iCuit m INDEPENDENT Happy JURSDAY, DEC. 29, 1932 $1.50 PER YEA W CROSS TO TEND DRIVE V Falls Far Short of Vhing Membership Quota of 375 incaster, chairman of the nty chapter of the Red Jounced Wednesday that Welches Bound Over to Coui' In Murder !TrL p to an iircpnt Sal headauarters of the Vation the local chapter Tin ntm 1 Vmgh the month of V far, Mr. Lancaster yship drive has fall tt its quota of 375, s having enrolled e urged - that -all 1 s continue their vring new men- sent estimates," by Mr. Lan- A Cross our Prohibition Leader To Speak Here Jan. 3 The Franklin Ministerial As tociation announced this week that Dr. . George Burnett, of Greensboro, executive secretary of the North Carolina Anti-Sa loon League, had accepted an invitation to speak on prohi bitton in the Franklin Methodist khurch at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night, January 3. "The people from all over Maoon rrcountyre urgd to at tendthis"meeting,'' the an' nouncement said. "Dr. Burnett is a good speaker ' and is pre' pared to give real facts and in formation as to prohibition con ditions in this country." C. C. (Tump) Welch Released From Jail Under; $1,000 Bond TRIAL SET FOR APRIL Carpenter Adjourns Hearing To Visit Spot Where ' BodyWa3 Found wora TnaT-alln1 u unaluskee Lodge Nfasonic Junaluskee- Lodge lir installation meeting last ening. J. 0. Harrison ion master and Frank osmrshal. The fol Vj' installed for George Dean, VP- Stagle Finding-probable - cause, - trate George Carp?'l- b' fr-w. mghtSrdered C. C.Tump) V' K' , 40, and his nephew, 'Floy' W ' ' 22, both of the " Burningtown sec tion, bound over to the next crim inal term of Macon countv. su- perior court on charges of murder in connection with the death of Don Anderson, 20. Anderson's body, with" "neck broken and a strange K impressed on the fore head, was found slumped against a bank at the foot of a gully in Kelly Cove on .the night of Friday, December 16." "Tunm" Welrtu was rplpacprl frnm jail last Monday on $1,000 bond, but Floyd Welch, unable to rrv bond, was still incarcerated T' aay. . x The magistrate' hcariuT at 10 :30 o'clock l, F ing." lhe courtroor