February 1 when his plane crashed into a California peak, the body of Lieut. Edward D. Hoffman, army aviator, was found Sunday where he had per ished in deep snow a half-mile from aid. Arkansas Fuiles Politicians The Arkansas Democratic con vention on Friday voted not to in struct its 18 delegates to the na tional convention and thereby puz zled political leaders. It is tnouglit the Arkansas votes will be cast at first for Senator Robinson, ot that state. Km ...I Youno Is Acqpited George, A. Younce, formerly so licitor in the 12th judicial district, was on Saturday night at Lexing ton acquitell of manslaughter in the death of Sheriff James A. Leon ard. Younce had told a second coroner's iurv Leonard was acci- tontlv shot as Younce tried to wrest from him a pistol with which Leonard had shot Neil Wimmer. W. Foil Brinklcy was freed of the manslaughter charge -in a directed verdict on Friday. ' Both " Younce and Brinkley are indicted for per jury for failure to admit knowledge nt t oMiurH'e manner of death, in the first coroner's hearing. Republican Leader Dies Albert H. Vestal, 57, of. Indiana, Republican leader in the house of representatives, died in wasning ton Friday of a heart ailment by which he was stricken on Alarm 26. Tar Heel Dies In Crash Milton C. Williamson,1 35, Liberty, private secretary to Representative Edward W. Poti, was one ot two killed in Washington, Friday morn ing, in a collision of two fast cross- town busses. v:iu Sinks Into Caves Tt, whole villaee of Villa Santa Stefano, midway between Rome and Naples, was vacated by its w,uuu inhabitants last week as houses on one. street sank with a crash into ancient Roman cavs over wmcn the town was built. Other streets are sinking slowly but surely. . SUin Over 25 Cents IiTan argument over a 25-cents gambling debt, Marvin White, nnH killed Lincoln 1 Thompson, 35, near RaleighSatur day niaht. . Macon County Students Win Honors at W.C.T.C. The following Macon, county students have made an enviable record at Western Carolina Teach ers college during the past quarter: r Ross Zacharv is , president of the Alha Phi Sigma, national honorary scholastic fraternity, and is recognized as an honor student, having made the Alpha honor roll for the Quarter. Miss Helen rat ton is secretary of the Epworth league, vice-president of the Liter aw rlnh and is one of the inter- eolleeiate debaters this spring. Miss Mary Louise Slagle, Ev erett Mashburn, and Jessie Ram eev made the honor roll for the wintnf quattit. - FARM PROGRAM IS PRKENTED 5-10 Year Plan Is Topic Of Meeting Held at Courthouse A tv'oieal 5-10 Year Farm Pro trram nuetinc was staeed at the courthouse Saturday afternoon by the Cartoogechaye 5-10 organiza tion, with farm folk from other sections of the county attending. Mrs, Henrv Slagle. co-chairman of the group, opened the meeting and launched the preliminary events. Chairman Lattie Craw ford then took charge. , The 5-10 plan and how it can help Macon cuunty farmers was discussed by Carl Slagle, Mrs. H. C. Hurst, Mrs. Slagle, Fred Sloan, county agent; and Miss Elizabeth Kelly and Sam L. Franks, county chairmen of the farm develop ment movement. . An entertainment program also was presented with music Turnish- ed hv eitrht stnnfT musicians, a tuncitiir stunt bv Virginia Zachary anA Annie Ruth Zacharv. little midrhters of Hal Zachary. known f,. a nimrter of a century for his clog and buck dancing, drew much applause. Alter the proeram at tne court house several outdoor events were held. The men won over the wom en in a relay race. the Oak Grove Methodist church and lived a very loyal and conse crated life. She, was devoted to her family and her presence con tributed pleasure to all who knew her, because of her friendly, frank and jovial nature. Her radiant smile was - always accompanied by a cordial- greeting. Surviving are the following chil dren: Mrs. Priscella .McHan, of California; Mrs. Rose Smythe, of Canton: W. S. Byrd, of Culbert- son, Ga.; Mrs. Florence Gibbey, ot Tennessee, Mrs, Tim Hoilman, of Franklin : Mrs. Fannie Sellers, of Gastonia ; Dock Byrd, of Bryson City, . and Buren Byrd, of bait lake Citv. Utah: a number ot grand and. great-grandchildren. Carl Bingham's Garage And Auto Lost m rire ' Carl Bingham, who lives at Lake h tnnrv and is caretaker of the power plant, lost his garage am! car, over $100 worth- of power house supplies, tools, seeds, feed and other implements, when his automobile' caught on fire Monday rue Rickett 500 B.Y.P.U.S EXPECTEDHERE Regional Convention To Be Held in Franklin Next Week The, regional convention of the Baptist Young Peoples Union will be held at the First Baptist church Franklin Friday and Saturday of next week. Five hundred mem bers of the organization from churches throughout Western North Carolina are exacted to attend the convention. The convention is scheduled to convene at L p.. m. friaay, npru 15 and to end at 4 p. m. the fol lowing day. An interesting pro gram is being arranged for the meeting. Among the speakers ex pected to take part in the program are Dr. Frank Leavel, noted preach er of Nashville, Tenn.; Miss Win- of Raleigh, state scc- McKinley Edwards. Bryson City attorney, was endorsed for the of fice, .of United States attorney for. the western district of North Caro lina at the Macon county