t 7 O Use the Want Ads Cljur.iiiet! advertisements i.i The Franlilin Press bring results. If you have -something, to fc)l or trade, try a classified ad. The cost 1 is small only one cent a word with a mini mum charge of 25 cents for each insertion. 7 hOA 1 urn 15 A Brief Survey of Cur rent Events in State, Nation and Abroad the Facts Boiled Down to a Few Pithy Lines. Ejtgjjlaniixs iHanmian PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. XLVIII, NO. 24 FRANKLIN, N. G, THURSDAY, JUNE IS, 1933 $UA PER YEAR Ag the World t III i 1 JK-V f. 1 1 M I i m STATE CHIEFS NAMED On Saturday night, Governor J. C. B. Ehringhaus named E. B Jeffress chairman of the board di recting the state highways and prison, George R. Pou as his as sistant to direct the prison, A. J. Maxwell as commissioner of rev enue., and M. C. S. Noble, Jr., as ait executive assistant to Maxwell. Governor'. Ehringhaus ; on Friday named Edwin M. Gill, parole com missioner, J. B. Van Meets, adjut ant general, .Gordon Smith, assist ant adjutant general,-and """Charles B. Aycock, director of workmen's compensation. ROBERTSON IS COLLECTOR C. H. Robertson, Hillsboro, was on Friday named by President Roosevelt as collector of revenue in North Carolina to succeed Gil liam Grissom. EXTEND BANKING PROBE The senate last week, without a riple of objection, voted to its banking committee authority to extend its inquiry of the Morgan banking house in per sonal income tax record of the members, and voted the com mittee $100,000 to continue the inquiry into the summer. BAER CONQUERS SCHMELING Max Baer, California!!, battered Max Schmeling, German holder of the heavyweight title, into complete submission in 10 rounds of a sched uled 15-round fight at New York last week. Schmeling was an odds-cm-favorite. '- : DODD GOES TO GERMANY William D. Dodd, native of Clay ton, this state, authority on Ameri can history at the University of Chicago since 1908, was on Satur day named by the president as am bassador to Germany. ROOSEVELT APPOINTMENTS Among Roosevelt appointments announced Friday were: John J. Blaine Wisconsin, to the recon struction finance board, Vincent Dallman, Illinois, to the board of -mediationJkaymond StevenSjNew Hampshire, to the federal trade commission, Jewell Swofford, to the mploye9mpensationon HOMELOAN BILL ISLAW . The congress on Saturday en acted into law the administra tram's bill making two billions available to hard-pressed home owners to refinance mortgages on longer - terms and at lower - "interest "rates. LONG TERM FOR HAYES Found guilty of embezzling $1,680 from the Wachovia bank at High Point, and charged with a total shortage of $35,500, E. H. Hayes was given 12 to 16 years in prison in court at Greensboro Monday. SET NEW ATLANTIC RECORD Spanish army aviators, Barberan and Collar, landed in Havana Mon- day after a 4,500-mile flight from Seville to set a new Atlantic flight irsTanWTr mieMatterrr;"eight day?; m of New York, on a solo effort to -girdle " the "world, tooknff"roni Khabarovsk, Siberia, oil a trans Pacific hop to Nome, Alaska.. THREATEN TO KIDNAP PRESIDENTS GRANDCHILD The Boston Post says a threat to kidnap 14-motuhs old Sarah De lano Roosevelt, grandchild of Pres ident Roosevelt, was disclosed to day at the same time a fire of mysterious origin swept through the summer home of lames Roosevelt at Little "n.arTIlcacr,"N7TT: FESTIVAL OPENS With the largest crowd ever as sembled on Asheville streets cheer ing its passage, the mile-long floral paiade opened lhe sixth annual Rhododendron Festival at Asheville yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. The crowd was estimated at more than 50,000, or as large as the etitiie population of the city. BRITAIN PAYS $10,000,000 - A payment of $10,000,000 in silver on Great Britain's war debt obli gation of $75,950,1X10 due the Unit ed States June 15 was announced to the house of commons by Neville- Chamberlain, chancellor of the exchequer, in a statement which acknowledged the "debt pending final settlement." Simultaneously, the chancellor stated formal debt nepotialioifl between Great Britain and the United States upon the en tire problem will be started at Washington in accordance with President Roosevelt's reply to the British remittance. CAMP 