Use the Want Adb Classified advertisements in The Franklin Press bring results. If you have something to sell or trade, try a classified ad. The cost is small .only one cent a word with a mini mum charge of 25 cents for each insertion; f jt Lcr.3 !:ip U. S. Revenue Drops "Ccnsclic!atica Urged Jats Take Pay Cut Relief Loans -'.Mount; ..' 0lf? qiglflan&ii lor0tttatt PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. XLVIII, NO. 4 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY. JAN. 26, 1933 $1.50 PER YEAR Vi; iji i S V rvCA iWiUii A J in?; i , LEAS FAIL TO SURRENDER Luke Lea, Tennessee publisher and former senator, and his son, Luke Lea, Jr., failed to appear in Buncombe, county Superior court Monday to start their, sentences for conspiracy to defraud the now defunct Central bank of t nearly $1,000,000. Capiases were issued for their arrest, extradition proceedings were begun and forfeiture of their bonds totalling $50,000 was ordered. U. S. TAXES STILL DECLINE In December federal tax collec tions were only $21.0,995,057, or $84, 504,169 below December collections in 1931. Shrinkage in incdme tax receipts accounted for the drop. REORGANIZATION REPORT The general assembly's joint com mittee on reorganization of the state government reported Friday night presenting nine bills to, abol ish, curtail or consolidate .. 18 branches of the - state government at an estimated " annual saving of $2,000,000.. - ;-;:.. y- JUDGES ACCEPT PAY CUT Supreme and superior court judges of the state met, in Raleigh Saturday, to ... vote , a voluntary $1,000 annual reduction in salary, in line -'.wtliCtfiiOuegestionlSflthe reorganization committee of the "general, assembly. ,, ,.N R. F. C. LOANS HUGE SUM .'In y months the Reconstruc tion finance corporation has loaned 1.648,622,393 to financial firms, railroads, , business, agriculture and to statesior-jinempipyment relief. Banks got over half of it. - Repay ments already total $317,288,072. CHINA MASSES HER TROOPS Shanghai reports the. Chinese na tionalist government is moving 250, 000 troops Into northern provinces to repel the' anticipated Japanese thrust into Jehol province and pos sibly against Reiping. - SENATOR QUITS HIS POST To give - his - successor a brief training before - his regular term begins, Senator Harry B. Hawes, " Democrat, Missouri, steps out of the senate, February 3L and give s .his post to' Bennett C. Clark, son joLJhe famous .ChamplXlark.--- THRILLING SEA RESCUE The crew of 22 was saved "from ' - the Britishfreighter ExeteFXity-, : in mid-Atlantic Friday, after storms ' had battered the boat into a wreck . and had taken the livesbf " four. The th rillir.g-re3cuejwas"inade" by " the liner, "American" Merchant. PLAN ENGLISH DEBT -CONFERENCE At the White House, Friday, President Hoover and President 'elect Roosevelt agreed to open early debt parleys with Great Brit ain shortly after March 4 when '.Roosevelt becomes president. " 37 N. C WAR MOTHERS HONORED Thirty-seven mothers of North Carolina .'men who died in the service in the .World war, have -ben invited :'td " visit -Jtheir sons' graves in France - this summer - in the last of, the pilgrimages to be provided by the federal govern ment. ' ' ' , "" REVIEWS MUSCLE SHOALS President-elect Roosevelt, accom panicd by congressmen and power experts, on Saturday, reviewed the gigantic but slumbering Muscle Shoals power development, pledged to put the plant to work, to use it as nucleus of a great federal power development in the south. HOUSE JUNKS MARRIAGE LAW Having already repealed the law requiring minors to give five days notice of intention to marry, the loiyer house of the. general, assem bly on Monday voted to repeal al : so the bill requiring medical cer tificate of physical fitness before a marriage license could be issued inhe state.. Both bills are before the senate. COLUMBIA FIRES TECHNOCRAT Chief Technocrat Howard Scott "has been fired from Columbia uni- versity and - the .. institution, has ..,cfose its "doors- on technocracy, Scott's theory of scientific govern ment which has been vastly public ized in , recent months. The uni versity .will continue its ' energy survey of North .America. " CHASE HEADS NEW YORK