?0 Use the Want Ada Classified advertisements in The Franklin Press bring results. If you have something to sell or trade, try a . classified ad. The cost is small only one cent a word with mini mum charge of 25 cents for each insertion. is ui3 vvcrii i urno A Brief Survey of Cur rent Events in State, Nation and Abroad the Facts Boiled Down to a Few Pithy Lines. 5Hj? Ijtglflan&fl fHarmuatt PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. XLVIII. NO. 26 FRANKLIN, N, C , THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1933 ISU PER YEAR ujt it s jir irrr-j ! :m i i i ... r COUNTIES IN DEBT TO STATE Under the 15-cent school levy of the fiscal year ending June 30, the counties have paid only $2,345,093 of the $4,461.69,1 due the state gov ernment, reports Treasurer Charles M. Johnson. MANTEO TO MURPHY PAVED With completion of paving on a 13-mile link in Currituck county, the elate hat at last . completed the paving of a con- . tinuous highway from Manfceo, v on Roanoke Island, to Murphy, . on the western border of the state. - V BOMBING IN ST, PETER'S A huge Sunday throng in St. Peter's cathedral, Roman center of Catholicism, was thrown into con fusion by explosion of a bomb in a portico. Four persons were in jured. An unknown person left the bomb in a valise which he checked at an entrance booth. KIDNAPER BUCK SENTENCED Kenneth Buck, admitted kidnaper of little Peggy McMath, was on Saturday at Barnstable, Mass., giv en 24 to 25 years in state's prison. His ; brother Cyril - was -acquitted. ESCAPES FROM LAKE TRAGEDY Mrs Mararet Kennie was res cued from Lake Michigan, Friday night, after clinging 34 hours to a makeshift raft. Her . husband and two other men had slipped from the raft to their deaths. The plane of the four on a flight to Mil waukee, encountered heavy fog and plunged into the lake. $200 FOR ROBINS REPORTER Carl Fisher, 13, Whittier boy, who won national attention by his first report that Raymond Robins, prohibition leader, was in Whittier under assumed name after being an object of search for months, ,has been paid a $200 token of esteem by the Robins family. MITCHELL IS NOT GUILTY Charles E. Mitchell, former president of 4he -National City bank, New York, was last week found by '"i T jurMnT ewferal court" as not guilty of S8g0,000 in in come tax evasions. " ALLOCATE U. S. ROAD FUNDS .... Under allocation of $400,000, I'OOOZof Z.federalpublicworks funds for road building, North Carolina is given $9,522,293, with unemployed men to be hired on 30-hour week basis and paid a living wage. Under advise ment by the public works board is a $135,000,000 army construc tion program which would bring $1,291,950 to North Carolina, Fort Bragg to get $958,964 and Pope field $252,756. FIND LOCK BOX IN RIVER A lock box stolen in November in the robbery of the bank at Ca , tawba, . wa , n, ..Saturday - .found in -4he Catawba-riveiJbylFiankJavis, a road foreman. It contained sev eral thousand dollars in bonds .be longing to Dr. Fred Long, presi dent of the bank. STRANGE KILLING AIRED Griffith Welch, 15, of High Point, after centering a plea of man slaughter, went on the stand in (Guilford county Superior court last week and told, how he dropped the body of Bobbie Sechrest, five, into a sewer manhole after Bobby had been hurt in a fall from Welch's bicycle. Welch got a 10-year sen tence, but it was suspended while lie attends a reformatory, O'NEAL IS HOME LOAN HEAD Alan . S. O'Neal, Winston-Salem attorney, has been named, head of the main state office, at Salisbury, of the federal Home Owners Loan corporation. It is expected to have the cor poration relieving mortgage-burdened homes within 30 days. PRISON ESCAPER IS SLAIN Glenn Frye, serving time for a High Point robbery, tried to escape from the Polk prison farm near Raleigh, last week and was shot and killed by guards when he re fused to halt. UNITED DRYS PICK WORKERS The United Dry Forces met in Raleigh last week, picked a cam-1 tiaicrn' central committee' of 200,1 named five attorneys as an advis-'j.to relieve it of its burden. ' ory group in the campaign to re-1 Music was the feature of en tain the prohibition amendment by tertainment for. the afternoon, the defeating repeal in North Carolina, older folks rendering several num FARMERS CAN REDUCE DEBTS Land Bank Offers Plan To Scale Down Obligations interestTowered Second Mortgages Can Be Handled under New Arrangement Farmers of this county will be interested in the statement just re ceived by C. R. Cabe, secretary treasurer of the Otto national farm loan association, from Henry S. Johnson, agent of the farm loan