As the World Bits of Wisdom Justice is that virtue of the soul which is distributive ac cording to desert. Aristotle. Turns A Brief Survey of Cur rent Events in State, Nation and Abroad the Facts Boiled Down to a Few Pithy Lines. lf ijtglflattia Hanmian PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. XLIX, NO. 19 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1934 $1.50 PER YEAR ftttfe LEAS IN JAIL Col. Luke Lea and his son, Luke Lea, Jr., both of Nashville, Tenn., were placed in the Buncombe coun ty jail early Thursday morning, cn route to Raleigh, where they werei to be placed in state's prison to serve sentences for violation of the North Carolina banking laws in connection with the failure of the Central Bank and Trust company of Asheville. Luke Lea Sr., is under a sentence of from six to 10 years, while his son has the option of paying a $25,000 fine and the costs or of serving from two to ,six years. 1NSULL, TOO Samuel Insull, onetime utilities magnate who fled the country to escape prosecution in connection with alleged illegal financial man ipulations, is back in Chicago, this time in a jail cell, instead of a sumptuous apartment or office. He' was taken to Chicago Tuesday after his arrival at New York on extra dition papers, honored by the Turk ish government, and placed in jail in default of $200,000 bond. MELLON CLEARED Andrew W. Mellon, secretary or the treasury under Harding, Cool idge and Hoover, was cleared Tues day by a federal grand jury in Pittsburgh, Pa., of a charge of at tempted evasion of $716,144 in in come taxes for the year 1931. PROFITABLE PARTY The birthday parties held in Pres ident Roosevelt's name las Janu ary were right profitable. Tonight the president is to receive a check for more than $1,000,000, represent ing the net receipts of these par ties. The money will be used for the benefit of the Warm Springs hospital for infantile paralysis victims. STILL AT LARGE John Dillinger, U. S. Public En emy No. 1, was still at large Wed nesday night CANNON WINS A confidence vote of 269 to 170 accorded Bishop James Cannon, Jr., smashed a vigorous move in the quadrennial general conference of the Methodist Episcopal church to relegate the churchman to the side line. The conference overrode a recommendation of its Episcopacy committee which voted for the su perannuation of Cannon. LETS NEW CONTRACTS . Temporary airmail contracts on 15 routes have been awarded by Postmaster-General James A. Far ley, while others will be let soon. UNVEIL BRYAN STATUE A bronze figure of William Jen nings Bryan the "Great Common er," was unveiled in Washington last week, and was accepted by Presi dent Roosevelt on behalf of the nation. Josephus Daniels, Ambas sador to Mexico, and president of the Bryan Memorial association, made the presentation address FAMOUS MOTHER DIES Mrs. Rebecca Doughlon, mother of Congressman R. L. Doughton, chairman of the powerful ways and means committee, and R. A. Dough ton, long a public servant, passed away Thursday at her home in Al leghany county after a prolonged illness. She was years of age. Funeral services were held at Lau rel Springs Friday afternoon. NEW ANTI-CRIME LAWS Ten anti-crime bills, including one to permit the federal government to put a stiff price on the heads of criminals branded as public ene mies, have been pushed through the house, at the instigation of Attorney-General Homer S. Cum mings. Abandoned Automobile Seized by Sheriff An abandoned Ford V-8 sedan, almost new, was brought into Franklin by Sheriff Slaglc last Friday afternoon and stored, pend ing discovery of the owner. The car, bearing a West Virginia 1933 license tag, was found in a clump of trees near the Black Bird filling station about 12 miles from Frank lin on the Georgia road. Persons living in the vicinity reported to the sheriff that the car had been parked in the woods for a day and a night with its lights burning, Doors to the car were locked. The gasoline supply was about exhaust "cni Sheriff Slaglc, who thinks the car might have been stolen and -abandoned when the gasoline ran low, notified Wqst Virginia authori ties. WEAVER DENIES PARK CHARGES Declares Fees Paid Him as Title Attorney not Excessive ANSWERS J. E. OWEN Says He Had no Interest In Lands Bought For Park A denial that attorney fees paid by the old state park commission for title or other legal work in connection with the acquisition of land for the Smoky Mountain Na tional Park were excessive, or that any favoritism was shown in the acquisition of this land, has been received by The Press-Maconian from Congressman Zebulon Weav er. Mr. Weaver's statement is in answer to