.J I X ' Hi" ji'i Uco tli2 Want Ada Classified advertisements in The Franklin Press bring results. If you have something to sell or trade, try a classified ad. The cost is small only one cent a word with a mini mum charge of 25 cents for each insertion. : ( turb nccrrriiatien Starts' Lien; L&vrycrs ' CcLLict Predictions Pr:s Canlrruptcy Dili Tests End Dad Checks Sip Qtgljlttttfcs Hanmimt PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. XLVIII, NO. 5 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, FEB. 2. 1933 $1.50 PER YEAR PASS 3 REORGANIZATION BILLS - Three of the 10 bills introduced by the . joint committee on reor ganization of the state govern ment, "were passed by the senate on Monday, abolishing' the office of executive counsel, the director of personnel and the tax com mission." 79 TAKE BAR EXAMINATION : A ; class of , 79, the smallest in recent years, on Monday stood the supreme court s vsemi-annual test for those fishing to qualify for the practice of law in the state. - FOUR PICKED FOR CABINET . Advisers of Predisent-elect Roos evelt say he has finally determined onfour members of his cabinet Senator Glass, Virginia, as secre tary ; of the treasury, Senator Walsh, Montana, as attorney gen eral, James A. Farley, of New York, as postmaster general -and Miss Frances Perkins, New York, as secretary of labor. NEW BANKRUPTCY BILL TL - I f . xiic iiuusc ui representatives on Monday by 201 to 43 -passed the bankruptcy Bill permitting debt ridden individuals and corporations to adiust. S(a1 down nr 'e-rtenA their obligations' "subject to appro val of federal courts. It is ex pected to save railroads and other corporations on the brink erf re ceivership. Speedy action on the bill is forecast in the senate. REPORTS DELINQUENT N. C. TAXES Revenue . Commissioner A. J. Maxwell last Fridayj-eported to the genera! assembly a total of .$42, 967 in bad checks given in pay ment of state taxes, and items past due for over 60 days totalling $1,227,696, together with a list of those delinquent in payment RECOMMENDS FREE TEXTBOOKS The state school book commis- oiiMi ictuiuuicuucu rriuay 10 wc state board of education that free textbooks be supplied children in elementary grades in.. North Caro-1 lina's- public schools. It is esti mated the cost would be around $500000 oer vear. . . METHODIST JUNIOR COLLEGE Bishop Edwin Mouzon -disclosed last week that the education com mission for the Western North Carolina conference of "the Meth odist Episcopal church has decided the 'State by consolidating present junior colleges. STATESVILLE BANK FAILS The First National bank of Statesville, started in 1887, failed to open for - business last week. A notice said it would be liquidated to the best interest of depositors. LONE BANDIT IS NABBED Robert Whiteside, of Raleigh and Asheville, picked a , bad time for his attempted holdup of an Ashe ville theatre, Saturday night. Three county -officers were" passing "in a car. They saw Whiteside and his gun, stopped and nabbed him as he was scooping up the cashier's receipts of the day. DE VALERA HOLDS IRELAND Final returns from last week's na tional election in the Irish Free State show' Eamon De Valera, champion of a united free Ire h"i winner of a clear majority in v the Irish parliament. - MINNESOTA FARMERS REVOLT Over 3,000 irate Minnesota farm ers on Saturday forced a stop to ' foreclosure sales of farms in three counties. r ' FRENCH CABINET OVERTHROWN x The 40-day-old French govern ment headed by Paul-Boncour was overthrown by the chamber of dep ujjs, Saturday, on its financial program. President Lebrun, asked Eauard Daladier to attempt the formation of a new cabinet. GERMANY LOOKS TO HITLER General Kurt von Schleicher and his cabinet resigned control of the German government Saturday in face of united Reichstag opposition. President Hindenburg offered the government leadership to Adolph Hitler, German fascist chief. EPPERSON IS SUDAN POTENTATE . ' Jesse H. Epperson, Durham, was last week chosen potentate of the Sudan temple of the Shrine in annual meeting at New Bern. Dur ham was selected for the spring ceremonial, RATIO OF FARO TAXESSHALLER State College Professor Cites Comparative Tax ation Figures NO DISCRIMINATION Farmer May Be Overbur dened But He's Not Taxed Unjustly BY PROF. G. W. FORSTER N. C State College (Reprinted from (he University z New Letter) Taxes levied on farm property in North Carolina were approxi A 1 . . ! maieiy seven munon dollars in 1920, , and rose to $14,468,373 in 1927, or an increase of 107.5 per cent. After 1927, however, the taxes' levied began to decline. The greatest decline came between 1930 and ,1931 when taxes levied drop ped to $8,527,617," or a "decline in one year of approximately 41 per cent. , Pay Smaller Ratio . Taxes7 levied on ' farm property amounted to approximately 21 per cent of the total taxes collected in 1920, and about 10 per cent of the 1931 total. The annual per centage figures varied between these two extremes. For the post war periocLof 1920 to 1931JncluSr ive, the proportion that farm taxes were of the total declined about 53percent The farm property tax levy in 1920 represented about 21 per cent of the total taxes less the highway fund. The percentage