commissioner,1 stationed in the Fed eral Land Bank of Columbia, tell ing how it is. expected there will be a very substantial scale-down in the debts of many borrowers be cause tl le f a nn c ; r3cnjg3Illl fi will be able to offer cash for settlement of debts which he might not otherwise be able to pay. Commissioner's loans are being made to reduce and refinance: farmer's debts on a longer term basis, to supply working capital and to refinance foreclosed farms. The collateral accepted is first or sec ond mortgages upon all or any part of the farm property, real or personal, including crops. Of course, before the commissioner makes a second mortgage loan he will ask the holder of the first mortgage to waive foreclosure rights in accordance with the com missioner's regulations. $5,000 Maximum Loan Loans are limited to a maximum of $5,000 each. These loans, plus all prior mortgages or other evi dences of indebtedness secured by the farm property, may. 'not exceed 75 per. cent of the appraised value hereof ; ; During the, firstjthree.y ears the loans arc in effect, borrowers will not be required to make payments on the "principal "if ' they are not otherwise in default "with respect to the conditions or covenants of their mortga gc s . - Th e -loan m u s t be re paid in. such,..annuaLor.. semi-annual instalhiicnts.aswUl discharge., the debt within the agreed period. Second Mortgages Acceptable The commissioner's agent also points out that these are collateral ized and not personal loans and that the financial condition of the applicant as well as his history must be considered, including, of course, the ability of the farmer to repay his loan. The properties are appraised by the Federal Land Bank appraiser and he uses the same general values in arriving at the value of the property to be offered' as collateral. The principal difference -between t he Federal L"and Bank- loan and the commis sioner's loan is that the land bank loan" is made "lihtyo'n-the"'" farm property and can not exceed 50 per cent of the normal, appraised value of the land plus 20 per cenFof the insured, permanent improvements; whereas the commissioner s agent may lend up to 75 per cent of the normal value and accept second mortgages and personal property as security. The agent points out that for the convenience of the public the (Continued on page six) H. D. Dean Celebrates His 72nd Birthday Anniversary A number of relatives and friends of ll. I). Dean gathered at his home at 'Oak drove Sunday, June 24, to celebrate his 72nd birthday anniversary. Mr. Dean is known throughMit Macon county as one of o!ir best viliens and Oak Grove feels honored to have him belong to lier church and commun ity. Much' time was spent in re newing old acquaintances and in relating tales of other days. Dinner was served at the noon hour. lhe long table groaned under its load of everything good to eat so everyone seemed eager Western Counties To Get $500,000 for Improving 1 Highways through Towns Hope for street improvement work on the main thorough fares through Franklin and Highlands is seen in the an nouncement of J. C. Walker, division highway engineer, in Asheville Wednesday, that $500, 000 had been allocated to 22 Western North Carolina coun ties for improving federal high ways within the corporate lim its of towns. Considerable encouragement also is felt over prospects for rebuilding and surfacing state highway No. 286 from Frank lin to Bryson City. A group of state highway engineers in spected this road last week. ::Theybaid no announcement to ; make7buttheacTthatthey" weer looking over the road was taken as r.n indication that the highway commission is keeping it m mind in allocating the NEW BUILDING RISESRAPIDLY Ashear Expects To Have Structure Finished By September 1 Joseph Ashear's new building, on the old Sloan corner is rising rap idly and he expects to have it com pleted and ready for occupancy by September 1.. Considerable spec ulation has developed as to who will occupy the five store rooms two large ones on the front and -thr-ee smaller oue& on the side .but .