U. Dr. Harry W. ; Chase, president of University of . North Carolina from 1919 to 1930, since, then president of the University of Illinois,- has been elected, chancellor of. ... New York university, an institution with 40,000 students, FUNERAL HELD FOR TO KELLY Educational Leader Dies At Home Here After . Long' Illness With sveral hundred friends from all-walks of life present, to pay their final respects to a beloved woman and leader, funeral services Were held at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning in - the Methodist church for Miss Elizabeth Kelly, who died at 11 o'clock Sunday night, quietly passing in her sleep, after an ill ness which . had confined her to her bed for three months. Miss Kelly underwent a serious operation in October. Afterwards she forced doctors to tell her the truth about her condition, that the extent of her life was only a mat ter of days. It was characteristic of her desire' and willingness to face the facts ungamished.. ,he accepted the ; hews bravely .and when friends went to seeher at her home, where she was removed a week or so after Jhe operation, sfi&talOK'it&tfiemcheerf ullyt frequently manifesting the spark ling repartee, for which she was famous. . . Miss Kelly . is survived by her mother, Mrs, Eliza Kelly, and two sisters, Mrs. Octa Kelly Greenwood and Mrs, Lassie Kelly Cunning ham, of Franklin.; Both of her sisters, werewithJiierat-the-time of her death. , : , ,. IProminetvt in , State For manyyears Miss" Kelly,- fa miliarly known among her friends as Miss "T," was one of the most prominent leaders in the state, hav ing been outstandingly associated with the progress of education, so cial welfare and , agriculture. She originated and organized the move ment - to . reduce adult illiteracy in North Carolina; and. for a while was associated -witlj the North Carolina Tobacco Growers' Cooperative as sociation. , Returning to Franklin several jyears L.ago ijrom Raleigh, she became a memberof the State Board of Equalization, which had supervision over -"the. .distribution of schoorfundsT' Shr foolc "great;thtef-; estTn-locatTaffairs andbeeameThe moving"Spirit back-6relief wprk carried on " through the Red Cross and a leader in the 5-10 Year Farm Program movement, carrying on this work even while suffering from air incurable; malady; The funeral was conducted by the Rev. O. P. Ader, pastor of the Methodist church, the Rev. L. B. Hayes, of Wayhesyille, presiding elder of the Waynesville district of the Methodist church, and the Rev. N. C. Duncan, rector of St. Agnes Episcopal church. Pallbearers. Pallbearers were Sheriff A. B. Slagle, George Bulgin, Lawrence Ramsey, Dr. Edgar Angel, John Byrne and J. S. Conley, all of Franklin, and R. C. v Brooks, of Cornelia, Ga. , Burial was in the Franklin cem A number f friends -and rel atives from out of town -were - here for . the funeral, including the fol lowing -Ben -Greenwood,- Ben Hill, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. George; Hill, Atlanta; Mrs.1 Silas Ledford, Dil lard; Mrs,. Robert Hyatt, Otto; Mrs. Hettie Tankeshire, Mrs. Len Lentz and Mrs. Fred Pass, of Hayesville; Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Brooks, of Cornelia, Ga. ; John Tatham . and John Leach, of An drews; Rev. R. P. McCracken, of Clyde ; H. Arthur Osborne, of Can ton ; Scroop Enloe, of Sylva. Many attending the funeral re marked on the beauty of the music by the choir and the organist, James Porter, - Chopin's "Funeral March" and Dvorak's Large, ("Go ing Home") were . played and two favorite hyms were sung, "Rock of Ages" and "Lead Kindly tight." In making a short funeral ad dress, the Rev. Mr. Hayes quoted a significant remark Miss Kelly had made to him; 'I have always tried not to unload my burdens on anyone else, not even on the one above. - - Her Life ""The following, account of her ufe-was read by Rev. Mr. Ader; ' " Miss Elizabeth Kelly, 'daughter of Mark L. and Elizabeth Hyatt Kelly, was born near Otto, Macon Courity, -November 1, 1879, and died January 22, 1933. i A bright child with a; brilliant before her, Miss Kelly "bagan her education in the schools of Macon County, finishing in the Franklin high school and " then going to. the North Carolina College for Women, Greensboro, to complete her: eauca tion and' ;get ready ' for her great life s work. Her - distinguished service ai t CLAIMED BY DEATH 1 . 