' Eftr cf Wisdom'- You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. Mark Twain. Turns . " . ; A Brief Survey of Cur rent Events in State, Nation and Abroad the Fact s Boiled Down to a Few Pithy Lines. ! I 1 te SujllattJiB JKarmtiatt LIBERAL INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE $1.59 PER YEAK FRANKLIN. N. C THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 1933 VOL. XLVHI, NO. 39 i III Kr-, ' s l ii t I I I i 1 I 'fc 'J 23 "MACHINE GUN" KELLY CAUGHT decree "Machine Gun" Kelly, des perado of the southwest sought as a principal in the kidnaping oi Charles Urschel. Oklahoma million aire, was caught Monday night by Memphis police. Also taken were his wife and two others. Tf 7 JLi U WORLD GIRDLER IS HURT Wiley Post, who circled the world in seven days and 18 hours for a new record was nainfullv injured on September 21 in the smashing at Quincy, Illinois, of the Winnie Mae, his famous plane. GIRL HELD FOR EXTORTION PLOT Willie Mae Wheeless. 15. Ghar Inttp is held hv federal authorities .-j for mailing extortion letters to imminent women threatening kid naping unless money was paid. She CAR OVERTURNS: 2 OTHERS HURT Shepherd Suffers Broken Back and Other Injuries ' 1 Helping UJiivoa " I I said she was trying to get money p N E R A L. FRIDAY n ll 1 1 r ii i capitalist rred jacoos ana vernou Thomas' Price, 65, retired New Baldwin Bruisea ana York railroad capitalist and owner c iU.A of a big estate near Waynesville was shot and killed on Sunday py r chenllPrn x. Gf Franklin, x ic Min j ' liewey roucr, J?, J: . t , .wl- Trct nwnine ...i r.;. isri .rtt tres-iuicu ai iuuum WIIUIU l I,VI oywwu ... i - - -- ... passing. Price was shot down and m-an AsheviHe hospital -et -a-ew tmn rnmnantons wounded as they I. hir-lr nnA oilier inmries Slistain- ...W .- - f- ... - - - 11 ..L... . VJ . . . were confronted by Potter pn a . T afternoon when an hillside trail Potter surrendered . which he was riuing at Waynesville. with Fre(J Jacobs and Vernon Bald, ADMIRAL ANDERSON PASSES win, also Gi Fk"'0rturned 7, ... . . A aj. about a mile north oi Utto. Rear Admiral Edw n A. A der accident occurre(1 on a slight son, 73, holder of distinguished ser . highway in vice fecord in both &pan.sii ana - W at ilh(iplflrd Town Council May Seek Federal Loan To Improve Sewer and Water Systems Franklin's town council is con sidering the advisability of obtain ing a loan from the $50,000000 pub lic works fund alloted to North Carolina by the federal govern ment, to make long needed im provements of the town's water and sewerage disposal systems. for four years. The government, however, stipulates that the min imum wage for common labor shall be 45 cents an hour. The object of the government in making this proposition is to create more jobs and to put more money into cir culation, at the same time aiding heal jobs and to put more money PLANS SHAPING FORROLLCALL Rev. J. A. Flanagan Ap pointed Chairman or Red Cross Drive World wars, died at his Wilming ton home on Saturday Methods of obtaining loans from ;nto circulation, at the same tune the public works iund, set : up by aiding local communities in mak the government as a part of its'ing necessary improvements. national feCOA'cry 'yroRTa meeting of the town outlined at a conference of: county l council Wednesday niglt the eti and municipal officials of Western . ginccrinc; firm of HarwW-Bebee, employ North Carolina in Ashcville last Frilay.' 1'unds are readily a ail able i tor any public projects of a sell-lisuidating nature, speakers at the conference said, Without making a definite prom nt Snartanbure. S. C. w;( ed to make a preliminary survey of Franklin's water and sewerage systems with view to determining the aunroximate cost of necessary iirmrovements. When this survey i l'- . . , . 