Hi ffattlcliti ff tu Slje IjtgtfUmta fBaronian LIBERAL INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE VOL. XLIX, NO. 29 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1934 $1.50 PER YEAR FUNERAL HELD FOR HURST Well Known Macon Farm er Dies Following Heart Attack ILL FOR TWO WEEKS Came to This County from Buncombe County In 1880 Funeral services for Ebenezer Hurst, 81, who died at his home near FranWIin at 8 o'clock Monday . . . ' morning were conducted at o o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Iotla Baptist church by the Kev. A. S. Solesbee. Burial was in the graveyard beside the church. Mr. Hurst suffered a heart at tack about two weeks ago from which he failed to rally. Mr. Hurst came to this county in 1880 from his home at Democrat, in Buncombe county, He was one of the most successful farmers in tne couaty. His principal interest . f t '. -i ..L. outside oi nis lamuy was m cumuii work. Fot many years he was a deacon in the Iotla Baptist ch-irch and he played a large part in the construction of tfee congregaiton's present church building. During the War between the States Mr. Hurst was a boy in his i early teens, too young for military tvery county m the 20th judicial duty; but he rendered service to district except Graham was repre the Confederate troops by hauling sented at the quarterly bar meet rations to a company of which his of m here last Friday father was a member. .i Mr. Hurst was married in 1870 to Miss Laura Burleson, of Geor gia, who died in 1907. Surviving are five sons, Ellis and W. H. 'matters were discussed, a dinner Hurst, of Montana; John Hurst, of; and dance at Camp Nikwasi was Detroit ; " Earle Hu:st, of Ridge-; crest N. C, and Horace T. Hurst, of Cartoogechaye, this county; four daughters, Mrs. Judith Jacobs, of Chief Justice Russell of the su Oklahoma; Mrs. T. A. May, o preme court of Georgia was sched Florida; Mrs. Robert Ramsey, f uled to address the meeting, but at Tellico, this county; and Miss Net-! the last minute sent word that he tie Hurst, who lived with her father was unable to be present. In his at the homeplaca just north of absence short talks were made by Franklin; and one sister, Mrs. P. i Judge Felix E. Alley, resident judge J. Barnard, of Asheville. I of the 20th district, and by Judge Honorary pallbearers at the fun-! J. rjn pess, of Marion, resident eral were Dr. W. A. Rogers, Gus; Leach. Dick Hudson. A. L. Higdon, Jim Myers, J. E. Calloway, Sam Hall, George Mashburn, Alex Moore, T. W. Angel, George Stiles, Jim Carpenter, John Moore and Mack Ledford. Active pallbearers were Broadus Pcndergrass, Rov Carpenter. Jack Wyman, George Dean, Fred Higdon and Henderson Calloway. Two-Weeks Camp for Girl Scouts Opens A two-weeks camp for girl scouts opened Tuesday at Camp Taukeetah, Miss Olivia Patton's camp in Patton Valley. Fourteen girls were enrolled as follows: Eloise and Edith Sutherland, frof Minnesota; Dorothy Montony, of Andrews; Martjia Rice, Kathryn Long, Frances Davenport, Beatrice Davenport, Mary Frances Page, Mary Evelyn Angel, Dorothy and Pauline Reid, June Dady, Frances Ashe and Jean Moore, of Franklin. Miss Elizabeth Paytor, of Farm ville, Va., is head counsellor and has charge of tennis and story tell ing instruction. Miss Margaret Neil, of Nashville, Tenn., is in charge of swiffffing and handicraft, and Miss Helen Patton is assist ing in tennis instruction and con ducting a nature study course. Miss Rachel Davis spent last week in Chapel Hill at a Welfare Institute. For the next two weeks she will be visiting friends in the eastern part of the state. Sarah Conley is visiting relatives in Rocky Mount, N. C. Miss Timoxena Crawford return ed from Greensboro Sunday, hav ing spent a week visiting friends there. To Broadcast Franklin Choral Group To Be Heard Aug. S James B. Porter and 14 mem bers of the Choral Society are working on a program of sacred choruses from The Messiah and other well-know,n Oratorios to be broadcast over radio station WWNC. This program is to be broadcast from the First Baptist church of Asheville on Sunday afternoon, August 5. The number of singers has been limited by the station, but those who are taking part are working well and their larere audience mav expect a treat. The magnificent four manual or gan of the First Baptist church, witk Mr. Porter playing, will pro vide a pleasing background for their rendition of these beautiful numbers. DISTRICT BAR MEETING HELD 2 0 t h District Lawyers Hold Quarrorlv j Session Here ' Following a business meeting in the afternoon at which routnne legal enjoyed by the lawyers and mem - bers of their families. The total registration at the dinner was 56. judge of the 18th district, who held court last week in Waynesville. The next meeting of the 20th judicial district bar is to be held at Waynesville in October, when it is planned to have a discussion of the proposed new constitution for North Carolina. Beans Scarce Prices Good but Quantity Is Small Beans were bringing good prices m Franklin this week, but buyers complained that the quantity was uareiy enougn to warrant meir staying here W. L. Richardson, one of the largest buyers, said his shipments since the opening of the season had amounted to only about 1,500 bushels. Frequently, he added, he had been forced to send trucks away only