--M r. Ashear said thc.tenan t s bad -requested that thei-rianieTT)e withheldfor- the time- being; Brick layingstarted the -latter part of last week and the Avails now are nearing the second storv. When completecL,..lhe.,3uildingtQgctheu with Ashear's store, will be the largest building" in " Franklin, " ex-; cept for the one occupied by the Scott Griffin Hotel. Mr. Ashear announced that he intends to build a second story, to be used for offices, on the build ing now under construction and al so over his present store. When completed, the two buildings, both finished with tapestry, brick on the outside, will give the appearance of a single large building. With the arrival of several car loads of brick this week, practical ly all of the materials which will go into the building are now on hand. By buving betore prices -st.n-rted--going-tit--several-A,eel--ag Mr. Ashear tigures he saved a very - appreciable .sum . of -money. Work on the building has. been a large ' factor in relieving unemj- plovment - -here, Mr -Ashear is working 15 or more men daily and, is far as possible, is using local labor. ' FOUR DIE IN PLANE'S CRASH A bombing plane en route from Baltimore to Langley Field crashed into the James river Saturday night and took four to their deaths. bers from the old Christian Har mony song book. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. Jeter Higdon and sou, Jimmie; Mr. and Mrs. Her man Dean and family; Mr. and i' Mrs. Geo. Dean' and family; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dean and family; Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Dean; Mr. and Mrs. John Dean; Miss Lolita Dean, Ralph Dean, Silas Dean, F.rvin Muggins, Harry Welch, Mrs. Hester Sellers, Mrs. Jim McCnick en, Mrs. Bradshaw, Mr. and 'Mrs. TWmyan Justice; Mr. and Mrs. Take Welch, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Breedlove. Everyone left wishing Mr. Dean mnnv more happv birthdays and feeling sorry that it would be an other year before they could gath er on that occasion again. By One Who Was There. $9,500,000 which it is to receive from the federal government for road work. A report ' has been going around town that Macon coun ty is to get $300,000 out of the federal highway fund; but, a far as The Press has been able.' to ascertain, this is only a rum or based on somebody's unof ficial estimate. In announcing the allocation of $500,000 for improvement of federal highways within cor porate limits, Mr. Walker said it had not been decided where the money wctuld be spent. It is felt certain, however, that the money will be spread out as far as possible p.nd that - Franklin in all likelihood would -L "Tce1veitsshare.tt'i8" point- ed out that Main street, which is the route for both U. S. 64 and U. S. 23, is sorely in need of repairs. MANY ATTEND CHURCHMEET Conference of Waynesville District Held at Iotla Church Around 500 delegates and visitors attended the three-day session of the Waynesville district conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, at the Iotla Methodist church .Monday. The sessions Monday opened at 10 :30 o'clock with devotional Jed Jjy the Rev. Dr. L. B. Hayc5.xf Waynesville, presiding elder, E)r. Hayes - delivered an address . ami this -was followed by the sacrament of-the -Lord's - Supper The- Rev. John-BJChurch,-welL-known:-M.ethr ddist evangelist.' delivered a ser- ing session was the singing by the Suris'hineqtiartertrofLakf-Jina-hiska. The music was in charge of J. Dale Stentz, of Lake Junaluska. In the afternoon, 18 children from the Children's Homei Winston-Sal em, in charge of 'Superintendent O. V. Woolsey, presented a program of short plays and songs. . Monday evening Mr. Church again preached. During the day a number of business matters were transacted. Reports from the different church es in the Waynesville district were read. The, reports were favorable and the pastors said there is a spiritual revival in progress. Tf"deleBatt?a--io' the next West em North Carolina conference were-selected -Tuesday afternoon at the closing business session of the three-day meeting. 240 Register Books Close Friday for Special Election Tomorrow is the last day for registration for the special town election to be held July 11 to de cide on the sale of the municipal power plant to the Nantahala Pow er and Light company. John W Edwards, the registrar, will be at the town hall all day ' to receive registrations. Saturday will be chal lenge day. Mr. Edwards reported . Wednes day that 240 voters had registered for the election. A new registra tion was ordered for . the election and those who have registered for previous elections will not he per mitted to vote unless thev have registered anew. A majority of th registered voters will be necessary to carry the election. ' Bcbby Jones Coming To Highlands July 15 Bobby Jones and family, of Atlanta, are expected to arrive in Highlands on July 15, for a stay of several days. While there they will occiupy the Da buey cottage on the Country Club golf course. EIGFO ASHEVILLE HAS CATTLE YARDS W. N. C. Farmers Now Have Nearby Market For Stock SALES ON FRIDAYS Calves and Lambs now in Demand; Good Prices Mark Opening .The fine grazing lands of West ern North Carolina have become potential sources of new wealth for the owners as a result of the establishment during the past week of the. Asheville livestock yards with facilities for handling, grad ing and selling livestock of all kinds. The--market, which has been launched -by-"a --grup--f Western ! 