9 QUOTA IS COMPLETED 88 Additional Recruits Arrive from Fort Bragg MESS HALLFINISHED Camp Pugilists Planning To Put on Boxing Bouts BY GRANVILLE LILES (Special Representative of The Press in C. C. Camp No. 9) The ast contingent of. Civilian Conservation camp No. 9, situated on ,the outskirts of Franklin, ar rived Wednesday, June 7. There were 88 young men in the group, most of them from Alamance, Guil ford and Rockingham counties. This completes the quota of 200 recruits assigned to the camp. These men went through prac tically the same process of exam ination and training at Fort Bragg, near Fayetteville,, as the first con tingent of men sent to Camp No, 9. We of the first group are glad to have a bunch from a different section of the state, for it broad ens our acquaintanceship. Everything was done to provide for the comfort of the new men. On their arrival they .were ac quainted with their duties and the camp routine. They were put to work immediately, some in the camp and some in the woods. Mess Hall Finished We are now eating in 'our new mess hall and enjoying it thorough ly. Our, food is placed on the mess tables and all the boys are begin ning to think . that camp cooking isn't greatly different from home cooking. Plans are being made to rear range the formation of tents and camp buildings into the design of a "C." When the tents are set up 'on their new locations they have floors. Hitherto the boys have had to put up with dirt floors. The mew3VDndtiiLcK)Jshayj3eenbuilt and are being moved into position. Fishing Popular Fishing is becoming quite a popular- sport in th.c campr Sergeant Forsyth and a number of the re cruits havejurchased. fishing tackle and are trying their luck in the Little Tennesseeand gther:streams in this" section. They seem to be enjoying it very much and will ap preciate any advice as to the best fishing .spots in the county; , Boxing Bouts Planned The camp is planning a big thrill for outsiders as well as members of the camp boxing! Everybody enjoys this fine sport. Wellv several big boxing bouts are to be staged soon. And, remem ber, our camp has some good leather-pushers. Watch for. the date of the boxing matches in the camp news. . BarbrBusy Thecamp barbcrhas J)cgiinwork on his 200 wooly heads. He soon Avilll have, a .shp, butthe- boys couldtv't wait to have their locks shorn, so the barber already has set - about with - his scissors. His name is Killough and he is one of the regular recruits. The boys arc well pleased with his work. Walter McConnell Goes to Portland, Or. Mr. Walter McConnell has gone to Portland, Ore., where he expects to be employed in a brewery as master brewer. On his way -he the Century of Progress ex position. . - Dr. B. Charles To Conduct Revival Services The Rev. B. Charles Bell, D. D.. evangelist of Red River Presbytery, Synod of Louisiana, arrived,, in rranklin Wednesday evening anct; preached in the Methodist church 111 ine special .union , services, ae ing held there, June 11-25. His sermon, "How to Have a Revival," was a strong appeal to the Christian forces to use the es sential requirements for the bring ing in of a revival to Franklin; He stressed the need of faith, re pentance, prayer and work, if -a revival were to come. Large and interested congrega tions have heard the messages each evening brought by the Rev. Lon B. Hayes, presiding elder of the Wayncsville district. Special cot tate prayer meetings wtre held on . 1 1 1 Franklin Well Represented in Festival ipiMiriuug y h jaitvuqnoag Aq paiueduiooDB mm aMX uwS Iqqog pu j.io j Xqqog "Hd "J 3 Mwuirej ejXq uqof 'tjepireg uo;lI!W 'ts4J84apMd PJ'IHM 9IS HHD 'lIS uHif 'M3B1 uoog Mf 'uopSjH iiiNj 'Xuunyvj P3JJ 'uvourq aof 'iKvsiuiep quiMj papnpui reApoj q III 949MV MM SjnOOg M,X )u8d' sif; ui oiSje pus spBjed qt ui JBd , aijBi 0) BiAiqY o )um unoog Aog uijubj j jo po iptui 3oqM pu vui( -ojvQ qiJOj uj9S9y jo tqnp Ajeoy it Xq pajosuod JBOJ oqi uo ((uipruBjj !IV. . 