1 4J si MISS ELIZABETH KELLY teacher was -begun in Macon coun ty, where she held many positions of high, trust and won wide recog- nition. . She-was- called'-tdohhson couii" ty, where she was made assistant county superintendent and super visor of schools. Going to Raleigh, while J. Y. Joyner was superintendent of public education, Miss Kelly did an out standing work irr adult illiteracy. Here, too, she planned and pro moted summer" schools foneachers throughout the state. She form ulated anputlinestudycoursefor teachers in the state which was an outstanding achievement. The big gest honor was granted her when she was made president of the State Teachers' association and be came one of the editors of their organ, "The State Teacher." While A. W. McLean was gover nor she. was made a member of the State Board )f-Equalization, -covering the state with her activities in this field. She was called to Chica-ie J the robbe the yard of go to give over the dio a series' th,e.. .house a,nd he st0,en Pan.ts of famr iM - i . , - ': 1 uirectea Ked vros ; i Returning 1 to , her home county two years ago,.jvliss. Kellwasp - puuueu cnainnan oi ine jviacon county"JRedjCrosj.hapterJwherein she did such fine work that the editor of. the Red .Cross magazine gave her special recognition, ' JSE JCAshjy and Times launched - a - 5-10 - Year- Farm Program leading Macon county men made Miss Kelly co-chairman of their organization. In her work for the Red Cross Miss Kelly received no compensa tion, but she rendered a collosal service. She was quick to see through a situation and quick to speak out her mind in the matter. She was keen to discover a fraud and dared to dismiss and unworthy parasite who sought to cover up his deceit by pious pretenses. But for the poor and needy she had a heart of true .;. and-iender loompassionShe served well her day and; genera tion.' In October of last year Miss Kel-ly-,wentto the-hospital -for-an operation, hoping for relief ,r but the doctor had to tell her that her case was one beyond the reach of any surgeon's skill, and that her days were numbered. It was a shocking revelation to her happy spirit, as she faced cruel suffering and cer tain death. As she saw the end of her earthly career cut short there was serious questioning in her soul and there were days of darkness and struggle in her mind and heart. But in that, awful sjruggle and in ward strife her faith triumphed and she came out with a shining face and a faith purged by fire. To one who asked how it was with her soul, she gave the. cheer ful testimony: "My faith holds; my anchor holds." ' X X X X ' Her end came as the holy -Sab bath day was ending, January 22, at 11 o'clock, and it was in the peace like that of the perfect man mentioned-in -Psalms 37 :37i ' "Mark the perfect and behold the upright, for the end of that man js peace. , Miss Kelly joined the church at Patron's. chapel when about 14 years, of age. Saved by the grace her simple childhood faith sustained her through life-'s battles and brought sweet peace to her soul when she came- at last- to "Cross the Bar."- . ''Sunset and evening star And one clear call for me, And may there be no mourning at the bar When I put out to lea." 4 BANDITS ROB GEORGE DRYftlAN Middle Creek Man Severe ly Hurt by Brigands; No Arrests . Climaxing a series of bold rob beries in Franklin and throughout the county, four masked men forc ibly entered the home of George Dryman, 83, in the Middle Creek section about midnight Monday and escaped with his trousers with $1.25 in a pocket after striking him on the head with a board. Thursday morning Mr. Dryman was reported to be suffering se riously as a result of the attack. He sustained a bad gash on his head, a broken rib and an old rupture was aggrivated. The masked men broke down the front door of the house and when Mr. Dryman arose from his bed they seized a board and knock ed him to the floor. It is believed they thought the aged man had a quantity of hoarded money hidden ;.hQhHaaaolF35tt pants on a chair