half loaded because he could not obtain beans in suffi cient quantity. "We could handle a thousand bushels a day at this time," Mr. Richardson continued, "but instead they are coming in driblets." The price has ranged from 75 cents to $1.25 a bushel, with most of the crop going at $1 a bushel. Returns for Visit After 28 Years Absence F. P. McGaha arrived here Sat- urdav night from Bellinerham, Wash., for a week's visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mc Gaha at West's Mill, and his sis ter, Mrs. Lester Conley, at her home on Harrison avenue. This is Mr. McGaha's first visit back home since1 he left here 28 years ago. Collier's Weekly Mystified By Carolina's Corn Liquor NEW YORK, July 18. Collier's Weekly, is frankly mystified by the North Carolina attitude toward liquor. It recently sent one of its reporters, the fiery Owen P. White down to North Carolina to travel around and find out what it was all about. Mr. White's report ap pears in the current issue. He states the "mystifying" situation as follows : "When a state elects a repeal senator by a big majority, and then votes down repeal by 173,000, the natural suspicion is that there must be an angle in it somewhere. In North Carolina the angle is corn liquor. Some of the citizens of the state approve corn as a beverage, but don't like to see it decorated with expensive federal revenue stamps. As a result they have worked out a new device for protecting what they regard as a state right." , Now for Mr. White's report, which starts with an apology and a tribute: "I have no intention of offend ing the people of North Carolina by making fun of their drinking habits. I couldn't and be honest about it, because instead of being disposed to make light of the drink- ing habits of the Tarheels, what I feel inclined to do in this article is to express my admiration of their prowess. ' An Ever Present Odor "Never anywhere have 1 seen anything to surpass it. When I visited the state, motoring length wise across it trorn the Dismal Swamp section on the coast, where suns ctpauic oi producing inous- ands of gallons daily were in oper ation, clear over to beautiful Ashe- ville, the one thing that I could never get away from was the odor ot corn. It was everywhere. Ihe bottles were gone but the memory iof tnem lingered on in every hotel room 1 occupied. "Something reminiscent of a re cent drink was frequently to be noticed on the breaths of passing citizens, and even as I drove along the open highways, sniffing the meeting of the residents of fragrance of the dogwood, the red-: Cowee township to organize a corn bud and the wild honeysuckle, it munjty club to further the civic and was seldom that I inhaled a lung- social interests of that section of ful of atmosphere that was not Macon county has been called for laden with the scent of something Monday night, July 23, in the delightfully illegal. I Cowee school. Delightfully Illegal Preliminary nlans for the Cowee "That's the point. Its delightful inegauiy gives 10 Carolina corn me meeting 0f sollle of the leaders ot distinctive flavor that the Tarheels ' the community several weeks ago love. Moreover, it makes it veryjan() j McLean was named cheap. Why then, so long as their , chairman of a temporary commit-well-established system of liquor t . ,. orcinizitiun control appealed both to their ap - petites and their pocketbooks, -i i.i i ..:u . i i i snuum uicy yiciu 10 me nuc aim crX for law and license that re - r V, , a 7 7 the Eighteenth Amendment per - manently out of business? Had they done so they would have been out of step with the spirit of their forefathers who, when they signed the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, designated as a pub lic enemy any power which inter- fered with any of their private liberties. "And isn't a man's right to make corn liquor out of his own corn a private liberty? Of course it is, and in more than one instance dur ing the late period of national pro hibition insanity the Supreme Court of the United States so de clared. Still, under the impulse of reform a majorty of the states have voted to forego that liberty. But the North Carolinians couldn't see it that way. Stuck to State Right "On the contrary they stuck to their principle of protecting their rights, and at the mere thought that perhaps Uncle Sam might step in and begin to put a tax on their booze and stick stamps on their ! whiskv bottles they moved in droves to the polls and voted over whelmingly against him. That hap pened last November, the majority against repeal being 173,000; but what about the vote of the preced ing November when Buncombe Bob Reynolds, who was running on a dripping wet platform calling for more corn for Tarheels, and who whooped it up for repeal at every crossroads, gave Mr. Cam Morrison, the noblest dry of them all, the worst licking that any candidate for the national Senate ever got in North Carolina. "Thinking that probably that question would embarrass them, I asked it of perhaps a dozen more ore less prominent Tarheels and in every instance I was disappointed. It didn't embarrass a single man. On the contrary, they were all amused at the idea that the rest of the United States is so thick headed that it doesn't appreciate what North Carolina's attitude to ward corn liquor really is. "In