9P"M aSicj epuBuiy mijvj -BAiitaj uojpu3popoq i(8pAaqV u! pouasajdaj pM svm uiiujj H. B. ANDERSON BADLYJJURED Right Leg Severed above Ankle in Accident ' - At Quarry His right leg severed just above the ankle as the result ot an acci- dent at the rock crushing plant on he was held.' More than 1,500 peo highway No. 28 west of Franklin j,le attended the funeral. about 8 a. m. Tuesday, Harley B. Anderson, 28, son of Mr. and -Mrs. Mike Anderson, of Windy Gap, is in Angel Brothers' hospital. : Anderson is a brother of Don Anderson, whose body was found in a deep gulch in the Burningtown section last December. . The accident occurred when a large rock Anderson was trying to pry off a smaller one slipped, pin- ning his leg against the edge of another rock. and Mrs. Sanford Dixon, of Clay- : , . ' ton, Ga. ,, , . . From Out of Town College scholarships .... Relatives of Mrs. Ingram's from Offered Club Members Asheville here to attend the fun In addition to the three college eral were: Mr., and Mrs. Will scholarships recently offered 4-H Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne corn club members for high yields and low broduction of corn -this season, L. R. Harrill, club leader "at "State "College-announces -lhat three additional scholarshios worth $600 are offered to those who make national records with meat animals. "The thrpp additional scholar- .sbios are worth $300 to the first prize-winner, $200 for second filace and $100 for third place,", explains M rr Harrill:--''There--arc-also- med- als of honor to cro to each coun- ty winner and a valuable gold watch to each state winner. The nri7e are offered bv Thomas E. Wilson, chairman of the national committee on boys and girls club work. Any regularly enrolled club member may compete. The prizes are offered for excellence in hand ling baby beef, pure bred beef, market hog, breeding hog, market sheep or breeding sheep projects. We are hoping that some North Carolina club members will enter Mr-- Harrill- says- ihafanr-dub I boy-Tjri?irlvho plans to enter the competition may secure full facts I from his county farm ag,ent or may ..... ... ...v m,.rn fr,r -.drlltlon-.r ;., f-,m,:, tinii About the only definite require- ments aro that a eh.b member be ,n,r,,1nr1,r ,.nr11o,l cn... nf the v,t nm;wti nmt thot i. Un a V...V...V.. ... ..JV,.... w. ,,,lAtn romrA I ,.tct-,i;.cr rpr- . ....v. ords made in the State will be sub - mUtn hv Mr Harrill to the na- : 1 : .:,... r,. r:....i FRANCE AGAIN DEFAULTS A French debt default notice will "be handed to the Washington gov ernment tomorrow forenoon by .Ambassador de. Laboulave. Bell Arrives Monday and luesday evenings m various homes over ttte town. song and prayer service under the direction of Dale Stentz, of L;ike ft JuTrahiska,and ihc Revf L. B. llaycs was .held on the square Wednesday and lhursday evenings. The' morning services will begin Friday at 10 o'clock. Saturday morning a special children's service will be held at the Methodist church, to which all of the- chil dren of the community are invited. Three services will be' held on Sim dav: announcement is to be made later as to the afternoon service. The soiiL' services under the di rection of Mr. Stentz are proving to be verv fine and helnttU. The i: whole community is invited . to at It tend any and all of these services. 1,500 ATTEND INGRAM RITES Funeral Service Held at Bethel Methodist Church Funeral services for Charles L. Ingram, 68, Macon county reire sentative in the last general as sembly, who was almost instantly killed Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, when a shotgun, which he was carrying was accidentally dis charged as he was crossing a wire fence, near his home, were held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Bethel Methodist church on highway No. 28. The Rev. G. N. Dulin, pastor of the Franklin Circuit, assisted by the Rev. Eugene R. Filer, pastor of the Franklin Baptist church, had charge, of the services. ' Influential Citizen Mr. Ingram was one of the most influential men in Macon county. He was postmaster here for five years and .served as sheriff for three terms. ' He was always in 'tetesteuyitreverythinfoffieHBp' budding -wf the communitv"and:"Thp many beautiful floral offerings showed the high esteem in whicli Survivors Mr. Ingram is survived bv his widow! who was formerly Miss Anna Gaston, of Asheville : three sons! I. P. Ingram, of the United States Navy, stationed at San Di- ego, Tali.; W. R. Ingram, of Eu- gene, Ore., and Charles, Jr., of Franklin, Route 4; four