i. I'? ?" i t J 4 v .J . jk..tJ ' The Franklin -Press has the largest aijdjte.d paid,.circulaion of any North Carolina newspaper west of Asheville. It is achrp ter'. member of the North Carolina.' IVess Association Circulation Audit; Bureau.- Certified records of ;its circulation arc open to all 'adver- tisers. ; .-.'' 1 lb .... ABOUT HIGHLANDS This beautiful community, perched midst virgin forcSis on a plateau averaging 4,118 feet elevation above sea . level, is the highest incorporated town cast of the Rockies. The highest temperature recorded in 40 years has been 87 degrees. Highlands has be come known as "The. Roof Garden -of the Southeast." Vss5 Vss? , PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. XLVII, NO. 27 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1932 $1.50 PER YEAR . . i . i TEACHERS LIST M5KED Billings : Call s County. Wide Meeting of Teach ers Tor July 23 SCHOOLSOPEN SOON Another Examination for Entrance lo 8th Grade To Be Held ' A county-wide teachers' meeting will be held in the courthouse at 10 o'clock Saturday, July 23, it was announced this week by M. D. Billings, county superintendent of schools. Mr. Billings alscr gave out a list of teachers appointed to serve in the various schools for. the coming term. Some of the short term schools will open Monday, - July 11, while most of the remain ing country schools will open on Monday, July ,18-. . The Franklin and Highlands schools 'are scheduled . to start the year's work on the first Monday in September. A short time before the opening of these schools an examination for , admission to the eighth grade will be held for those who failed to pass or were unable to take the examination in May. List Announced , ..Following is a list of the teach ers for the rural schools as an nounced by Mr. Billings: h Franklin G. L. -Houk, principal ; Miss Wyatt.Miss Gillan, Miss Mc Kimmon, Mrs. Macon, Mrs. Franks, Paul Carpenter, Miss Burch, Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Hunter Miss Moody, Miss Calloway, Miss Elizabeth Cabe, Mrs. Eaton, Miss Rogers, Mrs. Williams, Miss Porter, -. Iotla Mrs. Albert Rajnsey, Mrs. Marie Roper, Mrs. Ned Teague. Olive Hill Sanford Smith. - Pattens Mrs. Maud H. Norton, Mrs. John Henry. Clark'. Chapd Mrs. L. T. Sloan, Mrs. Harriet Strain. j Union Mr- Lola S. Kiser, . Miss 1 Amanda Slagle, Mrs. Lucy Brad-' . icy- " - " " , ' Maple Spring Jesse L. Sanders', Miss Minnie Sanders, Miss Ruth Slagle. , Holl,y Springs Ms Lovicia Jus tice, Miss Katherine Ammons. Watauga J. B. Brendle, Mrs. Arnold. Oak Ridge-C. S. Tilley, . Miss Gladys Pannell. T Mountain Grove V. C." Ramey. Higdonville E. J. Carpenter, Higdonville E. j. ' Carpenter, Mayme Moses. . ' Salem-r-Sam A. Bryson, Miss Blanche Cabe. Mashburn's Branch Miss Pearl . Phillips. Pine Grove T: T. Love, Mrs. T. T. Love. Walnut Creek Miss Annie Wilk es. : . Buck Creek Miss Myrtle Vin " son. v Gold Mine Mrs. Roy Fox. Highlands O. F. Summer, prin cipal; F. C. Hentz, Miss'Lois Fer guson, Miss Amy Henderson, Miss Bertha Williams, Mrs. Jack Hall, ' Miss Beatrice Mozcley, Mrs. A. W. Pierson, Miss Ethel Calloway. - Scaly E. N. Evans, Miss May McCoy. ' Mulberry Mrs. Hazel Cabe, Xfiss Georgia Howard. Academy Miss Annise McDow ell. "... Hickory 'Knoll Mrs. Pearl Cor bin, Miss "Onnie Cabe. Upper Tesenta Mjss Nora Leach. Mountain View Miss Bess Nor ton. Otto Mrs. Mad Carpenter John son, Miss Vev Howard. . (Continued on page four) Kinds of fMEN, HUSBPiHDS AMDfOptSl ftwD H0STBuS8Rr4DS ARE FooLS vrm . r NEWS SUMMARY A Survey of State and National Events Concisely Told In Brief Up-to-Date News Reports ROOSEVELT AND GARNER Franklin D. Roosevelt, gover nor of New York, was made the . Democratic nominee for' presi- ' dent on Friday night, winning on the fourth ballot with 945 votes, only the supporters of Alfred E. Smith holding out , f against him. Roosevelt flew to Chicago on Saturday and per- ' tonally accepted the nomination in a speech to the convention. . John N. Garner, of Texas,, speaker of the lower house, was unanimously chosen Saturday as vice-pretiential nominee. -"..' Farley Democratic Chief ' The national Democratic commit tee on Saturday at Chicago, unan imously named James A. Farley as chairman to succeed John J. Kas kobj in oftice since the 198 cam paign. , Farley was. the pi e-con-vention