1 i - .1. . :i ....ii Hi. mi.nlh,.rc rA t ip Kf.lU- llllll tCilC 1-nlVlll PlPfl I 1C CUUI1C1I Will M- iSV, hivuiuvi r ' ..... ....... J ' 1 . i , 1 i. i i ii., 4, rmin. i ri,iu u.Viothor it ie aHvisahle to seek i rout ot tne noiorooKs pin.c oi wwks uimiu imuii.y i. vv... n..v...v. about 5:30 o'clock. The car was1 ty and municipal officials that theia public works loan o carry out STARTS NOVEMBER 11 300 Memberships Is Goal Or County wide Cam paign This Year K ganization A . : 1 Approved eon Plan R. F.C.T0 Aid 1 Capital Stock To Be Reduced from $65,000 to $25,000 And $40,000 Preferred Stock Issued; ' R. F. C. To Take $20,000 v.oolof tarH Kranklin and its nv.auvu - - i . tracks indicated that its wheels left the highway, , evidently becoming caught in a rut on the edge ot tne ASSESSMENT DOWN 54.38 PER CENT Average re?" car then swung to 24.36 oer cent. 1U not reporting. ",r""7. .7..i...... i i ,.,;k h mr! times aown ine uigiiway. , x Ashe county led with a W per R.Uw,n Driving cent arop. in w ,t,rt ,v the car oass J IE vAk Aiint I - A .i " "" MW" - sessmeni aroppea over rthmuA Otto said it was zig-zag ...ri. i DMi King badly. Vernon Baldwin was AN0THER ALABAMA 68 . drivi but LYNCHINO . - - the car belonged to- Harry Shep- . Lien ii is v-ioss, utgiu u I u A fter a white woman had preferred nero; 1 1.1... Imm kit hntnPl J"". tnBC3, " . : U,icp,1 rnfl srratchefl T)tlt SUtlerCQ at Tuscaloosa on bunday and lyncn- iniliriM AH three of ed by a mob. nn.,imnt the car were i a . A 1 D.mtliACD' tine. r...DtNm lA.fFNT Drougni 10 m.Bc. ,1..- . pital for treatment, Jacobs loans would never have to be paid back, at least hot in full. Under provisions announced .for distribution of the huge public works fund, the federal government will make an outright rant of 30 per cent of the cost of labor and materials in an approved project. The rest of the money needed will be loaned on a long term basis at four per cent and arrangements can be made so that . no intescst ir prinripal payments will fall due Mrs. W. H. Green Dies After Long Illness and OTTON . ... . Baldwin beinc released a short To farmers who wm -agr - - later. Baldwin was somewhat contracts looking to reduction of ,,.., . a.. . . w n hl. head administration is prepared to aa-p Sheuherd's con vance 10 cents per pouna tor me the first present cotton crop. It is selling . . back, .he at less than that on the New rK . ep p!nil. ;;.; to his head I 3U1IV1VU jv.mwMk. . market Ln,r oka .internal ininries. After Tft nrrpru TIPF FEAR I laKing .-ray ihlu.. ... TO DEEPEN CAPE FEAR d . j d fc j usclcss The piubhc works adm.njstrat on last week allotted JW.uuu ior - . - d t0 his J-..: : .L. r"orv TTator river fmml ''- - . , ICCCllllt(S l" vapu i ----- Wilmington to Fayetteville, culmi- home on Iotla street Wednesday vvmiuuK.. jr;:v" :n(1 morning.. That night he was taKen natmg years of effort to that end. ambulance to an - AsheviHe --- . PI AN $? 000.000 PROJECT Plans for a $2,000,000 restoration and development project in the Dare county banks and the Pamlico sound area is proposed to" the fed eral public works administration by ti.rAo lrnartments off the state gov ernment. Through forestationi the protecting banks, oyster and fishing areas as well as same ref uses would be protected from erosion. A highway connecting six towns in the region is included NIP KIDNAP SCHEME IN BUD Using the lure of a dummy pack age of money, New York officers on Saturday nabbed a nurse and a filling station manager at Yonk ers and thus nipped in the bud a bwinanino extortion threat against Mrs.John K. Dougherty, social lead