7 O .... I acout ou?j:lve3 The Franklin Press has the largest audited paid circulation of any North' Carolina newspaper west of Asheville. It is a charter member of the North Carolina Press Association Circulation Audit Bureau. Certified records of its circulation ae open to all adver-f tiscrs. ' : . ' - ABOUT HIGHLANDS This beautiful community, perched midst virgin forests on a plateau averaging 4,118 feet elevation above sea level, is the highest incorporated town east of the Rockies. The highest temperature recorded in 40 years lias been 87 degrees. Highlands has be come known as "The Roof Garden of the Southeast." 71 i Wl t ttgl)lattius f3anmtan PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. XLVII, NO. 28 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1932 $1.50 PER YEAR r8 "0) ii 11 v in r ASECED til a d kZiv,. iAZi l i Za&S a!V J X v .w Aj ; UNVEIL INDIAN ONMTSOON Memorial Stone Erected "To Chief Chutahsotih And His Wife. PROGRAM -PLANNED E. B. Norvell, of Murphy J To Speak at Exercises ; ; On July 30 J " Saturday, July -30, has been set for the unveiling of a granite mon ument in old St. John's churchyard in the Cartoogechaye section to Chief Chutahsotih and his wife, Kuntakih. Chutasotih, also known as Chief Cha-Cha, was. the last of Macon county's Cherokee chieftains ind was held in 'high respect by his white neighbors. . Plans fo,r the program have not been completed, but Miss Elizabeth .Kelly will act as master of cere- ionies and E. B. Noryell, prom inent Murphy attorney, is expected to make an address. Mr. Norvell is one of, the best informed- men n Western North Carolina on In dian history. . It is planned to have the un veiling in the forenoon, with a pier nic dinner following. It is also hoped that it will be possible to bring some ojf the- Indians from' the Cherokee reservation ,in Swain county for singing and" an Indian ball game. . . " The celebration is expected : to . attract hundreds of people from this and other counties. . . The movement to --mark the graves of Chutahsotih and his wife was started last winter by Mrs. . C. C. Cunningham, of Franklin; ,Mrs. Henry Slagle, Mrs' Tom Slagle and Mrs. George Wallace,' of Car toogechaye, and Mrs. T. J.- Johns tort, of Franklin. These ladies ob tainedfunds for the monument by giving a chicken supper and by popular subscription. ' - The monument a simple inscribed bolder, was. carved from Macon county granite by a local workman. It already has been put in place over the graves. ' , Teachers' Meeting To Be Held at School House . A county-wide teachers' meeting, the first of the 1932-33 school ses . siotu will be held in the graded ; school building in Franklin at 10 ' -o'clock Saturday morning, July 3. Last week The Press mistakenly reported - that the meeting would be held in the courthouse. A number of the short term rur al schools in the county began " their school terms last Monday. Others are scheduled to open next Mondav. but' the- consolidated schools in Franklin and in High lands "will not start the year's work until the first Monday in Septem ber. McLaren Makes Gocd Chopping Challenge Peter McLr.ren, who claims to be the world's fastest wood chopper, made good last Thurs day ' his challenge to chop through a log in 50 per cent less time than any man in Ma con county. A crowd of about 400 perrons witnessed the wood chopping contest, which was held under the Auspices of Leach Brothers hardwire store in the vacant lot on moin street next to Munidey's hotel. George Scott, Charley Jen nings and N. A. Gibson, three of the test woodsmen in the county, attempted to wrest from McLaren the $50 prist he had offered to any man who could chop a log in SO per cent more time than it required him. A 13-inch chestnut oak log was selected for the contest. Scott hued through the timber in 2 minutes and 49 seconds. It re quired 2 minutes and SI seconds for Gibson, and Charley Jen nings stopped ct 3 mirtatei. Mc Laren, swineins his axe with easy rhythm, chopped the log in two in one minute and IS seconds,- thereby retaining the $50 prize. ;.. , NEWS SUMMARY A Survey of State and National Events Concisely Told in Brief Up-to-Date News Reports V : STATE TAX DECLINES ,- The state's 15 cent ad valorem ' tax for support of schools was $614,000 below budget estimates on June 30. Henry Burke, as sistant budget director, states thai allotments to