i i;::; , i::c::la:;ss maconian PAGE TI1EE ' i ' ! 1 'i a.. ACTIVITIES ami . COMNGS AND. GOINGS U. D. C. TO MEET FEB. 12 The Macon County chapter of the United Daughters yf the Confed eracy will hold its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. T, J. Johnston on Monday, February 12, at S p clock. . All members are ureed to attend, An interesting program has been arranged. - SOCIAL SERVICE WORKERS MEET The Social a Service Workers of the Methodist church met with Miss Marearet' Cozad and Mrs. Lester Conlcv at the home of Miss Cozad. on Monday afternoon at 3 o clock with 16 members present., A very interesting; meeting was held and clans were made for the "Jitney Supper," which is to be given February Z4 in the office of the Nantahala Power and tight company. -. . Delicious refreshments were, serv ed at the conclusion of the meet ing. ' ' : YOUNG DEMOCRATS TO GIVE DANCE . A dance for the Macon county clubs of the Young Democrats will be held at Camp Taukeeta, Miss Olive Pattern', camp, on Thursday evening, March 8. Music for the dance will be furnished by "the Young v People's , string band. AH members in the county are invited, also members from nearby coun ties. Plans-at this time call for hold ing u dance at least once a month, thus taking care of the social func tions of the club. GIBSON-JONES Miss Lona Gibson and Arthur Jones were quietly married in the register of deeds office on Thurs- ' day, February 1, with Samuel J. Murray officiating. Mrs. Jones is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Gibson and Mr. Jones is the son of' Mr. and Mrs. James Jones, both of Leather- . man. . . BRYANT-LILES Miss Mary Odessa Bryant nd Granville B. Liles were married in Clayton, Ga., on Monday, January 1. Mrs. Liles is the " daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Bryant.. She is a senior in the Franklin high school. - . . ' Mr. Lile$ is the son of Mrs. J. - Br Liles, of Peachland, N. C. He is a graduate of the Peachland liigh school and for two years at tended Louisburg college. He is now supply sergeant in the Civilian Conservation Corps at Camp F-9 near Franklin. ZONE MEETING CALLED Members of the Woman's Mis sionary societies of the Methodist churches in Macon county are How One Woman Lost. 20 Pounds of Fat Lost Her Prominent Hips, .Double Chin, Sluggishness GAINED PHYSICAL VIGOR A SHAPELY FIGURE If you're fat first- remove the rr: causec::- ' : Take- on half teaspoonful of " KRUSCHEN SALTS in a glass of hot water everymorningin3 weeks get on the scales and note how many pounds of fat have van ished. Notice also that you have gained in ' energy your skin is clear er you feel younger in .body KRUSCHEN will give any fat per son a joyous surprise. Get an 85c bottle of KRUSCHEN SALTS from any leading druggist anywhere in America (lasts 4 weeks). If this first bottle doesn't convince you this is the easiest, safest and surest way to lose fat your money gladly returned, (adv.) H S,0N ?' "MIT NEWS SINCE! 7 y i - scheduled to hold a zone meeting in the First Methodist "church of Franklin next Tuesday. The meet ing is to open in the morning and last all day, Those attending are requested to bring basket lunthes. The Rev, Chesley C. Herbert, J. A Conley "and J. S. Conley were in Asheville Friday of the past week, Mrs. J. J. Moore, who is teach ing school at Lawrenceville, Ga., is spending several days here with her husband., M. L. Dowdle and son. T6e. snent part of last week at Daytona Beach, Fla with Mrs. Dowdle, who is spending the winter there. Mrs. Lamar Ellard and daughter. Jacqueline, left Saturday for Cor- cnt, ua,, wnere tney expect to make their home for awhile. Mrs. Chesley C. Herbert returned to her home here Friday after spending two weeks in Winston Salem -visiting friends. Mrs. Frank Biprdon spent Tues day of-the past week visiting friends in Clayton, Ga. v Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carpenter spent Saturday in Knoxville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. AUgary, of Clayton, Ga.,. were visiting friends here' Sunday.' s V Mrs. John Herbert Stone return ed to her home here Sunday after a visit with friends in Athens, Tenn. Mrs. k. S.Jones left Wednesday morning for LaGrange, Ga., for a two-weeks' visit with relatives and friends. Manson Stiles left last week for Lawrenceville, Ga., where he ex pects to work for a while. Fred Arnold has purchased the Lyle house on Bidwell street, now occupied by Mrs. John Hall, from the Tuckasseigee Bank at Sylva. Fred Moore and famuy who have been making their home on Culla- saja for the past three years, have purchased the old Waldroop prop erty near Carson's Chapel and have added several new rooms to the house. - ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Kerr Cunning ham spent Tuesday in Asheville on business. Mrs. - Esther Freas, pi Murphy, came over Saturday for a ..visit with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Slaglei at their home on Cartoogechaye. Mrs. Mary Lyle Waldroop, of Cartoogechaye, wai here shopping Tuesday. - Mr., and Mrs. W. L. Corbin, of Otto, "were here shopping Saturday. Miss Grace McGaha, of West's Mill, spent several days here last week visiting her ' cousirt,". Audrey Conley.