er and the heiress to millions. SPEEDING PUBLIC WORKS $1,600,000,000 has been al 1-U((1 fnr mihlic works out of the great $3,300,000,000 fund for that purpose set aside by the last con ,rr,.0Q and Public Works Adminis trator Ickes has appealed to may ors of cities to speed up requests. So far only $60,000,000 has been withdrawn for actual spending. hospital, his family hoping in vain that somethtne might be (lone to saveis" lif erAgain'XTay-ptettiws wore m:ide of Shenherd's back and head, but the doctors deemed it unwise to operate at the time, and . ' ... . e the injured man died within a tew tinnr! H was unronscious from the time of the accident until his death. Funeral Friday Shepherd's body was brosght back to Franklin Thursday morning anu it urns announced the funeral wotin he h.dd at 2:30 o'clock Friday af ternoon at the First Haptist cnurei (Continued on page ix) the work. - 11 Two methods are employed by the public works board in advanc ing money for local projects. One is bv buvine bonds issued on a project. The other is by under writing the project and, upon its completion, leasing it to tne gov ernment unit for which it was con structed. It is though! likely that should Franklin seek a public works loan, bonds would have to be is sued, necessitating an election.1 Funeral Held Allotment Made For Teachers' Pay Mrs. W, H. Green died at heri home-in - the - Patton settlement at noun Monday at the age of 55 years and seven -months, bhc; hud been an invalid since suffering a stroke of paralysis three years ago. Monday morning she suffered an other stroke and death came in the middle of the day. The funeral was held at W o'clock Tuesday ' afternoon at Lou- Cq Chanel Southern Methodist, ot which the deceased was a member. The pastor, the Rev. P. K. Swan- son, officiated, assisted by tne Kev. A.'." Angel and the Kev. Mr. Tabor. Mrs Green was Miss Hester el- lersof Haywood county before her marriage. She is survived 'by .her j husband. 10 children, three broth- efs ln"f1TVvO '.sisters, 1 ho children C. M. Green and Mrs. Molhe Wig gins, of Glenvillc, Jacksmi cmn ly f-Cccri -C,Tcen,"M rs r-Ar-noM -Rog-- ers, Clinton, Lawrence, lesnei, Wonlow, Lillian and Hester Lo rena Green, all of .this county. The istli.M-s mid sisters: Wesley and Robert Sellers, of Haywood coun ty; Jasper Sellers, Mrs. Mable Rob ertson and Mrs. Nannie Green, of Macon county. M. D. Billings, county super intendent of schools, announce Wednesday afternoon that h Tied "been notified by the stat school commission of the allot ment of fuids necessary to mee teachers' salaries due in Septem ber. He did not know exactly when the money would be made available for vouchers, but ex pressed the hope it would be this week. All of he teachers in the county, except those in the Franklin and Highlands schools have' two monhts pay due them, amounting in all to approximate ly $11,000, Mr. Billings said. Business Better "T. F." Shows Net Prof it for August Business is continuing-to-MPl''6 for the Tallulah Falls railroad, ac- .!;,, t. official traffic figures ol The -linerarousing-the- hope-that Plans are shaping for the annual Red Cross roll call in Macon coun ty, to be launched on Armistice D.iv November 11. and to continue through Thanksciving, November 30. T F. Lancaster, countv chairman of the Red Cross, has announced the appointment of the Rev. J A, Flanagan, pastor of the r rankiin Presbyterian church, as county chairman of the roll call. Goal Is Set The goal, for the Macon county drive this year has been set'at 300 memberships, but Mr. Lancaster ex pressed the hope that this would be exceeded. The regular member ship fee is .