manager of the Roosevelt forces. '. - ' Dynamite Caps Kill 6 Six young men of Butte, .Mon tana, were torn to pieces, Monday, in the explosion of a pile Of dyna mite caps which they had been ex ploding one at a time. -Holiday Toll Over 200 The holiday toll of death on July Fourth went, over 200. with automobiles killing 80, drownings accounting for over 50 arid fire works killing eight. Texas Floods Kill 9 Nine ' death's and $500,000 dam age have resultt '. from floods in southwest Texas on Sunday. Sev eral towns "nverc cut off without communication and many persons were marooned. Veteran's Slayer Convicted Three years sentence ' in the state's prison was given W. A. Banks, Asheville railroad detective,- at Marion, .on Saturday for the fatal shooting of Louis Chiapetta," Texan member of a group of bon us marchers on their way home. Chiapetta's comrades said Banks shot without provocatioif as he or dered them from a fruvht car. Banks has noted a supje'me court appeal. ' Child Climbs From Well Robert Moore, 5, Alamance coun ty boy, fell into a 35-foot well re cently. Hearing his cries the moth er, peered down to see him clinging to the rocks at the water level. Robert then carefully climbed to the top. He suffered no injuries other than scalp wounds. Lost Aviaton Found' Missing since May 17, Captain Hans Bertram, German aviator, and his mechanic, were found Mon day at a native village in the Aus tralian bush. ' Grange Picks Greensboro The executive committee of the N. C. . Grange on Saturday chose Greensboro as the 1932 convention city, meeting October 5 and 6., v Train Kills Veteran Claude A. Atkins, 38, of Houston, Texas, was killed "by a" Southern ing the approach of a freight train passenger train at Charlotte, June 30, as he stood at a crossing watch- which he intended to board for a ride to the bonus army encamp ment at Washington. Textile Mill Damaged Disgruntled former employes are suspected of vandalism in the Cal vine mill; Charlotte, which was en tered last week. Warps of 500 looms were slashed with knives and the plant fyill close for three weeks to repair, the damage. Five Lynched This Year Only five lynchings have taken place in the, nation so far this year, according to , Tuskegee statistical records. In 13 'instances officers prevented lynchings. N. C DEFICIT $3,475,000 The state government entered its new fiscal vear - Saturday With deficit of $3,475,000. Tax coUrttions for the closing year war J16.GG1.B38.08. hfehwaV fund collections $20,502,200. HEAVY FEDERAL DEFICIT .. The federal government en tered its new fiscal year, July 1, faced with a deficit of $2, 885,000,000, largest in peace-time history. Optimism is felt, how- . . ever, that the new tax program coupled with retrenchments will . materially lighten the deficit. Presents Beer Bill Senator Bingham, Connecticut, on Friday presented in the senate a bill to legalize 3.2 per cent beer. Tornado Strikes Kansas At least five died and 15 "were hurt at Washington, Kansas, Mon day, when a tornado ripped through the place. HIGHLANDS HAS C00LF0URTH Mountain Resort Has Many Visitors Despite Bad Weather Tourists visiting Highlands for the week-end of July 4 gathered around log fires in the granite fireplaces of some of the town's hotels. Saturday morning and Sunday morning were cool almost chilly even for Highlands. Visitors were favored with blue skies and clear horisons that offer ed views, extending from the Great Smoky mountains to the South Carolina Piedmont. Whitesides mountain, ""Satulah mountain, Sun set rocks, Bridal Veil falls, Cul lasaja falls were favorite scenic spots for several hundred visitors. Hotels and boarding houses re ported numerous additional guests for the week-end. Other tourists, motoring through, could not be as carefully checked, but probably 700 or 800 tourists came to High lands during Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Rain on the Fourth checked the numbers' that were expected for that day as well as the activities of those who had arrived. But a crowd of merry makers that prac tically" filled Helen's barn, the new Main street dance haU, gathered on Monday night for a dance that lasted from 9 until 2 o'clock. ' Forecasts for a successful tour ist season have been made for Highlands this, summer by those who are in a position to check