daughters, Mrs. W. M. Fuller, of Macon, Ga.; Mrs. Dewitt Sutton, of Franklin, Route 4; Mrs. Harland Tomlin j Alexander ana Wayne, Jr., Mrs -Gaston and -daughter,- Dot othy ; ' Mrs. Mamie Howie, M rs. A,arom nrasnrur-upai otwr. Clem Mallonee, Mr. and Mrs. 0. atarnes, Air. ana Mrs. tdgar uucKwortn and t. L. Uaston. " Others here to attend the funeral included: Representative William -Ar Cover, of Andrews; Rep. Dan Tompkins, ot-, syjva -MajorHowelbrover Davis and Kepresentative Francis, ot waynesvine; wuiiam f aimer and Ora Smathers, of Canton, and other friends from Clyde, Dills boro, Cornelia, Demorest and Clay 1 ton, lia IJ.E. LANCASTER HEADS ROTARY I tlected President in flace of Byrne; Eaton Is Secretary i t i . i ) ' Lancasier was - eieciei Imeiu o u.e rra.iMn.-iwu.. ullu iucsuay ai a joint uieeung o. IOC3I KOtanallS Wltll U1C An . . arews Koianans at wuson lick "I.. r loresiry service camp on me 1 "i" 01 VViyan Daiu- "Ul L,uu went to the camp as guests of I Zeke Bvrd. forest ranger, who is a mcmper 01 tnc Andrews clud John B. Byrne, supervisor of the Nantahala forest, was elected pres ident of the Franklin, club some timeragor to take office in July ; but he found it necessary to. vre sign on account of the press of his duties in connection with the gov ernment's emergency conservation program Mr. Lancaster has been serving as secretary and treasurer of the I club for several years. He suc ceeds J. S. Conlev as president and 1 will be succeeded as secretary by toward baton LEVY PROCESS TAXES j A decision to levy the maximum processing taxes of around four cents a pound for cotton and 28 to 30 cents a bushel for wheat in order to bring smaller acreages for I those crops has been reached by I thc Roosevelt administration I ECONOMIC CONFERENCE - OPENS The world economic conference I which will attempt establishment of - normal trade and "financial con- ditions between the powers, opened Monday in London with addresses - by King George and Prime Minis 1 ter MacDonald. Camp Foxes Lose Baseball Game to Rainbow Springs The "Camp Foxes," as the base ball team of Civilian - Conservation Camp No. 9 is known, made their debut in llie Macon county ' leagiu last Saturday, playing-.- the strong Rainbow -Springs -nine.- Although the woods recruits put up . a hard fight," Rainbow won by ,'the scnre of three to one. The other game. -on- last Satur day's card was "won by Holly Springs from . -Cowce by the score of 5 to 3. . The outstanding feature of the game' between Rainbow , and the camp boys was a home run knock ed out by Thompson, the Foxes' whirler. Supporters of the conser votion team felt that -the game was closer than the score indicated and they attribute the loss to the use .of second string material in try-outs. However, they - admitted that Rainbow had a strong nine MANY EXPECTED AT CONFERENCE Iotla Methodist Church To Entertain District ' Meeting The Wayncsville district con ference of the Western North Carolina conference ot the Metho dist Episcopal church is scheduled to convene at .8 p. m-. Sunday night, June 25, in the Iotla Meth odist church. The conference is to continue in session through Tues day, June 27. The Rev. G. N. Dulin, pastor of the Franklin circuit, said 200 del egates were expected to attend from the seven counties in the dis trict, embracing 24 charges, 91 congregations and about 8.500J church -members. The Rev. L. B. Haves, oresidinc ' elder of the district, is expected to I b.- nrcsent to Preside, and the Rev.J J. R. Church is on the program as lhepriiicipaTn preacher-of thet'eon ference. ' Visitors of the various boards and interests of the church also are expected toattend.,.There , are. Jibout 20 local preachers and 26 traveling preach ers Jn th e district j . 