$1.00, half of which goes thp national Red Cross organ isation, the other half remaining in the hands of the county chapter. Mr Lancaster said a special ettort would be made to obtain larger membership donations from those able to contribute more than the required dollar. Appointments are expected to be announced in the next few weeks of assistants to Mr. Flanagan to take harge of the roll call in Franklin, Highlands and the rural districts. "In view of the fine assistance the Red Cross has extended to this countv durina; the past year, Mr. Lancaster said in announcing pre liminary " plans for the -roll-call, "I feci sure the people ot... Macon will resnond wholeheartedly to the forthcoming drive for memberships," He recalled that the Red Cross had helped scores of needy fain- ilipe snnnlvtnc them with tlour r - n rlnthint?. cans and medicine in co operation with the national emer gency relief agencies. Attend Conference A regional conference of the Red Cross held in Hickory Tuesday of this week was attended by Mr. Lancaster, Rev. Mr. Flanagan, Mrs. John Wright and Miss Rachel Ua- vi rnuntv we fare superintendent Mr. Lancaster, who 'was ne of the sneakers on the TiroKram.-told the conference of the organization of the Red Cross in rural districts. He had '"been"" especially" selected for an address on this suble t because of the success of the relief work APPROVED BY DIRECTORS, STOCKHOLDERS Hone Aroused that Bank JWill Reopen without Re- " strictions By November It Must Then Apply For Federal Reserve Membership A plan for reorganization ot the Bank of Franklin, providing for re duction of the capital stock (corn man shares) and the issuance of $40,000 of preferred stock, half of terred with -officials of the Recon struction Finance Corporation in Charlotte. The R.. F. C. the at torney reported, tentatively agreed which is to be subscribed by the to v-uu, . Reconstruction Finance Corpora- Franklin in exchange ior preferred turn, has been approved by Ourne stock bearing a 5 per cent annual P. Hood, state commissioner dividend, provided other provisions banks. Presented at a meeting ofj . . . , . the directors and stockholders of the bank Tuesday morning, the plan won immeliate approval and aroused i, up that the hank oould open without restrictions about November j I - . ,, ir.ni ion of the olan ends all uio-uion now pending in- regard to stock assessments, but Gilmer A. Jones, attorney for the bank, said somebody must voluntarily pay as sessments, in exchange tor wmcn preferred stock will be issued, un til ,nt least $20,000:hadJee" paid in '"by- stockholders. Some ot tnis already" bas teen paid in and the bank is endeavoring to induce stockholders to fane all the money ttipv ran in the next thirty days to subscribe to the preferred shares Confidence Revived ftpr thp meeting Tuesday there .B...l.t ':- f r.nfirlpnrp was a noiireauic an ui ; Kranklin hiisiness circles. Ill I I It..... . - "1 feel more hopeful now than I have -since the bank closed, com M D. Bi lines, vice pres ident of trie bank, which was clos ,.,t in nerember 1930. reopening in Mav. 1931, as a liquidating agency and trust depository. Mr. Hood, the state commissioner of banks, approved the reorganiza tion plan after Mr. Jones had con- 3rd Annual High School Fair Set for October ll BYRD LEAVES FOR POLE To exploure glacia) lands about the South Pole, Admiral Richard K. Byrd left Boston on Monday in his ship, the Bear. The adventure will take two years. POLAND WINS BALLOON RAPF With a flight of 846 miles from Chicago to beyond Quebec the en- from Poland is declared tne 1933 international try ... , r .. I 1, '.",; " hriii ' raised and prepared for The third annua. a r s,, . , . . - of cilUer bv the Department ot vocatum.u . . . "y . . v . tt t.