advance indications. July and Aug ust vare the two leading months and already summer homes and hotels are being occupied in such numbers as to give Highlands its characteristic aspect of a lively re sort town. .The season of 1931 was Highlands' best from a standpoint of the number of visitors enter tained. Conditions'- are such this year that the present' season may not be up to that of last year. On the other hand, the opening of Highway No. 28 through Highlands may do a great deal toward off setting adverse circumstances. (A fiu S in Z o 0 X a FOR U. S. SENATE ' Short. Term Morrison..........., 17 '36 9 107 5 77 S3 6 6 17 ,29 177 539 Reynolds .112 86 5 22 .. 92 136 2 .. 36 139 621 1251 FORJtJ. S. SENATE . ' Long Term . - Morrison..................... 16 38 11 103 5 76 55 6 6 17 31 156 a 520 Reynolds...........;.... Ill 87 1 21 .. 92 117 "3 .. 35 137 583 1187 FOR GOVERNOR Ehringhaus.- 120 23 4 89 2 . 52 142 2 ' 21 81 554 109Q Fountain.... 5 82 9 33 3 117 35 7 6 31 62 219 609 FOR COM. LABOR Fletcher.......... .120 f 60 4' 81. 4 105 137 6 6 30 85 501 1139 Mitchell........ 3 15 .. 30 .. 28 26 2 .. 19 40 108 271 FOR STATE SENATOR Patton. ....... 112 70 12 66 3 55 165 4 6 35 118 550 1196 Bennett, 12 39 3 58 2 118 32 S 18 52 238 577 REVIEWS WORK OF RED CROSS i i r i ' ' '"'.' Much Food and Clothing Distributed During Last 12'Months MEETING IS CALLED Chapter Called To Meet July 23 To Elect Chairman A meeting of the Macon county chapter of the Red Cross has been called for Saturday,' July 23, by Miss Elizabeth Kelly for the pur pose of electing a chairman to serve during the coming year and to act on other vital matters. In announcing this meeting Miss Kel ly, the present chairman, took oc casion to review the work of the Red Cross -for the past year. "Last July," she reported, "a few of us undertook to reorganize the Macon county chapter of the Amer ican Red Cross for the purpose of doing some needed relief work and for the further and bigger purpose of arousing the people as a whole to the fact that permanent relief can come only from the sustained effort of the' individual. Clothing Supplied "The first effort of the group was to attempt to supply clothes to school children who did not have sufficient clothes to enable them to attend school. Several dozen pairs of shoes, sweaters, hose and other garments were supplied. These things were either donated or paid for with money contributed by individuals. Twelve loan bundles of sheets, towels, pillowcases and sleeping garments were gathered together that families with sick members might have more com fortable sick beds. A bundle would be loaned for use and re turned when there was no more need for it. In many cases the need has been so desperate that the bundle was left with .the family. S.everal dozen donated garments, both old and new were also distributed during the year through local committees. Flour Given Needy "Several shipments of yeast and two car loads of flour have come from the American Red Cross for distribution by the Macon county chapter. This distribution has been made as well as we could make it. The fairness and success of the distribution has depended upon the quality of citizenship in each community where the distri bution was made. In most in sfances men and women have giv en time and thought to the mat ter and I am atempting now to express the appreciation of the Red Cross and good citizens. gen erally to these men and women in each community who have giv en themselves generously to this thankless task. "There has been a constant ef fort on the part of the Rtd Cross to encourage the individual to make every effort to become self supporting. Garden seeds - have been distributed widely over the county and neighborhood groups asked to encourage growth of gar den , fruits and vegetables. We have repeatedlv requested the ones who distribute flour to see that the ones who get flour are trying to make food for next year. "The lasting good that may come from the Red Cross working as (Continued on page four) How Macon Voted in Second . .:.n r, 2 t pq o i j o '' ' to 2 ti i - 8 3 t -I r b a S C rt rt rt a U ZT . -.55 ' M. u o u a to 3 c AUGUST COURT JUROMAVN Judge Sink, of Lexington, To Preside Over Two Weeks Term MANY CASES SLATED Trial of Criminal Cases Expected To Take up First Week The summer