24 ch lay leaders and many district stew ards, all of whom have been in-4 vited to be present, in addition to the regularly elected delegates. TO EMPLOY 4,000,000 Figures to show that 4,000,000 idle men can be put back to work by CVt ber "1 were announced by Gen eral Hugh Johnson, director of the mighty public works-industrial con trol program, as the bill giving President Roosevelt unprecedented economic authority awaited his sig- .iutt-aU.ihtWhit-JIou4ii 10 D 1 E IN CHICAGO PLAN E The two pilots 'and eight passen gers, in a , W orld's ..Fair...si;;hl.seeint plane iiied m a crash m a 1 nicago suburb 011 Sunday, with the victims burned beyond recognition. Trip to Kansas City Ends Unexpectedly at Asheville Ji.ihiv: Kdwards had been hoping for months thai he could go to the national convention of the Young People's 'Democratic club, scheduled to be held in Kansas City, June., 15 to 17. As liic, time drew near, however,-John decided Kansas City was a long ways off and he just couldn't afford the trip. Tuesday morning some of the Staunch Democratic brethren decid ed that Macon 'county ought t be represented at the convention So, after some hustling and bust ling, they scraped together a size ableiacl;-potvti.o.URhtoseiidlvvi to the convention. Edwards and "Frank Norton, tli'ev acreed, should make the trip. 1 So John and Frank, all steamed up, . hustled home and into their Sunday duds. A few hours later they were in Asheville, cocked and primed for the -'trip to Kansas Citv in a cross-country bus. Their tickets were bought and their suit cases already loaded aboard. ' "Paging Mr. Edwards," a bus at tendant called. John looked around surprised and curious. It was a telephone call from his wife. She had received a notice that th and 'did not begrudge their victory. The Foxes defeated the I ovvee team, two weeks ago, but this .did not .'count .in the league standing, as the. camp nine had not. signed up as ' a regular member .of the league at that time. .The- standing of the cluN now-TftaTiits-: Rainbow,: won two and lost 1 ; llollv -Springs, vyon two and lost two ; Covvee, won one and lost one; Camp Foxes,'- vyon none and lost one. Each team is supposed to have played five games to date, but the schedule ' was ' upset. 'To-make up for the games not played, a series of doublehcaders is planned. Rain bow. '. Springs will play1 a double bill at Cowee Saturday and Holly Springs will meet the Camp Foxes in another double-header on the field near the 'depot. The games are "expected to gel under way about I o'clock. DEATH CLAIMS FrNrPARRISH Funeral Conducted Thur day at First Baptist Church Fred N. Parrisli, 30, died at his home on Bidvvell street Wednesday afternoon about 4 o'clock after an illness of several weeks. Death was attributed to Bright's disease, followed by a stroke of paralysis Tuesday night. " Funeral services were held at the First Baptist church Thursday af ternoon at i o'clock with the Rev. Eugene R. Eller, pastor, assisted by Rev. L. B. Hayes, presiding elder of the Waynesville district of the Methodist church, and the Ke. A- S. Solesbee, Baptist ..mini?tenof Iotla. officiating. Mr. i'arnsli is surviveq by -his widow, who was Aliss - tieanor Curtis before -marriage; two-dau gh ters, Dorothy and June, and one soij, Fred, Jr.; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Parrish, of Burn ingtown two .brothers,.. Ralph Par risli, of Franklin, and Pryor Par rish,' of Oregon four sisters;" Mrs. Hallic"T)ulirMrGeBaIdwIn7 Mrs. Burcn Pruitt and Miss Bertie Parrish, all of Burningtown. Bailey Says Bill Will Aid Farmers Following a conference today with department of agriculture officials, .Senator Bailey voiced the opinion that cotton and tobacco farmers of North Carolina will receive great benefit from the farm relief pro gram soon to be launched by the amiiHSirat kn. He-pi'e(licti;d an -increase in cotton and tobacco prices". Bailey conferred with Secretary "of Agi'TcuVturlVallace' and' CieoiVe Peek, head of farm recovery legis lation, "1 found a spirit ..to ..do everything uuniamy. 10, 1111 prices of farm products and I believe the effort will succeed," he declared. Young People's Democratic club convention had been postponed, at the request, of President Roosevelt himself, until July 31, when the president hopes to be present. Back in Franklin next day, John and Frank spent their time explain ing why they were not on their way t" Kansas City. However, they are still hopeful of getting there. J. Dewey Dorsett, state president of the Young Democrats, in town for a compensation hearing, an nounced that a special train would be chartered to leave Asheville on Saturday. July29th,. to carryJvJortli Carolina delegates to the conven tion. So, maybe after all, John and Frank will get there. 