- . Fisher Black, an employee-' of the Nantahala rower and ; Light com pany, who is now located at An drews, spent the week-end here with friends. Mrs. Eugene R. Eller and-small daughter, onie Sue,, Miss -Anna Belle Tallent, Billy Horsley and Billy Cunningham returned to their homes 'here. Monday after spending several days in Athens, Ga., the guests of Mrs. Elletfs sister, Mrs. W. D. Boyd and Mr. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs.; Harry. Higgins and two children, Ruth and .Harry, Jr., spent the week-end in Atlanta, visit ing at the' homes of Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDowell and Eugene Zach- ary- ... . Mrs. F. W. Purdum, of Towson, Mdiisspending several weeks here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Solffis; and l)r. Solms, afllieir home on West Main street. j Miss Nancy Wyatt, of Qiata-: nooga, Tenn., arrived here Monday' for a Visit with her sister, Mrs. Roy C. Dady,. and Mr. Dady at their home on White Oak streeti Mrs. Sam L.. Rogers, lefy Wed nesday morning for Jacksonville, Tampa and other points in Florida, where she expects to. spend two weeks. Mr. and. Mrs. Charlie Grist and a Mrs. Scruggs, of Dillard, Ga., were, here Tuesday shopping. Gilmer Crawford left Wednesday wi - -Hit 'iwi. -W -'KW-v-M'.!- -w- v -r; morning for Port Orange, Fla., i where he will spend two weeks. Lester Henderson, manager of the S. & L. ) Store, is back on the job again, after having been con fined to his room for the past two weeks with the measles. Rev. R. P. McCracken, of Clyde, spent Wednesday of the past week here with friends. J. A. Porter, who has been ill at his home on West Main street, for the past , two weeks, was re ported to eb unimproved Tuesday. The Rev, Frank Bloxham, rector of St. Agnes church, Franklin, and the Church of the Incarnation, Highlands, left Monday for Lenoir, N. C, to attend a diocesan con vention of the Episcopal diocese of Western North Carolina. He was accompanied by Mrs. W. H. Sellers and Mrs. J. W. Cantey Johnson. Mrs. C. C. Cunningham has been confined to her "bed for the past several days with influenza. . CHURCH . Announcements FIRST METHODIST " Rev, Chesley C Herbert, Jr. . Ptor SUNDAY, FEB. 11 11 a. m. Morning worship; ser mon, "Spiritual Unemployment," by the pastor. 7:30 p. m. Evening worship. This will be a special service for the Boy Scouts. The Franklin troop will attend in a body, and will have part in the program'; The( pastor will speak on "The Great Scout master." Public cordially invited. CARSON'S CHAPEL (Methodist) SUNDAY, FEB. 11 . 3 p. m. Preaching and commun-' ion service, conducted by the Rev. Chesley C. Herbert. ST. AGNES EPISCOPAL Rev. Frank Bloxham Rector SUNDAY, FEB. 11 . 10 a. m. Sunday school, T. J. Johnston, Jr., superintendent. 11 a. m. Morning prayer with sermon by the rector. CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION HIGHLANDS, N. C. ' Rev. Frank Bloxham Rector SUNDAY, FEB. 11 3 p. m. Bible" study' class. 4 p. m. Evening prayer with sermon by the rector. FIRST BAPTIST Rev; Eugene R. Eller rzrrrr-r: Pastor ; SUNDAY, FEB. 11 9 :45 a. , m. Sunday school. . All teachers and pupils urged to be seeking new members and looking up absent members. 11 a. m. Morning, worship with sermon, "The Problem of theOIns'," by the pastor. . :.. 6:45 P. m. B. Y. P. TJ. meeting. 7;45 p..m. Evening worship. The evening messages are evangelistic. We are trying to impress upon the people the need of a personal Sa vior. . WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting. We are studying the Book of Job in our prayer meetings. The people are urged to bring their Bibles. The Y. W. A. will have charge of the service. FRIDAY, FEB. 16 7:30 Sunday school teachers and officers to- meet-in-pastor's-study. fEDITOR'S NOTE The Press- Maconian- invites nil of "the-minis ters of the county to send in an nouncements of their services each week for publication in this 'column. Kindly follow the above style, or arrangement, in writing church an nouncement and, if possible, have them typewritten. Type for this column will be ret each Tuesday afternoon and the pastors of the various churches are asked to send in the announcements on Monday,. if possible, or at least before noon Tuesday.