near his bed and it is thought they took this as an indication the money was in them. They got only the $1.25, however. In the house with Mr. Dryman were three daughters. The rob bers were reported to have nearly smothered one of them holding a quilt' over her head and pinning her to a bedwhile1he"others were robbing her father. The other daughters suffered considerably from fright. The robbers tore down a foot bridge across a creek leading to the homes of neighbors so they could not cross the stream and give the Drymans assitance. Bloodhounds Fail Sheriff Slagle put bloodhounds onhetraiLTuesday--morning,but they soon lost the track. The only clues found were a mask lost bv wnicn-were iouna -on--a mountain aDour a-mne away; wo arrests ur. k j . no v l iiiaut FAbtatnrdaydnTghtthe htQre - ci - JEUnscjm Ledford near Union -church -was -broken -intoby a-band of thieves' whorTescaped with merchandise valued at be tween $40 and $50; Mr. Ledford, who Jives - nearby,- surprised - the robber a and f tred-Ton t hem - but they succeeded in escaping"" iria waiting automobile. Luck's tourist camp on the road to Highlands was reported raided by a band of robbers last Friday night. They escaped with about $100 in merchandise from the camp store. Stove Explodes Two Barely Escape from Burning House A combination garage and apart- hienr buildi'ngttpicd3yllran'3 Mrs. Richard Holt and formerly a part of the-T.-W. Porter property. was burned at .11 o clock Sunday morning-when-TrasolinrfovOx- ploded while being ignited. Mr. and Mrs. Holt rushed from the build ing, barely escaping serious injury. lhe fire spread rapidly and. de spite the fact that the fire depart ment did quick work and had a hose of water playing on the flames inside of five minutes after the blaze started, it soon gutted the building almost beyond repair Damage to the building, which be longs to the Bank of Franklin, was 'estimated at $1,000. Damage to furniture and personal effects was placed at about $300. Mr. and Mrs. Holt were unable to recover from the burning building any of their belongings or the Jurniiure, which belonged to Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Porter. New Buyer Revives Interest in Poultry More than 28,000 pounds of poultry had been shipped from Franklin last week by Odeil Whittington, who came here from Wilkes county three weeks ago and began buying chickens and eggs. Mr. Whittington, who has headquarters in the McCoy building on Palmer street, ships most of the poultry he buys by truck to Philadelphia. He has been quoting prices of nine cents a pound for hens, stags and fryer and six cents a pound for cocks, ducks and white leghorns. Interest in raising poultry in Macon county has gained con siderably since Mr. Whittington cam to town. Federal Court's Decision In T. Railway Hearing Seen as Victory We Face a Crisis ' Our section from Franklin to Cornelia faces the possibility of discontinuance of the Tallulah Falls Railroad. The gravity of the situation can hardily be estimated, for it affects not only the im mediate welfare of this mountain country but its future development as well. We, the editors of the four newspapers published in the territory primarily served by the Tallulah Fails road, have canvassed the situation carefully and have conferred together, coining to the con clusion that with active coordination of the sentiment that already exists and that with the full use of present facilities for the build ing , up of actual and potential business, the railroad can still be made to justify its existence as a going concern. We believe that this territory can by no means .afford through lack of effort to allow the railroad to be junked with the consequent losses bound to ensue ; nor can we sit idly by while its fate is de cided by those who are not vitally concerned in it or the welfare of the communities and interests which it serves. , It is our plan, therefore, to publish in our four newspapers a seriesLeditorials, conclusions which we have" jointly-reached. ' " These editorials will be unlusual i that they will be the joint production of the four newspaper editors whose names are signed below, but we believe that thus presented they will