term of Macon county superior court is scheduled to convene Monday morning, Aug ust 22, with Judge A. Hoyle Sink, of Lexington, presiding. . Many criminal-as well as civil cases will be on the calendar for trial at the two-weeks term, It its expected that trial of the criminal cases, many of them petty theft cases, will require all of the first week, possibly more. Jurors Drawn The jury list was drawn at a meeting of the county commission ers Tuesday: Grand jurors: H. L. Swafford, Route 3; M. D. Edwards, High lands; Frank Daves, Route 2; B. C. Hawkins, Highlands; Zcb Mc Clure, Route 2; A. G. Kinsland, Route 4; H. B. Gibson, Cullasaja; O. C. Hall,. Kyle; J. T. Raby, West's Mill; Wayne McCracken, Route 4; B. W. Horn, Franklin ; Joe Sweatman, Route 1; Andy Sor rels, Cullasaja ; Gilmer Crawford, Franklin; J. P. Deal, Route 4; A. L. Leach, Franklin; Tom Jennings, Franklin ; and John T. Jennings, Franklin. , Petit Jurors Petit jurors for the first week: J. C. Higdon, Route 4 ; C. W. Dowdle, Prentiss ; W. B. Long, Route 2; B. H. Carpenter, Route 2; Earnest C. Vinson, Scaly; J. K. Conley, Route 3; J. T. Vinson, Route 2 ; Harry Ray, Route 3 ; C. B. Bryson, Cullasaja; Jack E. Wyman," Franklin f L. T. Moses, (Continued on page four) FAMILY HONORS B. C. BUCHANAN Prosperous Watauga Far mer Celebrates His 72nd Birthday I, .1. i On Sunday, July 3, about fifty relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Buchanan, in honor of Mr. Buc hanan's 72nd birthday. It was the fourth reunion of the family held at his home. Mr. Buchanan is a prosperous truck farmer of the Watauga sec tion and is always among the first to have vegetables on the market. Mr. Buchanan, is the father of 16 living children, 13 of whom were present Sunday. There were also 32 grandchildren present on this occasion. The Rev. Norman Hol den, Baptist minister, made a short talk. The children present were: Mrs. Mousrie Johnson, Misses Mary L. Martha A. and Matt.ie Buchanan, Messrs. Wade, Roosevelt, Moultrie, Nolen, all of Macon county, Mr. T. E. Buchanan, of South Carolina, Mrs. Emma Allen, Mrs. Maude Bumgarner, Mrs. Carrie Ward and Miss Annie Lou Buchanan, all of Jackson county, Misses Berdic and Mayram Tims, of South Carolina. Primary i 8 4) . 1) c State and Couiity Go for Reynolds And Ehringhaus ACCIDENT FATAL TO ELLIS FOUTS Body of Young Man Killed in Little Rock Brought Here for Burial The body of Ellis Pouts, 24, who was killed in a railroad accident in Little Rock, Ark., Friday, July 1, arrived here Wednesday. Funeral services were held at the home 'of Mrs. Frank Fouts, mother of the deceased, Wednesday after noon at 3 o'clock witK the Rev. A. S. Solesbee conducting the final rites. Burial was in the Fouts cemetery. The deceased is survived by his mother, Mrs. Frank Fouts, two sisters, Mrs. Harley Roper, of Route 3, and Mrs. Bynum Downs, of Winston-Salem; four brothers, Roselle and Nondas Fouts, of Iotla, Gay Fouts, of Rainbow Springs, and Harve Fouts, of the state of Washington. AD IN FIGHT ON PELLAGRA Rev. Dr. Bell and Dr. Rog ers Assist in Red Cross Campaign The Rev. Robert B. H. Bell, head of the Life Abundant center in Franklin, and Dr. W. A. Rog ers, prominent physician, have joined hands with the Red Cross to stamp out pellagra in Macon county. . There are 69 patients in the county who are taking yeast sup plied by the Red Cross, according to Miss Elizabeth Kelly, chairman of the Macon county chapter of the Red Cross. "This yeast," Miss Kelly explain ed, "is issued only on a doctor's prescription for pellagrins. Many of these cases of pellagra ' have not advanced very far and the yeast is useful in supplying iieeded vitamines in the diet more rapidly than might be supplied by the pa tient's eating ( the right kinds of food. Of course, the yeast is only a temporary remedy and the -patient must learn to eat properly if he or she is to be permanently cured of pellagra." Each Saturday, morning froin 10 o'clock to 12:30 o'clock, Miss Kel ly announced, Dr. Bell will be at the Masonic Hall to advise pel lagra patient's what available foods are best for them. Dr. Bell also will discuss diets for those suffer ing from rheumatism and other chronic diseases caused mainly by wrong habits of eating. There will be no 'charges for these talks and Dr. Rogers will prescribe, if necessary, in