institutions will be 6n the basis of 60 per cent of appropriations ai com pared with 70 per cent last year. Place 20.17M29 Fish In two years the state fish hatcheries have placed 20,178,429 fish in N. C. waters,, of-which 8, 178,429 are classed as strictly game fish. The average cost was two-thirds of a cent per fish. ; Carter Heads Spanth Vets I). ,V. Carter, Winston-Salem, was an Tuesday , at the annual encampment, held at Charlotte, chosen commander of the North Carolina", department of United Spanish Waf Veterans.. i Mrs. Reynolds Absolved After a . three-days hearing, the coroner's jury at Winston Salem reported Monday that Z. Smith Reynolds, heir to' tobacco millions, was killed .July 13 by a bullet wound at the hands of l n unknown party, absolving Mrs. Libby Holman Reynolds, bis widow, and Albert Walker, his secre tary. Mrs, Reynolds claimed" her husband bad killed himself titer repeatedly threatening to do so. ". Approve University Merger The new board of trustees met at Raleigh, Monday,, to approve plans for merging N. C. State col lege and N. C. college for Women into the University of North Carolina, with one president and three vice-presidents. An execu tive committee of 12 was chosen. Supreme Court Clerk Dies Frank Nash.-77. elerk of the-N C. Suoreme court since -June, 1931, and for 13 years prior to that time assistant attorney general, died at Lhis Raleigh home Sunday morning Demands State Curtailment A curtailment of fully' 7,000, 000 in state government costs for the coming year, is asked by Treasurer John P. Sted man in a letter to the governor to escape suspension of salary and current expense payments. Quts of 20 to 25 per cent in pay of state employees is fore cast. - Franklin Surrenders Lola Franklin, Madison county, surrendered to officers Sunday after being sought since Thursday t .1 1 '11- t ff for the killing from ambush of "Son" Landers. Franklin was sus pected of the crime when his cane was ' found near the spot from which the fatal shot was fired. Curtis Is Sentenced Convicted of 9b true ting Jus tice by false representations in the Lindbergh kidnapping, John H. Curtis, Norfolk boit-builder was fined $1,000 and given a year in prison ' at -Fleanington, N. JH Monday. He' will appeal. 20 Drown in W. Virginia A death toll of over 20 is esti mated in 12 mining villages in West Virginia, as result of floods along two creeks early Monday. One hundred and fifty houses were swept awayj Ask Return of Gold 'Thf directors of the. Bank fof International Settlements on MonJ flnv issued a call for return of nations to "the gold standard for money, with England, Japan and Sweden concurihg and indicating as early a return, as possible by them to gold. . - ' - - V . - . ' T Allot School Funds Allotment of $1,275,000 for ex tended school term aid in the state was rmjde by the equalization board Friday and $30,000 was alloted for health work, UPSHAW DRY NOMINEE William D.- Upshaw, Georgian, was last week chosen by the prohibition party in convention in Indianapolis, as its candidate, for the presidency. Frank S. Regan, Illinois, was nominated J for the vice-presidency and D. Leigh Colvin, New York, was chosen as national chairman. - Coxey is Nominated The executive committee of the farmer-labor oartv on Surtdav at Omaha. Neb., chose Taeoh S. Cox ey, of Ohio, as presidential candi date. Razor King Dies Kimr C Gillette, who oerfected the double-edge, safety razor and saw its manufacture developed in to a great industry died bunday at Los Angeles at age of 77. Major Crops Decline . A strong decline in- volume of major crops for 1932 is in dicated in the federal report estimating drop of 157,000,000 bushels in wheat,' 29 per cent in tobacco and 9.5 per cent in cotton acreage. Corn alone shows an estimated', increase,. 438,000,000 bushels. Many Die In Powder Blast, A euard of 40 soldiers and many civilians were killed in the 'Sun day explosion of an ammunition depot on the outskirts of Nanking, Chinese capital. - U. S. Revenue' Drops The federal internal revenue receipts for past fiscal year were $1,5543263, a drop of 35 per cent from the preceding year. New York has paid 25 per cent of the total. North Carolina led in the miscellane ous taxes, reporting $219,674, 749, chiefly , in tobacco taxes. - Red Cross . Aids N. C. More than 13,000,000 pounds of flour, donated by the Red Cross have been shipped intoJNorth Caro lina for relief of the destitute, ac cording to Mrs. Mary C. Sprinkle, field representative of the Red Cross. Wins $13.500 , Verdict A $13,500 verdict was (riven at Winston-Salem last week for Mrs. Alexandria Hankins who sued her father-in-law, J. R. Hankins in a sensational case for $150,000 fof alienation of her husband's affec tions. Asks Mills To Curtail A month's curtailment in produc tion and . cessation oi all nignt Work for one year is recommended I . . 