'North Carolina and Eastern Ten nessee stockmen headed by R. R. Ramsey, of Madison county, of ficially ppened on Friday, June 23, in Asheville, with sales which disposed- of 725 head of stock for $4,391.71 in cash. Another Sale Tomorrow The next sale is scheduled for Friday, June 30, and Mr. Ramsey and his associates are urging all farmers and livestock growers to let them 'know in advance the num ber of head of stock they expect to bring to the market. This is the lamb and veal season in Western North Carolina, Mr. Ramsey pointed out, and the other animals that are being sold are not first-class livestock. This' fall when the better beef cattle are offered the price for this class of livestock is expected tosoar.2 Calves at Premium At me . present unit? premium l k . . TTtcesTmreingainOTTTalvryl-ws ttniuuncet4-nns-weeK - Dy--inari-andliimbsof ... good quality .andr4;&yaMfoJv--C'.Jimtv- game-warden, r ... , , i manyiarmers- wnouiujiQtauenu tiie,markeLopeninghavein(licate(I I their intention, of shipping several truckloads for the sales on June r " r " 1 hemanagetnentof -thr- market pi aiis to" liolifsal e s'eTTy Frii lay for all animals except horses and mules. Later, according to present plans, the horse and mule market will be held each Monday.' Prices Paid Among the most favorable sales at the market opening were lambs, with the following prices: Tops, $7.50 per 100 pounds; No. 2 grade, $7 per 100 pounds; thirds, $6.25 per 100 pounds; bucks, $5.90 per 100 pounds; and real commons, $4 per 1(H) pounds. ,Other prices were: calves No. f-chrwtMTOl.--S.-;-20--nrt) NoT-SHsTatfcefO commons, $2.30 per 100 pounds. Fat Imps," $ S5 ' per 1(10 pounds choice heifers, $4 per 100 pounds; iai ueei -cows. .. to - per., km puimds; milch cows, $20 to $.i0 each; and bulls, $1.75 to $2.65 per 100 pounds. Child Bitten by New Law Requires Muzzles Jack Talleiit, four-year-old son f Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Tallent, who Jive in the house back of The t ress ui l ice, is taking ami-iaDies treatment. The child was bitten bv a dog the early, part of last week while playjng at the home ot ins grancimouier in west i'raiiK lin. T,he animal was killed alter con siderable debate as to whether such action "was necessary and its head was sent to the state laboratory at Raleigh for' examination. The lab oratory . wired back that, an aiuly sis showed the presence of rabies guilty of permitting their dogs to germs. Anti-rabies serum was j run at large w ithout muzzles. The promptly ordered and the Tallent j chief of police is authorized by the child is taking treatment. Doctors j ordinance, a full copy of which will think there will belittle danger ofjbe found on 1'age 4 of .this issue the development of hydrophobia, ofjof The Press, to kill all dogs at luck-jaw, as the treatment was ! large without muzzles. started in ample tune. Had the dog's head not been examined and the child allowed to go without receiving the anti-rabies injections, they added, a horrible death within a month would have been almost certain. ' Crowds Expected For Celebration; Program Varied Lots of Fun Promised In Toad Frog Race The toad frog race promises to be one of the most interest ing events on Franklin's Fourth of July program. The contest is open to all boys and girl who can find toads to put in the ring. Cash prizes will be awarded to the winners. Jimmie Hauser, who will act as judge of the race, has an nounced that the contest will be held on the public square short ly after 10 o'clock the morning of the fourth. He urged that every- boy-and girl : in- Franklin interested in this race start hunting right away- for a fast hopping toad frog. Bull frogs won't be allowed; one jump end a big bull frog would win. The toads will be placed in the cen ter cf a large circle and the first toads to cross the line will be adjudged winners. Lots of fun is promised. GAME REFUGE OPEN 2 DAYS Permits To Be Issued at $1 a Day for Monday And Tuesday The Wayah state . game refuge wilL-be-ope,iifor-iishiiig.i.Monclay 1 ! S - 4 V . j , ntwi i ni'Cinv in v a ami n n - ' J v This is-llrc-sccond time- this-seas- . . .,. , . . wii mat iiic 1 1 1 ugi utcn uuen- ed. . . . .. . flieiii-" fee