carry weight and be entitled to consideration greater than that which might otherwise be attached to them. The first of this series of edi torials will appear in each of our four newspapers in next week's issues. Blackburn W. Johnson, ' ' EditorJherankhPress, Franklin, N. C. R. E. Cross, Editor, The Clayton Tribune, Clayton, Ga. BrHrGraves; " ' Editor, The Tri-County Advertiser, Clarkesville, Ga. S. C. Heindel, Editor, The-Northeast Georgian, Cornelia, Ga. GAR OVERTURNS: 4 LAND IN Sylva Men Arrested on 1 Liquor! Charges Folio w- ing Long Chase iuiHbiic":o"vc,rtufncd en theT Georglaf6ad near the Franklin puDiic scnooi , aDoiu a. m. TV . ... . ... wrr.A nesday. morning and . landcdf out Sylva men in jail,- one--of - - them considerably-cut up and bfatfleri-,- all of them charged with trans porting and posseting whisky. A- crowd began: to - congregate around the car. One of the men, Elos Burch, was, pinned beneath the automobile, a touring car bear- T TT .1 ' 1! LJ ing a JNew nampsnire license. n. was pulled out from beneath the machine but was so badly hurt that he couldn't run. His com panions gathered up some suspi cious looking jars and jugs in sacks and struck out across coun try. Police Chief R. A. Henry, Sher- ff k R Slnerlp ftmf Drmitv Gcoree MallMcc llrrh-TP cave ehase. .assisted., valiantly .by penter. .They, found several liquor ladenacksM a broom sage field near Bonny Crest, and finally overtook and arrested Cole Burch and Clayton Taylor about a mile and a half away on the Highlands road near John Thomas' farm. Charlie Ad ams was the first to catch up with the latter two and, although un armed, held them at bay until the officers arrived. The men waived preliminary hearing and were placed in jail in default of $600 bond each to await trial at the April term of court. There were some reports that a fifth, occupant of the car escaped. Red Cross To Elect Officers on February 4 A meeting of the Macon county chapter of the American Red Cross has been called by J. E. Lancaster, chairman, for '2 o'clock in the afternoon, Saturday, February 4, in the " Macon county " courthouse, for - the., purpose of electing - of ficers for the' corning year. Mr. Lancaster especially request ed that all members of community relief committees be present at this meeting. . ; AVERAGE TAX BURDEN $77.53 Congressional experts, studying means to. eliminate overlapping federal and state taxes, state that the average annual tax burden in the United States in 1931 was HnwJ Pa waSl $9,5W,00Q,0QQ, JAIL TWO RED CROSS GROUPSMERGE Consolidation of Chapters ExpecfedTTo-EIxpedite Relief Work tghlands' diapterDf-the "Reel Cross decided at a meeting held January 16 to- merge with the Franklin --chapter,- therefore t i , , t xr i foriHing -onlyoHc -chapter lor Ma- for expediency in distribution of supplies and other transactions. Reports allowed that it would save needless time and labor to have only one chapter for the county. Officers of the former Highlands chapter were Rev. W. T. . Potts, chairman ; W. S. Davis, vice-chairman ; Frank B. Cook, secretary treasurer, and the committee ap pointed for the Highlands school district to look after those need ing help was composed of J. C. Mell, chairman, Miss C. B. Elliott, and Mrs, C. H. Zoellnor. 1 1 hva tnrIV! Aofiri nr r i J ..."""S KeODenmff or Library lO Be Discussed Monday Fersons interested in reopening the Franklin library in the Mason ic hall are requested to meet in the office of' The Franklin Press at 8 p. m. next Monday night Mrs. Margaret Ordway and sev eral olher residents have volunteer ed part of their time in cleaning the library hall, arranging the books and supervising their (lis tribution. The library has been closed for several years. The Mas oiis, it is understood, would be glad to have the library room used pro vided some responsible group or organization will take charge of it. "hnieetlnKfonday night has been called with view to perfecting a library association and making arrangements for use of 'the books now in the library and. for secur ing additional volumes. Severa' tentative gifts of books already have been offered. ORDER MANCHURI AN REPORT 1 -After vainly seeking - for 16 months a conciliatory