'ii- 1... iL. j: to cotton textile mills by the di rcctiner board of the American Cot ton Manufacturers association, meeting in Charlotte Saturday. The step x results from slack demand for cotton goods and accumulation of stocks., v WORLD FLYERS CRASH The ambitious world-circling flight of James Mattern and Bennett Griffin which opened Wednesday with a Tecord non-' ' stop flight from Newfoundland to Berlin, ended Thursday morning in .the crashing jof their plane in a peat bog in western Russia and abondonmemt of the efforts to beat the eight-day record of Post and Gatty. Cut Reparations 'Down Representative of thg principal cowers approved on Saturday at Lausanne an agreement to cut the German reparation total from 64 billions down to 7l2 millions. The agreement must be ratified by the parliaments of the nowers which will not be done until a economic conference is held to ask the Unit ed States to scale down its 11 bil lions in war debts due from Eu rope. ( N. C. Press Meetina The 60th annual meeting of the N. C. Press- association is in prog (Continued on page six) . John T. Berry Weds Mrs. Delia H. Clouse John T. Berry, ' prominent farmer and stock raiser of the EUijay section, and Mrs. Delia Harris ' Clouse, operator , of Clouse's restaurant in Franklin, were married last Wednesday afternoon at Clayton, Ga., by Will Smith, ordinary. It is Mr. Berry's first marriage. The couple were accompanied to Clayton by Logan Berry, of Holly Springs, H carman Dean, of Watauga, Roy Berry, of El lijay, ' and several other friends. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Berry returned to Mr. Ber ry's home on EUijay.' TREES PLANTED ALONG HIGHWAY Evergreens Set out By Lo cal U. D. C Chapter On Route 285 Several truck loads of evergreens have been planted along the sides of State Highway 285 on the east ern and southern outskirts of Franklin ' by the Macon county chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, which recently undertook a program of highway beautification. Members -of the chapter expressed indebtedness to Tom Johnston and his highway maintenance crew for the work of getting the trees and planting them. Maplesi pines, sourwood and dogwood settings were provided by Mrs. Anna Har rington, while Carl Slagle gave a truck load of laurel, W. B- LeNoir a truck load of white pines, and T. M. Slagle a kad of hemlocks. When the committee in charge of the tree planting asked permis sion of the state highway com mission to set out trees on the stated right-of-way, officials not only consented but offered their assistance and expressed their ap preciation for the . interest taken by the U. D. 'C. in improving the state's roads. PRODUCE BUYER IN BEAN MARKET W. L. Richardson, Macon, Ga., Returns to Frank lin; Prices Off W. L. Rchadson, produce buy er of Macon, Ga., has arrived in Franklin for the 1932 bean season. Mr. Richardson, who has been coming here for several years, expressed the hope that he would be in the market for beans for at least three weeks, but said that due to the unsettled con dition of the market he could not state definitely how long he would be here. Last year at this time Mr. Rich ardson was paying $1.25 a bushel for beans, but this year the price level has, been far below this, in many cases only 30 to 40 cents heine offered. Mr. Richardson, however, said he hoped the market would pick up in a few days so he would be able to pay at least 50 cents "a bushel. While this is very low, he pointed out, it is in line with the prices being paia for other farm produce, such as corn and wheat. Mr! Richardson said he expected soon to be in position to buy on ions, tomatoes and other truck rrons. as well as beans, ne is making his headquarters' at Henry D. Wests store in the franks biiildine on Main street. He re- suested that farmers interested in selling beans see him first before bringing their beans to sell. Cowee Baptist