campaign allegations and insinuations made by James E. Owen, one of his competitors for the Democratic nomination for rep resentative from the eleventh con gressional district. The Charges and insinuations which Mr. Weaver denies were made by Mr. Owen in campaign speeches and in a statement dis tributed to newspapers throughout the district. The Press-Maconian did not print any of these charges and insinuations because on their face they were patently misleading. Sold No Land It has been reported to this newspaper, however, that the in sinuations against Mr. Weaver have gained some circulation m this county. The Press-Maconian, there fore, is glad to print the essence of Mr. Weaver's denial, in which he flatly declares: "I never derived one cent of per sonal profit from the sale of any lands in the park area." Mr. Weaver also explained that he had nothing to do with fixing the prices paid for land acquired for the park, his only duties relat ing purely to titles and legal work. A small interest he possessed in the Rainbow Fishing club property acquired for the park, Mr. Weaver donated outright to the park. Fees Jutt Concerning his connection with the old park board as title attorney, and fees paid him in this capacity, Mr. Weaver stated: "These fees were honestly paid for services efficiently rendered. If any person is doubtful about their propriety, I would suggest that he consult either with the old park commission, the new park commis sion, or Mr. Amo B. Cammerer, now director of national parks, and during that period trustee for the Rockefeller Foundation, from which fund practically all expense of the park, including attorney's fees, were paid. The foundation audited the books of the park commission every six months. It was advertent to the amount and purpose of all at tomcys' fees. All of the $2,000,000 provided by the state of North Carolina was paid for the actual purchase of lands. Not one cent went to expenes of any kind. The ederal government paid no part, ind it was not expected to pay (Continued on Page Four) Sheriff Slagle Captures 50-Gallon Still, His 72nd A 50-gallon still was captured by Sheriff A. B. Slagle and liis deputy, John Dills, early last Friday Morn ing in the Coweta section. It was the 72nd still brought in by Mr. Slagle or his deputies since he assumed office three and a half years ago, making a yearly aver age of slightly more than 20. While exact figures are not available as to the number of stills captured in other years, this is believed to be a record in Macon county. The still had been in operation shortly before it was captured, but the operators escaped after having be,en warned by a watcher of the approach of the officers. Deputy Dills said when they came within about a quarter of a mile of the still they heard pistol shots from the top of a ridge, on the other side of which the still was located. On reaching the top of the ridge they found places where a sentry had been posted. Operators of the still, after hav ing been notified by the sentry's pistol shots, fled with the still cap and a quantity of liquor, but in Franklin Rotary Club Wins Gold Cup A delegation of 15 Franklin Rotarians returned home Tues day night from the two-day an nual conference of the 58th dis trict of Rotary International, held in Hickory Monday and Tues day, bringing with them the dis trict governor's gold cup. This cup is awarded each year to the club in the district which has the best record o attendance fcndother achievements. The cup last year was won by the Sylva Rotary club. NEW BUILDING IS UNDER WAY Henry and Angel Lease Auto Service Station And Garage The Triangle Service station at the corner of Main and Palmer streets and the adjoining lot, upon which a modern garage building is now under construction,' have been leased by Frank L. Henry, Jr., and T. W. Angel, Jr. The lease was obtained from VV. C. Burrell and D. G. Stewart, the owners of the property. Mr. Henry and Mr. Angel plan to operate a one-stop service sta tion, offering motorists repair work and storage in addition to gasoline, oil and tires. The new building is of brick and tile construction with floor dimen sions of 55 by 65 feet, Mr. Burrel said it would represent an invest ment of approximately $3,000. Work on the structure is being rushed in the hope of completing it May 20. The building will face Palmer street. Time Extended Corn-Hog Contracts May Still Be Obtained The time for farmers to make ap plications foi corn and hog re duction contracts has been extend ed until Tuesday, May 15, accord ing to F. S. Sloan, county farm demonstration agent. Saturday, lie said, is the deadline set for