PAGE FOUR THE FRANKLIN PRESS and THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1934 12 GRADUATED AT HIGHLANDS (Continued trom Page One) Mrs. Martha Cobb and J. C. Mcll. Final Exercises the commencement address tues- dav ttighl was delivered , by Black burn . Johnson, editor of The Franklin Pics-, and Highlands Ma- conian. The salutatory Was made by Wendell t leaveland, who also made the response for the class to Principal Summer alter the presen tation of, diplomas. Mis-. I .nisi' Reale read the class history; Harry Batty recited the class prophecy; Miss Mary E. Potts probated the -lass will, and Miss Fula May Pt is delivered the valedictory ad dress. V.1I of the exercises were well attended. 51 GRADUATES GET DIPLOMAS (Continued from Page One) : enter high school next fall. Di plomas were presented 51 graduates by Me Houk. A sound amplifying system in stalled by the graduating class as , uiil i i the school enabled the au thence to hear tin speakers much more clearly than at previous com mencement exercises. The students speaking and their subjects were as follows: John F. Lancaster "Education for Citizenship." Vance Fonts "Why Public Edit cation ?" neinice .-seay educating tor a Better Tomorrow.' Musical entertainment was furn ished by the Misses Virginia Slagle and Beverly Brown, members of the senior class. RELIGION AND REVOLUTION Religion, as history records, is one of the worm's most revolution ary forces ; and yet, strange to say, it is. one nf the world's L;reatesi barriers to revolution. Hitler is discovering that in ( lermahy, as others have discovered it in other lands; and it still appears that his effort to bend the churches to his will and purposes is proving the mosi difficult undertaking to which he has yet set his hand. The Berlin correspondent of the :ew York Times thinks that the church situation in drmany is now approaching a "dramatic climax." On the one hand there is the bitfer resistance on the part of many of the, Protestants aaaiast the Nazi- fication of" their churches. On the otfrej- hand there is the growing resentment on the part of ( terman Catholic prelates whose recent out spoken denunciation ot the Nazi program is described by the cor respondent of The Times as "amaz im .." -ASHEV1LLE CITIZEN. Political Announcements FOR SHERIFF Subject to the Democratic pri mary, in lie held June 2. I hereby anfltaunce my candidacy for sheriff of M aeon County. GEORGE MALLONEE The Ford V-8 has come to be known Is The Car Without a Price Class because it is built to an engineering ideal not. to a price. It is the fast est selling car in Amer ica because by its rug ged dependability and economy by its unde niable beauty by its championship perform ance, it has earned the right to be ! Fire Chief Urges Smokers To Be Careful l)erakl Ashe, Franklin lire chief, made an appeal ' this week for smokers to exercise more care in the disposal of matches and cigar ami cigarette stubs, lie also ad vised suv.kers to refrain from smoking in bed. . "Smoking," lie lie and.l liuiiiled cut. "is a comfort pleasure to a great many persons But, ii jpjfccr is not careful, he may start a lire winch would be decidedly uncomfortable and cost ly." ' v . ' . Carelessly discarded matches and stubs cause many (ires in nit ices, homfs, factories, along highways and in the country every year, ac- mlmg to the chief. One way to ,e certain that the match you toss iv. ay is not burning is to snap it aiuceii your fingers before letting it go. Ii every American were to in ikt this a habit," declared Chief Ashe, "our national fire loss would be smaller by thousands of dollars every year." No cigarette or cigar stubs (with special emphasis on the former, since they are mure dangerous should be thrown away without be ing absolutely cold. If you are out nf doors, grind the stub carefully under your foot. Nearly every home where there are smokers has its quota of scorched tables and window sills, carpets and furniture. Much publicity has been given at limes tu the money spent every year in this country for tobacco. If the cost of replacing articles ruined by the careless use of that tobacco were figured in, the an nual smoking expense be staggering. would truly Highlands GIVEN SURPRISE PARTY Mrs. Martha dottwals was given a surprise afternoon party on her birttday, April 2& Upon returning home after spending part of the day with, Mrs. Westbrook, Mrs. Gottwals fount about forty guests waiting for her with birthday gifts and good wishes. A lovely and delicious birthday cake was served. Mrs. (lottv.als, wlii' was I'.i years old, was foimerly Mi s Martha Norton, and is a member of one of Western Carolina's well known fam ilies. REVIVAL ENDS The series of meetings Methodist church closed meht. at the Sunday Mrs. Helen Putts is visiting rela lives in i otorado. Mie lett tor Denver recently with" her uncle, who has.