conclusion then, what can one say, either in criticism or praise, of North Carolina's attitude toward its corn industry? Nothing. The mat ter is one that comes strictly under the head of the personal business of the Tarheels. They are handling it according to their own notion of the way it should be handled. "To say that on the whole they are hettier drinkers than tne wew Yorkers, the Pennsylvania the Cahfornians or the denizens of any .a .4 V T 01 tne wel slalci- mlSm oc ?l roneous. To say that they drink lcss certainly would be. Probably the Per can,ta consumption is about even ' but even ' 's- North Caro line has tnis advantage : it pays no tax on liquor it imbibes and there fore is not asking the federal gov ernment to protect it against any influx of booze from the wet and wickc(, yet law.abiding states which !ie (J lhe north of it Perhaps, -h t- come when those wet and wicked states will be asking Uncle Sam to build a Chinese Wall around North Caro lina to protect them." Meeting Called Cowee Folks Plan To Form Community Club organization were discussed at a l e want everybody in Cowee 1 tornet,;n to attend the meeting ' ' . , , t nt MnnHav nurht." Mr. AlCLean ' aid .This organization, it hoped, will be vastly .mportant to, Lu - epr,;on " 1 "Mr McLean said he hoped the club would sponsor beautification - of the Cowee school ' grounds and other improvements ; conduct a com munity fair and encourage other civic projects for the betterment of the section. Canning Demonstration Schedule Announced Miss Rosalee Morrow, emergen cy home demonstration agent for Macon county, has announced her schedule of canning demonstrations for the rest of this week and next week as follows: Friday, July 20, at the home of Mrs. Nancy Carden in the Liberty community. Monday, July 23. at the home of Mrs. J. E. Bradley in the Oak Grove section. Tuesday, July 24, at Mrs. J. N. Houston's in the Rose Creek sec tion. Wednesday, July 25, at Mrs. Sam Sweatman's in the Olive Hill com munity. Thursday, July 26, at Mrs. Ed Tallent's in the Oak Dale commun ity. Friday, July 27, at the home of Mrs. Lillie Yonce on Burning-town. HOPE OF PWA LOAN REVIVED State Board Inclined To Reconsider Franklin Application $114,782 REQUESTED Town's Financial Status Improved by Power Plant Sale Hope of obtaining a PWA loan for construction of a new water supply system and other public im provements for Franklin has been revived as the result of a letter re ceived by the town council from the North Carolina advisory board of the Public Works Administra tion. The letter, signed by Stanley H. WrigTit, engineer-examiner for the board, indicated that PWA author ities were ready to reconsider Franklin's application for a loan of $114,782. Mr. Wright inquired whether sale of the municipal pow er plant to the Nantahala Power and Light company had been com pleted and requested additional in formation concerning the town's tax collections, receipts and disburse ments. The town filed its' application for a PWA loan in October, 1933, but it was tentatively rejected a few months later on the ground that the town's bonded indebtedness was too heavy in comparison to its valua tion. Since then final details of the sale of the power plant to the Nantahala Power and Light com pany have been completed and the power company, with the backing of the Aluminum Corporation of America, has assumed responsibil- I ity for bonds issued on the Frank lin hydro-electric system. This K aves the town with a bonded in debtedness of only $54,000, against vvl.:ch it has assets in the form of bonds and sinking funds totaling more than $30,000. Election Necessary In view of this situation, it is thought likely that approval now caii be obtained for Franklin's PWA loan application. Before the money can be borrowed, however, a bond election will be necessary. Under the PWA plan of ex tending assistance to municipal gov ernments, 30 per cent of the funds necessary for the purchase of ma terials and payment of labor on an approved project is advanced to the borrower as an outright federal grant. On the balance, which is in the nature of a loan, the borrower must pay four per cent interest. Need for a new water system has Deei been felt for some time in Franklin i , , , i.,,i: ,, is'busines's ymen have Seated the , fc ; pwA ,oan foT " ;f u UZ '1 ' TL" , nr w w.i 1 1 m i ii vim iimt-vi . to inance j, improvement it will in all likelihood have to pay a much higher ra,te of interest. Survey of Needs Made A preliminary survey of necessary municipal improvements was made in Franklin a year ago by the en gineering firm of Harwood-Beebe company, of Spartanburg, S. C. This report, which was made the basis of Franklin's application for a PWA loan, contained the follow ing estimates: New water supply and filter plant $ 63,375 Extensions to Water mains 23,631 Extensions to sewer system 10,688 Sewage disposal plant 7,943 Street surfacing 7,145 TOTAL $114,782 Laying of six-inch water mains and the installation of 15 or 20 ad ditional fire hydrants were contem plated in the extension of the water main system. This improvement, it has been stated, would greatly re duce fire hazards and result in low- I er insurance rates. Mrs. Levi Whitehead, of Rockv Mount, N. C, arrived Sunday t" spend some time with her datich ter, Mrs. Zeb Conley.