declined al most constantly throughout this period reaching about 13 per cent in 1931-32. Not Discriminated Against Thus, it is clear that the farmers' share of the total-taxes-declined throughout the post-war , period, 14 snould be emphasized, however, hat this does not prove that the farmers' tax burden is not exces sive or that other groups in our state are not receiving more favor able treatment than, the . farmer. Itis obvious however,; from this data that the state has been collect-, ing a larger and larger per cent of its total taxes from other than farm property. It seems reason ably safe to say also that if our tax -system -was -fair- and - just - to the famcrrr-192QraboOTwhlch there may. be some question) it would appear that our system was fair in 1931. Or our tax system as modified from time to time has not apparently discriminated against the farmer in favor of all other classes combined. Although it may be true that our tax system has not discriminated against the farmer, it may be true that farmers are paying out more in taxes in proportion to their wealth than other classes in the state. It. is interesting, therefore, to examine the relation .which ex ists between the Planners' shars of the total wealth and the share of the taxes which they pay, XTomparing" the per cent of wealth controlled "by farmers and the per ceaUof -taxesJcvied-on-f arm-land as compared with the total taxes of the state, it seems evident that in 1920 farmers were paying higher per cent of the total taxes than they controlled of the total (Continued on page' six) Report Shows In Macon Percentages of destitution in the various counties of the state are widely , divergent, ranging . from a low of 4.8 per cent of the popula tion in "Lincoln county to a high of 54 per cent in Anson county, according to figures released by Dr. Fred W. Morrison, of Raleigh, state emergency relief director. Dr. Morrisons report showed that only 7.2 per cent of Macon county's population was destitute, placing this county sixth from the lowest. ' ' 500,000 Aided Nearly 500,000 individuals have been provided with the necessities of life by relief and welfare or ganization in the various counties, the relief director stated. Food has been supplied to a total of 122.281 families. Families in Ma con county aided during October, November and December numbered 533. , ' -Interesting Sidelights The comparative rankings of the percentages of destitution in the Second Library Meeting To Be Held Monday A dozen person met in The Franklin Press office Monday night and discussed plans for reopening the public library in the Masonic building. Mrs. Las sie Kelly Cunningham, who was chairman of the old Library as sociation, which disbanded sev eral years ago, said there were about 3,000 volumes in the li brary, most of them standard reference, history and timo-tried fiction. The Eastern Star, she said, now ha supervision over the books and would be glad to have the library reopened if a responsible organization will see that it is properly managed. A second meeting was called Cor 8 o'clock next Monday night in The Press office, at which time it is hoped that a. number of members of the old Library association will ba present. Rath er than start a new association, it is planned to revive the old one. ' ' MEN GET -RELf WORK $3,668 Received by County From Reconstruction Corporation During the past three months around 900 men have been given employment " onreliefprojectsln Macon county. The work is under the supervision of Miss Rachel Davis, superintendent of public wel fare in the county, and J. Earle Lancaster, chairman of the county Red Cross chapter. The state has sent to Macon county through the Reconstruction Finance" Corporation, a total of $3,668 and the county is scheduled to receive around $2,000 during the month jf February The money ir being spent on public -improvements,-- At - present there are four road projects under way in the county under the super vision jof the State Jligh way com mission. With the exception of a few school districts, there ias ieen some work done all over the coun ty, and plans call for these dis tricts to be aided in the near fu tures- : '- 1 There are many other projects. which are to be done at an early date, such as: Road work, beauti fying the Franklin cemetery, and improvement of the Franklin high school grounds. The men are being paid at the rate of $1 per day for common labor, and at $120 per day for skilled labor. For a while the men were paid in cash, but for the past several weeks they have been draw ing scrip, which is in three forms, for clothing, groceries, and other needs. Many organizations in Franklin have cooperated with the Red Cross in a splendid way. Ladies of the Methodist, Baptist, Epis copal and Presbyterian church and members of the Eastern Star have worked-iaithfullyin making -gar? ments for men, women and chil dren, so that the superintendent of public welfare could have them for distribution. Approximately 125 garments have been made by the ladies of these organizations. Destitution Relatively Low various counties provides many in teresting sidelights. It reveals that no one section of the state can be singled out as a spot where the