settlement of Sino-Japanese war in the Man- churian area, the league of nations on Monday order 1 a committee of nine to prnnosc remedial measures regard1 - the two nations. LOOSEVELT URGES SPEED President-elect Roosevelt confer of;red w;th congressional leaders last Thursday night to urge enactment of a farm relief bill, the balancing of the budeet. and the reneal of the 18th amendment, during the present session of congress. for Public Receive Gets Authority To File Petition Before I. C. C. LONG DELAYS LIKELY Authority to file an application with the Interstate Commerce Com mission for right to discontinue operation of the Tallulah Falls Railway was granted J. F. Gray, receiver, following a hearing in At lanta Wednesday morning before Judge E. Marvin Underwood of the United States court for the north ern district-o"f''GcorgiaT"Commtin-7 hies served by the railroad, liow- that they would be given ample opportunity to voice their protests. He also expressed the opinion that it. probably would be two months before the Interstate Commerce Commission could hear the case and that after the hearing the commission would require two or three months more to arrive at a decision. : .... : . .. . Victory for Public Officials of the railroad had ex- pressedthe opinion that it might not be necessary to take the case before the Interstate Commerce Commission and that there was grave possibility of the line being closed down in the immediate fu ture. In view of this, the order issued by Judge Underwood is re garded by business men Jn Frank lin as a signal victory for the. pub-., lie served by the "T. F." ; "It's better than we. had hoped for," was the usual comment. Announcement ...QL-Judge.Under- wood's decision was received by The Press in the following tele gram frornjtaadquartrt f(T-aPor.nT-ti terminus- , Court's Order- "The United States Court for the Northern District of -Georgia, - Gainesville. . divisionissued,att,..or!: , . 1(m der January25lJ3,aiitbQrizi,ng tne receiver or inei ainnan r ana Railway company to make applica tion to the Interstate Commerce Commission for permission to aban don operation of the railway. How ever, the order contains a pro vision intended to protect the pub lic as far as possible, to the effect that even if . the Interstate Com merce Commission should grant the receiver's application,, no action shall be taken by the receiver- up- on the commission's permission, ex cept and until further authorized by order of the court. Gray Issues Statement ' "In order to clarify the matter in-theJ mindiof .thep"biiclhe rcceiverjssucs tn ei rouowi n g sta re -m en t r " " 7 "Tt probably will, be two months . . before the application "can be heard"7 bv the commission. The receiver wjll undertake to see that the hear ing is held in Clayton or Franklin in order that the public may be given the fullest ' ..possible oppor tunity to be heard. After the hear ing it may take the commission two or three months to reach and pub lish its decisions, and even then, as before indicated; if the commis sion's decision permits abandon- . pint of operation, the entire mat ter must again be reviewed by the court. r Urges Support 1 "It is apparent from the fore going that nothing definite towards abandonment of operation will be done for some time to come. In the meantime it is more essential than ever ' before that the public should continue to patronize the railway to the fullest extent pos sible. It is essential also that the railway in the ' meantime shoud be operated as . economically, as . pos sible and the receiver ' pledges his besT" efforts" towards this end. "None - of us can - forecast the f n hirer particularly" how," with any certainty. Let us hope that busi ness generally throughout the coun try will rapidlv improve and that our rajlway will get a substantial share of such improvement and possibly be benefitted largely by seme larp-e development, in mining or lumbering, in which event it may be possible to continue operation of the railway. The ten which' has been taken in bringing the case to the Interstate Commerce commission is a protection for the benei;t primarily of the public and only incidentally of the creditors." .ti