- ;,.c : tl. .-kit en ttire c ass or of the home Agriculture ana mtme iauhu,.,.,... , ..,i7tiv.- be held in the school ainuun nn , , if De nu u in u. . )( v();u. c,ass ,)f r TiTT -onliiig io agriculture,: and each boy .has at la'anlmced by Earl Meacham,! U;ast one product .to sli- 1 . ... . Cwiir, i 1 have several CMiiims, vocational ins rucior tn r, V students taking first Each school oisinct o.i . ..w ...v . . .' i ',ii-L- iitiil seve al oi ineiu county has been mviteu w - ; . . f r c tu-Vi 1 -have exhibits. ticpate in tne ' Vh, llome economics department gwen to tne sr'11 " , t .i hv the dr nlav products of specia interest in win ' , , heir articular community. The " at home as well as a school and type of this display will be left to will feature an cxh.b.t. of canned S W T The' display will be in charge of SihLsCi n,so be in.com- LTTSl petition with each other - anu a m o,- ...:n K' nrrrt for the win- Press. pi lC Will wv. - . "The main purpose of the fair FORD WORKERS ON STRIKE ,..: t, to chow nrorlnrts of auality Hissatisf.ed with wages paid, over ,.., v r , ..." i a ooft ......,.l-.-,ro it ttin Vort auto NEEDLEWORK MEET CALLED nii-Li-tor anil officers of the Needlework Guild have been called to meet at the home of Mrs, T. J. Johnston on east Main street at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. , v,i .. . r carrieu on in uns eoiuuy. if it continues on tnis Dasis wi . month or so longer the rauroaa will be able to show an actual operating profit for the ye'AT- Fitrures supplied the rrcss-iua- cnian by F. M. Reeves, of Cor .,i; Mi,,ml r of the iiublic com- inittee fir;hli"tr abandonment, of the "T. F.", show net profits ot 1 01 for- the mouth -ot August, when 220 cars were hauled. The first three weeks of September cars were loaded. Mr. Reeves estimated that in 1017 i r-ost the railroad it.4 to make $1.00, whereas this . year it has cost the railroad only 75 cents to make $1.00. During the first eight montns of last year the "T. F." piled up a deficit of $44,698.22. The deficit f,. tin- snnie neriod this year was only $5,150.31 and, Mr. Reeves out. "it is thought the net earnings for September will wipe out the deficit for this year. Rev. Father Carey To Hold Service Here t.'...- lather Michael A. tarcy h:,e heen amvointed pastor of St. 1 nhn's Catholic-church rW ay ucsviue, Kev Father A. J. Ka ,lH.VVi.M"fl . K ... . rctte, who has recently been named tvicrnr-nf Hitrh Point. i'nther Carev will continue the cr-h..,lnlp of services for : ,i r,r, th:it is the tirst anu tliiril Snniliivs and the fifth. Sunday when one occurs. Services are held at H:30 in the morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Byrne. of the .'reorganization plan are com plied with. One of the most important pro visions of the plan calls for applica tion by the bank, as soon as it re opens without restrictions, ior mem- . bership in the rederal Reserve sys tem. After January 1 banks at- fifoited with the Federal Reserve will carry deposit insurance. Agreements to "freeze deposits which were signed by many of the -rirnositors a Tew months after the bann closed.