any of the cases. "It is possible," Mjss Kelly de clared, "for any family in Macon county to produce a sufficient variety of the right kinds of food to prevent much disease and suf fering. It is necessary to know whicn are tne ngnt iooqs anu which arc' harmful. This, is a good opportuniyt to find out from one who knows. I hope many who ... . . ' i . e i J feel 'porely' will take advantage of the generous offer made by Dr. Bell and Dr. Rogers." Members of the Y. W. A. of the First Baptist church are requested to meet at 4 o clock Saturday af tcrnoon at the home of Mrs. J. D. Franks. A picnic is to be held by the group and all members are urged to bring sandwiches. BIRTHS On Wednesday, June 15, a daugh ter . was born to Mr. and Mrs Fred N. Nichols, of Cartoogechaye. A daughter, Mary Jane, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Furman J. Davis, of Franklin township, on June 27. Mr., and Mrs. James A. McCoy, of Hollands announce the arrival of a son, Daniel Rogers, on Sun day, June 17. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lake H. Stiles, of Smith's Bridge township on Thursday, June 28. Outcome Indicates Second Primaries Disfavored -By Voters PATTON WINS RACE Franklin Man Defeats Bennett in State Senate Run-off Macon county contributed hand-, somely to . the majorities piled up by Robert R. Reynolds, candidate for the Democratic nomination for U. S. Senator, and J. C. B. Ehring haus, seeking the Democratic nom ination for governor,' in Saturday's second primary. Reynolds, who carried the state by more than 100,000 majority, polled 1,251 votes in this county to 539 for Senator Cameron Morrison, his opponent. Ehringhaus, whose statewide ma jority was between 10,000 and 11, 000 received 1,090 votes in Macon to 609 for Lieutenant Governor R. T. Fountain. Reynolds won true to form, but the big county majority for Eh ringhaus was somewhat of a sur prise, for Fountain carried this county by a large plurality in the first primary. The outcome was viewed, as a positive indication that most of the voters of Macon county are opposed to any can didate who calls for a second primary. Disturbance Quieted The election passed quietly with the exception of a slight distur bance at the polling place in Frank lin township over the voting of absentee ballots. For a while feel ing was at a high pitch in some quarters, but the disturbance was quieted without serious difficulty . and without arrests. Patton Wins R. A. Patton, of Franklin, can didate for the Derrtocratic nom ination for state senator, carried the district by a majority of 694 over Dr. Kelly E. Bennett, of Bry son City. Patton carried three of the five counties in the 33rd sen atorial district Cherokee, Macon ' and Clay, while Bennett carried Swain and Graham. The total vote from 68 precincts in the district Patton 3,410 and Bennett 2,716. ' The vote by counties follows: Cherokee, 24 precincts,. Patton 1,-. 181; Bennett 408; Graham, 11 pre cincts, Patton 128, Bennett 417; Macon, 12 . precincts, Patton 1,198, Bennett 567; Clay, six precincts, Patton 655, Bennett 166; and" wain. 15 precincts, Patton 248, Bennett -1,158. Mr. Patton was high man by 708 . votes in the first primary, in which there were three other candidates. In the run-off for state com missioner of labor Major A. L. Fletcher, of Raleigh, had 163,146 votes against 103,533 for . C E. Mitchell, also of Raleigh, on the face of returns from 1,571 pre cincts ou of 1,829 in the state. . r . v- Pageant To Be Given At Episcopal Church A pageant will be given at 8 o'clock Friday night on the lawn of St. Agnes Episcopal church". This jagean-is a part of a community recreational program and the public- is. cordially invited to attend. There will be no admission charge. Only 3 Gray Veterans Attend July 4 Dinner On accokint of the inclement weather on July 4 the annual picnic dinner given by the Ma con county U. D. C. chapter in honor of the few remaining veterans was curtailed. There were only three veter ans who braved the elements and came out. These were giv en a delicious hot dinner at a local restaurant. The honor guests on this oc casion were Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hall, of Etna, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Rhodes, of Otto, and Mr. A. M. Shop and daughter, of Prsntin.