filing applications for crop loans on this year's crops. Only 18 applications for corn and hog reductions contracts and 70 applications for crop loans have been filed by Macon county farm ers, Mr. Sloan said. He urged all other farmers interested in obtain ing crop loans or corn and hog contracts to get in touch with him immediately. SANDERS RESIGNS Everett Sanders has tendered his resignation as chairman of the Re publican National committee, and a meeting has been called for June 5 to elect a successor. FOREST FIRES Fanned by a brisk wind, forest fires swept over 200,000 acres in Wilkes and Alleghany counties last week, destroying 13homcs, and two persons were believed lost. Flames broke out in many places, and were soon bevond control. their haste they dropped the liquor, about nine gallons of it, which was found by the sheriff and confis cated. Approximately 200 gallons of mash was dest roved. The sheriff took along his son ( havlte Slagle, who was anxious to see a still in operation. County Leases Mica Mine To J. Frank Ray A lease by the county to J Frank Rav, Franklin lawyer and mica miner, of the old Bryson mi ca mine til Co wee township, some times known as the Faupel mine was authorized at a meeting of the county commissioners Monday Waller Gibson, chairman of the board, was empowered to sign th lease for the county, which came into possession of the mineral in terests of the Bryson mine through foreclosure for delinquent taxes for 1925 and 1926. TliC proposed lease provides for payment of a one-eighth royalty to the countv and gives Mr. Rav an option to buy the property within ope year at a price of $1,000. RURAL RELIEF PLAN LAUNCHED New System Is Explained By Miss Davis, County Administrator CASE LOAD REDUCED County's Relief Allotment For Month of May Is $3,500 BY RACHEL DAVIS Macon County Relief Administrator The Macon Emergency Relief Administration began its new pro gram of rural rehabilitation April 1. Under this new set-up, the peo ple who desire relief are required to enter into a contract with the administration that they will raise all the food crops possible this summer in order that they may support themselves. The whole project is to get the people back on a self-supporting basis; there fore, direct relief is not to be giv en any more. Relief cases are urg ed to get work wherever possible in their own communities or on public works and not call for this help unless it cannot be secured in any other way. There are govern ment loans which those who are able to put up collateral can se cure. The administration is in sisting on them using this, if pos sible. However, when every means has been used to secure aid or employment from every other source and it cannot be gotten, then the relief administration is to give the help simply on an advance basis and allow the people to work and pay for what has been loaned to them during the crop-making seas on. When a person registers for relief a case investigation is made by one of the case workers before any are is given. This is to be done month ly and emphasis is placed contin ually upon the relief cases becom ing self-supporting just as soon as possible. If an individual is not able to work and earn what has been advanced to him, some other means win nave to De usect m giv ing him the aid he will need. 400 on Relief Lilt The case load for Macon county at this time is approximately 400, practically one-third of what it was this time last yeor. The administra tor feels that with the aid of the case workers that much real con structive work can be done among our people. Tose who are working as case workers for this county are: Mrs. F. M. Tessier, Franklin; Miss Annie Oliver, Otto, and Mrs. Gilmer A. Jones, director of wom en's work, is aiding in doing case work at the present. The Rev. S. R. Crockett, the farm and garden supervisor, will assist each family in getting the most possible from their farms and gardens. J. E. Lancaster is director of rehabilita tion for the county. County Get $3,500 The allotment for Macon county for the morttk of May is $3,500, which will be used in assisting the families during, their crop season and they will be given work on these projects as they are being approved so that they may be com pleted. Other projects will be started just as soon as possible The whole program is purely on a relief basis and is for the help of relief cases only. The only pro jeets which have been approved arc the golf course and swimming pool at Franklin and the Macon county home. Work has already begun on the first and the county home project will continue perhaps the last of this week. These pro jects