-exwe nexit Monday ; but payment of remaining aepostts. amountiiiB to approximately S1U,IAW, will have to be withheld until the reorganization plan is carried out and the bank reopens without re strictions; ; 7T. Reorganization Plan Following is a copy reorganisa tion plan as approved by Commis sioner Hood: (A.) Reduction of the common capital stock from $65,000 to $25, 000. (B.) , Issuance of preferred stock in two classes m tne iuiu auiuuui of $40,000. Class 1. in the amount of $20,000 to be issued and sold to the Rcconstrustion Finance Corpo ration, at nar. and. to pay a divi dend of 5 per cent when and if earned, but in anv event cumulative. Class 2, $20,000" to be issued to those stockholders holding common shares who-have --tuTctotortyjur miv Wreafter - nnv in .the lar of Forest Service Phones Ne w On 'Farmer Line' Agreement in Highlands according to the lat t7sY Forest Service" telephone"" direc tory An agreement has been made be tween the United States 1'orest Service and the Western Carolina Telephone" company which will .,Due to lhe fuct that the fores greatly increase tne use a n " I . w h niu these . lines and of telephone service in I'ranuun, -'V. . , . V " t. ,u ..... . , . .... i, stni isneu ie enii'jiH.s iims- Highlands a.a iT.. ... - V . firc ,roXi:ctioix and for paI!y; r ,, J ooints and will doubtless add much n.iritninrn t r ui i 4 4 V t. w v Lt ..... -- ,.i.,;,no,l "a f,p of ten cents has UlUlllVVii .... such stock by way of payments on stock assessment nnxumTr tc- vied, or otherwise. fC The abrocation of the res- .. e ..n. l z - J-v:.AAe Oiution oi us ixmiu v. i imiihi,... and stockholders by which a levy of a voluntary assessment agai-ist stockholders in the amount of the par value of the stock owned by i each was levied. - fD That immediately upon the opening of said bank without re striction, it is to apply to the Fed eral Reserve Board for member ship in the Federal Reserve Bank. (F..1 That all litigation now pending with reference to stock assessments shall be settled or con-Uuled. Young Democrats To Meet at Oak Grove A meeting of the Young People s Democratic club of . Macon county has been called by John W. Ed wards, president, to take place at ,i, n-,ir r.rove school at 8 o'clock Saturday night, Oct. 30. Edwards, limmie Ilauser, C. Tom Bryson a,,,! Tfarlev R. Cabe are scheduled to speak, and special string music been charged for calls over the lin,.e of the forest service which r 1 . I 1 to the value ot local teiepnone sei vice in the territory effected. ' It is the desire of the forest service of the Sioon rac. W n Gordon mto .than "'J iSl a bl, nB n in Chcs-Uill be PW by the M l"l . . , , .. .. : 1,1 . , l,--,l nvrh lllnl-S of I'll UC ICiepilOIie COIU Mliy III man. cine into the IH.al thai gts ot., atrrcement that the public y,e telephone company. ; y f - f . y ing the forest service telephones, " ' t "IaLa tn , : . t .. 41... "i.'irin- aim huhm'hs w "v under wnai is khuwu iv ... ... .i :t svstem. erLineAgreemeiu neya.e.na, restriction ab e to tne suuscriueis oi uk., , ,. - 4 T, , , other subscriber stauoii. inv.c ... , Un r:ut of v be no ten cent call fee hereafter, seiwec .... . V" - for he ocal use of these lines. pver the. lines at all tjmes. Th ThT new amngemcnt increases' requirement ru a very reasonabl tlimmber of listed telephones 20(on, and will be appreciated by the in Franklin, 41 in Clayton and 13 J puDtic. M. L. Burnett Dies At Ridgecrest M. L. Burnett, 90. father of Mrs. lohn S. Trotter, of Franklin, died at the home of another daughter. Mrs. R. E. Hurst, at Kidgecrest eacrlv last .Thursday morning. The funeral was held at the. 151aekMountaitr Bapttsbhu.rch Fri- ilav afternoon. ir n,, mi.it a i Yinfi'iliTafe vet eran, was a member of one of the oldest and most prominent fam ... . i i t..i dies m nuncomue coiuuy au " long been a picturesque character. In his earlier days he was a stal wart Democratic leader in his sec tion. He was well known in Frank- 1 : 1. .i U , (Vstsitt rtrtf Itr 'ic 1111, WllVIt III I MIH."UJ ,....v. Mr. Burnett had been m ill health for a long time and for some" months Mrs. Trotter has been staying in Ridcecrcst in order to be at his bedside. ,

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