rate is particularly high or low with possibly two exceptions. A dozen counties in the western sec tion of the state, largely mountain' ous, have the smallest percentage of destitution and similarly the eastern counties have the highest rate, although there are exceptions even in these two sections. It is interesting to note that the rate apparently is in no way based upon the general economic make-up of any county. The rate in Forsyth, for instance with all its industry, and in Currituck with no industry, is the same. The rate in Cherokee and Dare, representing the extremes of East and West, is virtually the same. Perhaps the most interesting rev elation of the study is the fact that Stanly county, ranking second from the top with only S.5 per cent of destitution adjoins Anson with the highest rate. Consolidation of Counties Seen as Means of Lowering Heavy Cost of Government The depression has resulted in many and varied- proposals for economy in government. One of the most vital suggestions concerns the consolidation of counties, pro ponents of legislation to this and contending that good roads and automobiles have shortened distanc es so tremendously that county consolidations could be effected without working any hardships up on the people. They also claim that it would greatly reduce the costs of local government by re ducing the number of office-holders. A bill proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize county consolidations was junked by the 1931 general assembly after con siderable committee debate. The question is likely to come up again at the current session of the legis lature. : r: An interesting article on the sub ject, written by Paul ,W.JWager, has been - published in the Uni versity of North Carolina News Letter. The Press quotes the ar ticle in full, commending it to its readers for serious consideration The legislatures of thirty-six states are convening in regular ses sion this year. Probably others will jmeet in special session. In most of these assemblies important legislation will be introduced look ing toward a Teductionn-the tost of local government. In some states taxpayers' organizations are sub mitting comprehensive, if not rev olutionary, programs of reorganiza tion and retrenchment. In the improvement of . county government North Carolina has al ready advanced beyond most states, thus there exists less need for rad ical T:hangesthaninsome- other states. For the most part the shortcomings which now -exist in North Carolina are not due" to faul ty laws but to weaknesses in ad ministration. The enabling legisla tion has already been enacted. For instance," the way has been" paved for competent accountants and strict budgeting control, the, aboli tion of the treasurer's of f ice, the appointment of a purchasing agent or county manager, and the joint support of certain services or agen cies .Jy two ...or :lmorcadjoining Counties.-Moreoverra-state -agency has been created to assist counties and other local units in solving fiscal and administrative problems. The failure of certain counties to meaesure up to the high standards contemplated by the law or to take advantage of its provision call for local enterprise rather than, legis- ative action. For Tax Relief There is one major reform, how- a . t T ever, to wnicn me legislature should give its attention. This is one which is being agitated in no less than thirty-two states, and which will " probably b given" legis- ative attention in a - number ot them. Reference is made to the problem of county consolidation There is pretty, general agreement thatJthcrearcrnoreunitsoL rural local government today than are needed with modern methods of transportation and communication. Specifically, in the South, there are too many counties. This is true in North Carolina. The state has one hundred counties differing widely in population and wealth Many of them lack the capacity to support the services essential to the development of an enlightened and cultured rural civilization. This is mainly because there are more seats of government than there are trade centers, more taxing units than there are trade and. resource areas'. There are forty-six counties which do not have a town of 2, 500 population. There are at least thirty counties whose county seats are not developing into active trade centers. The people of these coun ties are doing their banking and trading in the larger towns of ad joining counties. The result is that the accumulating wealth of these larger towns is taxed to support a smaller area than that from which it is recruited. The strictly rural counties thus suffer a high tax rate, or inferior governmental ser- vices, or both. As a matter o! equity county boundaries should be recast to conform with the new and larger economic areas which modern transportation has brought into being. - Lower Cost, Better Service Again, it will be generally found that it is the poorer counties which have the most inefficient offices. the most lax financial practices', and the highest overhead costs in re lation to volume of business done. It is reasonable to believe that if each of these weak counties were annexed to a richer adjoining coun ty the administrative staff