Church To Have Revival Meeting A revival meeting will be started at the Cowee Baptist church Mon day night, July 18, with the Kev. W. E. Conner doing the preaching. Rev. Mr. Conner was castor of Cowee church from-4900 to 1902. HOLD FLOWER SHOW JULY 30 Cash Prizes To Be Award ed In Fourth Annual Exhibition RULES ANNOUNCED All Flower Growers of County Asked To Submit Entries The fourth annual Macon Coun ty Flower show is scheduled to be held on Saturday, July 30, in the building owned by Mrs. C. C.1 Cun ningham and formerly occupied by Callahan's 5 and 10 cent store. Every flower grower in Macon county is invited to submit flowers for " exhibition in this show. Al though it will be sponsored by the Franklin Garden club, members of the club pointed put that it is in tended for the show not to be merely a club display but one for all of the flower growers of the countv. " Cash nrizes will be awarded in a large -.number of classes. -In order that these prizes may be distribut ed to a large number of contest ants, the club has stipulated that no entrant, shall receive more than two1 prizes. Following is a list of the classes with the prizes to be awarded in each: - Best display of yellow ""flowers, $1.00; best variety of gladioli, $1.00; best collection of ciant zinnias, $1.00; finest variety of snap drag ons, $1.25; best collection of pon pon zinnias, 50 cents; combination of three different flowers hi bowl, basket or vase, $1.00; finest col lection of dahhas, $1.50; best single dahlia, 50 cents; greatest variety of wild flowers, $1.00; newest flow er, $1.75; best potted flower, . 50 cents; prettiest collection of mixed flowers, $1.00; grand sweepstakes, $2.00, ' The following rules and regula tions have been announced for the exhibition : 1 Exhibitors must comply with rules or entry will be disqualified. 2 Only one entry will be allow ed an exhibitor in each class. . 3 All entries must be in the hands of the arrangement commit tee between 8:30 and 10 o'clock the morning of the show. . A Judging will be in progress from 11 a. m. to 12 o'clock, noon, during which time only the judges will be allowed in the show room. (Continued on page six) OXFORD ORPHANS TO GIVE RECITAL AT 8 rVMTMONDAY A class . from the Masonic Orphanage at Oxford, N. C, will give a program of ' music in the Macon county ccfdrt house, Monday night, July 18, -beginning at 8 o'clock. The admission will be 10 cents for children and 25 cents , for adults. This group of young sters make a tour of the state every year to raise funds to help defray expenses at the orphanage, one of the largest in North Carolina. It is hoped that a large audience will turn out to hear the children. Members of the class will be entertained in the homes of lo cal Masons. Possibility of Surfacing Pine Mountain Road Seen Cooperation between the National by the federal government "to the t . j various states for road construc- rore service anu me vjcuigiai , , , . tt. . . . , Liition, the Forest service and the nignway Doaru may maKc yossiuic the surfacing of the Pine Moun tain road between Clayton and Pine Mountain, Ga., where it con nects with the Three-states high way. , . " The plan will depend on whether concress anorooriates emereencv funds for forest highway construc- tion. The Pine Mountain road was improved some montns ago by the Forest service, but no por tion of it has been surfaced, If i emergency funds are alloted Petition Filed; Hearing Called At Gainesville Application Made by J. F. Gray, Receiver, To Be Heard In U. S. District Court at Gainesville On Friday, July 22 FRANKLIN BUSINESS MEN SEEK MEANS TO PREVENT LINE'S DISCONTINUANCE Receiver Says Railway Lost $27,964 First 5 Months This Year; Now Unable To Borrow Money or Meet Expenses Discontinuance of service on the Tallulah Falls railway, extending from Cornelia, Ga., to Franklin, is sought in a petetion filexl by J. F. Gray, receiver for the line, in the United States District court of North ern Georgia. Formal notice of this action was given this week with the issuance, by Mr. Gray of the fol lowing statement: ' , "This is to notify all parties interested that the receiver of the Tallulah Falls Railway company has United States for the Northern District ot Oeorgia, an application tor tUnr-iiv' in annlv tn thp Tntprstate Commerce Commission for per-, mission to cease operations of said plication will be