- Cartoogechaye Mr., and Mrs. Lester Southard and family and Wiley Hodbrooks, of Franklin, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Southard Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Watson, of Bryson City,, were here Sunday visiting his sister, Mrs. Mert Beck. Woodrow Shope, of North Skeen ah, was in this section Sunday. Mrs. Frank Southard, of Frank lin, was visiting lief husband, Frank Southard, Sunday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Bates ap hounce the birth of a daughter, Vinnie Louise, January 291 Mr. Nelson, from Kyle, was here visiting F. J. Southard the past week. Miss Ruth Waldroop spent last Sunday with Misses Ruby and Blanche Southard. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bates an nounce the birth of a son, Earl Kil lian, Jan.19. Frank Baker, who has been very ill for the past few. weeks, is slowly improving. COLEH . FANCIES BY ROY L. GRIFFIN Of N. C. Camp F-9 Civilian Conservation Corps ""ID you ever see a dream J walking? Well, I did." . It was-in the shape of a frying size chicken. In fact, if the aforesaid chicken hadn't have hurried up a little bit, it would have been a dead chicken. I wouldn't have re gretted it at all if the truck in which I was riding had hit the poor thing, Possibly I could have hopped out of the. truck, picked the chicken up, and sneaked it in to camp without anyone knowing a thing about it. I didn't, of course, but what if I had? Welk if there is anything that I like better than fried chick en, it's more fried chicken. Be lieve it or not! Dear readers, you're, thinking that the joke's on me, but you you're wrong. If there is anything that 1 simply despise, it af fried chicken. Which brings up that old saying, "Don't- count your chickens before they're hatched." Pon t try to figure it out, it's too much strain on the brain. The Snowlthat we had last' week certainly lowered the spirit of our camp. In fact, lots of us were lowered whether we wanted to be or not. You understand, 1 on slick pJaces. Cant. Mcllwaine is leadinir. at the date of writing, with fifty-four falls out of no attempts. Which is a very fine record, considering that our dear captain hasn t had very much experience in falling. And that, dear readers, brinrc iin another old saying, altered to fit the occasion. "On anv slick nlaces. all that stands on two legs comes down sooner or later." Which is appropriate enough. Talking about dreams airain. -1 think. D. L. Holt, our company clerk, saw one when he went home Christmas., In fact, I think he fell in love with some cirl hart at Conner's Cross-roads, or Pumpkin Lenter, or where ever his. home is. After he came back ' to camn he was in a daze for two or three weeks. He even packed up and started to leave, but was stopped at the gate. He's finally forgotten about it now, though. He can't possibly think about it with all the work he has to do. He shoots pool eight hours a day, and croons the other sixteen. " Capt Mcllwaine and Lt Pickell were talking - with friends - in Franklin one dav. when Mr Porter came by carrvinor a dork. i nope he doesn't drop that clock," said the captain. "I hope he doesn't either," replied the lieutenant, "because that would certainly be a waste of time." MUSINGS of a canteen clerk The camp is being turned into a dog farm, "er sumpin;" there's Frisk, and Drowsey, and Bull, not to mention the rest of us.... Dear me! I know a joke about a skirt, but it's too long.... ARE YOU READY . . . For Your Spring Sewinsr? "Although cotton'lsadvaac'mg every dayT wr"are"still "ableT -to-eell you the best in cotton yard goods st low prices. Read carefully and compare prices. Than come and choose from our big supply of lovely spring patterns in all kinds of cotton goods that look like ailks. BROADCLOTH In All Pastel -Shades 36 inches wkJe.i ENGLISH PRINTS-"Lucky Girl Past Color "DU BARRY" PRINTS-Boil Proof, Finest Finish BLEACHING 36 inch Fine Weave for Any Purpose LL SHEETING Uniform Fine cuh ROMPER CLOTH For Shirts, Dresses, Children's Clothes Best Grade; Guaranteed Fast Color, PRINTS 36 inch Suitable for Quilts and Many Other Uses While They Last SHEETING of a Good Grade for Linings . DRUID t4 SHEETING-SI indi.. WM. . ........,.............;......;., If you need sheeting, take advantage of this price lbsokitely the mill wholesale price today. LET US HELP YOU WITH OUR FREE McC ALL PA TTERN SHEETS ALL PA TTERNS IN STOCK REDUCED x SANDERS' STORE , . FRANKLIN, N. C. Even if. it . wasn't f-. wouldn't tell you.. ..Mrs. Griffins' bad little Roy is not that bad 1 thought that I liked winter time, up until the past two weeks. .. .Uncle Sam knew what he was doing when he sent us that woolen underwear. .. .Dear him! He's such a nicg-old uncle. Births Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rogers an nounce the birth of a son, at their home near Prentiss, on Fri day, February 2. A daughter, Ria Jean, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, of Hayesville, at Angel Brothers' hos pital on Friday, January 26, SUNDAY DINNER SUGGESTIONS BY ANN PAGE MARKETING continues to be a pleasure so long as there is a wide choice of foods at reasonable or low cost. This is particularly true of fresh fruits and vegetables at this time but also of meat, fish, eggs, cheese and butter as well. Most staples are still moderately priced although, they have felt the upward trend of prices. Among the vegetables the cab bage family is outstanding in qual ity and price. Lettuce and celery are plentiful and cheap. Green beans are not as fine as they have been. Spinach is plentiful. California oranges are very at tractive in quality andi price. Grape fruit continues to deserve superla tives. Bananas are improving in quality with no change in price. strawberries are plentiful arid low priced. The Quaker Maid suggests the following Sunday Dinner menus. Low Coat Dinner Sauteed Liver and Bacon Boiled Potatoes Buttered Carrots Bread and Butter Banana Shortcake Tea or Coffee Milk Medium Cost Dinner Roast Beef Browned Potatoes Buttered Cauliflower Tomato Salad with Green Pepper Ring Bread and Butter Apple Pie - Cheese Coffee Milk Very Special Dinner Orange and Grapefruit Cup Chicken Fricassee with. Dumplings Boiled Rice . New Beefs Lettuce Peanut Bvitter Dressing Rolls and Butter Vanilla Ice Cream Strawberry Sauce Coffee Milk Relieves Itch In 30 Minutes ":An-Go-Itch, a liquid prepara tion, goes - into the- creases and crevices of the skin as no salve or ointment can do,;; and kills every parasite which causes itch or scabies in 30 minutes. - An-Go-Itch has been made ac cording to a doctor's prescription and has been found to be the best and simplest treatment for itch. The price is only 50 cents per bottle. Results absolutely guaran teed when used as directed. Pre pared and distributed by Angel's Drug Store, Franklin, N. C. (adv) Per Yd. 12'2 19' 10 9' 12' 8 8C 29' Try our bread. ' There's none finer. Made of the '.finest flour, in a sanitary bakery by an ex pert baker it just can't be beat. Visit our bakery and see how it is made. Pies and Cakes Baked td Order KEY CITY BAKERY Back of Press Office Anta gtortr r Parking Imm41 aMy Adjaetnt t th Batel. Bm ftnabl Priest. 1 - v.a .-,, js-rggs. rap n $!!! 1 1 it 1.1 IliSi if 'iJJ ' V' 5fCSsJSm?4 V J. WILL YON, Proprietor A NEW AND BETTER HOTEL FOR LESS MONEY 300 ROOMS-800 BATHS RADIO IN EVERY ROOM RATES $L5d UP. i . CATS IN CONNECTION. GOOD FOOD AS TOO LIKE IT. Brwkfsst, Dlsoer er tnpper tU te &. Corner Luckie & Cone Sis. ATLANTA, GA. Our FREE Still Stands With every KITCHEN RANGE bought tram us we wilt i vs the purchaser ab solutely . FRE E 7 - PIECE SET of tesvy kitchea ALUMINUM WARE We have a large. stock of stoves and ranges m a va riety of styles to fit every need and pockethook. RANGES $39.50 up Bryant Furniture Co. We Guarantee To Save You Money Effective January 26th, 1934 NEW LOW BUS FARES TO ALL POINTS H.OWEST IN HISTORY ROUND-TRIP FARES LOW AS iy2c PER MILE CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN DRIVE YOUR CAR SAVE r - Travel By Bus--The Modern Way From Your Door To The Heart Of The City Modern Equipment Convenient Schedules New Additional Service Leave FRANKLIN for Sylva, Way nesville, Canton, Asheville, Mj point, West, North, and East 7:15 A. M. :.,.-r----.-.-- 6:50 P. M. Leave FRANKLIN for Cornelia, Atlanta, ami Points South and West 1:35 P. M. The Greatest Bargain in Transportation History FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL BUS STATION Phone No. 119, Or Write QUEEN CITY COACH. CO., INC. 417 West Fifth Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. New Beds, New BtthJ, New Carpets. Newly Decorst Throughout. Offer Good

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