-he.en visiting hr. Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Sh-an have returned to their home here alter Spending several months in Florida 1 1 1. Harbison has returned to Highlands from Hartsville, S. ( Prof. Harbison was recently ap punted to the faculty of the Uni versity of North Carolina and ex perts to discharge his duties there eight months of the year. Recent visitors here were Mrs. J. C. Henley and Mrs. .1. A. Smith, a Birmingham, Ala. Miss Rosalie Howell was here from New York recently. A series of meetings under the direction of the Rev. VV. G. .Vic Farland of Andrews, X C, is be ing held at the Highlands Metln dist church CiiURCH Announcements FIRST METHODIST Rev. Cdey C. Herbert, Jr. Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 6 11 a. in. Morning worship with sermon by the pastor. . ) 8 p. m.-"-Evening worship with of Vo1f Mountain. ST. AGNES EPISCOPAL Rev. Frank Bloxham Rector SUNDAY, MAY 6 10 a. m. Church school and Bible class. 11 a. m. Holy Communion and sermon bv the rector. THURSDAY, MAY 10 10 a. m Ascension Day service with Holy Communion. CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION HIGHLANDS, N. C. Rev. Frank Bloxham Rector SUNDAY, MAY 6 S p. m Bible class. 4 p. in. Evening prayer and ser mon. FIRST BAPTIST Rev. Eugene R. Eller Pastor We are having a special series of meetings. The services will con tinue through Thursday evening, May 10. Rev. Spencer B. King, of Blakely, Ga., is doing the preaching. All the people of the community are invited and urged to attend. The morning services are at 10 o'clock and the evening services at 8 o'clock. SUNDAY, MAY t 9:45 a. in. Sunday school. 11 a. in Worship with sermon by Rev. Spencer B. Kine. 2:30 p. m. Meeting of Macon County Sunday School Convention. Rev. Spencer B. King will be the main speaker. 7 p. m. Meeting of the B. Y. P. U.'s K p. in. Worship with sermon bv Rev. Spencer B. King. Rev. Mr. King announces the fol lowing sermon subjects : THURSDAY, MAY 3 8 p. m.-"Must." FRIDAY, MAY 4 10 a. m. "Four Phases of a Christian Life." 8 p. m "Broken Cisterns.'' SATURDAY, MAY 5 8 p. m. "Saved From Shipwreck." SUNDAY, MAY 6 11 a. m "Servants and Sons." 8 p. m. "Jesus Christ the Same, Yesterday, Today and Forever." FOOLISH FANCIES BY ROY L. GRIFFIN Of N. C. Camp F-t Civilian Conservation Corps i'RIL showers bring May flow-1 ,ers. May flowers bring June brides i.ring iJear Why should I tell you? 1 mean, why should 1, if I could. You see, I've never been a June bride, and I don't know of a single thing that they are supposed to do, if they should happen to become a June bride. Which reminds me that my brother's wife was a June bride. She's smart.: tacc. In fact, hcV very smart. My brother told her one day that he would like sunn string beans fur dinner. ,She re plied that she would gladly cook him sonic string beans if he would only tell her how many strings he thought it would take. My brother told me (confidently, of course) that before he married her that he could just eat her. He now says that he wishes to heck he had. Oh, well, maybe he will have the opportunity yet, if this depression continues. Such is life! Apologies to ( apt. Lvlc Brooks. but I can't keep it any longer. It would have made a stone wall crack to have seen him pushing a one wheal truck tin- other rnnrn ing. A wheel-barrow it was, I meant, lust imagine, folks seelm. the Empire State building bending down to dust off the ton of trumPi: Drug Store. Well, that was my thought as our dear captain bent down to erasli the handles ,,f tin ''buggy.'' Please pardon me while I take time out for a laugh. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Several have complained about the very, nonsensical answers to their questions. Please, folks, don't give up hope. My answer box has had a slight cold, and is not "just right," yet. After a few more ap plications of Viik's Vaporttb, 1 think il will be O. K. O Why do birds fly South in the Fall? A Because it's too far to walk. VQ. Who made the first rotton gin ? A. For gosh sakes! Are they making- it from rotton now? Q. Can you suggest anything better than a cold shower after a horse-back ride? A. Sure! An overstuffed chair. Q. Where is "Nigger" Young's home ? A. Anywhere he hangs his hat. On second thought, though, I don't believe he has a hat. Q. rWhat do you think these modern times are coming to? A, History. Q. Do you have a red scarf and tarn ? A. That's personal; but as have ambitions of being a prcsi i dent, or at Icasi being two vice presidents, I'll truthfully say that 1 have. O Will Jiggs' daughter ever be as ugly as Maggie? A. No, because she uses Polly Feachtree face lotions. Q. Do you like to go fishing? A. My fishing days are over. I went fishing one day, and instead of landing a fish, I was hooked myself. M' US1NGS OF A CANTEEN CLERK Things 1 can do without : Wmgate Carter s singing of "That Certain Thing" ... A certain Franklinite's prof a n c thoughts of me . . . Ben Bernie's lazy drawl . . . L. P.. Hargett's niano nlavimz . . That stray hen i that makes the canteen counter it's 'home . . . Women magazine ped dlers . . . Dorothy Dix's advice to the love-lorn Some girls use dumb-bells to get color on their faces, and some use color on their faces to get dumb-bells ... It makes no difference how dumb a woman is she understands iove Completely, but however bright a man is, he don't know' the half of it IN MEMORY OF MRS. REBEC CA ANN WEST RAMSEY Rebecca A. West Ramsey joined! her home church, the Snow inn Methodist church, in her youth. She lived a consecrated Christian until her death. She was strong in spirit, she worked for her church and Sunday school. Her advice was good in all God's works. She could see her time was drawing near. Her hope was great, her work was done. Oh, how brave, she was when the end came. She looked out for her dear chil dren and loved ones to meet her beyond. She was of fine moral character. She looked forward for advancements. She helped to get good schools for her children and neighbor's children. She was an uplift to her1 community. She was good to the poor and off-cast. She was an intelligent woman and a fine instructor. I learned to love her when we Were young. 1 went to school three terms to her. She taught us about ( md as well as our studies. She was a pood moth er and wife. One by one, we'll all be gathered home. Mrs J. L. West, Sr. Classified Advertisements LOST: Small billfold containing .rme $2li bill; one $10 bill and one or two $1 bills, also a check for $1. Reward and no questions ask ed. -( ilS LF.At'H, FRANKLIN! N. C. M3 ltp WANTED First class ook and housekeeper Apply Box 11,1. High lands. N. C. A26 2tp-M3 ROOM AND BOARD Now Available at ROGERS HALL Reasonable Rates See Mrs. M. A. Rogers A19- ltp- Mil WANTED TO BUY Beer stave bolts deliver ed on railroad yard ai Franklin, X. ('. SIMMONS & WELCH For further information as tu j prices ahd ' specification's, see. call . or write ' C. L MATHENY i Franklin, N. C. TAN BARK WANTED I will be al the Franklin Depot, beginning Monday , Apri-l 30, lo huv tan hark. CECIL PENDERGRASS TRUCK FOR HIRE If you want proiupi, 'tottrigutt transfer ami drayage service, call on - J. D. FRANKS Phone 4302 M22 ATS, V) -M.i pd LOST : Small brown purse con taining one $5 bill and change. Finder please lea e at office of THE FRANKLIN PRESS M3--ltc-RI LOTS FOR SALE: Jitsi outside the corporate limits of Franklin, X (., near best school in the stale, I am offering for sale nice building lots at ftive-away prices. Had you thought, do you kn u that ne er again in a generation will you be able to buy land so cheap as now? Terms if desired. Act without de lay -1. M. WILLIAMS. M3-ltp Cartoogechaye Mrs. Turner Guffie and daughter, Barbara, made a short visit with Mrs. Zeb Roane Saturday. Charles I lean and family, of lotla, has recently moved bo M. L. Sprinkle's farm of this section. Miss Waldroop spent the week-end at Franklin as a guest of Miss Thelina Waldroop. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Southard, of Franklin, were in this oommunity on business last week. I Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell have moved from Rainbow Springs to George Wakefield's farm in this section. . . Frank Southard bought a new Chevrolet truck the past week. Alex Moore, of Franklin, was in this community on business Friday. Ellis Roane and Mrs. Fred Con ley were in town shopping Satur day. Frank Southard and Quince Roane made a business trip to Clayton, Ga., last Thursday. West's Mil! Mrs. Hugh Cathey and daughter, of Woodrow, are spending several days visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sheffield. Miss Bculah Bryson is very sick. R. L, Allen is seriously ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Holbrooks and sons, Paul and Vance, went to Ashcville to attend the graduation exercises of the Sand Hill high school, where their daughter, Fddis, graduated Friday night. They were accompanied on their return trip Ibv Miss Arphia Holbrooks, who has been attending school at Sand Hill also. Weaver Sheffield, who has been Why Suffer from Headaches? There is no need, in this day of modern medical remedies, to suffer headaches, neuralgic, head and chest colds, rheumatic, female and other general pains. We have a new, scientific preparation easy to take that will bring relief. Try our SPECIAL NO: 3 TABLETS only 25 cents a box. Why endure painful aches when jt is utterly unnecessary. We guarantee No. 3 Tablets to give satisfaction. Sold only at ANGEL'S DRUG STORE, FRANKLIN, N. C. (adv.) FRANKLIN SHOE SHOP SAYS: WE ARE STILL MENDING SHOES When your heels run down. And yi air soles crack We will stop your frown And save you jack. Troy Horn. FRANKLIN SHOE SHOP Opposite Courthouse "We Buy and Sell" Box 212 Troy F. Horn Wk DO OUR PAAT SPECAL ANNOUNCEMENT We mr.l:y deliveries once a day at 10 A. M. Phone your order to 95 and we will be glad to deliver it to your door. FLOUR Bud2flbtoy 83c FLOUR Lol; 92' FLOUR 48 lb' Sadl $r65 PostToasties3for25c CS.Meal H63 HULLS Lard attending school at Woodrow, spentGay, spent Saturday night with several days here with his mother, Mrs. W. C. Sheffield, who is criti cally ill. Clyde Clock made a business trip to Ashcville Thursday. The Key. Rufus Mayberry filled his regular appointment at the Cowee Baptist church on Saturday and Sunday. Miss (Catherine Bowden made a business trip to Ashcville Thurs day of last week. j ! The K. Y. I'. U, held its regular monthly business meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Rick man on Wednesday evening. The Rev. B. W. Letter delivered a very interesting sermon at the Methodist church on Sunday after noon. Jim Carver has been confined to his room for several days with in fluenza. Roscoe and Woodrow Higdon, of LEGAL ADVERTISING ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having sualified as administrator of J. A. Porter, deceased, late of Macon County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of April, 1935, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 26th day of April, 1934. R. S. JONES, Administrator M3-6tc-J&J-J7 9 LOOK Before You Buy We have just received a large shipment of new spring goods in the latest materials and patterns. Here you will find beautiful prints, piques, English broadcloth, voile and numerous other types of cloth in the latest modes. We also have received a new line of shoes for men, women and children and a new shipment of dresses for ladies and children. Come in and inspect our new goods; they must be seen to be appreciated. NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO BUY THE PRICES ARE RIGHT Moses Blumenthal Franklin, N. C. NEW STAR MARKET Groceries, Meats & Produce Frank L. Henry, Jr., Proprietor FRANKLIN, N. C. Phone 95 Coffee $1.00 59c 8-Ib. Carton their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Murray. Mother's Day The Sweetest Day in the Year SUNDAY, MAY 13 GIVE HER N orris' Niunnatly's or Whitman's CANDIES from owe large assortment. PERRY'S Drugstore FRANKLIN, N. C. SUGAR 101b 50c SUGAR 25 " n 25 SUGAR 1,0 V Fresh Ground 1? P Nut Butter Qu 9fic Size Soap Laundry jc Cigarettes pr 1 7c Package 31c 4-ib. Carton J

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