of the larger county would have to be increased hardly at all, a better quality of service could be ex tended over the whole area, and the tax rate enjoyed by the whole area would be only slightly, if any, above that of the more favor ed county now. That is it would probably be true except for the item of debt service. If the debts of the two or more counties enter ing into the consolidation were not in the same proportion to assessed value no injustice need result, for each could remain a taxing district for debt purposes until the debt was liquidated or equalized. Ail Aid to Democracy The consolidation, or better the redrafting, of counties might there fore" be expected tor" reduce "and equalize the cost of local govern ment, improve the quality of pub lic services, and increase the dig nity of the county offices. Most important of all, the enlargement, in some instances, of the local unit of government, making it coter minous with an economic area and giving it a strong trade and culture center as its capital, might prove to be the tonic necessary-to-revive and strengthen local self-government. - It is important that local self-government be preserved, but if it is to be preserved the local political unit must be expanded to conform to tbj; larger social com munity which modern transporta tion has created. A reduction in the number of countie-will-necessarily-mean-that some county-seat towns must sur render the courthouse and such ad vantages as its presence bring them, but most of these towns ' are de clining despite" the presence of the courthouse. Farmers and vil lagers that sedOraderriearihorne are now going ten, fifteen,, or twenty miles to do the bulk of their trading. The perpetuation of su-per-fluous seats of lvernmenfwill not check this trend. It is one of the - products -of - the - automobile. PjogresshasjlwaysinyolvedecQr nomic-injury to-ertain-individuals and certain communities. Many of the little country villages are doomed as trade centers unless their merchants and tradesmen are unusually alert.. The presence or absence of the courthouse will not greatly affect them. It is not fair to the taxpayers nor to the cause of democracy to postpone a logical and needed political reorganization in order to give a doubtful benefit to a few merchants. Survey Needed It is not suggested that there be a hasty or wholesale consolida: tirafTrjtmtiesiir-NorthCarolina. t is suggested that the legislature consider the absorption by strong er adjacent counties- of six or eight small weak counties that are so lacking in unity and taxable resources "that their perpetuation as separate counties is obviously impractical. Then it would be de sirable to provide for a state-wide survey covering the distribution of (Continued on page six) Attempt To Cut Salaries Riles Railroad Employes Considerable resentment has been stirred up among employes of the Tallulah Falls Railway company by the reported action of J. F. Gray, the receiver, in seeking a further reduction in their salaries. "Judge" Gray is said to have circulated a petition among busi ness men of Franklin and other points served by the railroad en dorsing aproposal that the salaries and wages of station agents, train men and track workers be curtail ed. It was -reported that he sub mitted the petition to Judge E. Marvin Underwood of the U. S. Court for the . northern district of Georgia, who has supervision over the receivership ; but that Judge Underwood declined to sanction a further reduction. No forma! an nouncement has been made con cerning this, but the report became current this week among employes of the railroad. "Judge" Gray was in Franklin last week conferring with shippers. It i$ not known whether he in Dogs Kill 26 Sheep in Sheriffs Flock Last fall Sheriff A. B. Slagle had a fine flock of 60 sheep. Now he has only 34. The sher iff revealed last week that stray dogs have made away with 26 of his sheep. Under the law, the county is supposed to pay for sheep killed by dogs if they have been listed for taxes. Other iheep raisers also have reported serious depredations by dogs. Many of them fear that it will be useless to attempt to raise sheep unlets the late Rep resentative J. Frank Ray's dog law is left untouched and is strictly enforced. Senator R. A. Patton has succeeded in having a bill passed in the upper house of the legislature to amend the law so at to permit one dog to a family free of taxation. SINGING MEET ATTRACTS 409 Bad IWeatherlCuts 'Atten dance; Next Conven tion Set Fof April 30 Owing to the disagreeable weath er the Macon County Singing Con vention which met at the court house Sunday did not ' draw as large a crowd as heretofore, and the attendance was the smallest in the history of the convention. Between 400 and 500 people were present. Some excellent numbers were rendered, but many of the best classes which have been attending were absent. The next convention will be held at the same place on Sunday, April 3a FEL1XE. ALLEY GOES ON BENCH Appointed by Governor To Succeed Late Judge "Moore Governor Ehringhaus " announced last-week- the-appointment of - Felix EAlley;-Tof Waynesville, i j sue ceed the late Judge Walter E. Moore on the Superior court bench, and said Judge