had before the r.rri , Tiller 77 1Q12" V,.ve., v,.. , COUNTY LEAGUE RACE IS CLOSE Cowee and West End Teams Tied for Mid Season Honors The race for the honors of the first half of the baseball season, in the Macon, county baseball league, is going to be close, judg ing from all indications. The game Saturday between Cowee and West End tied these two teams for top honors and much interest is astir in the play-off game between these two teams. The first half of the schedule will come to a close with the Kame of July 23, or two more games. If the same team doesn t win both the first half and the last half of the season, a county series will be played. ' All games went through smooth ly on Saturday. Cartoogechaye won a torleitea game, , as tne Franklin team failed to take the field. It. is hoped that the Satur day game will be played off some time within the next two weeks, since the boys who were to play arc from Iotla and they didn't fully understand all particulars. The Iotla bovs sav that they will be in the schedule from now on. Tt was necessarv to substitute for the Franklin boys after an all star ifut the tram had been formed schedule will remain as printed and the Iotla boys will go under the name of Franklin since the schedule already has been prepared. Last Saturday's scores: At Prentiss 7, Holly Springs 6; at Cowee 17, West End 9; at Mountain Grove 8, Highlands 7; at Franklin 0, Cartoogechaye 9 (forfeited game). The schedule for Saturday, July 16: West End at Holly Springs, Franklin at Mountain Grove, Cowee at Cartoogechaye, Prentiss at High lands. o . State of Georeia will probably cooperate to insure surfacing of the Pine Mountain road; forestry officials state. This route offers the logical out let from , Highlands into Georgia, believes John B. Byrne, supervisor of the Nantahala National forest. It is about the same distance to Clayton by way of Fine Mountain . as Dy way ot uiuara, witn me aa vantage that the Pine Mountain route has a better grade and fewer ' curves. tiled in tne District couri oi xnc railway. The hearing on 'this ap- U. b. District juage at uainesvmc, . . rranKlin uusmcbs aucau; have taken steps to see if some means can be found by which the railroad may continue to op erate. It has been suggested that the line might reduce its overhead costs by curtailing its service and thereby be enabled to continue in .'. operation. It is pointed out that a daily mixed train, carrying both freight and mail, or if necessary, a train operating only two or three days each week, would be better than no railroad service at alL Explains Action Asked for an explanation of why the application for discontinuance had been filed, Mr. Gray telegraph ed the following statement to The Press from headquarters of the railway company aU Cornelia, Ga. : "The railway's actual operating loss for 1931 was $73,271.97. The railway's actual operating loss for January, February,. March, April and May, 1932 is $27,964.51. The receiver with much difficulty ac cumulated sufficient cash to meet the pay roll on July 1. It has now become impossible any longer to pay for cross ties, bridge lum ( Continued on page six) RITTER LUMBER COMPANY PLANS TO SHUT DOWN TJje W. M.-Rittcr Lumber com pany is planning to close down its mill at Rainbow Springs, this coun ty,, in about three weeks, . accord ing to information received in ! Frankm1- The depressed condition ot general Dusmcss was given as the cause for the anticipated ac tion. Woods operations of the company in this county were stop ped on July 6. It is understood that theer is little likelihood of the company resuming operation at Rainbow Springs, where a large surplus of cut lumber has been accumulated, for about 6 months. The company has been operating on a curtailed basis most of the time during the oast vear but finds now that it is unable tq continue until there is a greater demand tor lumber. Little Girl Pleads For Mother's Return Written in childish scrawl, the following letter has bean re ceived by The Press "Dear edtor . "Will you print this for me, I am a little girl 9 years old and my little sister Ruby is 6. My mother left Home last tues day. tel Her in your Paper to come Back Home to me. I cant Live without Her. Please print this for me, my name "Elizabeth R - -r-and Little Ruby" "Westminster R. No. 4 S CH "thev tall me She went to franklin good By god Bles Mother"