PAGE FOUR THE FRANKLIN PRESS and THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN I HUK5DAI , JULY Z6, 19M LEGAL ADVERTISING LAND ENTRY NOTICE. NO. 15011 North Carolina, Macon County. George B. Pattern enters ami claims four acres, more or less, in Nantahala Township, Macon Coun ty, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the north and east by the lands of U. S. Government, et al, on the south by State Grant No. 7776, and on the. west by State Grants num bers 2216 and 8568. This 24th day of July, 1934. ALEX MOORE, Entry Taker. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of James A. Hines, deceased, late of Macon County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of July, 1935, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 6th day of July, 1934. BESSIE H. HINES, Administratrix. Jlyl2 6tc A16 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Macon County. In the Superior Court. W. I. Conley vs . O. L. Conley, Willie Conley, Norton Henry and husband, Ed Henry Pursuant to a consent judgment entered at the April 1934 Term of Macon County Superior Court in the above entitled action, the un dersigned comflJfSsioner will, on the 6th day of August, 1934, at the Court House door in the town of Franklin, North Carolina, at 12:30 o'clock P. M., sell to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed land, to-wit: In Smithbridge Township, Macon County, North Carolina, and bound ed as follows: FIRST TRACT. Beginning at a white oak. the N. E. corner of No. 4: S 52 E 4 poles to a white oak; N 44 E 16 poles to a post oak; S 20 5 80 poles to an ashe on the bank of the creek; S 25 9 84 poles Additional Social News Mi9s Jennie Gillam, of Denmark, S. C, is spending several days here visiting friends. Miss Gilliam is a teacher in the Franklin . high school. , Mr. and Mrs. George J. Giesler, LEGAL ADVERTISING to a chestnut oak; S 47 W p2 poles to a chestnut, the southeast corner of No. 4; then with its line to the beginning, containing 23 acres, more or less, with the exception of a lot, beyinning on the north side of road in 0. L. Cnley's line, runs with road W 66 feet to a stake; N 72 feet to beginning, said deed beiny made by O. L. Conley W. A. Conley, dated th; 13th day of Feb ruary, 1928, and recorded in the Office of Reyister" of Deeds for Macon County, N. C, in Book 0-4, page 343. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a black oak in line of Spencer Curtis' land, runs S 12 W 7l2 poles to a black oak, William Garland's corner; S 55 E 28 poles to a Spanish oak ; S 9 E 20 poles to a rock on the bank of the road; 73 E with the road 9 poles and 5 links to a stake in Will Conley's line; then with said line N 17 W 27l2 poles to a stake in the Curtis line; then with said line to the beginning. THTRD TRACT: Beginning on a walnut and runs West to the creek, then with meanders of the creek to O. L. Conley's line; then with his line to the Beginning, containing about li acre. FOURTH TRACT: Beginning at a white oak, runs N 62 W 12 poles to a black oak; S 14 E 32 poles to a stake in the mouth of gulley; S 27 E 48 poles to a poplar on the bank of creek; N 17 W 72 poles to the Beginning. Containing 3 seres. This the 6th day of July, 1934. J. FRANK RAY, Commissioner. Jly 12-4tc J&J A2 of Roselle, N. J,., spent the past week here, the guests of Mr. and Airs. John Wasilik, Jr., at their home in the Orlanda apartments. O. W. Dills arrived here Satur day from Ojai, Calif., where he has spent the past five years. On his way to Franklin he stopped off in Arizona where he reported, the temperature was 138 degrees. He is now making his home at Gneiss. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Higdon at tended the funeral of their brother- in-law, Nathan Smith, at East La Porte Wednesday. Miss Helen Seay, of Newark, N. J., and Miss Aleine Cannon, of Charleston, S. C, are spending several days here visiting Miss Seay's mother, Mrs. C. A. Setser, and her sister, Mrs. Derald Ashe. West's Mill Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Winstead and two children and Carr Rick man, of Elm City, N. C, are spend ing a few days visiting their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rickman. Miss Lucille Morrison, who is working in Asheville, spent two days the past week visiting her father, H. R. Morrison. Miss Margaret Holbrook, of Asheville, is spending some