of "$1 OT" wilPbe charged 'all thosevishingtd fish in the refuge. Permits can be ob tained from' Jesse Slagle, warden in charge of the refuge. A fishing license .also is required, but those not desiring to take out a season license can obtain a daily permit for 50 cents from Warden Waldrop. Nineteen anglers took advantage of the opening of the refuge ear lier in the season and bagged ap proximately 300 trout. The bap. limit is 20 to a person. j ; r c t o i There will be a box sunoer Sat- ;urday night at "the "Holly Springs school for the benefit of the Hollv . springs paseDaii team. 1 tie supper is scheduled to start at 8 o'clock Special string music will be sup- I phed. Mad Dog; Someone said the dog was mere ly suffering "running fits," but doc tors here doubted the existence of any such disease and advised that any dog suffering fits or convul- ' sions be killed promptly or at least penned up fur observation. Taking cognizance of the situa tion, the town council adopted an ordinance, effective June 30, pro hibiting uniiiuided dogs to run at arge in town ami levying a tine - jof $2 oil all dog owners found dog owners It was reported that the dog which 'bit he 'fallen child had been in n tight with liuek,' the town pet, and "Huck" was ordered con fined for observation. As vet he has not shown signs of hydro phobia. ' .i. 11 In. Races for Youngsters and Other Contests on Program BIG BOXING CARD Baseball Game, Dancing And Comedy Skit ' Scheduled Franklin will celebrate the Fourth of July with a varied program of sports, music, dancing and other entertainment," starting at 10 o'clock in the morning and . continuing through, the evening. A larger crowd than Franklin has seen in a number of years is expected to be present if the weather is good. The Franklin Boy Scout troop. Civilian Conservation Camp No. 9, the Young' People's Democratic club and the business men of Franklin are cooperating to make the day an interesting one for everybody. The program is cal culated to have something to in terest young and old, men and women. Most of the events are free, .:''. Races: for Youngsters . Beginning at 10 a. m. there will be a series of races and contests for boys and girls, sponsored by the Scouts, with Jimmie Hauser and J. D. b ranks, scout masters, in charge. They announced that liberal cash prizes would be award ed -in - each -contest. First - there will - be--a greasy - pole climbing contest and Tcasypig-race: Then there "will follow a toad frog race, foot races, relay races and other c6htestsTor boys and girls; Boxing Card One of the big events of the day will be a boxing program in the cou rthouse, starting at 2 o'clock in - the afternoon. "Kid"- Seay, of Franklin is "matched with"uKid""'" Turner, a member of the Franklin conservation camp from Charlotte, in the main bout. Both are known as fast, sportsmanlike glove-pushers and are expected to put up a good battle." The main bout will be followed by several other matches and a battle royal be tween all the colored boys who want to get in the ring. The boxing program has been arranged by Zeb and T. W. Angel, Jr., and Captain Mcllwaine of the Franklin conservation camp. Part of the proceeds will go to the h ranklmLibraryssociationr 3 o'clock there will be a - baseball game1 on the grade near the depot between " Holly Springs and Cowee, both members of the Macon ccainty league. Outdoor Dancing For those who prefer lighter amusement there will be a square dance on the street in front of . the courthouse, singing and special string music, and in the evening at 8 p. m. a rollicking comedy, "The Sweet Family," will be pre sented in the courthouse by the Woman's Missionary society of the Franklin Methodist church. Music for the square dancing will be fur nished by the Young People's , Democratic club string band of 10 pieces. . Assisting in working out plans ' for the July Fourth program are Jimmie Hauser, J. D. Franks, John W. Edwards and Mrs. Lester Con ley. Merchants Give Prises Funds foT prizes and incidental expenses of the program have been donated by Franklin merchants and business men. Those sponsoring the program have requested The Press to an nounce that an especial invitation is extended to the people of High lands and residents of the rural sections of the county to attend this celebration. They emphasized that the celebration is not merely for Franklin but for the whole county. While the races in the morning are being sponsored by the Scouts, they are open to all boys and girls who wish to enter them.

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