will not continue with the same personnel necessarily as those who were on the C. W. A. pro jects, and work will not be given to any one group to complete the project, but will be divided among the relief cases so that all may have a chance. Regarding Placements There has been a bit of misun derstanding about the various pro jects and who had charge of them. All N. R. A. projects, P. W. A. and Forest Service projects are (Continued on Page Four) Commissioners Raise Ferdy Higdon's Pay The salary of Ferdy Higdon, courthouse janitor, was raised from $15 to $20 a month by the county commissioners at their regular monthly meeting Monday. A recom mendation that Higdon's pay be raised to $25 a month was made by the grand jury at the April term of court. Primary Surprises Develop As Time for Filing Ends An Open Letter DR. VV. A. ROGERS and MR. J. FRANK RAV, Gentlemen : The three of us are candidates in a friendly contest for the Democratic nominal ion for Re pre -sentaative of Macon County in the next General Assembly. Because 1 am publisher and editor ol The Franklin Press and Highlands Maconian, I am in position to broadcast to the voters my views on political issues. However, I do not wish to take undue advantage of this opportunity. In fairness to both of you, as my opponents in ihe primary, 1 extend to you the same privilege! Vou may state your opinions at any reasonable length and The Press-Maconian will be glad to print them absolutely free of charge. In next week's issue 1 plan to publish my platform, setting forth my attitude on Taxes. Schools, Teachers' Salaries, Automobile: License Fees, and Prohibition. 1 hope that both of you may see fit to an nounce your platforms at the same time. I will reserve space for them. Kind!' do me the favor of submitting the copy on or before (- a. m. Wed nesday, May 16, so we will have time to set it in type. A free expression of opinions by. the candi date:; will be of material assistance to the Demo cratic voters in deciding whom they wish to nom inate on June 2. Let us base this contest on the issues, not upon personalities. Sincerely, BLACKBURN VV. JOHNSON. BISHOP COMING HEREMSDAY Will Preach at Convoca tion To Be Held at St. Agnes Church Tht spring meeting of the Ashe ville convocation of the Episcopal diocese of Western North Carolina mtDI be held at St. Agnes Episcopal rlraiTch, Franklin, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week with the lit. Rev. Robert E. (iribbin, new bishop of the diocese, among those present. Bishop Gribbin is to preach the sermon at an evensong service at BS o'clock Tuesday njght and to iou- dtict meditations at services on Wednesday. It will he his first visit to Franklin since his conse cration in January. An invitation is extended to the general public to attend these ser vices by the rector, the Rev. Frank Bloxham. The convocation consists of the parishes of Asheville, Black Moun tain, VVavnesville, Canton, Hcnder (Continued on Page Four) Series of Joint Speakings Planned by Young Democrats The Young People clubs of Macon county are plan ning a series of meetings in va rious sections of the county at which Democratic candidates for county offices will be given an op portunity to speak. Each candidate, according to John W . Edwards, county president of the Young Democratic, orgajiizk; tion, will he .allowed to voice bis opinions I on election issues. The clubs, however, will not espouse the cause oi any individual candi date, Mr. Edwards stated. Hitherto, candidates speaking at) Young Democratic meetings have had to confine their remarks to generalities, not being permitted to sneak in behalf of their own can didacies. Tt is a rule of the clubs I to show no partiality as organiza tions m intra-party contests. There .has been considerable de mand, however, Mr. Edwards said, for joint speakings, at which can didates would be free to' express their views. In acceding to his de mand, the clubs, he continued, will SPECIAL TERM OPENS JULY 9 Date Changed by Govern- or Jurors Drewn by Commissioners Date for the opening of a special term of Macon county superior court has been changed from June 4 to July 9 by an order of Govern or Ehringhatis. A two-weeks term for the trial of .civil cases only has been called. Jjorots to serve at this term were drawn In the coun ty commissioners Monday, as fid lows: First week: J. T. Roane. Route I ; Alex Moore, City ; J. K. Gnyer, Route 3 ; Van Morgan, KyV ; J- C Brown, Otto; I. 11. I 'ills, Cullasaja; E. H. Southards. Route 1 ; VV. S. Hills, Flats; kali Finland, City; A. C. Sanders. Prentiss; Mcx Hop kins, Prentiss; T. A, Bateman, Kyle; W. H. Rowland. Kyle ; John T. Henry, Ellijay; C. H. Fout9, Route 3: P. G. Dean. Etna: Mel (Continued on Page Four) show ie partiality, ,as all of the candidates in the Democratic pri mary will be asked to speak and time will be divided between them equally. Dates and places for these joint speakings have been IcntatlVely set as follovyrr 8 p. ffl, Monday 8 p. m., Wednesday Springs ; Kp. m., Mav May "ridav 21, Otto; 23, Holly lav, Mav 25, Slagle school; 2 p. m.. Saturday, May 26 cuurthon.. Franklin ; 8 ft, m., Saturday. Mav 26, Co wee school; 8 p. m, Monday, Mav 28 Highlands school; 8 p. m., Wednes day, Mav 30, Ellijay school. The Young Democrats are plan ning to hold a banquet and ball at Camp Taukeetah in the Patton Yallev on Friday night, May I1), and the next day to hold their an nual county convention for the "lection of officers, Several promi 'lent speakers and nolitical leaders "V'e expected to be present. The Franklin township Young Democratic rlnb is to meet at 8 oVJock Friday night of this week in the courthouse. George Mallonee With draws From Contest For Sheriff 3 IN SENATE RACE V. A. Browning, Bryson City, Files as Opponent Of R. A. Patton Who is running and who is not running for office in Macon county was settled Saturday, when the time expired for filing notices of candi dacy with J. R. Morrison, county lection board chairman. The day brought forth several surprises, including both withdraw als and announcements of new can- lidates. George Mallonee, who announced n last week's Press-Maconian, that he would seek the Democratic nom ination for sheriff, changed his nind and did not qualify for en trance in the primary. This leaves the race for sheriff between the incumbent, A. B. Slagle, and a former sheriff, Alex Moore. For Commissioner Three more candidates came out for membership on the county board of commissioners. They were Frank Potts, prominent Highlands merchant and business man; C. A. (Neil) Bryson, of the Cowee sec tion; and J. S. Gray, farmer of the Gartoogechaye section. This makes five in the race for the Democrat ic nomination for commissioner, from whom two are to be nomi nated The others in this contest are C. F. Blaine and E. Tim Cal 1i iway. ' For Senator Last minute opposition developed for R- A. Patton, seeking renom inatioti for state senator in the 33rd district. For a while it looked a though Mr. Patton would get the nomination by virtue of there be ing no other candidates; but two others tossed their hats into the ring before the time for filing ex i .bed. They were Vance A. Brown ing. Well known clerk of the court m Swain countv, and C. D. May field, of Murphy. R. S. Jones, Franklin attorney, who had been talked of as a possible candidate for senator, did not file. Cloer Backs Down The Rev. George Cloer, who was nominated for representative in the recent Republican county conven tion, would not allow his name to be filed; nor would T. W. Angel, Sr., who was given the Republican nomination for coroner. The Re publicans, however, filled these vacancies on their ticket, substi tuting R. F. Henry, Franklin po lice chief, for Mr. Cloer, and Al fred Williams for Mr. Anget. Following is a complete list of candidates, both Democrats and Re phblicans, for county and legisla tive offices; I E M OCR ATS Senator, 33rdis trict, V. A. Browning, R. A. Pat ton and C. D. Mayfield. Repre sentative, YY. A. Rogers, J. Frank Ray, Blackburn VV. Johnson. Reg ister of Deeds, C. Tom Bryson. Clerk of court, Harley R. Cabc, Gilmer L. Crawford and Ervin VV. Long. Sheriff, A. B. Slagle and Alex Moore. Chairman of county commissioners, Ed B. Byrd, Jim Ka'by and C. F. Moody. Commis sioners, C. A. Brvson, Frank Potts, T. S. Cray. C. F. Blaine and E. Tim Calloway. Coroner, Charles M. Moore. SurvevoT, John H. Dalton. REPUBLICANS Senator, Clyde 11. Jarrett, of Andrews. Represen tative, R. F. Henry. Register of deeds, William Crawford. Clerk of court, Geoge Dean. Sheriff, J. W. Hastings. Chairman of county com missioners, A, R. Higdon. County commissioners, C. VV. Henderson, Craig Steppe. Coroner, Alfred Williams. Surveyor, Wayne Higdon. As there is only one candidate for each Republican nomination, no Republican ballots will be printed. 7th Grade Exams Passed By 6 More Pupils Pile names oi six pupils who passed the seveiub grade examina tion held April 21, but who were omitted from the list supplied The Press-Maconian for publication last week, were announced Friday by M. D. Billings, county superinten dent of schools, as follows: Mattie Pearl Raby, Frances Dav enport, Louise Blaine, Wilna Cur tis, Ethel Dills and Bernice De-weese.

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