Republic- . an convention m the courthouse Saturday morning. The convention also endorsed the Rev. A. S. Soles bee, Baptist minister and former representative of Macon county in the general assembly, for state sen ator from this district. The convention, called to order at 11 o'clock by the retiring chair man. A. R. Higdon. ran so smooth- 1 that its business was completed shortly after noon. It adopted a resolution endorsing "without qual ification the record ot the Hoover administration," attacking Demo cratic dominance in county ana state governments and calling for revaluation of property and a re duction of taxes. West Named Chairman After appointment of the county executive committee V. J. West was elected county chairman, Miss Lolita Dean, vice chairman, and R. H. Rogers, secretary. Following are the minutes of the meeting as reported by T..G. Har bison, secretary of the convention: Pursuant to announcement, the Republicans of Macon county met in the courthouse on April .2 and organized for the coming com- paign. ihe meeting was canea to order by R. D. Sisk, temporary chairman with T. G. Harbison act ing as temporary secretary. After the chairman had stated the oDjeci of the meeting, a motion to make R. D. Sisk permanent chairman and T. G. Harbison permanent sec retary tor this meeting was car ried. The secretary called the roll ot the townships of the county and delegates from the following town chinc resnonded : Millshoal. Elliiav.. Sugarfork, Highland, Flatts, Smith Bridge, Burnmgtown. cowee ana Franklin. . It was moved and carried that the chairman appoint a committee on resolutions. W. R. Hitrdon. W. J. West. War- shall Burnett, W. L. Higdon and T. G. Harbison were appointed for the committee. . Resolutions Adopted The following resolutions were read to the convention and adoy; ed: We, the Republican party of Ma con county, in convention assem bled, on .this April 2, 1932, reaf firm our devotions to the prin ciples of the Republican party and endorse without qualification the record of the Hoover administration. We hold that government must function not' to centralize wealth, business and power, but to pre serve equal opportunity so that all may share in our priceless resourc es. . , , We believe that a one-sided po lictical situation with a too domi nant party in power in Macon coun- (Continued on page six; afternoon, supposedly to have start ed from a shortage in the wiring of the car. Boards were scattered for several yards when the gaso line tank blew up. Piers and Multiplication j - . Studied by Rotary Uub A. T. Roiiers Family Holds 11th Reunion The A. T. Rocers family held eleventh annual reunion at l 1 1 V 1 . . . . - . . ihe liomeDlace at Prentiss Thurs dav. March 31. It was Mr. KOg ers 81st birthday. Ihe tamily one of the larcest in the county Mr. Rogers having 11 children, 70 grandchildren and 30 great grand children. Ahont 25 oersons -attended the reunion and enjoyed the bounteous I dinner which was serve, retary of the B. Y. P. U., and the Rev. T. A. Ivev. former state sec retary of the'B. Y. P. U. but now the pastor of a church in Ashe ville. The Franklin Rotary club learn ed about the ; pig business at its regular weekly, luncheon at ' the Scott Griffin . hotel., weanesuay. Briefly, they learned that Ellis Par ker Butler was right wheq. he wrote "Pigs is Pigs." Ahont a vear aeo the club bought four purebred.' Poland China pigs and one boar of, the same variety. They gave the' figs to four Macon .M,r,v farm hovs and Diacea tne of a farmer. Now there arc 28 more purebred roiana Chinas in Macon county, wexi fall there should be 50 or 60 more. By this time next yearthe proD lem will enter higher mathematics. Not satisfied with these esti mates, Professor Guy Houk, who resident of the Rotary club, oroeressiorts and ui uvv r . Will Rogers Picb A Story For This Spot By WILL ROGERS 'THIS u a story I always Hked; A nn moo Vinva hpnrd it bat there will be do harm in repeating ttjwed that by September, 1933, uea at $50. the orieiiial four Rotary pigs would have multiplied into 1,073.--Within a few years more, he calculated. Macon county would be shipping 30 carloads of pigs to market each year, . . Present at the meeting were Don Henderson. Roger Dalton, Jeff En- loe and Sexton Vinson, the boys who are guiding the destinies- 6f these cork multioliers. They ex plained how to raise contented pigs and quoted tigures on costs to show that pigs multiply dollar! as well as pigs; For example, Don Henderson estimated that his pig raising venture had cost $16.60. He has sold three out of his recent brood for $8 each. . He gave two pigs back to the Rotary club, and he still has three pigs left, to say nothing of the sow, which he vsl- i-ohhlnff a fcoOM a3 quietly possible, but his shoes were not paaaeo ana vney wuc making a noise. He had just reached the door of the bedroom when he heard a woman ypuw, If you don't take off your snoes when you come into this house there is going to be trouDiei Here it's been raining for three hours and you dare tramp over my .w pet with your muddy , feet! Oa downstairs and take 'em off r l went downstairs without a wow. v.. j. v. 4-oVa ttin xhne Off. (JUL uc U1UU V v --- - He went into the night again an the Pal who was waiting raa ,for him eye as nous. saw a tear guswn p.pj ne repuea, i u