time here visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dalton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank I. Murray were visiting Mr. Murray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Murray, Sun day. Mrs. Buford Downs was visiting her brother, W. C. Sheffield, one day this week. F. P. McGaha returned to his home in Bellingham, Wash., Wed-, nesday after a ten days visit with! his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.j McGaha. Mrs. Carroll Gibson and small son visited her sister, Mrs. Joe Morgan, the past week-end. Mrs. W. J. West, who underwent a serious operation at the Angel hospital Friday, is reported to be getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Bascom Buchanan and family, of Green's Creek, were visiting Mr. Buchanan's sister, Mrs. Dewitt Allen, and Mr. Allen Sun day. A successful two-weeks revival, conducted by the Revs. Maxwell and Lefler at the Snow Hill Metho dist church, closed Wednesday night with several additions to the church. Born to Mr. arid Mrs. L. Crispe on July 11, a fine boy. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rickman, Mrs. T. M. Rickman, Misses Kath erine Bowden and Arphia Holbrook, and Clyde Clark made a business trip to Asheville Thursday. They were accompanied on the return trip by Miss Marie Morgan, who has been speeding some time there visiting her sister, Mrs. Cero Mar tin. Work is progressing rapidly on a water course for the Cowee school. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the many floral offerings and for the sym pathy shown us in our great sor row, the death of our father. THE HURST FAMILY, ltc (adv.) CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness, assistance and sympathy during the illness and death of our husband, father and uncle. MRS. SARAH F. BOLICK MR. & MRS. C. B. BOLICK MYRTLE BOLICK ltp (adv.) A LETTER from Employees of Tallulah Falls Railway to All Patrons in Territory Served by the Railway First we want to express to you our deep appreciation of the splendid support you have given the Railway during the past few months. Your cooperation, together with the reduction in expenses which our Man agement has been able to make, has en abled the Railway to pay cost of operation for the first five rnonths of the present year. You have helped us to retain our jobs and be in a position to PAY OUR BILLS WITH YOU. We are grateful. We want to warn you, however, that the battle is not yet won. If you are to continue to have the benefit of RAIL TRANSPORTATION and if we are to keep our jobs, the Railway must continue to pay expense of its operation. To do this, it must have all of the freight which moves into and out of its territory. Your cooperation to the fullest extent is earnestly solicited. We promise you the best service possible to give. Employees of Tallulah Falls Railway Co. FRANKLIN SHOE SHOP SAYS: WE ARE STILL MENDING SHOES When your heels ravel And your soles rip We'll help you travel And never slip. Troy Horn. FRANKLIN SHOE SHOP Opposite Courthouse "We Buy and Sell" Box 212 Troy F. Horn Watches, Jewelry end Spectacles et price you can't beet Dependable Watch Repairing A Specialty A Few Used Pocket Watches in First Class Running Order Offered at Real Bargains GROVER JAMISON Watchmaker and Jeweler NOTICE Town of Franklin Taxpayers Property owners of the Town of Franklin are hereby notified that taxes for the year 1933 must he paid on or before the first Monday in August to avoid the cost of advertisement and sale. The law provides that land upon which 1933 taxes have not been paid shall be adver tised in August and sold the second Monday in September, and that personal property upon which taxes are delinquent must be levied upon. PAY YOUR 1933 TOWN TAXES NOW AND AVOID THE EXPENSE AND EM BARRASSMENT OF ADVER TISEMENT AND SALE GEORGE DEAN Town Clerk (By Order of the Town Council) Want To Sell Beans? SEE ME FIRST W. L. RICHARDSON At G. C. Stamey's Store On Palmer Street FRANKLIN, N. C. I J'U sjb bsi mm M sssi mm mmmm mm mimmm 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm No Other "Sale" Can Be Like This As We Are SELLING OUT The lowest prices ever attempted in Franklin, N. C. . . . Ask your friends if you have not already been here. Sorry we could not properly serve you on the opening days, due to the crowds. Come back to see us quick. POLLY'S FRANKLIN, N. C.