N. A. Town- send, of Charlotte, who had been serving temporarily during Judge Moore's illness, soon would retire to private life. Alley will be resident judge of the 20th judicial district and will serve until the next general elec tion in 1934. He was a member of the Gen eral Assembly in 190S and from 1911 to 1915 was solicitor of the old 16fh district. The new Judge irytanr -bid. Judge Townsend was - appointed early in December by former Governor Gardner to serve temporarily during the illness of Judge Moore, who died Mon-dayJrLAshevilleTownsend-lias sent in his resignation. In announcing' the appointment of Alley, Governor Ehringhaus de scribed him as "a capable lawyer, a man of fine character, one of the (Continued on page six) cluded his own salary in the pro posal for reductions. Relations Detween the receiver and the rank and file of the em ployes of the Tallulah Falls line have become perceptibly strained during the past year. The em ployes say their pay already has been cut 43 per cent. "Judge" Gray's salary, variously reported at $4,000 to $6,000, they add, has been reduced only eight per cent The attitude among most of the employes is that they want to do all in their power to prevent service from being discontinued over the line; but they feci however, that more could be accomplished with a new rem r in charge. 1I1ZZIE AVANT DIES IN CHAIR Contending to the last he had not premeditated the murder of Mrs. Smith E. Calder, Hezzie Avant, Scotland county man, died in the electric chair at state's pris on, f riday. HOUSE PASSES COUNCIL BILL Would Reduce Number of Councilmen from 6 to 3 STIRS DIFFERENCES Town Officials Say They Were Not Informed Of the Plan A bill introduced by Representa tive C. L. Ingram of Macon coun ty to reduce Franklin's town coun cil from six to three members was passed by the house last week and sent to the senate. Offices of the present members of the council expire in May and the law proposed by Represenative Ingram would take effect at that time. While in Franklin about ten days ago the Macon representative said he had introduced the bill at the re a- niimber-df -"Fr'anklwH residents, but he Hid not divulge their names. He said he thought it was a good measure and intend ed to do all he could to secure its passage. Sentiment Divided Sentiment among citizens of the town seems to be much divided. Town of ficersTwhcsay they knew nothing about the measure until theyLxeacLinthedaily paper s-thaL it had been introduced, are won dering what motivated .its intro duction. Some of them think that it is an attempt to slip something over them and put control of the hown's affaifs in the hands of some particular iaciion. Likewise, some of those who are inclined to favof the bill are of thejopinkmlhat-itwoul(i-prevent factional control of the council. Opponents argue, however, that it would be far easier for one group to - con trol a council of th ree- mem--bers than one of six members. Beaten 4 Years Ago " A-similar-bill-was introduced -by- Representative Solesbee four years ago Tut was defeated alter Mayor" George Patton went to "Raleigh and argued -against its - passage. - 1 Thus far no hearing has been ask ed on Representative Ingram's bill -and, as far as The Press could eaniDnenas-takenEefinite. steps to prevent its passage in the senate. - Patten's Bills Following is a summary of bills introduced by Senator R. A. Pat ton of Macon and the disposition that has been made of each; SB 12, to exempt Cherokee, Uay, Graham, Macon and Swain, counties from provisions of absentee ballot law. Introduced Jan. 10 before Senate committee on. elections law. SB 13. relating to dog tax in Swain, Macon, Graham, Clay and Cherokee counties. Introduced Jan. 10 passed Senate Jan. 16, and now before House, SB 53, to permit unlicensed hunt ing- for-coyotes, wildcats',- foxes and -crows in Cherokee, Gay, Graham, Macon and Swain counties. Intro- " duced " Jan.16, before committee on game. T SB 54, to provide bounty. for kill ing coyotes, wildcats, and crows in Macon county. Introduced Jan. 16, before committee on game. SB, 126, relating to Clay County bank, Hayesville., Introduced Jan. 16, passed Senate Jan. 25 and pass ed House Jan. 28. SB ' 135, -relating to tax foreclos ures in Macon county. Introduced Jan. 26, before Senate committee on judiciary No. 1. Senators Patton and Francis in troduced SB 35, permitting teachers to keep . certificates without at tendance at summer schools dur- ing 1933-35 biennium. Passed Sen ate . Jan. 27 and sent to House. They also joined with seven other senators in a bur to repeal the workmen's compensation act. Red Cro$ To Elect Officers Saturday . A meeting of the Macon county chapter of the American Red Cross has been called by J. E. Lancaster, ohairman, to open at 2 o clock Saturday afternoon in the court house. The principal business to be considered will be the election of of fleets for the ensuing years. Mr. Lancaster was appointed chairman of the chapter last fall when Miss Elizabeth Kelly, who died 10 days agoj became ill. Mr- Lancaster urged that all members of the Red Cross attend, especially fhose who are member of community relief committees.. '

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