'Mean while they hope to attend the state convention at Wrightsville Beach, ope ning July 8. Governor Ehring haus will be (he principal speaker. . Edwards is on the credentials committee of the state organization and there, is considerable talk to the effect that he is slated to be made vice president of the state group in recognition of his work in the campaign last fall in or ganizing Young Democratic clubs in Macon ceunty. U S. GETS LAND AT$U0 ACRE Large Acquisitions for National Forests Approved LANDHOLDERS GLUM Only 429 Acres Approved For Addition to Nantahala Purchases of forest land totaling 443,90878 acres at an average price of $1.70 per acre- w;ere approved at a meeting of the national forest reservation commission in Washing ton last Friday, according to an announcement received from the U. S. department of agriculture. The list of approved acquisitions for the federal forests included only 42 acres for the Nantahala forest, at a. total price of $' ,214.25, or an average .of $2.92 an acre. All of this' property is in Clay county, it was learned at the headquarters of the forest in Franklin. S;.Fevrr Offer Received heriinTcha ws-are beingrxon sidered for the Nantahala unit, but forestry officials have been some what disappointed at the few offers they have received. Under the government's new acquisition plan, millions of dollars have been made, available to expand the forests, but word has been sent out that - the money will be spent where it can buy the most. No definite appro priation has been set aside for any particular forest, so that land spec ulators would be unable to take advantage of the government. , Landowners Disappointed Owners of mountain property in Macon county are frankly disap pointed at the prices . the govern ment is paying, although the aver age is higher in this section than , in many other parts of the country. Few are willing to sell even rough, untillable mountain land for two to lhreedollars an acre. Hitherto, - prices in this section have ranged around $3.50 an acre for national -- forest acquisitions The 4 announcement from the de- partmentfgricuItuTerwhicir-has-supervision over the forestry ser- vice, said - that - the- government's -emergency conservation program will be extended .to - manv of ,th e- areas embraced in new purchase a i 1 soon, a s. jh ey ..are.def initely ac-I quired. That will mean the estab lishment of additional conservation camps in the, forests which are ex panded to any considerable extent. The acquisitions approved for the . Nantahala forest comprised the smallest tract added to any of the government's 28 national forests, except one, only 128 acres having been approved for the Natural Bridge forest in Virginia. The Cherokee reservation in Georgia and Tennessee gets an additional ..... 4,537 acres and the Pisgah reserva tion gets 2,071 acres. The largest j-Aapiiffi'xdjis;38. mtjpL13fcy fa77.acresior-the'ChequamegonTr: forest in Wisconsin at a price of $203,446.49...; M embers of the national - forest reservation commission, -which must pass Tn all new purchases are the secretaries of war, interior and agriculture ; Senator Keyes of New Hampshire and George of Georeia; Representatives Clarke of New York and Doxey of Mississippi; John E. Burch, LT. S. forest service, secretary. To Permit Railway Freight Surcharges The Interstate Commerce Corn mission today directed seven sutes which had refused to permit sur charges on freight bills to allow . the railroads to make such levies. The decision- "was directed " at " North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida,, Ken tucky and Ohio. These states, together with sev eral others not mentioned, declined to authorize the railroads within their borders to apply surcharges authorized -. for - interstate - com- merce. ' The commission after an investi gation found that the resultant spread between interstate and in terstate rates would be unfair to interstate shippers. .- . BANK CLERK SENTENCED Sentence of three to five years in state's prison faced David The odore Byers, former clerk in the receiver's office pf the First Na tional bank at Charlotte. He plead ed guilty to embezzlement of $4 900.

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